blob: 399520a99acf98fce5f8d736e41d788ea4c733bb [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __EVHTP__H__
#define __EVHTP__H__
#include <evthr.h>
#include <htparse.h>
#include <onigposix.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <event2/event.h>
#include <event2/listener.h>
#include <event2/buffer.h>
#include <event2/bufferevent.h>
#include <event2/bufferevent_ssl.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef SSL_SESSION evhtp_ssl_sess_t;
typedef SSL evhtp_ssl_t;
typedef SSL_CTX evhtp_ssl_ctx_t;
typedef X509 evhtp_x509_t;
typedef X509_STORE_CTX evhtp_x509_store_ctx_t;
typedef void evhtp_ssl_sess_t;
typedef void evhtp_ssl_t;
typedef void evhtp_ssl_ctx_t;
typedef void evhtp_x509_t;
typedef void evhtp_x509_store_ctx_t;
typedef struct evbuffer evbuf_t;
typedef struct event event_t;
typedef struct evconnlistener evserv_t;
typedef struct bufferevent evbev_t;
typedef struct event_base evbase_t;
typedef void evthr_t;
typedef void evthr_pool_t;
typedef void evhtp_mutex_t;
typedef pthread_mutex_t evhtp_mutex_t;
typedef struct evhtp_s evhtp_t;
typedef struct evhtp_defaults_s evhtp_defaults_t;
typedef struct evhtp_callbacks_s evhtp_callbacks_t;
typedef struct evhtp_callback_s evhtp_callback_t;
typedef struct evhtp_defaults_s evhtp_defaults_5;
typedef struct evhtp_kv_s evhtp_kv_t;
typedef struct evhtp_kvs_s evhtp_kvs_t;
typedef struct evhtp_uri_s evhtp_uri_t;
typedef struct evhtp_path_s evhtp_path_t;
typedef struct evhtp_authority_s evhtp_authority_t;
typedef struct evhtp_request_s evhtp_request_t;
typedef struct evhtp_hooks_s evhtp_hooks_t;
typedef struct evhtp_connection_s evhtp_connection_t;
typedef struct evhtp_ssl_cfg_s evhtp_ssl_cfg_t;
typedef struct evhtp_alias_s evhtp_alias_t;
typedef uint16_t evhtp_res;
typedef uint8_t evhtp_error_flags;
#define evhtp_header_s evhtp_kv_s
#define evhtp_headers_s evhtp_kvs_s
#define evhtp_query_s evhtp_kvs_s
#define evhtp_header_t evhtp_kv_t
#define evhtp_headers_t evhtp_kvs_t
#define evhtp_query_t evhtp_kvs_t
enum evhtp_ssl_scache_type {
evhtp_ssl_scache_type_disabled = 0,
* @brief types associated with where a developer can hook into
* during the request processing cycle.
enum evhtp_hook_type {
evhtp_hook_on_header, /**< type which defines to hook after one header has been parsed */
evhtp_hook_on_headers, /**< type which defines to hook after all headers have been parsed */
evhtp_hook_on_path, /**< type which defines to hook once a path has been parsed */
evhtp_hook_on_read, /**< type which defines to hook whenever the parser recieves data in a body */
evhtp_hook_on_request_fini, /**< type which defines to hook before the request is free'd */
evhtp_hook_on_error, /**< type which defines to hook whenever an error occurs */
enum evhtp_callback_type {
enum evhtp_proto {
typedef enum evhtp_hook_type evhtp_hook_type;
typedef enum evhtp_callback_type evhtp_callback_type;
typedef enum evhtp_proto evhtp_proto;
typedef enum evhtp_ssl_scache_type evhtp_ssl_scache_type;
typedef void (*evhtp_thread_init_cb)(evhtp_t * htp, evthr_t * thr, void * arg);
typedef void (*evhtp_callback_cb)(evhtp_request_t * req, void * arg);
