blob: 2b14e108d9e6aa8acf7d337a9382a734dab98bfc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package types
import (
descpb ""
anypb ""
dpb ""
structpb ""
tpb ""
wrapperspb ""
exprpb ""
type protoTypeRegistry struct {
revTypeMap map[string]ref.Type
pbdb *pb.Db
// NewRegistry accepts a list of proto message instances and returns a type
// provider which can create new instances of the provided message or any
// message that proto depends upon in its FileDescriptor.
func NewRegistry(types ...proto.Message) ref.TypeRegistry {
p := &protoTypeRegistry{
revTypeMap: make(map[string]ref.Type),
pbdb: pb.NewDb(),
for _, msgType := range types {
err := p.RegisterMessage(msgType)
if err != nil {
return p
// NewEmptyRegistry returns a registry which is completely unconfigured.
func NewEmptyRegistry() ref.TypeRegistry {
return &protoTypeRegistry{
revTypeMap: make(map[string]ref.Type),
pbdb: pb.NewDb(),
// Copy implements the ref.TypeRegistry interface method which copies the current state of the
// registry into its own memory space.
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) Copy() ref.TypeRegistry {
copy := &protoTypeRegistry{
revTypeMap: make(map[string]ref.Type),
pbdb: p.pbdb.Copy(),
for k, v := range p.revTypeMap {
copy.revTypeMap[k] = v
return copy
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) EnumValue(enumName string) ref.Val {
enumVal, err := p.pbdb.DescribeEnum(enumName)
if err != nil {
return NewErr("unknown enum name '%s'", enumName)
return Int(enumVal.Value())
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) FindFieldType(messageType string,
fieldName string) (*ref.FieldType, bool) {
msgType, err := p.pbdb.DescribeType(messageType)
if err != nil {
return nil, false
field, found := msgType.FieldByName(fieldName)
if !found {
return nil, false
return &ref.FieldType{
Type: field.CheckedType(),
IsSet: field.IsSet,
GetFrom: field.GetFrom},
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) FindIdent(identName string) (ref.Val, bool) {
if t, found := p.revTypeMap[identName]; found {
return t.(ref.Val), true
if enumVal, err := p.pbdb.DescribeEnum(identName); err == nil {
return Int(enumVal.Value()), true
return nil, false
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) FindType(typeName string) (*exprpb.Type, bool) {
if _, err := p.pbdb.DescribeType(typeName); err != nil {
return nil, false
if typeName != "" && typeName[0] == '.' {
typeName = typeName[1:]
return &exprpb.Type{
TypeKind: &exprpb.Type_Type{
Type: &exprpb.Type{
TypeKind: &exprpb.Type_MessageType{
MessageType: typeName}}}}, true
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) NewValue(typeName string, fields map[string]ref.Val) ref.Val {
td, err := p.pbdb.DescribeType(typeName)
if err != nil {
return NewErr("unknown type '%s'", typeName)
refType := td.ReflectType()
// create the new type instance.
value := reflect.New(refType.Elem())
pbValue := value.Elem()
// for all of the field names referenced, set the provided value.
for name, value := range fields {
fd, found := td.FieldByName(name)
if !found {
return NewErr("no such field '%s'", name)
refField := pbValue.Field(fd.Index())
if !refField.IsValid() {
return NewErr("no such field '%s'", name)
dstType := refField.Type()
// Oneof fields are defined with wrapper structs that have a single proto.Message
// field value. The oneof wrapper is not a proto.Message instance.
if fd.IsOneof() {
oneofVal := reflect.New(fd.OneofType().Elem())
refField = oneofVal.Elem().Field(0)
dstType = refField.Type()
fieldValue, err := value.ConvertToNative(dstType)
if err != nil {
return &Err{err}
return p.NativeToValue(value.Interface())
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) RegisterDescriptor(fileDesc *descpb.FileDescriptorProto) error {
fd, err := p.pbdb.RegisterDescriptor(fileDesc)
if err != nil {
return err
return p.registerAllTypes(fd)
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) RegisterMessage(message proto.Message) error {
fd, err := p.pbdb.RegisterMessage(message)
if err != nil {
return err
return p.registerAllTypes(fd)
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) RegisterType(types ...ref.Type) error {
for _, t := range types {
p.revTypeMap[t.TypeName()] = t
// TODO: generate an error when the type name is registered more than once.
return nil
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) registerAllTypes(fd *pb.FileDescription) error {
for _, typeName := range fd.GetTypeNames() {
err := p.RegisterType(NewObjectTypeValue(typeName))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NativeToValue converts various "native" types to ref.Val with this specific implementation
// providing support for custom proto-based types.
