blob: 17c3835d9050977e9826e0a49dafe52d796337e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// 128-bit vectors and SSE4 instructions, plus some AVX2 and AVX512-VL
// operations when compiling for those targets.
// External include guard in highway.h - see comment there.
#include <smmintrin.h> // SSE4
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hwy/ops/shared-inl.h"
namespace hwy {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
template <typename T>
struct Raw128 {
using type = __m128i;
template <>
struct Raw128<float> {
using type = __m128;
template <>
struct Raw128<double> {
using type = __m128d;
template <typename T>
using Full128 = Simd<T, 16 / sizeof(T)>;
template <typename T, size_t N = 16 / sizeof(T)>
class Vec128 {
using Raw = typename Raw128<T>::type;
// Compound assignment. Only usable if there is a corresponding non-member
// binary operator overload. For example, only f32 and f64 support division.
HWY_INLINE Vec128& operator*=(const Vec128 other) {
return *this = (*this * other);
HWY_INLINE Vec128& operator/=(const Vec128 other) {
return *this = (*this / other);
HWY_INLINE Vec128& operator+=(const Vec128 other) {
return *this = (*this + other);
HWY_INLINE Vec128& operator-=(const Vec128 other) {
return *this = (*this - other);
HWY_INLINE Vec128& operator&=(const Vec128 other) {
return *this = (*this & other);
HWY_INLINE Vec128& operator|=(const Vec128 other) {
return *this = (*this | other);
HWY_INLINE Vec128& operator^=(const Vec128 other) {
return *this = (*this ^ other);
Raw raw;
// Integer: FF..FF or 0. Float: MSB, all other bits undefined - see README.
template <typename T, size_t N = 16 / sizeof(T)>
class Mask128 {
using Raw = typename Raw128<T>::type;
Raw raw;
// ------------------------------ Cast
HWY_API __m128i BitCastToInteger(__m128i v) { return v; }
HWY_API __m128i BitCastToInteger(__m128 v) { return _mm_castps_si128(v); }
HWY_API __m128i BitCastToInteger(__m128d v) { return _mm_castpd_si128(v); }
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N * sizeof(T)> cast_to_u8(Vec128<T, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N * sizeof(T)>{BitCastToInteger(v.raw)};
// Cannot rely on function overloading because return types differ.
template <typename T>
struct BitCastFromInteger128 {
HWY_INLINE __m128i operator()(__m128i v) { return v; }
template <>
struct BitCastFromInteger128<float> {
HWY_INLINE __m128 operator()(__m128i v) { return _mm_castsi128_ps(v); }
template <>
struct BitCastFromInteger128<double> {
HWY_INLINE __m128d operator()(__m128i v) { return _mm_castsi128_pd(v); }
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> cast_u8_to(Simd<T, N> /* tag */,
Vec128<uint8_t, N * sizeof(T)> v) {
return Vec128<T, N>{BitCastFromInteger128<T>()(v.raw)};
template <typename T, size_t N, typename FromT>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> BitCast(Simd<T, N> d,
Vec128<FromT, N * sizeof(T) / sizeof(FromT)> v) {
return cast_u8_to(d, cast_to_u8(v));
// ------------------------------ Set
// Returns an all-zero vector/part.
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(T, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> Zero(Simd<T, N> /* tag */) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_setzero_si128()};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(float, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Zero(Simd<float, N> /* tag */) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_setzero_ps()};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(double, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Zero(Simd<double, N> /* tag */) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_setzero_pd()};
// Returns a vector/part with all lanes set to "t".
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(uint8_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> Set(Simd<uint8_t, N> /* tag */, const uint8_t t) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi8(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(uint16_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> Set(Simd<uint16_t, N> /* tag */, const uint16_t t) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi16(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(uint32_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> Set(Simd<uint32_t, N> /* tag */, const uint32_t t) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi32(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(uint64_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> Set(Simd<uint64_t, N> /* tag */, const uint64_t t) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi64x(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(int8_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> Set(Simd<int8_t, N> /* tag */, const int8_t t) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi8(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(int16_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> Set(Simd<int16_t, N> /* tag */, const int16_t t) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi16(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(int32_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> Set(Simd<int32_t, N> /* tag */, const int32_t t) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi32(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(int64_t, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> Set(Simd<int64_t, N> /* tag */, const int64_t t) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_set1_epi64x(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(float, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Set(Simd<float, N> /* tag */, const float t) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_set1_ps(t)};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(double, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Set(Simd<double, N> /* tag */, const double t) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_set1_pd(t)};
HWY_DIAGNOSTICS_OFF(disable : 4700, ignored "-Wuninitialized")
// Returns a vector with uninitialized elements.
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(T, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> Undefined(Simd<T, N> /* tag */) {
#ifdef __clang__
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_undefined_si128()};
__m128i raw;
return Vec128<T, N>{raw};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(float, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Undefined(Simd<float, N> /* tag */) {
#ifdef __clang__
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_undefined_ps()};
__m128 raw;
return Vec128<float, N>{raw};
template <size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(double, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Undefined(Simd<double, N> /* tag */) {
#ifdef __clang__
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_undefined_pd()};
__m128d raw;
return Vec128<double, N>{raw};
// ================================================== ARITHMETIC
// ------------------------------ Addition
// Unsigned
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_add_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_add_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_add_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_add_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_add_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_add_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_add_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> operator+(const Vec128<int64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_add_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Float
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> operator+(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_add_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> operator+(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_add_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Subtraction
// Unsigned
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> operator-(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> operator-(Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> operator-(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> operator-(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> operator-(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> operator-(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> operator-(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> operator-(const Vec128<int64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_sub_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Float
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> operator-(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_sub_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> operator-(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_sub_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Saturating addition
// Returns a + b clamped to the destination range.
// Unsigned
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> SaturatedAdd(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_adds_epu8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> SaturatedAdd(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_adds_epu16(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> SaturatedAdd(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_adds_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> SaturatedAdd(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_adds_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Saturating subtraction
// Returns a - b clamped to the destination range.
