blob: 80e69ca5ffdba29aeb1fabe3cedb1f06f6fd7ccc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package server defines the gRPC conformance test server for CEL Go.
package server
import (
test2pb ""
test3pb ""
exprpb ""
rpc ""
// ConformanceServer contains the server state.
type ConformanceServer struct{}
// Parse implements ConformanceService.Parse.
func (s *ConformanceServer) Parse(ctx context.Context, in *exprpb.ParseRequest) (*exprpb.ParseResponse, error) {
if in.CelSource == "" {
st := status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "No source code.")
return nil, st.Err()
// NOTE: syntax_version isn't currently used
var parseOptions []cel.EnvOption
if in.DisableMacros {
parseOptions = append(parseOptions, cel.ClearMacros())
env, _ := cel.NewEnv(parseOptions...)
past, iss := env.Parse(in.CelSource)
resp := exprpb.ParseResponse{}
if iss == nil || iss.Err() == nil {
// Success
resp.ParsedExpr, _ = cel.AstToParsedExpr(past)
} else {
// Failure
appendErrors(iss.Errors(), &resp.Issues)
return &resp, nil
// Check implements ConformanceService.Check.
func (s *ConformanceServer) Check(ctx context.Context, in *exprpb.CheckRequest) (*exprpb.CheckResponse, error) {
if in.ParsedExpr == nil {
st := status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "No parsed expression.")
return nil, st.Err()
if in.ParsedExpr.SourceInfo == nil {
st := status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "No source info.")
return nil, st.Err()
// Build the environment.
var checkOptions []cel.EnvOption = []cel.EnvOption{cel.StdLib()}
if in.NoStdEnv {
checkOptions = []cel.EnvOption{}
checkOptions = append(checkOptions, cel.Container(in.Container))
checkOptions = append(checkOptions, cel.Declarations(in.TypeEnv...))
checkOptions = append(checkOptions, cel.Types(&test2pb.TestAllTypes{}))
checkOptions = append(checkOptions, cel.Types(&test3pb.TestAllTypes{}))
env, _ := cel.NewCustomEnv(checkOptions...)
// Check the expression.
cast, iss := env.Check(cel.ParsedExprToAst(in.ParsedExpr))
resp := exprpb.CheckResponse{}
if iss == nil || iss.Err() == nil {
// Success
resp.CheckedExpr, _ = cel.AstToCheckedExpr(cast)
} else {
// Failure
appendErrors(iss.Errors(), &resp.Issues)
return &resp, nil
// Eval implements ConformanceService.Eval.
func (s *ConformanceServer) Eval(ctx context.Context, in *exprpb.EvalRequest) (*exprpb.EvalResponse, error) {
env, _ := cel.NewEnv(cel.Container(in.Container),
cel.Types(&test2pb.TestAllTypes{}, &test3pb.TestAllTypes{}))
var prg cel.Program
var err error
switch in.ExprKind.(type) {
case *exprpb.EvalRequest_ParsedExpr:
ast := cel.ParsedExprToAst(in.GetParsedExpr())
prg, err = env.Program(ast)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case *exprpb.EvalRequest_CheckedExpr:
ast := cel.CheckedExprToAst(in.GetCheckedExpr())
prg, err = env.Program(ast)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st := status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "No expression.")
return nil, st.Err()
args := make(map[string]interface{})
for name, exprValue := range in.Bindings {
refVal, err := ExprValueToRefValue(env.TypeAdapter(), exprValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't convert binding %s: %s", name, err)
args[name] = refVal
// NOTE: the EvalState is currently discarded
res, _, err := prg.Eval(args)
resultExprVal, err := RefValueToExprValue(res, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("con't convert result: %s", err)
return &exprpb.EvalResponse{Result: resultExprVal}, nil
// appendErrors converts the errors from errs to Status messages
// and appends them to the list of issues.
func appendErrors(errs []common.Error, issues *[]*rpc.Status) {
for _, e := range errs {
status := ErrToStatus(e, exprpb.IssueDetails_ERROR)
*issues = append(*issues, status)
// ErrToStatus converts an Error to a Status message with the given severity.
func ErrToStatus(e common.Error, severity exprpb.IssueDetails_Severity) *rpc.Status {
detail := exprpb.IssueDetails{
Severity: severity,
Position: &exprpb.SourcePosition{
Line: int32(e.Location.Line()),
Column: int32(e.Location.Column()),
s := status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, e.Message)
sd, err := s.WithDetails(&detail)
if err == nil {
return sd.Proto()
return s.Proto()
// TODO(jimlarson): The following conversion code should be moved to
// common/types/provider.go and consolidated/refactored as appropriate.
// In particular, make judicious use of types.NativeToValue().
// RefValueToExprValue converts between ref.Val and exprpb.ExprValue.
func RefValueToExprValue(res ref.Val, err error) (*exprpb.ExprValue, error) {
if err != nil {
s := status.Convert(err).Proto()
return &exprpb.ExprValue{
Kind: &exprpb.ExprValue_Error{
Error: &exprpb.ErrorSet{
Errors: []*rpc.Status{s},
}, nil
if types.IsUnknown(res) {
return &exprpb.ExprValue{
Kind: &exprpb.ExprValue_Unknown{
Unknown: &exprpb.UnknownSet{
Exprs: res.Value().([]int64),
}}, nil
v, err := RefValueToValue(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &exprpb.ExprValue{
Kind: &exprpb.ExprValue_Value{Value: v}}, nil
var (
typeNameToTypeValue = map[string]*types.TypeValue{
"bool": types.BoolType,
"bytes": types.BytesType,
"double": types.DoubleType,
"null_type": types.NullType,
"int": types.IntType,
"list": types.ListType,
"map": types.MapType,
"string": types.StringType,
"type": types.TypeType,
"uint": types.UintType,
// RefValueToValue converts between ref.Val and Value.
