blob: e7bf86235a4e8076a59dc28914c81eb5a1c03dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/block.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/error_info.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/heap.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/logger.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/memory_notifier.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/page_protection_helpers.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/runtime.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/shadow.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/stack_capture_cache.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/memory_notifiers/null_memory_notifier.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/common/stack_capture.h"
#include "syzygy/core/address.h"
#include "syzygy/core/address_space.h"
#include "syzygy/core/unittest_util.h"
#include "syzygy/trace/agent_logger/agent_logger.h"
#include "syzygy/trace/agent_logger/agent_logger_rpc_impl.h"
namespace testing {
using agent::asan::AsanErrorInfo;
using agent::asan::memory_notifiers::NullMemoryNotifier;
using agent::asan::Shadow;
using agent::asan::StackCaptureCache;
// The default name of the runtime library DLL.
extern const wchar_t kSyzyAsanRtlDll[];
// A unittest fixture that sets up a OnExceptionCallback for use with
// BlockInfoFromMemory and BlockGetHeaderFromBody. This is the base fixture
// class for all ASAN-related test fixtures declared in this file.
class LenientOnExceptionCallbackTest : public testing::Test {
MOCK_METHOD1(OnExceptionCallback, void(EXCEPTION_POINTERS*));
void SetUp() override {
void TearDown() override {
typedef testing::StrictMock<LenientOnExceptionCallbackTest>
// A unittest fixture that ensures that an Asan logger instance is up and
// running for the duration of the test. Output is captured to a file so that
// its contents can be read after the test if necessary.
class TestWithAsanLogger : public OnExceptionCallbackTest {
// @name testing::Test overrides.
// @{
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// @}
// @name Accessors.
// @{
const std::wstring& instance_id() const { return instance_id_; }
const base::FilePath& log_file_path() const { return log_file_path_; }
const base::FilePath& temp_dir() const { return temp_dir_.path(); }
// @}
bool LogContains(const base::StringPiece& message);
// Delete the temporary file used for the logging and its directory.
void DeleteTempFileAndDirectory();
// Starts the logger process.
void StartLogger();
// Stops the logger process.
void StopLogger();
// Reset the log contents.
void ResetLog();
// Appends @p instance to the RPC logger instance environment variable.
void AppendToLoggerEnv(const std::string &instance);
// The instance ID used by the running logger instance.
std::wstring instance_id_;
// The path to the log file where the the logger instance will write.
base::FilePath log_file_path_;
// Status of the logger process.
bool logger_running_;
// A temporary directory into which the log file will be written.
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
// The contents of the log. These are read by calling LogContains.
bool log_contents_read_;
std::string log_contents_;
// Value of the logger instance environment variable before SetUp.
std::string old_logger_env_;
// Value of the asan options environment variable before SetUp.
std::string old_asan_options_env_;
// Redirection files for the logger.
base::ScopedFILE logger_stdin_file_;
base::ScopedFILE logger_stdout_file_;
base::ScopedFILE logger_stderr_file_;
// Shorthand for discussing all the asan runtime functions.
