blob: f38a55dc3bf08d729aab53225acb1f6541497c36 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A small wrapper script around the core JS compiler. This calls that
compiler with the settings given to it. It can also read data from C/C++
header files (so that the JS compiler can see the constants in those
headers, for the libc implementation in JS).
import difflib
import os
import json
import subprocess
import re
import time
import logging
import shutil
import pprint
from collections import OrderedDict
from tools import shared
from tools import gen_struct_info
from tools import jsrun
from tools.response_file import substitute_response_files
from tools.shared import WINDOWS, asstr, path_from_root, exit_with_error
from tools.toolchain_profiler import ToolchainProfiler
from tools.minified_js_name_generator import MinifiedJsNameGenerator
logger = logging.getLogger('emscripten')
STDERR_FILE = os.environ.get('EMCC_STDERR_FILE')
STDERR_FILE = os.path.abspath(STDERR_FILE)'logging stderr in js compiler phase into %s' % STDERR_FILE)
def get_configuration():
if hasattr(get_configuration, 'configuration'):
return get_configuration.configuration
configuration = shared.Configuration(environ=os.environ)
get_configuration.configuration = configuration
return configuration
def quote(prop):
if shared.Settings.USE_CLOSURE_COMPILER == 2:
return ''.join(["'" + p + "'" for p in prop.split('.')])
return prop
def access_quote(prop):
if shared.Settings.USE_CLOSURE_COMPILER == 2:
return ''.join(["['" + p + "']" for p in prop.split('.')])
return '.' + prop
def emscript(infile, outfile, memfile, libraries, compiler_engine, temp_files,
"""Runs the emscripten LLVM-to-JS compiler.
infile: The path to the input LLVM assembly file.
outfile: An open file object where the output is written.
assert shared.Settings.ASM_JS, 'fastcomp is asm.js-only (mode 1 or 2)'
success = False
# Overview:
# * Run LLVM backend to emit JS. JS includes function bodies, memory initializer,
# and various metadata
# * Run compiler.js on the metadata to emit the shell js code, pre/post-ambles,
# JS library dependencies, etc.
# metadata is modified by reference in some of the below
# these functions are split up to force variables to go out of scope and allow
# memory to be reclaimed
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('get_and_parse_backend'):
backend_output = compile_js(infile, temp_files, DEBUG)
funcs, metadata, mem_init = parse_backend_output(backend_output, DEBUG)
funcs = fixup_functions(funcs, metadata)
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('compiler_glue'):
glue, forwarded_data = compiler_glue(metadata, libraries, compiler_engine, temp_files, DEBUG)
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('function_tables_and_exports'):
(post, function_table_data, bundled_args) = (
function_tables_and_exports(funcs, metadata, mem_init, glue, forwarded_data, outfile, DEBUG))
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('write_output_file'):
finalize_output(outfile, post, function_table_data, bundled_args, metadata, DEBUG)
success = True
if not success:
shared.try_delete( # remove partial output
def compile_js(infile, temp_files, DEBUG):
"""Compile infile with asm.js backend, return the contents of the compiled js"""
with temp_files.get_file('.4.js') as temp_js:
backend_args = create_backend_args(infile, temp_js)
logger.debug('emscript: llvm backend: ' + ' '.join(backend_args))
t = time.time()
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('emscript_llvm_backend'):
jsrun.timeout_run(subprocess.Popen(backend_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True), note_args=backend_args)
logger.debug(' emscript: llvm backend took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
# Split up output
backend_output = open(temp_js).read()
# if DEBUG:
# print >> sys.stderr, backend_output
return backend_output
def parse_backend_output(backend_output, DEBUG):
start_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCTIONS'
end_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCTIONS'
metadata_split_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_METADATA'
start_funcs = backend_output.index(start_funcs_marker)
end_funcs = backend_output.rindex(end_funcs_marker)
metadata_split = backend_output.rindex(metadata_split_marker)
funcs = backend_output[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
metadata_raw = backend_output[metadata_split + len(metadata_split_marker):]
mem_init = backend_output[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):metadata_split]
# we no longer use the "Runtime" object. TODO: stop emiting it in the backend
mem_init = mem_init.replace('Runtime.', '')
metadata = json.loads(metadata_raw, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
logger.error('emscript: failure to parse metadata output from compiler backend. raw output is: \n' + metadata_raw)
if 'externUses' not in metadata:
exit_with_error('Your fastcomp compiler is out of date, please update! (need >= 1.38.26)')
# JS optimizer turns some heap accesses to others as an optimization, so make HEAP8 imply HEAPU8, HEAP16->HEAPU16, and HEAPF64->HEAPF32.
if 'Int8Array' in metadata['externUses']:
metadata['externUses'] += ['Uint8Array']
if 'Int16Array' in metadata['externUses']:
metadata['externUses'] += ['Uint16Array']
if 'Float64Array' in metadata['externUses']:
metadata['externUses'] += ['Float32Array']
# If we are generating references to Math.fround() from here in, declare it used as well.
if provide_fround() or metadata['simd']:
metadata['externUses'] += ['Math.fround']
# functions marked llvm.used in the code are exports requested by the user
shared.Building.user_requested_exports += metadata['exports']
return funcs, metadata, mem_init
def fixup_metadata_tables(metadata):
# if emulating pointer casts, force all tables to the size of the largest
# (for wasm, we use binaryen's fpcast-emu pass, we don't need to do anything
# here)
if shared.Settings.EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS and not shared.Settings.WASM:
max_size = 0
for k, v in metadata['tables'].items():
max_size = max(max_size, v.count(',') + 1)
for k, v in metadata['tables'].items():
curr = v.count(',') + 1
if curr < max_size:
if v.count('[]') == 1:
metadata['tables'][k] = v.replace(']', (','.join(['0'] * (max_size - curr)) + ']'))
metadata['tables'][k] = v.replace(']', (',0' * (max_size - curr)) + ']')
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
for k in metadata['tables'].keys():
metadata['tables'][k] = metadata['tables'][k].replace('var FUNCTION_TABLE_', 'var SIDE_FUNCTION_TABLE_')
def fixup_functions(funcs, metadata):
# function table masks
table_sizes = {}
for k, v in metadata['tables'].items():
# undercounts by one, but that is what we want
table_sizes[k] = str(v.count(','))
# if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS >= 2 and table_sizes[k] == 0:
# logger.warning('no function pointers with signature ' + k + ', but there is a call, which will abort if it occurs (this can result from undefined behavior, check for compiler warnings on your source files and consider -Werror)'
funcs = re.sub(r"#FM_(\w+)#", lambda m: table_sizes[m.groups(0)[0]], funcs)
# fix +float into float.0, if not running js opts
if not shared.Settings.RUNNING_JS_OPTS:
def fix_dot_zero(m):
num =
# TODO: handle 0x floats?
if num.find('.') < 0:
e = num.find('e')
if e < 0:
num += '.0'
num = num[:e] + '.0' + num[e:]
return + + num
funcs = re.sub(r'([(=,+\-*/%<>:?] *)\+(-?)((0x)?[0-9a-f]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)', fix_dot_zero, funcs)
return funcs
def compiler_glue(metadata, libraries, compiler_engine, temp_files, DEBUG):
logger.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')
t = time.time()
# FIXME: do these one by one as normal js lib funcs
metadata['declares'] = [i64_func for i64_func in metadata['declares'] if i64_func not in ['getHigh32', 'setHigh32']]
optimize_syscalls(metadata['declares'], DEBUG)
assert not (metadata['simd'] and shared.Settings.WASM), 'SIMD is used, but not supported in WASM mode yet'
assert not (shared.Settings.SIMD and shared.Settings.WASM), 'SIMD is requested, but not supported in WASM mode yet'
glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(compiler_engine, libraries, temp_files)
logger.debug(' emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
return glue, forwarded_data
def analyze_table(function_table_data):
def table_size(table):
table_contents = table[table.index('[') + 1: table.index(']')]
if len(table_contents) == 0: # empty table
return 0
return table_contents.count(',') + 1
# note that this is a minimal estimate, as when asm2wasm lays out tables it adds padding
table_total_size = sum(table_size(s) for s in function_table_data.values())
shared.Settings.WASM_TABLE_SIZE = table_total_size
# Extracts from JS library code dependencies to runtime primitives.
def get_asm_extern_primitives(pre):
primitives ='\/\/ ASM_LIBRARY EXTERN PRIMITIVES: ([^\n]*)', pre)
if primitives:
return [x.strip().replace('Math_', 'Math.') for x in',')]
return []
def function_tables_and_exports(funcs, metadata, mem_init, glue, forwarded_data, outfile, DEBUG):
logger.debug('emscript: python processing: function tables and exports')
t = time.time()
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
# merge in information from llvm backend
function_table_data = metadata['tables']
if shared.Settings.WASM:
# merge forwarded data
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']
pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')
pre = apply_script_source(pre)
asm_extern_primitives = get_asm_extern_primitives(pre)
metadata['externUses'] += asm_extern_primitives
pre = memory_and_global_initializers(pre, metadata, mem_init)
pre, funcs_js = get_js_funcs(pre, funcs)
all_exported_functions = get_all_exported_functions(function_table_data)
all_implemented = get_all_implemented(forwarded_json, metadata)
check_all_implemented(all_implemented, pre)
implemented_functions = get_implemented_functions(metadata)
pre = include_asm_consts(pre, forwarded_json, metadata)
pre = apply_table(pre)
pre = None
# Move preAsms to their right place
def move_preasm(m):
contents = m.groups(0)[0]
outfile.write(contents + '\n')
return ''
if not shared.Settings.BOOTSTRAPPING_STRUCT_INFO and len(funcs_js) > 1:
funcs_js[1] = re.sub(r'/\* PRE_ASM \*/(.*)\n', move_preasm, funcs_js[1])
if 'pre' in function_table_data:
pre_tables = function_table_data['pre']
del function_table_data['pre']
pre_tables = ''
function_table_sigs = list(function_table_data.keys())
in_table, debug_tables, function_tables_defs = make_function_tables_defs(
implemented_functions, all_implemented, function_table_data, metadata)
exported_implemented_functions = get_exported_implemented_functions(
all_exported_functions, all_implemented, metadata)
# List of function signatures of used 'invoke_xxx()' functions in the application
# For backwards compatibility if one might be using a mismatching Emscripten compiler version, if 'invokeFuncs' is not present in metadata,
# use the full list of signatures in function table and generate invoke_() functions for all signatures in the program (producing excessive code size)
# we must also emit the full list if we are emitting code that can be linked later
if 'invokeFuncs' in metadata and not shared.Settings.LINKABLE:
invoke_function_names = metadata['invokeFuncs']
invoke_function_names = ['invoke_' + x for x in function_table_sigs]
asm_setup = create_asm_setup(debug_tables, function_table_data, invoke_function_names, metadata)
basic_funcs = create_basic_funcs(function_table_sigs, invoke_function_names)
basic_vars = create_basic_vars(exported_implemented_functions, forwarded_json, metadata)
funcs_js += create_mftCall_funcs(function_table_data)
exports = create_exports(exported_implemented_functions, in_table, function_table_data, metadata)
# calculate globals
del forwarded_json['Variables']['globals']['_llvm_global_ctors'] # not a true variable
if not shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
global_vars = metadata['externs']
global_vars = [] # linkable code accesses globals through function calls
global_funcs = set(key for key, value in forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'].items() if value != 2)
global_funcs = sorted(global_funcs.difference(set(global_vars)).difference(implemented_functions))
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
global_funcs += ['g$' + extern for extern in metadata['externs']]
