blob: 37635120a4579de4919ccd8cd1fbeb326d48edf6 [file] [log] [blame]
plugins {
description = "Provides plugins that are used by Gradle subprojects"
tasks.register("check") {
dependsOn( { "${}:check" })
val clean by tasks.registering {
val buildSrcPropertiesFile = layout.projectDirectory.file("")
val rootPropertiesFile = layout.projectDirectory.file("../")
doLast {
val buildSrcProperties = readProperties(buildSrcPropertiesFile.asFile)
val rootProperties = readProperties(rootPropertiesFile.asFile)
val jvmArgs = listOf(buildSrcProperties, rootProperties).map { it.getProperty("org.gradle.jvmargs") }.toSet()
if (jvmArgs.size > 1) {
throw GradleException(" and buildSrc/ have different org.gradle.jvmargs " +
"which may cause two daemons to be spawned on CI and in IDEA. " +
"Use the same org.gradle.jvmargs for both builds.")
fun readProperties(propertiesFile: File) = java.util.Properties().apply {
propertiesFile.inputStream().use { fis -> load(fis) }