#ifndef _WIN64
F(WINAPI, HANDLE, GetProcessHeap, (), ()) \
F(WINAPI, HANDLE, HeapCreate, \
(DWORD options, SIZE_T initial_size, SIZE_T maximum_size), \
(options, initial_size, maximum_size)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapDestroy, \
(HANDLE heap), (heap)) \
F(WINAPI, LPVOID, HeapAlloc, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, SIZE_T bytes), (heap, flags, bytes)) \
F(WINAPI, LPVOID, HeapReAlloc, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPVOID mem, SIZE_T bytes), \
(heap, flags, mem, bytes)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapFree, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPVOID mem), (heap, flags, mem)) \
F(WINAPI, SIZE_T, HeapSize, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPCVOID mem), (heap, flags, mem)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapValidate, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPCVOID mem), (heap, flags, mem)) \
F(WINAPI, SIZE_T, HeapCompact, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags), (heap, flags)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapLock, (HANDLE heap), (heap)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapUnlock, (HANDLE heap), (heap)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapWalk, \
(HANDLE heap, LPPROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY entry), (heap, entry)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapSetInformation, \
PVOID info, SIZE_T info_length), \
(heap, info_class, info, info_length)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapQueryInformation, \
PVOID info, SIZE_T info_length, PSIZE_T return_length), \
(heap, info_class, info, info_length, return_length)) \
F(WINAPI, void, SetCallBack, \
(void (*callback)(AsanErrorInfo* error_info)), \
(callback)) \
F(_cdecl, void*, memcpy, \
(void* destination, const void* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(_cdecl, void*, memmove, \
(void* destination, const void* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(_cdecl, void*, memset, (void* ptr, int value, size_t num), \
(ptr, value, num)) \
F(_cdecl, const void*, memchr, (const void* ptr, int value, size_t num), \
(ptr, value, num)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strcspn, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strlen, (const char* str), (str)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strnlen, (const char* str, size_t max_len), \
(str, max_len)) \
F(_cdecl, const char*, strrchr, (const char* str, int character), \
(str, character)) \
F(_cdecl, const wchar_t*, wcsrchr, (const wchar_t* str, int character), \
(str, character)) \
F(_cdecl, const wchar_t*, wcschr, (const wchar_t* str, int character), \
(str, character)) \
F(_cdecl, int, strcmp, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, const char*, strpbrk, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, const char*, strstr, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, wcsnlen, (const wchar_t* str, size_t max_len), \
(str, max_len)) \
F(_cdecl, const wchar_t*, wcsstr, (const wchar_t* str1, \
const wchar_t* str2), (str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strspn, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, char*, strncpy, \
(char* destination, const char* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(_cdecl, char*, strncat, \
(char* destination, const char* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, ReadFile, \
(HANDLE file_handle, LPVOID buffer, DWORD bytes_to_read, \
LPDWORD bytes_read, LPOVERLAPPED overlapped), \
(file_handle, buffer, bytes_to_read, bytes_read, overlapped)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, WriteFile, \
(HANDLE file_handle, LPCVOID buffer, DWORD bytes_to_write, \
LPDWORD bytes_written, LPOVERLAPPED overlapped), \
(file_handle, buffer, bytes_to_write, bytes_written, overlapped)) \
F(_cdecl, void, SetInterceptorCallback, (void (*callback)()), (callback)) \
F(WINAPI, agent::asan::AsanRuntime*, GetActiveRuntime, (), ()) \
F(WINAPI, void, SetAllocationFilterFlag, (), ()) \
F(WINAPI, void, ClearAllocationFilterFlag, (), ())
// A copy of the previous block minus {Set,Clear}AllocationFilterFlag functions,
// as they're not implemented on win64.
// TODO: remove this once {Set,Clear}AllocationFilterFlag are implemented.
F(WINAPI, HANDLE, GetProcessHeap, (), ()) \
F(WINAPI, HANDLE, HeapCreate, \
(DWORD options, SIZE_T initial_size, SIZE_T maximum_size), \
(options, initial_size, maximum_size)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapDestroy, \
(HANDLE heap), (heap)) \
F(WINAPI, LPVOID, HeapAlloc, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, SIZE_T bytes), (heap, flags, bytes)) \
F(WINAPI, LPVOID, HeapReAlloc, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPVOID mem, SIZE_T bytes), \
(heap, flags, mem, bytes)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapFree, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPVOID mem), (heap, flags, mem)) \