# Tracks the set of used (minified) function names in
# JS symbols imported to asm.js module.
minified_js_names = MinifiedJsNameGenerator()
# Converts list of imports ['foo', 'bar', ...] to a dictionary of
# name mappings in form { 'minified': 'unminified', ... }
def define_asmjs_import_names(imports):
return [(minified_js_names.generate(), i) for i in imports]
return [(i, i) for i in imports]
basic_funcs = define_asmjs_import_names(basic_funcs)
global_funcs = define_asmjs_import_names(global_funcs)
basic_vars = define_asmjs_import_names(basic_vars)
global_vars = define_asmjs_import_names(global_vars)
bg_funcs = basic_funcs + global_funcs
bg_vars = basic_vars + global_vars
asm_global_funcs = create_asm_global_funcs(bg_funcs, metadata)
asm_global_vars = create_asm_global_vars(bg_vars)
the_global = create_the_global(metadata)
sending_vars = bg_funcs + bg_vars
sending = '{ ' + ', '.join(['"' + math_fix(minified) + '": ' + unminified for (minified, unminified) in sending_vars]) + ' }'
receiving = create_receiving(function_table_data, function_tables_defs,
exported_implemented_functions, metadata['initializers'])
post = apply_table(post)
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# Generate invocations for all global initializers directly off the asm export object, e.g. asm['__GLOBAL__INIT']();
post = post.replace('/*** RUN_GLOBAL_INITIALIZERS(); ***/', '\n'.join(["asm['" + x + "']();" for x in global_initializer_funcs(metadata['initializers'])]))
if shared.Settings.WASM:
# Declare all exports out to global JS scope so that JS library functions can access them in a way that minifies well with Closure
# e.g. var a,b,c,d,e,f;
post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS_DECLARES ***/', 'var ' + ','.join(shared.Settings.MODULE_EXPORTS) + ';')
# Generate assignments from all asm.js/wasm exports out to the JS variables above: e.g. a = asm['a']; b = asm['b'];
post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS ***/', receiving)
receiving = ''
function_tables_impls = make_function_tables_impls(function_table_data)
final_function_tables = '\n'.join(function_tables_impls) + '\n' + function_tables_defs
final_function_tables = (
.replace("asm['", '')
.replace("']", '')
.replace('var dynCall_', '//')
logger.debug('asm text sizes' + str([
[len(s) for s in funcs_js], len(asm_setup), len(asm_global_vars), len(asm_global_funcs), len(pre_tables),
len('\n'.join(function_tables_impls)), len(function_tables_defs) + (function_tables_defs.count('\n') * len(' ')),
len(exports), len(the_global), len(sending), len(receiving)]))
logger.debug(' emscript: python processing: function tables and exports took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
bundled_args = (funcs_js, asm_setup, the_global, sending, receiving, asm_global_vars,
asm_global_funcs, pre_tables, final_function_tables, exports)
return (post, function_table_data, bundled_args)
def finalize_output(outfile, post, function_table_data, bundled_args, metadata, DEBUG):
function_table_sigs = function_table_data.keys()
module = create_module_asmjs(function_table_sigs, metadata, *bundled_args)
logger.debug('emscript: python processing: finalize')
t = time.time()
write_output_file(outfile, post, module)
module = None
logger.debug(' emscript: python processing: finalize took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
write_cyberdwarf_data(outfile, metadata)
# Given JS code that consists only exactly of a series of "var a = ...;\n var b = ...;" statements,
# this function collapses the redundant 'var ' statements at the beginning of each line to a
# single var a =..., b=..., c=...; statement.
def collapse_redundant_vars(code):
if shared.Settings.WASM:
return code # Skip if targeting Wasm, this does not matter there
old_code = ''
while code != old_code: # Repeated vars overlap, so can't run in one regex pass. Runs in O(log(N)) time
old_code = code
code = re.sub('(var [^;]*);\s*var ', r'\1,\n ', code)
return code
def global_initializer_funcs(initializers):
# If we have at most one global ctor, no need to group global initializers.
# Also in EVAL_CTORS mode, we want to try to evaluate the individual ctor functions, so in that mode,
# do not group ctors into one.
return ['globalCtors'] if (len(initializers) > 1 and not shared.Settings.EVAL_CTORS) else initializers
# Each .cpp file with global constructors generates a __GLOBAL__init() function that needs to be
# called to construct the global objects in that compilation unit. This function groups all these
# global initializer functions together into a single globalCtors() function that lives inside the
# asm.js/wasm module, and gets exported out to JS scope to be called at the startup of the application.
def create_global_initializer(initializers):
# If we have no global ctors, don't even generate a dummy empty function to save code space
# Also in EVAL_CTORS mode, we want to try to evaluate the individual ctor functions, so in that mode,
# we do not group ctors into one.
if 'globalCtors' not in global_initializer_funcs(initializers):
return ''
global_initializer = ''' function globalCtors() {
}''' % '\n '.join(i + '();' for i in initializers)
return global_initializer
def create_module_asmjs(function_table_sigs, metadata,
funcs_js, asm_setup, the_global, sending, receiving, asm_global_vars,
asm_global_funcs, pre_tables, final_function_tables, exports):
receiving += create_named_globals(metadata)
runtime_funcs = create_runtime_funcs_asmjs(exports)
asm_start_pre = create_asm_start_pre(asm_setup, the_global, sending, metadata)
memory_views = create_memory_views(metadata)
asm_temp_vars = create_asm_temp_vars(metadata)
asm_runtime_thread_local_vars = create_asm_runtime_thread_local_vars()
stack = ''
if not (shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE):
if 'STACKTOP' in shared.Settings.ASM_PRIMITIVE_VARS:
stack += apply_memory(' var STACKTOP = {{{ STACK_BASE }}};\n')
if 'STACK_MAX' in shared.Settings.ASM_PRIMITIVE_VARS:
stack += apply_memory(' var STACK_MAX = {{{ STACK_MAX }}};\n')
if 'tempFloat' in shared.Settings.ASM_PRIMITIVE_VARS:
temp_float = ' var tempFloat = %s;\n' % ('Math_fround(0)' if provide_fround() else '0.0')
temp_float = ''
async_state = ' var asyncState = 0;\n' if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC else ''
f0_fround = ' const f0 = Math_fround(0);\n' if provide_fround() else ''
replace_memory = create_replace_memory(metadata)
start_funcs_marker = '\n// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS\n'
asm_end = create_asm_end(exports)
asm_variables = collapse_redundant_vars(memory_views + asm_global_vars + asm_temp_vars + asm_runtime_thread_local_vars + '\n' + asm_global_funcs + stack + temp_float + async_state + f0_fround)
asm_global_initializer = create_global_initializer(metadata['initializers'])
module = [
] + runtime_funcs + funcs_js + [
'\n ',
pre_tables, final_function_tables, asm_end,
'\n', receiving, ';\n'
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
parentModule['registerFunctions'](%s, Module);
''' % str([str(f) for f in function_table_sigs]))
return module
def write_output_file(outfile, post, module):
for i in range(len(module)): # do this loop carefully to save memory
module[i] = normalize_line_endings(module[i])
post = normalize_line_endings(post)
def write_cyberdwarf_data(outfile, metadata):
if not shared.Settings.CYBERDWARF:
assert('cyberdwarf_data' in metadata)
cd_file_name = + ".cd"
with open(cd_file_name, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'cyberdwarf': metadata['cyberdwarf_data']}, f)
def create_backend_args(infile, temp_js):
"""Create args for asm.js backend from settings dict"""
args = [
shared.LLVM_COMPILER, infile, '-march=js', '-filetype=asm', '-o', temp_js,
'-emscripten-stack-size=%d' % shared.Settings.TOTAL_STACK,
'-O%s' % shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL,
if shared.Settings.PRECISE_F32:
args += ['-emscripten-precise-f32']
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
args += ['-emscripten-enable-pthreads']
if shared.Settings.WARN_UNALIGNED:
args += ['-emscripten-warn-unaligned']
if shared.Settings.RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS > 0:
args += ['-emscripten-reserved-function-pointers=%d' % shared.Settings.RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS]
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS > 0:
args += ['-emscripten-assertions=%d' % shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS]
if shared.Settings.ALIASING_FUNCTION_POINTERS == 0:
args += ['-emscripten-no-aliasing-function-pointers']
args += ['-emscripten-emulated-function-pointers']
args += ['-emscripten-emulate-function-pointer-casts']
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
args += ['-emscripten-relocatable']
args += ['-emscripten-global-base=0']
elif shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE >= 0:
args += ['-emscripten-global-base=%d' % shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE]
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
args += ['-emscripten-side-module']
if shared.Settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI != 1:
args += ['-emscripten-legalize-javascript-ffi=0']
if shared.Settings.DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING != 1:
args += ['-enable-emscripten-cpp-exceptions']
if shared.Settings.DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING == 2:
args += ['-emscripten-cpp-exceptions-whitelist=' + ','.join(shared.Settings.EXCEPTION_CATCHING_WHITELIST or ['fake'])]
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
args += ['-emscripten-asyncify']
args += ['-emscripten-asyncify-functions=' + ','.join(shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_FUNCTIONS)]
args += ['-emscripten-asyncify-whitelist=' + ','.join(shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_WHITELIST)]
if not shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME:
args += ['-emscripten-no-exit-runtime']
args += ['-emscripten-asmjs-work-around-ios-9-right-shift-bug']
if shared.Settings.WASM:
args += ['-emscripten-wasm']
if shared.Building.is_wasm_only():
args += ['-emscripten-only-wasm']
if shared.Settings.CYBERDWARF:
args += ['-enable-cyberdwarf']
return args
def optimize_syscalls(declares, DEBUG):
"""Disables filesystem if only a limited subset of syscalls is used.
Our syscalls are static, and so if we see a very limited set of them - in particular,
no open() syscall and just simple writing - then we don't need full filesystem support.
