blob: ea04f9eeb4ed576e16b6d469241eb240ff74b2f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "connections/implementation/base_endpoint_channel.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "connections/implementation/offline_frames.h"
#include "internal/platform/byte_array.h"
#include "internal/platform/exception.h"
#include "internal/platform/logging.h"
#include "internal/platform/mutex.h"
#include "internal/platform/mutex_lock.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
namespace {
std::int32_t BytesToInt(const ByteArray& bytes) {
const char* int_bytes =;
std::int32_t result = 0;
result |= (static_cast<std::int32_t>(int_bytes[0]) & 0x0FF) << 24;
result |= (static_cast<std::int32_t>(int_bytes[1]) & 0x0FF) << 16;
result |= (static_cast<std::int32_t>(int_bytes[2]) & 0x0FF) << 8;
result |= (static_cast<std::int32_t>(int_bytes[3]) & 0x0FF);
return result;
ByteArray IntToBytes(std::int32_t value) {
char int_bytes[sizeof(std::int32_t)];
int_bytes[0] = static_cast<char>((value >> 24) & 0x0FF);
int_bytes[1] = static_cast<char>((value >> 16) & 0x0FF);
int_bytes[2] = static_cast<char>((value >> 8) & 0x0FF);
int_bytes[3] = static_cast<char>((value)&0x0FF);
return ByteArray(int_bytes, sizeof(int_bytes));
ExceptionOr<ByteArray> ReadExactly(InputStream* reader, std::int64_t size) {
ByteArray buffer(size);
std::int64_t current_pos = 0;
while (current_pos < size) {
ExceptionOr<ByteArray> read_bytes = reader->Read(size - current_pos);
if (!read_bytes.ok()) {
return read_bytes;
ByteArray result = read_bytes.result();
if (result.Empty()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Empty result when reading bytes.";
return ExceptionOr<ByteArray>(Exception::kIo);
buffer.CopyAt(current_pos, result);
current_pos += result.size();
return ExceptionOr<ByteArray>(std::move(buffer));
ExceptionOr<std::int32_t> ReadInt(InputStream* reader) {
ExceptionOr<ByteArray> read_bytes = ReadExactly(reader, sizeof(std::int32_t));
if (!read_bytes.ok()) {
return ExceptionOr<std::int32_t>(read_bytes.exception());
return ExceptionOr<std::int32_t>(BytesToInt(std::move(read_bytes.result())));
Exception WriteInt(OutputStream* writer, std::int32_t value) {
return writer->Write(IntToBytes(value));
} // namespace
BaseEndpointChannel::BaseEndpointChannel(const std::string& channel_name,
InputStream* reader,
OutputStream* writer)
: BaseEndpointChannel(
channel_name, reader, writer,
// TODO(edwinwu): Below values should be retrieved from a base socket,
// the #MediumSocket in Android counterpart, from which all the
// derived medium sockets should dervied, and implement the supported
// values and leave the default values in base #MediumSocket.
/*ConnectionBand*/ proto::connections::CONNECTION_BAND_UNKNOWN_BAND,
/*frequency*/ -1,
/*try_count*/ 0) {}
const std::string& channel_name, InputStream* reader, OutputStream* writer,
proto::connections::ConnectionTechnology technology,
proto::connections::ConnectionBand band, int frequency, int try_count)
: channel_name_(channel_name),
try_count_(try_count) {}
ExceptionOr<ByteArray> BaseEndpointChannel::Read() {
ByteArray result;
MutexLock lock(&reader_mutex_);
ExceptionOr<std::int32_t> read_int = ReadInt(reader_);
if (!read_int.ok()) {
return ExceptionOr<ByteArray>(read_int.exception());
if (read_int.result() < 0 || read_int.result() > kMaxAllowedReadBytes) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Read an invalid number of bytes: "
<< read_int.result();
return ExceptionOr<ByteArray>(Exception::kIo);
ExceptionOr<ByteArray> read_bytes = ReadExactly(reader_, read_int.result());
if (!read_bytes.ok()) {
return read_bytes;
result = std::move(read_bytes.result());
MutexLock crypto_lock(&crypto_mutex_);
if (IsEncryptionEnabledLocked()) {
// If encryption is enabled, decode the message.
std::string input(std::move(result));
std::unique_ptr<std::string> decrypted_data =
if (decrypted_data) {
result = ByteArray(std::move(*decrypted_data));
} else {
// It could be a protocol race, where remote party sends a KEEP_ALIVE
// before encryption is setup on their side, and we receive it after
// we switched to encryption mode.
// In this case, we verify that message is indeed a valid KEEP_ALIVE,
// and let it through if it is, otherwise message is erased.
// TODO(apolyudov): verify this happens at most once per session.
result = {};
auto parsed = parser::FromBytes(ByteArray(input));
if (parsed.ok()) {
if (parser::GetFrameType(parsed.result()) == V1Frame::KEEP_ALIVE) {
<< __func__
<< ": Read unencrypted KEEP_ALIVE on encrypted channel.";
result = ByteArray(input);
} else {
<< __func__ << ": Read unexpected unencrypted frame of type "
<< parser::GetFrameType(parsed.result());
} else {
<< __func__ << ": Unable to parse data as unencrypted message.";
if (result.Empty()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Unable to parse read result.";
return ExceptionOr<ByteArray>(Exception::kInvalidProtocolBuffer);
MutexLock lock(&last_read_mutex_);
last_read_timestamp_ = SystemClock::ElapsedRealtime();
return ExceptionOr<ByteArray>(result);
Exception BaseEndpointChannel::Write(const ByteArray& data) {
MutexLock pause_lock(&is_paused_mutex_);
if (is_paused_) {
ByteArray encrypted_data;
const ByteArray* data_to_write = &data;
// Holding both mutexes is necessary to prevent the keep alive and payload
// threads from writing encrypted messages out of order which causes a
// failure to decrypt on the reader side. However we need to release the
// crypto lock after encrypting to ensure read decryption is not blocked.
