blob: 3c5c11399b4d6e3e4bd4464d299f49dae75fe1e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// seen at
#include "stdio.h"
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set> // because set of pointers fails in cheerp
#include <unordered_map> // because map of pointers fails in cheerp
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// Forward Decls
class BasicBlock;
class MaoCFG;
//--- MOCKING CODE begin -------------------
// These data structures are stubbed out to make the code below easier
// to review.
// BasicBlockEdge only maintains two pointers to BasicBlocks.
class BasicBlockEdge {
inline BasicBlockEdge(MaoCFG *cfg, int from, int to);
BasicBlock *GetSrc() { return from_; }
BasicBlock *GetDst() { return to_; }
BasicBlock *from_, *to_;
// BasicBlock only maintains a vector of in-edges and
// a vector of out-edges.
class BasicBlock {
typedef std::vector<BasicBlock *> EdgeVector;
explicit BasicBlock(int name) : name_(name) {
EdgeVector *in_edges() { return &in_edges_; }
EdgeVector *out_edges() { return &out_edges_; }
int GetNumPred() { return in_edges_.size(); }
int GetNumSucc() { return out_edges_.size(); }
void AddOutEdge(BasicBlock *to) { out_edges_.push_back(to); }
void AddInEdge(BasicBlock *from) { in_edges_.push_back(from); }
EdgeVector in_edges_, out_edges_;
int name_;
// MaoCFG maintains a list of nodes.
class MaoCFG {
typedef std::unordered_map<int, BasicBlock *> NodeMap;
typedef std::list<BasicBlockEdge *> EdgeList;
MaoCFG() : start_node_(NULL) {
~MaoCFG() {
for (NodeMap::iterator it = basic_block_map_.begin();
it != basic_block_map_.end(); ++it)
delete (*it).second;
for (EdgeList::iterator edge_it = edge_list_.begin();
edge_it != edge_list_.end(); ++edge_it)
delete (*edge_it);
BasicBlock *CreateNode(int name) {
BasicBlock *node;
NodeMap::iterator it = basic_block_map_.find(name);
if (it == basic_block_map_.end()) {
node = new BasicBlock(name);
basic_block_map_[name] = node;
} else {
node = (*it).second;
if (GetNumNodes() == 1)
start_node_ = node;
return node;
void AddEdge(BasicBlockEdge *edge) {
int GetNumNodes() {
return basic_block_map_.size();
BasicBlock *GetStartBasicBlock() {
return start_node_;
BasicBlock *GetDst(BasicBlockEdge *edge) {
return edge->GetDst();
BasicBlock *GetSrc(BasicBlockEdge *edge) {
return edge->GetSrc();
NodeMap *GetBasicBlocks() {
return &basic_block_map_;
NodeMap basic_block_map_;
BasicBlock *start_node_;
EdgeList edge_list_;
//--- MOCKING CODE end -------------------
// SimpleLoop
// Basic representation of loops, a loop has an entry point,
// one or more exit edges, a set of basic blocks, and potentially
// an outer loop - a "parent" loop.
// Furthermore, it can have any set of properties, e.g.,
// it can be an irreducible loop, have control flow, be
// a candidate for transformations, and what not.
class SimpleLoop {
typedef std::unordered_set<BasicBlock *> BasicBlockSet;
typedef std::unordered_set<SimpleLoop *> LoopSet;
SimpleLoop() : parent_(NULL), is_root_(false), nesting_level_(0),
depth_level_(0) {
void AddNode(BasicBlock *basic_block) {
void AddChildLoop(SimpleLoop *loop) {
void Dump() {
// Simplified for readability purposes.
