blob: 28fa641625062020134d074da13c601427c903e1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
You should normally never use this! Use emcc instead.
This is a small wrapper script around the core JS compiler. This calls that
compiler with the settings given to it. It can also read data from C/C++
header files (so that the JS compiler can see the constants in those
headers, for the libc implementation in JS).
from tools.toolchain_profiler import ToolchainProfiler
if __name__ == '__main__':
import difflib
import os, sys, json, argparse, subprocess, re, time, logging
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
from tools import shared
from tools import jsrun, cache as cache_module, tempfiles
from tools.response_file import read_response_file
from tools.shared import WINDOWS, asstr
__rootpath__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def path_from_root(*pathelems):
"""Returns the absolute path for which the given path elements are
relative to the emscripten root.
return os.path.join(__rootpath__, *pathelems)
def get_configuration():
if hasattr(get_configuration, 'configuration'):
return get_configuration.configuration
configuration = shared.Configuration(environ=os.environ)
get_configuration.configuration = configuration
return configuration
STDERR_FILE = os.environ.get('EMCC_STDERR_FILE')
STDERR_FILE = os.path.abspath(STDERR_FILE)'logging stderr in js compiler phase into %s' % STDERR_FILE)
def quoter(settings):
def quote(prop):
if settings['USE_CLOSURE_COMPILER'] == 2:
return ''.join(["'" + p + "'" for p in prop.split('.')])
return prop
return quote
def access_quoter(settings):
def access_quote(prop):
if settings['USE_CLOSURE_COMPILER'] == 2:
return ''.join(["['" + p + "']" for p in prop.split('.')])
return '.' + prop
return access_quote
def emscript(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=None, compiler_engine=None,
temp_files=None, DEBUG=None):
"""Runs the emscripten LLVM-to-JS compiler.
infile: The path to the input LLVM assembly file.
settings: JSON-formatted settings that override the values
defined in src/settings.js.
outfile: The file where the output is written.
if libraries is None: libraries = []
assert settings['ASM_JS'], 'fastcomp is asm.js-only (mode 1 or 2)'
success = False
# Overview:
# * Run LLVM backend to emit JS. JS includes function bodies, memory initializer,
# and various metadata
# * Run compiler.js on the metadata to emit the shell js code, pre/post-ambles,
# JS library dependencies, etc.
# metadata and settings are modified by reference in some of the below
# these functions are split up to force variables to go out of scope and allow
# memory to be reclaimed
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('get_and_parse_backend'):
backend_output = compile_js(infile, settings, temp_files, DEBUG)
funcs, metadata, mem_init = parse_backend_output(backend_output, DEBUG)
fixup_metadata_tables(metadata, settings)
funcs = fixup_functions(funcs, metadata, settings)
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('compiler_glue'):
glue, forwarded_data = compiler_glue(metadata, settings, libraries, compiler_engine, temp_files, DEBUG)
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('function_tables_and_exports'):
(post, function_table_data, bundled_args) = (
function_tables_and_exports(funcs, metadata, mem_init, glue, forwarded_data, settings, outfile, DEBUG))
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('write_output_file'):
finalize_output(outfile, post, function_table_data, bundled_args, metadata, settings, DEBUG)
success = True
if not success:
shared.try_delete( # remove partial output
def compile_js(infile, settings, temp_files, DEBUG):
"""Compile infile with asm.js backend, return the contents of the compiled js"""
with temp_files.get_file('.4.js') as temp_js:
backend_args = create_backend_args(infile, temp_js, settings)
logging.debug('emscript: llvm backend: ' + ' '.join(backend_args))
t = time.time()
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('emscript_llvm_backend'):
shared.jsrun.timeout_run(subprocess.Popen(backend_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True), note_args=backend_args)
logging.debug(' emscript: llvm backend took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
# Split up output
backend_output = open(temp_js).read()
#if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, backend_output
return backend_output
def parse_backend_output(backend_output, DEBUG):
start_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCTIONS'
end_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCTIONS'
metadata_split_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_METADATA'
start_funcs = backend_output.index(start_funcs_marker)
end_funcs = backend_output.rindex(end_funcs_marker)
metadata_split = backend_output.rindex(metadata_split_marker)
funcs = backend_output[start_funcs+len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
metadata_raw = backend_output[metadata_split+len(metadata_split_marker):]
mem_init = backend_output[end_funcs+len(end_funcs_marker):metadata_split]
# we no longer use the "Runtime" object. TODO: stop emiting it in the backend
mem_init = mem_init.replace('Runtime.', '')
#if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, "METAraw", metadata_raw
metadata = json.loads(metadata_raw, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('emscript: failure to parse metadata output from compiler backend. raw output is: \n' + metadata_raw)
raise e
# functions marked llvm.used in the code are exports requested by the user
shared.Building.user_requested_exports += metadata['exports']
return funcs, metadata, mem_init
def fixup_metadata_tables(metadata, settings):
# if emulating pointer casts, force all tables to the size of the largest
max_size = 0
for k, v in metadata['tables'].items():
max_size = max(max_size, v.count(',')+1)
for k, v in metadata['tables'].items():
curr = v.count(',')+1
if curr < max_size:
metadata['tables'][k] = v.replace(']', (',0'*(max_size - curr)) + ']')
if settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
for k in metadata['tables'].keys():
metadata['tables'][k] = metadata['tables'][k].replace('var FUNCTION_TABLE_', 'var SIDE_FUNCTION_TABLE_')
def fixup_functions(funcs, metadata, settings):
# function table masks
table_sizes = {}
for k, v in metadata['tables'].items():
table_sizes[k] = str(v.count(',')) # undercounts by one, but that is what we want
#if settings['ASSERTIONS'] >= 2 and table_sizes[k] == 0:
# print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: no function pointers with signature ' + k + ', but there is a call, which will abort if it occurs (this can result from undefined behavior, check for compiler warnings on your source files and consider -Werror)'
funcs = re.sub(r"#FM_(\w+)#", lambda m: table_sizes[m.groups(0)[0]], funcs)
# fix +float into float.0, if not running js opts
if not settings['RUNNING_JS_OPTS']:
def fix_dot_zero(m):
num =
# TODO: handle 0x floats?
if num.find('.') < 0:
e = num.find('e')
if e < 0:
num += '.0'
num = num[:e] + '.0' + num[e:]
return + + num
funcs = re.sub(r'([(=,+\-*/%<>:?] *)\+(-?)((0x)?[0-9a-f]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)', fix_dot_zero, funcs)
return funcs
def compiler_glue(metadata, settings, libraries, compiler_engine, temp_files, DEBUG):
logging.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')
t = time.time()
# Settings changes
i64_funcs = ['i64Add', 'i64Subtract', '__muldi3', '__divdi3', '__udivdi3', '__remdi3', '__uremdi3']
for i64_func in i64_funcs:
if i64_func in metadata['declares']:
settings['PRECISE_I64_MATH'] = 2
# FIXME: do these one by one as normal js lib funcs
metadata['declares'] = [i64_func for i64_func in metadata['declares'] if i64_func not in ['getHigh32', 'setHigh32']]
optimize_syscalls(metadata['declares'], settings, DEBUG)
update_settings_glue(settings, metadata)
assert not (metadata['simd'] and settings['SPLIT_MEMORY']), 'SIMD is used, but not supported in SPLIT_MEMORY'
assert not (metadata['simd'] and settings['WASM']), 'SIMD is used, but not supported in WASM mode yet'
assert not (settings['SIMD'] and settings['WASM']), 'SIMD is requested, but not supported in WASM mode yet'
glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(compiler_engine, settings, libraries, temp_files)
logging.debug(' emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
return glue, forwarded_data
def function_tables_and_exports(funcs, metadata, mem_init, glue, forwarded_data, settings, outfile, DEBUG):
logging.debug('emscript: python processing: function tables and exports')
t = time.time()
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
# merge in information from llvm backend
function_table_data = metadata['tables']
# merge forwarded data
settings['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS'] = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']
pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')
#print >> sys.stderr, 'glue:', pre, '\n\n||||||||||||||||\n\n', post, '...............'