typedef void (*evhtp_hook_err_cb)(evhtp_request_t * req, evhtp_error_flags errtype, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_pre_accept_cb)(evhtp_connection_t * conn, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_post_accept_cb)(evhtp_connection_t * conn, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_header_cb)(evhtp_request_t * req, evhtp_header_t * hdr, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_headers_cb)(evhtp_request_t * req, evhtp_headers_t * hdr, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_path_cb)(evhtp_request_t * req, evhtp_path_t * path, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_read_cb)(evhtp_request_t * req, evbuf_t * buf, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_request_fini_cb)(evhtp_request_t * req, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_connection_fini_cb)(evhtp_connection_t * connection, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_chunk_new_cb)(evhtp_request_t * r, uint64_t len, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_chunk_fini_cb)(evhtp_request_t * r, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_chunks_fini_cb)(evhtp_request_t * r, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_headers_start_cb)(evhtp_request_t * r, void * arg);
typedef evhtp_res (*evhtp_hook_hostname_cb)(evhtp_request_t * r, const char * hostname, void * arg);
typedef int (*evhtp_kvs_iterator)(evhtp_kv_t * kv, void * arg);
typedef int (*evhtp_headers_iterator)(evhtp_header_t * header, void * arg);
typedef int (*evhtp_ssl_verify_cb)(int pre_verify, evhtp_x509_store_ctx_t * ctx);
typedef int (*evhtp_ssl_chk_issued_cb)(evhtp_x509_store_ctx_t * ctx, evhtp_x509_t * x, evhtp_x509_t * issuer);
typedef int (*evhtp_ssl_scache_add)(evhtp_connection_t * connection, unsigned char * sid, int sid_len, evhtp_ssl_sess_t * sess);
typedef void (*evhtp_ssl_scache_del)(evhtp_t * htp, unsigned char * sid, int sid_len);
typedef evhtp_ssl_sess_t * (*evhtp_ssl_scache_get)(evhtp_connection_t * connection, unsigned char * sid, int sid_len);
typedef void * (*evhtp_ssl_scache_init)(evhtp_t *);
#define EVHTP_VERSION "1.1.5"
#define evhtp_headers_iterator evhtp_kvs_iterator
#define EVHTP_RES_USER 3
#define EVHTP_RES_OK 200
#define EVHTP_RES_100 100
#define EVHTP_RES_200 200
#define EVHTP_RES_IMUSED 226
#define EVHTP_RES_300 300
#define EVHTP_RES_FOUND 302
#define EVHTP_RES_NOTMOD 304
#define EVHTP_RES_400 400
#define EVHTP_RES_BADREQ 400
#define EVHTP_RES_UNAUTH 401
#define EVHTP_RES_PAYREQ 402
#define EVHTP_RES_GONE 410
#define EVHTP_RES_LENREQ 411
#define EVHTP_RES_500 500
struct evhtp_defaults_s {
evhtp_callback_cb cb;
evhtp_pre_accept_cb pre_accept;
evhtp_post_accept_cb post_accept;
void * cbarg;
void * pre_accept_cbarg;
void * post_accept_cbarg;
struct evhtp_alias_s {
char * alias;
TAILQ_ENTRY(evhtp_alias_s) next;
* @brief main structure containing all configuration information
struct evhtp_s {
evhtp_t * parent; /**< only when this is a vhost */
evbase_t * evbase; /**< the initialized event_base */
evserv_t * server; /**< the libevent listener struct */
char * server_name; /**< the name included in Host: responses */
void * arg; /**< user-defined evhtp_t specific arguments */
int bev_flags; /**< bufferevent flags to use on bufferevent_*_socket_new() */
uint64_t max_body_size;
uint64_t max_keepalive_requests;
evhtp_ssl_ctx_t * ssl_ctx; /**< if ssl enabled, this is the servers CTX */
evhtp_ssl_cfg_t * ssl_cfg;
evthr_pool_t * thr_pool; /**< connection threadpool */
pthread_mutex_t * lock; /**< parent lock for add/del cbs in threads */
evhtp_thread_init_cb thread_init_cb;
void * thread_init_cbarg;
evhtp_callbacks_t * callbacks;
evhtp_defaults_t defaults;
struct timeval recv_timeo;
struct timeval send_timeo;
TAILQ_HEAD(, evhtp_alias_s) aliases;
TAILQ_HEAD(, evhtp_s) vhosts;
TAILQ_ENTRY(evhtp_s) next_vhost;
* @brief structure containing a single callback and configuration
* The definition structure which is used within the evhtp_callbacks_t
* structure. This holds information about what should execute for either
* a single or regex path.
* For example, if you registered a callback to be executed on a request
* for "/herp/derp", your defined callback will be executed.