// The ref.Val must not be error or unknown.
func RefValueToValue(res ref.Val) (*exprpb.Value, error) {
switch res.Type() {
case types.BoolType:
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_BoolValue{BoolValue: res.Value().(bool)}}, nil
case types.BytesType:
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_BytesValue{BytesValue: res.Value().([]byte)}}, nil
case types.DoubleType:
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_DoubleValue{DoubleValue: res.Value().(float64)}}, nil
case types.IntType:
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_Int64Value{Int64Value: res.Value().(int64)}}, nil
case types.ListType:
l := res.(traits.Lister)
sz := l.Size().(types.Int)
elts := make([]*exprpb.Value, 0, int64(sz))
for i := types.Int(0); i < sz; i++ {
v, err := RefValueToValue(l.Get(i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
elts = append(elts, v)
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_ListValue{
ListValue: &exprpb.ListValue{Values: elts}}}, nil
case types.MapType:
mapper := res.(traits.Mapper)
sz := mapper.Size().(types.Int)
entries := make([]*exprpb.MapValue_Entry, 0, int64(sz))
for it := mapper.Iterator(); it.HasNext().(types.Bool); {
k := it.Next()
v := mapper.Get(k)
kv, err := RefValueToValue(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vv, err := RefValueToValue(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, &exprpb.MapValue_Entry{Key: kv, Value: vv})
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_MapValue{
MapValue: &exprpb.MapValue{Entries: entries}}}, nil
case types.NullType:
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_NullValue{}}, nil
case types.StringType:
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: res.Value().(string)}}, nil
case types.TypeType:
typeName := res.(ref.Type).TypeName()
return &exprpb.Value{Kind: &exprpb.Value_TypeValue{TypeValue: typeName}}, nil
case types.UintType:
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_Uint64Value{Uint64Value: res.Value().(uint64)}}, nil
// Object type
pb, ok := res.Value().(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return nil, status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "Expected proto message").Err()
any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(pb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &exprpb.Value{
Kind: &exprpb.Value_ObjectValue{ObjectValue: any}}, nil
// ExprValueToRefValue converts between exprpb.ExprValue and ref.Val.
func ExprValueToRefValue(adapter ref.TypeAdapter, ev *exprpb.ExprValue) (ref.Val, error) {
switch ev.Kind.(type) {
case *exprpb.ExprValue_Value:
return ValueToRefValue(adapter, ev.GetValue())
case *exprpb.ExprValue_Error:
// An error ExprValue is a repeated set of rpc.Status
// messages, with no convention for the status details.
// To convert this to a types.Err, we need to convert
// these Status messages to a single string, and be
// able to decompose that string on output so we can
// round-trip arbitrary ExprValue messages.
// TODO(jimlarson) make a convention for this.
return types.NewErr("XXX add details later"), nil
case *exprpb.ExprValue_Unknown:
return types.Unknown(ev.GetUnknown().Exprs), nil
return nil, status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "unknown ExprValue kind").Err()
// ValueToRefValue converts between exprpb.Value and ref.Val.
func ValueToRefValue(adapter ref.TypeAdapter, v *exprpb.Value) (ref.Val, error) {
switch v.Kind.(type) {
case *exprpb.Value_NullValue:
return types.NullValue, nil
case *exprpb.Value_BoolValue:
return types.Bool(v.GetBoolValue()), nil
case *exprpb.Value_Int64Value:
return types.Int(v.GetInt64Value()), nil
case *exprpb.Value_Uint64Value:
return types.Uint(v.GetUint64Value()), nil
case *exprpb.Value_DoubleValue:
return types.Double(v.GetDoubleValue()), nil
case *exprpb.Value_StringValue:
return types.String(v.GetStringValue()), nil
case *exprpb.Value_BytesValue:
return types.Bytes(v.GetBytesValue()), nil
case *exprpb.Value_ObjectValue:
any := v.GetObjectValue()
var msg ptypes.DynamicAny
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, &msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return adapter.NativeToValue(msg.Message), nil
case *exprpb.Value_MapValue:
m := v.GetMapValue()
entries := make(map[ref.Val]ref.Val)
for _, entry := range m.Entries {
key, err := ValueToRefValue(adapter, entry.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pb, err := ValueToRefValue(adapter, entry.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries[key] = pb
return adapter.NativeToValue(entries), nil
case *exprpb.Value_ListValue:
l := v.GetListValue()
elts := make([]ref.Val, len(l.Values))
for i, e := range l.Values {
rv, err := ValueToRefValue(adapter, e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
elts[i] = rv
return adapter.NativeToValue(elts), nil
case *exprpb.Value_TypeValue:
typeName := v.GetTypeValue()
tv, ok := typeNameToTypeValue[typeName]
if ok {
return tv, nil
return types.NewObjectTypeValue(typeName), nil
return nil, status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "unknown value").Err()