pre = memory_and_global_initializers(pre, metadata, mem_init, settings)
pre, funcs_js = get_js_funcs(pre, funcs)
all_exported_functions = get_all_exported_functions(function_table_data, settings)
all_implemented = get_all_implemented(forwarded_json, metadata)
check_all_implemented(all_implemented, pre, settings)
implemented_functions = get_implemented_functions(metadata)
pre = include_asm_consts(pre, forwarded_json, metadata, settings)
#if DEBUG: outfile.write('// pre\n')
pre = None
#if DEBUG: outfile.write('// funcs\n')
# Move preAsms to their right place
def move_preasm(m):
contents = m.groups(0)[0]
outfile.write(contents + '\n')
return ''
if not settings['BOOTSTRAPPING_STRUCT_INFO'] and len(funcs_js) > 1:
funcs_js[1] = re.sub(r'/\* PRE_ASM \*/(.*)\n', move_preasm, funcs_js[1])
if 'pre' in function_table_data:
pre_tables = function_table_data['pre']
del function_table_data['pre']
pre_tables = ''
function_table_sigs = list(function_table_data.keys())
in_table, debug_tables, function_tables_defs = make_function_tables_defs(
implemented_functions, all_implemented, function_table_data, settings, metadata)
exported_implemented_functions = get_exported_implemented_functions(
all_exported_functions, all_implemented, metadata, settings)
asm_setup = create_asm_setup(debug_tables, function_table_data, metadata, settings)
basic_funcs = create_basic_funcs(function_table_sigs, settings)
basic_vars = create_basic_vars(exported_implemented_functions, forwarded_json, metadata, settings)
funcs_js += create_mftCall_funcs(function_table_data, settings)
exports = create_exports(exported_implemented_functions, in_table, function_table_data, metadata, settings)
# calculate globals
del forwarded_json['Variables']['globals']['_llvm_global_ctors'] # not a true variable
if not settings['RELOCATABLE']:
global_vars = metadata['externs']
global_vars = [] # linkable code accesses globals through function calls
global_funcs = sorted(set([key for key, value in forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'].items() if value != 2])
if settings['RELOCATABLE']:
global_funcs += ['g$' + extern for extern in metadata['externs']]
bg_funcs = basic_funcs + global_funcs
bg_vars = basic_vars + global_vars
asm_global_funcs= create_asm_global_funcs(bg_funcs, metadata, settings)
asm_global_vars = create_asm_global_vars(bg_vars, settings)
the_global = create_the_global(metadata, settings)
sending_vars = basic_funcs + global_funcs + basic_vars + global_vars
sending = '{ ' + ', '.join(['"' + math_fix(s) + '": ' + s for s in sending_vars]) + ' }'
receiving = create_receiving(function_table_data, function_tables_defs,
exported_implemented_functions, settings)
function_tables_impls = make_function_tables_impls(function_table_data, settings)
final_function_tables = '\n'.join(function_tables_impls) + '\n' + function_tables_defs
final_function_tables = (
.replace("asm['", '')
.replace("']", '')
.replace('var dynCall_', '//')
logging.debug('asm text sizes' + str([
list(map(len, funcs_js)), len(asm_setup), len(asm_global_vars), len(asm_global_funcs), len(pre_tables),
len('\n'.join(function_tables_impls)), len(function_tables_defs) + (function_tables_defs.count('\n') * len(' ')),
len(exports), len(the_global), len(sending), len(receiving)]))
logging.debug(' emscript: python processing: function tables and exports took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
bundled_args = (funcs_js, asm_setup, the_global, sending, receiving, asm_global_vars,
asm_global_funcs, pre_tables, final_function_tables, exports)
return (post, function_table_data, bundled_args)
def finalize_output(outfile, post, function_table_data, bundled_args, metadata, settings, DEBUG):
function_table_sigs = list(function_table_data.keys())
module = create_module(function_table_sigs, metadata, settings, *bundled_args)
logging.debug('emscript: python processing: finalize')
t = time.time()
write_output_file(outfile, post, module)
module = None
logging.debug(' emscript: python processing: finalize took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
write_cyberdwarf_data(outfile, metadata, settings)
def create_module(function_table_sigs, metadata, settings,
funcs_js, asm_setup, the_global, sending, receiving, asm_global_vars,
asm_global_funcs, pre_tables, final_function_tables, exports):
receiving += create_named_globals(metadata, settings)
runtime_funcs = create_runtime_funcs(exports, settings)
asm_start_pre = create_asm_start_pre(asm_setup, the_global, sending, metadata, settings)
asm_temp_vars = create_asm_temp_vars(settings)
asm_runtime_thread_local_vars = create_asm_runtime_thread_local_vars(settings)
asm_start = asm_start_pre + '\n' + asm_global_vars + asm_temp_vars + asm_runtime_thread_local_vars + '\n' + asm_global_funcs
temp_float = ' var tempFloat = %s;\n' % ('Math_fround(0)' if provide_fround(settings) else '0.0')
async_state = ' var asyncState = 0;\n' if settings.get('EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC') else ''
f0_fround = ' const f0 = Math_fround(0);\n' if provide_fround(settings) else ''
replace_memory = create_replace_memory(settings)
start_funcs_marker = '\n// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS\n'
asm_end = create_asm_end(exports, settings)
module = [
] + runtime_funcs + funcs_js + ['\n ',
pre_tables, final_function_tables, asm_end,
'\n', receiving, ';\n']
if settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
parentModule['registerFunctions'](%(sigs)s, Module);
''' % { 'sigs': str(list(map(str, function_table_sigs))) })
return module
def write_output_file(outfile, post, module):
for i in range(len(module)): # do this loop carefully to save memory
module[i] = normalize_line_endings(module[i])
post = normalize_line_endings(post)
def write_cyberdwarf_data(outfile, metadata, settings):
if settings['CYBERDWARF']:
assert('cyberdwarf_data' in metadata)
cd_file_name = + ".cd"
with open(cd_file_name, "w") as cd_file:
json.dump({ 'cyberdwarf': metadata['cyberdwarf_data'] }, cd_file)
def create_backend_args(infile, temp_js, settings):
"""Create args for asm.js backend from settings dict"""
backend_compiler = os.path.join(shared.LLVM_ROOT, 'llc')
args = [
backend_compiler, infile, '-march=js', '-filetype=asm', '-o', temp_js,
'-emscripten-stack-size=%d' % settings['TOTAL_STACK'],
'-O' + str(settings['OPT_LEVEL']),
if settings['PRECISE_F32']:
args += ['-emscripten-precise-f32']
if settings['USE_PTHREADS']:
args += ['-emscripten-enable-pthreads']
if settings['WARN_UNALIGNED']:
args += ['-emscripten-warn-unaligned']
args += ['-emscripten-reserved-function-pointers=%d' % settings['RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS']]
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] > 0:
args += ['-emscripten-assertions=%d' % settings['ASSERTIONS']]
args += ['-emscripten-no-aliasing-function-pointers']
args += ['-emscripten-emulated-function-pointers']
if settings['RELOCATABLE']:
args += ['-emscripten-relocatable']
args += ['-emscripten-global-base=0']
elif settings['GLOBAL_BASE'] >= 0:
args += ['-emscripten-global-base=%d' % settings['GLOBAL_BASE']]
if settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
args += ['-emscripten-side-module']
if settings['LEGALIZE_JS_FFI'] != 1:
args += ['-emscripten-legalize-javascript-ffi=0']
args += ['-enable-emscripten-cpp-exceptions']
args += ['-emscripten-cpp-exceptions-whitelist=' + ','.join(settings['EXCEPTION_CATCHING_WHITELIST'] or ['fake'])]
if settings['ASYNCIFY']:
args += ['-emscripten-asyncify']
args += ['-emscripten-asyncify-functions=' + ','.join(settings['ASYNCIFY_FUNCTIONS'])]
args += ['-emscripten-asyncify-whitelist=' + ','.join(settings['ASYNCIFY_WHITELIST'])]
if settings['NO_EXIT_RUNTIME']:
args += ['-emscripten-no-exit-runtime']
if settings['BINARYEN']:
args += ['-emscripten-wasm']
if shared.Building.is_wasm_only():
args += ['-emscripten-only-wasm']
if settings['CYBERDWARF']:
args += ['-enable-cyberdwarf']
return args
def optimize_syscalls(declares, settings, DEBUG):
"""Disables filesystem if only a limited subset of syscalls is used.
Our syscalls are static, and so if we see a very limited set of them - in particular,
no open() syscall and just simple writing - then we don't need full filesystem support.
If FORCE_FILESYSTEM is set, we can't do this. We also don't do it if INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY, since
not including the filesystem would mean not including the full JS libraries, and the same for
MAIN_MODULE since a side module might need the filesystem.
if all([not settings[s] for s in relevant_settings]):
syscall_prefix = '__syscall'
syscall_numbers = [d[len(syscall_prefix):] for d in declares if d.startswith(syscall_prefix)]
syscalls = [int(s) for s in syscall_numbers if is_int(s)]
if set(syscalls).issubset(set([6, 54, 140, 146])): # close, ioctl, llseek, writev
if DEBUG: logging.debug('very limited syscalls (%s) so disabling full filesystem support' % ', '.join(map(str, syscalls)))
settings['NO_FILESYSTEM'] = 1
def is_int(x):
return True
return False
def update_settings_glue(settings, metadata):
if settings['CYBERDWARF']:
# Integrate info from backend
if settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
settings['DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE'] = [] # we don't need any JS library contents in side modules
if metadata.get('cantValidate') and settings['ASM_JS'] != 2:
logging.warning('disabling asm.js validation due to use of non-supported features: ' + metadata['cantValidate'])
settings['ASM_JS'] = 2
set(settings['DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE'] + list(map(shared.JS.to_nice_ident, metadata['declares']))).difference(
[x[1:] for x in metadata['implementedFunctions']]
) + [x[1:] for x in metadata['externs']]
if metadata['simd']:
settings['SIMD'] = 1
settings['MAX_GLOBAL_ALIGN'] = metadata['maxGlobalAlign']
settings['IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS'] = metadata['implementedFunctions']
def compile_settings(compiler_engine, settings, libraries, temp_files):
# Save settings to a file to work around v8 issue 1579
with temp_files.get_file('.txt') as settings_file:
def save_settings():
global settings_text
settings_text = json.dumps(settings, sort_keys=True)
s = open(settings_file, 'w')
# Call js compiler
out = jsrun.run_js(path_from_root('src', 'compiler.js'), compiler_engine,
[settings_file] + libraries, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=STDERR_FILE,
cwd=path_from_root('src'), error_limit=300)
assert '//FORWARDED_DATA:' in out, 'Did not receive forwarded data in pre output - process failed?'
glue, forwarded_data = out.split('//FORWARDED_DATA:')
return glue, forwarded_data
def memory_and_global_initializers(pre, metadata, mem_init, settings):
global_initializers = str(', '.join(['{ func: function() { %s() } }' % i for i in metadata['initializers']]))
if settings['SIMD'] == 1:
pre = open(path_from_root(os.path.join('src', 'ecmascript_simd.js'))).read() + '\n\n' + pre
staticbump = metadata['staticBump']
while staticbump % 16 != 0: staticbump += 1
split_memory = ''
if settings['SPLIT_MEMORY']:
split_memory = ('assert(STATICTOP < SPLIT_MEMORY, "SPLIT_MEMORY size must be big enough so the '
'entire static memory, need " + STATICTOP);')
pthread = ''
if settings['USE_PTHREADS']:
pthread = 'if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD)'
pre = pre.replace('STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + 0;',
'''STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + {staticbump};{split_memory}
/* global initializers */ {pthread} __ATINIT__.push({global_initializers});
if settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
pre = pre.replace('GLOBAL_BASE', 'gb')
if settings['SIDE_MODULE'] or settings['BINARYEN']:
pre = pre.replace('{{{ STATIC_BUMP }}}', str(staticbump))
return pre
def get_js_funcs(pre, funcs):
funcs_js = [funcs]
parts = pre.split('// ASM_LIBRARY FUNCTIONS\n')
if len(parts) > 1:
pre = parts[0]
return pre, funcs_js
def get_all_exported_functions(function_table_data, settings):
all_exported_functions = set(shared.expand_response(settings['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS'])) # both asm.js and otherwise
for additional_export in settings['DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE']: # additional functions to export from asm, if they are implemented
all_exported_functions.add('_' + additional_export)
for table in function_table_data.values():
for func in table.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(','):
if func[0] == '_':
return all_exported_functions
def get_all_implemented(forwarded_json, metadata):
return metadata['implementedFunctions'] + list(forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions'].keys()) # XXX perf?
