blob: 712a4552b32da598d0fbf3935a8a5df7d1d0466e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A small wrapper script around the core JS compiler. This calls that
compiler with the settings given to it. It can also read data from C/C++
header files (so that the JS compiler can see the constants in those
headers, for the libc implementation in JS).
import os
import json
import subprocess
import time
import logging
import pprint
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
from tools import building
from tools import diagnostics
from tools import shared
from tools import gen_struct_info
from tools import webassembly
from tools.shared import WINDOWS, asstr, path_from_root, exit_with_error, asmjs_mangle, treat_as_user_function
from tools.toolchain_profiler import ToolchainProfiler
logger = logging.getLogger('emscripten')
STDERR_FILE = os.environ.get('EMCC_STDERR_FILE')
STDERR_FILE = os.path.abspath(STDERR_FILE)'logging stderr in js compiler phase into %s' % STDERR_FILE)
def compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(post, initializers, exports, receiving):
# Generate invocations for all global initializers directly off the asm export object, e.g. asm['__GLOBAL__INIT']();
post = post.replace('/*** RUN_GLOBAL_INITIALIZERS(); ***/', '\n'.join(["asm['" + x + "']();" for x in initializers]))
# Declare all exports out to global JS scope so that JS library functions can access them in a
# way that minifies well with Closure
# e.g. var a,b,c,d,e,f;
exports_that_are_not_initializers = [x for x in exports if x not in initializers]
# In Wasm backend the exports are still unmangled at this point, so mangle the names here
exports_that_are_not_initializers = [asmjs_mangle(x) for x in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS_DECLARES ***/', 'var ' + ',\n '.join(exports_that_are_not_initializers) + ';')
# Generate assignments from all asm.js/wasm exports out to the JS variables above: e.g. a = asm['a']; b = asm['b'];
post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS ***/', receiving)
return post
def write_output_file(outfile, post, module):
for i in range(len(module)): # do this loop carefully to save memory
module[i] = normalize_line_endings(module[i])
post = normalize_line_endings(post)
def optimize_syscalls(declares, DEBUG):
"""Disables filesystem if only a limited subset of syscalls is used.
Our syscalls are static, and so if we see a very limited set of them - in particular,
no open() syscall and just simple writing - then we don't need full filesystem support.
If FORCE_FILESYSTEM is set, we can't do this. We also don't do it if INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY, since
not including the filesystem would mean not including the full JS libraries, and the same for
MAIN_MODULE since a side module might need the filesystem.
if any(shared.Settings[s] for s in relevant_settings):
if shared.Settings.FILESYSTEM == 0:
# without filesystem support, it doesn't matter what syscalls need
syscall_prefixes = ('__sys', 'fd_')
syscalls = [d for d in declares if d.startswith(syscall_prefixes)]
# check if the only filesystem syscalls are in: close, ioctl, llseek, write
# (without open, etc.. nothing substantial can be done, so we can disable
# extra filesystem support in that case)
if set(syscalls).issubset(set([
logger.debug('very limited syscalls (%s) so disabling full filesystem support', ', '.join(str(s) for s in syscalls))
def is_int(x):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def align_memory(addr):
return (addr + 15) & -16
def update_settings_glue(metadata, DEBUG):
optimize_syscalls(metadata['declares'], DEBUG)
# Integrate info from backend
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
# we don't need any JS library contents in side modules
all_funcs = shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE + [shared.JS.to_nice_ident(d) for d in metadata['declares']]
implemented_funcs = [x[1:] for x in metadata['implementedFunctions']]
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE = sorted(set(all_funcs).difference(implemented_funcs))
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += [x[1:] for x in metadata['externs']]
shared.Settings.IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS = metadata['implementedFunctions']
if metadata['asmConsts']:
# emit the EM_ASM signature-reading helper function only if we have any EM_ASM
# functions in the module.
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$readAsmConstArgs']
# Extract the list of function signatures that MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM blocks in
# the compiled code have, each signature will need a proxy function invoker
# generated for it.
def read_proxied_function_signatures(asmConsts):
proxied_function_signatures = set()
for _, sigs, proxying_types in asmConsts.values():
for sig, proxying_type in zip(sigs, proxying_types):
if proxying_type == 'sync_on_main_thread_':
proxied_function_signatures.add(sig + '_sync')
elif proxying_type == 'async_on_main_thread_':
proxied_function_signatures.add(sig + '_async')
return list(proxied_function_signatures)
shared.Settings.PROXIED_FUNCTION_SIGNATURES = read_proxied_function_signatures(metadata['asmConsts'])
shared.Settings.BINARYEN_FEATURES = metadata['features']
