blob: 754f68f4b5f6a19d3ae1a4324777bc4d8d8481bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/array.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/array_serialization.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/validation_errors.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/rect.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_structs.mojom.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace test {
namespace {
class StructSerializationAPITest : public testing::Test {
// We Serialize and Deserialize the given |Type|, and expect the given
// serialization warnings. We also validate (and expect a given error) in
// between serialization and deserialization.
template <typename Type>
void SerializeAndDeserialize(
Type* val,
mojo::internal::ValidationError expected_validation_error) {
size_t bytes_written = 0;
size_t num_bytes = val->GetSerializedSize();
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes(num_bytes + 1);
// Last byte is a magic value, helps catch a buffer overflow for
// serialization.
bytes[num_bytes] = 170;
val->Serialize(, num_bytes, &bytes_written);
EXPECT_EQ(170u, bytes[num_bytes]);
EXPECT_EQ(num_bytes, bytes_written);
mojo::internal::BoundsChecker bounds_checker(, num_bytes, 0);
auto actual_validation_error =
Type::Data_::Validate(, &bounds_checker, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_validation_error, actual_validation_error);
Type out_val;
bool deserialize_ret = out_val.Deserialize(, bytes.size());
if (actual_validation_error == mojo::internal::ValidationError::NONE) {
EXPECT_EQ(actual_validation_error == mojo::internal::ValidationError::NONE,
TEST_F(StructSerializationAPITest, GetSerializedSize) {
Rect rect;
// 8 byte struct header
// + 16 bytes worth of fields
EXPECT_EQ(24u, rect.GetSerializedSize());
HandleStruct handle_struct;
// 8 byte struct header
// + 4 byte handle
// + 8 bytes for offset/pointer for Array.
// + 0 bytes for uninitialized Array.
// + 4-byte to make the struct 8-byte aligned.
EXPECT_EQ(24u, handle_struct.GetSerializedSize());
// + 8 bytes for initialized array, 0-sized array.
handle_struct.array_h = mojo::Array<mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle>::New(0);
EXPECT_EQ(32u, handle_struct.GetSerializedSize());
// + 4 bytes for array of size 1.
// + 4 more bytes to make the array serialization 8-byte aligned.
handle_struct.array_h = mojo::Array<mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle>::New(1);
EXPECT_EQ(16u, GetSerializedSize_(handle_struct.array_h));
EXPECT_EQ(40u, handle_struct.GetSerializedSize());
TEST_F(StructSerializationAPITest, BasicStructSerialization) {
Rect rect;
rect.x = 123;
rect.y = 456;
rect.width = 789;
rect.height = 999;
SerializeAndDeserialize(&rect, mojo::internal::ValidationError::NONE);
DefaultFieldValues default_values;
SCOPED_TRACE("NoDefaultFieldValues.Serialize() should fail");
NoDefaultFieldValues nd;
nd.f0 = true;
nd.f23 = mojo::Array<mojo::String>::New(10);
char buf[1000] = {};
EXPECT_FALSE(nd.Serialize(buf, sizeof(buf)));
size_t bytes_written = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(nd.Serialize(buf, sizeof(buf), &bytes_written));
EXPECT_EQ(160UL, bytes_written);
// The Serialize() shouldn't get around to reserving space for the |f23|
// array field.
EXPECT_LT(bytes_written, nd.GetSerializedSize());
// This tests serialization of handles -- These should be deaths or
TEST_F(StructSerializationAPITest, HandlesSerialization) {
SCOPED_TRACE("Uninitialized Array");
HandleStruct handle_struct;
// TODO(vardhan): Once handles and pointers are encoded inline with
// serialization, validation should fail at
// ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER (which happens after the
// ValidationError::ILLEGAL_HANDLE error, which shouldn't happen since
// handles will be encoded even on failures).
SCOPED_TRACE("Uninitialized required Handle in an Array");
HandleStruct handle_struct;
handle_struct.array_h = Array<mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle>::New(1);
// This won't die (i.e., we don't need to EXPECT_DEATH) because the handle
// is invalid, so should be serializable. Instead, we live with a
// serialization error for an invalid handle.
// TODO(vardhan): This should be
// mojo::internal::ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_INVALID_HANDLE after handles
// are encoded inline with serialization.
// We shouldn't be able to serialize a valid handle.
SCOPED_TRACE("Serializing a Handle");
HandleStruct handle_struct;
handle_struct.h = MessagePipe().handle0.Pass();
handle_struct.array_h = Array<mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle>::New(0);
}, "does not support handles");
// We should be able to Serialize/Deserialize a struct that has a nullable
// handle which is null.
TEST_F(StructSerializationAPITest, NullableHandleSerialization) {
NullableHandleStruct handle_struct; = 16;
// Test that |Deserialize()| appropriately fails on validation.
TEST_F(StructSerializationAPITest, DeserializationFailure) {
char buf[100] = {};
EmptyStruct es;
// Bounds checker should fail this, since buf_size is too small.
EXPECT_FALSE(es.Deserialize(buf, 1));
es.Serialize(buf, sizeof(buf));
EXPECT_TRUE(es.Deserialize(buf, sizeof(buf)));
// Invalid struct header: this should happen inside
// EmptyStruct::Data_::Validate()).
es.Serialize(buf, sizeof(buf));
EmptyStruct::Data_* es_data = reinterpret_cast<EmptyStruct::Data_*>(buf);
es_data->header_.num_bytes = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(es.Deserialize(buf, sizeof(buf)));
TEST_F(StructSerializationAPITest, DeserializationWithoutValidation) {
const int32_t kMagic = 456;
char buf[100] = {};
ContainsOther::Data_* co_data = reinterpret_cast<ContainsOther::Data_*>(buf);
ContainsOther co;
// Success case.
co.other = kMagic;
EXPECT_TRUE(co.Serialize(buf, sizeof(buf)));
co.other = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(kMagic, co.other);
// Invalid struct header, but will pass (i.e., won't crash) anyway because we
// don't Validate.
co_data->header_.num_bytes = 0u;
EXPECT_EQ(kMagic, co_data->other);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, co_data->header_.num_bytes);
} // namespace
} // namespace test
} // namespace mojo