blob: 4e30628983e6392bb95c3acc59f6617cc7859f41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use bindings::mojom::MOJOM_NULL_POINTER;
use bindings::util;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, Mul, Div, Rem};
use std::vec::Vec;
use system::UntypedHandle;
/// Represents some count of bits.
/// Used to distinguish when we have a bit and a byte
/// count. The byte count will go in a usize, while we
/// can use this structure to safely count bits without
/// running into some subtle bugs or crazy errors.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Bits(pub usize);
impl Bits {
/// Convert bit representation to bytes, rounding up to the nearest byte.
pub fn as_bytes(self) -> usize {
/// Convert to a number of bytes plus the number of bits leftover
/// that could not fit in a full byte.
pub fn as_bits_and_bytes(self) -> (Bits, usize) {
(Bits(self.0 & 7), self.0 >> 3)
/// Return 1 left-shifted by the amount of bits stored here.
/// Only guaranteed to work for up to 8 bits.
pub fn as_set_bit(self) -> u8 {
debug_assert!(self.0 < 8);
1 << (self.0 & 7)
pub fn checked_mul(self, val: usize) -> Option<Bits> {
match val.checked_mul(self.0) {
Some(result) => Some(Bits(result)),
None => None,
/// Align the bits to some number of bytes.
pub fn align_to_bytes(&mut self, bytes: usize) {
self.0 = util::align_bytes(self.0, 8 * bytes);
impl Add for Bits {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Bits(self.0 + rhs.0)
impl AddAssign for Bits {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
self.0 += rhs.0
impl Mul<usize> for Bits {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: usize) -> Self {
Bits(self.0 * rhs)
/// This trait is intended to be used by Mojom primitive values
/// in order to be identified in generic contexts.
pub trait MojomNumeric: Copy + Clone + Sized + Add<Self> + Sub<Self, Output=Self> + Mul<Self> +
Div<Self, Output=Self> + Rem<Self, Output=Self> + PartialEq<Self> + Default {
/// Converts the primitive to a little-endian representation (the mojom endianness).
fn to_mojom_endian(self) -> Self;
macro_rules! impl_mojom_numeric_for_prim {
($($t:ty),*) => {
impl MojomNumeric for $t {
fn to_mojom_endian(self) -> $t { self.to_le() }
impl_mojom_numeric_for_prim!(i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32, u64);
impl MojomNumeric for f32 {
fn to_mojom_endian(self) -> f32 {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, f32>(mem::transmute::<f32, u32>(self).to_le()) }
impl MojomNumeric for f64 {
fn to_mojom_endian(self) -> f64 {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<u64, f64>(mem::transmute::<f64, u64>(self).to_le()) }
/// Align to the Mojom default of 8 bytes.
pub fn align_default(bytes: usize) -> usize {
util::align_bytes(bytes, 8)
/// The size in bytes of any data header.
pub const DATA_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 8;
/// A value that goes in the second u32 of a
/// a data header.
/// Since the data header can head many types,
/// this enum represents all the kinds of data
/// that can end up in a data header.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum DataHeaderValue {
impl DataHeaderValue {
/// Get the raw u32 value.
fn as_raw(self) -> u32 {
match self {
DataHeaderValue::Elements(v) => v,
DataHeaderValue::Version(v) => v,
DataHeaderValue::UnionTag(v) => v,
/// A data header is placed at the beginning of every serialized
/// Mojom object, providing its size as well as some extra meta-data.
/// The meta-data should always come from a DataHeaderValue.
pub struct DataHeader {
size: u32,
data: u32,
impl DataHeader {
/// Create a new DataHeader.
pub fn new(size: usize, data: DataHeaderValue) -> DataHeader {
DataHeader {
size: size as u32,
data: data.as_raw(),
/// Getter for size.
pub fn size(&self) -> u32 {
/// Getter for extra meta-data.
pub fn data(&self) -> u32 {
/// This context object represents an encoding/decoding context.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct Context {
/// An index representing an encoding state.
id: usize,
/// Whether or not our current context is directly inside of
/// a union.
is_union: bool,
impl Context {
/// Create a new context with all data default.
pub fn new(id: usize) -> Context {
Context {
id: id,
is_union: false,
/// Getter for the encoding state ID.
pub fn id(&self) -> usize {
/// Getter for whether or not we are in a union.
pub fn is_union(&self) -> bool {
/// Change whether or not we are inside of a union and create that
/// as a new context.
pub fn set_is_union(&self, value: bool) -> Context {
let mut new_context = self.clone();
new_context.is_union = value;
/// An encoding state represents the encoding logic for a single
/// Mojom object that is NOT inlined, such as a struct or an array.
pub struct EncodingState<'slice> {
/// The buffer the state may write to.
data: &'slice mut [u8],
/// The offset of this serialized object into the overall buffer.
global_offset: usize,
/// The current offset within 'data'.
offset: usize,
/// The current bit offset within 'data'.
bit_offset: Bits,
impl<'slice> EncodingState<'slice> {
/// Create a new encoding state.