If FORCE_FILESYSTEM is set, we can't do this. We also don't do it if INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY, since
not including the filesystem would mean not including the full JS libraries, and the same for
MAIN_MODULE since a side module might need the filesystem.
if any(shared.Settings[s] for s in relevant_settings):
syscall_prefix = '__syscall'
syscall_numbers = [d[len(syscall_prefix):] for d in declares if d.startswith(syscall_prefix)]
syscalls = [int(s) for s in syscall_numbers if is_int(s)]
if set(syscalls).issubset(set([6, 54, 140, 146])): # close, ioctl, llseek, writev
logger.debug('very limited syscalls (%s) so disabling full filesystem support', ', '.join(str(s) for s in syscalls))
shared.Settings.FILESYSTEM = 0
def is_int(x):
return True
return False
def align_memory(addr):
return (addr + 15) & -16
def align_static_bump(metadata):
metadata['staticBump'] = align_memory(metadata['staticBump'])
return metadata['staticBump']
def update_settings_glue(metadata):
if shared.Settings.CYBERDWARF:
# Integrate info from backend
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
# we don't need any JS library contents in side modules
if metadata.get('cantValidate') and shared.Settings.ASM_JS != 2:
logger.warning('disabling asm.js validation due to use of non-supported features: ' + metadata['cantValidate'])
shared.Settings.ASM_JS = 2
all_funcs = shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE + [shared.JS.to_nice_ident(d) for d in metadata['declares']]
implemented_funcs = [x[1:] for x in metadata['implementedFunctions']]
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE = sorted(set(all_funcs).difference(implemented_funcs))
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += [x[1:] for x in metadata['externs']]
if metadata['simd']:
shared.Settings.SIMD = 1
if shared.Settings.ASM_JS != 2:
logger.warning('disabling asm.js validation due to use of SIMD')
shared.Settings.ASM_JS = 2
shared.Settings.MAX_GLOBAL_ALIGN = metadata['maxGlobalAlign']
shared.Settings.IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS = metadata['implementedFunctions']
# addFunction support for Wasm backend
if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND and shared.Settings.RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS > 0:
start_index = metadata['jsCallStartIndex']
# e.g. jsCallFunctionType ['v', 'ii'] -> sig2order{'v': 0, 'ii': 1}
sig2order = {sig: i for i, sig in enumerate(metadata['jsCallFuncType'])}
# Index in the Wasm function table in which jsCall thunk function starts
shared.Settings.JSCALL_START_INDEX = start_index
shared.Settings.JSCALL_SIG_ORDER = sig2order
# Extract the list of function signatures that MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM blocks in
# the compiled code have, each signature will need a proxy function invoker
# generated for it.
def read_proxied_function_signatures(asmConsts):
proxied_function_signatures = set()
for _, sigs, proxying_types in asmConsts.values():
for sig, proxying_type in zip(sigs, proxying_types):
if proxying_type == 'sync_on_main_thread_':
proxied_function_signatures.add(sig + '_sync')
elif proxying_type == 'async_on_main_thread_':
proxied_function_signatures.add(sig + '_async')
return list(proxied_function_signatures)
# Proxying EM_ASM calls is not yet implemented in Wasm backend
if not shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
shared.Settings.PROXIED_FUNCTION_SIGNATURES = read_proxied_function_signatures(metadata['asmConsts'])
shared.Settings.STATIC_BUMP = align_static_bump(metadata)
if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
shared.Settings.WASM_TABLE_SIZE = metadata['tableSize']
def apply_forwarded_data(forwarded_data):
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
# Be aware of JS static allocations
shared.Settings.STATIC_BUMP = forwarded_json['STATIC_BUMP']
def compile_settings(compiler_engine, libraries, temp_files):
# Save settings to a file to work around v8 issue 1579
with temp_files.get_file('.txt') as settings_file:
with open(settings_file, 'w') as s:
json.dump(shared.Settings.to_dict(), s, sort_keys=True)
# Call js compiler
env = os.environ.copy()
env['EMCC_BUILD_DIR'] = os.getcwd()
out = jsrun.run_js_tool(path_from_root('src', 'compiler.js'), compiler_engine,
[settings_file] + libraries, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=STDERR_FILE,
cwd=path_from_root('src'), env=env)
assert '//FORWARDED_DATA:' in out, 'Did not receive forwarded data in pre output - process failed?'
glue, forwarded_data = out.split('//FORWARDED_DATA:')
return glue, forwarded_data
class Memory():
def __init__(self):
# Note: if RELOCATABLE, then only relative sizes can be computed, and we don't
# actually write out any absolute memory locations ({{{ STACK_BASE }}}
# does not exist, etc.)
# Memory layout:
# * first the static globals
self.global_base = shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE
self.static_bump = shared.Settings.STATIC_BUMP
# * then the stack (up on fastcomp, down on upstream)
self.stack_low = align_memory(self.global_base + self.static_bump)
self.stack_high = align_memory(self.stack_low + shared.Settings.TOTAL_STACK)
if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
self.stack_base = self.stack_high
self.stack_max = self.stack_low
self.stack_base = self.stack_low
self.stack_max = self.stack_high
# * then dynamic memory begins
self.dynamic_base = align_memory(self.stack_high)
def apply_memory(js):
# Apply the statically-at-compile-time computed memory locations.
memory = Memory()
# Write it all out
js = js.replace('{{{ STATIC_BUMP }}}', str(memory.static_bump))
js = js.replace('{{{ STACK_BASE }}}', str(memory.stack_base))
js = js.replace('{{{ STACK_MAX }}}', str(memory.stack_max))
js = js.replace('{{{ DYNAMIC_BASE }}}', str(memory.dynamic_base))
logger.debug('global_base: %d stack_base: %d, stack_max: %d, dynamic_base: %d, static bump: %d', memory.global_base, memory.stack_base, memory.stack_max, memory.dynamic_base, memory.static_bump)
return js
def apply_table(js):
js = js.replace('{{{ WASM_TABLE_SIZE }}}', str(shared.Settings.WASM_TABLE_SIZE))
return js
def apply_script_source(js):
js = js.replace('{{{ TARGET_BASENAME }}}', shared.Settings.TARGET_BASENAME)
return js
def memory_and_global_initializers(pre, metadata, mem_init):
if shared.Settings.SIMD == 1:
pre = open(path_from_root(os.path.join('src', 'ecmascript_simd.js'))).read() + '\n\n' + pre
staticbump = shared.Settings.STATIC_BUMP
pthread = ''
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
pthread = 'if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD)'
global_initializers = ''
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In traditional runtime, global initializers are pushed to the __ATINIT__ array to be processed when runtime is loaded
# In MINIMAL_RUNTIME global initializers are invoked directly off of the asm[''] export object, so this does not apply.
global_initializers = global_initializer_funcs(metadata['initializers'])
if len(global_initializers) > 0:
global_initializers = ', '.join('{ func: function() { %s() } }' % i for i in global_initializers)
global_initializers = '/* global initializers */ {pthread} __ATINIT__.push({global_initializers});'.format(pthread=pthread, global_initializers=global_initializers)
global_initializers = '/* global initializers */ /*__ATINIT__.push();*/'
pre = pre.replace('STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + 0;', '''\
STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + {staticbump};
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
pre = pre.replace('GLOBAL_BASE', 'gb')
pre = apply_memory(pre)
return pre
def get_js_funcs(pre, funcs):
funcs_js = [funcs]
parts = pre.split('// ASM_LIBRARY FUNCTIONS\n')
if len(parts) > 1:
pre = parts[0]
return pre, funcs_js
def get_all_exported_functions(function_table_data):
# both asm.js and otherwise
all_exported_functions = set(shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS)
# additional functions to export from asm, if they are implemented
for additional_export in shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE:
all_exported_functions.add('_' + additional_export)
if shared.Settings.EXPORT_FUNCTION_TABLES:
for table in function_table_data.values():
for func in table.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(','):
if func[0] == '_':
return all_exported_functions
def get_all_implemented(forwarded_json, metadata):
return metadata['implementedFunctions'] + list(forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions'].keys()) # XXX perf?
def check_all_implemented(all_implemented, pre):
for requested in shared.Settings.ORIGINAL_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS:
if not is_already_implemented(requested, pre, all_implemented):
# could be a js library func
exit_with_error('undefined exported function: "%s"', requested)
elif shared.Settings.WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS:
logger.warning('undefined exported function: "%s"', requested)
def is_already_implemented(requested, pre, all_implemented):
is_implemented = requested in all_implemented
# special-case malloc, EXPORTED by default for internal use, but we bake in a
# trivial allocator and warn at runtime if used in ASSERTIONS
is_exception = requested == '_malloc'
in_pre = ('function ' + asstr(requested)) in pre
return is_implemented or is_exception or in_pre
def get_exported_implemented_functions(all_exported_functions, all_implemented, metadata):
funcs = set(metadata['exports'])
export_bindings = shared.Settings.EXPORT_BINDINGS
export_all = shared.Settings.EXPORT_ALL
for key in all_implemented:
if key in all_exported_functions or export_all or (export_bindings and key.startswith('_emscripten_bind')):
funcs = list(funcs) + global_initializer_funcs(metadata['initializers'])
if not shared.Settings.ONLY_MY_CODE:
if shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH:
if not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE and not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
funcs += ['stackAlloc', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'establishStackSpace']
if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY:
funcs += ['emterpret']
if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC:
funcs += ['setAsyncState', 'emtStackSave', 'emtStackRestore', 'getEmtStackMax', 'setEmtStackMax']
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY and need_asyncify(funcs):
funcs += ['setAsync']
return sorted(set(funcs))
def get_implemented_functions(metadata):
return set(metadata['implementedFunctions'])
def proxy_debug_print(sync):
if shared.Settings.PTHREADS_DEBUG:
if sync:
return 'warnOnce("sync proxying function " + code);'
return 'warnOnce("async proxying function " + code);'
return ''
def include_asm_consts(pre, forwarded_json, metadata):
if shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
if metadata['asmConsts']:
exit_with_error('EM_ASM is not yet supported in shared wasm module (it cannot be stored in the wasm itself, need some solution)')
asm_consts, all_sigs = all_asm_consts(metadata)
asm_const_funcs = []
for sig, call_type in all_sigs:
if 'j' in sig:
exit_with_error('emscript: EM_ASM should not receive i64s as inputs, they are not valid in JS')
if '_emscripten_asm_const_' + call_type + sig in forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions']:
continue # Only one invoker needs to be emitted for each ASM_CONST (signature x call_type) item
forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions']['_emscripten_asm_const_' + call_type + sig] = 1
args = ['a%d' % i for i in range(len(sig) - 1)]
all_args = ['code'] + args
pre_asm_const = ''
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
sync_proxy = call_type == 'sync_on_main_thread_'
async_proxy = call_type == 'async_on_main_thread_'
proxied = sync_proxy or async_proxy
if proxied:
