blob: 4dbfb070b32a4a60a1f233fb14933592e339c335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <emscripten/bind.h>
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
#define PI 3.1416
#define EULER 2.7182818
const float pi = 3.1416;
const double euler = 2.7182818;
emscripten::constant("PI", PI);
emscripten::constant("EULER", EULER);
emscripten::constant("pi", pi);
emscripten::constant("euler", euler);
int main() {
console.log("PI (as double) = " + Module['PI']);
console.log("EULER = " + Module['EULER']);
console.log("pi (as float) = " + Module['pi']);
console.log("euler = " + Module['euler']);