blob: 976f641ab5b6af53437fc416aec9cbc27f9b9236 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package types
import (
anypb ""
structpb ""
tpb ""
func TestTimestampAdd(t *testing.T) {
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
val := ts.Add(Duration{time.Duration(3600)*time.Second + time.Duration(1000)})
if val.ConvertToType(TypeType) != TimestampType {
t.Error("Could not add duration and timestamp")
expected := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(11106, 1000).UTC()}
if !expected.Compare(val).Equal(IntZero).(Bool) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", val, expected)
if !IsError(ts.Add(expected)) {
t.Error("Cannot add two timestamps together")
if lhs, rhs := time.Unix(maxUnixTime, 999999999), 1*time.Nanosecond; !IsError(timestampOf(lhs).Add(durationOf(rhs))) {
t.Errorf("Expected adding %s and %s to result in overflow.", lhs, rhs)
if lhs, rhs := time.Unix(minUnixTime, 0), -1*time.Nanosecond; !IsError(timestampOf(lhs).Add(durationOf(rhs))) {
t.Errorf("Expected adding %s and %s to result in overflow.", lhs, rhs)
if lhs, rhs := time.Unix(maxUnixTime, 999999999), -1*time.Nanosecond; !timestampOf(lhs).Add(durationOf(rhs)).Equal(timestampOf(lhs.Add(rhs))).(Bool) {
t.Errorf("Expected adding %s and %s to yield %s", lhs, rhs, lhs.Add(rhs))
if lhs, rhs := time.Unix(minUnixTime, 0), 1*time.Nanosecond; !timestampOf(lhs).Add(durationOf(rhs)).Equal(timestampOf(lhs.Add(rhs))).(Bool) {
t.Errorf("Expected adding %s and %s to yield %s", lhs, rhs, lhs.Add(rhs))
func TestTimestampConvertToNative_Any(t *testing.T) {
// 1970-01-01T02:05:06Z
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0)}
val, err := ts.ConvertToNative(anyValueType)
if err != nil {
want, err := anypb.New(tpb.New(ts.Time))
if err != nil {
if !proto.Equal(val.(proto.Message), want) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", val, want)
func TestTimestampConvertToNative(t *testing.T) {
// 1970-01-01T02:05:06Z
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
val, err := ts.ConvertToNative(timestampValueType)
if err != nil {
var want interface{}
want = tpb.New(ts.Time)
if !proto.Equal(val.(proto.Message), want.(proto.Message)) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", val, want)
val, err = ts.ConvertToNative(jsonValueType)
if err != nil {
want = structpb.NewStringValue("1970-01-01T02:05:06Z")
if !proto.Equal(val.(proto.Message), want.(proto.Message)) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", val, want)
val, err = ts.ConvertToNative(anyValueType)
if err != nil {
want, err = anypb.New(tpb.New(ts.Time))
if err != nil {
if !proto.Equal(val.(proto.Message), want.(proto.Message)) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", val, want)
val, err = ts.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf(Timestamp{}))
if err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(val, ts) {
t.Errorf("got %v wanted %v", val, ts)
val, err = ts.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf(time.Now()))
if err != nil {
want = time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(val, want) {
t.Errorf("got %v wanted %v", val, want)
func TestTimestampSubtract(t *testing.T) {
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
val := ts.Subtract(Duration{Duration: time.Duration(3600)*time.Second + time.Duration(1000)})
if val.ConvertToType(TypeType) != TimestampType {
t.Error("Could not add duration and timestamp")
expected := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(3905, 999999000).UTC()}
if !expected.Compare(val).Equal(IntZero).(Bool) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", val, expected)
ts2 := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(6506, 0).UTC()}
val = ts.Subtract(ts2)
if val.ConvertToType(TypeType) != DurationType {
t.Error("Could not subtract timestamps")
expectedDur := Duration{Duration: time.Duration(1000000000000)}
if !expectedDur.Compare(val).Equal(IntZero).(Bool) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", val, expectedDur)
func TestTimestampGetDayOfYear(t *testing.T) {
// 1970-01-01T02:05:06Z
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
hr := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetDayOfYear, overloads.TimestampToDayOfYear, []ref.Val{})
if !hr.Equal(Int(0)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 0, got", hr)
// 1969-12-31T19:05:06Z
hrTz := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetDayOfYear, overloads.TimestampToDayOfYearWithTz,
if !hrTz.Equal(Int(364)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 364, got", hrTz)
hrTz = ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetDayOfYear, overloads.TimestampToDayOfYearWithTz,
if !hrTz.Equal(Int(364)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 364, got", hrTz)
func TestTimestampGetMonth(t *testing.T) {
// 1970-01-01T02:05:06Z
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
hr := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetMonth, overloads.TimestampToMonth, []ref.Val{})
if !hr.Equal(Int(0)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 0, got", hr)
// 1969-12-31T19:05:06Z
hrTz := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetMonth, overloads.TimestampToMonthWithTz,
if !hrTz.Equal(Int(11)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 11, got", hrTz)
func TestTimestampGetHours(t *testing.T) {
// 1970-01-01T02:05:06Z
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
hr := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetHours, overloads.TimestampToHours, []ref.Val{})
if !hr.Equal(Int(2)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 2 hours, got", hr)
// 1969-12-31T19:05:06Z
hrTz := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetHours, overloads.TimestampToHoursWithTz,
if !hrTz.Equal(Int(19)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 19 hours, got", hrTz)
func TestTimestampGetMinutes(t *testing.T) {
// 1970-01-01T02:05:06Z
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
min := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetMinutes, overloads.TimestampToMinutes, []ref.Val{})
if !min.Equal(Int(5)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 5 minutes, got", min)
// 1969-12-31T19:05:06Z
minTz := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetMinutes, overloads.TimestampToMinutesWithTz,
if !minTz.Equal(Int(5)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 5 minutes, got", minTz)
func TestTimestampGetSeconds(t *testing.T) {
// 1970-01-01T02:05:06Z
ts := Timestamp{Time: time.Unix(7506, 0).UTC()}
sec := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetSeconds, overloads.TimestampToSeconds, []ref.Val{})
if !sec.Equal(Int(6)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 6 seconds, got", sec)
// 1969-12-31T19:05:06Z
secTz := ts.Receive(overloads.TimeGetSeconds, overloads.TimestampToSecondsWithTz,
if !secTz.Equal(Int(6)).(Bool) {
t.Error("Expected 6 seconds, got", secTz)