F(WINAPI, SIZE_T, HeapSize, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPCVOID mem), (heap, flags, mem)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapValidate, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPCVOID mem), (heap, flags, mem)) \
F(WINAPI, SIZE_T, HeapCompact, \
(HANDLE heap, DWORD flags), (heap, flags)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapLock, (HANDLE heap), (heap)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapUnlock, (HANDLE heap), (heap)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapWalk, \
(HANDLE heap, LPPROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY entry), (heap, entry)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapSetInformation, \
PVOID info, SIZE_T info_length), \
(heap, info_class, info, info_length)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, HeapQueryInformation, \
PVOID info, SIZE_T info_length, PSIZE_T return_length), \
(heap, info_class, info, info_length, return_length)) \
F(WINAPI, void, SetCallBack, \
(void (*callback)(AsanErrorInfo* error_info)), \
(callback)) \
F(_cdecl, void*, memcpy, \
(void* destination, const void* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(_cdecl, void*, memmove, \
(void* destination, const void* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(_cdecl, void*, memset, (void* ptr, int value, size_t num), \
(ptr, value, num)) \
F(_cdecl, const void*, memchr, (const void* ptr, int value, size_t num), \
(ptr, value, num)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strcspn, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strlen, (const char* str), (str)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strnlen, (const char* str, size_t max_len), \
(str, max_len)) \
F(_cdecl, const char*, strrchr, (const char* str, int character), \
(str, character)) \
F(_cdecl, const wchar_t*, wcsrchr, (const wchar_t* str, int character), \
(str, character)) \
F(_cdecl, const wchar_t*, wcschr, (const wchar_t* str, int character), \
(str, character)) \
F(_cdecl, int, strcmp, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, const char*, strpbrk, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, const char*, strstr, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, wcsnlen, (const wchar_t* str, size_t max_len), \
(str, max_len)) \
F(_cdecl, const wchar_t*, wcsstr, (const wchar_t* str1, \
const wchar_t* str2), (str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, size_t, strspn, (const char* str1, const char* str2), \
(str1, str2)) \
F(_cdecl, char*, strncpy, \
(char* destination, const char* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(_cdecl, char*, strncat, \
(char* destination, const char* source, size_t num), \
(destination, source, num)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, ReadFile, \
(HANDLE file_handle, LPVOID buffer, DWORD bytes_to_read, \
LPDWORD bytes_read, LPOVERLAPPED overlapped), \
(file_handle, buffer, bytes_to_read, bytes_read, overlapped)) \
F(WINAPI, BOOL, WriteFile, \
(HANDLE file_handle, LPCVOID buffer, DWORD bytes_to_write, \
LPDWORD bytes_written, LPOVERLAPPED overlapped), \
(file_handle, buffer, bytes_to_write, bytes_written, overlapped)) \
F(_cdecl, void, SetInterceptorCallback, (void (*callback)()), (callback)) \
F(WINAPI, agent::asan::AsanRuntime*, GetActiveRuntime, (), ())
// Declare pointer types for the intercepted functions.
#define DECLARE_ASAN_FUNCTION_PTR(convention, ret, name, args, argnames) \
typedef ret (convention* name##FunctionPtr)args;
class TestAsanRtl : public testing::TestWithAsanLogger {
TestAsanRtl() : asan_rtl_(NULL), heap_(NULL) {
void SetUp() override {
// Load the Asan runtime library.
base::FilePath asan_rtl_path =
asan_rtl_ = ::LoadLibrary(asan_rtl_path.value().c_str());
ASSERT_TRUE(asan_rtl_ != NULL);
// Load all the functions and assert that we find them.
#define LOAD_ASAN_FUNCTION(convention, ret, name, args, argnames) \
name##Function = reinterpret_cast<name##FunctionPtr>( \
::GetProcAddress(asan_rtl_, "asan_" #name)); \
ASSERT_TRUE(name##Function != NULL);
heap_ = HeapCreateFunction(0, 0, 0);
agent::asan::AsanRuntime* runtime = GetActiveRuntimeFunction();
ASSERT_NE(reinterpret_cast<agent::asan::AsanRuntime*>(NULL), runtime);
// Disable the heap checking as this really slows down the unittests.
runtime->params().check_heap_on_failure = false;
void TearDown() override {
if (heap_ != NULL) {
heap_ = NULL;
if (asan_rtl_ != NULL) {
asan_rtl_ = NULL;
HANDLE heap() { return heap_; }
// Declare pointers to intercepted functions.
#define DECLARE_FUNCTION_PTR_VARIABLE(convention, ret, name, args, argnames) \
static name##FunctionPtr name##Function;
// Define versions of all of the functions that expect an error to be thrown
// by the AsanErrorCallback, and in turn raise an exception if the underlying
// function didn't fail.
#define DECLARE_FAILING_FUNCTION(convention, ret, name, args, argnames) \
static void name##FunctionFailing args;
// The AsanAsan runtime module to test.
HMODULE asan_rtl_;
// Scratch heap handle valid from SetUp to TearDown.