// Unsigned
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> SaturatedSub(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_subs_epu8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> SaturatedSub(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_subs_epu16(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> SaturatedSub(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_subs_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> SaturatedSub(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_subs_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Average
// Returns (a + b + 1) / 2
// Unsigned
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> AverageRound(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_avg_epu8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> AverageRound(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_avg_epu16(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Absolute value
// Returns absolute value, except that LimitsMin() maps to LimitsMax() + 1.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> Abs(const Vec128<int8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_abs_epi8(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> Abs(const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_abs_epi16(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> Abs(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_abs_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Abs(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
const Vec128<int32_t, N> mask{_mm_set1_epi32(0x7FFFFFFF)};
return v & BitCast(Simd<float, N>(), mask);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Abs(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
const Vec128<int64_t, N> mask{_mm_set1_epi64x(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL)};
return v & BitCast(Simd<double, N>(), mask);
// ------------------------------ Shift lanes by constant #bits
// Unsigned
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> ShiftLeft(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_slli_epi16(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> ShiftRight(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_srli_epi16(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> ShiftLeft(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_slli_epi32(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> ShiftRight(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_srli_epi32(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> ShiftLeft(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_slli_epi64(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> ShiftRight(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_srli_epi64(v.raw, kBits)};
// Signed (no i64 ShiftRight)
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> ShiftLeft(const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_slli_epi16(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> ShiftRight(const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_srai_epi16(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> ShiftLeft(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_slli_epi32(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> ShiftRight(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_srai_epi32(v.raw, kBits)};
template <int kBits, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> ShiftLeft(const Vec128<int64_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_slli_epi64(v.raw, kBits)};
// ------------------------------ Shift lanes by same variable #bits
// Unsigned (no u8)
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> ShiftLeftSame(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_sll_epi16(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> ShiftRightSame(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_srl_epi16(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> ShiftLeftSame(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_sll_epi32(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> ShiftRightSame(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_srl_epi32(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> ShiftLeftSame(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_sll_epi64(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> ShiftRightSame(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_srl_epi64(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
// Signed (no i8,i64)
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> ShiftLeftSame(const Vec128<int16_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_sll_epi16(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> ShiftRightSame(const Vec128<int16_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_sra_epi16(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> ShiftLeftSame(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_sll_epi32(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> ShiftRightSame(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_sra_epi32(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> ShiftLeftSame(const Vec128<int64_t, N> v,
const int bits) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_sll_epi64(v.raw, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits))};
#endif // HWY_TARGET == HWY_SSE4
// ------------------------------ Shift lanes by independent variable #bits
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> operator>>(const Vec128<T, N> v, const Vec128<T, N> bits) {
static_assert(N == 1, "SSE4 does not support full variable shift");
return ShiftRightSame(v, GetLane(bits));
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> operator<<(const Vec128<T, N> v, const Vec128<T, N> bits) {
static_assert(N == 1, "SSE4 does not support full variable shift");
return ShiftLeftSame(v, GetLane(bits));
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> operator>>(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> bits) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_srlv_epi32(v.raw, bits.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> operator<<(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> bits) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_sllv_epi32(v.raw, bits.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> operator<<(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v,
const Vec128<uint64_t, N> bits) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_sllv_epi64(v.raw, bits.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> operator>>(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v,
const Vec128<uint64_t, N> bits) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_srlv_epi64(v.raw, bits.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> operator<<(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> bits) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_sllv_epi32(v.raw, bits.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> operator>>(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> bits) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_srav_epi32(v.raw, bits.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> operator<<(const Vec128<int64_t, N> v,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> bits) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_sllv_epi64(v.raw, bits.raw)};
#endif // HWY_TARGET != HWY_SSE4
// ------------------------------ Minimum
// Unsigned (no u64 unless AVX3)
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> Min(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_min_epu8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> Min(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_min_epu16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> Min(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_min_epu32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> Min(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_min_epu64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed (no i64 unless AVX3)
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> Min(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_min_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> Min(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_min_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> Min(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_min_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> Min(const Vec128<int64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_min_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Float
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Min(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_min_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Min(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_min_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Maximum
// Unsigned (no u64 unless AVX3)
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> Max(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_max_epu8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> Max(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_max_epu16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> Max(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_max_epu32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> Max(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_max_epu64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed (no i64 unless AVX3)
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> Max(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_max_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> Max(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_max_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> Max(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_max_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> Max(const Vec128<int64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_max_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Float
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Max(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_max_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Max(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_max_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Integer multiplication
// Unsigned
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> operator*(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_mullo_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> operator*(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_mullo_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> operator*(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_mullo_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> operator*(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_mullo_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Returns the upper 16 bits of a * b in each lane.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> MulHigh(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_mulhi_epu16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> MulHigh(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_mulhi_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Multiplies even lanes (0, 2 ..) and places the double-wide result into
// even and the upper half into its odd neighbor lane.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, (N + 1) / 2> MulEven(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_mul_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, (N + 1) / 2> MulEven(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_mul_epu32(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Negate
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_FLOAT(T)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> Neg(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
return Xor(v, SignBit(Simd<T, N>()));
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_NOT_FLOAT(T)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> Neg(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
return Zero(Simd<T, N>()) - v;
// ------------------------------ Floating-point mul / div
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> operator*(Vec128<float, N> a, Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_mul_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<float, 1> operator*(const Vec128<float, 1> a,
const Vec128<float, 1> b) {
return Vec128<float, 1>{_mm_mul_ss(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> operator*(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_mul_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<double, 1> operator*(const Vec128<double, 1> a,
const Vec128<double, 1> b) {
return Vec128<double, 1>{_mm_mul_sd(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> operator/(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_div_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<float, 1> operator/(const Vec128<float, 1> a,
const Vec128<float, 1> b) {
return Vec128<float, 1>{_mm_div_ss(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> operator/(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_div_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<double, 1> operator/(const Vec128<double, 1> a,
const Vec128<double, 1> b) {
return Vec128<double, 1>{_mm_div_sd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Approximate reciprocal
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> ApproximateReciprocal(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_rcp_ps(v.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<float, 1> ApproximateReciprocal(const Vec128<float, 1> v) {
return Vec128<float, 1>{_mm_rcp_ss(v.raw)};
// Absolute value of difference.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> AbsDiff(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Abs(a - b);
// ------------------------------ Floating-point multiply-add variants
// Returns mul * x + add
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> MulAdd(const Vec128<float, N> mul,
const Vec128<float, N> x,
const Vec128<float, N> add) {
return mul * x + add;
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_fmadd_ps(mul.raw, x.raw, add.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> MulAdd(const Vec128<double, N> mul,
const Vec128<double, N> x,
const Vec128<double, N> add) {
return mul * x + add;
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_fmadd_pd(mul.raw, x.raw, add.raw)};
// Returns add - mul * x
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> NegMulAdd(const Vec128<float, N> mul,
const Vec128<float, N> x,
const Vec128<float, N> add) {
return add - mul * x;
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_fnmadd_ps(mul.raw, x.raw, add.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> NegMulAdd(const Vec128<double, N> mul,
const Vec128<double, N> x,
const Vec128<double, N> add) {
return add - mul * x;
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_fnmadd_pd(mul.raw, x.raw, add.raw)};
// Returns mul * x - sub
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> MulSub(const Vec128<float, N> mul,
const Vec128<float, N> x,
const Vec128<float, N> sub) {
return mul * x - sub;
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_fmsub_ps(mul.raw, x.raw, sub.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> MulSub(const Vec128<double, N> mul,
const Vec128<double, N> x,
const Vec128<double, N> sub) {
return mul * x - sub;
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_fmsub_pd(mul.raw, x.raw, sub.raw)};
// Returns -mul * x - sub
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> NegMulSub(const Vec128<float, N> mul,
const Vec128<float, N> x,
const Vec128<float, N> sub) {
return Neg(mul) * x - sub;
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_fnmsub_ps(mul.raw, x.raw, sub.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> NegMulSub(const Vec128<double, N> mul,
const Vec128<double, N> x,
const Vec128<double, N> sub) {
return Neg(mul) * x - sub;
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_fnmsub_pd(mul.raw, x.raw, sub.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Floating-point square root
// Full precision square root
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Sqrt(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_sqrt_ps(v.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<float, 1> Sqrt(const Vec128<float, 1> v) {
return Vec128<float, 1>{_mm_sqrt_ss(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Sqrt(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_sqrt_pd(v.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<double, 1> Sqrt(const Vec128<double, 1> v) {
return Vec128<double, 1>{_mm_sqrt_sd(_mm_setzero_pd(), v.raw)};
// Approximate reciprocal square root
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> ApproximateReciprocalSqrt(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_rsqrt_ps(v.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<float, 1> ApproximateReciprocalSqrt(const Vec128<float, 1> v) {
return Vec128<float, 1>{_mm_rsqrt_ss(v.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Floating-point rounding
// Toward nearest integer, ties to even
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Round(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{
_mm_round_ps(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Round(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{
_mm_round_pd(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
// Toward zero, aka truncate
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Trunc(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{
_mm_round_ps(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Trunc(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{
_mm_round_pd(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
// Toward +infinity, aka ceiling
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Ceil(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{
_mm_round_ps(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Ceil(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{
_mm_round_pd(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
// Toward -infinity, aka floor
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Floor(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{
_mm_round_ps(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Floor(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{
_mm_round_pd(v.raw, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC)};
// ================================================== COMPARE
// Comparisons fill a lane with 1-bits if the condition is true, else 0.
