blob: 71607a21a9d98f44bf8574470a3f4c5c3562467d [file] [log] [blame]
%YAML 1.2
--- |
# GRPC Chromium file.
# This file has been automatically generated from a template file.
# Please look at the templates directory instead.
# This file can be regenerated from the template by running
# tools/buildgen/
if (is_android) {
config("grpc_config") {
include_dirs = [
defines = [
# TODO(xyzzyz): the <condition_variable> header in libstdc++-4.6 we're using
# in Chromium has a bug, which causes a compilation error on Clang.
# Therefore, we need to make gRPC not use standard library threading
# support.
cflags_c = [
if (is_android) {
libs = [ "log" ] # For __android_log_write
def get_deps(target_dict):
deps = []
if target_dict.get("secure", False):
deps = [
if target_dict.get("build", None) == "protoc":
name = target_dict.get("name", None)
if name in ("grpc++_unsecure", "grpc++", "grpc++_codegen_lib"):
elif name in ("grpc", "grpc_unsecure"):
for d in target_dict.get("deps", []):
# TODO(xyzzyz): grpc++_unsecure mistakenly depends on both grpc and
# grpc_unsecure. Remove when it's fixed.
# See
if name == "grpc++_unsecure" and d == "grpc":
# Ignore.
if d.startswith(("//", ":")):
deps.append(":%s" % d)
return deps
def get_extra_configs(target_dict):
if target_dict.get("name", "") == "grpc_cpp_plugin":
return ["//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_config"]
return []
def uses_nanopb_or_protofull(f):
return (f.startswith("third_party/nanopb")
or "census" in f
or "grpclb" in f)
def wanted_lib(lib):
wanted_libs = ("gpr", "grpc", "grpc_unsecure", "grpc++", "grpc++_unsecure",
"grpc_cronet", "grpc_plugin_support")
return in ("all", "protoc") and lib.get("name", "") in wanted_libs
def wanted_binary(tgt):
wanted_binaries = ("grpc_cpp_plugin",)
return == "protoc" and tgt.get("name", "") in wanted_binaries
def only_on_host_toolchain(tgt):
return tgt.get("name", "") in ("grpc_plugin_support", "grpc_cpp_plugin")
% for lib in libs:
% if wanted_lib(lib):
% if only_on_host_toolchain(lib):
# Only compile the plugin for the host architecture.
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
% else:
% endif
% endif
% endfor
% for tgt in targets:
% if wanted_binary(tgt):
% if only_on_host_toolchain(tgt):
# Only compile the plugin for the host architecture.
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
% else:
% endif
% endif
% endfor
<%def name="cc_library(lib)">
lib_hdrs = lib.get("headers", [])
hdrs = [h for h in lib_hdrs if not uses_nanopb_or_protofull(h)]
srcs = [s for s in lib.src if not uses_nanopb_or_protofull(s)]
source_set("${}") {
sources = [
% for hdr in lib.get("public_headers", []):
% endfor
% for hdr in hdrs:
% endfor
% for src in srcs:
% endfor
deps = [
% for dep in get_deps(lib):
% endfor
configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ]
configs += [
% for config in get_extra_configs(lib):
% endfor
public_configs = [
<%def name="cc_binary(tgt)">
executable("${}") {
sources = [
% for src in tgt.src:
% endfor
deps = [
% for dep in get_deps(tgt):
% endfor
configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ]
configs += [
% for config in get_extra_configs(tgt):
% endfor
public_configs = [ ":grpc_config" ]