HANDLE heap_;
// A helper struct to be passed as a destructor of Asan scoped allocation.
struct AsanDeleteHelper {
explicit AsanDeleteHelper(TestAsanRtl* asan_rtl)
: asan_rtl_(asan_rtl) {
void operator()(void* ptr) {
asan_rtl_->HeapFreeFunction(asan_rtl_->heap(), 0, ptr);
TestAsanRtl* asan_rtl_;
// A std::unique_ptr specialization for the Asan allocations.
template <typename T>
class ScopedAsanAlloc : public std::unique_ptr<T, AsanDeleteHelper> {
explicit ScopedAsanAlloc(TestAsanRtl* asan_rtl)
: std::unique_ptr<T, AsanDeleteHelper>(NULL, AsanDeleteHelper(asan_rtl)) {
ScopedAsanAlloc(TestAsanRtl* asan_rtl, size_t size)
: std::unique_ptr<T, AsanDeleteHelper>(NULL, AsanDeleteHelper(asan_rtl)) {
Allocate(asan_rtl, size);
ScopedAsanAlloc(TestAsanRtl* asan_rtl, size_t size, const T* value)
: std::unique_ptr<T, AsanDeleteHelper>(NULL, AsanDeleteHelper(asan_rtl)) {
Allocate(asan_rtl, size);
::memcpy(get(), value, size * sizeof(T));
template <typename T2>
T2* GetAs() {
return reinterpret_cast<T2*>(get());
void Allocate(TestAsanRtl* asan_rtl, size_t size) {
ASSERT_TRUE(asan_rtl != NULL);
asan_rtl->HeapAllocFunction(asan_rtl->heap(), 0, size * sizeof(T))));
::memset(get(), 0, size * sizeof(T));
T operator[](size_t i) const {
CHECK(get() != NULL);
return get()[i];
T& operator[](size_t i) {
CHECK(get() != NULL);
return get()[i];
// A unittest fixture that initializes an Asan runtime instance.
class TestWithAsanRuntime : public OnExceptionCallbackTest {
TestWithAsanRuntime() {
runtime_ = new agent::asan::AsanRuntime();
owns_runtime_ = true;
explicit TestWithAsanRuntime(agent::asan::AsanRuntime* runtime)
: runtime_(runtime), owns_runtime_(false) {
CHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<agent::asan::AsanRuntime*>(NULL), runtime_);
~TestWithAsanRuntime() {
CHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<agent::asan::AsanRuntime*>(NULL), runtime_);
if (owns_runtime_)
delete runtime_;
runtime_ = NULL;
void SetUp() override {
CHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<agent::asan::AsanRuntime*>(NULL), runtime_);
void TearDown() override {
CHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<agent::asan::AsanRuntime*>(NULL), runtime_);
// The runtime instance used by the tests.
agent::asan::AsanRuntime* runtime_;
// Indicates if we own the runtime instance.
bool owns_runtime_;
// A unittest fixture to test the bookkeeping functions.
struct FakeAsanBlock {
static const size_t kMaxAlignmentLog = 13;
static const size_t kMaxAlignment = 1 << kMaxAlignmentLog;
// If we want to test the alignments up to 4096 we need a buffer of at least
// 3 * 4096 bytes:
// +--- 0 <= size < 4096 bytes---+---4096 bytes---+--4096 bytes--+
// ^buffer ^aligned_buffer ^user_pointer
static const size_t kBufferSize = 3 * kMaxAlignment;
static const uint8_t kBufferHeaderValue = 0xAE;
static const uint8_t kBufferTrailerValue = 0xEA;
FakeAsanBlock(Shadow* shadow,
uint32_t alloc_alignment_log,
StackCaptureCache* stack_cache);
// Initialize an Asan block in the buffer.
// @param alloc_size The user size of the Asan block.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool InitializeBlock(uint32_t alloc_size);
// Ensures that this block has a valid block header.
bool TestBlockMetadata();
// Mark the current Asan block as quarantined.
bool MarkBlockAsQuarantinedImpl(bool flood_filled);
// Mark the current Asan block as quarantined.
bool MarkBlockAsQuarantined();
// Mark the current Asan block as quarantined and flooded.
bool MarkBlockAsQuarantinedFlooded();
// The buffer we use internally.
uint8_t buffer[kBufferSize];
// The information about the block once it has been initialized.
agent::asan::BlockInfo block_info;
// The alignment of the current allocation.
uint32_t alloc_alignment;
uint32_t alloc_alignment_log;
// The sizes of the different sub-structures in the buffer.
size_t buffer_header_size;
size_t buffer_trailer_size;
// The pointers to the different sub-structures in the buffer.
uint8_t* buffer_align_begin;
// Indicate if the buffer has been initialized.
bool is_initialized;
// The shadow memory that will be modified.
