blob: 74b4376e20a33285c9e5cb56311e34b8e2f149bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file contains code that demonstrates common CEL features.
// This code is intended for use with the CEL Codelab: go/cel-codelab-go
package main
import (
_ ""
_ ""
structpb ""
tpb ""
exprpb ""
rpcpb ""
func main() {
// exercise1 evaluates a simple literal expression: "Hello, World!"
// Compile, eval, profit!
func exercise1() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 1: Hello World ===\n")
// exercise2 shows how to declare and use variables in expressions.
// Given a `request` of type `google.rpc.context.AttributeContext.Request`
// determine whether a specific auth claim is set.
func exercise2() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 2: Variables ===\n")
// exercise3 demonstrates how CEL's commutative logical operators work.
// Construct an expression which checks whether the ``
// value is equal to `admin` or the `request.auth.principal` is
// `` and the `request.time` is during work hours (9:00 - 17:00)
// Evaluate the expression once with a request containing no claims but which
// sets the appropriate principal and occurs at 12:00 hours. Then evaluate the
// request a second time at midnight. Observe the difference in output.
func exercise3() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 3: Logical AND/OR ===\n")
// exercise4 demonstrates how to extend CEL with custom functions.
// Declare a `contains` member function on map types that returns a boolean
// indicating whether the map contains the key-value pair.
func exercise4() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 4: Customization ===\n")
// exercise5 covers how to build complex objects as CEL literals.
// Given the input `now`, construct a JWT with an expiry of 5 minutes.
func exercise5() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 5: Building JSON ===\n")
// exercise6 describes how to build proto message types within CEL.
// Given an input `jwt` and time `now` construct a
// `google.rpc.context.AttributeContext.Request` with the `time` and `auth`
// fields populated according to the go/api-attributes specification.
func exercise6() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 6: Building Protos ===\n")
// exercise7 introduces macros for dealing with repeated fields and maps.
// Determine whether the `jwt.extra_claims` has at least one key that starts
// with the `group` prefix, and ensure that all group-like keys have list
// values containing only strings that end with '`.
func exercise7() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 7: Macros ===\n")
// exercise8 covers some useful features of CEL-Go which can be used to
// improve performance and better understand evaluation behavior.
// Turn on the optimization, exhaustive eval, and state tracking
// `cel.ProgramOption` flags to see the impact on evaluation behavior.
// Also, turn on the homogeneous aggregate literals flag to disable
// heterogeneous list and map literals.
func exercise8() {
fmt.Println("=== Exercise 8: Tuning ===\n")
// Functions to assist with CEL execution.
// compile will parse and check an expression `expr` against a given
// environment `env` and determine whether the resulting type of the expression
// matches the `exprType` provided as input.
func compile(env *cel.Env, expr string, exprType *exprpb.Type) *cel.Ast {
ast, iss := env.Compile(expr)
if iss.Err() != nil {
if !proto.Equal(ast.ResultType(), exprType) {
"Got %v, wanted %v result type", ast.ResultType(), exprType)
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", strings.ReplaceAll(expr, "\t", " "))
return ast
// eval will evaluate a given program `prg` against a set of variables `vars`
// and return the output, eval details (optional), or error that results from
// evaluation.
func eval(prg cel.Program,
vars interface{}) (out ref.Val, det *cel.EvalDetails, err error) {
varMap, isMap := vars.(map[string]interface{})
fmt.Println("------ input ------")
if !isMap {
fmt.Printf("(%T)\n", vars)
} else {
for k, v := range varMap {
switch val := v.(type) {
case proto.Message:
fmt.Printf("%s = %v", k, proto.MarshalTextString(val))
case map[string]interface{}:
b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
fmt.Printf("%s = %v\n", k, string(b))
case uint64:
fmt.Printf("%s = %vu\n", k, v)
fmt.Printf("%s = %v\n", k, v)
out, det, err = prg.Eval(vars)
report(out, det, err)
// report prints out the result of evaluation in human-friendly terms.
func report(result ref.Val, details *cel.EvalDetails, err error) {
fmt.Println("------ result ------")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %s\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("value: %v (%T)\n", result, result)
if details != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n------ eval states ------\n")
state := details.State()
stateIDs := state.IDs()
ids := make([]int, len(stateIDs), len(stateIDs))
for i, id := range stateIDs {
ids[i] = int(id)
for _, id := range ids {
v, found := state.Value(int64(id))
if !found {
fmt.Printf("%d: %v (%T)\n", id, v, v)
// mapContainsKeyValue implements the custom function:
// `map.contains(key, value) bool`.
func mapContainsKeyValue(args ...ref.Val) ref.Val {
// Check the argument input count.
if len(args) != 3 {
return types.NewErr("no such overload")
obj := args[0]
m, isMap := obj.(traits.Mapper)
// Ensure the argument is a CEL map type, otherwise error.
// The type-checking is a best effort check to ensure that the types provided
// to functions match the ones specified; however, it is always possible that
// the implementation does not match the declaration. Always check arguments
// types whenever there is a possibility that your function will deal with
// dynamic content.
if !isMap {
// The helper ValOrErr ensures that errors on input are propagated.
return types.ValOrErr(obj, "no such overload")
// CEL has many interfaces for dealing with different type abstractions.
// The traits.Mapper interface unifies field presence testing on proto
// messages and maps.
key := args[1]
v, found := m.Find(key)
// If not found and the value was non-nil, the value is an error per the
// `Find` contract. Propagate it accordingly.
if !found {
if v != nil {
return types.ValOrErr(v, "unsupported key type")
// Return CEL False if the key was not found.
return types.False
// Otherwise whether the value at the key equals the value provided.
return v.Equal(args[2])
// Functions for constructing CEL inputs.
// auth constructs a `google.rpc.context.AttributeContext.Auth` message.
func auth(user string, claims map[string]string) *rpcpb.AttributeContext_Auth {
claimFields := make(map[string]*structpb.Value)
for k, v := range claims {
claimFields[k] = &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: v,
return &rpcpb.AttributeContext_Auth{
Principal: user,
Claims: &structpb.Struct{Fields: claimFields},
// request constructs a `google.rpc.context.AttributeContext.Request` message.
func request(auth *rpcpb.AttributeContext_Auth, t time.Time) map[string]interface{} {
req := &rpcpb.AttributeContext_Request{
Auth: auth,
Time: &tpb.Timestamp{Seconds: t.Unix()},
return map[string]interface{}{"request": req}
// valueToJSON converts the CEL type to a protobuf JSON representation and
// marshals the result to a string.
func valueToJSON(val ref.Val) string {
v, err := val.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf(&structpb.Value{}))
if err != nil {
marshaller := &jsonpb.Marshaler{Indent: " "}
str, err := marshaller.MarshalToString(v.(proto.Message))
if err != nil {
return str
var (
emptyClaims = make(map[string]string)