printf("loop-%d, nest: %d, depth: %d\n",
counter_, nesting_level_, depth_level_);
LoopSet *GetChildren() {
return &children_;
// Getters/Setters
SimpleLoop *parent() { return parent_; }
int nesting_level() const { return nesting_level_; }
int depth_level() const { return depth_level_; }
int counter() const { return counter_; }
bool is_root() const { return is_root_; }
void set_parent(SimpleLoop *parent) {
parent_ = parent;
void set_is_root() { is_root_ = true; }
void set_counter(int value) { counter_ = value; }
void set_nesting_level(int level) {
nesting_level_ = level;
if (level == 0)
void set_depth_level(int level) { depth_level_ = level; }
BasicBlockSet basic_blocks_;
std::unordered_set<SimpleLoop *> children_;
SimpleLoop *parent_;
bool is_root_: 1;
int counter_;
int nesting_level_;
int depth_level_;
// LoopStructureGraph
// Maintain loop structure for a given CFG.
// Two values are maintained for this loop graph, depth, and nesting level.
// For example:
// loop nesting level depth
// loop-0 2 0
// loop-1 1 1
// loop-3 1 1
// loop-2 0 2
class LoopStructureGraph {
typedef std::list<SimpleLoop *> LoopList;
LoopStructureGraph() : root_(new SimpleLoop()),
loop_counter_(0) {
root_->set_nesting_level(0); // make it the root node
~LoopStructureGraph() {
SimpleLoop *CreateNewLoop() {
SimpleLoop *loop = new SimpleLoop();
return loop;
void KillAll() {
for (LoopList::iterator it = loops_.begin(); it != loops_.end(); ++it)
delete (*it);
void AddLoop(SimpleLoop *loop) {
void Dump() {
DumpRec(root_, 0);
void DumpRec(SimpleLoop *loop, int indent) {
// Simplified for readability purposes.
for (SimpleLoop::LoopSet::iterator liter = loop->GetChildren()->begin();
liter != loop->GetChildren()->end(); ++liter)
DumpRec(*liter, indent+1);
void CalculateNestingLevel() {
// link up all 1st level loops to artificial root node.
for (LoopList::iterator liter = loops_.begin();
liter != loops_.end(); ++liter) {
SimpleLoop *loop = *liter;
if (loop->is_root()) continue;
if (!loop->parent()) loop->set_parent(root_);
// recursively traverse the tree and assign levels.
CalculateNestingLevelRec(root_, 0);
void CalculateNestingLevelRec(SimpleLoop *loop, int depth) {
for (SimpleLoop::LoopSet::iterator liter = loop->GetChildren()->begin();
liter != loop->GetChildren()->end(); ++liter) {
CalculateNestingLevelRec(*liter, depth+1);
int GetNumLoops() const { return loops_.size(); }
SimpleLoop *root() const { return root_; }
SimpleLoop *root_;
LoopList loops_;
int loop_counter_;
BasicBlockEdge::BasicBlockEdge(MaoCFG *cfg,
int from_name,
int to_name) {
from_ = cfg->CreateNode(from_name);
to_ = cfg->CreateNode(to_name);
// External entry point.
int FindHavlakLoops(MaoCFG *CFG, LoopStructureGraph *LSG);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// Main Algorithm
// Union/Find algorithm after Tarjan, R.E., 1983, Data Structures
// and Network Algorithms.
class UnionFindNode {
UnionFindNode() : parent_(NULL), bb_(NULL), loop_(NULL), dfs_number_(0) {
// Initialize this node.
void Init(BasicBlock *bb, int dfs_number) {
parent_ = this;
bb_ = bb;
dfs_number_ = dfs_number;
// Union/Find Algorithm - The find routine.
// Implemented with Path Compression (inner loops are only
// visited and collapsed once, however, deep nests would still
// result in significant traversals).
UnionFindNode *FindSet() {
typedef std::list<UnionFindNode *> NodeListType;
NodeListType nodeList;
UnionFindNode *node = this;
while (node != node->parent()) {
if (node->parent() != node->parent()->parent())
node = node->parent();
// Path Compression, all nodes' parents point to the 1st level parent.
NodeListType::iterator iter = nodeList.begin();
NodeListType::iterator end = nodeList.end();
for (; iter != end; ++iter)
return node;
// Union/Find Algorithm - The union routine.