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
# When building relocatable output (e.g. MAIN_MODULE) the reported table
# size does not include the reserved slot at zero for the null pointer.
# Instead we use __table_base to offset the elements by 1.
shared.Settings.WASM_TABLE_SIZE = metadata['tableSize'] + 1
shared.Settings.MAIN_READS_PARAMS = metadata['mainReadsParams']
# Store exports for Closure compiler to be able to track these as globals in
shared.Settings.MODULE_EXPORTS = [(asmjs_mangle(f), f) for f in metadata['exports']]
if shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK:
if 'emscripten_stack_get_end' not in metadata['exports']:
logger.warning('STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK disabled because emscripten stack helpers not exported')
shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK = 0
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += ['writeStackCookie', 'checkStackCookie']
# static code hooks
class StaticCodeHooks:
atinits = []
atmains = []
atexits = []
def apply_static_code_hooks(code):
code = code.replace('{{{ ATINITS }}}', StaticCodeHooks.atinits)
code = code.replace('{{{ ATMAINS }}}', StaticCodeHooks.atmains)
code = code.replace('{{{ ATEXITS }}}', StaticCodeHooks.atexits)
return code
def apply_forwarded_data(forwarded_data):
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
# Be aware of JS static allocations
# Be aware of JS static code hooks
StaticCodeHooks.atinits = str(forwarded_json['ATINITS'])
StaticCodeHooks.atmains = str(forwarded_json['ATMAINS'])
StaticCodeHooks.atexits = str(forwarded_json['ATEXITS'])
def compile_settings(temp_files):
# Save settings to a file to work around v8 issue 1579
with temp_files.get_file('.txt') as settings_file:
with open(settings_file, 'w') as s:
json.dump(shared.Settings.to_dict(), s, sort_keys=True)
# Call js compiler
env = os.environ.copy()
env['EMCC_BUILD_DIR'] = os.getcwd()
out = shared.run_js_tool(path_from_root('src', 'compiler.js'),
[settings_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=STDERR_FILE,
cwd=path_from_root('src'), env=env)
assert '//FORWARDED_DATA:' in out, 'Did not receive forwarded data in pre output - process failed?'
glue, forwarded_data = out.split('//FORWARDED_DATA:')
return glue, forwarded_data
class Memory():
def __init__(self, static_bump):
stack_low = align_memory(shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE + static_bump)
stack_high = align_memory(stack_low + shared.Settings.TOTAL_STACK)
self.stack_base = stack_high
self.stack_max = stack_low
self.dynamic_base = align_memory(stack_high)
def apply_memory(js, memory):
# Apply the statically-at-compile-time computed memory locations.
# Write it all out
js = js.replace('{{{ HEAP_BASE }}}', str(memory.dynamic_base))
js = js.replace('{{{ STACK_BASE }}}', str(memory.stack_base))
js = js.replace('{{{ STACK_MAX }}}', str(memory.stack_max))
return js
def report_missing_symbols(all_implemented, pre):
# the initial list of missing functions are that the user explicitly exported
# but were not implemented in compiled code
missing = list(set(shared.Settings.USER_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS) - all_implemented)
for requested in missing:
if ('function ' + asstr(requested) + '(') in pre:
diagnostics.warning('undefined', 'undefined exported symbol: "%s"', requested)
# Special hanlding for the `_main` symbol
if shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
# standalone mode doesn't use main, and it always reports missing entry point at link time.
# In this mode we never expect _main in the export list.
if shared.Settings.IGNORE_MISSING_MAIN:
# The default mode for emscripten is to ignore the missing main function allowing
# maximum compatibility.
if shared.Settings.EXPECT_MAIN and '_main' not in all_implemented:
# For compatibility with the output of wasm-ld we use the same wording here in our
# error message as if wasm-ld had failed (i.e. in LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED mode).
exit_with_error('entry symbol not defined (pass --no-entry to suppress): main')
def proxy_debug_print(sync):
if shared.Settings.PTHREADS_DEBUG:
if sync:
return 'warnOnce("sync proxying function " + code);'
return 'warnOnce("async proxying function " + code);'
return ''