// ------------------------------ Equality
// Unsigned
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<uint8_t, N> operator==(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<uint16_t, N> operator==(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<uint32_t, N> operator==(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<uint64_t, N> operator==(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint64_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int8_t, N> operator==(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int8_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int16_t, N> operator==(Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int16_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int32_t, N> operator==(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int64_t, N> operator==(const Vec128<int64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int64_t, N>{_mm_cmpeq_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Float
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<float, N> operator==(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Mask128<float, N>{_mm_cmpeq_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<double, N> operator==(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Mask128<double, N>{_mm_cmpeq_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<T, N> TestBit(Vec128<T, N> v, Vec128<T, N> bit) {
static_assert(!hwy::IsFloat<T>(), "Only integer vectors supported");
return (v & bit) == bit;
// ------------------------------ Strict inequality
// Signed/float <
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int8_t, N> operator<(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int8_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi8(b.raw, a.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int16_t, N> operator<(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int16_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi16(b.raw, a.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int32_t, N> operator<(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi32(b.raw, a.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<float, N> operator<(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Mask128<float, N>{_mm_cmplt_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<double, N> operator<(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Mask128<double, N>{_mm_cmplt_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// Signed/float >
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int8_t, N> operator>(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int8_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int16_t, N> operator>(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int16_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int32_t, N> operator>(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<float, N> operator>(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Mask128<float, N>{_mm_cmpgt_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<double, N> operator>(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Mask128<double, N>{_mm_cmpgt_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int64_t, N> operator<(const Vec128<int64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int64_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi64(b.raw, a.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<int64_t, N> operator>(const Vec128<int64_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> b) {
return Mask128<int64_t, N>{_mm_cmpgt_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
#endif // HWY_TARGET != HWY_SSE4
// ------------------------------ Weak inequality
// Float <= >=
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<float, N> operator<=(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Mask128<float, N>{_mm_cmple_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<double, N> operator<=(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Mask128<double, N>{_mm_cmple_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<float, N> operator>=(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Mask128<float, N>{_mm_cmpge_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<double, N> operator>=(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Mask128<double, N>{_mm_cmpge_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ================================================== LOGICAL
// ------------------------------ Bitwise AND
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> And(Vec128<T, N> a, Vec128<T, N> b) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_and_si128(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> And(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_and_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> And(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_and_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Bitwise AND-NOT
// Returns ~not_mask & mask.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> AndNot(Vec128<T, N> not_mask, Vec128<T, N> mask) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_andnot_si128(not_mask.raw, mask.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> AndNot(const Vec128<float, N> not_mask,
const Vec128<float, N> mask) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_andnot_ps(not_mask.raw, mask.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> AndNot(const Vec128<double, N> not_mask,
const Vec128<double, N> mask) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_andnot_pd(not_mask.raw, mask.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Bitwise OR
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> Or(Vec128<T, N> a, Vec128<T, N> b) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_or_si128(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Or(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_or_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Or(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_or_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Bitwise XOR
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> Xor(Vec128<T, N> a, Vec128<T, N> b) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_xor_si128(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Xor(const Vec128<float, N> a,
const Vec128<float, N> b) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_xor_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Xor(const Vec128<double, N> a,
const Vec128<double, N> b) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_xor_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Operator overloads (internal-only if float)
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> operator&(const Vec128<T, N> a, const Vec128<T, N> b) {
return And(a, b);
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> operator|(const Vec128<T, N> a, const Vec128<T, N> b) {
return Or(a, b);
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> operator^(const Vec128<T, N> a, const Vec128<T, N> b) {
return Xor(a, b);
// ------------------------------ CopySign
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> CopySign(const Vec128<T, N> magn,
const Vec128<T, N> sign) {
static_assert(IsFloat<T>(), "Only makes sense for floating-point");
const Simd<T, N> d;
const auto msb = SignBit(d);
const Rebind<MakeUnsigned<T>, decltype(d)> du;
// Truth table for msb, magn, sign | bitwise msb ? sign : mag
// 0 0 0 | 0
// 0 0 1 | 0
// 0 1 0 | 1
// 0 1 1 | 1
// 1 0 0 | 0
// 1 0 1 | 1
// 1 1 0 | 0
// 1 1 1 | 1
// The lane size does not matter because we are not using predication.
const __m128i out = _mm_ternarylogic_epi32(
BitCast(du, msb).raw, BitCast(du, magn).raw, BitCast(du, sign).raw, 0xAC);
return BitCast(d, decltype(Zero(du)){out});
return Or(AndNot(msb, magn), And(msb, sign));
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> CopySignToAbs(const Vec128<T, N> abs, const Vec128<T, N> sign) {
// AVX3 can also handle abs < 0, so no extra action needed.
return CopySign(abs, sign);
return Or(abs, And(SignBit(Simd<T, N>()), sign));
// ------------------------------ Mask
// Mask and Vec are the same (true = FF..FF).
