blob: 3f7ba8c28c9e3146b4c5303ce7712baa2e321e37 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from subprocess import Popen
__rootpath__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
from tools.shared import PYTHON, WINDOWS, CLANG_CXX, EMCC, PIPE, V8_ENGINE
from tools.shared import path_from_root, run_process, test_file
import clang_native
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# System info
system_info = Popen([PYTHON, path_from_root('emrun'), '--system_info'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
# Native info
native_info = Popen(['clang', '-v'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
# Emscripten info
emscripten_info = Popen([EMCC, '-v'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
def run_benchmark(benchmark_file, results_file, build_args):
# Run native build
out_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'benchmark_sse_native')
out_file += '.exe'
cmd = [CLANG_CXX] + clang_native.get_clang_native_args() + [benchmark_file, '-O3', '-o', out_file]
print('Building native version of the benchmark:')
print(' '.join(cmd))
run_process(cmd, env=clang_native.get_clang_native_env())
native_results = Popen([out_file], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
# Run emscripten build
out_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'benchmark_sse_html.js')
cmd = [EMCC, benchmark_file, '-O3', '-s', 'TOTAL_MEMORY=536870912', '-o', out_file] + build_args
print('Building Emscripten version of the benchmark:')
print(' '.join(cmd))
cmd = V8_ENGINE + ['--experimental-wasm-simd', os.path.basename(out_file)]
print(' '.join(cmd))
old_dir = os.getcwd()
wasm_results = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
if not wasm_results:
raise Exception('Unable to run benchmark in V8!')
if not wasm_results[0].strip():
def strip_comments(text):
return re.sub('//.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/', '', text, re.S) # noqa
benchmark_results = strip_comments(wasm_results[0])
# Strip out unwanted print output.
benchmark_results = benchmark_results[benchmark_results.find('{'):].strip()
if '*************************' in benchmark_results:
benchmark_results = benchmark_results[:benchmark_results.find('*************************')].strip()
native_results = json.loads(native_results[0])
benchmark_results = benchmark_results[benchmark_results.index('{'):benchmark_results.rindex('}') + 1]
wasm_results = json.loads(benchmark_results)
# native_workload = native_results['workload']
# html_workload = wasm_results['workload']
html = '''<html><head></head><body><h1>SSE JavaScript Benchmark</h1>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script><b>System Info:</b><br/>
''' + system_info[0].replace('\n', '<br/>') + '''
<b>Native Clang Compiler:</b><br/>
''' + native_info[1].replace('\n', '<br/>') + '''
<b>Emscripten Compiler:</b><br/>
''' + emscripten_info[0].replace('\n', '<br/>')
charts_native = {}
charts_html = {}
for result in native_results['results']:
ch = result['chart']
if ch not in charts_native:
charts_native[ch] = []
charts_native[ch] += [result]
for result in wasm_results['results']:
ch = result['chart']
if ch not in charts_html:
charts_html[ch] = []
charts_html[ch] += [result]
def find_result_in_category(results, category):
for result in results:
if result['category'] == category:
return result
return None
def format_comparison(a, b):
if a < b and a != 0:
return "<span style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'> {:10.2f}".format(b / a) + 'x FASTER</span>'
elif b != 0:
return "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'> {:10.2f}".format(a / b) + 'x SLOWER</span>'
return "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'> NaN </span>"
chartNumber = 0
total_time_native_scalar = 0
total_time_native_simd = 0
total_time_html_scalar = 0
total_time_html_simd = 0
for chart_name in charts_native.keys():