# In proxied function calls, positive integers 1, 2, 3, ... denote pointers
# to regular C compiled functions. Negative integers -1, -2, -3, ... denote
# indices to EM_ASM() blocks, so remap the EM_ASM() indices from 0, 1, 2,
# ... over to the negative integers starting at -1.
proxy_args = ['-1 - code', str(int(sync_proxy))] + args
pre_asm_const += ' if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { ' + proxy_debug_print(sync_proxy) + 'return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(' + ', '.join(proxy_args) + '); }\n'
if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC and shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
# we cannot have an EM_ASM on the stack when saving/loading
pre_asm_const += " assert(typeof EmterpreterAsync !== 'object' || EmterpreterAsync.state !== 2, 'cannot have an EM_ASM on the stack when emterpreter pauses/resumes - the JS is not emterpreted, so we would end up running it again from the start');\n"
function _emscripten_asm_const_%s(%s) {
%s return ASM_CONSTS[code](%s);
}''' % (call_type + asstr(sig), ', '.join(all_args), pre_asm_const, ', '.join(args)))
asm_consts_text = '\nvar ASM_CONSTS = [' + ',\n '.join(asm_consts) + '];\n'
asm_funcs_text = '\n'.join(asm_const_funcs) + '\n'
em_js_funcs = create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata)
em_js_text = '\n'.join(em_js_funcs) + '\n'
body_marker = '// === Body ==='
return pre.replace(body_marker, body_marker + '\n' + asm_consts_text + asstr(asm_funcs_text) + em_js_text)
# Test if the parentheses at body[openIdx] and body[closeIdx] are a match to
# each other.
def parentheses_match(body, openIdx, closeIdx):
if closeIdx < 0:
closeIdx += len(body)
count = 1
for i in range(openIdx + 1, closeIdx + 1):
if body[i] == body[openIdx]:
count += 1
elif body[i] == body[closeIdx]:
count -= 1
if count <= 0:
return i == closeIdx
return False
def trim_asm_const_body(body):
body = body.strip()
orig = None
while orig != body:
orig = body
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '"' and body[-1] == '"':
body = body[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"').strip()
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '{' and body[-1] == '}' and parentheses_match(body, 0, -1):
body = body[1:-1].strip()
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '(' and body[-1] == ')' and parentheses_match(body, 0, -1):
body = body[1:-1].strip()
return body
def all_asm_consts(metadata):
asm_consts = [0] * len(metadata['asmConsts'])
all_sigs = []
for k, v in metadata['asmConsts'].items():
const, sigs, call_types = v
const = asstr(const)
const = trim_asm_const_body(const)
const = '{ ' + const + ' }'
args = []
arity = max(len(s) for s in sigs) - 1
for i in range(arity):
args.append('$' + str(i))
const = 'function(' + ', '.join(args) + ') ' + const
asm_consts[int(k)] = const
assert(len(sigs) == len(call_types))
for sig, call_type in zip(sigs, call_types):
all_sigs.append((sig, call_type))
return asm_consts, all_sigs
def unfloat(s):
"""lower float to double for ffis"""
return 'd' if s == 'f' else s
def make_function_tables_defs(implemented_functions, all_implemented, function_table_data, metadata):
class Counter(object):
next_bad_item = 0
next_item = 0
pre = []
in_table = set()
debug_tables = {}
def make_params(sig):
return ','.join('p%d' % p for p in range(len(sig) - 1))
def make_coerced_params(sig):
return ','.join(shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d', unfloat(sig[p + 1])) % p for p in range(len(sig) - 1))
def make_coercions(sig):
return ';'.join('p%d = %s' % (p, shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % p, sig[p + 1])) for p in range(len(sig) - 1)) + ';'
# when emulating function pointer casts, we need to know what is the target of each pointer
if shared.Settings.EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS and not shared.Settings.WASM:
function_pointer_targets = {}
for sig, table in function_table_data.items():
start = table.index('[')
end = table.rindex(']')
body = table[start + 1:end].split(',')
for i, parsed in enumerate(x.strip() for x in body):
if parsed != '0':
assert i not in function_pointer_targets
function_pointer_targets[i] = [sig, str(parsed)]
def make_table(sig, raw):
if '[]' in raw:
return ('', '') # empty table
params = make_params(sig)
coerced_params = make_coerced_params(sig)
coercions = make_coercions(sig)
def make_bad(target=None):
i = Counter.next_bad_item
Counter.next_bad_item += 1
if target is None:
target = i
name = 'b' + str(i)
if not shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
if 'abort' in shared.Settings.RUNTIME_FUNCS_TO_IMPORT:
code = 'abort(%s);' % target
# Advanced use: developers is generating code that does not include the function 'abort()'. Generate invalid
# function pointers to be no-op passthroughs that silently continue execution.
code = '\n/*execution is supposed to abort here, but you did not include "abort" in RUNTIME_FUNCS_TO_IMPORT (to save code size?). Silently trucking through, enjoy :)*/\n'
code = 'nullFunc_' + sig + '(%d);' % target
if sig[0] != 'v':
code += 'return %s' % shared.JS.make_initializer(sig[0]) + ';'
return name, make_func(name, code, params, coercions)
bad, bad_func = make_bad() # the default bad func
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS <= 1:
Counter.pre = [bad_func]
Counter.pre = []
start = raw.index('[')
end = raw.rindex(']')
body = raw[start + 1:end].split(',')
def receive(item):
if item == '0':
return item
if item not in all_implemented:
# this is not implemented; it would normally be wrapped, but with emulation, we just use it directly outside
return item
return "asm['" + item + "']"
body = [receive(b) for b in body]
for j in range(shared.Settings.RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS):
curr = 'jsCall_%s_%s' % (sig, j)
body[1 + j] = curr
Counter.next_item = 0
def fix_item(item):
j = Counter.next_item
Counter.next_item += 1
newline = Counter.next_item % 30 == 29
if item == '0':
# emulate all non-null pointer calls, if asked to
if j > 0 and shared.Settings.EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS and not shared.Settings.WASM and j in function_pointer_targets:
proper_sig, proper_target = function_pointer_targets[j]
if proper_target in all_implemented:
proper_target = "asm['" + proper_target + "']"
def make_emulated_param(i):
if i >= len(sig):
return shared.JS.make_initializer(proper_sig[i]) # extra param, just send a zero
return shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % (i - 1), proper_sig[i], convert_from=sig[i])
proper_code = proper_target + '(' + ','.join([make_emulated_param(i + 1) for i in range(len(proper_sig) - 1)]) + ')'
if proper_sig[0] != 'v':
# proper sig has a return, which the wrapper may or may not use
proper_code = shared.JS.make_coercion(proper_code, proper_sig[0])
if proper_sig[0] != sig[0]:
# first coercion ensured we call the target ok; this one ensures we return the right type in the wrapper
proper_code = shared.JS.make_coercion(proper_code, sig[0], convert_from=proper_sig[0])
if sig[0] != 'v':
proper_code = 'return ' + proper_code
# proper sig has no return, we may need a fake return
if sig[0] != 'v':
proper_code = 'return ' + shared.JS.make_initializer(sig[0])
name = 'fpemu_%s_%d' % (sig, j)
wrapper = make_func(name, proper_code, params, coercions)
return name if not newline else (name + '\n')
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS <= 1:
return bad if not newline else (bad + '\n')
specific_bad, specific_bad_func = make_bad(j)
return specific_bad if not newline else (specific_bad + '\n')
clean_item = item.replace("asm['", '').replace("']", '')
# when emulating function pointers, we don't need wrappers
# but if relocating, then we also have the copies in-module, and do
# in wasm we never need wrappers though
if clean_item not in implemented_functions and not (shared.Settings.EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS and not shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE) and not shared.Settings.WASM:
# this is imported into asm, we must wrap it
call_ident = clean_item
if call_ident in metadata['redirects']:
call_ident = metadata['redirects'][call_ident]
if not call_ident.startswith('_') and not call_ident.startswith('Math_'):
call_ident = '_' + call_ident
code = call_ident + '(' + coerced_params + ')'
if sig[0] != 'v':
# ffis cannot return float
if sig[0] == 'f':
code = '+' + code
code = 'return ' + shared.JS.make_coercion(code, sig[0])
code += ';'
Counter.pre.append(make_func(clean_item + '__wrapper', code, params, coercions))
assert not sig == 'X', 'must know the signature in order to create a wrapper for "%s" (TODO for shared wasm modules)' % item
return clean_item + '__wrapper'
return item if not newline else (item + '\n')
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS >= 2:
debug_tables[sig] = body
body = ','.join(fix_item(b) for b in body)
return ('\n'.join(Counter.pre), ''.join([raw[:start + 1], body, raw[end:]]))
infos = [make_table(sig, raw) for sig, raw in function_table_data.items()]
Counter.pre = []
function_tables_defs = '\n'.join([info[0] for info in infos]) + '\n'
function_tables_defs += '\n// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n'
function_tables_defs += '\n'.join([info[1] for info in infos])
return in_table, debug_tables, function_tables_defs
def make_func(name, code, params, coercions):
return 'function %s(%s) {\n %s %s\n}' % (name, params, coercions, code)
def math_fix(g):
return g if not g.startswith('Math_') else g.split('_')[1]
def make_function_tables_impls(function_table_data):
function_tables_impls = []
for sig, table in function_table_data.items():
args = ','.join(['a' + str(i) for i in range(1, len(sig))])
arg_coercions = ' '.join(['a' + str(i) + '=' + shared.JS.make_coercion('a' + str(i), sig[i]) + ';' for i in range(1, len(sig))])
coerced_args = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('a' + str(i), sig[i]) for i in range(1, len(sig))])
sig_mask = str(table.count(','))
ret = ('return ' if sig[0] != 'v' else '') + shared.JS.make_coercion('FUNCTION_TABLE_%s[index&%s](%s)' % (sig, sig_mask, coerced_args), sig[0])
if not shared.Settings.EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS:
function dynCall_%s(index%s%s) {
index = index|0;
''' % (sig, ',' if len(sig) > 1 else '', args, arg_coercions, ret))
var dynCall_%s = ftCall_%s;
''' % (sig, sig))
ffi_args = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('a' + str(i), sig[i], ffi_arg=True) for i in range(1, len(sig))])
for i in range(shared.Settings.RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS):
jsret = ('return ' if sig[0] != 'v' else '') + shared.JS.make_coercion('jsCall_%s(%d%s%s)' % (sig, i, ',' if ffi_args else '', ffi_args), sig[0], ffi_result=True)
function jsCall_%s_%s(%s) {
''' % (sig, i, args, arg_coercions, jsret))
return function_tables_impls
def create_mftCall_funcs(function_table_data):
if not shared.Settings.EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS:
return []
if shared.Settings.WASM or not shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
return []
mftCall_funcs = []
# in wasm, emulated function pointers are just simple table calls
for sig, table in function_table_data.items():
return_type, sig_args = sig[0], sig[1:]
num_args = len(sig_args)
params = ','.join(['ptr'] + ['p%d' % i for i in range(num_args)])
coerced_params = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('ptr', 'i')] + [shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % i, unfloat(sig_args[i])) for i in range(num_args)])
coercions = ';'.join(['ptr = ptr | 0'] + ['p%d = %s' % (i, shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % i, unfloat(sig_args[i]))) for i in range(num_args)]) + ';'
mini_coerced_params = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % i, sig_args[i]) for i in range(num_args)])
maybe_return = '' if return_type == 'v' else 'return'
final_return = maybe_return + ' ' + shared.JS.make_coercion('ftCall_' + sig + '(' + coerced_params + ')', unfloat(return_type)) + ';'
if shared.Settings.EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS == 1:
body = final_return
sig_mask = str(table.count(','))
body = ('if (((ptr|0) >= (fb|0)) & ((ptr|0) < (fb + ' + sig_mask + ' | 0))) { ' + maybe_return + ' ' +
'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig + '[(ptr-fb)&' + sig_mask + '](' +
mini_coerced_params + ')', return_type, ffi_arg=True
) + '; ' + ('return;' if return_type == 'v' else '') + ' }' + final_return)
mftCall_funcs.append(make_func('mftCall_' + sig, body, params, coercions) + '\n')
return mftCall_funcs
def get_function_pointer_error(sig, function_table_sigs):
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS <= 1:
extra = ' err("Build with ASSERTIONS=2 for more info.");'
pointer = ' '
pointer = ' \'" + x + "\' '
extra = ' err("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: '
# sort signatures, attempting to show most likely related ones first
sigs = list(function_table_sigs)
for other in sigs:
if other != sig:
extra += other + ': " + debug_table_' + other + '[x] + " '
extra += '"); '
return 'err("Invalid function pointer' + pointer + 'called with signature \'' + sig + '\'. ' + \
'Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? ' + \
'Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? ' + \
'(it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)' + \
'"); ' + extra
def signature_sort_key(sig):
def closure(other):
ret = 0
minlen = min(len(other), len(sig))
maxlen = min(len(other), len(sig))
if other.startswith(sig) or sig.startswith(other):
ret -= 1000 # prioritize prefixes, could be dropped params
ret -= 133 * difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=other, b=sig).ratio() # prioritize on diff similarity
ret += 15 * abs(len(other) - len(sig)) / float(maxlen) # deprioritize the bigger the length difference is
for i in range(minlen):
if other[i] == sig[i]:
ret -= 5 / float(maxlen) # prioritize on identically-placed params
ret += 20 * len(other) # deprioritize on length
return ret
return closure
def asm_backend_uses(metadata, symbol):
# If doing dynamic linking, we should generate full set of runtime primitives, since we cannot know up front ahead
# of time what the dynamically linked in modules will need. Also with SAFE_HEAP and Emterpretify, generate full set of views.
if shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE or shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE or shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP or shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY:
return True
# Allow querying asm_backend_uses(metadata, 'Math.') to find if any of the Math objects are used
if symbol.endswith('.'):
return any(e.startswith(symbol) for e in metadata['externUses'])
# Querying a single symbol
return symbol in metadata['externUses']
def create_asm_global_funcs(bg_funcs, metadata):
maths = ['Math.' + func for func in ['floor', 'abs', 'sqrt', 'pow', 'cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'exp', 'log', 'ceil', 'imul', 'min', 'max', 'clz32']]
if provide_fround():
maths += ['Math.fround']
asm_global_funcs = ''
for math in maths:
if asm_backend_uses(metadata, math):
asm_global_funcs += ' var ' + math.replace('.', '_') + '=global' + access_quote(math) + ';\n'
asm_global_funcs += ''.join([' var ' + unminified + '=env' + access_quote(math_fix(minified)) + ';\n' for (minified, unminified) in bg_funcs])
asm_global_funcs += global_simd_funcs(access_quote, metadata)
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
asm_global_funcs += ''.join([' var Atomics_' + ty + '=global' + access_quote('Atomics') + access_quote(ty) + ';\n' for ty in ['load', 'store', 'exchange', 'compareExchange', 'add', 'sub', 'and', 'or', 'xor']])
return asm_global_funcs
def create_asm_global_vars(bg_vars):
asm_global_vars = ''.join([' var ' + unminified + '=env' + access_quote(minified) + '|0;\n' for (minified, unminified) in bg_vars])
if shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
# wasm side modules internally define their stack, these are set at module startup time
asm_global_vars += '\n var STACKTOP = 0, STACK_MAX = 0;\n'
return asm_global_vars
def global_simd_funcs(access_quote, metadata):
# Always import SIMD when building with -s SIMD=1, since in that mode memcpy is SIMD optimized.
if not (metadata['simd'] or shared.Settings.SIMD):
return ''
def string_contains_any(s, str_list):
return any(sub in s for sub in str_list)
nonexisting_simd_symbols = ['Int8x16_fromInt8x16', 'Uint8x16_fromUint8x16', 'Int16x8_fromInt16x8', 'Uint16x8_fromUint16x8', 'Int32x4_fromInt32x4', 'Uint32x4_fromUint32x4', 'Float32x4_fromFloat32x4', 'Float64x2_fromFloat64x2']
nonexisting_simd_symbols += ['Int32x4_addSaturate', 'Int32x4_subSaturate', 'Uint32x4_addSaturate', 'Uint32x4_subSaturate']
nonexisting_simd_symbols += [(x + '_' + y) for x in ['Int8x16', 'Uint8x16', 'Int16x8', 'Uint16x8', 'Float64x2'] for y in ['load2', 'store2']]
nonexisting_simd_symbols += [(x + '_' + y) for x in ['Int8x16', 'Uint8x16', 'Int16x8', 'Uint16x8'] for y in ['load1', 'store1']]
simd = make_simd_types(metadata)
simd_func_text = ''
simd_func_text += ''.join([' var SIMD_' + ty + '=global' + access_quote('SIMD') + access_quote(ty) + ';\n' for ty in simd['types']])
def generate_symbols(types, funcs):
symbols = [' var SIMD_' + ty + '_' + g + '=SIMD_' + ty + access_quote(g) + ';\n' for ty in types for g in funcs]
symbols = [x for x in symbols if not string_contains_any(x, nonexisting_simd_symbols)]
return ''.join(symbols)
simd_func_text += generate_symbols(simd['int_types'], simd['int_funcs'])
simd_func_text += generate_symbols(simd['float_types'], simd['float_funcs'])
simd_func_text += generate_symbols(simd['bool_types'], simd['bool_funcs'])
# SIMD conversions (not bitcasts) between same lane sizes:
def add_simd_cast(dst, src):
return ' var SIMD_' + dst + '_from' + src + '=SIMD_' + dst + '.from' + src + ';\n'
def add_simd_casts(t1, t2):
return add_simd_cast(t1, t2) + add_simd_cast(t2, t1)
# Bug: Skip importing conversions for int<->uint for now, they don't validate
# as asm.js.
# This is not an issue when building SSEx code, because it doesn't use these.
# (but it will be an issue if using SIMD.js intrinsics from vector.h to
# explicitly call these)
# if metadata['simdInt8x16'] and metadata['simdUint8x16']:
# simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int8x16', 'Uint8x16')
# if metadata['simdInt16x8'] and metadata['simdUint16x8']:
# simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int16x8', 'Uint16x8')
# if metadata['simdInt32x4'] and metadata['simdUint32x4']:
# simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int32x4', 'Uint32x4')
if metadata['simdInt32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat32x4']:
simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int32x4', 'Float32x4')
if metadata['simdUint32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat32x4']:
simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Uint32x4', 'Float32x4')
if metadata['simdInt32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat64x2']:
simd_func_text += add_simd_cast('Int32x4', 'Float64x2') # Unofficial, needed for emscripten_int32x4_fromFloat64x2
if metadata['simdUint32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat64x2']:
simd_func_text += add_simd_cast('Uint32x4', 'Float64x2') # Unofficial, needed for emscripten_uint32x4_fromFloat64x2
# Unofficial, Bool64x2 does not yet exist, but needed for Float64x2 comparisons.
if metadata['simdFloat64x2']:
simd_func_text += ' var SIMD_Int32x4_fromBool64x2Bits = global.SIMD.Int32x4.fromBool64x2Bits;\n'
return simd_func_text
def make_simd_types(metadata):
simd_float_types = []
simd_int_types = []
simd_bool_types = []
simd_funcs = ['splat', 'check', 'extractLane', 'replaceLane']
simd_intfloat_funcs = ['add', 'sub', 'neg', 'mul',
'equal', 'lessThan', 'greaterThan',
'notEqual', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'greaterThanOrEqual',
'select', 'swizzle', 'shuffle',
'load', 'store', 'load1', 'store1', 'load2', 'store2']
simd_intbool_funcs = ['and', 'xor', 'or', 'not']
if metadata['simdUint8x16']:
simd_int_types += ['Uint8x16']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromUint8x16Bits']
if metadata['simdInt8x16']:
simd_int_types += ['Int8x16']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromInt8x16Bits']
if metadata['simdUint16x8']:
simd_int_types += ['Uint16x8']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromUint16x8Bits']
if metadata['simdInt16x8']:
simd_int_types += ['Int16x8']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromInt16x8Bits']
if metadata['simdUint32x4']:
simd_int_types += ['Uint32x4']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromUint32x4Bits']
if metadata['simdInt32x4'] or shared.Settings.SIMD:
