blob: a44d0366cc6a652194cc98e89a06f9d0a8332677 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "mojo/public/cpp/application/connection_context.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/application/service_connector.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/interfaces/application/service_provider.mojom.h"
namespace mojo {
// An implementation of |ServiceProvider|, which can be customized appropriately
// (to select what services it provides).
class ServiceProviderImpl : public ServiceProvider {
// A |InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface>| is simply a function that handles an
// interface request for |Interface|. If it determines (e.g., based on the
// given |ConnectionContext|) that the request should be "accepted", then it
// should "connect" ("take ownership of") request. Otherwise, it can simply
// drop |interface_request| (as implied by the interface).
template <typename Interface>
using InterfaceRequestHandler =
std::function<void(const ConnectionContext& connection_context,
InterfaceRequest<Interface> interface_request)>;
// Constructs this service provider implementation in an unbound state.
// Constructs this service provider implementation, binding it to the given
// interface request. Note: If |service_provider_request| is not valid
// ("pending"), then the object will be put into an unbound state.
explicit ServiceProviderImpl(
const ConnectionContext& connection_context,
InterfaceRequest<ServiceProvider> service_provider_request);
~ServiceProviderImpl() override;
// Binds this service provider implementation to the given interface request.
// This may only be called if this object is unbound.
void Bind(const ConnectionContext& connection_context,
InterfaceRequest<ServiceProvider> service_provider_request);
// Disconnect this service provider implementation and put it in a state where
// it can be rebound to a new request (i.e., restores this object to an
// unbound state). This may be called even if this object is already unbound.
void Close();
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// |service_connector|.
void AddServiceForName(std::unique_ptr<ServiceConnector> service_connector,
const std::string& service_name);
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// |interface_request_handler| (see above for information about
// |InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface>|). |interface_request_handler| should
// remain valid for the lifetime of this object.
// A typical usage may be:
// service_provider_impl_->AddService<Foobar>(
// [](const ConnectionContext& connection_context,
// InterfaceRequest<FooBar> foobar_request) {
// // |FoobarImpl| owns itself.
// new FoobarImpl(std::move(foobar_request));
// });
template <typename Interface>
void AddService(InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface> interface_request_handler,
const std::string& service_name = Interface::Name_) {
std::unique_ptr<ServiceConnector>(new ServiceConnectorImpl<Interface>(
// Removes support for the service with the given |service_name|.
void RemoveServiceForName(const std::string& service_name);
// Like |RemoveServiceForName()| (above), but designed so that it can be used
// like |RemoveService<Interface>()| or even
// |RemoveService<Interface>(service_name)| (to parallel
// |AddService<Interface>()|).
template <typename Interface>
void RemoveService(const std::string& service_name = Interface::Name_) {
// This uses the provided |fallback_service_provider| for connection requests
// for services that are not known (haven't been added). (Set it to null to
// not have any fallback.) A fallback must outlive this object (or until it is
// "cleared" or replaced by a different fallback.
void set_fallback_service_provider(
ServiceProvider* fallback_service_provider) {
fallback_service_provider_ = fallback_service_provider;
// Gets the context for the connection that this object is bound to (if not
// bound, the context is just a default-initialized |ConnectionContext|).
const ConnectionContext& connection_context() const {
return connection_context_;
// Objects of this class are used to adapt a generic (untyped) connection
// request (i.e., |ServiceConnector::ConnectToService()|) to the type-safe
// |InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface>|.
template <typename Interface>
class ServiceConnectorImpl : public ServiceConnector {
explicit ServiceConnectorImpl(
InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface> interface_request_handler)
: interface_request_handler_(std::move(interface_request_handler)) {}
~ServiceConnectorImpl() override {}
void ConnectToService(const mojo::ConnectionContext& connection_context,
ScopedMessagePipeHandle client_handle) override {
const InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface> interface_request_handler_;
// Overridden from |ServiceProvider|:
void ConnectToService(const String& service_name,
ScopedMessagePipeHandle client_handle) override;
ConnectionContext connection_context_;
Binding<ServiceProvider> binding_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ServiceConnector>>
ServiceProvider* fallback_service_provider_;
} // namespace mojo