blob: a337503b78b65d844f70ecb882df06237a8607e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* How to exploit the wonders of libevhtp's threading model to avoid using
* libevent's locking API.
* In this example we use Redis's Async API (Libhiredis) store and retr the following
* information for a request:
* Total requests seen.
* Total requests seen by the requestors IP address.
* All of the source ports seen used by the requestors IP address.
* We do this all using libevhtp's builtin thread-pool model, without the use of
* mutexes or evthread_use_pthreads() type stuff.
* The technique is simple:
* 1. Create your evhtp_t structure, assign callbacks like usual.
* 2. Call evhtp_use_threads() with a thread init callback.
* 3. Each time a thread starts, the thread init callback you defined will be
* called with information about that thread.
* First a bit of information about how evhtp does threading:
* libevhtp uses the evthr library, which works more like a threaded
* co-routine than a threadpool. Each evthr in a pool has its own unique
* event_base (and each evthr runs its own event_base_loop()). Under the
* hood when libevhtp sends a request to a thread, it calls
* "evthr_pool_defer(pool, _run_connection_in_thread, ...).
* The evthr library then finds a thread inside the pool with the lowest backlog,
* sends a packet over that threads socketpair containing information about what
* function to execute. It uses socketpairs because they can be treated as
* an event, thus able to be processed in a threads own unique
* event_base_loop().
* Knowing that, a connection in evhtp is never associated with the initial
* event_base that was passed to evhtp_new(), but instead the connection
* uses the evthr's unique event_base. This is what makes libevhtp's
* safe from thread-related race conditions.
* 4. Use the thread init callback as a place to put event type things on the
* threads event_base() instead of using the global one.
* In this code, that function is app_init_thread(). When this function is
* called, the first argument is the evthr_t of the thread that just
* started. This function uses "evthr_get_base(thread)" to get the
* event_base associated with this specific thread.
* Using that event_base, the function will start up an async redis
* connection. This redis connection is now tied to that thread, and can be
* used on a threaded request without locking (remember that your request
* has the same event_base as the thread it was executed in).
* We allocate a dummy structure "struct app" and then call
* "evthr_set_aux(thread, app)". This function sets some aux data which can
* be fetched at any point using evthr_get_aux(thread). We use this later on
* inside process_request()
* This part is the secret to evhtp threading success.
* 5. When a request has been fully processed, it will call the function
* "app_process_request()". Note here that the "arg" argument is NULL since no
* arguments were passed to evhtp_set_gencb().
* Since we want to do a bunch of redis stuff before sending a reply to the
* client, we must fetch the "struct app" data we allocated and set for the
* thread associated with this request (struct app * app =
* evthr_get_aux(thread);).
* struct app has our thread-specific redis connection ctx, so using that
* redisAsyncCommand() is called a bunch of times to queue up the commands
* which will be run.
* The last part of this technique is to call the function
* "evhtp_request_pause()". This essentially tells evhtp to flip the
* read-side of the connections file-descriptor OFF (This avoids potential
* situations where a client disconnected before all of the redis commands
* executed).
* 6. Each redis command is executed in order, and each callback will write to
* the requests output_buffer with relevant information from the result.
* 7. The last redis callback executed here is "redis_get_srcport_cb". It is
* the job os this function to call evhtp_send_reply() and then
* evhtp_request_resume().
* Using this design in conjunction with libevhtp makes the world an easier
* place to code.
