blob: 8260404952e3aa0f51575e4391ed4bb34eceb006 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Negative tests for thread safety analysis in executors implementation."""
from google3.testing.pybase import fake_target_util
from google3.testing.pybase import googletest
class ThreadCheckNocompileTest(googletest.TestCase):
"""Negative tests for thread safety analysis in executors implementation."""
def testCompilerErrors(self):
"""Runs a list of tests to verify that erroneous code leads to expected compiler messages."""
test_specs = [
('EXECUTE_MISSING_METHOD_ANNOTATION', [r'-Wthread-safety-analysis']),
('SUBMIT_MISSING_METHOD_ANNOTATION', [r'-Wthread-safety-analysis']),
('SCHEDULE_MISSING_METHOD_ANNOTATION', [r'-Wthread-safety-analysis']),
# Tests that compiling a valid C++ succeeds.
('SANITY', None) # None means that the compilation should succeed.
'thread_check_nocompile.o', test_specs)
if __name__ == '__main__':