blob: 763105a2adb8a88b8c365c36573e04f059cca744 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "connections/advertising_options.h"
#include "connections/discovery_options.h"
#include "connections/listeners.h"
#include "connections/status.h"
#include "connections/strategy.h"
#include "internal/platform/byte_array.h"
#include "internal/platform/cancellation_flag.h"
#include "internal/platform/error_code_recorder.h"
#include "internal/platform/prng.h"
#include "internal/platform/cancelable_alarm.h"
#include "internal/platform/mutex.h"
#include "internal/analytics/analytics_recorder.h"
// Prefer using absl:: versions of a set and a map; they tend to be more
// efficient: implementation is using open-addressing hash tables.
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
// ClientProxy is tracking state of client's connection, and serves as
// a proxy for notifications sent to this client.
class ClientProxy final {
static constexpr int kEndpointIdLength = 4;
static constexpr absl::Duration
kHighPowerAdvertisementEndpointIdCacheTimeout = absl::Seconds(30);
explicit ClientProxy(analytics::EventLogger* event_logger = nullptr);
ClientProxy(ClientProxy&&) = default;
ClientProxy& operator=(ClientProxy&&) = default;
std::int64_t GetClientId() const;
std::string GetLocalEndpointId();
analytics::AnalyticsRecorder& GetAnalyticsRecorder() const {
return *analytics_recorder_;
std::string GetConnectionToken(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Clears all the runtime state of this client.
void Reset();
// Marks this client as advertising with the given callbacks.
void StartedAdvertising(
const std::string& service_id, Strategy strategy,
const ConnectionListener& connection_lifecycle_listener,
absl::Span<proto::connections::Medium> mediums,
const AdvertisingOptions& advertising_options = AdvertisingOptions{});
// Marks this client as not advertising.
void StoppedAdvertising();
bool IsAdvertising() const;
std::string GetAdvertisingServiceId() const;
// Get service ID of a surrently active link (either advertising, or
// discovering).
std::string GetServiceId() const;
// Marks this client as discovering with the given callback.
void StartedDiscovery(
const std::string& service_id, Strategy strategy,
const DiscoveryListener& discovery_listener,
absl::Span<proto::connections::Medium> mediums,
const DiscoveryOptions& discovery_options = DiscoveryOptions{});
// Marks this client as not discovering at all.
void StoppedDiscovery();
bool IsDiscoveringServiceId(const std::string& service_id) const;
bool IsDiscovering() const;
std::string GetDiscoveryServiceId() const;
// Proxies to the client's DiscoveryListener::OnEndpointFound() callback.
void OnEndpointFound(const std::string& service_id,
const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ByteArray& endpoint_info,
proto::connections::Medium medium);
// Proxies to the client's DiscoveryListener::OnEndpointLost() callback.
void OnEndpointLost(const std::string& service_id,
const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Proxies to the client's ConnectionListener::OnInitiated() callback.
void OnConnectionInitiated(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ConnectionResponseInfo& info,
const ConnectionOptions& connection_options,
const ConnectionListener& listener,
const std::string& connection_token);
// Proxies to the client's ConnectionListener::OnAccepted() callback.
void OnConnectionAccepted(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Proxies to the client's ConnectionListener::OnRejected() callback.
void OnConnectionRejected(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const Status& status);
void OnBandwidthChanged(const std::string& endpoint_id, Medium new_medium);
// Removes the endpoint from this client's list of connected endpoints. If
// notify is true, also calls the client's
// ConnectionListener.disconnected_cb() callback.
void OnDisconnected(const std::string& endpoint_id, bool notify);
// Returns all mediums eligible for upgrade.
BooleanMediumSelector GetUpgradeMediums(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
// Returns true if it's safe to send payloads to this endpoint.
bool IsConnectedToEndpoint(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
// Returns all endpoints that can safely be sent payloads.
std::vector<std::string> GetConnectedEndpoints() const;
// Returns all endpoints that are still awaiting acceptance.
std::vector<std::string> GetPendingConnectedEndpoints() const;
// Returns the number of endpoints that are connected and outgoing.
std::int32_t GetNumOutgoingConnections() const;
// Returns the number of endpoints that are connected and incoming.
std::int32_t GetNumIncomingConnections() const;
// If true, then we're in the process of approving (or rejecting) a
// connection. No payloads should be sent until isConnectedToEndpoint()
// returns true.
bool HasPendingConnectionToEndpoint(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
// Returns true if the local endpoint has already marked itself as
// accepted/rejected.
bool HasLocalEndpointResponded(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
// Returns true if the remote endpoint has already marked themselves as
// accepted/rejected.
bool HasRemoteEndpointResponded(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
// Marks the local endpoint as having accepted the connection.
void LocalEndpointAcceptedConnection(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const PayloadListener& listener);
// Marks the local endpoint as having rejected the connection.
void LocalEndpointRejectedConnection(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Marks the remote endpoint as having accepted the connection.
void RemoteEndpointAcceptedConnection(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Marks the remote endpoint as having rejected the connection.
void RemoteEndpointRejectedConnection(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Returns true if both the local endpoint and the remote endpoint have
// accepted the connection.
bool IsConnectionAccepted(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
// Returns true if either the local endpoint or the remote endpoint has
// rejected the connection.
bool IsConnectionRejected(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
// Proxies to the client's PayloadListener::OnPayload() callback.
void OnPayload(const std::string& endpoint_id, Payload payload);
// Proxies to the client's PayloadListener::OnPayloadProgress() callback.
void OnPayloadProgress(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const PayloadProgressInfo& info);
bool LocalConnectionIsAccepted(std::string endpoint_id) const;
bool RemoteConnectionIsAccepted(std::string endpoint_id) const;
// Adds a CancellationFlag for endpoint id.
void AddCancellationFlag(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Returns the CancellationFlag for endpoint id,
CancellationFlag* GetCancellationFlag(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Sets the CancellationFlag to true for endpoint id.
void CancelEndpoint(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Cancels all CancellationFlags.
void CancelAllEndpoints();
AdvertisingOptions GetAdvertisingOptions() const;
DiscoveryOptions GetDiscoveryOptions() const;
// The endpoint id will be stable for 30 seconds after high visibility mode
// (high power and Bluetooth Classic) advertisement stops.
