blob: cd0a8ac3b19fe0bd998a586a8ad3eb0d522aa87b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Implementation details included from each ops/*.h.
// Separate header because foreach_target.h re-enables its include guard.
#include "hwy/ops/set_macros-inl.h"
// Normal include guard required for macros/symbols in hwy (instead of the
// unique-per-target hwy::NAMESPACE). NOTE: this header also has a per-target
// section after this include guard.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Clang 3.9 generates VINSERTF128 instead of the desired VBROADCASTF128,
// which would free up port5. However, inline assembly isn't supported on
// MSVC, results in incorrect output on GCC 8.3, and raises "invalid output size
// for constraint" errors on Clang (, hence we
// disable it.
// Shorthand for implementations of Highway ops.
namespace hwy {
// Unfortunately the GCC/Clang intrinsics do not accept int64_t*.
using GatherIndex64 = long long int; // NOLINT(google-runtime-int)
static_assert(sizeof(GatherIndex64) == 8, "Must be 64-bit type");
// Controlling overload resolution
// Insert into template/function arguments to enable this overload only for
// vectors of AT MOST this many bits.
// Note that enabling for exactly 128 bits is unnecessary because a function can
// simply be overloaded with Vec128<T> and Full128<T> descriptor. Enabling for
// other sizes (e.g. 64 bit) can be achieved with Simd<T, 8 / sizeof(T)>.
#define HWY_IF_LE128(T, N) hwy::EnableIf<N * sizeof(T) <= 16>* = nullptr
#define HWY_IF_LE64(T, N) hwy::EnableIf<N * sizeof(T) <= 8>* = nullptr
#define HWY_IF_LE32(T, N) hwy::EnableIf<N * sizeof(T) <= 4>* = nullptr
#define HWY_IF_FLOAT(T) hwy::EnableIf<hwy::IsFloat<T>()>* = nullptr
// IsSigned<float>() is true, so cannot use that to differentiate int/float.
#define HWY_IF_NOT_FLOAT(T) hwy::EnableIf<!hwy::IsFloat<T>()>* = nullptr
// Empty struct used as a size tag type.
template <size_t N>
struct SizeTag {};
// Conversion between types of the same size
// Unsigned/signed/floating-point types whose sizes are kSize bytes.
template <size_t kSize>
struct TypesOfSize;
template <>
struct TypesOfSize<1> {
using Unsigned = uint8_t;
using Signed = int8_t;
template <>
struct TypesOfSize<2> {
using Unsigned = uint16_t;
using Signed = int16_t;
template <>
struct TypesOfSize<4> {
using Unsigned = uint32_t;
using Signed = int32_t;
using Float = float;
template <>
struct TypesOfSize<8> {
using Unsigned = uint64_t;
using Signed = int64_t;
using Float = double;
template <typename T>
using MakeUnsigned = typename TypesOfSize<sizeof(T)>::Unsigned;
template <typename T>
using MakeSigned = typename TypesOfSize<sizeof(T)>::Signed;
template <typename T>
using MakeFloat = typename TypesOfSize<sizeof(T)>::Float;
} // namespace hwy
#endif // HWY_SHARED_INL_H_
// Per-target definitions (relies on external include guard in highway.h)
// Target-specific types used by ops/*-inl.h.
namespace hwy {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
// SIMD operations are implemented as overloaded functions selected using a
// "descriptor" D := Simd<T, N>. T is the lane type, N the requested number of
// lanes >= 1 (always a power of two). In the common case, users do not choose N
// directly, but instead use HWY_FULL (the largest available size). N may differ
// from the hardware vector size. If N is less, only that many lanes will be
// loaded/stored.
// Only HWY_FULL(T) and N <= 16 / sizeof(T) are guaranteed to be available - the
// latter are useful if >128 bit vectors are unnecessary or undesirable.
// Users should not use the N of a Simd<> but instead query the actual number of
// lanes via Lanes().
template <typename Lane, size_t N>
struct Simd {
constexpr Simd() = default;
using T = Lane;
static_assert((N & (N - 1)) == 0 && N != 0, "N must be a power of two");
// Widening/narrowing ops change the number of lanes and/or their type.
// To initialize such vectors, we need the corresponding descriptor types:
// PromoteTo/DemoteTo with another lane type, but same number of lanes.
template <typename NewLane>
using Rebind = Simd<NewLane, N>;
// MulEven with another lane type, but same total size.
// Round up to correctly handle scalars with N=1.
template <typename NewLane>
using Repartition =
Simd<NewLane, (N * sizeof(Lane) + sizeof(NewLane) - 1) / sizeof(NewLane)>;
// LowerHalf with the same lane type, but half the lanes.
// Round up to correctly handle scalars with N=1.
using Half = Simd<T, (N + 1) / 2>;
// Combine with the same lane type, but twice the lanes.
using Twice = Simd<T, 2 * N>;
// Descriptor for the same number of lanes as D, but with the LaneType T.
template <class T, class D>
using Rebind = typename D::template Rebind<T>;
// Descriptor for the same total size as D, but with the LaneType T.
template <class T, class D>
using Repartition = typename D::template Repartition<T>;
// Descriptor for the same lane type as D, but half the lanes.
template <class D>
using Half = typename D::Half;
// Descriptor for the same lane type as D, but twice the lanes.
template <class D>
using Twice = typename D::Twice;
// Compile-time-constant, (typically but not guaranteed) an upper bound on the
// number of lanes.
// Prefer instead using Lanes() and dynamic allocation, or Rebind, or
// `#if HWY_CAP_GE*`.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_INLINE HWY_MAYBE_UNUSED constexpr size_t MaxLanes(Simd<T, N>) {
return N;
// (Potentially) non-constant actual size of the vector at runtime, subject to
// the limit imposed by the Simd. Useful for advancing loop counters.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_INLINE HWY_MAYBE_UNUSED size_t Lanes(Simd<T, N>) {
return N;
// The source/destination must not overlap/alias.
template <size_t kBytes, typename From, typename To>
HWY_API void CopyBytes(const From* from, To* to) {
const uint8_t* HWY_RESTRICT from_bytes =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(from);
uint8_t* HWY_RESTRICT to_bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(to);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kBytes; ++i) {
to_bytes[i] = from_bytes[i];
// Avoids horrible codegen on Clang (series of PINSRB)
__builtin_memcpy(to, from, kBytes);
HWY_API size_t PopCount(const uint64_t x) {
return static_cast<size_t>(__builtin_popcountll(x));
return _mm_popcnt_u64(x);
#error "not supported"
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace hwy