* Optionally you can set callback-specific hooks just like per-connection
* hooks using the same rules.
struct evhtp_callback_s {
evhtp_callback_type type; /**< the type of callback (regex|path) */
evhtp_callback_cb cb; /**< the actual callback function */
unsigned int hash; /**< the full hash generated integer */
void * cbarg; /**< user-defind arguments passed to the cb */
evhtp_hooks_t * hooks; /**< per-callback hooks */
union {
char * path;
char * glob;
regex_t * regex;
} val;
TAILQ_ENTRY(evhtp_callback_s) next;
TAILQ_HEAD(evhtp_callbacks_s, evhtp_callback_s);
* @brief a generic key/value structure
struct evhtp_kv_s {
char * key;
char * val;
size_t klen;
size_t vlen;
char k_heaped; /**< set to 1 if the key can be free()'d */
char v_heaped; /**< set to 1 if the val can be free()'d */
TAILQ_ENTRY(evhtp_kv_s) next;
TAILQ_HEAD(evhtp_kvs_s, evhtp_kv_s);
* @brief a generic container representing an entire URI strucutre
struct evhtp_uri_s {
evhtp_authority_t * authority;
evhtp_path_t * path;
unsigned char * fragment; /**< data after '#' in uri */
unsigned char * query_raw; /**< the unparsed query arguments */
evhtp_query_t * query; /**< list of k/v for query arguments */
htp_scheme scheme; /**< set if a scheme is found */
* @brief structure which represents authority information in a URI
struct evhtp_authority_s {
char * username; /**< the username in URI (scheme://USER:.. */
char * password; /**< the password in URI (scheme://...:PASS.. */
char * hostname; /**< hostname if present in URI */
uint16_t port; /**< port if present in URI */
* @brief structure which represents a URI path and or file
struct evhtp_path_s {
char * full; /**< the full path+file (/a/b/c.html) */
char * path; /**< the path (/a/b/) */
char * file; /**< the filename if present (c.html) */
char * match_start;
char * match_end;
unsigned int matched_soff; /**< offset of where the uri starts
* mainly used for regex matching
unsigned int matched_eoff; /**< offset of where the uri ends
* mainly used for regex matching
* @brief a structure containing all information for a http request.
struct evhtp_request_s {
evhtp_t * htp; /**< the parent evhtp_t structure */
evhtp_connection_t * conn; /**< the associated connection */
evhtp_hooks_t * hooks; /**< request specific hooks */
evhtp_uri_t * uri; /**< request URI information */
evbuf_t * buffer_in; /**< buffer containing data from client */
evbuf_t * buffer_out; /**< buffer containing data to client */
evhtp_headers_t * headers_in; /**< headers from client */
evhtp_headers_t * headers_out; /**< headers to client */
evhtp_proto proto; /**< HTTP protocol used */
htp_method method; /**< HTTP method used */
evhtp_res status; /**< The HTTP response code or other error conditions */
int keepalive; /**< set to 1 if the connection is keep-alive */
int finished; /**< set to 1 if the request is fully processed */
int chunked; /**< set to 1 if the request is chunked */
evhtp_callback_cb cb; /**< the function to call when fully processed */
void * cbarg; /**< argument which is passed to the cb function */
int error;
#define evhtp_request_content_len(r) htparser_get_content_length(r->conn->parser)
struct evhtp_connection_s {
evhtp_t * htp;
evbase_t * evbase;
evbev_t * bev;
evthr_t * thread;
evhtp_ssl_t * ssl;
evhtp_hooks_t * hooks;
htparser * parser;
event_t * resume_ev;
struct sockaddr * saddr;
struct timeval recv_timeo; /**< conn read timeouts (overrides global) */
struct timeval send_timeo; /**< conn write timeouts (overrides global) */
int sock;
uint8_t error;
uint8_t owner; /**< set to 1 if this structure owns the bufferevent */
uint8_t vhost_via_sni; /**< set to 1 if the vhost was found via SSL SNI */
evhtp_request_t * request; /**< the request currently being processed */
uint64_t max_body_size;
uint64_t body_bytes_read;
uint64_t num_requests;
struct evhtp_hooks_s {
evhtp_hook_headers_start_cb on_headers_start;
evhtp_hook_header_cb on_header;
evhtp_hook_headers_cb on_headers;
evhtp_hook_path_cb on_path;
evhtp_hook_read_cb on_read;
