| Integrations |
| ============ |
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| Python for iOS |
| -------------- |
| |
| Requests is built into the wonderful `Python for iOS <https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/python-2.7-for-ios/id485729872?mt=Python8>`_ runtime! |
| |
| To give it a try, simply:: |
| |
| import requests |
| |
| |
| Articles & Talks |
| ================ |
| - `Python for the Web <https://www.gun.io/blog/python-for-the-web>`_ teaches how to use Python to interact with the web, using Requests. |
| - `Daniel Greenfeld's Review of Requests <https://pydanny.blogspot.com/2011/05/python-http-requests-for-humans.html>`_ |
| - `My 'Python for Humans' talk <http://python-for-humans.heroku.com>`_ ( `audio <https://codeconf.s3.amazonaws.com/2011/pycodeconf/talks/PyCodeConf2011%20-%20Kenneth%20Reitz.m4a>`_ ) |
| - `Issac Kelly's 'Consuming Web APIs' talk <https://issackelly.github.com/Consuming-Web-APIs-with-Python-Talk/slides/slides.html>`_ |
| - `Blog post about Requests via Yum <https://arunsag.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/new-package-python-requests-http-for-humans/>`_ |
| - `Russian blog post introducing Requests <https://habr.com/post/126262/>`_ |
| - `Sending JSON in Requests <http://www.coglib.com/~icordasc/blog/2014/11/sending-json-in-requests.html>`_ |