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Mask128<T, N> MaskFromVec(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
return Mask128<T, N>{v.raw};
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> VecFromMask(const Mask128<T, N> v) {
return Vec128<T, N>{v.raw};
// mask ? yes : no
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> IfThenElse(Mask128<T, N> mask, Vec128<T, N> yes,
Vec128<T, N> no) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_blendv_epi8(no.raw, yes.raw, mask.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> IfThenElse(const Mask128<float, N> mask,
const Vec128<float, N> yes,
const Vec128<float, N> no) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_blendv_ps(no.raw, yes.raw, mask.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> IfThenElse(const Mask128<double, N> mask,
const Vec128<double, N> yes,
const Vec128<double, N> no) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_blendv_pd(no.raw, yes.raw, mask.raw)};
// mask ? yes : 0
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> IfThenElseZero(Mask128<T, N> mask, Vec128<T, N> yes) {
return yes & VecFromMask(mask);
// mask ? 0 : no
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> IfThenZeroElse(Mask128<T, N> mask, Vec128<T, N> no) {
return AndNot(VecFromMask(mask), no);
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_FLOAT(T)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> ZeroIfNegative(Vec128<T, N> v) {
const Simd<T, N> d;
return IfThenElse(MaskFromVec(v), Zero(d), v);
// ================================================== MEMORY
// Clang static analysis claims the memory immediately after a partial vector
// store is uninitialized, and also flags the input to partial loads (at least
// for loadl_pd) as "garbage". This is a false alarm because msan does not
// raise errors. We work around this by using CopyBytes instead of intrinsics,
// but only for the analyzer to avoid potentially bad code generation.
// Unfortunately __clang_analyzer__ was not defined for clang-tidy prior to v7.
#if defined(__clang_analyzer__) || \
// ------------------------------ Load
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> Load(Full128<T> /* tag */, const T* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
return Vec128<T>{_mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(aligned))};
HWY_API Vec128<float> Load(Full128<float> /* tag */,
const float* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_load_ps(aligned)};
HWY_API Vec128<double> Load(Full128<double> /* tag */,
const double* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
return Vec128<double>{_mm_load_pd(aligned)};
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> LoadU(Full128<T> /* tag */, const T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
return Vec128<T>{_mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(p))};
HWY_API Vec128<float> LoadU(Full128<float> /* tag */,
const float* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_loadu_ps(p)};
HWY_API Vec128<double> LoadU(Full128<double> /* tag */,
const double* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
return Vec128<double>{_mm_loadu_pd(p)};
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T, 8 / sizeof(T)> Load(Simd<T, 8 / sizeof(T)> /* tag */,
const T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
__m128i v = _mm_setzero_si128();
CopyBytes<8>(p, &v);
return Vec128<T, 8 / sizeof(T)>{v};
return Vec128<T, 8 / sizeof(T)>{
_mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(p))};
HWY_API Vec128<float, 2> Load(Simd<float, 2> /* tag */,
const float* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
__m128 v = _mm_setzero_ps();
CopyBytes<8>(p, &v);
return Vec128<float, 2>{v};
const __m128 hi = _mm_setzero_ps();
return Vec128<float, 2>{_mm_loadl_pi(hi, reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(p))};
HWY_API Vec128<double, 1> Load(Simd<double, 1> /* tag */,
const double* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
__m128d v = _mm_setzero_pd();
CopyBytes<8>(p, &v);
return Vec128<double, 1>{v};
return Vec128<double, 1>{_mm_load_sd(p)};
HWY_API Vec128<float, 1> Load(Simd<float, 1> /* tag */,
const float* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
__m128 v = _mm_setzero_ps();
CopyBytes<4>(p, &v);
return Vec128<float, 1>{v};
return Vec128<float, 1>{_mm_load_ss(p)};
// Any <= 32 bit except <float, 1>
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_LE32(T, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> Load(Simd<T, N> /* tag */, const T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
constexpr size_t kSize = sizeof(T) * N;
__m128 v = _mm_setzero_ps();
CopyBytes<kSize>(p, &v);
return Vec128<T, N>{v};
// TODO(janwas): load_ss?
int32_t bits;
CopyBytes<kSize>(p, &bits);
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits)};
// For < 128 bit, LoadU == Load.
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_LE64(T, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> LoadU(Simd<T, N> d, const T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
return Load(d, p);
// 128-bit SIMD => nothing to duplicate, same as an unaligned load.
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_LE128(T, N)>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> LoadDup128(Simd<T, N> d, const T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
return LoadU(d, p);
// ------------------------------ Store
template <typename T>
HWY_API void Store(Vec128<T> v, Full128<T> /* tag */, T* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
_mm_store_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(aligned), v.raw);
HWY_API void Store(const Vec128<float> v, Full128<float> /* tag */,
float* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
_mm_store_ps(aligned, v.raw);
HWY_API void Store(const Vec128<double> v, Full128<double> /* tag */,
double* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
_mm_store_pd(aligned, v.raw);
template <typename T>
HWY_API void StoreU(Vec128<T> v, Full128<T> /* tag */, T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(p), v.raw);
HWY_API void StoreU(const Vec128<float> v, Full128<float> /* tag */,
float* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
_mm_storeu_ps(p, v.raw);
HWY_API void StoreU(const Vec128<double> v, Full128<double> /* tag */,
double* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
_mm_storeu_pd(p, v.raw);
template <typename T>
HWY_API void Store(Vec128<T, 8 / sizeof(T)> v, Simd<T, 8 / sizeof(T)> /* tag */,
CopyBytes<8>(&v, p);
_mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(p), v.raw);
HWY_API void Store(const Vec128<float, 2> v, Simd<float, 2> /* tag */,
float* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
CopyBytes<8>(&v, p);
_mm_storel_pi(reinterpret_cast<__m64*>(p), v.raw);
HWY_API void Store(const Vec128<double, 1> v, Simd<double, 1> /* tag */,
double* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
CopyBytes<8>(&v, p);
_mm_storel_pd(p, v.raw);
// Any <= 32 bit except <float, 1>
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_LE32(T, N)>
HWY_API void Store(Vec128<T, N> v, Simd<T, N> /* tag */, T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
CopyBytes<sizeof(T) * N>(&v, p);
HWY_API void Store(const Vec128<float, 1> v, Simd<float, 1> /* tag */,
float* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
CopyBytes<4>(&v, p);
_mm_store_ss(p, v.raw);
// For < 128 bit, StoreU == Store.