// We rely on path compression.
void Union(UnionFindNode *B) {
// Getters/Setters
UnionFindNode *parent() const { return parent_; }
BasicBlock *bb() const { return bb_; }
SimpleLoop *loop() const { return loop_; }
int dfs_number() const { return dfs_number_; }
void set_parent(UnionFindNode *parent) { parent_ = parent; }
void set_loop(SimpleLoop *loop) { loop_ = loop; }
UnionFindNode *parent_;
BasicBlock *bb_;
SimpleLoop *loop_;
int dfs_number_;
// Loop Recognition
// based on:
// Paul Havlak, Nesting of Reducible and Irreducible Loops,
// Rice University.
// We avoid doing tree balancing and instead use path compression
// to avoid traversing parent pointers over and over.
// Most of the variable names and identifiers are taken literally
// from this paper (and the original Tarjan paper mentioned above).
class HavlakLoopFinder {
HavlakLoopFinder(MaoCFG *cfg, LoopStructureGraph *lsg) :
CFG_(cfg), lsg_(lsg) {
enum BasicBlockClass {
BB_TOP, // uninitialized
BB_NONHEADER, // a regular BB
BB_REDUCIBLE, // reducible loop
BB_SELF, // single BB loop
BB_IRREDUCIBLE, // irreducible loop
BB_DEAD, // a dead BB
BB_LAST // Sentinel
// Constants
// Marker for uninitialized nodes.
static const int kUnvisited = -1;
// Safeguard against pathologic algorithm behavior.
static const int kMaxNonBackPreds = (32*1024);
// Local types used for Havlak algorithm, all carefully
// selected to guarantee minimal complexity.
typedef std::vector<UnionFindNode> NodeVector;
typedef std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, int> BasicBlockMap;
typedef std::list<int> IntList;
typedef std::set<int> IntSet;
typedef std::list<UnionFindNode*> NodeList;
typedef std::vector<IntList> IntListVector;
typedef std::vector<IntSet> IntSetVector;
typedef std::vector<int> IntVector;
typedef std::vector<char> CharVector;
// IsAncestor
// As described in the paper, determine whether a node 'w' is a
// "true" ancestor for node 'v'.
// Dominance can be tested quickly using a pre-order trick
// for depth-first spanning trees. This is why DFS is the first
// thing we run below.
bool IsAncestor(int w, int v, IntVector *last) {
return ((w <= v) && (v <= (*last)[w]));
// Iterators
typedef BasicBlock::EdgeVector::iterator BasicBlockIter;
// DFS - Depth-First-Search
// Simple depth first traversal along out edges with node numbering.
int DFS(BasicBlock *current_node,
NodeVector *nodes,
BasicBlockMap *number,
IntVector *last,
const int current) {
(*nodes)[current].Init(current_node, current);
(*number)[current_node] = current;
int lastid = current;
for (BasicBlockIter outedges = current_node->out_edges()->begin();
outedges != current_node->out_edges()->end(); ++outedges) {
BasicBlock *target = *outedges;
if ((*number)[target] == kUnvisited)
lastid = DFS(target, nodes, number, last, lastid + 1);
(*last)[(*number)[current_node]] = lastid;
return lastid;
// FindLoops
// Find loops and build loop forest using Havlak's algorithm, which
// is derived from Tarjan. Variable names and step numbering has
// been chosen to be identical to the nomenclature in Havlak's
// paper (which is similar to the one used by Tarjan).
void FindLoops() {
if (!CFG_->GetStartBasicBlock()) return;
int size = CFG_->GetNumNodes();
IntSetVector non_back_preds(size);
IntListVector back_preds(size);
IntVector header(size);
CharVector type(size);
IntVector last(size);
NodeVector nodes(size);
BasicBlockMap number;
// Step a:
// - initialize all nodes as unvisited.
// - depth-first traversal and numbering.