Shadow* shadow_;
// The cache that will store the stack traces of this block.
StackCaptureCache* stack_cache;
// A mock memory notifier. Useful when testing objects that have a memory
// notifier dependency.
class MockMemoryNotifier : public agent::asan::MemoryNotifierInterface {
// Constructor.
MockMemoryNotifier() { }
// Virtual destructor.
virtual ~MockMemoryNotifier() { }
// @name MemoryNotifierInterface implementation.
// @{
MOCK_METHOD2(NotifyInternalUse, void(const void*, size_t));
MOCK_METHOD2(NotifyFutureHeapUse, void(const void*, size_t));
MOCK_METHOD2(NotifyReturnedToOS, void(const void*, size_t));
// @}
// A mock HeapInterface.
class LenientMockHeap : public agent::asan::HeapInterface {
LenientMockHeap() { }
virtual ~LenientMockHeap() { }
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetHeapType, agent::asan::HeapType());
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetHeapFeatures, uint32_t());
MOCK_METHOD1(Allocate, void*(uint32_t));
MOCK_METHOD1(Free, bool(void*));
MOCK_METHOD1(IsAllocated, bool(const void*));
MOCK_METHOD1(GetAllocationSize, uint32_t(const void*));
MOCK_METHOD0(Lock, void());
MOCK_METHOD0(Unlock, void());
MOCK_METHOD0(TryLock, bool());
typedef testing::StrictMock<LenientMockHeap> MockHeap;
typedef std::vector<agent::asan::AsanBlockInfo> AsanBlockInfoVector;
typedef std::pair<agent::asan::AsanCorruptBlockRange, AsanBlockInfoVector>
typedef std::vector<CorruptRangeInfo> CorruptRangeVector;
// A helper for testing the memory accessor instrumentation functions.
// This is an abstract class that should be overridden for each types
// of probes (with a different calling convention).
class MemoryAccessorTester {
typedef agent::asan::BadAccessKind BadAccessKind;
virtual ~MemoryAccessorTester();
// Call |access_fn| to test an access on |ptr| and make sure that an invalid
// access of type |bad_access_kind| is detected.
virtual void AssertMemoryErrorIsDetected(FARPROC access_fn,
void* ptr,
BadAccessKind bad_access_type) = 0;
// The callback used to report the errors.
static void AsanErrorCallback(AsanErrorInfo* error_info);
void set_expected_error_type(BadAccessKind expected) {
expected_error_type_ = expected;
bool memory_error_detected() const { return memory_error_detected_; }
void set_memory_error_detected(bool memory_error_detected) {
memory_error_detected_ = memory_error_detected;
const AsanErrorInfo& last_error_info() const { return last_error_info_; }
const CorruptRangeVector& last_corrupt_ranges() const {
return last_corrupt_ranges_;
virtual void Initialize();
void AsanErrorCallbackImpl(AsanErrorInfo* error_info);
// This will be used in the asan callback to ensure that we detect the right
// error.
BadAccessKind expected_error_type_;
// A flag used in asan callback to ensure that a memory error has been
// detected.
bool memory_error_detected_;
// Context captured on error.
CONTEXT error_context_;
// The information about the last error.
AsanErrorInfo last_error_info_;
CorruptRangeVector last_corrupt_ranges_;
// Prevent from instantiating several instances of this class at the same
// time as the instance gets used as a callback by the runtime.
static MemoryAccessorTester* instance_;
#ifndef _WIN64
// Specialization of a |MemoryAccessorTester| for the probes with the SyzyAsan
// custom calling convention.
class SyzyAsanMemoryAccessorTester : public MemoryAccessorTester {
enum IgnoreFlags {
explicit SyzyAsanMemoryAccessorTester(IgnoreFlags ignore_flags);
virtual ~SyzyAsanMemoryAccessorTester() {}
// Checks that @p access_fn doesn't raise exceptions on access checking
// @p ptr, and that @p access_fn doesn't modify any registers or flags
// when executed.
void CheckAccessAndCompareContexts(FARPROC access_fn, void* ptr);
// Checks that @p access_fn generates @p bad_access_type on checking @p ptr.
void AssertMemoryErrorIsDetected(FARPROC access_fn,
void* ptr,
BadAccessKind bad_access_type) override;
enum StringOperationDirection {
// Checks that @p access_fn doesn't raise exceptions on access checking
// for a given @p direction, @p src, @p dst and @p len.
