blob: 88b0b3730689d7dd45cea8d70031b8537ecc3ece [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "platform/base/byte_array.h"
#include "platform/base/exception.h"
#include "third_party/absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "third_party/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace api {
namespace ble_v2 {
// Bundle of data found in a BLE advertisement.
// All service UUIDs will conform to the 16-bit Bluetooth base UUID,
// 0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB. This makes it possible to store two
// byte service UUIDs in the advertisement.
struct BleAdvertisementData {
using TxPowerLevel = int8_t;
static const TxPowerLevel kUnspecifiedTxPowerLevel =
bool is_connectable;
// When set to kUnspecifiedTxPowerLevel, TX power should not be included in
// the advertisement data.
TxPowerLevel tx_power_level;
// When set to an empty string, local name should not be included in the
// advertisement data.
std::string local_name;
// When set to an empty vector, the set of 16-bit service class UUIDs should
// not be included in the advertisement data.
std::set<std::string> service_uuids;
// Maps service UUIDs to their service data.
std::map<std::string, ByteArray> service_data;
// Opaque wrapper over a BLE peripheral. Must be able to uniquely identify a
// peripheral so that we can connect to its GATT server.
class BlePeripheral {
virtual ~BlePeripheral() {}
// This should be the MAC address when possible. If the implementation is
// unable to retrieve that, any unique identifier should suffice.
virtual std::string GetId() const = 0;
// Representation of a GATT characteristic.
class GattCharacteristic {
virtual ~GattCharacteristic() {}
// Possible permissions of a GATT characteristic.
enum class Permission {
kUnknown = 0,
kRead = 1,
kWrite = 2,
// Possible properties of a GATT characteristic.
enum class Property {
kUnknown = 0,
kRead = 1,
kWrite = 2,
kIndicate = 3,
// Returns the UUID of this characteristic.
virtual std::string GetUuid() = 0;
// Returns the UUID of the containing GATT service.
virtual std::string GetServiceUuid() = 0;
// Representation of a client GATT connection to a remote GATT server.
class ClientGattConnection {
virtual ~ClientGattConnection() {}
// Retrieves the BLE peripheral that this connection is tied to.
virtual BlePeripheral& GetPeripheral() = 0;
// Discovers all available services and characteristics on this connection.
// Returns whether or not discovery finished successfully.
// This function should block until discovery has finished.
virtual bool DiscoverServices() = 0;
// Retrieves a GATT characteristic. On error, does not return a value.
// DiscoverServices() should be called before this method to fetch all
// available services and characteristics first.
// It is okay for duplicate services to exist, as long as the specified
// characteristic UUID is unique among all services of the same UUID.
virtual absl::optional<GattCharacteristic> GetCharacteristic(
absl::string_view service_uuid,
absl::string_view characteristic_uuid) = 0;
// Reads a GATT characteristic. No value is returned upon error.
virtual absl::optional<ByteArray> ReadCharacteristic(
const GattCharacteristic& characteristic) = 0;
// Sends a remote characteristic write request to the server and returns
// whether or not it was successful.
virtual bool WriteCharacteristic(const GattCharacteristic& characteristic,
const ByteArray& value) = 0;
// Disconnects a GATT connection.
virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
// Representation of a server GATT connection to a remote GATT client.
class ServerGattConnection {
virtual ~ServerGattConnection() {}
// Sends a notification (via indication) to the client that a characteristic
// has changed with the given value. Returns whether or not it was successful.
// The value sent does not have to reflect the locally stored characteristic
// value. To update the local value, call GattServer::UpdateCharacteristic.
virtual bool SendCharacteristic(const GattCharacteristic& characteristic,
const ByteArray& value) = 0;
// Callback for asynchronous events on the client side of a GATT connection.
class ClientGattConnectionLifeCycleCallback {
virtual ~ClientGattConnectionLifeCycleCallback() {}
// Called when the client is disconnected from the GATT server.
virtual void OnDisconnected(ClientGattConnection* connection) = 0;
// Callback for asynchronous events on the server side of a GATT connection.
class ServerGattConnectionLifeCycleCallback {
virtual ~ServerGattConnectionLifeCycleCallback() {}
// Called when a remote peripheral connected to us and subscribed to one of
// our characteristics.
virtual void OnCharacteristicSubscription(
ServerGattConnection* connection,
const GattCharacteristic& characteristic) = 0;
// Called when a remote peripheral unsubscribed from one of our
// characteristics.
virtual void OnCharacteristicUnsubscription(
ServerGattConnection* connection,
const GattCharacteristic& characteristic) = 0;
// Representation of a BLE GATT server.
class GattServer {
virtual ~GattServer() {}
// Creates a characteristic and adds it to the GATT server under the given
// characteristic and service UUIDs. Returns no value upon error.
// Characteristics of the same service UUID should be put under one
// service rather than many services with the same UUID.