evhtp_hook_request_fini_cb on_request_fini;
evhtp_hook_connection_fini_cb on_connection_fini;
evhtp_hook_err_cb on_error;
evhtp_hook_chunk_new_cb on_new_chunk;
evhtp_hook_chunk_fini_cb on_chunk_fini;
evhtp_hook_chunks_fini_cb on_chunks_fini;
evhtp_hook_hostname_cb on_hostname;
void * on_headers_start_arg;
void * on_header_arg;
void * on_headers_arg;
void * on_path_arg;
void * on_read_arg;
void * on_request_fini_arg;
void * on_connection_fini_arg;
void * on_error_arg;
void * on_new_chunk_arg;
void * on_chunk_fini_arg;
void * on_chunks_fini_arg;
void * on_hostname_arg;
struct evhtp_ssl_cfg_s {
char * pemfile;
char * privfile;
char * cafile;
char * capath;
char * ciphers;
char * named_curve;
long ssl_opts;
long ssl_ctx_timeout;
int verify_peer;
int verify_depth;
evhtp_ssl_verify_cb x509_verify_cb;
evhtp_ssl_chk_issued_cb x509_chk_issued_cb;
long store_flags;
evhtp_ssl_scache_type scache_type;
long scache_timeout;
long scache_size;
evhtp_ssl_scache_init scache_init;
evhtp_ssl_scache_add scache_add;
evhtp_ssl_scache_get scache_get;
evhtp_ssl_scache_del scache_del;
void * args;
* @brief creates a new evhtp_t instance
* @param evbase the initialized event base
* @param arg user-defined argument which is evhtp_t specific
* @return a new evhtp_t structure or NULL on error
evhtp_t * evhtp_new(evbase_t * evbase, void * arg);
void evhtp_free(evhtp_t * evhtp);
* @brief set a read/write timeout on all things evhtp_t. When the timeout
* expires your error hook will be called with the libevent supplied event
* flags.
* @param htp the base evhtp_t struct
* @param r read-timeout in timeval
* @param w write-timeout in timeval.
void evhtp_set_timeouts(evhtp_t * htp, const struct timeval * r, const struct timeval * w);
void evhtp_set_bev_flags(evhtp_t * htp, int flags);
int evhtp_ssl_use_threads(void);
int evhtp_ssl_init(evhtp_t * htp, evhtp_ssl_cfg_t * ssl_cfg);
* @brief creates a lock around callbacks and hooks, allowing for threaded
* applications to add/remove/modify hooks & callbacks in a thread-safe manner.
* @param htp
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error
int evhtp_use_callback_locks(evhtp_t * htp);
* @brief sets a callback which is called if no other callbacks are matched
* @param htp the initialized evhtp_t
* @param cb the function to be executed
* @param arg user-defined argument passed to the callback
void evhtp_set_gencb(evhtp_t * htp, evhtp_callback_cb cb, void * arg);
void evhtp_set_pre_accept_cb(evhtp_t * htp, evhtp_pre_accept_cb, void * arg);
void evhtp_set_post_accept_cb(evhtp_t * htp, evhtp_post_accept_cb, void * arg);
* @brief sets a callback to be executed on a specific path
* @param htp the initialized evhtp_t
* @param path the path to match
* @param cb the function to be executed
* @param arg user-defined argument passed to the callback
* @return evhtp_callback_t * on success, NULL on error.
evhtp_callback_t * evhtp_set_cb(evhtp_t * htp, const char * path, evhtp_callback_cb cb, void * arg);
* @brief sets a callback to be executed based on a regex pattern
* @param htp the initialized evhtp_t
* @param pattern a POSIX compat regular expression
* @param cb the function to be executed
* @param arg user-defined argument passed to the callback
* @return evhtp_callback_t * on success, NULL on error
evhtp_callback_t * evhtp_set_regex_cb(evhtp_t * htp, const char * pattern, evhtp_callback_cb cb, void * arg);
* @brief sets a callback to to be executed on simple glob/wildcard patterns
* this is useful if the app does not care about what was matched, but
* just that it matched. This is technically faster than regex.
* @param htp
* @param pattern wildcard pattern, the '*' can be set at either or both the front or end.
* @param cb
* @param arg
* @return
evhtp_callback_t * evhtp_set_glob_cb(evhtp_t * htp, const char * pattern, evhtp_callback_cb cb, void * arg);
* @brief sets a callback hook for either a connection or a path/regex .
* A user may set a variety of hooks either per-connection, or per-callback.