// If client re-enters high visibility mode within 30 seconds, he is going to
// have the same endpoint id.
void EnterHighVisibilityMode();
// Cleans up any modifications in high visibility mode. The endpoint id always
// rotates.
void ExitHighVisibilityMode();
struct Connection {
// Status: may be either:
// Connection::PENDING, or combination of
// Connection::CONNECTED.
// Only when this is set to CONNECTED should you allow payload transfers.
// We want this enum to be implicitly convertible to int, because
// we perform bit operations on it.
enum Status : uint8_t {
kPending = 0,
kLocalEndpointAccepted = 1 << 0,
kLocalEndpointRejected = 1 << 1,
kRemoteEndpointAccepted = 1 << 2,
kRemoteEndpointRejected = 1 << 3,
kConnected = 1 << 4,
bool is_incoming{false};
Status status{kPending};
ConnectionListener connection_listener;
PayloadListener payload_listener;
ConnectionOptions connection_options;
DiscoveryOptions discovery_options;
AdvertisingOptions advertising_options;
std::string connection_token;
struct AdvertisingInfo {
std::string service_id;
ConnectionListener listener;
void Clear() { service_id.clear(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return service_id.empty(); }
struct DiscoveryInfo {
std::string service_id;
DiscoveryListener listener;
void Clear() { service_id.clear(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return service_id.empty(); }
void RemoveAllEndpoints();
void ResetLocalEndpointIdIfNeeded();
bool ConnectionStatusesContains(const std::string& endpoint_id,
Connection::Status status_to_match) const;
void AppendConnectionStatus(const std::string& endpoint_id,
Connection::Status status_to_append);
const Connection* LookupConnection(const std::string& endpoint_id) const;
Connection* LookupConnection(const std::string& endpoint_id);
bool ConnectionStatusMatches(const std::string& endpoint_id,
Connection::Status status) const;
std::vector<std::string> GetMatchingEndpoints(
std::function<bool(const Connection&)> pred) const;
std::string GenerateLocalEndpointId();
void ScheduleClearLocalHighVisModeCacheEndpointIdAlarm();
void CancelClearLocalHighVisModeCacheEndpointIdAlarm();
std::string ToString(PayloadProgressInfo::Status status) const;
mutable RecursiveMutex mutex_;
Prng prng_;
std::int64_t client_id_;
std::string local_endpoint_id_;
// If currently is advertising in high visibility mode is true: high power and
// Bluetooth Classic enabled. When high_visibility_mode_ is true, the endpoint
// id is stable for 30s. When high_visibility_mode_ is false, the endpoint id
// always rotates.
bool high_vis_mode_{false};
// Caches the endpoint id when it is in high visibility mode advertisement for
// 30s. Currently, Nearby Connections keeps rotating endpoint id. The client
// (Nearby Share) treats different endpoints as different receivers, duplicate
// share targets for same devices occur on share sheet in this case.
// Therefore, we remember the high visibility mode advertisement endpoint id
// here. empty if 1) There is no high power advertisement before 2) The
// endpoint id cached here in previous high visibility mode advertisement
// expires.
std::string local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_;
ScheduledExecutor single_thread_executor_;
CancelableAlarm clear_local_high_vis_mode_cache_endpoint_id_alarm_;
// If not empty, we are currently advertising and accepting connection
// requests for the given service_id.
AdvertisingInfo advertising_info_;
// If not empty, we are currently discovering for the given service_id.
DiscoveryInfo discovery_info_;
// The active ClientProxy's advertising constraints. Empty()
// returns true if the client hasn't started advertising false otherwise.
// Note: this is not cleared when the client stops advertising because it
// might still be useful downstream of advertising (eg: establishing
// connections, performing bandwidth upgrades, etc.)
AdvertisingOptions advertising_options_;
// The active ClientProxy's discovery constraints. Null if the client
// hasn't started discovering. Note: this is not cleared when the client
// stops discovering because it might still be useful downstream of
// discovery (eg: connection speed, etc.)
DiscoveryOptions discovery_options_;
// Maps endpoint_id to endpoint connection state.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, Connection> connections_;
// A cache of endpoint ids that we've already notified the discoverer of. We
// check this cache before calling onEndpointFound() so that we don't notify
// the client multiple times for the same endpoint. This would otherwise
// happen because some mediums (like Bluetooth) repeatedly give us the same
// endpoints after each scan.
absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> discovered_endpoint_ids_;
// Maps endpoint_id to CancellationFlag.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<CancellationFlag>>
// A default cancellation flag with isCancelled set be true.
std::unique_ptr<CancellationFlag> default_cancellation_flag_ =
// An analytics logger with |EventLogger| provided by client, which is default
// nullptr as no-op.
std::unique_ptr<analytics::AnalyticsRecorder> analytics_recorder_;
std::unique_ptr<ErrorCodeRecorder> error_code_recorder_;
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location