blob: b35b2595e3a002340bbda433b21d5fd8c7dae9db [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Requests is written and maintained by Kenneth Reitz and
various contributors:
Keepers of the Four Crystals
- Kenneth Reitz <> `@kennethreitz <>`_, Keeper of the Master Crystal.
- Cory Benfield <> `@lukasa <>`_
- Ian Cordasco <> `@sigmavirus24 <>`_
- Nate Prewitt <> `@nateprewitt <>`_
Patches and Suggestions
- Various Pocoo Members
- Chris Adams
- Flavio Percoco Premoli
- Dj Gilcrease
- Justin Murphy
- Rob Madole
- Aram Dulyan
- Johannes Gorset
- 村山めがね (Megane Murayama)
- James Rowe
- Daniel Schauenberg
- Zbigniew Siciarz
- Daniele Tricoli 'Eriol'
- Richard Boulton
- Miguel Olivares <>
- Alberto Paro
- Jérémy Bethmont
- 潘旭 (Xu Pan)
- Tamás Gulácsi
- Rubén Abad
- Peter Manser
- Jeremy Selier
- Jens Diemer
- Alex (`@alopatin <>`_)
- Tom Hogans <>
- Armin Ronacher
- Shrikant Sharat Kandula
- Mikko Ohtamaa
- Den Shabalin
- Daniel Miller <>
- Alejandro Giacometti
- Rick Mak
- Johan Bergström
- Josselin Jacquard
- Travis N. Vaught
- Fredrik Möllerstrand
- Daniel Hengeveld
- Dan Head
- Bruno Renié
- David Fischer
- Joseph McCullough
- Juergen Brendel
- Juan Riaza
- Ryan Kelly
- Rolando Espinoza La fuente
- Robert Gieseke
- Idan Gazit
- Ed Summers
- Chris Van Horne
- Christopher Davis
- Ori Livneh
- Jason Emerick
- Bryan Helmig
- Jonas Obrist
- Lucian Ursu
- Tom Moertel
- Frank Kumro Jr
- Chase Sterling
- Marty Alchin
- takluyver
- Ben Toews (`@mastahyeti <>`_)
- David Kemp
- Brendon Crawford
- Denis (`@Telofy <>`_)
- Matt Giuca
- Adam Tauber
- Honza Javorek
- Brendan Maguire <>
- Chris Dary
- Danver Braganza <>
- Max Countryman
- Nick Chadwick
- Jonathan Drosdeck
- Jiri Machalek
- Steve Pulec
- Michael Kelly
- Michael Newman <>
- Jonty Wareing <>
- Shivaram Lingamneni
- Miguel Turner
- Rohan Jain (`@crodjer <>`_)
- Justin Barber <>
- Roman Haritonov (`@reclosedev <>`_)
- Josh Imhoff <>
- Arup Malakar <>
- Danilo Bargen (`@dbrgn <>`_)
- Torsten Landschoff
- Michael Holler (`@apotheos <>`_)
- Timnit Gebru
- Sarah Gonzalez
- Victoria Mo
- Leila Muhtasib
- Matthias Rahlf <>
- Jakub Roztocil <>
- Rhys Elsmore
- André Graf (`@dergraf <>`_)
- Stephen Zhuang (`@everbird <>`_)
- Martijn Pieters
- Jonatan Heyman
- David Bonner <> (`@rascalking <>`_)
- Vinod Chandru
- Johnny Goodnow <>
- Denis Ryzhkov <>
- Wilfred Hughes <>
- Dmitry Medvinsky <>
- Bryce Boe <> (`@bboe <>`_)
- Colin Dunklau <> (`@cdunklau <>`_)
- Bob Carroll <> (`@rcarz <>`_)
- Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <> (`@hobarrera <>`_)
- Łukasz Langa <>
- Dave Shawley <>
- James Clarke (`@jam <>`_)
- Kevin Burke <>
- Flavio Curella
- David Pursehouse <> (`@dpursehouse <>`_)
- Jon Parise (`@jparise <>`_)
- Alexander Karpinsky (`@homm86 <>`_)
- Marc Schlaich (`@schlamar <>`_)
- Park Ilsu <> (`@daftshady <>`_)
- Matt Spitz (`@mattspitz <>`_)
- Vikram Oberoi (`@voberoi <>`_)
- Can Ibanoglu <> (`@canibanoglu <>`_)
- Thomas Weißschuh <> (`@t-8ch <>`_)
- Jayson Vantuyl <>
- Pengfei.X <>
- Kamil Madac <>
- Michael Becker <> (`@beckerfuffle <>`_)
- Erik Wickstrom <> (`@erikwickstrom <>`_)
- Константин Подшумок (`@podshumok <>`_)
- Ben Bass (`@codedstructure <>`_)
- Jonathan Wong <> (`@ContinuousFunction <>`_)
- Martin Jul (`@mjul <>`_)
- Joe Alcorn (`@buttscicles <>`_)
- Syed Suhail Ahmed <> (`@syedsuhail <>`_)
- Scott Sadler (`@ssadler <>`_)
- Arthur Darcet (`@arthurdarcet <>`_)
- Ulrich Petri (`@ulope <>`_)
- Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid <> (`@yasoob <>`_)
- Paul van der Linden (`@pvanderlinden <>`_)
- Colin Dickson (`@colindickson <>`_)
- Sabari Kumar Murugesan (`@neosab <>`_)
- Smiley Barry (`@smiley <>`_)
- Shagun Sodhani (`@shagunsodhani <>`_)
- Robin Linderborg (`@vienno <>`_)
- Brian Samek (`@bsamek <>`_)
- Dmitry Dygalo (`@Stranger6667 <>`_)
- Tomáš Heger (`@geckon <>`_)
- piotrjurkiewicz
- Jesse Shapiro <> (`@haikuginger <>`_)
- Nate Prewitt <> (`@nateprewitt <>`_)
- Maik Himstedt
- Michael Hunsinger
- Jeremy Cline <> (`@jeremycline <>`_)
- Brian Bamsch <> (`@bbamsch <>`_)
- Om Prakash Kumar <> (`@iamprakashom <>`_)
- Philipp Konrad <> (`@gardiac2002 <>`_)
- Hussain Tamboli <> (`@hussaintamboli <>`_)
- Casey Davidson (`@davidsoncasey <>`_)
- Andrii Soldatenko (`@a_soldatenko <>`_)
- Moinuddin Quadri <> (`@moin18 <>`_)
- Matt Kohl (`@mattkohl <>`_)
- Jonathan Vanasco (`@jvanasco <>`_)
- David Fontenot (`@davidfontenot <>`_)
- Shmuel Amar (`@shmuelamar <>`_)
- Gary Wu (`@garywu <>`_)
- Ryan Pineo (`@ryanpineo <>`_)
- Ed Morley (`@edmorley <>`_)
- Matt Liu <> (`@mlcrazy <>`_)
- Taylor Hoff <> (`@PrimordialHelios <>`_)
- Hugo van Kemenade (`@hugovk <>`_)