# Extract data for each chart.
categories = []
nativeScalarResults = []
nativeSimdResults = []
htmlScalarResults = []
htmlSimdResults = []
native_results = charts_native[chart_name]
wasm_results = charts_html[chart_name]
textual_results_native = '<p>'
textual_results_html = '<p>'
textual_results_html2 = '<p>'
textual_results_html3 = '<p>'
for result in native_results:
categories += ["'" + result['category'] + "'"]
nsc = result['scalar']
nsi = result['simd']
nativeScalarResults += [str(nsc)]
nativeSimdResults += [str(nsi)]
html_result = find_result_in_category(wasm_results, result['category'])
textual_results_native += 'Native ' + result['category'] + ': ' + "{:10.4f}".format(nsc) + 'ns -> ' + "{:10.4f}".format(nsi) + 'ns. '
textual_results_native += 'Native SSE is ' + format_comparison(nsi, nsc) + ' than native scalar. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />'
if html_result is not None:
hsc = html_result['scalar']
htmlScalarResults += [str(hsc)]
hsi = html_result['simd']
htmlSimdResults += [str(hsi)]
textual_results_html += 'JS ' + result['category'] + ': ' + "{:10.4f}".format(hsc) + 'ns -> ' + "{:10.4f}".format(hsi) + 'ns. '
textual_results_html += 'JS SSE is ' + format_comparison(hsi, hsc) + ' than JS scalar. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />'
textual_results_html2 += 'JS ' + result['category'] + ': JS scalar is ' + format_comparison(hsc, nsc) + ' than native scalar. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />'
textual_results_html3 += 'JS ' + result['category'] + ': JS SSE is ' + format_comparison(hsi, nsi) + ' than native SSE. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />'
total_time_native_scalar += nsc
total_time_native_simd += nsi
total_time_html_scalar += hsc
total_time_html_simd += hsi
htmlScalarResults += [str(-1)]
htmlSimdResults += [str(-1)]
chartNumber += 1
html += '<div id="chart' + str(chartNumber) + '" style="width:100%; height:400px; margin-top: 100px;"></div>'
html += '''<script>$(function () {
$('#chart''' + str(chartNumber) + '''').highcharts({
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: "''' + chart_name + '''"
subtitle: {
text: 'Time per operation in nanoseconds'
xAxis: {
categories: [''' + ','.join(categories) + '''
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Time (nanoseconds)'
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' +
'<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.3f} ns</b></td></tr>',
footerFormat: '</table>',
shared: true,
useHTML: true
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0.2,
borderWidth: 0
series: [{
name: 'Native scalar',
data: [''' + ','.join(nativeScalarResults) + ''']
}, {
name: 'Native SSE',
data: [''' + ','.join(nativeSimdResults) + ''']
}, {
name: 'JS scalar',
data: [''' + ','.join(htmlScalarResults) + ''']
}, {
name: 'JS SSE',
data: [''' + ','.join(htmlSimdResults) + ''']
});</script>''' + '<table><tr><td>' + textual_results_native + '</td><td>' + textual_results_html + '</td></tr><tr><td>' + textual_results_html2 + '</td><td>' + textual_results_html3 + '</td></tr></table>'
# Final overall score
html += '<div id="overallscore" style="width:100%; height:400px; margin-top: 100px;"></div>'
html += '''<script>$(function () {
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: "Overall Execution Time"
xAxis: {
categories: ['Total time normalized to native']
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Relative time'
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' +
'<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.3f}x</b></td></tr>',
footerFormat: '</table>',
shared: true,
useHTML: true
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0.2,
borderWidth: 0
series: [{
name: 'Native scalar',
data: [''' + str(1.0) + ''']
}, {
name: 'Native SSE',
data: [''' + (str(total_time_native_simd / total_time_native_scalar) if total_time_native_scalar != 0 else 'N/A') + ''']
}, {
name: 'JS scalar',
data: [''' + (str(total_time_html_scalar / total_time_native_scalar) if total_time_native_scalar != 0 else 'N/A') + ''']
}, {
name: 'JS SSE',
data: [''' + (str(total_time_html_simd / total_time_native_scalar) if total_time_native_scalar != 0 else 'N/A') + ''']
html += '</body></html>'
open(results_file, 'w').write(html)
print('Wrote ' + str(len(html)) + ' bytes to file ' + results_file + '.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = sys.argv[1].lower() if len(sys.argv) == 2 else None
if suite in ['sse', 'sse1']:
run_benchmark(test_file('sse', 'benchmark_sse1.cpp'), 'results_sse1.html', ['-msse'])
elif suite == 'sse2':
run_benchmark(test_file('sse', 'benchmark_sse2.cpp'), 'results_sse2.html', ['-msse2'])
elif suite == 'sse3':
run_benchmark(test_file('sse', 'benchmark_sse3.cpp'), 'results_sse3.html', ['-msse3'])
elif suite == 'ssse3':
run_benchmark(test_file('sse', 'benchmark_ssse3.cpp'), 'results_ssse3.html', ['-mssse3'])
raise Exception('Usage: python tests/ sse1|sse2|sse3')