# Always import Int32x4 when building with -s SIMD=1, since memcpy is SIMD optimized.
simd_int_types += ['Int32x4']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromInt32x4Bits']
if metadata['simdFloat32x4']:
simd_float_types += ['Float32x4']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromFloat32x4Bits']
if metadata['simdFloat64x2']:
simd_float_types += ['Float64x2']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromFloat64x2Bits']
if metadata['simdBool8x16']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool8x16']
if metadata['simdBool16x8']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool16x8']
if metadata['simdBool32x4']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool32x4']
if metadata['simdBool64x2']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool64x2']
simd_float_funcs = simd_funcs + simd_intfloat_funcs + ['div', 'min', 'max', 'minNum', 'maxNum', 'sqrt',
'abs', 'reciprocalApproximation', 'reciprocalSqrtApproximation']
simd_int_funcs = simd_funcs + simd_intfloat_funcs + simd_intbool_funcs + ['shiftLeftByScalar', 'shiftRightByScalar', 'addSaturate', 'subSaturate']
simd_bool_funcs = simd_funcs + simd_intbool_funcs + ['anyTrue', 'allTrue']
simd_types = simd_float_types + simd_int_types + simd_bool_types
return {
'types': simd_types,
'float_types': simd_float_types,
'int_types': simd_int_types,
'bool_types': simd_bool_types,
'funcs': simd_funcs,
'float_funcs': simd_float_funcs,
'int_funcs': simd_int_funcs,
'bool_funcs': simd_bool_funcs,
'intfloat_funcs': simd_intfloat_funcs,
'intbool_funcs': simd_intbool_funcs,
def need_asyncify(exported_implemented_functions):
return '_emscripten_alloc_async_context' in exported_implemented_functions
def asm_safe_heap():
"""optimized safe heap in asm, when we can"""
return shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP and not shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP_LOG and not shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE
def provide_fround():
return shared.Settings.PRECISE_F32 or shared.Settings.SIMD
def create_asm_setup(debug_tables, function_table_data, invoke_function_names, metadata):
function_table_sigs = function_table_data.keys()
asm_setup = ''
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS >= 2:
for sig in function_table_data:
# if the table is empty, debug_tables will not contain it
body = debug_tables.get(sig, [])
asm_setup += '\nvar debug_table_' + sig + ' = ' + json.dumps(body) + ';'
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
for sig in function_table_sigs:
asm_setup += '\nfunction nullFunc_' + sig + '(x) { ' + get_function_pointer_error(sig, function_table_sigs) + 'abort(x) }\n'
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
if not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
asm_setup += 'var gb = GLOBAL_BASE, fb = 0;\n'
side = 'parent' if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE else ''
def check(extern):
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
return ('assert(' + side + 'Module["' + extern + '"], "external function \'' + extern +
'\' is missing. perhaps a side module was not linked in? if this symbol was expected to arrive '
'from a system library, try to build the MAIN_MODULE with EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=1 in the environment");')
return ''
for extern in metadata['externs']:
asm_setup += 'var g$' + extern + ' = function() { ' + check(extern) + ' return ' + side + 'Module["' + extern + '"] };\n'
asm_setup += create_invoke_wrappers(invoke_function_names)
asm_setup += setup_function_pointers(function_table_sigs)
function_tables_impls = make_function_tables_impls(function_table_data)
asm_setup += '\n' + '\n'.join(function_tables_impls) + '\n'
return asm_setup
def setup_function_pointers(function_table_sigs):
asm_setup = ''
for sig in function_table_sigs:
asm_setup += '\n' + shared.JS.make_jscall(sig) + '\n'
args = ['a%d' % i for i in range(len(sig) - 1)]
full_args = ['x'] + args
if shared.Settings.WASM:
# emulated function pointers in wasm use an internal i64-based ABI with a fixed number of arguments. we can't
# call into it directly because it returns an i64, which is an error for the VM. instead, we use dynCalls
dyn_call = "Module['asm']['dynCall_" + sig + "']"
asm_setup += '''
function ftCall_%s(%s) {
return %s(%s);
''' % (sig, ', '.join(full_args), dyn_call, ', '.join(full_args))
# and we are done with this signature, continue
# otherwise, wasm emulated function pointers *without* emulated casts can just all
# into the table
table_access = "wasmTable"
table_read = table_access + '.get(x)'
table_access = 'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
table_access = 'parentModule["' + table_access + '"]' # side module tables were merged into the parent, we need to access the global one
table_read = table_access + '[x]'
prelude = ''
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
prelude = '''
if (x < 0 || x >= %s.length) { err("Function table mask error (out of range)"); %s ; abort(x) }''' % (table_access, get_function_pointer_error(sig, function_table_sigs))
asm_setup += '''
function ftCall_%s(%s) {%s
return %s(%s);
''' % (sig, ', '.join(full_args), prelude, table_read, ', '.join(args))
return asm_setup
def create_basic_funcs(function_table_sigs, invoke_function_names):
basic_funcs = shared.Settings.RUNTIME_FUNCS_TO_IMPORT
if shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK:
basic_funcs += ['abortStackOverflow']
if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY:
basic_funcs += ['abortStackOverflowEmterpreter']
if shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP:
if asm_safe_heap():
basic_funcs += ['segfault', 'alignfault', 'ftfault']
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
for sig in function_table_sigs:
basic_funcs += ['nullFunc_' + sig]
basic_funcs += invoke_function_names
for sig in function_table_sigs:
basic_funcs.append('jsCall_%s' % sig)
# in wasm, emulated function pointers are just simple table calls
if not shared.Settings.WASM:
basic_funcs.append('ftCall_%s' % sig)
return basic_funcs
def create_basic_vars(exported_implemented_functions, forwarded_json, metadata):
basic_vars = []
if 'tempDoublePtr' in shared.Settings.ASM_PRIMITIVE_VARS:
basic_vars += ['tempDoublePtr']
if shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP or shared.Settings.USES_DYNAMIC_ALLOC or not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
basic_vars += ['DYNAMICTOP_PTR']
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
if not (shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE):
basic_vars += ['gb', 'fb']
# wasm side modules have a specific convention for these
basic_vars += ['__memory_base', '__table_base']
# See if we need ASYNCIFY functions
# We might not need them even if ASYNCIFY is enabled
if need_asyncify(exported_implemented_functions):
basic_vars += ['___async', '___async_unwind', '___async_retval', '___async_cur_frame']
if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY:
basic_vars += ['EMTSTACKTOP', 'EMT_STACK_MAX', 'eb']
return basic_vars
def create_exports(exported_implemented_functions, in_table, function_table_data, metadata):
asm_runtime_funcs = create_asm_runtime_funcs()
all_exported = exported_implemented_functions + asm_runtime_funcs + function_tables(function_table_data)
# In asm.js + emulated function pointers, export all the table because we use
# JS to add the asm.js module's functions to the table (which is external
# in this mode). In wasm, we don't need that since wasm modules can
# directly add functions to the imported Table.
if not shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS:
all_exported += in_table
exports = []
for export in sorted(set(all_exported)):
exports.append(quote(export) + ": " + export)
if shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
# named globals in side wasm modules are exported globals from asm/wasm
for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items():
exports.append(quote('_' + str(k)) + ': ' + str(v))
# aliases become additional exports
for k, v in metadata['aliases'].items():
exports.append(quote(str(k)) + ': ' + str(v))
# shared wasm emulated function pointer mode requires us to know the function pointer for
# each function. export fp$func => function pointer for func
if shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE and shared.Settings.EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS:
for k, v in metadata['functionPointers'].items():
exports.append(quote('fp$' + str(k)) + ': ' + str(v))
return '{ ' + ', '.join(exports) + ' }'
def create_asm_runtime_funcs():
funcs = []
if not (shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE) and not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
funcs += ['stackAlloc', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'establishStackSpace']
if shared.Settings.ONLY_MY_CODE:
funcs = []
return funcs
def function_tables(function_table_data):
if not shared.Settings.EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS:
return ['dynCall_' + table for table in function_table_data]
return []
def create_the_global(metadata):
# the global is only needed for asm.js
if shared.Settings.WASM:
return '{}'
fundamentals = []
if asm_backend_uses(metadata, 'Math.'):
fundamentals += ['Math']
for f in ['Int8Array', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Uint8Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'NaN', 'Infinity']:
if asm_backend_uses(metadata, f):
fundamentals += [f]
if metadata['simd'] or shared.Settings.SIMD:
# Always import SIMD when building with -s SIMD=1, since in that mode memcpy is SIMD optimized.
fundamentals += ['SIMD']
return '{ ' + ', '.join(['"' + math_fix(s) + '": ' + s for s in fundamentals]) + ' }'
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
def create_receiving(function_table_data, function_tables_defs, exported_implemented_functions, initializers):
receiving = ''
if not shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS or shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
runtime_assertions = ''
runtime_assertions = RUNTIME_ASSERTIONS
# assert on the runtime being in a valid state when calling into compiled code. The only exceptions are
# some support code
receiving = [f for f in exported_implemented_functions if f not in ('_memcpy', '_memset', '_emscripten_replace_memory', '__start_module')]
receiving = '\n'.join('var real_' + s + ' = asm["' + s + '"]; asm["' + s + '''"] = function() {''' + runtime_assertions + ''' return real_''' + s + '''.apply(null, arguments);
''' for s in receiving)
shared.Settings.MODULE_EXPORTS = module_exports = exported_implemented_functions + function_tables(function_table_data)
if not shared.Settings.SWAPPABLE_ASM_MODULE:
imported_exports = [s for s in module_exports if s not in initializers]
if shared.Settings.WASM and shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In Wasm exports are assigned inside a function to variables existing in top level JS scope, i.e.
# var _main;
# WebAssembly.instantiate(Module["wasm"], imports).then((function(output) {
# var asm = output.instance.exports;
# _main = asm["_main"];
receiving += '\n'.join([s + ' = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in imported_exports]) + '\n'
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In asm.js exports can be directly processed at top level, i.e.
# var asm = Module["asm"](asmGlobalArg, asmLibraryArg, buffer);
# var _main = asm["_main"];
receiving += '\n'.join(['var ' + s + ' = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in imported_exports]) + '\n'
receiving += '\n'.join(['var ' + s + ' = Module["' + s + '"] = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in module_exports]) + '\n'
if shared.Settings.target_environment_may_be('node') and shared.Settings.target_environment_may_be('web'):
global_object = '(typeof process !== "undefined" ? global : this)'
elif shared.Settings.target_environment_may_be('node'):
global_object = 'global'
global_object = 'this'
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
module_assign = ''
module_assign = 'Module[__exportedFunc] = '
receiving += 'for(var __exportedFunc in asm) ' + global_object + '[__exportedFunc] = ' + module_assign + 'asm[__exportedFunc];\n'
receiving += 'Module["asm"] = asm;\n' + '\n'.join(['var ' + s + ' = Module["' + s + '"] = function() {' + runtime_assertions + ' return Module["asm"]["' + s + '"].apply(null, arguments) };' for s in module_exports]) + '\n'
if shared.Settings.EXPORT_FUNCTION_TABLES and not shared.Settings.WASM:
for table in function_table_data.values():
tableName = table.split()[1]
table = table.replace('var ' + tableName, 'var ' + tableName + ' = Module["' + tableName + '"]')
receiving += table + '\n'
# in asm.js emulated function tables, emit the table on the outside, where
# JS can manage it (for wasm, a native wasm Table is used directly, and we
# don't need this)
if not shared.Settings.WASM:
receiving += '\n' + function_tables_defs.replace('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n', '')
# wasm still needs definitions for dyncalls on the outside, for JS
receiving += '\n' + ''.join(['Module["dynCall_%s"] = dynCall_%s\n' % (sig, sig) for sig in function_table_data])
if not shared.Settings.WASM:
for sig in function_table_data.keys():
name = 'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig
fullname = name if not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE else ('SIDE_' + name)
receiving += 'Module["' + name + '"] = ' + fullname + ';\n'
return receiving
def create_named_globals(metadata):
named_globals = ''
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
named_globals += '''
var NAMED_GLOBALS = { %s };
for (var named in NAMED_GLOBALS) {
Module['_' + named] = gb + NAMED_GLOBALS[named];
''' % ', '.join('"' + k + '": ' + str(v) for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items())
if shared.Settings.WASM:
# wasm side modules are pure wasm, and cannot create their g$..() methods, so we help them out
# TODO: this works if we are the main module, but if the supplying module is later, it won't, so
# we'll need another solution for that. one option is to scan the module imports, if/when
# wasm supports that, then the loader can do this.
named_globals += '''
for (var named in NAMED_GLOBALS) {
(function(named) {
var func = Module['_' + named];
Module['g$_' + named] = function() { return func };
named_globals += ''.join(["Module['%s'] = Module['%s']\n" % (k, v) for k, v in metadata['aliases'].items()])
return named_globals
def create_runtime_funcs_asmjs(exports):
if shared.Settings.ONLY_MY_CODE:
return []
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS or shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK >= 2:
stack_check = ' if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(size|0);\n'
stack_check = ''
funcs = ['''
function stackAlloc(size) {
size = size|0;
var ret = 0;
return ret|0;
function stackSave() {
return STACKTOP|0;
function stackRestore(top) {
top = top|0;
function establishStackSpace(stackBase, stackMax) {
stackBase = stackBase|0;
stackMax = stackMax|0;
STACKTOP = stackBase;
STACK_MAX = stackMax;
''' % stack_check]
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# MINIMAL_RUNTIME moves stack functions to library.