void CheckSpecialAccessAndCompareContexts(
FARPROC access_fn, StringOperationDirection direction,
void* dst, void* src, int len);
// Checks that @p access_fn generates @p bad_access_type on access checking
// for a given @p direction, @p src, @p dst and @p len.
void ExpectSpecialMemoryErrorIsDetected(FARPROC access_fn,
StringOperationDirection direction,
bool expect_error,
void* dst,
void* src,
int32_t length,
BadAccessKind bad_access_type);
void Initialize() override;
// Indicates whether to ignore changes to the flags register.
bool ignore_flags_;
// The pre- and post-invocation contexts.
CONTEXT context_before_hook_;
CONTEXT context_after_hook_;
// Specialization of a |MemoryAccessorTester| for the probes with the Clang
// calling convention (cdecl).
class ClangMemoryAccessorTester : public MemoryAccessorTester {
ClangMemoryAccessorTester() {}
virtual ~ClangMemoryAccessorTester() {}
void AssertMemoryErrorIsDetected(FARPROC access_fn,
void* ptr,
BadAccessKind bad_access_type) override;
void CheckAccess(FARPROC access_fn, void* ptr);
// A fixture class for testing memory interceptors.
class TestMemoryInterceptors : public TestWithAsanLogger {
// Redefine some enums for local use.
enum AccessMode {
AsanReadAccess = agent::asan::ASAN_READ_ACCESS,
AsanWriteAccess = agent::asan::ASAN_WRITE_ACCESS,
AsanUnknownAccess = agent::asan::ASAN_UNKNOWN_ACCESS,
struct InterceptFunction {
size_t size;
struct ClangInterceptFunction {
void (*function)(const void*);
size_t size;
struct StringInterceptFunction {
size_t size;
AccessMode dst_access_mode;
AccessMode src_access_mode;
bool uses_counter;
static const bool kCounterInit_ecx = true;
static const bool kCounterInit_1 = false;
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
template <size_t N_1, size_t N_2>
void TestValidAccess(const InterceptFunction(&fns)[N_1],
const ClangInterceptFunction(&clang_fns)[N_2]) {
#ifndef _WIN64
TestValidAccess(fns, N_1);
TestClangValidAccess(clang_fns, N_2);
template <size_t N_1, size_t N_2>
void TestOverrunAccess(const InterceptFunction(&fns)[N_1],
const ClangInterceptFunction(&clang_fns)[N_2]) {
#ifndef _WIN64
TestOverrunAccess(fns, N_2);
TestClangOverrunAccess(clang_fns, N_2);
template <size_t N_1, size_t N_2>
void TestUnderrunAccess(const InterceptFunction(&fns)[N_1],
const ClangInterceptFunction(&clang_fns)[N_2]) {
#ifndef _WIN64
TestUnderrunAccess(fns, N_1);
TestClangUnderrunAccess(clang_fns, N_2);
#ifndef _WIN64
template <size_t N>
void TestValidAccessIgnoreFlags(const InterceptFunction (&fns)[N]) {
TestValidAccessIgnoreFlags(fns, N);
template <size_t N>
void TestOverrunAccessIgnoreFlags(const InterceptFunction (&fns)[N]) {
TestOverrunAccessIgnoreFlags(fns, N);
template <size_t N>
void TestUnderrunAccessIgnoreFlags(const InterceptFunction (&fns)[N]) {
TestUnderrunAccessIgnoreFlags(fns, N);
template <size_t N>
void TestStringValidAccess(const StringInterceptFunction (&fns)[N]) {
TestStringValidAccess(fns, N);
template <size_t N>
void TestStringOverrunAccess(const StringInterceptFunction (&fns)[N]) {
TestStringOverrunAccess(fns, N);
#ifndef _WIN64
void TestValidAccess(const InterceptFunction* fns, size_t num_fns);
void TestValidAccessIgnoreFlags(const InterceptFunction* fns,
size_t num_fns);
void TestOverrunAccess(const InterceptFunction* fns, size_t num_fns);
void TestOverrunAccessIgnoreFlags(const InterceptFunction* fns,
size_t num_fns);
void TestUnderrunAccess(const InterceptFunction* fns, size_t num_fns);
void TestUnderrunAccessIgnoreFlags(const InterceptFunction* fns,
size_t num_fns);
void TestStringValidAccess(
const StringInterceptFunction* fns, size_t num_fns);
void TestStringOverrunAccess(
const StringInterceptFunction* fns, size_t num_fns);
void TestClangValidAccess(const ClangInterceptFunction* fns, size_t num_fns);
void TestClangOverrunAccess(const ClangInterceptFunction* fns,
size_t num_fns);
void TestClangUnderrunAccess(const ClangInterceptFunction* fns,
size_t num_fns);
const size_t kAllocSize = 64;
agent::asan::AsanRuntime asan_runtime_;
HANDLE heap_;
// Convenience allocs of kAllocSize. Valid from SetUp to TearDown.