# Return the list of original exports, for error reporting. It may
# be a response file, in which case, load it
def get_original_exported_functions(settings):
if ret[0] == '@':
ret = json.loads(open(ret[1:]).read())
return ret
def check_all_implemented(all_implemented, pre, settings):
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] and settings.get('ORIGINAL_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS'):
original_exports = get_original_exported_functions(settings)
for requested in original_exports:
if not is_already_implemented(requested, pre, all_implemented):
# could be a js library func
logging.warning('function requested to be exported, but not implemented: "%s"', requested)
def is_already_implemented(requested, pre, all_implemented):
is_implemented = requested in all_implemented
# special-case malloc, EXPORTED by default for internal use, but we bake in a trivial allocator and warn at runtime if used in ASSERTIONS
is_exception = requested == '_malloc'
in_pre = ('function ' + asstr(requested)) in pre
return is_implemented or is_exception or in_pre
def get_exported_implemented_functions(all_exported_functions, all_implemented, metadata, settings):
funcs = set(metadata['exports'])
export_bindings = settings['EXPORT_BINDINGS']
export_all = settings['EXPORT_ALL']
for key in all_implemented:
if key in all_exported_functions or export_all or (export_bindings and key.startswith('_emscripten_bind')):
funcs = list(funcs) + metadata['initializers']
if not settings['ONLY_MY_CODE']:
if settings['ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH']:
if not settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
funcs += ['stackAlloc', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'establishStackSpace']
if settings['SAFE_HEAP']:
funcs += ['setDynamicTop']
if not settings['RELOCATABLE']:
funcs += ['setTempRet0', 'getTempRet0']
if not (settings['BINARYEN'] and settings['SIDE_MODULE']):
funcs += ['setThrew']
if settings['EMTERPRETIFY']:
funcs += ['emterpret']
if settings['EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC']:
funcs += ['setAsyncState', 'emtStackSave', 'emtStackRestore', 'getEmtStackMax', 'setEmtStackMax']
if settings['ASYNCIFY']:
funcs += ['setAsync']
return sorted(set(funcs))
def get_implemented_functions(metadata):
return set(metadata['implementedFunctions'])
def proxy_debug_print(call_type, settings):
if shared.Settings.PTHREADS_DEBUG:
if call_type == 'sync_on_main_thread_': return 'warnOnce("sync proxying function " + code);';
elif call_type == 'async_on_main_thread_': return 'warnOnce("async proxying function " + code);';
return ''
def include_asm_consts(pre, forwarded_json, metadata, settings):
if settings['BINARYEN'] and settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
assert len(metadata['asmConsts']) == 0, 'EM_ASM is not yet supported in shared wasm module (it cannot be stored in the wasm itself, need some solution)'
asm_consts, all_sigs, call_types = all_asm_consts(metadata)
asm_const_funcs = []
for s in range(len(all_sigs)):
sig = all_sigs[s]
call_type = call_types[s] if s < len(call_types) else ''
if '_emscripten_asm_const_' + call_type + sig in forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions']: continue # Only one invoker needs to be emitted for each ASM_CONST (signature x call_type) item
forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions']['_emscripten_asm_const_' + call_type + sig] = 1
args = ['a%d' % i for i in range(len(sig)-1)]
all_args = ['code'] + args
proxy_function = ''
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
if call_type == 'sync_on_main_thread_': proxy_function = '_emscripten_sync_run_in_browser_thread_' + sig
elif call_type == 'async_on_main_thread_': proxy_function = '_emscripten_async_run_in_browser_thread_' + sig
# In proxied function calls, positive integers 1, 2, 3, ... denote pointers to regular C compiled functions. Negative integers -1, -2, -3, ... denote indices to EM_ASM() blocks, so remap the EM_ASM() indices from 0, 1, 2, ... over to the negative integers starting at -1.
proxy_args = '-1 - ' + ','.join(all_args)
if proxy_function: proxy_to_main_thread = ' if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { ' + proxy_debug_print(call_type, settings) + 'return ' + proxy_function + '(' + proxy_args + '); } \n'
else: proxy_to_main_thread = ''
function _emscripten_asm_const_%s(%s) {
%s return ASM_CONSTS[code](%s);
}''' % (call_type + asstr(sig), ', '.join(all_args), proxy_to_main_thread, ', '.join(args)))
asm_consts_text = '\nvar ASM_CONSTS = [' + ',\n '.join(asm_consts) + '];\n'
asm_funcs_text = '\n'.join(asm_const_funcs) + '\n'
body_marker = '// === Body ==='
return pre.replace(body_marker, body_marker + '\n' + asm_consts_text + asstr(asm_funcs_text))
# Test if the parentheses at body[openIdx] and body[closeIdx] are a match to each other.
def parentheses_match(body, openIdx, closeIdx):
if closeIdx < 0: closeIdx += len(body)
count = 1
for i in range(openIdx+1, closeIdx+1):
if body[i] == body[openIdx]:
count += 1
elif body[i] == body[closeIdx]:
count -= 1
if count <= 0:
return i == closeIdx
return False
def trim_asm_const_body(body):
body = body.strip()
orig = None
while orig != body:
orig = body
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '"' and body[-1] == '"': body = body[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"').strip()
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '{' and body[-1] == '}' and parentheses_match(body, 0, -1): body = body[1:-1].strip()
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '(' and body[-1] == ')' and parentheses_match(body, 0, -1): body = body[1:-1].strip()
return body
def all_asm_consts(metadata):
asm_consts = [0]*len(metadata['asmConsts'])
all_sigs = []
all_call_types = []
for k, v in metadata['asmConsts'].items():
const = asstr(v[0])
sigs = v[1]
call_types = v[2] if len(v) >= 3 else None
const = trim_asm_const_body(const)
const = '{ ' + const + ' }'
args = []
arity = max(map(len, sigs)) - 1
for i in range(arity):
args.append('$' + str(i))
const = 'function(' + ', '.join(args) + ') ' + const
asm_consts[int(k)] = const
all_sigs += sigs
if call_types: all_call_types += call_types
return asm_consts, all_sigs, all_call_types
def unfloat(s):
"""lower float to double for ffis"""
return 'd' if s == 'f' else s
def make_function_tables_defs(implemented_functions, all_implemented, function_table_data, settings, metadata):
class Counter(object):
next_bad_item = 0
next_item = 0
pre = []
in_table = set()
debug_tables = {}
def make_params(sig): return ','.join(['p%d' % p for p in range(len(sig)-1)])
def make_coerced_params(sig): return ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d', unfloat(sig[p+1]), settings) % p for p in range(len(sig)-1)])
def make_coercions(sig): return ';'.join(['p%d = %s' % (p, shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % p, sig[p+1], settings)) for p in range(len(sig)-1)]) + ';'
# when emulating function pointer casts, we need to know what is the target of each pointer
function_pointer_targets = {}
for sig, table in function_table_data.items():
start = table.index('[')
end = table.rindex(']')
body = table[start+1:end].split(',')
parsed = [x.strip() for x in body]
for i in range(len(parsed)):
if parsed[i] != '0':
assert i not in function_pointer_targets
function_pointer_targets[i] = [sig, str(parsed[i])]
def make_table(sig, raw):
if '[]' in raw: return ('', '') # empty table
params = make_params(sig)
coerced_params = make_coerced_params(sig)
coercions = make_coercions(sig)
def make_bad(target=None):
i = Counter.next_bad_item
Counter.next_bad_item += 1
if target is None: target = i
name = 'b' + str(i)
if not settings['ASSERTIONS']:
code = 'abort(%s);' % target
code = 'nullFunc_' + sig + '(%d);' % target
if sig[0] != 'v':
code += 'return %s' % shared.JS.make_initializer(sig[0], settings) + ';'
return name, make_func(name, code, params, coercions)
bad, bad_func = make_bad() # the default bad func
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] <= 1:
Counter.pre = [bad_func]
Counter.pre = []
start = raw.index('[')
end = raw.rindex(']')
body = raw[start+1:end].split(',')
def receive(item):
if item == '0':
return item
if item not in all_implemented:
# this is not implemented; it would normally be wrapped, but with emulation, we just use it directly outside
return item
return "asm['" + item + "']"
body = list(map(receive, body))
for j in range(settings['RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS']):
curr = 'jsCall_%s_%s' % (sig, j)
body[1 + j] = curr
Counter.next_item = 0
def fix_item(item):
j = Counter.next_item
Counter.next_item += 1
newline = Counter.next_item % 30 == 29
if item == '0':
if j > 0 and settings['EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS'] and j in function_pointer_targets: # emulate all non-null pointer calls, if asked to
proper_sig, proper_target = function_pointer_targets[j]
if proper_target in all_implemented:
proper_target = "asm['" + proper_target + "']"
def make_emulated_param(i):
if i >= len(sig): return shared.JS.make_initializer(proper_sig[i], settings) # extra param, just send a zero
return shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % (i-1), proper_sig[i], settings, convert_from=sig[i])
proper_code = proper_target + '(' + ','.join([make_emulated_param(i+1) for i in range(len(proper_sig)-1)]) + ')'
if proper_sig[0] != 'v':
# proper sig has a return, which the wrapper may or may not use
proper_code = shared.JS.make_coercion(proper_code, proper_sig[0], settings)
if proper_sig[0] != sig[0]:
# first coercion ensured we call the target ok; this one ensures we return the right type in the wrapper
proper_code = shared.JS.make_coercion(proper_code, sig[0], settings, convert_from=proper_sig[0])
if sig[0] != 'v':
proper_code = 'return ' + proper_code
# proper sig has no return, we may need a fake return
if sig[0] != 'v':
proper_code = 'return ' + shared.JS.make_initializer(sig[0], settings)
name = 'fpemu_%s_%d' % (sig, j)
wrapper = make_func(name, proper_code, params, coercions)
return name if not newline else (name + '\n')
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] <= 1:
return bad if not newline else (bad + '\n')
specific_bad, specific_bad_func = make_bad(j)
return specific_bad if not newline else (specific_bad + '\n')
clean_item = item.replace("asm['", '').replace("']", '')
# when emulating function pointers, we don't need wrappers
# but if relocating, then we also have the copies in-module, and do
# in wasm we never need wrappers though
if clean_item not in implemented_functions and not (settings['EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS'] and not settings['RELOCATABLE']) and not settings['BINARYEN']:
# this is imported into asm, we must wrap it
call_ident = clean_item
if call_ident in metadata['redirects']: call_ident = metadata['redirects'][call_ident]
if not call_ident.startswith('_') and not call_ident.startswith('Math_'): call_ident = '_' + call_ident
code = call_ident + '(' + coerced_params + ')'
if sig[0] != 'v':
# ffis cannot return float
if sig[0] == 'f': code = '+' + code
code = 'return ' + shared.JS.make_coercion(code, sig[0], settings)
code += ';'
Counter.pre.append(make_func(clean_item + '__wrapper', code, params, coercions))
