blob: f453aac547b50f3f1f9d3c7e35d0c6abf3cc4d94 [file] [log] [blame]
# Predeclared built-ins for this module:
# error(msg): report an error in Go's test framework without halting execution.
# catch(f): evaluate f() and returns its evaluation error message, if any
# matches(str, pattern): report whether str matches regular expression pattern.
# struct: a constructor for a simple HasFields implementation.
# _freeze(x): freeze the value x and everything reachable from it.
# Clients may use these functions to define their own testing abstractions.
def _eq(x, y):
if x != y:
error("%r != %r" % (x, y))
def _ne(x, y):
if x == y:
error("%r == %r" % (x, y))
def _true(cond, msg="assertion failed"):
if not cond:
def _lt(x, y):
if not (x < y):
error("%s is not less than %s" % (x, y))
def _contains(x, y):
if y not in x:
error("%s does not contain %s" % (x, y))
def _fails(f, pattern):
"assert_fails asserts that evaluation of f() fails with the specified error."
msg = catch(f)
if msg == None:
error("evaluation succeeded unexpectedly (want error matching %r)" % pattern)
elif not matches(pattern, msg):
error("regular expression (%s) did not match error (%s)" % (pattern, msg))
freeze = _freeze # an exported global whose value is the built-in freeze function
assert = struct(
fail = error,
eq = _eq,
ne = _ne,
true = _true,
lt = _lt,
contains = _contains,
fails = _fails,