blob: f6f5a9073c55d3c183949026e98f20e715ea9a4f [file] [log] [blame]
// The repl package provides a read/eval/print loop for Skylark.
// It supports readline-style command editing,
// and interrupts through Control-C.
// If an input line can be parsed as an expression,
// the REPL parses and evaluates it and prints its result.
// Otherwise the REPL reads lines until a blank line,
// then tries again to parse the multi-line input as an
// expression. If the input still cannot be parsed as an expression,
// the REPL parses and executes it as a file (a list of statements),
// for side effects.
package repl
// TODO(adonovan):
// - Unparenthesized tuples are not parsed as a single expression:
// >>> (1, 2)
// (1, 2)
// >>> 1, 2
// ...
// >>>
// This is not necessarily a bug.
import (
var interrupted = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
// REPL executes a read, eval, print loop.
// Before evaluating each expression, it sets the Skylark thread local
// variable named "context" to a context.Context that is cancelled by a
// SIGINT (Control-C). Client-supplied global functions may use this
// context to make long-running operations interruptable.
func REPL(thread *skylark.Thread, globals skylark.StringDict) {
signal.Notify(interrupted, os.Interrupt)
defer signal.Stop(interrupted)
rl, err := readline.New(">>> ")
if err != nil {
defer rl.Close()
for {
if err := rep(rl, thread, globals); err != nil {
if err == readline.ErrInterrupt {
// rep reads, evaluates, and prints one item.
// It returns an error (possibly readline.ErrInterrupt)
// only if readline failed. Skylark errors are printed.
func rep(rl *readline.Instance, thread *skylark.Thread, globals skylark.StringDict) error {
// Each item gets its own context,
// which is cancelled by a SIGINT.
// Note: during Readline calls, Control-C causes Readline to return
// ErrInterrupt but does not generate a SIGINT.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
go func() {
select {
case <-interrupted:
case <-ctx.Done():
thread.SetLocal("context", ctx)
rl.SetPrompt(">>> ")
line, err := rl.Readline()
if err != nil {
return err // may be ErrInterrupt
if l := strings.TrimSpace(line); l == "" || l[0] == '#' {
return nil // blank or comment
// If the line contains a well-formed expression, evaluate it.
if _, err := syntax.ParseExpr("<stdin>", line, 0); err == nil {
if v, err := skylark.Eval(thread, "<stdin>", line, globals); err != nil {
} else if v != skylark.None {
return nil
// If the input so far is a single load or assignment statement,
// execute it without waiting for a blank line.
if f, err := syntax.Parse("<stdin>", line, 0); err == nil && len(f.Stmts) == 1 {
switch f.Stmts[0].(type) {
case *syntax.AssignStmt, *syntax.LoadStmt:
// Execute it as a file.
if err := execFileNoFreeze(thread, line, globals); err != nil {
return nil
// Otherwise assume it is the first of several
// comprising a file, followed by a blank line.
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, line)
for {
rl.SetPrompt("... ")
line, err := rl.Readline()
if err != nil {
return err // may be ErrInterrupt
if l := strings.TrimSpace(line); l == "" {
break // blank
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, line)
text := buf.Bytes()
// Try parsing it once more as an expression,
// such as a call spread over several lines:
// f(
// 1,
// 2
// )
if _, err := syntax.ParseExpr("<stdin>", text, 0); err == nil {
if v, err := skylark.Eval(thread, "<stdin>", text, globals); err != nil {
} else if v != skylark.None {
return nil
// Execute it as a file.
if err := execFileNoFreeze(thread, text, globals); err != nil {
return nil
// execFileNoFreeze is skylark.ExecFile without globals.Freeze().
func execFileNoFreeze(thread *skylark.Thread, src interface{}, globals skylark.StringDict) error {
_, prog, err := skylark.SourceProgram("<stdin>", src, globals.Has)
if err != nil {
return err
res, err := prog.Init(thread, globals)
// The global names from the previous call become
// the predeclared names of this call.
// Copy globals back to the caller's map.
// If execution failed, some globals may be undefined.
for k, v := range res {
globals[k] = v
return err
// PrintError prints the error to stderr,
// or its backtrace if it is a Skylark evaluation error.
func PrintError(err error) {
if evalErr, ok := err.(*skylark.EvalError); ok {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, evalErr.Backtrace())
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// MakeLoad returns a simple sequential implementation of module loading
// suitable for use in the REPL.
// Each function returned by MakeLoad accesses a distinct private cache.
func MakeLoad() func(thread *skylark.Thread, module string) (skylark.StringDict, error) {
type entry struct {
globals skylark.StringDict
err error
var cache = make(map[string]*entry)
return func(thread *skylark.Thread, module string) (skylark.StringDict, error) {
e, ok := cache[module]
if e == nil {
if ok {
// request for package whose loading is in progress
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cycle in load graph")
// Add a placeholder to indicate "load in progress".
cache[module] = nil
// Load it.
thread := &skylark.Thread{Load: thread.Load}
globals, err := skylark.ExecFile(thread, module, nil, nil)
e = &entry{globals, err}
// Update the cache.
cache[module] = e
return e.globals, e.err