# Test if the parentheses at body[openIdx] and body[closeIdx] are a match to
# each other.
def parentheses_match(body, openIdx, closeIdx):
if closeIdx < 0:
closeIdx += len(body)
count = 1
for i in range(openIdx + 1, closeIdx + 1):
if body[i] == body[openIdx]:
count += 1
elif body[i] == body[closeIdx]:
count -= 1
if count <= 0:
return i == closeIdx
return False
def trim_asm_const_body(body):
body = body.strip()
orig = None
while orig != body:
orig = body
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '"' and body[-1] == '"':
body = body[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"').strip()
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '{' and body[-1] == '}' and parentheses_match(body, 0, -1):
body = body[1:-1].strip()
if len(body) > 1 and body[0] == '(' and body[-1] == ')' and parentheses_match(body, 0, -1):
body = body[1:-1].strip()
return body
def create_named_globals(metadata):
named_globals = []
for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items():
v = int(v)
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
v += shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE
mangled = asmjs_mangle(k)
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
named_globals.append("var %s = %s;" % (mangled, v))
named_globals.append("var %s = Module['%s'] = %s;" % (mangled, mangled, v))
return '\n'.join(named_globals)
def emscript(in_wasm, out_wasm, outfile_js, memfile, temp_files, DEBUG):
# Overview:
# * Run wasm-emscripten-finalize to extract metadata and modify the binary
# to use emscripten's wasm<->JS ABI
# * Use the metadata to generate the JS glue that goes with the wasm
if shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
# placeholder strings for JS glue, to be replaced with subresource locations in do_binaryen
shared.Settings.WASM_BINARY_FILE = '<<< WASM_BINARY_FILE >>>'
# set file locations, so that JS glue can find what it needs
shared.Settings.WASM_BINARY_FILE = shared.JS.escape_for_js_string(os.path.basename(out_wasm))
metadata = finalize_wasm(in_wasm, out_wasm, memfile, DEBUG)
update_settings_glue(metadata, DEBUG)
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
logger.debug('emscript: skipping remaining js glue generation')
logger.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')
t = time.time()
glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(temp_files)
logger.debug(' emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
# For the wasm backend the implementedFunctions from compiler.js should
# always be empty. This only gets populated for __asm function when using
# the JS backend.
assert not forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions']
pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')
exports = metadata['exports']
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
exports += ['asyncify_start_unwind', 'asyncify_stop_unwind', 'asyncify_start_rewind', 'asyncify_stop_rewind']
all_exports = exports + list(metadata['namedGlobals'].keys())
all_exports = set([asmjs_mangle(e) for e in all_exports])
report_missing_symbols(all_exports, pre)
if not outfile_js:
logger.debug('emscript: skipping remaining js glue generation')
# memory and global initializers
# In minimal runtime, global initializers are run after the Wasm Module instantiation has finished.
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
global_initializers = ', '.join('{ func: function() { %s() } }' % i for i in metadata['initializers'])
# In regular runtime, global initializers are recorded in an __ATINIT__ array.
global_initializers = '__ATINIT__.push(%s);' % global_initializers
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
global_initializers = 'if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) ' + global_initializers
pre += '\n' + global_initializers + '\n'
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
static_bump = align_memory(webassembly.parse_dylink_section(in_wasm)[0])
memory = Memory(static_bump)
logger.debug('stack_base: %d, stack_max: %d, dynamic_base: %d', memory.stack_base, memory.stack_max, memory.dynamic_base)
pre = apply_memory(pre, memory)
post = apply_memory(post, memory)
pre = apply_static_code_hooks(pre) # In regular runtime, atinits etc. exist in the preamble part
post = apply_static_code_hooks(post) # In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, atinit exists in the postamble part
# merge forwarded data
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']
asm_consts = create_asm_consts(metadata)
em_js_funcs = create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata)
asm_const_pairs = ['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in asm_consts]
asm_const_map = 'var ASM_CONSTS = {\n ' + ', \n '.join(asm_const_pairs) + '\n};\n'
pre = pre.replace(
'// === Body ===',
('// === Body ===\n\n' + asm_const_map +
'\n'.join(em_js_funcs) + '\n'))