funcs = []
if need_asyncify(exports):
function setAsync() {
___async = 1;
if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY:
function emterpret(pc) { // this will be replaced when the emterpreter code is generated; adding it here allows validation until then
pc = pc | 0;
if shared.Settings.EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC:
function setAsyncState(x) {
x = x | 0;
asyncState = x;
function emtStackSave() {
function emtStackRestore(x) {
x = x | 0;
function getEmtStackMax() {
return EMT_STACK_MAX | 0;
function setEmtStackMax(x) {
x = x | 0;
if asm_safe_heap():
function SAFE_HEAP_STORE(dest, value, bytes) {
dest = dest | 0;
value = value | 0;
bytes = bytes | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if (((dest + bytes)|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 4) {
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
HEAP32[dest>>2] = value;
} else if ((bytes|0) == 1) {
HEAP8[dest>>0] = value;
} else {
if ((dest&1)) alignfault();
HEAP16[dest>>1] = value;
function SAFE_HEAP_STORE_D(dest, value, bytes) {
dest = dest | 0;
value = +value;
bytes = bytes | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if (((dest + bytes)|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 8) {
if ((dest&7)) alignfault();
HEAPF64[dest>>3] = value;
} else {
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
HEAPF32[dest>>2] = value;
function SAFE_HEAP_LOAD(dest, bytes, unsigned) {
dest = dest | 0;
bytes = bytes | 0;
unsigned = unsigned | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if ((dest + bytes|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 4) {
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
return HEAP32[dest>>2] | 0;
} else if ((bytes|0) == 1) {
if (unsigned) {
return HEAPU8[dest>>0] | 0;
} else {
return HEAP8[dest>>0] | 0;
if ((dest&1)) alignfault();
if (unsigned) return HEAPU16[dest>>1] | 0;
return HEAP16[dest>>1] | 0;
function SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_D(dest, bytes) {
dest = dest | 0;
bytes = bytes | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if ((dest + bytes|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 8) {
if ((dest&7)) alignfault();
return +HEAPF64[dest>>3];
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
return +HEAPF32[dest>>2];
function SAFE_FT_MASK(value, mask) {
value = value | 0;
mask = mask | 0;
var ret = 0;
ret = value & mask;
if ((ret|0) != (value|0)) ftfault();
return ret | 0;
return funcs
def create_asm_start_pre(asm_setup, the_global, sending, metadata):
shared_array_buffer = ''
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS and not shared.Settings.WASM:
shared_array_buffer = "asmGlobalArg['Atomics'] = Atomics;"
module_global = 'var asmGlobalArg = ' + the_global
module_library = 'var asmLibraryArg = ' + sending
asm_function_top = ('// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
'var asm = (/** @suppress {uselessCode} */ function(global, env, buffer) {')
use_asm = "'almost asm';"
if shared.Settings.ASM_JS == 1:
use_asm = "'use asm';"
lines = [
return '\n'.join(lines)
def create_asm_temp_vars(metadata):
temp_ints = ['__THREW__', 'threwValue', 'setjmpId', 'tempInt', 'tempBigInt', 'tempBigIntS', 'tempValue']
temp_doubles = ['tempDouble']
rtn = ''
for i in temp_ints:
if i in shared.Settings.ASM_PRIMITIVE_VARS:
rtn += 'var ' + i + ' = 0;\n'
for i in temp_doubles:
if i in shared.Settings.ASM_PRIMITIVE_VARS:
rtn += 'var ' + i + ' = 0.0;\n'
if asm_backend_uses(metadata, 'NaN'):
rtn += 'var nan = global%s;\n' % (access_quote('NaN'))
if asm_backend_uses(metadata, 'Infinity'):
rtn += 'var inf = global%s;\n' % (access_quote('Infinity'))
return rtn
def create_asm_runtime_thread_local_vars():
if not shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
return ''
return '''
var __pthread_ptr = 0;
var __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread = 0;
var __pthread_is_main_browser_thread = 0;
def create_replace_memory(metadata):
if not shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH:
return ''
emscripten_replace_memory = '''
function _emscripten_replace_memory(newBuffer) {
for heap, view in [
('HEAP8', 'Int8Array'),
('HEAPU8', 'Uint8Array'),
('HEAP16', 'Int16Array'),
('HEAPU16', 'Uint16Array'),
('HEAP32', 'Int32Array'),
('HEAPU32', 'Uint32Array'),
('HEAPF32', 'Float32Array'),
('HEAPF64', 'Float64Array')]:
if asm_backend_uses(metadata, view):
emscripten_replace_memory += ' %s = new %s(newBuffer);\n' % (heap, view)
emscripten_replace_memory += '''
buffer = newBuffer;
return true;
return emscripten_replace_memory
def create_asm_end(exports):
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME and shared.Settings.WASM:
return '''
return %s;
''' % (exports)
return '''
return %s;
(asmGlobalArg, asmLibraryArg, buffer);
''' % (exports)
def create_first_in_asm():
return ''
def create_memory_views(metadata):
"""Generates memory views for the different heap types.
Generated symbols:
Int8View Int16View Int32View
Uint8View Uint16View Uint32View
Float32View Float64View
ret = '\n'
for info in HEAP_TYPE_INFOS:
heap_name = '{}Array'.format(info.long_name)
access = access_quote(heap_name)
if asm_backend_uses(metadata, heap_name):
format_args = {
'heap': info.heap_name,
'long': info.long_name,
'access': access,
ret += ' var {heap} = new global{access}(buffer);\n'.format(**format_args)
return ret
class HeapTypeInfo(object):
"""Struct that holds data for a type of HEAP* views."""
def __init__(self, heap_name, long_name, shift_amount):
assert heap_name.startswith('HEAP')
self.heap_name = heap_name
self.long_name = long_name
self.shift_amount = shift_amount
def short_name(self):
"""The unique part of the heap name for this type.
Derive this from heap_name instead of the other way around so that searching,
e.g. for HEAP8, from the generated JS code leads back here.
return self.heap_name[len('HEAP'):]
def is_int(self):
"""Whether this heap type is an integer type or not."""
return self.short_name()[0] != 'F'
def coerce(self, expression):
"""Adds asm.js type coercion to a string expression."""
if self.is_int():
return expression + '| 0'
return '+' + expression
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAP8', long_name='Int8', shift_amount=0),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAP16', long_name='Int16', shift_amount=1),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAP32', long_name='Int32', shift_amount=2),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPU8', long_name='Uint8', shift_amount=0),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPU16', long_name='Uint16', shift_amount=1),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPU32', long_name='Uint32', shift_amount=2),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPF32', long_name='Float32', shift_amount=2),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPF64', long_name='Float64', shift_amount=3),
def emscript_wasm_backend(infile, outfile, memfile, libraries, compiler_engine,
temp_files, DEBUG):
# Overview:
# * Run wasm-emscripten-finalize to extract metadata and modify the binary
# to use emscripten's wasm<->JS ABI
# * Use the metadata to generate the JS glue that goes with the wasm
metadata = finalize_wasm(temp_files, infile, outfile, memfile, DEBUG)
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
# optimize syscalls
optimize_syscalls(metadata['declares'], DEBUG)
# js compiler
logger.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')
t = time.time()
glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(compiler_engine, libraries, temp_files)
logger.debug(' emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')
# memory and global initializers
global_initializers = ', '.join('{ func: function() { %s() } }' % i for i in metadata['initializers'])
staticbump = shared.Settings.STATIC_BUMP
pre = pre.replace('STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + 0;', '''STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + %d;
/* global initializers */ %s __ATINIT__.push(%s);
''' % (staticbump,
'if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD)' if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS else '',
pre = apply_memory(pre)
# merge forwarded data
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']
exported_implemented_functions = create_exported_implemented_functions_wasm(pre, forwarded_json, metadata)
asm_consts, asm_const_funcs = create_asm_consts_wasm(forwarded_json, metadata)
em_js_funcs = create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata)
pre = pre.replace(
'// === Body ===',
('// === Body ===\n\nvar ASM_CONSTS = [' +
',\n '.join(asm_consts) + '];\n' +
asstr('\n'.join(asm_const_funcs)) +
'\n'.join(em_js_funcs) + '\n'))
pre = apply_table(pre)
pre = None
invoke_funcs = metadata.get('invokeFuncs', [])
# List of function signatures used in jsCall functions, e.g.['v', 'vi']
jscall_sigs = metadata.get('jsCallFuncType', [])
del forwarded_json['Variables']['globals']['_llvm_global_ctors'] # not a true variable
sending = create_sending_wasm(invoke_funcs, jscall_sigs, forwarded_json,
receiving = create_receiving_wasm(exported_implemented_functions)
module = create_module_wasm(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, jscall_sigs,
exported_implemented_functions, metadata)
write_output_file(outfile, post, module)
module = None
def finalize_wasm(temp_files, infile, outfile, memfile, DEBUG):
wasm_emscripten_finalize = os.path.join(shared.Building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-emscripten-finalize')
wasm_dis = os.path.join(shared.Building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis')
def debug_copy(src, dst):
shutil.copyfile(src, os.path.join(shared.CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR, dst))
if src[-2:] == '.o' or src[-5:] == '.wasm':
tmp = dst + '.wast'
shared.check_call([wasm_dis, src, '-o', os.path.join(shared.CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR, tmp)])
basename = shared.unsuffixed(
wasm = basename + '.wasm'
base_wasm = infile
debug_copy(infile, 'base.wasm')
write_source_map = shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 4
if write_source_map:
base_source_map = base_wasm + '.map'
sourcemap_cmd = [shared.PYTHON, path_from_root('tools', ''),
'--dwarfdump=' + shared.LLVM_DWARFDUMP,
'-o', base_source_map]
if not shared.Settings.SOURCE_MAP_BASE:
logger.warn("Wasm source map won't be usable in a browser without --source-map-base")
debug_copy(base_source_map, '')
cmd = [wasm_emscripten_finalize, base_wasm, '-o', wasm,
'--global-base=%s' % shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE,
('--emscripten-reserved-function-pointers=%d' %
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2 or shared.Settings.PROFILING_FUNCS:
if shared.Settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI != 1:
if write_source_map:
cmd.append('--input-source-map=' + base_source_map)
cmd.append('--output-source-map=' + wasm + '.map')
cmd.append('--output-source-map-url=' + shared.Settings.SOURCE_MAP_BASE + os.path.basename(shared.Settings.WASM_BINARY_FILE) + '.map')
if not shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_IN_WASM:
cmd.append('--separate-data-segments=' + memfile)
if not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
cmd.append('--initial-stack-pointer=%d' % Memory().stack_base)
stdout = shared.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
if write_source_map:
debug_copy(wasm + '.map', '')
debug_copy(wasm, 'post_finalize.wasm')
return load_metadata_wasm(stdout, DEBUG)
def create_exported_implemented_functions_wasm(pre, forwarded_json, metadata):
exported_implemented_functions = set(metadata['exports'])
all_exported_functions = set(shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS) # both asm.js and otherwise
for additional_export in shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE: # additional functions to export from asm, if they are implemented
all_exported_functions.add('_' + additional_export)
all_implemented = get_all_implemented(forwarded_json, metadata)
export_bindings = shared.Settings.EXPORT_BINDINGS
export_all = shared.Settings.EXPORT_ALL
for key in all_implemented:
if key in all_exported_functions or export_all or (export_bindings and key.startswith('_emscripten_bind')):
check_all_implemented(all_implemented, pre)
exported_implemented_functions = sorted(exported_implemented_functions)
return exported_implemented_functions
def create_asm_consts_wasm(forwarded_json, metadata):
asm_consts = [0] * len(metadata['asmConsts'])
all_sigs = []
for k, v in metadata['asmConsts'].items():
const = asstr(v[0])
sigs = v[1]
const = trim_asm_const_body(const)
args = []
max_arity = 16
arity = 0
for i in range(max_arity):
if ('$' + str(i)) in const:
arity = i + 1
for i in range(arity):
args.append('$' + str(i))
const = 'function(' + ', '.join(args) + ') {' + const + '}'
asm_consts[int(k)] = const
all_sigs += sigs
asm_const_funcs = []
for sig in set(all_sigs):
forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions']['_emscripten_asm_const_' + sig] = 1
function _emscripten_asm_const_%s(code, sig_ptr, argbuf) {
var sig = AsciiToString(sig_ptr);
var args = [];
var align_to = function(ptr, align) {
return (ptr+align-1) & ~(align-1);
var buf = argbuf;
for (var i = 0; i < sig.length; i++) {
var c = sig[i];
if (c == 'd' || c == 'f') {
buf = align_to(buf, 8);
args.push(HEAPF64[(buf >> 3)]);
buf += 8;
} else if (c == 'i') {
buf = align_to(buf, 4);
args.push(HEAPU32[(buf >> 2)]);
buf += 4;
return ASM_CONSTS[code].apply(null, args);
}''' % sig)
return asm_consts, asm_const_funcs
def create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata):
em_js_funcs = []
separator = '<::>'
for name, raw in metadata.get('emJsFuncs', {}).items():
assert separator in raw
args, body = raw.split(separator, 1)
args = args[1:-1]
if args == 'void':
args = []
args = args.split(',')
arg_names = [arg.split()[-1].replace("*", "") for arg in args if arg]
func = 'function {}({}){}'.format(name, ','.join(arg_names), asstr(body))
forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'][name] = 1
return em_js_funcs
def create_sending_wasm(invoke_funcs, jscall_sigs, forwarded_json, metadata):
basic_funcs = []
if shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP:
basic_funcs += ['segfault', 'alignfault']
basic_vars = ['DYNAMICTOP_PTR']
if not shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
global_vars = metadata['externs']
global_vars = [] # linkable code accesses globals through function calls
implemented_functions = set(metadata['implementedFunctions'])
library_funcs = set(k for k, v in forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'].items() if v != 2)
global_funcs = list(library_funcs.difference(set(global_vars)).difference(implemented_functions))
jscall_funcs = ['jsCall_' + sig for sig in jscall_sigs]
send_items = (basic_funcs + invoke_funcs + jscall_funcs + global_funcs +
basic_vars + global_vars)
def fix_import_name(g):
if g.startswith('Math_'):
return g.split('_')[1]
# Unlike fastcomp the wasm backend doesn't use the '_' prefix for native
# symbols. Emscripten currently expects symbols to start with '_' so we
# artificially add them to the output of emscripten-wasm-finalize and them
# strip them again here.
if g.startswith('_'):
return g[1:]
return g
send_items_map = OrderedDict()
for name in send_items:
internal_name = fix_import_name(name)
if internal_name in send_items_map:
exit_with_error('duplicate symbol in exports to wasm: %s', name)
send_items_map[internal_name] = name
sorted_keys = sorted(send_items_map.keys())
return '{ ' + ', '.join('"' + k + '": ' + send_items_map[k] for k in sorted_keys) + ' }'
def create_receiving_wasm(exported_implemented_functions):
receiving = ''
if not shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
runtime_assertions = ''
runtime_assertions = RUNTIME_ASSERTIONS
# assert on the runtime being in a valid state when calling into compiled code. The only exceptions are
# some support code
receiving = '\n'.join(['var real_' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = asm["' + s + '"]; asm["' + s + '''"] = function() { ''' + runtime_assertions + '''
return real_''' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '''.apply(null, arguments);
''' for s in exported_implemented_functions if s not in ['_memcpy', '_memset', '_emscripten_replace_memory', '__start_module']])
if not shared.Settings.SWAPPABLE_ASM_MODULE:
receiving += '\n'.join(['var ' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = Module["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"] = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in exported_implemented_functions]) + '\n'
receiving += 'Module["asm"] = asm;\n' + '\n'.join(['var ' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = Module["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"] = function() { ' + runtime_assertions + ' return Module["asm"]["' + s + '"].apply(null, arguments) };' for s in exported_implemented_functions]) + '\n'
return receiving
def create_module_wasm(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, jscall_sigs,
exported_implemented_functions, metadata):
invoke_wrappers = create_invoke_wrappers(invoke_funcs)
jscall_funcs = create_jscall_funcs(jscall_sigs)
module = []
module.append('var asmGlobalArg = {};\n')
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS and not shared.Settings.WASM:
module.append("if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') asmGlobalArg['Atomics'] = Atomics;\n")
module.append('var asmLibraryArg = %s;\n' % (sending))
module.append("var asm = Module['asm'](asmGlobalArg, asmLibraryArg, buffer);\n")
return module
def load_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, DEBUG):
metadata_json = json.loads(metadata_raw)
except Exception:
logger.error('emscript: failure to parse metadata output from wasm-emscripten-finalize. raw output is: \n' + metadata_raw)
metadata = {
'declares': [],
'implementedFunctions': [],
'externs': [],
'simd': False,
'maxGlobalAlign': 0,
'jsCallStartIndex': 0,
'jsCallFuncType': [],
'staticBump': 0,
'tableSize': 0,
'initializers': [],
'exports': [],
'emJsFuncs': {},
'asmConsts': {},
'invokeFuncs': [],
assert 'tableSize' in metadata_json.keys()
for key, value in metadata_json.items():
# json.loads returns `unicode` for strings but other code in this file
# generally works with utf8 encoded `str` objects, and they don't alwasy
# mix well. e.g. s.replace(x, y) will blow up is `s` a uts8 str containing
# non-ascii and either x or y are unicode objects.
# TODO(sbc): Remove this encoding if we switch to unicode elsewhere
# (specifically the glue returned from compile_settings)
if type(value) == list:
value = [asstr(v) for v in value]
if key not in metadata:
exit_with_error('unexpected metadata key received from wasm-emscripten-finalize: %s', key)
metadata[key] = value
# Initializers call the global var version of the export, so they get the mangled name.
metadata['initializers'] = [asmjs_mangle(i) for i in metadata['initializers']]
logger.debug("Metadata parsed: " + pprint.pformat(metadata))
# functions marked llvm.used in the code are exports requested by the user
shared.Building.user_requested_exports += metadata['exports']
return metadata
def create_invoke_wrappers(invoke_funcs):
"""Asm.js-style exception handling: invoke wrapper generation."""
invoke_wrappers = ''
for invoke in invoke_funcs:
sig = invoke[len('invoke_'):]
invoke_wrappers += '\n' + shared.JS.make_invoke(sig) + '\n'
return invoke_wrappers
def create_jscall_funcs(sigs):
jscall_funcs = ''
for i, sig in enumerate(sigs):
jscall_funcs += '\n' + shared.JS.make_jscall(sig, i) + '\n'
return jscall_funcs
def asmjs_mangle(name):
"""Mangle a name the way asm.js/JSBackend globals are mangled.
Prepends '_' and replaces non-alphanumerics with '_'.
Used by wasm backend for JS library consistency with asm.js.
library_functions_in_module = ('setTempRet0', 'getTempRet0', 'stackAlloc', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'establishStackSpace')
if name.startswith('dynCall_'):
return name
if name in library_functions_in_module:
return name
return '_' + ''.join(['_' if not c.isalnum() else c for c in name])
def normalize_line_endings(text):
"""Normalize to UNIX line endings.
On Windows, writing to text file will duplicate \r\n to \r\r\n otherwise.
return text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
return text
def run(infile, outfile, memfile, libraries):
temp_files = get_configuration().get_temp_files()
infile, outfile = substitute_response_files([infile, outfile])
if not shared.Settings.BOOTSTRAPPING_STRUCT_INFO and not shared.Settings.ONLY_MY_CODE:
generated_struct_info_name = 'generated_struct_info.json'
def ensure_struct_info():
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('gen_struct_info'):
out = shared.Cache.get_path(generated_struct_info_name)
gen_struct_info.main(['-qo', out, path_from_root('src', 'struct_info.json')])
return out
shared.Settings.STRUCT_INFO = shared.Cache.get(generated_struct_info_name, ensure_struct_info, extension='json')
# do we need an else, to define it for the bootstrap case?
outfile_obj = open(outfile, 'w')
emscripter = emscript_wasm_backend if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND else emscript
return temp_files.run_and_clean(lambda: emscripter(
infile, outfile_obj, memfile, libraries, shared.COMPILER_ENGINE, temp_files, shared.DEBUG)