// - unreached BB's are marked as dead.
for (MaoCFG::NodeMap::iterator bb_iter =
bb_iter != CFG_->GetBasicBlocks()->end(); ++bb_iter) {
number[(*bb_iter).second] = kUnvisited;
DFS(CFG_->GetStartBasicBlock(), &nodes, &number, &last, 0);
// Step b:
// - iterate over all nodes.
// A backedge comes from a descendant in the DFS tree, and non-backedges
// from non-descendants (following Tarjan).
// - check incoming edges 'v' and add them to either
// - the list of backedges (back_preds) or
// - the list of non-backedges (non_back_preds)
for (int w = 0; w < size; w++) {
header[w] = 0;
type[w] = BB_NONHEADER;
BasicBlock *node_w = nodes[w].bb();
if (!node_w) {
type[w] = BB_DEAD;
continue; // dead BB
if (node_w->GetNumPred()) {
for (BasicBlockIter inedges = node_w->in_edges()->begin();
inedges != node_w->in_edges()->end(); ++inedges) {
BasicBlock *node_v = *inedges;
int v = number[ node_v ];
if (v == kUnvisited) continue; // dead node
if (IsAncestor(w, v, &last))
// Start node is root of all other loops.
header[0] = 0;
// Step c:
// The outer loop, unchanged from Tarjan. It does nothing except
// for those nodes which are the destinations of backedges.
// For a header node w, we chase backward from the sources of the
// backedges adding nodes to the set P, representing the body of
// the loop headed by w.
// By running through the nodes in reverse of the DFST preorder,
// we ensure that inner loop headers will be processed before the
// headers for surrounding loops.
for (int w = size-1; w >= 0; w--) {
NodeList node_pool; // this is 'P' in Havlak's paper
BasicBlock *node_w = nodes[w].bb();
if (!node_w) continue; // dead BB
// Step d:
IntList::iterator back_pred_iter = back_preds[w].begin();
IntList::iterator back_pred_end = back_preds[w].end();
for (; back_pred_iter != back_pred_end; back_pred_iter++) {
int v = *back_pred_iter;
if (v != w)
type[w] = BB_SELF;
// Copy node_pool to worklist.
NodeList worklist;
NodeList::iterator niter = node_pool.begin();
NodeList::iterator nend = node_pool.end();
for (; niter != nend; ++niter)
if (!node_pool.empty())
type[w] = BB_REDUCIBLE;
// work the list...
while (!worklist.empty()) {
UnionFindNode x = *worklist.front();
// Step e:
// Step e represents the main difference from Tarjan's method.
// Chasing upwards from the sources of a node w's backedges. If
// there is a node y' that is not a descendant of w, w is marked
// the header of an irreducible loop, there is another entry
// into this loop that avoids w.
// The algorithm has degenerated. Break and
// return in this case.
size_t non_back_size = non_back_preds[x.dfs_number()].size();
if (non_back_size > kMaxNonBackPreds) {
IntSet::iterator non_back_pred_iter =
IntSet::iterator non_back_pred_end =
for (; non_back_pred_iter != non_back_pred_end; non_back_pred_iter++) {
UnionFindNode y = nodes[*non_back_pred_iter];
UnionFindNode *ydash = y.FindSet();
if (!IsAncestor(w, ydash->dfs_number(), &last)) {
} else {
if (ydash->dfs_number() != w) {
NodeList::iterator nfind = find(node_pool.begin(),
node_pool.end(), ydash);
if (nfind == node_pool.end()) {
// Collapse/Unionize nodes in a SCC to a single node
// For every SCC found, create a loop descriptor and link it in.
if (!node_pool.empty() || (type[w] == BB_SELF)) {
SimpleLoop* loop = lsg_->CreateNewLoop();
// At this point, one can set attributes to the loop, such as:
// the bottom node:
// IntList::iterator iter = back_preds[w].begin();
// loop bottom is: nodes[*backp_iter].node);
// the number of backedges:
// back_preds[w].size()
// whether this loop is reducible:
// type[w] != BB_IRREDUCIBLE
// TODO(rhundt): Define those interfaces in the Loop Forest.
for (niter = node_pool.begin(); niter != node_pool.end(); niter++) {
UnionFindNode *node = (*niter);
// Add nodes to loop descriptor.
header[node->dfs_number()] = w;
// Nested loops are not added, but linked together.
if (node->loop())
} // node_pool.size
} // Step c
} // FindLoops
MaoCFG *CFG_; // current control flow graph.