* This allows the developer to hook into various parts of the request processing
* cycle.
* a per-connection hook can be set at any time, but it is recommended to set these
* during either a pre-accept phase, or post-accept phase. This allows a developer
* to set hooks before any other hooks are called.
* a per-callback hook works differently. In this mode a developer can setup a set
* of hooks prior to starting the event loop for specific callbacks. For example
* if you wanted to hook something ONLY for a callback set by evhtp_set_cb or
* evhtp_set_regex_cb this is the method of doing so.
* per-callback example:
* evhtp_callback_t * cb = evhtp_set_regex_cb(htp, "/anything/(.*)", default_cb, NULL);
* evhtp_set_hook(&cb->hooks, evhtp_hook_on_headers, anything_headers_cb, NULL);
* evhtp_set_hook(&cb->hooks, evhtp_hook_on_fini, anything_fini_cb, NULL);
* With the above example, once libevhtp has determined that it has a user-defined
* callback for /anything/.*; anything_headers_cb will be executed after all headers
* have been parsed, and anything_fini_cb will be executed before the request is
* free()'d.
* The same logic applies to per-connection hooks, but it should be noted that if
* a per-callback hook is set, the per-connection hook will be ignored.
* @param hooks double pointer to the evhtp_hooks_t structure
* @param type the hook type
* @param cb the callback to be executed.
* @param arg optional argument which is passed when the callback is executed
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error (if hooks is NULL, it is allocated)
int evhtp_set_hook(evhtp_hooks_t ** hooks, evhtp_hook_type type, void * cb, void * arg);
* @brief remove a specific hook from being called.
* @param hooks
* @param type
* @return
int evhtp_unset_hook(evhtp_hooks_t ** hooks, evhtp_hook_type type);
* @brief removes all hooks.
* @param hooks
* @return
int evhtp_unset_all_hooks(evhtp_hooks_t ** hooks);
* @brief bind to a socket, optionally with specific protocol support
* formatting. The addr can be defined as one of the following:
* ipv6:<ipv6addr> for binding to an IPv6 address.
* unix:<named pipe> for binding to a unix named socket
* ipv4:<ipv4addr> for binding to an ipv4 address
* Otherwise the addr is assumed to be ipv4.
* @param htp
* @param addr
* @param port
* @param backlog
* @return
int evhtp_bind_socket(evhtp_t * htp, const char * addr, uint16_t port, int backlog);
* @brief stops the listening socket.
* @param htp
void evhtp_unbind_socket(evhtp_t * htp);
* @brief bind to an already allocated sockaddr.
* @param htp
* @param
* @param sin_len
* @param backlog
* @return
int evhtp_bind_sockaddr(evhtp_t * htp, struct sockaddr *, size_t sin_len, int backlog);
int evhtp_use_threads(evhtp_t * htp, evhtp_thread_init_cb init_cb, int nthreads, void * arg);
void evhtp_send_reply(evhtp_request_t * request, evhtp_res code);
void evhtp_send_reply_start(evhtp_request_t * request, evhtp_res code);
void evhtp_send_reply_body(evhtp_request_t * request, evbuf_t * buf);
void evhtp_send_reply_end(evhtp_request_t * request);
* @brief Determine if a response should have a body.
* Follows the rules in RFC 2616 section 4.3.
* @return 1 if the response MUST have a body; 0 if the response MUST NOT have
* a body.
int evhtp_response_needs_body(const evhtp_res code, const htp_method method);
* @brief start a chunked response. If data already exists on the output buffer,
* this will be converted to the first chunk.
* @param request
* @param code
void evhtp_send_reply_chunk_start(evhtp_request_t * request, evhtp_res code);
* @brief send a chunk reply.
* @param request
* @param buf
void evhtp_send_reply_chunk(evhtp_request_t * request, evbuf_t * buf);
* @brief call when all chunks have been sent and you wish to send the last
* bits. This will add the last 0CRLFCRCL and call send_reply_end().
* @param request
void evhtp_send_reply_chunk_end(evhtp_request_t * request);
* @brief creates a new evhtp_callback_t structure.
* All callbacks are stored in this structure
* which define what the final function to be
* called after all parsing is done. A callback
* can be either a static string or a regular
* expression.
* @param path can either be a static path (/path/to/resource/) or
* a POSIX compatible regular expression (^/resource/(.*))
* @param type informs the function what type of of information is
* is contained within the path argument. This can either be
* callback_type_path, or callback_type_regex.