with open(outfile_js, 'w') as out:
pre = None
invoke_funcs = metadata['invokeFuncs']
sending = create_sending(invoke_funcs, metadata)
receiving = create_receiving(exports, metadata['initializers'])
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
post = compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(post, metadata['initializers'], exports, receiving)
receiving = ''
module = create_module(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, metadata)
write_output_file(out, post, module)
module = None
def remove_trailing_zeros(memfile):
with open(memfile, 'rb') as f:
mem_data =
end = len(mem_data)
while end > 0 and (mem_data[end - 1] == b'\0' or mem_data[end - 1] == 0):
end -= 1
with open(memfile, 'wb') as f:
def finalize_wasm(infile, outfile, memfile, DEBUG):
building.save_intermediate(infile, 'base.wasm')
args = ['--detect-features', '--minimize-wasm-changes']
# if we don't need to modify the wasm, don't tell finalize to emit a wasm file
modify_wasm = False
if shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
# wasm2js requires full legalization (and will do extra wasm binary
# later processing later anyhow)
modify_wasm = True
if shared.Settings.GENERATE_SOURCE_MAP:
building.emit_wasm_source_map(infile, infile + '.map', outfile)
building.save_intermediate(infile + '.map', '')
args += ['--output-source-map-url=' + shared.Settings.SOURCE_MAP_BASE + os.path.basename(outfile) + '.map']
modify_wasm = True
# tell binaryen to look at the features section, and if there isn't one, to use MVP
# (which matches what llvm+lld has given us)
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2 or shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ADD or shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ADVISE or shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ONLY or shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_REMOVE or shared.Settings.EMIT_SYMBOL_MAP or shared.Settings.PROFILING_FUNCS:
if shared.Settings.WASM_BIGINT:
if shared.Settings.USE_LEGACY_DYNCALLS:
# we need to add all dyncalls to the wasm
modify_wasm = True
if shared.Settings.WASM_BIGINT:
# we need to add some dyncalls to the wasm
modify_wasm = True
if shared.Settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI:
# When we dynamically link our JS loader adds functions from wasm modules to
# the table. It must add the original versions of them, not legalized ones,
# so that indirect calls have the right type, so export those.
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
modify_wasm = True
if memfile:
modify_wasm = True
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
if shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK >= 2:
modify_wasm = True
if shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
stdout = building.run_binaryen_command('wasm-emscripten-finalize',
outfile=outfile if modify_wasm else None,
if modify_wasm:
building.save_intermediate(infile, 'post_finalize.wasm')
elif infile != outfile:
shutil.copy(infile, outfile)
if shared.Settings.GENERATE_SOURCE_MAP:
building.save_intermediate(infile + '.map', '')
if memfile:
# we have a separate .mem file. binaryen did not strip any trailing zeros,
# because it's an ABI question as to whether it is valid to do so or not.
# we can do so here, since we make sure to zero out that memory (even in
# the dynamic linking case, our loader zeros it out)
return load_metadata_wasm(stdout, DEBUG)
def create_asm_consts(metadata):
asm_consts = {}
for k, v in metadata['asmConsts'].items():
const, sigs, call_types = v
const = asstr(const)
const = trim_asm_const_body(const)
args = []
max_arity = 16
arity = 0
for i in range(max_arity):
if ('$' + str(i)) in const:
arity = i + 1
for i in range(arity):
args.append('$' + str(i))
const = 'function(' + ', '.join(args) + ') {' + const + '}'
asm_consts[int(k)] = const
asm_consts = [(key, value) for key, value in asm_consts.items()]
return asm_consts
def create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata):
em_js_funcs = []
separator = '<::>'
for name, raw in metadata.get('emJsFuncs', {}).items():
assert separator in raw
args, body = raw.split(separator, 1)
args = args[1:-1]
if args == 'void':
args = []
args = args.split(',')
arg_names = [arg.split()[-1].replace("*", "") for arg in args if arg]
func = 'function {}({}){}'.format(name, ','.join(arg_names), asstr(body))
forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'][name] = 1
return em_js_funcs
def add_standard_wasm_imports(send_items_map):
if shared.Settings.IMPORTED_MEMORY:
memory_import = 'wasmMemory'
if shared.Settings.MODULARIZE and shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
# Pthreads assign wasmMemory in their worker startup. In MODULARIZE mode, they cannot assign inside the
# Module scope, so lookup via Module as well.
memory_import += " || Module['wasmMemory']"