assert not sig == 'X', 'must know the signature in order to create a wrapper for "%s" (TODO for shared wasm modules)' % item
return clean_item + '__wrapper'
return item if not newline else (item + '\n')
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] >= 2:
debug_tables[sig] = body
body = ','.join(map(fix_item, body))
return ('\n'.join(Counter.pre), ''.join([raw[:start+1], body, raw[end:]]))
infos = [make_table(sig, raw) for sig, raw in function_table_data.items()]
Counter.pre = []
function_tables_defs = '\n'.join([info[0] for info in infos]) + '\n'
function_tables_defs += '\n// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n'
function_tables_defs += '\n'.join([info[1] for info in infos])
return in_table, debug_tables, function_tables_defs
def make_func(name, code, params, coercions):
return 'function %s(%s) {\n %s %s\n}' % (name, params, coercions, code)
def math_fix(g):
return g if not g.startswith('Math_') else g.split('_')[1]
def make_function_tables_impls(function_table_data, settings):
function_tables_impls = []
for sig, table in function_table_data.items():
args = ','.join(['a' + str(i) for i in range(1, len(sig))])
arg_coercions = ' '.join(['a' + str(i) + '=' + shared.JS.make_coercion('a' + str(i), sig[i], settings) + ';' for i in range(1, len(sig))])
coerced_args = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('a' + str(i), sig[i], settings) for i in range(1, len(sig))])
sig_mask = str(table.count(','))
ret = ('return ' if sig[0] != 'v' else '') + shared.JS.make_coercion('FUNCTION_TABLE_%s[index&%s](%s)' % (sig, sig_mask, coerced_args), sig[0], settings)
function dynCall_%s(index%s%s) {
index = index|0;
''' % (sig, ',' if len(sig) > 1 else '', args, arg_coercions, ret))
var dynCall_%s = ftCall_%s;
''' % (sig, sig))
ffi_args = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('a' + str(i), sig[i], settings, ffi_arg=True) for i in range(1, len(sig))])
for i in range(settings['RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS']):
jsret = ('return ' if sig[0] != 'v' else '') + shared.JS.make_coercion('jsCall_%s(%d%s%s)' % (sig, i, ',' if ffi_args else '', ffi_args), sig[0], settings, ffi_result=True)
function jsCall_%s_%s(%s) {
''' % (sig, i, args, arg_coercions, jsret))
return function_tables_impls
def create_mftCall_funcs(function_table_data, settings):
mftCall_funcs = []
if settings.get('RELOCATABLE') and not settings['BINARYEN']: # in wasm, emulated function pointers are just simple table calls
for sig, table in function_table_data.items():
params = ','.join(['ptr'] + ['p%d' % p for p in range(len(sig)-1)])
coerced_params = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('ptr', 'i', settings)] + [shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d', unfloat(sig[p+1]), settings) % p for p in range(len(sig)-1)])
coercions = ';'.join(['ptr = ptr | 0'] + ['p%d = %s' % (p, shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d' % p, unfloat(sig[p+1]), settings)) for p in range(len(sig)-1)]) + ';'
mini_coerced_params = ','.join([shared.JS.make_coercion('p%d', sig[p+1], settings) % p for p in range(len(sig)-1)])
maybe_return = '' if sig[0] == 'v' else 'return'
final_return = maybe_return + ' ' + shared.JS.make_coercion('ftCall_' + sig + '(' + coerced_params + ')', unfloat(sig[0]), settings) + ';'
body = final_return
sig_mask = str(table.count(','))
body = ('if (((ptr|0) >= (fb|0)) & ((ptr|0) < (fb + ' + sig_mask + ' | 0))) { ' + maybe_return + ' ' +
'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig + '[(ptr-fb)&' + sig_mask + '](' +
mini_coerced_params + ')', sig[0], settings, ffi_arg=True
) + '; ' + ('return;' if sig[0] == 'v' else '') + ' }' + final_return)
mftCall_funcs.append(make_func('mftCall_' + sig, body, params, coercions) + '\n')
return mftCall_funcs
def get_function_pointer_error(sig, function_table_sigs, settings):
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] <= 1:
extra = ' Module["printErr"]("Build with ASSERTIONS=2 for more info.");'
pointer = ' '
pointer = ' \'" + x + "\' '
extra = ' Module["printErr"]("This pointer might make sense in another type signature: '
# sort signatures, attempting to show most likely related ones first
sigs = list(function_table_sigs)
for other in sigs:
if other != sig:
extra += other + ': " + debug_table_' + other + '[x] + " '
extra += '"); '
return 'Module["printErr"]("Invalid function pointer' + pointer + 'called with signature \'' + sig + '\'. ' + \
'Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? ' + \
'Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? ' + \
'(it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)' + \
'"); ' + extra
def signature_sort_key(sig):
def closure(other):
ret = 0
minlen = min(len(other), len(sig))
maxlen = min(len(other), len(sig))
if other.startswith(sig) or sig.startswith(other): ret -= 1000 # prioritize prefixes, could be dropped params
ret -= 133*difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=other, b=sig).ratio() # prioritize on diff similarity
ret += 15*abs(len(other) - len(sig))/float(maxlen) # deprioritize the bigger the length difference is
for i in range(minlen):
if other[i] == sig[i]: ret -= 5/float(maxlen) # prioritize on identically-placed params
ret += 20*len(other) # deprioritize on length
return ret
return closure
def create_asm_global_funcs(bg_funcs, metadata, settings):
access_quote = access_quoter(settings)
maths = ['Math.' + func for func in ['floor', 'abs', 'sqrt', 'pow', 'cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'exp', 'log', 'ceil', 'imul', 'min', 'max', 'clz32']]
if provide_fround(settings):
maths += ['Math.fround']
asm_global_funcs = ''.join([' var ' + g.replace('.', '_') + '=global' + access_quote(g) + ';\n' for g in maths])
asm_global_funcs += ''.join([' var ' + g + '=env' + access_quote(math_fix(g)) + ';\n' for g in bg_funcs])
asm_global_funcs += global_simd_funcs(access_quote, metadata, settings)
if settings['USE_PTHREADS']:
asm_global_funcs += ''.join([' var Atomics_' + ty + '=global' + access_quote('Atomics') + access_quote(ty) + ';\n' for ty in ['load', 'store', 'exchange', 'compareExchange', 'add', 'sub', 'and', 'or', 'xor']])
return asm_global_funcs
def create_asm_global_vars(bg_vars, settings):
access_quote = access_quoter(settings)
asm_global_vars = ''.join([' var ' + g + '=env' + access_quote(g) + '|0;\n' for g in bg_vars])
if settings['BINARYEN'] and settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
# wasm side modules internally define their stack, these are set at module startup time
asm_global_vars += '\n var STACKTOP = 0, STACK_MAX = 0;\n'
return asm_global_vars
def global_simd_funcs(access_quote, metadata, settings):
# Always import SIMD when building with -s SIMD=1, since in that mode memcpy is SIMD optimized.
if not (metadata['simd'] or settings['SIMD']):
return ''
def string_contains_any(s, str_list):
for sub in str_list:
if sub in s:
return True
return False
nonexisting_simd_symbols = ['Int8x16_fromInt8x16', 'Uint8x16_fromUint8x16', 'Int16x8_fromInt16x8', 'Uint16x8_fromUint16x8', 'Int32x4_fromInt32x4', 'Uint32x4_fromUint32x4', 'Float32x4_fromFloat32x4', 'Float64x2_fromFloat64x2']
nonexisting_simd_symbols += ['Int32x4_addSaturate', 'Int32x4_subSaturate', 'Uint32x4_addSaturate', 'Uint32x4_subSaturate']
nonexisting_simd_symbols += [(x + '_' + y) for x in ['Int8x16', 'Uint8x16', 'Int16x8', 'Uint16x8', 'Float64x2'] for y in ['load2', 'store2']]
nonexisting_simd_symbols += [(x + '_' + y) for x in ['Int8x16', 'Uint8x16', 'Int16x8', 'Uint16x8'] for y in ['load1', 'store1']]
simd = make_simd_types(metadata, settings)
simd_func_text = ''
simd_func_text += ''.join([' var SIMD_' + ty + '=global' + access_quote('SIMD') + access_quote(ty) + ';\n' for ty in simd['types']])
def generate_symbols(types, funcs):
symbols = [' var SIMD_' + ty + '_' + g + '=SIMD_' + ty + access_quote(g) + ';\n' for ty in types for g in funcs]
symbols = [x for x in symbols if not string_contains_any(x, nonexisting_simd_symbols)]
return ''.join(symbols)
simd_func_text += generate_symbols(simd['int_types'], simd['int_funcs'])
simd_func_text += generate_symbols(simd['float_types'], simd['float_funcs'])
simd_func_text += generate_symbols(simd['bool_types'], simd['bool_funcs'])
# SIMD conversions (not bitcasts) between same lane sizes:
def add_simd_cast(dst, src):
return ' var SIMD_' + dst + '_from' + src + '=SIMD_' + dst + '.from' + src + ';\n'
def add_simd_casts(t1, t2):
return add_simd_cast(t1, t2) + add_simd_cast(t2, t1)
# Bug: Skip importing conversions for int<->uint for now, they don't validate as asm.js.
# This is not an issue when building SSEx code, because it doesn't use these. (but it will be an issue if using SIMD.js intrinsics from vector.h to explicitly call these)
# if metadata['simdInt8x16'] and metadata['simdUint8x16']: simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int8x16', 'Uint8x16')
# if metadata['simdInt16x8'] and metadata['simdUint16x8']: simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int16x8', 'Uint16x8')
# if metadata['simdInt32x4'] and metadata['simdUint32x4']: simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int32x4', 'Uint32x4')
if metadata['simdInt32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat32x4']: simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Int32x4', 'Float32x4')
if metadata['simdUint32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat32x4']: simd_func_text += add_simd_casts('Uint32x4', 'Float32x4')
if metadata['simdInt32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat64x2']: simd_func_text += add_simd_cast('Int32x4', 'Float64x2') # Unofficial, needed for emscripten_int32x4_fromFloat64x2
if metadata['simdUint32x4'] and metadata['simdFloat64x2']: simd_func_text += add_simd_cast('Uint32x4', 'Float64x2') # Unofficial, needed for emscripten_uint32x4_fromFloat64x2
# Unofficial, Bool64x2 does not yet exist, but needed for Float64x2 comparisons.
if metadata['simdFloat64x2']:
simd_func_text += ' var SIMD_Int32x4_fromBool64x2Bits = global.SIMD.Int32x4.fromBool64x2Bits;\n'
return simd_func_text
def make_simd_types(metadata, settings):
simd_float_types = []
simd_int_types = []
simd_bool_types = []
simd_funcs = ['splat', 'check', 'extractLane', 'replaceLane']
simd_intfloat_funcs = ['add', 'sub', 'neg', 'mul',
'equal', 'lessThan', 'greaterThan',
'notEqual', 'lessThanOrEqual', 'greaterThanOrEqual',
'select', 'swizzle', 'shuffle',
'load', 'store', 'load1', 'store1', 'load2', 'store2']
simd_intbool_funcs = ['and', 'xor', 'or', 'not']
if metadata['simdUint8x16']:
simd_int_types += ['Uint8x16']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromUint8x16Bits']
if metadata['simdInt8x16']:
simd_int_types += ['Int8x16']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromInt8x16Bits']
if metadata['simdUint16x8']:
simd_int_types += ['Uint16x8']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromUint16x8Bits']
if metadata['simdInt16x8']:
simd_int_types += ['Int16x8']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromInt16x8Bits']
if metadata['simdUint32x4']:
simd_int_types += ['Uint32x4']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromUint32x4Bits']
if metadata['simdInt32x4'] or settings['SIMD']:
# Always import Int32x4 when building with -s SIMD=1, since memcpy is SIMD optimized.
simd_int_types += ['Int32x4']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromInt32x4Bits']
if metadata['simdFloat32x4']:
simd_float_types += ['Float32x4']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromFloat32x4Bits']
if metadata['simdFloat64x2']:
simd_float_types += ['Float64x2']
simd_intfloat_funcs += ['fromFloat64x2Bits']
if metadata['simdBool8x16']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool8x16']
if metadata['simdBool16x8']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool16x8']
if metadata['simdBool32x4']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool32x4']
if metadata['simdBool64x2']:
simd_bool_types += ['Bool64x2']
simd_float_funcs = simd_funcs + simd_intfloat_funcs + ['div', 'min', 'max', 'minNum', 'maxNum', 'sqrt',
'abs', 'reciprocalApproximation', 'reciprocalSqrtApproximation']
simd_int_funcs = simd_funcs + simd_intfloat_funcs + simd_intbool_funcs + ['shiftLeftByScalar', 'shiftRightByScalar', 'addSaturate', 'subSaturate']
simd_bool_funcs = simd_funcs + simd_intbool_funcs + ['anyTrue', 'allTrue']
simd_types = simd_float_types + simd_int_types + simd_bool_types
return {
'types': simd_types,
'float_types': simd_float_types,
'int_types': simd_int_types,
'bool_types': simd_bool_types,
'funcs': simd_funcs,
'float_funcs': simd_float_funcs,
'int_funcs': simd_int_funcs,
'bool_funcs': simd_bool_funcs,
'intfloat_funcs': simd_intfloat_funcs,
'intbool_funcs': simd_intbool_funcs,
def need_asyncify(exported_implemented_functions):
return '_emscripten_alloc_async_context' in exported_implemented_functions
def asm_safe_heap(settings):
"""optimized safe heap in asm, when we can"""
return settings['SAFE_HEAP'] and not settings['SAFE_HEAP_LOG'] and not settings['RELOCATABLE']
def provide_fround(settings):
return settings['PRECISE_F32'] or settings['SIMD']
def create_asm_setup(debug_tables, function_table_data, metadata, settings):
function_table_sigs = list(function_table_data.keys())
asm_setup = ''
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] >= 2:
for sig in function_table_data:
asm_setup += '\nvar debug_table_' + sig + ' = ' + json.dumps(debug_tables[sig]) + ';'
if settings['ASSERTIONS']:
for sig in function_table_sigs:
asm_setup += '\nfunction nullFunc_' + sig + '(x) { ' + get_function_pointer_error(sig, function_table_sigs, settings) + 'abort(x) }\n'
if settings['BINARYEN']:
def table_size(table):
table_contents = table[table.index('[') + 1: table.index(']')]
if len(table_contents) == 0: # empty table
return 0
return table_contents.count(',') + 1
table_total_size = sum(map(table_size, list(function_table_data.values())))
asm_setup += "\nModule['wasmTableSize'] = %d;\n" % table_total_size
asm_setup += "\nModule['wasmMaxTableSize'] = %d;\n" % table_total_size
if settings['RELOCATABLE']:
if not settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
asm_setup += 'var gb = GLOBAL_BASE, fb = 0;\n'
side = 'parent' if settings['SIDE_MODULE'] else ''
def check(extern):
if settings['ASSERTIONS']:
return ('assert(' + side + 'Module["' + extern + '"], "external function \'' + extern +
'\' is missing. perhaps a side module was not linked in? if this symbol was expected to arrive '
'from a system library, try to build the MAIN_MODULE with EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=1 in the environment");')
return ''
for extern in metadata['externs']:
asm_setup += 'var g$' + extern + ' = function() { ' + check(extern) + ' return ' + side + 'Module["' + extern + '"] };\n'
asm_setup += setup_function_pointers(function_table_sigs, settings)
function_tables_impls = make_function_tables_impls(function_table_data, settings)
asm_setup += '\n' + '\n'.join(function_tables_impls) + '\n'
return asm_setup
def setup_function_pointers(function_table_sigs, settings):
asm_setup = ''
for sig in function_table_sigs:
asm_setup += '\n' + shared.JS.make_invoke(sig) + '\n'
asm_setup += '\n' + shared.JS.make_jscall(sig) + '\n'
args = ['a%d' % i for i in range(len(sig)-1)]
full_args = ['x'] + args
table_access = 'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig
if settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
table_access = 'parentModule["' + table_access + '"]' # side module tables were merged into the parent, we need to access the global one
if settings['BINARYEN']:
# wasm uses a Table, which means we have function pointer emulation capabilities all the time, at no cost. just call the table
table_access = "Module['wasmTable']"
table_read = table_access + '.get(x)'
table_read = table_access + '[x]'
prelude = '''
if (x < 0 || x >= %s.length) { Module.printErr("Function table mask error (out of range)"); %s ; abort(x) }''' % (table_access, get_function_pointer_error(sig, function_table_sigs, settings))
asm_setup += '''
function ftCall_%s(%s) {%s
return %s(%s);
''' % (sig, ', '.join(full_args), prelude, table_read, ', '.join(args))
return asm_setup
def create_basic_funcs(function_table_sigs, settings):
basic_funcs = ['abort', 'assert', 'enlargeMemory', 'getTotalMemory']
if settings['ABORTING_MALLOC']:
basic_funcs += ['abortOnCannotGrowMemory']
if settings['STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK']:
basic_funcs += ['abortStackOverflow']
if settings['SAFE_HEAP']:
if asm_safe_heap(settings):
basic_funcs += ['segfault', 'alignfault', 'ftfault']
if settings['ASSERTIONS']:
for sig in function_table_sigs:
basic_funcs += ['nullFunc_' + sig]
if settings['RELOCATABLE']:
basic_funcs += ['setTempRet0', 'getTempRet0']
for sig in function_table_sigs:
basic_funcs.append('invoke_%s' % sig)
basic_funcs.append('jsCall_%s' % sig)
if not settings['BINARYEN']: # in wasm, emulated function pointers are just simple table calls
basic_funcs.append('ftCall_%s' % sig)
return basic_funcs
def create_basic_vars(exported_implemented_functions, forwarded_json, metadata, settings):
basic_vars = ['DYNAMICTOP_PTR', 'tempDoublePtr', 'ABORT']
if not (settings['BINARYEN'] and settings['SIDE_MODULE']):
basic_vars += ['STACKTOP', 'STACK_MAX']
if metadata.get('preciseI64MathUsed'):
basic_vars += ['cttz_i8']
if forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'].get('_llvm_cttz_i32'):
basic_vars += ['cttz_i8']
if settings['RELOCATABLE']:
if not (settings['BINARYEN'] and settings['SIDE_MODULE']):
basic_vars += ['gb', 'fb']
basic_vars += ['memoryBase', 'tableBase'] # wasm side modules have a specific convention for these
# See if we need ASYNCIFY functions
# We might not need them even if ASYNCIFY is enabled
if need_asyncify(exported_implemented_functions):
basic_vars += ['___async', '___async_unwind', '___async_retval', '___async_cur_frame']
return basic_vars
def create_exports(exported_implemented_functions, in_table, function_table_data, metadata, settings):
quote = quoter(settings)
asm_runtime_funcs = create_asm_runtime_funcs(settings)
all_exported = exported_implemented_functions + asm_runtime_funcs + function_tables(function_table_data, settings)
all_exported += in_table
exports = []
for export in sorted(set(all_exported)):
exports.append(quote(export) + ": " + export)
if settings['BINARYEN'] and settings['SIDE_MODULE']:
# named globals in side wasm modules are exported globals from asm/wasm
for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items():
exports.append(quote('_' + str(k)) + ': ' + str(v))
# aliases become additional exports
for k, v in metadata['aliases'].items():
exports.append(quote(str(k)) + ': ' + str(v))
return '{ ' + ', '.join(exports) + ' }'
def create_asm_runtime_funcs(settings):
funcs = []
if not (settings['BINARYEN'] and settings['SIDE_MODULE']):
funcs += ['stackAlloc', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'establishStackSpace', 'setThrew']
if not settings['RELOCATABLE']:
funcs += ['setTempRet0', 'getTempRet0']
if settings['SAFE_HEAP']:
funcs += ['setDynamicTop']
if settings['ONLY_MY_CODE']:
funcs = []
return funcs
def function_tables(function_table_data, settings):
return ['dynCall_' + table for table in function_table_data]
return []
def create_the_global(metadata, settings):
# the global is only needed for asm.js
if settings['WASM'] and settings['BINARYEN_METHOD'] == 'native-wasm':
return '{}'
fundamentals = ['Math']
fundamentals += ['Int8Array', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Uint8Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array']
fundamentals += ['NaN', 'Infinity']
if metadata['simd'] or settings['SIMD']:
# Always import SIMD when building with -s SIMD=1, since in that mode memcpy is SIMD optimized.
fundamentals += ['SIMD']
if settings['ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH']:
return '{ ' + ', '.join(['"' + math_fix(s) + '": ' + s for s in fundamentals]) + ' }'
def create_receiving(function_table_data, function_tables_defs, exported_implemented_functions, settings):
receiving = ''
if not settings['ASSERTIONS']:
runtime_assertions = ''
# assert on the runtime being in a valid state when calling into compiled code. The only exceptions are
# some support code
runtime_assertions = '''
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
receiving = '\n'.join(['var real_' + s + ' = asm["' + s + '"]; asm["' + s + '''"] = function() {''' + runtime_assertions + ''' return real_''' + s + '''.apply(null, arguments);
''' for s in exported_implemented_functions if s not in ['_memcpy', '_memset', 'runPostSets', '_emscripten_replace_memory', '__start_module']])
if not settings['SWAPPABLE_ASM_MODULE']:
receiving += ';\n'.join(['var ' + s + ' = Module["' + s + '"] = asm["' + s + '"]' for s in exported_implemented_functions + function_tables(function_table_data, settings)])
receiving += 'Module["asm"] = asm;\n' + ';\n'.join(['var ' + s + ' = Module["' + s + '"] = function() {' + runtime_assertions + ' return Module["asm"]["' + s + '"].apply(null, arguments) }' for s in exported_implemented_functions + function_tables(function_table_data, settings)])
receiving += ';\n'
if settings['EXPORT_FUNCTION_TABLES'] and not settings['BINARYEN']:
for table in function_table_data.values():
tableName = table.split()[1]
table = table.replace('var ' + tableName, 'var ' + tableName + ' = Module["' + tableName + '"]')
receiving += table + '\n'
receiving += '\n' + function_tables_defs.replace('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n', '') + '\n' + ''.join(['Module["dynCall_%s"] = dynCall_%s\n' % (sig, sig) for sig in function_table_data])
if not settings['BINARYEN']:
for sig in function_table_data.keys():
name = 'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig
fullname = name if not settings['SIDE_MODULE'] else ('SIDE_' + name)
receiving += 'Module["' + name + '"] = ' + fullname + ';\n'
return receiving
def create_named_globals(metadata, settings):
named_globals = ''
if settings['RELOCATABLE']:
named_globals += '''
var NAMED_GLOBALS = { %s };
for (var named in NAMED_GLOBALS) {
Module['_' + named] = gb + NAMED_GLOBALS[named];
''' % ', '.join('"' + k + '": ' + str(v) for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items())
if settings['BINARYEN']:
