blob: 62b5260b13a796d370799913cd796ed03923aa48 [file] [log] [blame]
import Foundation
public struct FlatBufferBuilder {
/// Vtables used in the buffer are stored in here, so they would be written later in EndTable
private var _vtable: [UInt32] = []
/// Reference Vtables that were already written to the buffer
private var _vtables: [UOffset] = []
/// Flatbuffer data will be written into
private var _bb: ByteBuffer
/// A check if the buffer is being written into by a different table
private var isNested = false
/// Dictonary that stores a map of all the strings that were written to the buffer
private var stringOffsetMap: [String: Offset<String>] = [:]
/// A check to see if finish(::) was ever called to retreive data object
private var finished = false
/// A check to see if the buffer should serialize Default values
private var serializeDefaults: Bool
/// Current alignment for the buffer
var _minAlignment: Int = 0 {
didSet {
_bb.alignment = _minAlignment
/// Gives a read access to the buffer's size
public var size: UOffset { return _bb.size }
/// Data representation of the buffer
public var data: Data {
assert(finished, "Data shouldn't be called before finish()")
return Data(bytes: _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.writerIndex),
count: _bb.capacity - _bb.writerIndex)
/// Get's the fully sized buffer stored in memory
public var fullSizedByteArray: [UInt8] {
let ptr = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: _bb.memory.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self),
count: _bb.capacity)
return Array(ptr)
/// Returns the written size of the buffer
public var sizedByteArray: [UInt8] {
let cp = _bb.capacity - _bb.writerIndex
let start = _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.writerIndex)
.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: cp)
let ptr = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: start, count: cp)
return Array(ptr)
/// Returns the buffer
public var buffer: ByteBuffer { return _bb }
/// Returns A sized Buffer from the readable bytes
public var sizedBuffer: ByteBuffer {
assert(finished, "Data shouldn't be called before finish()")
return ByteBuffer(memory: _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.reader), count: Int(_bb.size))
// MARK: - Init
/// initialize the buffer with a size
/// - Parameters:
/// - initialSize: Initial size for the buffer
/// - force: Allows default to be serialized into the buffer
public init(initialSize: Int32 = 1024, serializeDefaults force: Bool = false) {
assert(initialSize > 0, "Size should be greater than zero!")
guard isLitteEndian else {
fatalError("Reading/Writing a buffer in big endian machine is not supported on swift")
serializeDefaults = force
_bb = ByteBuffer(initialSize: Int(initialSize))
/// Clears the buffer and the builder from it's data
mutating public func clear() {
_minAlignment = 0
isNested = false
stringOffsetMap = [:]
/// Removes all the offsets from the VTable
mutating public func clearOffsets() {
_vtable = []
// MARK: - Create Tables
/// Checks if the required fields were serialized into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - table: offset for the table
/// - fields: Array of all the important fields to be serialized
mutating public func require(table: Offset<UOffset>, fields: [Int32]) {
for field in fields {
let start = _bb.capacity - Int(table.o)
let startTable = start - Int( Int32.self, position: start))
let isOkay = VOffset.self, position: startTable + Int(field)) != 0
assert(isOkay, "Flatbuffers requires the following field")
/// Finished the buffer by adding the file id and then calling finish
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: Offset of the table
/// - fileId: Takes the fileId
/// - prefix: if false it wont add the size of the buffer
mutating public func finish<T>(offset: Offset<T>, fileId: String, addPrefix prefix: Bool = false) {
let size = MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size
preAlign(len: size + (prefix ? size : 0) + FileIdLength, alignment: _minAlignment)
assert(fileId.count == FileIdLength, "Flatbuffers requires file id to be 4")
_bb.push(string: fileId, len: 4)
finish(offset: offset, addPrefix: prefix)
/// Finished the buffer by adding the file id, offset, and prefix to it.
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: Offset of the table
/// - prefix: if false it wont add the size of the buffer
mutating public func finish<T>(offset: Offset<T>, addPrefix prefix: Bool = false) {
let size = MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size
preAlign(len: size + (prefix ? size : 0), alignment: _minAlignment)
push(element: refer(to: offset.o))
if prefix { push(element: _bb.size) }
finished = true
/// starttable will let the builder know, that a new object is being serialized.
/// The function will fatalerror if called while there is another object being serialized
/// - Parameter numOfFields: Number of elements to be written to the buffer
mutating public func startTable(with numOfFields: Int) -> UOffset {
isNested = true
_vtable = [UInt32](repeating: 0, count: numOfFields)
return _bb.size
/// Endtable will let the builder know that the object that's written to it is completed
/// This would be called after all the elements are serialized, it will add the vtable into the buffer.