* Compile: gcc thread_design.c -o thread_design -levhtp -levent -lhiredis
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <evhtp.h>
#include <hiredis/hiredis.h>
#include <hiredis/async.h>
#include <hiredis/adapters/libevent.h>
struct app_parent {
evhtp_t * evhtp;
evbase_t * evbase;
char * redis_host;
uint16_t redis_port;
struct app {
struct app_parent * parent;
evbase_t * evbase;
redisAsyncContext * redis;
static evthr_t *
get_request_thr(evhtp_request_t * request) {
evhtp_connection_t * htpconn;
evthr_t * thread;
htpconn = evhtp_request_get_connection(request);
thread = htpconn->thread;
return thread;
redis_global_incr_cb(redisAsyncContext * redis, void * redis_reply, void * arg) {
redisReply * reply = redis_reply;
evhtp_request_t * request = arg;
printf("global_incr_cb(%p)\n", request);
if (reply == NULL || reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) {
"redis_global_incr_cb() failed\n");
"Total requests = %lld\n", reply->integer);
redis_srcaddr_incr_cb(redisAsyncContext * redis, void * redis_reply, void * arg) {
redisReply * reply = redis_reply;
evhtp_request_t * request = arg;
printf("incr_cb(%p)\n", request);
if (reply == NULL || reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) {
"redis_srcaddr_incr_cb() failed\n");
"Requests from this source IP = %lld\n", reply->integer);
redis_set_srcport_cb(redisAsyncContext * redis, void * redis_reply, void * arg) {
redisReply * reply = redis_reply;
evhtp_request_t * request = arg;
printf("set_srcport_cb(%p)\n", request);
if (reply == NULL || reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) {
"redis_set_srcport_cb() failed\n");
if (!reply->integer) {
"This source port has been seen already.\n");
} else {
"This source port has never been seen.\n");
redis_get_srcport_cb(redisAsyncContext * redis, void * redis_reply, void * arg) {
redisReply * reply = redis_reply;
evhtp_request_t * request = arg;
int i;
printf("get_srcport_cb(%p)\n", request);
if (reply == NULL || reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY) {
"redis_get_srcport_cb() failed.\n");
"source ports which have been seen for your ip:\n");
for (i = 0; i < reply->elements; i++) {
redisReply * elem = reply->element[i];
evbuffer_add_printf(request->buffer_out, "%s ", elem->str);
evbuffer_add(request->buffer_out, "\n", 1);
/* final callback for redis, so send the response */
evhtp_send_reply(request, EVHTP_RES_OK);
app_process_request(evhtp_request_t * request, void * arg) {
struct sockaddr_in * sin;
struct app_parent * app_parent;
struct app * app;
evthr_t * thread;
evhtp_connection_t * conn;
char tmp[1024];
printf("process_request(%p)\n", request);
thread = get_request_thr(request);
conn = evhtp_request_get_connection(request);
app = (struct app *)evthr_get_aux(thread);
sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)conn->saddr;
evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sin->sin_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
/* increment a global counter of hits on redis */
redisAsyncCommand(app->redis, redis_global_incr_cb,
(void *)request, "INCR requests:total");
/* increment a counter for hits from this source address on redis */
redisAsyncCommand(app->redis, redis_srcaddr_incr_cb,
(void *)request, "INCR requests:ip:%s", tmp);
/* add the source port of this request to a source-specific set */
redisAsyncCommand(app->redis, redis_set_srcport_cb, (void *)request,
"SADD requests:ip:%s:ports %d", tmp, ntohs(sin->sin_port));
/* get all of the ports this source address has used */
redisAsyncCommand(app->redis, redis_get_srcport_cb, (void *)request,
"SMEMBERS requests:ip:%s:ports", tmp);
/* pause the request processing */
app_init_thread(evhtp_t * htp, evthr_t * thread, void * arg) {
struct app_parent * app_parent;
struct app * app;
app_parent = (struct app_parent *)arg;
app = calloc(sizeof(struct app), 1);
app->parent = app_parent;
app->evbase = evthr_get_base(thread);
app->redis = redisAsyncConnect(app_parent->redis_host, app_parent->redis_port);
redisLibeventAttach(app->redis, app->evbase);
evthr_set_aux(thread, app);
main(int argc, char ** argv) {
evbase_t * evbase;
evhtp_t * evhtp;
struct app_parent * app_p;
evbase = event_base_new();
evhtp = evhtp_new(evbase, NULL);
app_p = calloc(sizeof(struct app_parent), 1);
app_p->evhtp = evhtp;
app_p->evbase = evbase;
app_p->redis_host = "";
app_p->redis_port = 6379;
evhtp_set_gencb(evhtp, app_process_request, NULL);
evhtp_use_threads(evhtp, app_init_thread, 4, app_p);
evhtp_bind_socket(evhtp, "", 9090, 1024);
event_base_loop(evbase, 0);
return 0;