blob: 20c770ab29077181534fdb4b5dec1e9e2b576ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Part 1
class Parent {
int value;
Parent(int val);
Parent(Parent *p, Parent *q); // overload constructor
int getVal() { return value; }; // inline should work just fine here, unlike Way 1 before
void mulVal(int mul);
void parentFunc() {}
const Parent *getAsConst() { return NULL; }
void *voidStar(void *something) { return something; }
bool getBoolean() { return true; }
int attr;
const int immutableAttr;
class Child1 : public Parent {
Child1() : Parent(7) { printf("Child1:%d\n", value); };
Child1(int val) : Parent(val*2) { value -= 1; printf("Child1:%d\n", value); };
int getValSqr() { return value*value; }
int getValSqr(int more) { return value*value*more; }
int getValTimes(int times=1) { return value*times; }
void parentFunc(int x) { printf("Child1::parentFunc(%d)\n", x); }
// Child2 has vtable, parent does not. Checks we cast child->parent properly - (Parent*)child is not a no-op, must offset
class Child2 : public Parent {
Child2() : Parent(9) { printf("Child2:%d\n", value); };
int getValCube() { return value*value*value; }
static void printStatic() { printf("*static*\n"); }
virtual void virtualFunc() { printf("*virtualf*\n"); }
virtual void virtualFunc2() { printf("*virtualf2*\n"); }
static void runVirtualFunc(Child2 *self) { self->virtualFunc(); };
virtual void virtualFunc3(int x) { printf("*virtualf3: %d*\n", x); }
virtual void virtualFunc4(int x) { printf("*virtualf4: %d*\n", x); }
static void runVirtualFunc3(Child2 *self, int x) { self->virtualFunc3(x); }
void doSomethingSecret() { printf("security breached!\n"); }; // we should not be able to do this
// We test compilation here: abstract base classes must be handled properly,
// and in particular the const property may matter (if not overridden as
// const, compilation will fail).
class VirtualBase {
virtual ~VirtualBase() {};
virtual void func() = 0;
virtual void constFunc() const = 0;
// Part 2
#include <string.h>
class StringUser {
char *s;
int i;
StringUser(const char *string="NO", int integer=99) : s(strdup(string)), i(integer) {}
~StringUser() { free(s); }
void Print(int anotherInteger, char *anotherString) {
printf("|%s|%d|%s|%d|\n", s, i, anotherString, anotherInteger);
void PrintFloat(float f) { printf("%.2f\n", f); }
const char* returnAString() { return "a returned string"; }
struct RefUser {
int value;
RefUser(int x = 77) : value(x) {}
int getValue(RefUser b) { return b.value; }
RefUser &getMe() { return *this; }
RefUser getCopy() { return RefUser(value*2); }
StringUser getAnother() { return StringUser("another", 5); }
struct VoidPointerUser {
void *ptr;
void *GetVoidPointer() { return ptr; }
void SetVoidPointer(void *p) { ptr = p; }
namespace Space {
struct Inner {
int value;
Inner() : value(1) {}
int get() { return 198; }
Inner& operator*=(float x) { return *this; }
int operator[](int x) { return x*2; }
void operator+=(const Inner& other) {
value += other.value;
printf("Inner::+= => %d\n", value);
enum AnEnum {
namespace EnumNamespace {
enum EnumInNamespace {
e_namespace_val = 78
class EnumClass {
enum EnumWithinClass {
e_val = 34
EnumWithinClass GetEnum() { return e_val; }
EnumNamespace::EnumInNamespace GetEnumFromNameSpace() { return EnumNamespace::e_namespace_val; }
class TypeTestClass {
char ReturnCharMethod() { return (2<<6)-1; }
void AcceptCharMethod(char x) { printf("char: %d\n", x); }
unsigned char ReturnUnsignedCharMethod() { return (2<<7)-1; }
void AcceptUnsignedCharMethod(unsigned char x) { printf("unsigned char: %u\n", x); }
unsigned short int ReturnUnsignedShortMethod() { return (2<<15)-1; }
void AcceptUnsignedShortMethod(unsigned short x) { printf("unsigned short int: %u\n", x); }
unsigned long ReturnUnsignedLongMethod() { return 0xffffffff; }
void AcceptUnsignedLongMethod(unsigned long x) { printf("unsigned long int: %lu\n", x); }
struct StructInArray {
StructInArray() : attr1(0), attr2(0) {}
StructInArray(int _attr1, int _attr2) : attr1(_attr1), attr2(_attr2) {}
int attr1;
int attr2;
class ArrayClass {
ArrayClass() {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int_array[i] = i;
struct_array[i] = StructInArray(i, -i);
struct_ptr_array[i] = NULL;
int int_array[8];
StructInArray struct_array[8];
StructInArray* struct_ptr_array[8];
struct ReceiveArrays {
void giveMeArrays(float* vertices, int* triangles, int num) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
printf("%d : %.2f\n", triangles[i], vertices[i]);
struct StoreArray {
StoreArray() : int_array(NULL) {}
void setArray(const int *array) {
int_array = array;
int getArrayValue(int index) const {
return int_array[index];
const int* int_array;