blob: aa7e52eddbdfca8758ae32a22479ccccd046f7cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace base {
// Overview:
// This file implements flat_set container. It is an alternative to standard
// sorted containers that stores it's elements in contiguous memory (current
// version uses sorted std::vector).
// Discussion that preceded introduction of this container can be found here:
// Motivation:
// Contiguous memory is very beneficial to iteration and copy speed at the cost
// of worse algorithmic complexity of insertion/erasure operations. They can
// be very fast for set operations and for small number of elements.
// Usage guidance:
// Prefer base::flat_set for:
// * Very small sets, something that is an easy fit for cache. Consider
// "very small" to be under a 100 32bit integers.
// * Sets that are built once (using flat_set::flat_set(first, last)). Consider
// collecting all data in a vector and then building flat_set out of it.
// TODO(dyaroshev): improve the interface to better support this pattern
// (
// * Sets where mutating happens in big bulks: to erase multiple elements, use
// base::EraseIf() rather than repeated single-element removal. Insertion is
// harder - consider set operations or building a new vector. Set operations
// can be slow if one of the sets is considerably bigger. Also be aware that
// beating performance of sort + unique (implementation of flat_set's
// constructor) is hard, clever merge of many sets might not win. Generally
// avoid inserting into flat set without benchmarks.
// * Copying and iterating.
// * Set operations (union/intersect etc).
// Prefer to build a new flat_set from a std::vector (or similar) instead of
// calling insert() repeatedly, which would have O(size^2) complexity.
// TODO(dyaroshev): develop standalone benchmarks to find performance boundaries
// for different types of sets
// If you do write a benchmark that significantly depends on using sets please
// share your results at:
// Important usability aspects:
// * flat_set implements std::set interface from C++11 where possible. It
// also has reserve(), capacity() and shrink_to_fit() from std::vector.
// * iteration invalidation rules differ:
// - all cases of std::vector::iterator invalidation also apply.
// - we ask (for now) to assume that move operations invalidate iterators.
// TODO(dyaroshev): Research the possibility of using a small buffer
// optimization
// * Constructor sorts elements in a non-stable manner (unlike std::set). So
// among equivalent (with respect to provided compare) elements passed to
// the constructor it is unspecified with one will end up in the set.
// However insert()/emplace() methods are stable with respect to already
// inserted elements - an element that is already in the set will not be
// replaced.
// * allocator support is not implemented.
// * insert(first, last) and insert(std::initializer_list) are not
// implemented (see Notes section).
// Notes:
// Current implementation is based on boost::containers::flat_set,
// eastl::vector_set and folly::sorted_vector. All of these implementations do
// insert(first, last) as insertion one by one (some implementations with hints
// and/or reserve). Boost documentation claims this algorithm to be O(n*log(n))
// but it seems to be a quadratic algorithm. For now we do not implement this
// method.
// TODO(dyaroshev): research an algorithm for range insertion
template <class Key, class Compare = std::less<Key>>
// Meets the requirements of Container, AssociativeContainer,
// ReversibleContainer.
// Requires: Key is Movable, Compare is a StrictWeakOrdering on Key.
class flat_set {
using underlying_type = std::vector<Key>;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types.
using key_type = Key;
using key_compare = Compare;
using value_type = Key;
using value_compare = Compare;
using pointer = typename underlying_type::pointer;
using const_pointer = typename underlying_type::const_pointer;
using reference = typename underlying_type::reference;
using const_reference = typename underlying_type::const_reference;
using size_type = typename underlying_type::size_type;
using difference_type = typename underlying_type::difference_type;
using iterator = typename underlying_type::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename underlying_type::const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = typename underlying_type::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator =
typename underlying_type::const_reverse_iterator;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifetime.
// Constructors that take range guarantee O(N * log^2(N)) + O(N) complexity
// and take O(N * log(N)) + O(N) if extra memory is available (N is a range
// length).
// Assume that move constructors invalidate iterators and references.
explicit flat_set(const Compare& comp);
template <class InputIterator>
flat_set(InputIterator first,
InputIterator last,
const Compare& comp = Compare());
flat_set(const flat_set&);
flat_set(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
const Compare& comp = Compare());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assignments.
// Assume that move assignment invalidates iterators and references.
flat_set& operator=(const flat_set&);
flat_set& operator=(flat_set&&);
flat_set& operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Memory management.
// Beware that shrink_to_fit() simply forwards the request to the
// underlying_type and its implementation is free to optimize otherwise and
// leave capacity() to be greater that its size.
// reserve() and shrink_to_fit() invalidate iterators and references.
void reserve(size_type new_capacity);
size_type capacity() const;
void shrink_to_fit();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Size management.
// clear() leaves the capacity() of the flat_set unchanged.
void clear();
size_type size() const;
size_type max_size() const;
bool empty() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterators.
iterator begin();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator cbegin() const;
iterator end();
const_iterator end() const;
const_iterator cend() const;
reverse_iterator rbegin();
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const;
reverse_iterator rend();
const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
const_reverse_iterator crend() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert operations.