byte* src_;
byte* dst_;
// A very lightweight dummy heap to be used in stress testing the
// HeapAllocator. Lock and Unlock are noops, so this is not thread
// safe.
class DummyHeap : public agent::asan::HeapInterface {
~DummyHeap() override { }
agent::asan::HeapType GetHeapType() const override {
return agent::asan::kUnknownHeapType;
uint32_t GetHeapFeatures() const override { return 0; }
void* Allocate(uint32_t bytes) override { return ::malloc(bytes); }
bool Free(void* alloc) override { ::free(alloc); return true; }
bool IsAllocated(const void* alloc) override { return false; }
uint32_t GetAllocationSize(const void* alloc) override { return 0; }
void Lock() override { return; }
void Unlock() override { return; }
bool TryLock() override { return true; }
// Test read and write access.
// Use carefully, since it will try to overwrite the value at @p address with 0.
// @returns true if the address is readable and writable, false otherwise.
bool IsAccessible(void* address);
// Test read and write access.
// Use carefully, since it will try to overwrite the value at @p address with 0.
// @returns true if the address is neither readable nor writable,
// false otherwise.
bool IsNotAccessible(void* address);
// A scoped block access helper. Removes block protections when created via
// BlockProtectNone, and restores them via BlockProtectAuto.
// TODO(chrisha): Consider recording the fact the block protections on this
// block are being blocked in some synchronous manner. This will prevent
// the page protections from being added during the lifetime of this
// object.
class ScopedBlockAccess {
// Constructor. Unprotects the provided block.
// @param block_info The block whose protections are to be modified.
// @parma shadow The shadow memory to be updated.
explicit ScopedBlockAccess(const agent::asan::BlockInfo& block_info,
Shadow* shadow)
: block_info_(block_info), shadow_(shadow) {
BlockProtectNone(block_info_, shadow_);
// Destructor. Restores protections on the provided block.
~ScopedBlockAccess() { BlockProtectAuto(block_info_, shadow_); }
const agent::asan::BlockInfo& block_info_;
Shadow* shadow_;
// A debugging shadow class. This keeps extra details in the form of an address
// space with stack traces. This makes it much easier to track down
// inconsistencies in the shadow memory.
class DebugShadow : public Shadow {
using ShadowMarker = agent::asan::ShadowMarker;
DebugShadow() : Shadow() {
explicit DebugShadow(size_t length)
: Shadow(length) {
~DebugShadow() override {
// If the shadow has been properly used it will be completely empty by the
// time it is torn down.
// @name Shadow implementation.
// @{
void SetShadowMemory(
const void* address, size_t length, ShadowMarker marker) override;
void GetPointerAndSizeImpl(void const** self, size_t* size) const override;
// @}
using StackCapture = agent::common::StackCapture;
// Holds details about a given range of shadow memory. Persists the
// original size of a region, even if it is subsequently fragmented.
struct Metadata {
const void* address;
size_t size;
ShadowMarker marker;
StackCapture stack_capture;
// Explicitly enable copy and assignment.
Metadata(const void* address, size_t size, ShadowMarker marker);
Metadata(const Metadata& rhs);
Metadata& operator=(const Metadata& rhs);
using ShadowAddressSpace =
core::AddressSpace<uintptr_t, size_t, Metadata>;
using Range = ShadowAddressSpace::Range;
// Ensure that the given range has been cleared from the address-space,
// readying it for a subsequent insertion.
void ClearIntersection(const void* addr, size_t size);
// An alternative view of shadow memory. Accessible regions are not
// displayed. Neighboring regions of the same type are merged.
ShadowAddressSpace shadow_address_space_;
} // namespace testing