template <typename T, size_t N, HWY_IF_LE64(T, N)>
HWY_API void StoreU(const Vec128<T, N> v, Simd<T, N> d, T* HWY_RESTRICT p) {
Store(v, d, p);
// ------------------------------ Non-temporal stores
// On clang6, we see incorrect code generated for _mm_stream_pi, so
// round even partial vectors up to 16 bytes.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API void Stream(Vec128<T, N> v, Simd<T, N> /* tag */,
T* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
_mm_stream_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(aligned), v.raw);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API void Stream(const Vec128<float, N> v, Simd<float, N> /* tag */,
float* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
_mm_stream_ps(aligned, v.raw);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API void Stream(const Vec128<double, N> v, Simd<double, N> /* tag */,
double* HWY_RESTRICT aligned) {
_mm_stream_pd(aligned, v.raw);
// ------------------------------ Gather
template <typename T, size_t N, typename Offset>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherOffset(const Simd<T, N> d,
const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<Offset, N> offset) {
static_assert(N == 1, "SSE4 does not support full gather");
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(Offset), "T must match Offset");
const uintptr_t address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(base) + GetLane(offset);
T val;
CopyBytes<sizeof(T)>(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(address), &val);
return Set(d, val);
template <typename T, size_t N, typename Index>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherIndex(const Simd<T, N> d, const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<Index, N> index) {
static_assert(N == 1, "SSE4 does not support full gather");
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(Index), "T must match Index");
return Set(d, base[GetLane(index)]);
namespace detail {
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherOffset(hwy::SizeTag<4> /* tag */, Simd<T, N> /* d */,
const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> offset) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_i32gather_epi32(
reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(base), offset.raw, 1)};
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherIndex(hwy::SizeTag<4> /* tag */, Simd<T, N> /* d */,
const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> index) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_i32gather_epi32(
reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(base), index.raw, 4)};
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherOffset(hwy::SizeTag<8> /* tag */, Simd<T, N> /* d */,
const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> offset) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_i64gather_epi64(
reinterpret_cast<const hwy::GatherIndex64*>(base), offset.raw, 1)};
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherIndex(hwy::SizeTag<8> /* tag */, Simd<T, N> /* d */,
const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> index) {
return Vec128<T, N>{_mm_i64gather_epi64(
reinterpret_cast<const hwy::GatherIndex64*>(base), index.raw, 8)};
} // namespace detail
template <typename T, size_t N, typename Offset>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherOffset(Simd<T, N> d, const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<Offset, N> offset) {
return detail::GatherOffset(hwy::SizeTag<sizeof(T)>(), d, base, offset);
template <typename T, size_t N, typename Index>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> GatherIndex(Simd<T, N> d, const T* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<Index, N> index) {
return detail::GatherIndex(hwy::SizeTag<sizeof(T)>(), d, base, index);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> GatherOffset(Simd<float, N> /* tag */,
const float* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> offset) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_i32gather_ps(base, offset.raw, 1)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> GatherIndex(Simd<float, N> /* tag */,
const float* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> index) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_i32gather_ps(base, index.raw, 4)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> GatherOffset(Simd<double, N> /* tag */,
const double* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> offset) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_i64gather_pd(base, offset.raw, 1)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> GatherIndex(Simd<double, N> /* tag */,
const double* HWY_RESTRICT base,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> index) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_i64gather_pd(base, index.raw, 8)};
#endif // HWY_TARGET != HWY_SSE4
// ================================================== SWIZZLE
// ------------------------------ Extract lane
// Gets the single value stored in a vector/part.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API uint8_t GetLane(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(v.raw) & 0xFF;
template <size_t N>
HWY_API int8_t GetLane(const Vec128<int8_t, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(v.raw) & 0xFF;
template <size_t N>
HWY_API uint16_t GetLane(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(v.raw) & 0xFFFF;
template <size_t N>
HWY_API int16_t GetLane(const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(v.raw) & 0xFFFF;
template <size_t N>
HWY_API uint32_t GetLane(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(v.raw);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API int32_t GetLane(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(v.raw);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API float GetLane(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtss_f32(v.raw);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API uint64_t GetLane(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v) {
#if HWY_ARCH_X86_32
alignas(16) uint64_t lanes[2];
Store(v, Simd<uint64_t, N>(), lanes);
return lanes[0];
return _mm_cvtsi128_si64(v.raw);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API int64_t GetLane(const Vec128<int64_t, N> v) {
#if HWY_ARCH_X86_32
alignas(16) int64_t lanes[2];
Store(v, Simd<int64_t, N>(), lanes);
return lanes[0];
return _mm_cvtsi128_si64(v.raw);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API double GetLane(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return _mm_cvtsd_f64(v.raw);
// ------------------------------ Extract half
// Returns upper/lower half of a vector.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N / 2> LowerHalf(Vec128<T, N> v) {
return Vec128<T, N / 2>{v.raw};
// These copy hi into lo (smaller instruction encoding than shifts).
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T, 8 / sizeof(T)> UpperHalf(Vec128<T> v) {
return Vec128<T, 8 / sizeof(T)>{_mm_unpackhi_epi64(v.raw, v.raw)};
template <>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<float, 2> UpperHalf(Vec128<float> v) {
return Vec128<float, 2>{_mm_movehl_ps(v.raw, v.raw)};
template <>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<double, 1> UpperHalf(Vec128<double> v) {
return Vec128<double, 1>{_mm_unpackhi_pd(v.raw, v.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Shift vector by constant #bytes
// 0x01..0F, kBytes = 1 => 0x02..0F00
template <int kBytes, typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> ShiftLeftBytes(const Vec128<T> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kBytes && kBytes <= 16, "Invalid kBytes");
return Vec128<T>{_mm_slli_si128(v.raw, kBytes)};
template <int kLanes, typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> ShiftLeftLanes(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
const Simd<uint8_t, N * sizeof(T)> d8;
const Simd<T, N> d;
return BitCast(d, ShiftLeftBytes<kLanes * sizeof(T)>(BitCast(d8, v)));
// 0x01..0F, kBytes = 1 => 0x0001..0E
template <int kBytes, typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> ShiftRightBytes(const Vec128<T> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kBytes && kBytes <= 16, "Invalid kBytes");
return Vec128<T>{_mm_srli_si128(v.raw, kBytes)};
template <int kLanes, typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> ShiftRightLanes(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
const Simd<uint8_t, N * sizeof(T)> d8;
const Simd<T, N> d;
return BitCast(d, ShiftRightBytes<kLanes * sizeof(T)>(BitCast(d8, v)));
// ------------------------------ Extract from 2x 128-bit at constant offset
// Extracts 128 bits from <hi, lo> by skipping the least-significant kBytes.