# wasm side modules are pure wasm, and cannot create their g$..() methods, so we help them out
# TODO: this works if we are the main module, but if the supplying module is later, it won't, so
# we'll need another solution for that. one option is to scan the module imports, if/when
# wasm supports that, then the loader can do this.
named_globals += '''
for (var named in NAMED_GLOBALS) {
(function(named) {
Module['g$_' + named] = function() { return Module['_' + named] };
named_globals += ''.join(["Module['%s'] = Module['%s']\n" % (k, v) for k, v in metadata['aliases'].items()])
return named_globals
def create_runtime_funcs(exports, settings):
if settings['ONLY_MY_CODE']:
return []
return ['''
function stackAlloc(size) {
size = size|0;
var ret = 0;
''' + (' if ((STACKTOP|0) >= (STACK_MAX|0)) abortStackOverflow(size|0);\n' if (settings['ASSERTIONS'] or settings['STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK'] >= 2) else '') + '''
return ret|0;
function stackSave() {
return STACKTOP|0;
function stackRestore(top) {
top = top|0;
function establishStackSpace(stackBase, stackMax) {
stackBase = stackBase|0;
stackMax = stackMax|0;
STACKTOP = stackBase;
STACK_MAX = stackMax;
''' + ('''
function setAsync() {
___async = 1;
}''' if need_asyncify(exports) else '') + ('''
function emterpret(pc) { // this will be replaced when the emterpreter code is generated; adding it here allows validation until then
pc = pc | 0;
''' if settings['EMTERPRETIFY'] else '') + ('''
function setAsyncState(x) {
x = x | 0;
asyncState = x;
function emtStackSave() {
function emtStackRestore(x) {
x = x | 0;
function getEmtStackMax() {
return EMT_STACK_MAX | 0;
function setEmtStackMax(x) {
x = x | 0;
''' if settings['EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC'] else '') + '''
function setThrew(threw, value) {
threw = threw|0;
value = value|0;
if ((__THREW__|0) == 0) {
__THREW__ = threw;
threwValue = value;
'''] + ['' if not settings['SAFE_HEAP'] else '''
function setDynamicTop(value) {
value = value | 0;
HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = value;
'''] + ['' if not asm_safe_heap(settings) else '''
function SAFE_HEAP_STORE(dest, value, bytes) {
dest = dest | 0;
value = value | 0;
bytes = bytes | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if (((dest + bytes)|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 4) {
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
HEAP32[dest>>2] = value;
} else if ((bytes|0) == 1) {
HEAP8[dest>>0] = value;
} else {
if ((dest&1)) alignfault();
HEAP16[dest>>1] = value;
function SAFE_HEAP_STORE_D(dest, value, bytes) {
dest = dest | 0;
value = +value;
bytes = bytes | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if (((dest + bytes)|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 8) {
if ((dest&7)) alignfault();
HEAPF64[dest>>3] = value;
} else {
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
HEAPF32[dest>>2] = value;
function SAFE_HEAP_LOAD(dest, bytes, unsigned) {
dest = dest | 0;
bytes = bytes | 0;
unsigned = unsigned | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if ((dest + bytes|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 4) {
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
return HEAP32[dest>>2] | 0;
} else if ((bytes|0) == 1) {
if (unsigned) {
return HEAPU8[dest>>0] | 0;
} else {
return HEAP8[dest>>0] | 0;
if ((dest&1)) alignfault();
if (unsigned) return HEAPU16[dest>>1] | 0;
return HEAP16[dest>>1] | 0;
function SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_D(dest, bytes) {
dest = dest | 0;
bytes = bytes | 0;
if ((dest|0) <= 0) segfault();
if ((dest + bytes|0) > (HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0)) segfault();
if ((bytes|0) == 8) {
if ((dest&7)) alignfault();
return +HEAPF64[dest>>3];
if ((dest&3)) alignfault();
return +HEAPF32[dest>>2];
function SAFE_FT_MASK(value, mask) {
value = value | 0;
mask = mask | 0;
var ret = 0;
ret = value & mask;
if ((ret|0) != (value|0)) ftfault();
return ret | 0;
'''] + ['''
function setTempRet0(value) {
value = value|0;
tempRet0 = value;
function getTempRet0() {
return tempRet0|0;
''' if not settings['RELOCATABLE'] else '']
def create_asm_start_pre(asm_setup, the_global, sending, metadata, settings):
access_quote = access_quoter(settings)
shared_array_buffer = ''
if settings['USE_PTHREADS'] and not settings['WASM']:
shared_array_buffer = "Module.asmGlobalArg['Atomics'] = Atomics;"
module_get = 'Module{access} = {val};'
module_global = module_get.format(access=access_quote('asmGlobalArg'), val=the_global)
module_library = module_get.format(access=access_quote('asmLibraryArg'), val=sending)
asm_function_top = ('// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
'var asm = (/** @suppress {uselessCode} */ function(global, env, buffer) {')
use_asm = "'almost asm';"
if settings['ASM_JS'] == 1:
use_asm = "'use asm';"
lines = [
return '\n'.join(lines)
def create_asm_temp_vars(settings):
access_quote = access_quoter(settings)
return '''
var __THREW__ = 0;
var threwValue = 0;
var setjmpId = 0;
var undef = 0;
var nan = global%s, inf = global%s;
var tempInt = 0, tempBigInt = 0, tempBigIntS = 0, tempValue = 0, tempDouble = 0.0;
var tempRet0 = 0;
''' % (access_quote('NaN'), access_quote('Infinity'))
def create_asm_runtime_thread_local_vars(settings):
if settings['USE_PTHREADS']:
return '''
var __pthread_ptr = 0;
var __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread = 0;
var __pthread_is_main_browser_thread = 0;
return ''
def create_replace_memory(settings):
if not settings['ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH']:
return ''
return '''
function _emscripten_replace_memory(newBuffer) {
if ((byteLength(newBuffer) & 0xffffff || byteLength(newBuffer) <= 0xffffff) || byteLength(newBuffer) > 0x80000000) return false;
HEAP8 = new Int8View(newBuffer);
HEAP16 = new Int16View(newBuffer);
HEAP32 = new Int32View(newBuffer);
HEAPU8 = new Uint8View(newBuffer);
HEAPU16 = new Uint16View(newBuffer);
HEAPU32 = new Uint32View(newBuffer);
HEAPF32 = new Float32View(newBuffer);
HEAPF64 = new Float64View(newBuffer);
buffer = newBuffer;
return true;
def create_asm_end(exports, settings):
access_quote = access_quoter(settings)
return '''
return %s;
(%s, %s, buffer);
''' % (exports,
'Module' + access_quote('asmGlobalArg'),
'Module' + access_quote('asmLibraryArg'))
def create_first_in_asm(settings):
first_in_asm = ''
if settings['SPLIT_MEMORY']:
if not settings['SAFE_SPLIT_MEMORY']:
first_in_asm += ''.join([make_get_set(info) for info in HEAP_TYPE_INFOS]) + '\n'
first_in_asm += 'buffer = new ArrayBuffer(32); // fake\n'
return first_in_asm
def make_get_set(info):
"""Generates get*/set* functions for the different heap types.
Generated symbols:
get8 get16 get32 getU8 getU16 getU32 getF32 getF64
set8 set16 set32 setU8 setU16 setU32 setF32 setF64
access = ('{name}s[ptr >> SPLIT_MEMORY_BITS][(ptr & SPLIT_MEMORY_MASK) >> {shift}]'
.format(name=info.heap_name, shift=info.shift_amount))
# TODO: fround when present for Float32
return '''
function get{short}(ptr) {{
ptr = ptr | 0;
return {coerced_access};
function set{short}(ptr, value) {{
ptr = ptr | 0;
value = {coerced_value};
{access} = value;
def create_memory_views(settings):
"""Generates memory views for the different heap types.
Generated symbols:
Int8View Int16View Int32View
Uint8View Uint16View Uint32View
Float32View Float64View
access_quote = access_quoter(settings)
ret = '\n'
grow_memory = settings['ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH']
for info in HEAP_TYPE_INFOS:
access = access_quote('{}Array'.format(info.long_name))
format_args = {
'heap': info.heap_name,
'long': info.long_name,
'access': access,
if grow_memory:
ret += (' var {long}View = global{access};\n'
' var {heap} = new {long}View(buffer);\n').format(**format_args)
ret += ' var {heap} = new global{access}(buffer);\n'.format(**format_args)
if grow_memory:
ret += ' var byteLength = global.byteLength;\n'
return ret
class HeapTypeInfo(object):
"""Struct that holds data for a type of HEAP* views."""
def __init__(self, heap_name, long_name, shift_amount):
assert heap_name.startswith('HEAP')
self.heap_name = heap_name
self.long_name = long_name
self.shift_amount = shift_amount
def short_name(self):
"""The unique part of the heap name for this type.
