blob: dd127d73ade9d4181ffa76054ffe4de37bad6ae2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "connections/implementation/analytics/packet_meta_data.h"
#include "connections/implementation/client_proxy.h"
#include "connections/implementation/endpoint_channel.h"
#include "connections/implementation/endpoint_channel_manager.h"
#include "connections/implementation/proto/offline_wire_formats.pb.h"
#include "connections/listeners.h"
#include "internal/platform/byte_array.h"
#include "internal/platform/condition_variable.h"
#include "internal/platform/count_down_latch.h"
#include "internal/platform/runnable.h"
#include "internal/platform/single_thread_executor.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
// Manages all operations related to the remote endpoints with which we are
// interacting.
// All processing of incoming and outgoing payloads is spread across this and
// the PayloadManager as described below.
// The sending of outgoing payloads originates in
// PayloadManager::SendPayload() before control is transferred over to
// EndpointManager::SendPayloadChunk(). This work happens on one of three
// dedicated writer threads belonging to the PayloadManager. The writer thread
// that is used depends on the PayloadType.
// The EndpointManager has one dedicated reader thread for each registered
// endpoint, and the receiving of every incoming payload (and its subsequent
// chunks) originates on one of those threads before control is transferred over
// to PayloadManager::ProcessFrame() (still running on that
// same dedicated reader thread).
class EndpointManager {
class FrameProcessor {
virtual ~FrameProcessor() = default;
// @EndpointManagerReaderThread
// Called for every incoming frame of registered type.
// NOTE(OfflineFrame& frame):
// For large payload in data phase, resources may be saved if data is moved,
// rather than copied (if passing data by reference is not an option).
// To achieve that, OfflineFrame needs to be either mutabe lvalue reference,
// or rvalue reference. Rvalue references are discouraged by go/cstyle,
// and that leaves us with mutable lvalue reference.
virtual void OnIncomingFrame(
OfflineFrame& offline_frame, const std::string& from_endpoint_id,
ClientProxy* to_client, proto::connections::Medium current_medium,
analytics::PacketMetaData& packet_meta_data) = 0;
// Implementations must call barrier.CountDown() once
// they're done. This parallelizes the disconnection event across all frame
// processors.
// @EndpointManagerThread
virtual void OnEndpointDisconnect(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& service_id,
const std::string& endpoint_id,
CountDownLatch barrier) = 0;
explicit EndpointManager(EndpointChannelManager* manager);
// Invoked from the constructors of the various *Manager components that make
// up the OfflineServiceController implementation.
// FrameProcessor* instances are of dynamic duration and survive all sessions.
// Blocks until registration is complete.
void RegisterFrameProcessor(V1Frame::FrameType frame_type,
FrameProcessor* processor);
void UnregisterFrameProcessor(V1Frame::FrameType frame_type,
const FrameProcessor* processor);
// Invoked from the different PcpHandler implementations (of which there can
// be only one at a time).
// Blocks until registration is complete.
void RegisterEndpoint(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ConnectionResponseInfo& info,
const ConnectionOptions& connection_options,
std::unique_ptr<EndpointChannel> channel,
const ConnectionListener& listener,
const std::string& connection_token);
// Called when a client explicitly asks to disconnect from this endpoint. In
// this case, we do not notify the client of onDisconnected().
void UnregisterEndpoint(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Returns the maximum supported transmit packet size(MTU) for the underlying
// transport.
int GetMaxTransmitPacketSize(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Returns the list of endpoints to which sending this chunk failed.
// Invoked from the PayloadManager's sendPayload() method.
std::vector<std::string> SendPayloadChunk(
const PayloadTransferFrame::PayloadHeader& payload_header,
const PayloadTransferFrame::PayloadChunk& payload_chunk,
const std::vector<std::string>& endpoint_ids,
analytics::PacketMetaData& packet_meta_data);
std::vector<std::string> SendControlMessage(
const PayloadTransferFrame::PayloadHeader& payload_header,
const PayloadTransferFrame::ControlMessage& control_message,
const std::vector<std::string>& endpoint_ids);
// Called when we internally want to get rid of the endpoint, without the
// client directly telling us to. For example...
// a) We failed to read from the endpoint in its dedicated reader thread.
// b) We failed to write to the endpoint in PayloadManager.
// c) The connection was rejected in PCPHandler.
// d) The dedicated KeepAlive thread exceeded its period of inactivity.
// Or in the numerous other cases where a failure occurred and we no longer
// believe the endpoint is in a healthy state.
// Note: This must not block. Otherwise we can get into a deadlock where we
// ask everyone who's registered an FrameProcessor to
// processEndpointDisconnection() while the caller of DiscardEndpoint() is
// blocked here.
void DiscardEndpoint(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id);
class EndpointState {
EndpointState(const std::string& endpoint_id,
EndpointChannelManager* channel_manager)
: endpoint_id_{endpoint_id},
keep_alive_waiter_mutex_.get())} {}
EndpointState(const EndpointState&) = delete;
// The default move constructor would not reset |channel_manager_|, for
// example. This needs to be nullified so the destructor shutdown logic is
// bypassed when objects are moved.