* @param cb the callback function to be invoked
* @param arg optional argument which is passed when the callback is executed.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
evhtp_callback_t * evhtp_callback_new(const char * path, evhtp_callback_type type, evhtp_callback_cb cb, void * arg);
void evhtp_callback_free(evhtp_callback_t * callback);
* @brief Adds a evhtp_callback_t to the evhtp_callbacks_t list
* @param cbs an allocated evhtp_callbacks_t structure
* @param cb an initialized evhtp_callback_t structure
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error
int evhtp_callbacks_add_callback(evhtp_callbacks_t * cbs, evhtp_callback_t * cb);
* @brief add an evhtp_t structure (with its own callbacks) to a base evhtp_t
* structure for virtual hosts. It should be noted that if you enable SSL
* on the base evhtp_t and your version of OpenSSL supports SNI, the SNI
* hostname will always take precedence over the Host header value.
* @param evhtp
* @param name
* @param vhost
* @return
int evhtp_add_vhost(evhtp_t * evhtp, const char * name, evhtp_t * vhost);
* @brief Add an alias hostname for a virtual-host specific evhtp_t. This avoids
* having multiple evhtp_t virtual hosts with the same callback for the same
* vhost.
* @param evhtp
* @param name
* @return
int evhtp_add_alias(evhtp_t * evhtp, const char * name);
* @brief Allocates a new key/value structure.
* @param key null terminated string
* @param val null terminated string
* @param kalloc if set to 1, the key will be copied, if 0 no copy is done.
* @param valloc if set to 1, the val will be copied, if 0 no copy is done.
* @return evhtp_kv_t * on success, NULL on error.
evhtp_kv_t * evhtp_kv_new(const char * key, const char * val, char kalloc, char valloc);
evhtp_kvs_t * evhtp_kvs_new(void);
void evhtp_kv_free(evhtp_kv_t * kv);
void evhtp_kvs_free(evhtp_kvs_t * kvs);
void evhtp_kv_rm_and_free(evhtp_kvs_t * kvs, evhtp_kv_t * kv);
const char * evhtp_kv_find(evhtp_kvs_t * kvs, const char * key);
evhtp_kv_t * evhtp_kvs_find_kv(evhtp_kvs_t * kvs, const char * key);
* @brief appends a key/val structure to a evhtp_kvs_t tailq
* @param kvs an evhtp_kvs_t structure
* @param kv an evhtp_kv_t structure
void evhtp_kvs_add_kv(evhtp_kvs_t * kvs, evhtp_kv_t * kv);
int evhtp_kvs_for_each(evhtp_kvs_t * kvs, evhtp_kvs_iterator cb, void * arg);
* @brief Parses the query portion of the uri into a set of key/values
* Parses query arguments like "?herp=derp&foo=bar;blah=baz"
* @param query data containing the uri query arguments
* @param len size of the data
* @return evhtp_query_t * on success, NULL on error
evhtp_query_t * evhtp_parse_query(const char * query, size_t len);
* @brief Unescapes strings like '%7B1,%202,%203%7D' would become '{1, 2, 3}'
* @param out double pointer where output is stored. This is allocated by the user.
* @param str the string to unescape
* @param str_len the length of the string to unescape
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error
int evhtp_unescape_string(unsigned char ** out, unsigned char * str, size_t str_len);
* @brief creates a new evhtp_header_t key/val structure
* @param key a null terminated string
* @param val a null terminated string
* @param kalloc if 1, key will be copied, otherwise no copy performed
* @param valloc if 1, val will be copied, otehrwise no copy performed
* @return evhtp_header_t * or NULL on error
evhtp_header_t * evhtp_header_new(const char * key, const char * val, char kalloc, char valloc);
* @brief creates a new evhtp_header_t, sets only the key, and adds to the
* evhtp_headers TAILQ
* @param headers the evhtp_headers_t TAILQ (evhtp_kv_t)
* @param key a null terminated string
* @param kalloc if 1 the string will be copied, otherwise assigned
* @return an evhtp_header_t pointer or NULL on error
evhtp_header_t * evhtp_header_key_add(evhtp_headers_t * headers, const char * key, char kalloc);
* @brief finds the last header in the headers tailq and adds the value
* @param headers the evhtp_headers_t TAILQ (evhtp_kv_t)
* @param val a null terminated string
* @param valloc if 1 the string will be copied, otherwise assigned
* @return an evhtp_header_t pointer or NULL on error
evhtp_header_t * evhtp_header_val_add(evhtp_headers_t * headers, const char * val, char valloc);
* @brief adds an evhtp_header_t to the end of the evhtp_headers_t tailq
* @param headers
* @param header
void evhtp_headers_add_header(evhtp_headers_t * headers, evhtp_header_t * header);
* @brief finds the value of a key in a evhtp_headers_t structure
* @param headers the evhtp_headers_t tailq
* @param key the key to find
* @return the value of the header key if found, NULL if not found.