template <int kBytes, typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> CombineShiftRightBytes(const Vec128<T> hi,
const Vec128<T> lo) {
const Full128<uint8_t> d8;
const Vec128<uint8_t> extracted_bytes{
_mm_alignr_epi8(BitCast(d8, hi).raw, BitCast(d8, lo).raw, kBytes)};
return BitCast(Full128<T>(), extracted_bytes);
// ------------------------------ Broadcast/splat any lane
// Unsigned
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
if (kLane < 4) {
const __m128i lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(v.raw, (0x55 * kLane) & 0xFF);
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_unpacklo_epi64(lo, lo)};
} else {
const __m128i hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(v.raw, (0x55 * (kLane - 4)) & 0xFF);
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_unpackhi_epi64(hi, hi)};
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x55 * kLane)};
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<uint64_t, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, kLane ? 0xEE : 0x44)};
// Signed
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
if (kLane < 4) {
const __m128i lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(v.raw, (0x55 * kLane) & 0xFF);
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_unpacklo_epi64(lo, lo)};
} else {
const __m128i hi = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(v.raw, (0x55 * (kLane - 4)) & 0xFF);
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_unpackhi_epi64(hi, hi)};
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x55 * kLane)};
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<int64_t, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, kLane ? 0xEE : 0x44)};
// Float
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_shuffle_ps(v.raw, v.raw, 0x55 * kLane)};
template <int kLane, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> Broadcast(const Vec128<double, N> v) {
static_assert(0 <= kLane && kLane < N, "Invalid lane");
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_shuffle_pd(v.raw, v.raw, 3 * kLane)};
// ------------------------------ Shuffle bytes with variable indices
// Returns vector of bytes[from[i]]. "from" is also interpreted as bytes:
// either valid indices in [0, 16) or >= 0x80 to zero the i-th output byte.
template <typename T, typename TI>
HWY_API Vec128<T> TableLookupBytes(const Vec128<T> bytes,
const Vec128<TI> from) {
return Vec128<T>{_mm_shuffle_epi8(bytes.raw, from.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Hard-coded shuffles
// Notation: let Vec128<int32_t> have lanes 3,2,1,0 (0 is least-significant).
// Shuffle0321 rotates one lane to the right (the previous least-significant
// lane is now most-significant). These could also be implemented via
// CombineShiftRightBytes but the shuffle_abcd notation is more convenient.
// Swap 32-bit halves in 64-bit halves.
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> Shuffle2301(const Vec128<uint32_t> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0xB1)};
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> Shuffle2301(const Vec128<int32_t> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0xB1)};
HWY_API Vec128<float> Shuffle2301(const Vec128<float> v) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_shuffle_ps(v.raw, v.raw, 0xB1)};
// Swap 64-bit halves
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> Shuffle1032(const Vec128<uint32_t> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x4E)};
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> Shuffle1032(const Vec128<int32_t> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x4E)};
HWY_API Vec128<float> Shuffle1032(const Vec128<float> v) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_shuffle_ps(v.raw, v.raw, 0x4E)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t> Shuffle01(const Vec128<uint64_t> v) {
return Vec128<uint64_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x4E)};
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t> Shuffle01(const Vec128<int64_t> v) {
return Vec128<int64_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x4E)};
HWY_API Vec128<double> Shuffle01(const Vec128<double> v) {
return Vec128<double>{_mm_shuffle_pd(v.raw, v.raw, 1)};
// Rotate right 32 bits
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> Shuffle0321(const Vec128<uint32_t> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x39)};
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> Shuffle0321(const Vec128<int32_t> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x39)};
HWY_API Vec128<float> Shuffle0321(const Vec128<float> v) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_shuffle_ps(v.raw, v.raw, 0x39)};
// Rotate left 32 bits
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> Shuffle2103(const Vec128<uint32_t> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x93)};
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> Shuffle2103(const Vec128<int32_t> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x93)};
HWY_API Vec128<float> Shuffle2103(const Vec128<float> v) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_shuffle_ps(v.raw, v.raw, 0x93)};
// Reverse
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> Shuffle0123(const Vec128<uint32_t> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x1B)};
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> Shuffle0123(const Vec128<int32_t> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t>{_mm_shuffle_epi32(v.raw, 0x1B)};
HWY_API Vec128<float> Shuffle0123(const Vec128<float> v) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_shuffle_ps(v.raw, v.raw, 0x1B)};
// ------------------------------ Permute (runtime variable)
// Returned by SetTableIndices for use by TableLookupLanes.
template <typename T>
struct permute_sse4 {
__m128i raw;
template <typename T>
HWY_API permute_sse4<T> SetTableIndices(Full128<T>, const int32_t* idx) {
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
const size_t N = 16 / sizeof(T);
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
HWY_DASSERT(0 <= idx[i] && idx[i] < static_cast<int32_t>(N));
const Full128<uint8_t> d8;
alignas(16) uint8_t control[16];
for (size_t idx_byte = 0; idx_byte < 16; ++idx_byte) {
const size_t idx_lane = idx_byte / sizeof(T);
const size_t mod = idx_byte % sizeof(T);
control[idx_byte] = idx[idx_lane] * sizeof(T) + mod;
return permute_sse4<T>{Load(d8, control).raw};
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> TableLookupLanes(const Vec128<uint32_t> v,
const permute_sse4<uint32_t> idx) {
return TableLookupBytes(v, Vec128<uint8_t>{idx.raw});
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> TableLookupLanes(const Vec128<int32_t> v,
const permute_sse4<int32_t> idx) {
return TableLookupBytes(v, Vec128<uint8_t>{idx.raw});
HWY_API Vec128<float> TableLookupLanes(const Vec128<float> v,
const permute_sse4<float> idx) {
const Full128<int32_t> di;
const Full128<float> df;
return BitCast(df,
TableLookupBytes(BitCast(di, v), Vec128<uint8_t>{idx.raw}));
// ------------------------------ Interleave lanes
// Interleaves lanes from halves of the 128-bit blocks of "a" (which provides
// the least-significant lane) and "b". To concatenate two half-width integers
// into one, use ZipLower/Upper instead (also works with scalar).
