blob: d99c605472dca20908baad1d54ce900d536cded1 [file] [log] [blame]
def imageNameBase = "dockerpinata/docker-py"
def imageNamePy2
def imageNamePy3
def imageDindSSH
def images = [:]
def buildImage = { name, buildargs, pyTag ->
img = docker.image(name)
try {
} catch (Exception exc) {
img =, buildargs)
if (pyTag?.trim()) images[pyTag] =
def buildImages = { ->
wrappedNode(label: "amd64 && ubuntu-1804 && overlay2", cleanWorkspace: true) {
stage("build image") {
imageNamePy2 = "${imageNameBase}:py2-${gitCommit()}"
imageNamePy3 = "${imageNameBase}:py3-${gitCommit()}"
imageDindSSH = "${imageNameBase}:sshdind-${gitCommit()}"
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId:'') {
buildImage(imageDindSSH, "-f tests/Dockerfile-ssh-dind .", "")
buildImage(imageNamePy2, "-f tests/Dockerfile --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 .", "py2.7")
buildImage(imageNamePy3, "-f tests/Dockerfile --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 .", "py3.7")
def getDockerVersions = { ->
def dockerVersions = ["19.03.12"]
wrappedNode(label: "amd64 && ubuntu-1804 && overlay2") {
def result = sh(script: """docker run --rm \\
--entrypoint=python \\
${imageNamePy3} \\
""", returnStdout: true
dockerVersions = dockerVersions + result.trim().tokenize(' ')
return dockerVersions
def getAPIVersion = { engineVersion ->
def versionMap = [
'18.09': '1.39',
'19.03': '1.40'
def result = versionMap[engineVersion.substring(0, 5)]
if (!result) {
return '1.40'
return result
def runTests = { Map settings ->
def dockerVersion = settings.get("dockerVersion", null)
def pythonVersion = settings.get("pythonVersion", null)
def testImage = settings.get("testImage", null)
def apiVersion = getAPIVersion(dockerVersion)
if (!testImage) {
throw new Exception("Need test image object, e.g.: `runTests(testImage: img)`")
if (!dockerVersion) {
throw new Exception("Need Docker version to test, e.g.: `runTests(dockerVersion: '19.03.12')`")
if (!pythonVersion) {
throw new Exception("Need Python version being tested, e.g.: `runTests(pythonVersion: 'py2.7')`")
{ ->
wrappedNode(label: "amd64 && ubuntu-1804 && overlay2", cleanWorkspace: true) {
stage("test python=${pythonVersion} / docker=${dockerVersion}") {
def dindContainerName = "dpy-dind-\$BUILD_NUMBER-\$EXECUTOR_NUMBER-${pythonVersion}-${dockerVersion}"
def testContainerName = "dpy-tests-\$BUILD_NUMBER-\$EXECUTOR_NUMBER-${pythonVersion}-${dockerVersion}"
def testNetwork = "dpy-testnet-\$BUILD_NUMBER-\$EXECUTOR_NUMBER-${pythonVersion}-${dockerVersion}"
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId:'') {
try {
sh """docker network create ${testNetwork}"""
sh """docker run --rm -d --name ${dindContainerName} -v /tmp --privileged --network ${testNetwork} \\
${imageDindSSH} dockerd -H tcp://
sh """docker run --rm \\
--name ${testContainerName} \\
-e "DOCKER_HOST=tcp://${dindContainerName}:2375" \\
-e 'DOCKER_TEST_API_VERSION=${apiVersion}' \\
--network ${testNetwork} \\
--volumes-from ${dindContainerName} \\
-v ~/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json \\
${testImage} \\
py.test -v -rxs --cov=docker --ignore=tests/ssh tests/
sh """docker stop ${dindContainerName}"""
// start DIND container with SSH
sh """docker run --rm -d --name ${dindContainerName} -v /tmp --privileged --network ${testNetwork} \\
${imageDindSSH} dockerd --experimental"""
sh """docker exec ${dindContainerName} sh -c /usr/sbin/sshd """
// run SSH tests only
sh """docker run --rm \\
--name ${testContainerName} \\
-e "DOCKER_HOST=ssh://${dindContainerName}:22" \\
-e 'DOCKER_TEST_API_VERSION=${apiVersion}' \\
--network ${testNetwork} \\
--volumes-from ${dindContainerName} \\
-v ~/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json \\
${testImage} \\
py.test -v -rxs --cov=docker tests/ssh
} finally {
sh """
docker stop ${dindContainerName}
docker network rm ${testNetwork}
def dockerVersions = getDockerVersions()
def testMatrix = [failFast: false]
for (imgKey in new ArrayList(images.keySet())) {
for (version in dockerVersions) {
testMatrix["${imgKey}_${version}"] = runTests([testImage: images[imgKey], dockerVersion: version, pythonVersion: imgKey])