blob: b420efb88e400a01f57c344a19647c2fa53234c9 [file] [log] [blame]
plugins {
id("gradlebuild.lifecycle") // CI: Add lifecycle tasks to for the CI pipeline (currently needs to be applied early as it might modify global properties)
id("gradlebuild.generate-subprojects-info") // CI: Generate subprojects information for the CI testing pipeline fan out
id("gradlebuild.cleanup") // CI: Advanced cleanup after the build (like stopping daemons started by tests)
id("gradlebuild.update-versions") // Local development: Convenience tasks to update versions in this build: 'released-versions.json', '', ...
id("gradlebuild.wrapper") // Local development: Convenience tasks to update the wrapper (like 'nightlyWrapper')
id("gradlebuild.quick-check") // Local development: Convenience task `quickCheck` for running checkstyle/codenarc only on changed files before commit