// If the INDICATE property is included, the characteristic should include the
// official Bluetooth Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor with UUID
// 0x2902 and a WRITE permission. This allows remote clients to write to this
// descriptor and subscribe for characteristic changes. For more information
// about this descriptor, please go to:
virtual absl::optional<GattCharacteristic> CreateCharacteristic(
absl::string_view service_uuid, absl::string_view characteristic_uuid,
const std::set<GattCharacteristic::Permission>& permissions,
const std::set<GattCharacteristic::Property>& properties) = 0;
// Locally updates the value of a characteristic and returns whether or not it
// was successful.
// Takes ownership of (and is responsible for destroying) the passed-in
// 'value'.
virtual bool UpdateCharacteristic(const GattCharacteristic& characteristic,
const ByteArray& value) = 0;
// Stops a GATT server.
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// A BLE socket representation.
class BleSocket {
virtual ~BleSocket() {}
// Returns the remote BLE peripheral tied to this socket.
virtual BlePeripheral& GetRemotePeripheral() = 0;
// Writes a message on the socket and blocks until finished. Returns
// Exception::kIo upon error, and Exception::kSuccess otherwise.
virtual Exception Write(const ByteArray& message) = 0;
// Closes the socket and blocks until finished. Returns Exception::kIo upon
// error, and Exception::kSuccess otherwise.
virtual Exception Close() = 0;
// Callback for asynchronous events on a BleSocket object.
class BleSocketLifeCycleCallback {
virtual ~BleSocketLifeCycleCallback() {}
// Called when a message arrives on a socket.
virtual void OnMessageReceived(BleSocket* socket,
const ByteArray& message) = 0;
// Called when a socket gets disconnected.
virtual void OnDisconnected(BleSocket* socket) = 0;
// Callback for asynchronous events on the server side of a BleSocket object.
class ServerBleSocketLifeCycleCallback : public BleSocketLifeCycleCallback {
~ServerBleSocketLifeCycleCallback() override {}
// Called when a new incoming socket has been established.
virtual void OnSocketEstablished(BleSocket* socket) = 0;
// The main BLE medium used inside of Nearby. This serves as the entry point for
// all BLE and GATT related operations.
class BleMedium {
using Mtu = uint32_t;
virtual ~BleMedium() {}
// Coarse representation of power settings throughout all BLE operations.
enum class PowerMode {
kUnknown = 0,
kLow = 1,
kHigh = 2,
// Starts BLE advertising and returns whether or not it was successful.
// Power mode should be interpreted in the following way:
// LOW:
// - Advertising interval = ~1000ms
// - TX power = low
// HIGH:
// - Advertising interval = ~100ms
// - TX power = high
virtual bool StartAdvertising(const BleAdvertisementData& advertisement_data,
const BleAdvertisementData& scan_response,
PowerMode power_mode) = 0;
// Stops advertising.
virtual void StopAdvertising() = 0;
// Callback for BLE scan results.
class ScanCallback {
virtual ~ScanCallback() {}
// Called when a BLE advertisement is discovered.
// The passed in advertisement_data is the merged combination of both
// advertisement data and scan response.
// Every discovery of an advertisement should be reported, even if the
// advertisement was discovered before.
// Ownership of the BleAdvertisementData transfers to the caller at this
// point.
virtual void OnAdvertisementFound(
BlePeripheral* peripheral,
const BleAdvertisementData& advertisement_data) = 0;
// Starts scanning and returns whether or not it was successful.
// Power mode should be interpreted in the following way:
// LOW:
// - Scan window = ~512ms
// - Scan interval = ~5120ms
// HIGH:
// - Scan window = ~4096ms
// - Scan interval = ~4096ms
virtual bool StartScanning(const std::set<std::string>& service_uuids,
PowerMode power_mode,
const ScanCallback& scan_callback) = 0;
// Stops scanning.
virtual void StopScanning() = 0;
// Starts a GATT server. Returns a nullptr upon error.
virtual std::unique_ptr<GattServer> StartGattServer(
const ServerGattConnectionLifeCycleCallback& callback) = 0;
// Starts listening for incoming BLE sockets and returns false upon error.
virtual bool StartListeningForIncomingBleSockets(
const ServerBleSocketLifeCycleCallback& callback) = 0;
// Stops listening for incoming BLE sockets.
virtual void StopListeningForIncomingBleSockets() = 0;
// Connects to a GATT server and negotiates the specified connection
// parameters. Returns nullptr upon error.
// Both connection interval and MTU can be negotiated on a best-effort basis.
// Power mode should be interpreted in the following way:
// LOW:
// - Connection interval = ~11.25ms - 15ms
// HIGH:
// - Connection interval = ~100ms - 125ms
virtual std::unique_ptr<ClientGattConnection> ConnectToGattServer(
BlePeripheral* peripheral, Mtu mtu, PowerMode power_mode,
const ClientGattConnectionLifeCycleCallback& callback) = 0;
// Establishes a BLE socket to the specified remote peripheral. Returns
// nullptr on error.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BleSocket> EstablishBleSocket(
BlePeripheral* peripheral,
const BleSocketLifeCycleCallback& callback) = 0;
} // namespace ble_v2
} // namespace api
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location