// This method should be the inverse of ref.Val.ConvertToNative.
func (p *protoTypeRegistry) NativeToValue(value interface{}) ref.Val {
switch v := value.(type) {
case ref.Val:
return v
// Adapt common types and aggregate specializations using the DefaultTypeAdapter.
case bool, *bool,
float32, *float32, float64, *float64,
int, *int, int32, *int32, int64, *int64,
string, *string,
uint, *uint, uint32, *uint32, uint64, *uint64,
return DefaultTypeAdapter.NativeToValue(value)
// Adapt well-known proto-types using the DefaultTypeAdapter.
case *dpb.Duration,
return DefaultTypeAdapter.NativeToValue(value)
// Override the Any type by ensuring that custom proto-types are considered on recursive calls.
case *anypb.Any:
if v == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion: '%T'", value)
unpackedAny := ptypes.DynamicAny{}
if ptypes.UnmarshalAny(v, &unpackedAny) != nil {
return NewErr("unknown type: '%s'", v.GetTypeUrl())
return p.NativeToValue(unpackedAny.Message)
// Convert custom proto types to CEL values based on type's presence within the pb.Db.
case proto.Message:
typeName := proto.MessageName(v)
td, err := p.pbdb.DescribeType(typeName)
if err != nil {
return NewErr("unknown type: '%s'", typeName)
typeVal, found := p.FindIdent(typeName)
if !found {
return NewErr("unknown type: '%s'", typeName)
return NewObject(p, td, typeVal.(*TypeValue), v)
// Override default handling for list and maps to ensure that blends of Go + proto types
// are appropriately adapted on recursive calls or subsequent inspection of the aggregate
// value.
refValue := reflect.ValueOf(value)
if refValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if refValue.IsNil() {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion: '%T'", value)
refValue = refValue.Elem()
refKind := refValue.Kind()
switch refKind {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
return NewDynamicList(p, value)
case reflect.Map:
return NewDynamicMap(p, value)
// By default return the default type adapter's conversion to CEL.
return DefaultTypeAdapter.NativeToValue(value)
// defaultTypeAdapter converts go native types to CEL values.
type defaultTypeAdapter struct{}
var (
// DefaultTypeAdapter adapts canonical CEL types from their equivalent Go values.
DefaultTypeAdapter = &defaultTypeAdapter{}
// NativeToValue implements the ref.TypeAdapter interface.
func (a *defaultTypeAdapter) NativeToValue(value interface{}) ref.Val {
switch value.(type) {
case nil:
return NullValue
case *Bool:
if ptr := value.(*Bool); ptr != nil {
return ptr
case *Bytes:
if ptr := value.(*Bytes); ptr != nil {
return ptr
case *Double:
if ptr := value.(*Double); ptr != nil {
return ptr
case *Int:
if ptr := value.(*Int); ptr != nil {
return ptr
case *String:
if ptr := value.(*String); ptr != nil {
return ptr
case *Uint:
if ptr := value.(*Uint); ptr != nil {
return ptr
case ref.Val:
return value.(ref.Val)
case bool:
return Bool(value.(bool))
case int:
return Int(value.(int))
case int32:
return Int(value.(int32))
case int64:
return Int(value.(int64))
case uint:
return Uint(value.(uint))
case uint32:
return Uint(value.(uint32))
case uint64:
return Uint(value.(uint64))
case float32:
return Double(value.(float32))
case float64:
return Double(value.(float64))
case string:
return String(value.(string))
case *bool:
if ptr := value.(*bool); ptr != nil {
return Bool(*ptr)
case *float32:
if ptr := value.(*float32); ptr != nil {
return Double(*ptr)
case *float64:
if ptr := value.(*float64); ptr != nil {
return Double(*ptr)
case *int:
if ptr := value.(*int); ptr != nil {
return Int(*ptr)
case *int32:
if ptr := value.(*int32); ptr != nil {
return Int(*ptr)
case *int64:
if ptr := value.(*int64); ptr != nil {
return Int(*ptr)
case *string:
if ptr := value.(*string); ptr != nil {
return String(*ptr)
case *uint:
if ptr := value.(*uint); ptr != nil {
return Uint(*ptr)
case *uint32:
if ptr := value.(*uint32); ptr != nil {
return Uint(*ptr)
case *uint64:
if ptr := value.(*uint64); ptr != nil {
return Uint(*ptr)
case []byte:
return Bytes(value.([]byte))
case []string:
return NewStringList(a, value.([]string))
case map[string]string:
return NewStringStringMap(a, value.(map[string]string))
case *dpb.Duration:
if ptr := value.(*dpb.Duration); ptr != nil {
return Duration{ptr}