const char * evhtp_header_find(evhtp_headers_t * headers, const char * key);
#define evhtp_header_find evhtp_kv_find
#define evhtp_headers_find_header evhtp_kvs_find_kv
#define evhtp_headers_for_each evhtp_kvs_for_each
#define evhtp_header_new evhtp_kv_new
#define evhtp_header_free evhtp_kv_free
#define evhtp_headers_new evhtp_kvs_new
#define evhtp_headers_free evhtp_kvs_free
#define evhtp_header_rm_and_free evhtp_kv_rm_and_free
#define evhtp_headers_add_header evhtp_kvs_add_kv
#define evhtp_query_new evhtp_kvs_new
#define evhtp_query_free evhtp_kvs_free
* @brief returns the htp_method enum version of the request method.
* @param r
* @return htp_method enum
htp_method evhtp_request_get_method(evhtp_request_t * r);
void evhtp_connection_pause(evhtp_connection_t * connection);
void evhtp_connection_resume(evhtp_connection_t * connection);
void evhtp_request_pause(evhtp_request_t * request);
void evhtp_request_resume(evhtp_request_t * request);
* @brief returns the underlying evhtp_connection_t structure from a request
* @param request
* @return evhtp_connection_t on success, otherwise NULL
evhtp_connection_t * evhtp_request_get_connection(evhtp_request_t * request);
* @brief Sets the connections underlying bufferevent
* @param conn
* @param bev
void evhtp_connection_set_bev(evhtp_connection_t * conn, evbev_t * bev);
* @brief sets the underlying bufferevent for a evhtp_request
* @param request
* @param bev
void evhtp_request_set_bev(evhtp_request_t * request, evbev_t * bev);
* @brief returns the underlying connections bufferevent
* @param conn
* @return bufferevent on success, otherwise NULL
evbev_t * evhtp_connection_get_bev(evhtp_connection_t * conn);
* @brief sets a connection-specific read/write timeout which overrides the
* global read/write settings.
* @param conn
* @param r timeval for read
* @param w timeval for write
void evhtp_connection_set_timeouts(evhtp_connection_t * conn, const struct timeval * r, const struct timeval * w);
* @brief returns the underlying requests bufferevent
* @param request
* @return bufferevent on success, otherwise NULL
evbev_t * evhtp_request_get_bev(evhtp_request_t * request);
* @brief let a user take ownership of the underlying bufferevent and free
* all other underlying resources.
* Warning: this will free all evhtp_connection/request structures, remove all
* associated hooks and reset the bufferevent to defaults, i.e., disable
* EV_READ, and set all callbacks to NULL.
* @param connection
* @return underlying connections bufferevent.
evbev_t * evhtp_connection_take_ownership(evhtp_connection_t * connection);
* @brief free's all connection related resources, this will also call your
* request fini hook and request fini hook.
* @param connection
void evhtp_connection_free(evhtp_connection_t * connection);
void evhtp_request_free(evhtp_request_t * request);
* @brief set a max body size to accept for an incoming request, this will
* default to unlimited.
* @param htp
* @param len
void evhtp_set_max_body_size(evhtp_t * htp, uint64_t len);
* @brief set a max body size for a specific connection, this will default to
* the size set by evhtp_set_max_body_size
* @param conn
* @param len
void evhtp_connection_set_max_body_size(evhtp_connection_t * conn, uint64_t len);
* @brief just calls evhtp_connection_set_max_body_size for the request.
* @param request
* @param len
void evhtp_request_set_max_body_size(evhtp_request_t * request, uint64_t len);
* @brief sets a maximum number of requests that a single connection can make.
* @param htp
* @param num
void evhtp_set_max_keepalive_requests(evhtp_t * htp, uint64_t num);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __EVHTP__H__ */