/// it will fatalError in case the object is called without starttable, or the object has exceeded the limit of
/// 2GB,
/// - Parameter startOffset:Start point of the object written
/// - returns: The root of the table
mutating public func endTable(at startOffset: UOffset) -> UOffset {
assert(isNested, "Calling endtable without calling starttable")
let sizeofVoffset = MemoryLayout<VOffset>.size
let vTableOffset = push(element: SOffset(0))
let tableObjectSize = vTableOffset - startOffset
assert(tableObjectSize < 0x10000, "Buffer can't grow beyond 2 Gigabytes")
var writeIndex = 0
for (index,j) in _vtable.lazy.reversed().enumerated() {
if j != 0 {
writeIndex = _vtable.count - index
for i in stride(from: writeIndex - 1, to: -1, by: -1) {
let off = _vtable[i] == 0 ? 0 : vTableOffset - _vtable[i]
_bb.push(value: VOffset(off), len: sizeofVoffset)
_bb.push(value: VOffset(tableObjectSize), len: sizeofVoffset)
_bb.push(value: (UInt16(writeIndex + 2) * UInt16(sizeofVoffset)), len: sizeofVoffset)
let vt_use = _bb.size
var isAlreadyAdded: Int?
let vt2 = _bb.memory.advanced(by: _bb.writerIndex)
let len2 = vt2.load(fromByteOffset: 0, as: Int16.self)
for table in _vtables {
let position = _bb.capacity - Int(table)
let vt1 = _bb.memory.advanced(by: position)
let len1 = Int16.self, position: position)
if (len2 != len1 || 0 != memcmp(vt1, vt2, Int(len2))) { continue }
isAlreadyAdded = Int(table)
if let offset = isAlreadyAdded {
let vTableOff = Int(vTableOffset)
let space = _bb.capacity - vTableOff
_bb.write(value: Int32(offset - vTableOff), index: space, direct: true)
_bb.resize(_bb.capacity - space)
} else {
_bb.write(value: Int32(vt_use) - Int32(vTableOffset), index: Int(vTableOffset))
isNested = false
return vTableOffset
// MARK: - Builds Buffer
/// asserts to see if the object is not nested
@usableFromInline mutating internal func notNested() {
assert(!isNested, "Object serialization must not be nested")
/// Changes the minimuim alignment of the buffer
/// - Parameter size: size of the current alignment
@usableFromInline mutating internal func minAlignment(size: Int) {
if size > _minAlignment {
_minAlignment = size
/// Gets the padding for the current element
/// - Parameters:
/// - bufSize: Current size of the buffer + the offset of the object to be written
/// - elementSize: Element size
@usableFromInline mutating internal func padding(bufSize: UInt32, elementSize: UInt32) -> UInt32 {
((~bufSize) &+ 1) & (elementSize - 1)
/// Prealigns the buffer before writting a new object into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - len:Length of the object
/// - alignment: Alignment type
@usableFromInline mutating internal func preAlign(len: Int, alignment: Int) {
minAlignment(size: alignment)
_bb.fill(padding: padding(bufSize: _bb.size + UOffset(len), elementSize: UOffset(alignment)))
/// Prealigns the buffer before writting a new object into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - len: Length of the object
/// - type: Type of the object to be written
@usableFromInline mutating internal func preAlign<T: Scalar>(len: Int, type: T.Type) {
preAlign(len: len, alignment: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
/// Refers to an object that's written in the buffer
/// - Parameter off: the objects index value
@usableFromInline mutating internal func refer(to off: UOffset) -> UOffset {
let size = MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size
preAlign(len: size, alignment: size)
return _bb.size - off + UInt32(size)
/// Tracks the elements written into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: The offset of the element witten
/// - position: The position of the element
@usableFromInline mutating internal func track(offset: UOffset, at position: VOffset) {
_vtable[Int(position)] = offset
// MARK: - Vectors
/// Starts a vector of length and Element size
mutating public func startVector(_ len: Int, elementSize: Int) {
isNested = true
preAlign(len: len * elementSize, type: UOffset.self)
preAlign(len: len * elementSize, alignment: elementSize)
/// Ends the vector of at length
/// The current function will fatalError if startVector is called before serializing the vector
/// - Parameter len: Length of the buffer
mutating public func endVector(len: Int) -> UOffset {
assert(isNested, "Calling endVector without calling startVector")
isNested = false
return push(element: Int32(len))
/// Creates a vector of type Bool in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: elements to be written into the buffer
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector(_ elements: [Bool]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
return createVector(elements, size: elements.count)
/// Creates a vector of type Bool in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: Elements to be written into the buffer
/// - Parameter size: Count of elements
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector(_ elements: [Bool], size: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
let size = size
startVector(size, elementSize: MemoryLayout<Bool>.size)
_bb.push(elements: elements)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: size))
/// Creates a vector of type Scalar in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: elements to be written into the buffer
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Scalar>(_ elements: [T]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
return createVector(elements, size: elements.count)
/// Creates a vector of type Scalar in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: Elements to be written into the buffer
/// - Parameter size: Count of elements
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Scalar>(_ elements: [T], size: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
let size = size
startVector(size, elementSize: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
_bb.push(elements: elements)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: size))
/// Creates a vector of type Enums in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: elements to be written into the buffer
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Enum>(_ elements: [T]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
return createVector(elements, size: elements.count)
/// Creates a vector of type Enums in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: Elements to be written into the buffer
/// - Parameter size: Count of elements
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Enum>(_ elements: [T], size: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
let size = size
startVector(size, elementSize: T.byteSize)
for e in elements.lazy.reversed() {
_bb.push(value: e.value, len: T.byteSize)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: size))
/// Creates a vector of type Offsets in the buffer
/// - Parameter offsets:Array of offsets of type T
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T>(ofOffsets offsets: [Offset<T>]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
createVector(ofOffsets: offsets, len: offsets.count)
/// Creates a vector of type Offsets in the buffer
/// - Parameter elements: Array of offsets of type T
/// - Parameter size: Count of elements
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T>(ofOffsets offsets: [Offset<T>], len: Int) -> Offset<UOffset> {
startVector(len, elementSize: MemoryLayout<Offset<T>>.size)
for o in offsets.lazy.reversed() {
push(element: o)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: len))
/// Creates a vector of Strings
/// - Parameter str: a vector of strings that will be written into the buffer
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector(ofStrings str: [String]) -> Offset<UOffset> {
var offsets: [Offset<String>] = []
for s in str {
offsets.append(create(string: s))
return createVector(ofOffsets: offsets)
/// Creates a vector of Flatbuffer structs.