EndpointState(EndpointState&& other)
: endpoint_id_{std::move(other.endpoint_id_)},
channel_manager_{std::exchange(other.channel_manager_, nullptr)},
std::exchange(other.keep_alive_waiter_mutex_, nullptr)},
keep_alive_waiter_{std::exchange(other.keep_alive_waiter_, nullptr)},
keep_alive_thread_{std::move(other.keep_alive_thread_)} {}
EndpointState& operator=(const EndpointState&) = delete;
EndpointState&& operator=(EndpointState&&) = delete;
void StartEndpointReader(Runnable&& runnable);
void StartEndpointKeepAliveManager(
std::function<void(Mutex*, ConditionVariable*)> runnable);
const std::string endpoint_id_;
EndpointChannelManager* channel_manager_;
SingleThreadExecutor reader_thread_;
// Use a condition variable so we can wait on the thread but still be able
// to wake it up before shutting down. We don't want to just sleep and risk
// blocking shutdown. Note: Create the mutex/condition variable on the heap
// so raw pointers sent to HandleKeepAlive() aren't invalidated during
// std::move operations.
mutable std::unique_ptr<Mutex> keep_alive_waiter_mutex_;
std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> keep_alive_waiter_;
SingleThreadExecutor keep_alive_thread_;
// RAII accessor for FrameProcessor
class LockedFrameProcessor;
// Provides a mutex per FrameProcessor to prevent unregistering (and
// destroying) a FrameProcessor when it's in use.
class FrameProcessorWithMutex {
explicit FrameProcessorWithMutex(FrameProcessor* frame_processor = nullptr)
: frame_processor_{frame_processor} {}
FrameProcessor* frame_processor_;
Mutex mutex_;
friend class LockedFrameProcessor;
LockedFrameProcessor GetFrameProcessor(V1Frame::FrameType frame_type);
ExceptionOr<bool> HandleData(const std::string& endpoint_id,
ClientProxy* client_proxy,
EndpointChannel* endpoint_channel);
ExceptionOr<bool> HandleKeepAlive(EndpointChannel* endpoint_channel,
absl::Duration keep_alive_interval,
absl::Duration keep_alive_timeout,
Mutex* keep_alive_waiter_mutex,
ConditionVariable* keep_alive_waiter);
// Waits for a given endpoint EndpointChannelLoopRunnable() workers to
// terminate.
// Is called from RegisterEndpoint to avoid races; also called from
// RemoveEndpoint as part of proper endpoint shutdown sequence.
// @EndpointManagerThread
void RemoveEndpointState(const std::string& endpoint_id);
void EndpointChannelLoopRunnable(
const std::string& runnable_name, ClientProxy* client_proxy,
const std::string& endpoint_id,
std::function<ExceptionOr<bool>(EndpointChannel*)> handler);
static void WaitForLatch(const std::string& method_name,
CountDownLatch* latch);
static void WaitForLatch(const std::string& method_name,
CountDownLatch* latch, std::int32_t timeout_millis);
static constexpr absl::Duration kProcessEndpointDisconnectionTimeout =
static constexpr absl::Time kInvalidTimestamp = absl::InfinitePast();
// It should be noted that this method may be called multiple times (because
// invoking this method closes the endpoint channel, which causes the
// dedicated reader and KeepAlive threads to terminate, which in turn leads to
// this method being called), but that's alright because the implementation of
// this method is idempotent.
// @EndpointManagerThread
void RemoveEndpoint(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
bool notify);
void WaitForEndpointDisconnectionProcessing(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& service_id,
const std::string& endpoint_id);
CountDownLatch NotifyFrameProcessorsOnEndpointDisconnect(
ClientProxy* client, const std::string& service_id,
const std::string& endpoint_id);
std::vector<std::string> SendTransferFrameBytes(
const std::vector<std::string>& endpoint_ids,
const ByteArray& payload_transfer_frame_bytes, std::int64_t payload_id,
std::int64_t offset, const std::string& packet_type,
analytics::PacketMetaData& packet_meta_data);
// Executes all jobs sequentially, on a serial_executor_.
void RunOnEndpointManagerThread(const std::string& name, Runnable runnable);
EndpointChannelManager* channel_manager_;
RecursiveMutex frame_processors_lock_;
absl::flat_hash_map<V1Frame::FrameType, FrameProcessorWithMutex>
frame_processors_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(frame_processors_lock_);
// We keep track of all registered channel endpoints here.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, EndpointState> endpoints_;
SingleThreadExecutor serial_executor_;
// Operator overloads when comparing FrameProcessor*.
bool operator==(const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& lhs,
const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& rhs);
bool operator<(const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& lhs,
const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& rhs);
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location