send_items_map['memory'] = memory_import
# With the wasm backend __memory_base and __table_base are only needed for
# relocatable output.
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
# tell the memory segments where to place themselves
send_items_map['__memory_base'] = str(shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE)
send_items_map['__indirect_function_table'] = 'wasmTable'
# the wasm backend reserves slot 0 for the NULL function pointer
send_items_map['__table_base'] = '1'
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
send_items_map['__stack_pointer'] = "__stack_pointer"
if shared.Settings.MAYBE_WASM2JS or shared.Settings.AUTODEBUG or shared.Settings.LINKABLE:
# legalization of i64 support code may require these in some modes
send_items_map['setTempRet0'] = 'setTempRet0'
send_items_map['getTempRet0'] = 'getTempRet0'
if shared.Settings.AUTODEBUG:
send_items_map['log_execution'] = '''function(loc) {
console.log('log_execution ' + loc);
send_items_map['get_i32'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('get_i32 ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['get_i64'] = '''function(loc, index, low, high) {
console.log('get_i64 ' + [loc, index, low, high]);
return low;
send_items_map['get_f32'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('get_f32 ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['get_f64'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('get_f64 ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['get_anyref'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('get_anyref ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['get_exnref'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('get_exnref ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['set_i32'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('set_i32 ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['set_i64'] = '''function(loc, index, low, high) {
console.log('set_i64 ' + [loc, index, low, high]);
return low;
send_items_map['set_f32'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('set_f32 ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['set_f64'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('set_f64 ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['set_anyref'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('set_anyref ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['set_exnref'] = '''function(loc, index, value) {
console.log('set_exnref ' + [loc, index, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['load_ptr'] = '''function(loc, bytes, offset, ptr) {
console.log('load_ptr ' + [loc, bytes, offset, ptr]);
return ptr;
send_items_map['load_val_i32'] = '''function(loc, value) {
console.log('load_val_i32 ' + [loc, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['load_val_i64'] = '''function(loc, low, high) {
console.log('load_val_i64 ' + [loc, low, high]);
return low;
send_items_map['load_val_f32'] = '''function(loc, value) {
console.log('load_val_f32 ' + [loc, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['load_val_f64'] = '''function(loc, value) {
console.log('load_val_f64 ' + [loc, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['store_ptr'] = '''function(loc, bytes, offset, ptr) {
console.log('store_ptr ' + [loc, bytes, offset, ptr]);
return ptr;
send_items_map['store_val_i32'] = '''function(loc, value) {
console.log('store_val_i32 ' + [loc, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['store_val_i64'] = '''function(loc, low, high) {
console.log('store_val_i64 ' + [loc, low, high]);
return low;
send_items_map['store_val_f32'] = '''function(loc, value) {
console.log('store_val_f32 ' + [loc, value]);
return value;
send_items_map['store_val_f64'] = '''function(loc, value) {
console.log('store_val_f64 ' + [loc, value]);
return value;
def create_sending(invoke_funcs, metadata):
basic_funcs = []
if shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP:
basic_funcs += ['segfault', 'alignfault']
em_js_funcs = list(metadata['emJsFuncs'].keys())
declared_items = ['_' + item for item in metadata['declares']]
send_items = set(basic_funcs + invoke_funcs + em_js_funcs + declared_items)
def fix_import_name(g):
# Unlike fastcomp the wasm backend doesn't use the '_' prefix for native
# symbols. Emscripten currently expects symbols to start with '_' so we
# artificially add them to the output of emscripten-wasm-finalize and them
# strip them again here.
# note that we don't do this for EM_JS functions (which, rarely, may have
# a '_' prefix)
if g.startswith('_') and g not in metadata['emJsFuncs']:
return g[1:]
return g
send_items_map = OrderedDict()
for name in send_items:
internal_name = fix_import_name(name)
if internal_name in send_items_map:
exit_with_error('duplicate symbol in exports to wasm: %s', name)
send_items_map[internal_name] = name
sorted_keys = sorted(send_items_map.keys())
return '{\n ' + ',\n '.join('"' + k + '": ' + send_items_map[k] for k in sorted_keys) + '\n}'
def make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment):
wrappers = []
for name in exports:
mangled = asmjs_mangle(name)