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<uint8_t> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<uint16_t> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<uint32_t> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<uint64_t> a,
const Vec128<uint64_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<int8_t> a,
const Vec128<int8_t> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<int16_t> a,
const Vec128<int16_t> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<int32_t> a,
const Vec128<int32_t> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<int64_t> a,
const Vec128<int64_t> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t>{_mm_unpacklo_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<float> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<float> a,
const Vec128<float> b) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_unpacklo_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<double> InterleaveLower(const Vec128<double> a,
const Vec128<double> b) {
return Vec128<double>{_mm_unpacklo_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<uint8_t> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint8_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<uint16_t> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<uint32_t> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<uint64_t> a,
const Vec128<uint64_t> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<int8_t> a,
const Vec128<int8_t> b) {
return Vec128<int8_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<int16_t> a,
const Vec128<int16_t> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<int32_t> a,
const Vec128<int32_t> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<int64_t> a,
const Vec128<int64_t> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t>{_mm_unpackhi_epi64(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<float> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<float> a,
const Vec128<float> b) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_unpackhi_ps(a.raw, b.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<double> InterleaveUpper(const Vec128<double> a,
const Vec128<double> b) {
return Vec128<double>{_mm_unpackhi_pd(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Zip lanes
// Same as interleave_*, except that the return lanes are double-width integers;
// this is necessary because the single-lane scalar cannot return two values.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, (N + 1) / 2> ZipLower(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_unpacklo_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, (N + 1) / 2> ZipLower(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_unpacklo_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, (N + 1) / 2> ZipLower(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_unpacklo_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, (N + 1) / 2> ZipLower(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_unpacklo_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, (N + 1) / 2> ZipLower(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_unpacklo_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, (N + 1) / 2> ZipLower(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t, (N + 1) / 2>{_mm_unpacklo_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N / 2> ZipUpper(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N / 2>{_mm_unpackhi_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N / 2> ZipUpper(const Vec128<uint16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N / 2>{_mm_unpackhi_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N / 2> ZipUpper(const Vec128<uint32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N / 2>{_mm_unpackhi_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N / 2> ZipUpper(const Vec128<int8_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N / 2>{_mm_unpackhi_epi8(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N / 2> ZipUpper(const Vec128<int16_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N / 2>{_mm_unpackhi_epi16(a.raw, b.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N / 2> ZipUpper(const Vec128<int32_t, N> a,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> b) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N / 2>{_mm_unpackhi_epi32(a.raw, b.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Blocks
// hiH,hiL loH,loL |-> hiL,loL (= lower halves)
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> ConcatLowerLower(const Vec128<T> hi, const Vec128<T> lo) {
const Full128<uint64_t> d64;
return BitCast(Full128<T>(),
InterleaveLower(BitCast(d64, lo), BitCast(d64, hi)));
// hiH,hiL loH,loL |-> hiH,loH (= upper halves)
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> ConcatUpperUpper(const Vec128<T> hi, const Vec128<T> lo) {
const Full128<uint64_t> d64;
return BitCast(Full128<T>(),
InterleaveUpper(BitCast(d64, lo), BitCast(d64, hi)));
// hiH,hiL loH,loL |-> hiL,loH (= inner halves)
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> ConcatLowerUpper(const Vec128<T> hi, const Vec128<T> lo) {
return CombineShiftRightBytes<8>(hi, lo);
// hiH,hiL loH,loL |-> hiH,loL (= outer halves)
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> ConcatUpperLower(const Vec128<T> hi, const Vec128<T> lo) {
return Vec128<T>{_mm_blend_epi16(hi.raw, lo.raw, 0x0F)};
template <>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<float> ConcatUpperLower(const Vec128<float> hi,
const Vec128<float> lo) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_blend_ps(hi.raw, lo.raw, 3)};
template <>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<double> ConcatUpperLower(const Vec128<double> hi,
const Vec128<double> lo) {
return Vec128<double>{_mm_blend_pd(hi.raw, lo.raw, 1)};
// ------------------------------ Odd/even lanes
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> OddEven(hwy::SizeTag<1> /* tag */, const Vec128<T> a,
const Vec128<T> b) {
const Full128<T> d;
const Full128<uint8_t> d8;
alignas(16) constexpr uint8_t mask[16] = {0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0,
0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0};
return IfThenElse(MaskFromVec(BitCast(d, Load(d8, mask))), b, a);
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> OddEven(hwy::SizeTag<2> /* tag */, const Vec128<T> a,
const Vec128<T> b) {
return Vec128<T>{_mm_blend_epi16(a.raw, b.raw, 0x55)};
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> OddEven(hwy::SizeTag<4> /* tag */, const Vec128<T> a,
const Vec128<T> b) {
return Vec128<T>{_mm_blend_epi16(a.raw, b.raw, 0x33)};
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> OddEven(hwy::SizeTag<8> /* tag */, const Vec128<T> a,
const Vec128<T> b) {
return Vec128<T>{_mm_blend_epi16(a.raw, b.raw, 0x0F)};
} // namespace detail
template <typename T>
HWY_API Vec128<T> OddEven(const Vec128<T> a, const Vec128<T> b) {
return detail::OddEven(hwy::SizeTag<sizeof(T)>(), a, b);
template <>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<float> OddEven<float>(const Vec128<float> a,
const Vec128<float> b) {
return Vec128<float>{_mm_blend_ps(a.raw, b.raw, 5)};
template <>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<double> OddEven<double>(const Vec128<double> a,
const Vec128<double> b) {
return Vec128<double>{_mm_blend_pd(a.raw, b.raw, 1)};
// ================================================== CONVERT
// ------------------------------ Promotions (part w/ narrow lanes -> full)
// Unsigned: zero-extend.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<uint16_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_cvtepu8_epi16(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<uint32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_cvtepu8_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<int16_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_cvtepu8_epi16(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<int32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<uint8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cvtepu8_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<uint32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t, N>{_mm_cvtepu16_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<int32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<uint16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cvtepu16_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<uint64_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<uint32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N>{_mm_cvtepu32_epi64(v.raw)};
// Signed: replicate sign bit.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<int16_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<int32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cvtepi8_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<int32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cvtepi16_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> PromoteTo(Simd<int64_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_cvtepi32_epi64(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> PromoteTo(Simd<double, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_cvtps_pd(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> PromoteTo(Simd<double, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_cvtepi32_pd(v.raw)};
HWY_API Vec128<uint32_t> U32FromU8(const Vec128<uint8_t> v) {
return Vec128<uint32_t>{_mm_cvtepu8_epi32(v.raw)};
// ------------------------------ Demotions (full -> part w/ narrow lanes)
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint16_t, N> DemoteTo(Simd<uint16_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint16_t, N>{_mm_packus_epi32(v.raw, v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int16_t, N> DemoteTo(Simd<int16_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int16_t, N>{_mm_packs_epi32(v.raw, v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> DemoteTo(Simd<uint8_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
const __m128i u16 = _mm_packus_epi32(v.raw, v.raw);
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_packus_epi16(u16, u16)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, N> DemoteTo(Simd<uint8_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint8_t, N>{_mm_packus_epi16(v.raw, v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> DemoteTo(Simd<int8_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
const __m128i i16 = _mm_packs_epi32(v.raw, v.raw);
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_packs_epi16(i16, i16)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int8_t, N> DemoteTo(Simd<int8_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int16_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<int8_t, N>{_mm_packs_epi16(v.raw, v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<float, N> DemoteTo(Simd<float, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_cvtpd_ps(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_INLINE Vec128<int32_t, N> DemoteTo(Simd<int32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cvttpd_epi32(v.raw)};
// For already range-limited input [0, 255].