case *structpb.ListValue:
if ptr := value.(*structpb.ListValue); ptr != nil {
return NewJSONList(a, ptr)
case structpb.NullValue, *structpb.NullValue:
return NullValue
case *structpb.Struct:
if ptr := value.(*structpb.Struct); ptr != nil {
return NewJSONStruct(a, ptr)
case *structpb.Value:
v := value.(*structpb.Value)
if v == nil {
return NullValue
switch v.Kind.(type) {
case *structpb.Value_BoolValue:
return a.NativeToValue(v.GetBoolValue())
case *structpb.Value_ListValue:
return a.NativeToValue(v.GetListValue())
case *structpb.Value_NullValue:
return NullValue
case *structpb.Value_NumberValue:
return a.NativeToValue(v.GetNumberValue())
case *structpb.Value_StringValue:
return a.NativeToValue(v.GetStringValue())
case *structpb.Value_StructValue:
return a.NativeToValue(v.GetStructValue())
case *tpb.Timestamp:
if ptr := value.(*tpb.Timestamp); ptr != nil {
return Timestamp{ptr}
case *anypb.Any:
val := value.(*anypb.Any)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
unpackedAny := ptypes.DynamicAny{}
if ptypes.UnmarshalAny(val, &unpackedAny) != nil {
return NewErr("unknown type: %s", val.GetTypeUrl())
return a.NativeToValue(unpackedAny.Message)
case *wrapperspb.BoolValue:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.BoolValue)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Bool(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.BytesValue:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.BytesValue)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Bytes(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.DoubleValue:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.DoubleValue)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Double(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.FloatValue:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.FloatValue)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Double(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.Int32Value:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.Int32Value)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Int(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.Int64Value:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.Int64Value)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Int(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.StringValue:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.StringValue)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return String(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.UInt32Value:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.UInt32Value)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Uint(val.GetValue())
case *wrapperspb.UInt64Value:
val := value.(*wrapperspb.UInt64Value)
if val == nil {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion")
return Uint(val.GetValue())
refValue := reflect.ValueOf(value)
if refValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if refValue.IsNil() {
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion: '%T'", value)
refValue = refValue.Elem()
refKind := refValue.Kind()
switch refKind {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
return NewDynamicList(a, value)
case reflect.Map:
return NewDynamicMap(a, value)
// type aliases of primitive types cannot be asserted as that type, but rather need
// to be downcast to int32 before being converted to a CEL representation.
case reflect.Int32:
intType := reflect.TypeOf(int32(0))
return Int(refValue.Convert(intType).Interface().(int32))
case reflect.Int64:
intType := reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))
return Int(refValue.Convert(intType).Interface().(int64))
case reflect.Uint32:
uintType := reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0))
return Uint(refValue.Convert(uintType).Interface().(uint32))
case reflect.Uint64:
uintType := reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0))
return Uint(refValue.Convert(uintType).Interface().(uint64))
case reflect.Float32:
doubleType := reflect.TypeOf(float32(0))
return Double(refValue.Convert(doubleType).Interface().(float32))
case reflect.Float64:
doubleType := reflect.TypeOf(float64(0))
return Double(refValue.Convert(doubleType).Interface().(float64))
return NewErr("unsupported type conversion: '%T'", value)