LoopStructureGraph *lsg_; // loop forest.
}; // HavlakLoopFinder
// Constant instantiations.
const int HavlakLoopFinder::kUnvisited;
const int HavlakLoopFinder::kMaxNonBackPreds;
// External entry point.
int FindHavlakLoops(MaoCFG *CFG, LoopStructureGraph *LSG) {
HavlakLoopFinder finder(CFG, LSG);
return LSG->GetNumLoops();
#include <stdio.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int buildDiamond(MaoCFG *cfg, int start) {
int bb0 = start;
new BasicBlockEdge(cfg, bb0, bb0 + 1);
new BasicBlockEdge(cfg, bb0, bb0 + 2);
new BasicBlockEdge(cfg, bb0 + 1, bb0 + 3);
new BasicBlockEdge(cfg, bb0 + 2, bb0 + 3);
return bb0 + 3;
void buildConnect(MaoCFG *cfg, int start, int end) {
new BasicBlockEdge(cfg, start, end);
int buildStraight(MaoCFG *cfg, int start, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
buildConnect(cfg, start + i, start + i + 1);
return start + n;
int buildBaseLoop(MaoCFG *cfg, int from) {
int header = buildStraight(cfg, from, 1);
int diamond1 = buildDiamond(cfg, header);
int d11 = buildStraight(cfg, diamond1, 1);
int diamond2 = buildDiamond(cfg, d11);
int footer = buildStraight(cfg, diamond2, 1);
buildConnect(cfg, diamond2, d11);
buildConnect(cfg, diamond1, header);
buildConnect(cfg, footer, from);
footer = buildStraight(cfg, footer, 1);
return footer;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int NUM;
int arg = argc > 1 ? argv[1][0] - '0' : 3;
switch(arg) {
case 0: return 0; break;
case 1: NUM = 10; break;
case 2: NUM = 30; break;
case 3: NUM = 60; break;
case 4: NUM = 100; break;
case 5: NUM = 150; break;
default: printf("error: %d\\n", arg); return -1;
printf("Welcome to LoopTesterApp, C++ edition\n");
MaoCFG cfg;
LoopStructureGraph lsg;
printf("Constructing Simple CFG...\n");
cfg.CreateNode(0); // top
buildBaseLoop(&cfg, 0);
cfg.CreateNode(1); // bottom
new BasicBlockEdge(&cfg, 0, 2);
printf("15000 dummy loops\n");
for (int dummyloops = 0; dummyloops < 15000; ++dummyloops) {
LoopStructureGraph * lsglocal = new LoopStructureGraph();
FindHavlakLoops(&cfg, lsglocal);
printf("Constructing CFG...\n");
int n = 2;
for (int parlooptrees = 0; parlooptrees < 10; parlooptrees++) {
cfg.CreateNode(n + 1);
buildConnect(&cfg, 2, n + 1);
n = n + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
int top = n;
n = buildStraight(&cfg, n, 1);
for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++) {
n = buildBaseLoop(&cfg, n);
int bottom = buildStraight(&cfg, n, 1);
buildConnect(&cfg, n, top);
n = bottom;
buildConnect(&cfg, n, 1);
printf("Performing Loop Recognition\n1 Iteration\n");
int num_loops = FindHavlakLoops(&cfg, &lsg);
printf("Another %d iterations...\n", NUM);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
LoopStructureGraph lsg;
sum += FindHavlakLoops(&cfg, &lsg);
printf("\nFound %d loops (including artificial root node)"
"(%d)\n", num_loops, sum);
return 0;