HWY_API Vec128<uint8_t, 4> U8FromU32(const Vec128<uint32_t> v) {
const Full128<uint32_t> d32;
const Full128<uint8_t> d8;
alignas(16) static constexpr uint32_t k8From32[4] = {
0x0C080400u, 0x0C080400u, 0x0C080400u, 0x0C080400u};
// Also replicate bytes into all 32 bit lanes for safety.
const auto quad = TableLookupBytes(v, Load(d32, k8From32));
return LowerHalf(LowerHalf(BitCast(d8, quad)));
// ------------------------------ Convert integer <=> floating point
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<float, N> ConvertTo(Simd<float, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<int32_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<float, N>{_mm_cvtepi32_ps(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<double, N> ConvertTo(Simd<double, N> dd,
const Vec128<int64_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<double, N>{_mm_cvtepi64_pd(v.raw)};
alignas(16) int64_t lanes_i[2];
Store(v, Simd<int64_t, N>(), lanes_i);
alignas(16) double lanes_d[2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
lanes_d[i] = static_cast<double>(lanes_i[i]);
return Load(dd, lanes_d);
// Truncates (rounds toward zero).
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> ConvertTo(Simd<int32_t, N> /* tag */,
const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cvttps_epi32(v.raw)};
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int64_t, N> ConvertTo(Simd<int64_t, N> di,
const Vec128<double, N> v) {
return Vec128<int64_t, N>{_mm_cvttpd_epi64(v.raw)};
alignas(16) double lanes_d[2];
Store(v, Simd<double, N>(), lanes_d);
alignas(16) int64_t lanes_i[2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
lanes_i[i] = static_cast<int64_t>(lanes_d[i]);
return Load(di, lanes_i);
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<int32_t, N> NearestInt(const Vec128<float, N> v) {
return Vec128<int32_t, N>{_mm_cvtps_epi32(v.raw)};
// ================================================== MISC
// Returns a vector with lane i=[0, N) set to "first" + i.
template <typename T, size_t N, typename T2, HWY_IF_LE128(T, N)>
Vec128<T, N> Iota(const Simd<T, N> d, const T2 first) {
HWY_ALIGN T lanes[16 / sizeof(T)];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16 / sizeof(T); ++i) {
lanes[i] = static_cast<T>(first + static_cast<T2>(i));
return Load(d, lanes);
// ------------------------------ Mask
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
HWY_API uint64_t BitsFromMask(hwy::SizeTag<1> /*tag*/, const Mask128<T> mask) {
const Full128<uint8_t> d;
const auto sign_bits = BitCast(d, VecFromMask(mask)).raw;
return static_cast<unsigned>(_mm_movemask_epi8(sign_bits));
template <typename T>
HWY_API uint64_t BitsFromMask(hwy::SizeTag<2> /*tag*/, const Mask128<T> mask) {
// Remove useless lower half of each u16 while preserving the sign bit.
const auto sign_bits = _mm_packs_epi16(mask.raw, _mm_setzero_si128());
return static_cast<unsigned>(_mm_movemask_epi8(sign_bits));
template <typename T>
HWY_API uint64_t BitsFromMask(hwy::SizeTag<4> /*tag*/, const Mask128<T> mask) {
const Full128<float> d;
const auto sign_bits = BitCast(d, VecFromMask(mask)).raw;
return static_cast<unsigned>(_mm_movemask_ps(sign_bits));
template <typename T>
HWY_API uint64_t BitsFromMask(hwy::SizeTag<8> /*tag*/, const Mask128<T> mask) {
const Full128<double> d;
const auto sign_bits = BitCast(d, VecFromMask(mask)).raw;
return static_cast<unsigned>(_mm_movemask_pd(sign_bits));
} // namespace detail
template <typename T>
HWY_API uint64_t BitsFromMask(const Mask128<T> mask) {
return detail::BitsFromMask(hwy::SizeTag<sizeof(T)>(), mask);
template <typename T>
HWY_API bool AllFalse(const Mask128<T> mask) {
// Cheaper than PTEST, which is 2 uop / 3L.
return BitsFromMask(mask) == 0;
template <typename T>
HWY_API bool AllTrue(const Mask128<T> mask) {
constexpr uint64_t kAllBits = (1ull << (16 / sizeof(T))) - 1;
return BitsFromMask(mask) == kAllBits;
template <typename T>
HWY_API size_t CountTrue(const Mask128<T> mask) {
return PopCount(BitsFromMask(mask));
// ------------------------------ Reductions
// Returns 64-bit sums of 8-byte groups.
template <size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<uint64_t, N / 8> SumsOfU8x8(const Vec128<uint8_t, N> v) {
return Vec128<uint64_t, N / 8>{_mm_sad_epu8(v.raw, _mm_setzero_si128())};
namespace detail {
// For u32/i32/f32.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> SumOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<4> /* tag */,
const Vec128<T, N> v3210) {
const Vec128<T> v1032 = Shuffle1032(v3210);
const Vec128<T> v31_20_31_20 = v3210 + v1032;
const Vec128<T> v20_31_20_31 = Shuffle0321(v31_20_31_20);
return v20_31_20_31 + v31_20_31_20;
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> MinOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<4> /* tag */,
const Vec128<T, N> v3210) {
const Vec128<T> v1032 = Shuffle1032(v3210);
const Vec128<T> v31_20_31_20 = Min(v3210, v1032);
const Vec128<T> v20_31_20_31 = Shuffle0321(v31_20_31_20);
return Min(v20_31_20_31, v31_20_31_20);
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> MaxOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<4> /* tag */,
const Vec128<T, N> v3210) {
const Vec128<T> v1032 = Shuffle1032(v3210);
const Vec128<T> v31_20_31_20 = Max(v3210, v1032);
const Vec128<T> v20_31_20_31 = Shuffle0321(v31_20_31_20);
return Max(v20_31_20_31, v31_20_31_20);
// For u64/i64/f64.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> SumOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<8> /* tag */,
const Vec128<T, N> v10) {
const Vec128<T> v01 = Shuffle01(v10);
return v10 + v01;
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> MinOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<8> /* tag */,
const Vec128<T, N> v10) {
const Vec128<T> v01 = Shuffle01(v10);
return Min(v10, v01);
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> MaxOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<8> /* tag */,
const Vec128<T, N> v10) {
const Vec128<T> v01 = Shuffle01(v10);
return Max(v10, v01);
} // namespace detail
// Supported for u/i/f 32/64. Returns the sum in each lane.
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> SumOfLanes(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
return detail::SumOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<sizeof(T)>(), v);
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> MinOfLanes(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
return detail::MinOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<sizeof(T)>(), v);
template <typename T, size_t N>
HWY_API Vec128<T, N> MaxOfLanes(const Vec128<T, N> v) {
return detail::MaxOfLanes(hwy::SizeTag<sizeof(T)>(), v);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace hwy