Derive this from heap_name instead of the other way around so that searching,
e.g. for HEAP8, from the generated JS code leads back here.
return self.heap_name[len('HEAP'):]
def is_int(self):
"""Whether this heap type is an integer type or not."""
return self.short_name()[0] != 'F'
def coerce(self, expression):
"""Adds asm.js type coercion to a string expression."""
if self.is_int():
return expression + '| 0'
return '+' + expression
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAP8', long_name='Int8', shift_amount=0),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAP16', long_name='Int16', shift_amount=1),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAP32', long_name='Int32', shift_amount=2),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPU8', long_name='Uint8', shift_amount=0),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPU16', long_name='Uint16', shift_amount=1),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPU32', long_name='Uint32', shift_amount=2),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPF32', long_name='Float32', shift_amount=2),
HeapTypeInfo(heap_name='HEAPF64', long_name='Float64', shift_amount=3),
def emscript_wasm_backend(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=None, compiler_engine=None,
temp_files=None, DEBUG=None):
# Overview:
# * Run LLVM backend to emit .s
# * Run Binaryen's s2wasm to generate WebAssembly.
# * We may also run some Binaryen passes here.
if libraries is None: libraries = []
if shared.Settings.EXPERIMENTAL_USE_LLD:
wast, meta = build_wasm_lld(temp_files, infile, outfile, settings, DEBUG)
metadata = read_metadata_file_wasm(meta, wast, DEBUG)
wast = build_wasm(temp_files, infile, outfile, settings, DEBUG)
metadata = read_metadata_wast(wast, DEBUG)
# optimize syscalls
optimize_syscalls(metadata['declares'], settings, DEBUG)
# js compiler
if DEBUG: logging.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')
update_settings_glue(settings, metadata)
if DEBUG: t = time.time()
glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(compiler_engine, settings, libraries, temp_files)
logging.debug(' emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')
# memory and global initializers
global_initializers = str(', '.join(['{ func: function() { %s() } }' % i for i in metadata['initializers']]))
staticbump = metadata['staticBump']
while staticbump % 16 != 0: staticbump += 1
pre = pre.replace('STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + 0;', '''STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + %d;%s
/* global initializers */ %s __ATINIT__.push(%s);
''' % (staticbump,
'assert(STATICTOP < SPLIT_MEMORY, "SPLIT_MEMORY size must be big enough so the entire static memory, need " + STATICTOP);' if settings['SPLIT_MEMORY'] else '',
'if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD)' if settings['USE_PTHREADS'] else '',
pre = pre.replace('{{{ STATIC_BUMP }}}', str(staticbump))
# merge forwarded data
settings['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS'] = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']
exported_implemented_functions = create_exported_implemented_functions_wasm(pre, forwarded_json, metadata, settings)
asm_consts, asm_const_funcs = create_asm_consts_wasm(forwarded_json, metadata)
pre = pre.replace('// === Body ===', '// === Body ===\n' + '\nvar ASM_CONSTS = [' + ',\n '.join(asm_consts) + '];\n' + '\n'.join(asm_const_funcs) + '\n')
pre = None
invoke_funcs = read_wast_invoke_imports(wast)
del forwarded_json['Variables']['globals']['_llvm_global_ctors'] # not a true variable
# sent data
sending = create_sending_wasm(invoke_funcs, forwarded_json, metadata, settings)
receiving = create_receiving_wasm(exported_implemented_functions, settings)
# finalize
module = create_module_wasm(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, exported_implemented_functions, settings)
write_output_file(outfile, post, module)
module = None
def build_wasm(temp_files, infile, outfile, settings, DEBUG):
with temp_files.get_file('.wb.s') as temp_s:
backend_args = create_backend_args_wasm(infile, temp_s, settings)
logging.debug('emscript: llvm wasm backend: ' + ' '.join(backend_args))
t = time.time()
logging.debug(' emscript: llvm wasm backend took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
shutil.copyfile(temp_s, os.path.join(shared.CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR, 'emcc-llvm-backend-output.s'))
assert shared.Settings.BINARYEN_ROOT, 'need BINARYEN_ROOT config set so we can use Binaryen s2wasm on the backend output'
basename = shared.unsuffixed(
wast = basename + '.wast'
wasm = basename + '.wasm'
s2wasm_args = create_s2wasm_args(temp_s)
logging.debug('emscript: binaryen s2wasm: ' + ' '.join(s2wasm_args))
t = time.time()
#s2wasm_args += ['--debug']
shared.check_call(s2wasm_args, stdout=open(wast, 'w'))
# Also convert wasm text to binary
wasm_as_args = [os.path.join(shared.Settings.BINARYEN_ROOT, 'bin', 'wasm-as'),
wast, '-o', wasm]
if settings['DEBUG_LEVEL'] >= 2 or settings['PROFILING_FUNCS']:
wasm_as_args += ['-g']
if settings['DEBUG_LEVEL'] >= 4:
wasm_as_args += ['--source-map=' + wasm + '.map']
if not settings['SOURCE_MAP_BASE']:
logging.warn("Wasm source map won't be usable in a browser without --source-map-base")
wasm_as_args += ['--source-map-url=' + settings['SOURCE_MAP_BASE'] + os.path.basename(settings['WASM_BINARY_FILE']) + '.map']
logging.debug(' emscript: binaryen wasm-as: ' + ' '.join(wasm_as_args))
logging.debug(' emscript: binaryen s2wasm took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
shutil.copyfile(wast, os.path.join(shared.CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR, 'emcc-s2wasm-output.wast'))
return wast
def build_wasm_lld(temp_files, infile, outfile, settings, DEBUG):
wasm_link_metadata = os.path.join(shared.Settings.BINARYEN_ROOT, 'bin', 'wasm-link-metadata')
wasm_emscripten_finalize = os.path.join(shared.Settings.BINARYEN_ROOT, 'bin', 'wasm-emscripten-finalize')
wasm_dis = os.path.join(shared.Settings.BINARYEN_ROOT, 'bin', 'wasm-dis')
def debug_copy(src, dst):
shutil.copyfile(src, os.path.join(shared.CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR, dst))
if src[-2:] == '.o' or src[-5:] == '.wasm':
tmp = dst + '.wast'
shared.check_call([wasm_dis, src, '-o', tmp])
shutil.copyfile(tmp, os.path.join(shared.CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR, tmp))
with temp_files.get_file('.wb.o') as temp_o:
backend_args = create_backend_args_wasm(infile, temp_o, settings)
logging.debug('emscript: llvm wasm backend: ' + ' '.join(backend_args))
t = time.time()
logging.debug(' emscript: llvm wasm backend took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
debug_copy(temp_o, 'emcc-llvm-backend-output.o')
assert shared.Settings.BINARYEN_ROOT, 'need BINARYEN_ROOT config set so we can use Binaryen tools on the backend output'
basename = shared.unsuffixed(
wast = basename + '.wast'
wasm = basename + '.wasm'
base_wasm = basename + '.lld.wasm'
meta = basename + '.json'
shared.check_call([wasm_link_metadata, temp_o, '-o', meta])
debug_copy(meta, 'lld-metadata.json')
libc_rt_lib = shared.Cache.get('wasm_libc_rt.a', wasm_rt_fail('wasm_libc_rt.a'), 'a')
compiler_rt_lib = shared.Cache.get('wasm_compiler_rt.a', wasm_rt_fail('wasm_compiler_rt.a'), 'a')
shared.LLD, '-flavor', 'wasm',
'-z', '-stack-size=1048576',
'--global-base=%s' % shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE,
'--initial-memory=%s' % shared.Settings.TOTAL_MEMORY,
temp_o, libc_rt_lib, compiler_rt_lib,
'-o', base_wasm,
'--export', '__wasm_call_ctors',
debug_copy(base_wasm, 'base_wasm.wasm')
shared.check_call([wasm_emscripten_finalize, base_wasm, '-o', wasm])
debug_copy(wasm, 'lld-emscripten-output.wasm')
# TODO: This is gross. We currently read exports from the wast in order to
# generate metadata. So this disassembles the binary so we can parse wast
# from python.
shared.check_call([wasm_dis, wasm, '-o', wast])
logging.debug(' emscript: lld took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
debug_copy(wast, 'emcc-lld-output.wast')
return wast, meta
def read_metadata_wast(wast, DEBUG):
output = open(wast).read()
parts = output.split('\n;; METADATA:')
assert len(parts) == 2
metadata_raw = parts[1]
return create_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, wast, DEBUG)
def read_metadata_file_wasm(meta, wast, DEBUG):
metadata_raw = open(meta).read()
return create_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, wast, DEBUG)
def create_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, wast, DEBUG):
if DEBUG: logging.debug("METAraw %s", metadata_raw)
metadata = load_metadata(metadata_raw)
add_metadata_from_wast(metadata, wast)
if DEBUG: logging.debug(repr(metadata))
return metadata
def create_exported_implemented_functions_wasm(pre, forwarded_json, metadata, settings):
exported_implemented_functions = set(metadata['exports'])
all_exported_functions = set(shared.expand_response(settings['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS'])) # both asm.js and otherwise
for additional_export in settings['DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE']: # additional functions to export from asm, if they are implemented
all_exported_functions.add('_' + additional_export)
all_implemented = metadata['implementedFunctions'] + list(forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions'].keys()) # XXX perf?