/// The function takes a Type to know what size it is, and alignment
/// - Parameters:
/// - structs: An array of UnsafeMutableRawPointer
/// - type: Type of the struct being written
/// - returns: Offset of the vector
mutating public func createVector<T: Readable>(structs: [UnsafeMutableRawPointer],
type: T.Type) -> Offset<UOffset> {
startVector(structs.count * T.size, elementSize: T.alignment)
for i in structs.lazy.reversed() {
create(struct: i, type: T.self)
return Offset(offset: endVector(len: structs.count))
// MARK: - Inserting Structs
/// Writes a Flatbuffer struct into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - s: Flatbuffer struct
/// - type: Type of the element to be serialized
/// - returns: Offset of the Object
mutating public func create<T: Readable>(struct s: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
type: T.Type) -> Offset<UOffset> {
let size = T.size
preAlign(len: size, alignment: T.alignment)
_bb.push(struct: s, size: size)
return Offset(offset: _bb.size)
/// Adds the offset of a struct into the vTable
/// The function fatalErrors if we pass an offset that is out of range
/// - Parameter o: offset
mutating public func add(structOffset o: UOffset) {
guard Int(o) < _vtable.count else { fatalError("Out of the table range") }
_vtable[Int(o)] = _bb.size
// MARK: - Inserting Strings
/// Insets a string into the buffer using UTF8
/// - Parameter str: String to be serialized
/// - returns: The strings offset in the buffer
mutating public func create(string str: String) -> Offset<String> {
let len = str.count
preAlign(len: len + 1, type: UOffset.self)
_bb.fill(padding: 1)
_bb.push(string: str, len: len)
push(element: UOffset(len))
return Offset(offset: _bb.size)
/// Inserts a shared string to the buffer
/// The function checks the stringOffsetmap if it's seen a similar string before
/// - Parameter str: String to be serialized
/// - returns: The strings offset in the buffer
mutating public func createShared(string str: String) -> Offset<String> {
if let offset = stringOffsetMap[str] {
return offset
let offset = create(string: str)
stringOffsetMap[str] = offset
return offset
// MARK: - Inseting offsets
/// Adds the offset of an object into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - offset: Offset of another object to be written
/// - position: The predefined position of the object
mutating public func add<T>(offset: Offset<T>, at position: VOffset) {
if offset.isEmpty {
track(offset: 0, at: position)
add(element: refer(to: offset.o), def: 0, at: position)
/// Pushes a value of type offset into the buffer
/// - Parameter o: Offset
/// - returns: Position of the offset
mutating public func push<T>(element o: Offset<T>) -> UOffset {
push(element: refer(to: o.o))
// MARK: - Inserting Scalars to Buffer
/// Adds a value into the buffer of type Scalar
/// - Parameters:
/// - element: Element to insert
/// - def: Default value for that element
/// - position: The predefined position of the element
mutating public func add<T: Scalar>(element: T, def: T, at position: VOffset) {
if (element == def && !serializeDefaults) {
track(offset: 0, at: position)
let off = push(element: element)
track(offset: off, at: position)
/// Adds Boolean values into the buffer
/// - Parameters:
/// - condition: Condition to insert
/// - def: Default condition
/// - position: The predefined position of the element
mutating public func add(condition: Bool, def: Bool, at position: VOffset) {
if (condition == def && !serializeDefaults) {
track(offset: 0, at: position)
let off = push(element: Byte(condition ? 1 : 0))
track(offset: off, at: position)
/// Pushes the values into the buffer
/// - Parameter element: Element to insert
/// - returns: Postion of the Element
mutating public func push<T: Scalar>(element: T) -> UOffset {
preAlign(len: MemoryLayout<T>.size,
alignment: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
_bb.push(value: element, len: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
return _bb.size
extension FlatBufferBuilder: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
buffer debug:
builder debug:
{ finished: \(finished), serializeDefaults: \(serializeDefaults), isNested: \(isNested) }