MutexLock lock(&writer_mutex_);
MutexLock crypto_lock(&crypto_mutex_);
if (IsEncryptionEnabledLocked()) {
// If encryption is enabled, encode the message.
std::unique_ptr<std::string> encrypted =
if (!encrypted) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Failed to encrypt data.";
return {Exception::kIo};
encrypted_data = ByteArray(std::move(*encrypted));
data_to_write = &encrypted_data;
Exception write_exception =
WriteInt(writer_, static_cast<std::int32_t>(data_to_write->size()));
if (write_exception.Raised()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Failed to write header: "
<< write_exception.value;
return write_exception;
write_exception = writer_->Write(*data_to_write);
if (write_exception.Raised()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Failed to write data: "
<< write_exception.value;
return write_exception;
Exception flush_exception = writer_->Flush();
if (flush_exception.Raised()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Failed to flush writer: "
<< flush_exception.value;
return flush_exception;
MutexLock lock(&last_write_mutex_);
last_write_timestamp_ = SystemClock::ElapsedRealtime();
return {Exception::kSuccess};
void BaseEndpointChannel::Close() {
// In case channel is paused, resume it first thing.
MutexLock lock(&is_paused_mutex_);
void BaseEndpointChannel::CloseIo() {
// Keep this method dedicated to reader and writer handling an nothing else.
// Do not take reader_mutex_ here: read may be in progress, and it will
// deadlock. Calling Close() with Read() in progress will terminate the
// IO and Read() will proceed normally (with Exception::kIo).
Exception exception = reader_->Close();
if (!exception.Ok()) {
<< ": Exception closing reader: " << exception.value;
// Do not take writer_mutex_ here: write may be in progress, and it will
// deadlock. Calling Close() with Write() in progress will terminate the
// IO and Write() will proceed normally (with Exception::kIo).
Exception exception = writer_->Close();
if (!exception.Ok()) {
<< ": Exception closing writer: " << exception.value;
void BaseEndpointChannel::SetAnalyticsRecorder(
analytics::AnalyticsRecorder* analytics_recorder,
const std::string& endpoint_id) {
analytics_recorder_ = analytics_recorder;
endpoint_id_ = endpoint_id;
void BaseEndpointChannel::Close(
proto::connections::DisconnectionReason reason) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << __func__
<< ": Closing endpoint channel, reason: " << reason;
if (analytics_recorder_ != nullptr && !endpoint_id_.empty()) {
analytics_recorder_->OnConnectionClosed(endpoint_id_, GetMedium(), reason);
std::string BaseEndpointChannel::GetType() const {
MutexLock crypto_lock(&crypto_mutex_);
std::string subtype = IsEncryptionEnabledLocked() ? "ENCRYPTED_" : "";
std::string medium = proto::connections::Medium_Name(
if (GetMedium() != proto::connections::Medium::UNKNOWN_MEDIUM) {
medium =
absl::StrCat(subtype, proto::connections::Medium_Name(GetMedium()));
return medium;
std::string BaseEndpointChannel::GetName() const { return channel_name_; }
int BaseEndpointChannel::GetMaxTransmitPacketSize() const {
// Return default value if the medium never define it's chunk size.
return kDefaultMaxTransmitPacketSize;
void BaseEndpointChannel::EnableEncryption(
std::shared_ptr<EncryptionContext> context) {
MutexLock crypto_lock(&crypto_mutex_);
crypto_context_ = context;
void BaseEndpointChannel::DisableEncryption() {
MutexLock crypto_lock(&crypto_mutex_);
bool BaseEndpointChannel::IsPaused() const {
MutexLock lock(&is_paused_mutex_);
return is_paused_;
void BaseEndpointChannel::Pause() {
MutexLock lock(&is_paused_mutex_);
is_paused_ = true;
void BaseEndpointChannel::Resume() {
MutexLock lock(&is_paused_mutex_);
is_paused_ = false;
absl::Time BaseEndpointChannel::GetLastReadTimestamp() const {
MutexLock lock(&last_read_mutex_);
return last_read_timestamp_;
absl::Time BaseEndpointChannel::GetLastWriteTimestamp() const {
MutexLock lock(&last_write_mutex_);
return last_write_timestamp_;
proto::connections::ConnectionTechnology BaseEndpointChannel::GetTechnology()
const {
return technology_;
// Returns the used wifi band of this EndpointChannel.
proto::connections::ConnectionBand BaseEndpointChannel::GetBand() const {
return band_;
// Returns the used wifi frequency of this EndpointChannel.
int BaseEndpointChannel::GetFrequency() const { return frequency_; }
// Returns the try count of this EndpointChannel.
int BaseEndpointChannel::GetTryCount() const { return try_count_; }
bool BaseEndpointChannel::IsEncryptionEnabledLocked() const {
return crypto_context_ != nullptr;
void BaseEndpointChannel::BlockUntilUnpaused() {
// For more on how this works, see
while (is_paused_) {
Exception wait_succeeded = is_paused_cond_.Wait();
if (!wait_succeeded.Ok()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Failure waiting to unpause: "
<< wait_succeeded.value;
void BaseEndpointChannel::UnblockPausedWriter() {
// For more on how this works, see
is_paused_ = false;
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location