export_bindings = settings['EXPORT_BINDINGS']
export_all = settings['EXPORT_ALL']
for key in all_implemented:
if key in all_exported_functions or export_all or (export_bindings and key.startswith('_emscripten_bind')):
if settings['ASSERTIONS'] and settings.get('ORIGINAL_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS'):
original_exports = get_original_exported_functions(settings)
for requested in original_exports:
# check if already implemented
# special-case malloc, EXPORTED by default for internal use, but we bake in a trivial allocator and warn at runtime if used in ASSERTIONS \
if requested not in all_implemented and \
requested != '_malloc' and \
(('function ' + asstr(requested)) not in pre): # could be a js library func
logging.warning('function requested to be exported, but not implemented: "%s"', requested)
return exported_implemented_functions
def create_asm_consts_wasm(forwarded_json, metadata):
asm_consts = [0]*len(metadata['asmConsts'])
all_sigs = []
for k, v in metadata['asmConsts'].items():
const = asstr(v[0])
sigs = v[1]
const = trim_asm_const_body(const)
const = '{ ' + const + ' }'
args = []
arity = max(map(len, sigs)) - 1
for i in range(arity):
args.append('$' + str(i))
const = 'function(' + ', '.join(args) + ') ' + const
asm_consts[int(k)] = const
all_sigs += sigs
asm_const_funcs = []
for sig in set(all_sigs):
forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions']['_emscripten_asm_const_' + sig] = 1
args = ['a%d' % i for i in range(len(sig)-1)]
all_args = ['code'] + args
function _emscripten_asm_const_%s(%s) {
return ASM_CONSTS[code](%s);
}''' % (asstr(sig), ', '.join(all_args), ', '.join(args)))
return asm_consts, asm_const_funcs
def read_wast_invoke_imports(wast):
invoke_funcs = []
for line in open(wast).readlines():
if line.strip().startswith('(import '):
parts = line.split()
func_name = parts[2][1:-1]
if func_name.startswith('invoke_'):
return invoke_funcs
def create_sending_wasm(invoke_funcs, forwarded_json, metadata, settings):
basic_funcs = ['abort', 'assert', 'enlargeMemory', 'getTotalMemory']
if settings['ABORTING_MALLOC']:
basic_funcs += ['abortOnCannotGrowMemory']
if settings['SAFE_HEAP']:
basic_funcs += ['segfault', 'alignfault']
if not settings['RELOCATABLE']:
global_vars = metadata['externs']
global_vars = [] # linkable code accesses globals through function calls
implemented_functions = set(metadata['implementedFunctions'])
global_funcs = list(set([key for key, value in forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'].items() if value != 2]).difference(set(global_vars)).difference(implemented_functions))
send_items = basic_funcs + invoke_funcs + global_funcs + basic_vars + global_vars
def math_fix(g):
return g if not g.startswith('Math_') else g.split('_')[1]
return '{ ' + ', '.join(['"' + math_fix(s) + '": ' + s for s in send_items]) + ' }'
def create_receiving_wasm(exported_implemented_functions, settings):
receiving = ''
if settings['ASSERTIONS']:
# assert on the runtime being in a valid state when calling into compiled code. The only exceptions are
# some support code
receiving = '\n'.join(['var real_' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = asm["' + s + '"]; asm["' + s + '''"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_''' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '''.apply(null, arguments);
''' for s in exported_implemented_functions if s not in ['_memcpy', '_memset', 'runPostSets', '_emscripten_replace_memory', '__start_module']])
if not settings['SWAPPABLE_ASM_MODULE']:
receiving += ';\n'.join(['var ' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = Module["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"] = asm["' + s + '"]' for s in exported_implemented_functions])
receiving += 'Module["asm"] = asm;\n' + ';\n'.join(['var ' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = Module["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"] = function() { return Module["asm"]["' + s + '"].apply(null, arguments) }' for s in exported_implemented_functions])
receiving += ';\n'
return receiving
def create_module_wasm(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, exported_implemented_functions, settings):
access_quote = access_quoter(settings)
invoke_wrappers = create_invoke_wrappers(invoke_funcs)
the_global = '{}'
if settings['USE_PTHREADS'] and not settings['WASM']:
shared_array_buffer = "if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') Module.asmGlobalArg['Atomics'] = Atomics;"
shared_array_buffer = ''
module = ['''
Module%s = %s;
Module%s = %s;
''' % (access_quote('asmGlobalArg'), the_global,
access_quote('asmLibraryArg'), sending) + '''
var asm = Module['asm'](%s, %s, buffer);
''' % ('Module' + access_quote('asmGlobalArg'),
'Module' + access_quote('asmLibraryArg'),
# wasm backend stack goes down, and is stored in the first global var location
HEAP32[%d >> 2] = STACKTOP;
var stackAlloc = Module['_stackAlloc'];
var stackSave = Module['_stackSave'];
var stackRestore = Module['_stackRestore'];
var establishStackSpace = Module['establishStackSpace'];
''' % shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE)
# some runtime functionality may not have been generated in
# the wasm; provide a JS shim for it
for name in ['setTempRet0', 'getTempRet0', 'stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'stackAlloc']:
if name not in exported_implemented_functions:
module.append('var %s;\n' % name)
return module
def create_backend_args_wasm(infile, temp_s, settings):
backend_compiler = os.path.join(shared.LLVM_ROOT, 'llc')
args = [backend_compiler, infile, '-mtriple={}'.format(shared.WASM_TARGET),
'-o', temp_s]
if settings['EXPERIMENTAL_USE_LLD']:
args += ['-filetype=obj']
args += ['-filetype=asm']
args += ['-thread-model=single'] # no threads support in backend, tell llc to not emit atomics
# disable slow and relatively unimportant optimization passes
args += ['-combiner-global-alias-analysis=false']
# asm.js-style exception handling
args += ['-enable-emscripten-cxx-exceptions']
whitelist = ','.join(settings['EXCEPTION_CATCHING_WHITELIST'] or ['__fake'])
args += ['-emscripten-cxx-exceptions-whitelist=' + whitelist]
# asm.js-style setjmp/longjmp handling
args += ['-enable-emscripten-sjlj']
return args
def wasm_rt_fail(archive_file):
def wrapped():
raise Exception('Expected {} to already be built'.format(archive_file))
return wrapped
def create_s2wasm_args(temp_s):
compiler_rt_lib = shared.Cache.get('wasm_compiler_rt.a', wasm_rt_fail('wasm_compiler_rt.a'), 'a')
libc_rt_lib = shared.Cache.get('wasm_libc_rt.a', wasm_rt_fail('wasm_libc_rt.a'), 'a')
s2wasm_path = os.path.join(shared.Settings.BINARYEN_ROOT, 'bin', 's2wasm')
args = [s2wasm_path, temp_s, '--emscripten-glue']
args += ['--global-base=%d' % shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE]
args += ['--initial-memory=%d' % shared.Settings.TOTAL_MEMORY]
args += ['--allow-memory-growth'] if shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH else []
args += ['-l', libc_rt_lib]
args += ['-l', compiler_rt_lib]
if shared.Settings.BINARYEN_TRAP_MODE:
args += ['--trap-mode=' + shared.Settings.BINARYEN_TRAP_MODE]
return args
def load_metadata(metadata_raw):
metadata_json = json.loads(metadata_raw)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('emscript: failure to parse metadata output from s2wasm. raw output is: \n' + metadata_raw)
raise e
metadata = {
'declares': [],
'implementedFunctions': [],
'externs': [],
'simd': False,
'maxGlobalAlign': 0,
'initializers': [],
'exports': [],
for k, v in metadata_json.items():
metadata[k] = v
# Initializers call the global var version of the export, so they get the mangled name.
metadata['initializers'] = list(map(asmjs_mangle, metadata['initializers']))
# functions marked llvm.used in the code are exports requested by the user
shared.Building.user_requested_exports += metadata['exports']
return metadata
def add_metadata_from_wast(metadata, wast):
"""Reads .wast file and adds metadata we can read from the code.
TODO: emit this metadata directly from s2wasm.
for line in open(wast).readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('(import '):
parts = line.split()
# Don't include Invoke wrapper names (for asm.js-style exception handling)
# in metadata[declares], the invoke wrappers will be generated in
# this script later.
import_type = parts[3][1:]
import_name = parts[2][1:-1]
if import_type == 'memory':
elif import_type == 'func':
if not import_name.startswith('invoke_'):
elif import_type == 'global':
metadata['externs'].append('_' + import_name)
assert False, 'Unhandled import type "%s"' % import_type
elif line.startswith('(func '):
parts = line.split()
func_name = parts[1][1:]
metadata['implementedFunctions'].append('_' + func_name)
elif line.startswith('(export '):
parts = line.split()
export_name = parts[1][1:-1]
export_type = parts[2][1:]
if export_type == 'func':
assert asmjs_mangle(export_name) not in metadata['exports']
elif export_type == 'global':
# Ignore global exports
assert False, 'Unhandled export type "%s"' % export_type
# we emit those ourselves
metadata['declares'] = [x for x in metadata['declares'] if not x.startswith('emscripten_asm_const')]
def create_invoke_wrappers(invoke_funcs):
"""Asm.js-style exception handling: invoke wrapper generation."""
invoke_wrappers = ''
for invoke in invoke_funcs:
sig = invoke[len('invoke_'):]
invoke_wrappers += '\n' + shared.JS.make_invoke(sig) + '\n'
return invoke_wrappers
def asmjs_mangle(name):
"""Mangle a name the way asm.js/JSBackend globals are mangled.
Prepends '_' and replaces non-alphanumerics with '_'.
Used by wasm backend for JS library consistency with asm.js.
library_functions_in_module = ('setThrew', 'setTempRet0', 'getTempRet0')
if name.startswith('dynCall_'): return name
if name in library_functions_in_module: return name
return '_' + ''.join(['_' if not c.isalnum() else c for c in name])
if os.environ.get('EMCC_FAST_COMPILER') == '0':
logging.critical('Non-fastcomp compiler is no longer available, please use fastcomp or an older version of emscripten')
def normalize_line_endings(text):
"""Normalize to UNIX line endings.
On Windows, writing to text file will duplicate \r\n to \r\r\n otherwise.
return text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
return text
def main(args, compiler_engine, cache, temp_files, DEBUG):
# Prepare settings for serialization to JSON.
settings = {}
for setting in args.settings:
name, value = setting.strip().split('=', 1)
value = json.loads(value)
settings[name] = asstr(value)
# libraries
libraries = args.libraries[0].split(',') if len(args.libraries) > 0 else []
settings.setdefault('STRUCT_INFO', shared.path_from_root('src', 'struct_info.compiled.json'))
struct_info = settings.get('STRUCT_INFO')
if not os.path.exists(struct_info) and not settings.get('BOOTSTRAPPING_STRUCT_INFO') and not settings.get('ONLY_MY_CODE'):
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: bootstrapping struct info...')
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: bootstrapping struct info complete')
emscripter = emscript_wasm_backend if settings['WASM_BACKEND'] else emscript
emscripter(args.infile, settings, args.outfile, libraries, compiler_engine=compiler_engine,
temp_files=temp_files, DEBUG=DEBUG)
def _main(args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
response_file = True
while response_file:
response_file = None
for index in range(len(args)):
if args[index][0] == '@':
# found one, loop again next time
response_file = True
response_file_args = read_response_file(args[index])
# slice in extra_args in place of the response file arg
args[index:index+1] = response_file_args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
usage='%(prog)s [-h] [-H HEADERS] [-o OUTFILE] [-c COMPILER_ENGINE] [-s FOO=BAR]* infile',
description=('You should normally never use this! Use emcc instead. '
'This is a wrapper around the JS compiler, converting .ll to .js.'),
parser.add_argument('-H', '--headers',
help='System headers (comma separated) whose #defines should be exposed to the compiled code.')
parser.add_argument('-L', '--libraries',
help='Library files (comma separated) to use in addition to those in emscripten src/library_*.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile',
help='Where to write the output; defaults to stdout.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--compiler',
help='Which JS engine to use to run the compiler; defaults to the one in ~/.emscripten.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--setting',
help=('Overrides for settings defined in settings.js. '
'May occur multiple times.'))
parser.add_argument('-T', '--temp-dir',
help=('Where to create temporary files.'))
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
help='Displays debug output')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
help='Hides debug output')
help=('Suppress usage warning'))
parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='*')
# Convert to the same format that argparse would have produced.
keywords = parser.parse_args(args)
positional = keywords.infile
if not keywords.suppressUsageWarning:
WARNING: You should normally never use this! Use emcc instead.
if len(positional) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('Must provide exactly one positional argument. Got ' + str(len(positional)) + ': "' + '", "'.join(positional) + '"')
keywords.infile = os.path.abspath(positional[0])
if isinstance(keywords.outfile, (type(u''), bytes)):
keywords.outfile = open(keywords.outfile, 'w')
if keywords.temp_dir is None:
temp_files = get_configuration().get_temp_files()
temp_dir = get_configuration().TEMP_DIR
temp_dir = os.path.abspath(keywords.temp_dir)
if not os.path.exists(temp_dir):
temp_files = tempfiles.TempFiles(temp_dir)
if keywords.compiler is None:
keywords.compiler = shared.COMPILER_ENGINE
if keywords.verbose is None:
DEBUG = get_configuration().DEBUG
DEBUG = keywords.verbose
cache = cache_module.Cache()
temp_files.run_and_clean(lambda: main(
if __name__ == '__main__':