// Assume that every operation invalidates iterators and references.
// Insertion of one element can take O(size). See the Notes section in the
// class comments on why we do not currently implement range insertion.
// Capacity of flat_set grows in an implementation-defined manner.
// NOTE: Prefer to build a new flat_set from a std::vector (or similar)
// instead of calling insert() repeatedly.
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& val);
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type&& val);
iterator insert(const_iterator position_hint, const value_type& x);
iterator insert(const_iterator position_hint, value_type&& x);
template <class... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args&&... args);
template <class... Args>
iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator position_hint, Args&&... args);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erase operations.
// Assume that every operation invalidates iterators and references.
// erase(position), erase(first, last) can take O(size).
// erase(key) may take O(size) + O(log(size)).
// Prefer base::EraseIf() or some other variation on erase(remove(), end())
// idiom when deleting multiple non-consecutive elements.
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
size_type erase(const key_type& key);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparators.
key_compare key_comp() const;
value_compare value_comp() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search operations.
// Search operations have O(log(size)) complexity.
size_type count(const key_type& key) const;
iterator find(const key_type& key);
const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const;
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& ket);
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(
const key_type& key) const;
iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key);
const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) const;
iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key);
const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General operations.
// Assume that swap invalidates iterators and references.
// As with std::set, equality and ordering operations for the whole flat_set
// are equivalent to using equal() and lexicographical_compare() on the key
// types, rather than using element-wise key_comp() as e.g. lower_bound()
// does. Implementation note: currently we use operator==() and operator<() on
// std::vector, because they have the same contract we need, so we use them
// directly for brevity and in case it is more optimal than calling equal()
// and lexicograhpical_compare(). If the underlying container type is changed,
// this code may need to be modified.
void swap(flat_set& other);
friend bool operator==(const flat_set& lhs, const flat_set& rhs) {
return lhs.impl_.body_ == rhs.impl_.body_;
friend bool operator!=(const flat_set& lhs, const flat_set& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
friend bool operator<(const flat_set& lhs, const flat_set& rhs) {
return lhs.impl_.body_ < rhs.impl_.body_;
friend bool operator>(const flat_set& lhs, const flat_set& rhs) {
return rhs < lhs;
friend bool operator>=(const flat_set& lhs, const flat_set& rhs) {
return !(lhs < rhs);
friend bool operator<=(const flat_set& lhs, const flat_set& rhs) {
return !(lhs > rhs);
friend void swap(flat_set& lhs, flat_set& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); }
const flat_set& as_const() { return *this; }
iterator const_cast_it(const_iterator c_it) {
auto distance = std::distance(cbegin(), c_it);
return std::next(begin(), distance);
void sort_and_unique() {
// std::set sorts elements preserving stability because it doesn't have any
// performance wins in not doing that. We do, so we use an unstable sort.
std::sort(begin(), end(), value_comp());
erase(std::unique(begin(), end(),
[this](const value_type& lhs, const value_type& rhs) {
// lhs is already <= rhs due to sort, therefore
// !(lhs < rhs) <=> lhs == rhs.
return !value_comp()(lhs, rhs);
// To support comparators that may not be possible to default-construct, we
// have to store an instance of Compare. Using this to store all internal
// state of flat_set and using private inheritance to store compare lets us
// take advantage of an empty base class optimization to avoid extra space in
// the common case when Compare has no state.
struct Impl : private Compare {
Impl() = default;
template <class Cmp, class... Body>
explicit Impl(Cmp&& compare_arg, Body&&... underlying_type_args)
: Compare(std::forward<Cmp>(compare_arg)),
body_(std::forward<Body>(underlying_type_args)...) {}
Compare compare() const { return *this; }
underlying_type body_;
} impl_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifetime.
template <class Key, class Compare>
flat_set<Key, Compare>::flat_set() = default;
template <class Key, class Compare>
flat_set<Key, Compare>::flat_set(const Compare& comp) : impl_(comp) {}
template <class Key, class Compare>
template <class InputIterator>
flat_set<Key, Compare>::flat_set(InputIterator first,
InputIterator last,
const Compare& comp)
: impl_(comp, first, last) {
template <class Key, class Compare>
flat_set<Key, Compare>::flat_set(const flat_set&) = default;
template <class Key, class Compare>
flat_set<Key, Compare>::flat_set(flat_set&&) = default;
template <class Key, class Compare>
flat_set<Key, Compare>::flat_set(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
const Compare& comp)
: flat_set(std::begin(ilist), std::end(ilist), comp) {}
template <class Key, class Compare>
flat_set<Key, Compare>::~flat_set() = default;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assignments.
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::operator=(const flat_set&) -> flat_set& = default;
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::operator=(flat_set &&) -> flat_set& = default;
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist)
-> flat_set& {
impl_.body_ = ilist;
return *this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Memory management.
template <class Key, class Compare>
void flat_set<Key, Compare>::reserve(size_type new_capacity) {
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::capacity() const -> size_type {
return impl_.body_.capacity();
template <class Key, class Compare>
void flat_set<Key, Compare>::shrink_to_fit() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Size management.
template <class Key, class Compare>
void flat_set<Key, Compare>::clear() {
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::size() const -> size_type {
return impl_.body_.size();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::max_size() const -> size_type {
return impl_.body_.max_size();
template <class Key, class Compare>
bool flat_set<Key, Compare>::empty() const {
return impl_.body_.empty();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterators.
