blob: b34d49e614b92bf0a7623d1d2f481ea823c42cb9 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file will be edited (the {{{ }}} things), and written to `.emscripten`
# when emscripten is first used and no config file is found.
# Note: If you put paths relative to the home directory, do not forget
# os.path.expanduser
# Any config setting <KEY> in this file can be overridden by setting the
# EM_<KEY> environment variable. For example, settings EM_LLVM_ROOT override
# the setting in this file.
# Note: On Windows, remember to escape backslashes! I.e. LLVM='c:\llvm\'
# is not valid, but LLVM='c:\\llvm\\' and LLVM='c:/llvm/'
# are.
# This is used by external projects in order to find emscripten. It is not used
# by emscripten itself.
LLVM_ROOT = '{{{ LLVM_ROOT }}}' # directory
BINARYEN_ROOT = '' # directory
# Location of the node binary to use for running the JS parts of the compiler.
# This engine must exist, or nothing can be compiled.
NODE_JS = '{{{ NODE }}}' # executable
JAVA = 'java' # executable
# Test suite options:
# Alternative JS engines to use during testing:
# SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE = ['js'] # executable
# V8_ENGINE = 'd8' # executable
# All JS engines to use when running the automatic tests. Not all the engines in
# this list must exist (if they don't, they will be skipped in the test runner).
# JS_ENGINES = [NODE_JS] # add V8_ENGINE or SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE if you have them installed too.
# import os
# WASMER = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.wasmer', 'bin', 'wasmer'))
# WASMTIME = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'wasmtime'))
# Wasm engines to use in STANDALONE_WASM tests.
# WASM_ENGINES = [] # add WASMER or WASMTIME if you have them installed
# Other options
# FROZEN_CACHE = True # never clears the cache, and disallows building to the cache