/// Note: the encoder will not allocate a buffer for you, rather
/// a pre-allocated buffer must be passed in.
pub fn new(buffer: &'slice mut [u8],
header: &DataHeader,
offset: usize)
-> EncodingState<'slice> {
let mut state = EncodingState {
data: buffer,
global_offset: offset,
offset: 0,
bit_offset: Bits(0),
/// Align the encoding state to the next byte.
pub fn align_to_byte(&mut self) {
if self.bit_offset > Bits(0) {
self.offset += 1;
self.bit_offset = Bits(0);
/// Align the encoding state to the next 'bytes' boundary.
pub fn align_to_bytes(&mut self, bytes: usize) {
self.offset = util::align_bytes(self.offset, bytes);
/// Write a primitive into the buffer.
fn write<T: MojomNumeric>(&mut self, data: T) {
let num_bytes = mem::size_of::<T>();
let bytes = data.to_mojom_endian();
debug_assert!(num_bytes + self.offset <=;
unsafe {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(mem::transmute::<&T, *const u8>(&bytes),
self.bit_offset = Bits(0);
self.offset += num_bytes;
/// Encode a primitive into the buffer, naturally aligning it.
pub fn encode<T: MojomNumeric>(&mut self, data: T) {
/// Encode a boolean value into the buffer as one bit.
pub fn encode_bool(&mut self, data: bool) {
let offset = self.offset;
if data {[offset] |= self.bit_offset.as_set_bit();
self.bit_offset += Bits(1);
let (bits, bytes) = self.bit_offset.as_bits_and_bytes();
self.offset += bytes;
self.bit_offset = bits;
/// Encode a null union into the buffer.
pub fn encode_null_union(&mut self) {
self.write(0 as u32); // Size
self.write(0 as u32); // Tag
self.write(0 as u64); // Data
/// Encode a null pointer into the buffer.
pub fn encode_null_pointer(&mut self) {
/// Encode a null handle into the buffer.
pub fn encode_null_handle(&mut self) {
self.encode(-1 as i32);
/// Encode a non-null pointer into the buffer.
/// 'location' is an absolute location in the global buffer, but
/// Mojom pointers are offsets relative to the pointer, so we
/// perform that conversion here before writing.
pub fn encode_pointer(&mut self, location: u64) {
let current_location = (self.global_offset + self.offset) as u64;
debug_assert!(location >= current_location);
self.encode(location - current_location);
/// A struct that will encode a given Mojom object and convert it into
/// bytes and a vector of handles.
pub struct Encoder<'slice> {
bytes: usize,
buffer: Option<&'slice mut [u8]>,
states: Vec<EncodingState<'slice>>,
handles: Vec<UntypedHandle>,
impl<'slice> Encoder<'slice> {
/// Create a new Encoder.
pub fn new(buffer: &'slice mut [u8]) -> Encoder<'slice> {
Encoder {
bytes: 0,
buffer: Some(buffer),
states: Vec::new(),
handles: Vec::new(),
/// Get the current encoded size (useful for writing pointers).
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
/// Start encoding a new object with its data header.
/// Creates a new encoding state for the object.
pub fn add(&mut self, header: &DataHeader) -> Option<Context> {
let buf = self.buffer.take().unwrap();
if buf.len() < (header.size() as usize) {
self.buffer = Some(buf);
return None;
let obj_bytes = header.size() as usize;
let (claimed, rest) = buf.split_at_mut(obj_bytes);
self.states.push(EncodingState::new(claimed, header, self.bytes));
self.bytes += obj_bytes;
let padding_bytes = align_default(obj_bytes) - obj_bytes;
if padding_bytes <= rest.len() {
let (_, new_buffer) = rest.split_at_mut(padding_bytes);
self.bytes += padding_bytes;
self.buffer = Some(new_buffer);
} else {
self.buffer = Some(rest);
Some(Context::new(self.states.len() - 1))
/// Adds a handle and returns an offset to that handle in the
/// final handle vector.
pub fn add_handle(&mut self, handle: UntypedHandle) -> usize {
self.handles.len() - 1
/// Immutably borrow an encoding state via Context.
pub fn get(&self, context: &Context) -> &EncodingState<'slice> {
/// Mutably borrow an encoding state via Context.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, context: &Context) -> &mut EncodingState<'slice> {
&mut self.states[]
/// Signal to finish encoding by destroying the Encoder and returning the final
/// handle vector.
/// Note: No byte buffer is returned as that is pre-allocated.
pub fn unwrap(self) -> Vec<UntypedHandle> {