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::begin() -> iterator {
return impl_.body_.begin();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::begin() const -> const_iterator {
return impl_.body_.begin();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::cbegin() const -> const_iterator {
return impl_.body_.cbegin();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::end() -> iterator {
return impl_.body_.end();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::end() const -> const_iterator {
return impl_.body_.end();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::cend() const -> const_iterator {
return impl_.body_.cend();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::rbegin() -> reverse_iterator {
return impl_.body_.rbegin();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::rbegin() const -> const_reverse_iterator {
return impl_.body_.rbegin();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::crbegin() const -> const_reverse_iterator {
return impl_.body_.crbegin();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::rend() -> reverse_iterator {
return impl_.body_.rend();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::rend() const -> const_reverse_iterator {
return impl_.body_.rend();
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::crend() const -> const_reverse_iterator {
return impl_.body_.crend();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert operations.
// Currently we use position_hint the same way as eastl or boost:
// We duplicate code between copy and move version so that we can avoid
// creating a temporary value.
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::insert(const value_type& val)
-> std::pair<iterator, bool> {
auto position = lower_bound(val);
if (position == end() || value_comp()(val, *position))
return {impl_.body_.insert(position, val), true};
return {position, false};
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::insert(value_type&& val)
-> std::pair<iterator, bool> {
auto position = lower_bound(val);
if (position == end() || value_comp()(val, *position))
return {impl_.body_.insert(position, std::move(val)), true};
return {position, false};
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::insert(const_iterator position_hint,
const value_type& val) -> iterator {
if (position_hint == end() || value_comp()(val, *position_hint)) {
if (position_hint == begin() || value_comp()(*(position_hint - 1), val))
// We have to cast away const because of
return impl_.body_.insert(const_cast_it(position_hint), val);
return insert(val).first;
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::insert(const_iterator position_hint,
value_type&& val) -> iterator {
if (position_hint == end() || value_comp()(val, *position_hint)) {
if (position_hint == begin() || value_comp()(*(position_hint - 1), val))
// We have to cast away const because of
return impl_.body_.insert(const_cast_it(position_hint), std::move(val));
return insert(std::move(val)).first;
template <class Key, class Compare>
template <class... Args>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::emplace(Args&&... args)
-> std::pair<iterator, bool> {
return insert(value_type(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <class Key, class Compare>
template <class... Args>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::emplace_hint(const_iterator position_hint,
Args&&... args) -> iterator {
return insert(position_hint, value_type(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erase operations.
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::erase(const_iterator position) -> iterator {
// We have to cast away const because of
return impl_.body_.erase(const_cast_it(position));
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::erase(const key_type& val) -> size_type {
auto eq_range = equal_range(val);
auto res = std::distance(eq_range.first, eq_range.second);
// We have to cast away const because of
erase(const_cast_it(eq_range.first), const_cast_it(eq_range.second));
return res;
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
-> iterator {
// We have to cast away const because of
return impl_.body_.erase(const_cast_it(first), const_cast_it(last));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparators.
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::key_comp() const -> key_compare {
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::value_comp() const -> value_compare {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search operations.
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::count(const key_type& key) const -> size_type {
auto eq_range = equal_range(key);
return std::distance(eq_range.first, eq_range.second);
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::find(const key_type& key) -> iterator {
return const_cast_it(as_const().find(key));
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::find(const key_type& key) const -> const_iterator {
auto eq_range = equal_range(key);
return (eq_range.first == eq_range.second) ? end() : eq_range.first;
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::equal_range(const key_type& key)
-> std::pair<iterator, iterator> {
auto res = as_const().equal_range(key);
return {const_cast_it(res.first), const_cast_it(res.second)};
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::equal_range(const key_type& key) const
-> std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> {
auto lower = lower_bound(key);
if (lower == end() || key_comp()(key, *lower))
return {lower, lower};
return {lower, std::next(lower)};
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::lower_bound(const key_type& key) -> iterator {
return const_cast_it(as_const().lower_bound(key));
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::lower_bound(const key_type& key) const
-> const_iterator {
return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::upper_bound(const key_type& key) -> iterator {
return const_cast_it(as_const().upper_bound(key));
template <class Key, class Compare>
auto flat_set<Key, Compare>::upper_bound(const key_type& key) const
-> const_iterator {
return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General operations.
template <class Key, class Compare>
void flat_set<Key, Compare>::swap(flat_set& other) {
std::swap(impl_, other.impl_);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Free functions.
// Erases all elements that match predicate. It has O(size) complexity.
template <typename Key, typename Compare, typename Predicate>
void EraseIf(base::flat_set<Key, Compare>& container, Predicate pred) {
container.erase(std::remove_if(container.begin(), container.end(), pred),
} // namespace base