# The emscripten stack functions are called very early (by writeStackCookie) before
# the runtime is initialized so we can't create these wrappers that check for
# runtimeInitialized.
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS and not name.startswith('emscripten_stack_'):
# With assertions enabled we create a wrapper that are calls get routed through, for
# the lifetime of the program.
if delay_assignment:
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = createExportWrapper("%(name)s");
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = createExportWrapper("%(name)s", asm);
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
elif delay_assignment:
# With assertions disabled the wrapper will replace the global var and Module var on
# first use.
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = function() {
return (%(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = Module["asm"]["%(name)s"]).apply(null, arguments);
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = asm["%(name)s"]
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
return wrappers
def create_receiving(exports, initializers):
# When not declaring asm exports this section is empty and we instead programatically export
# symbols on the global object by calling exportAsmFunctions after initialization
if not shared.Settings.DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS:
return ''
exports_that_are_not_initializers = [x for x in exports if x not in initializers]
receiving = []
# with WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION that asm object may not exist at this point in time
# so we need to support delayed assignment.
delay_assignment = shared.Settings.WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION and not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME
if not delay_assignment:
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In Wasm exports are assigned inside a function to variables existing in top level JS scope, i.e.
# var _main;
# WebAssembly.instantiate(Module["wasm"], imports).then((function(output) {
# var asm = output.instance.exports;
# _main = asm["_main"];
receiving += [asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In wasm2js exports can be directly processed at top level, i.e.
# var asm = Module["asm"](asmLibraryArg, buffer);
# var _main = asm["_main"];
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS and shared.Settings.MODULARIZE:
# TODO: As a temp solution, multithreaded MODULARIZED MINIMAL_RUNTIME builds export all
# symbols like regular runtime does.
# Fix this by migrating worker.js code to reside inside the Module so it is in the same
# scope as the rest of the JS code, or by defining an export syntax to MINIMAL_RUNTIME
# that multithreaded MODULARIZEd builds can export on.
receiving += [asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = Module["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"] = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
receiving += ['var ' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = asm["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"];' for s in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
receiving += make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment)
receiving += make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment)
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
return '\n '.join(receiving) + '\n'
return '\n'.join(receiving) + '\n'
def create_module(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, metadata):
invoke_wrappers = create_invoke_wrappers(invoke_funcs)
receiving += create_named_globals(metadata)
module = []
module.append('var asmLibraryArg = %s;\n' % (sending))
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY and shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
module.append("var asm = createWasm();\n")
return module
def load_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, DEBUG):
metadata_json = json.loads(metadata_raw)
except Exception:
logger.error('emscript: failure to parse metadata output from wasm-emscripten-finalize. raw output is: \n' + metadata_raw)
metadata = {
'declares': [],
'implementedFunctions': [],
'externs': [],
'simd': False, # Obsolete, always False
'staticBump': 0,
'tableSize': 0,
'initializers': [],
'exports': [],
'namedGlobals': {},
'emJsFuncs': {},
'asmConsts': {},
'invokeFuncs': [],
'features': [],
'mainReadsParams': 1,
assert 'tableSize' in metadata_json.keys()
for key, value in metadata_json.items():
# json.loads returns `unicode` for strings but other code in this file
# generally works with utf8 encoded `str` objects, and they don't alwasy
# mix well. e.g. s.replace(x, y) will blow up is `s` a uts8 str containing
# non-ascii and either x or y are unicode objects.
# TODO(sbc): Remove this encoding if we switch to unicode elsewhere
# (specifically the glue returned from compile_settings)
if type(value) == list:
value = [asstr(v) for v in value]
if key not in metadata:
exit_with_error('unexpected metadata key received from wasm-emscripten-finalize: %s', key)
metadata[key] = value
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In regular runtime initializers call the global var version of the export, so they get the mangled name.
# In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, the initializers are called directly off the export object for minimal code size.
metadata['initializers'] = [asmjs_mangle(i) for i in metadata['initializers']]
logger.debug("Metadata parsed: " + pprint.pformat(metadata))
# Calculate the subset of exports that were explicitly marked with llvm.used.
# These are any exports that were not requested on the command line and are
# not known auto-generated system functions.
unexpected_exports = [e for e in metadata['exports'] if treat_as_user_function(e)]
unexpected_exports = [asmjs_mangle(e) for e in unexpected_exports]
unexpected_exports = [e for e in unexpected_exports if e not in shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS]
building.user_requested_exports += unexpected_exports
# With the wasm backend the set of implemented functions is identical to the set of exports
# Set this key here simply so that the shared code that handle it.
metadata['implementedFunctions'] = [asmjs_mangle(x) for x in metadata['exports']]
return metadata
def create_invoke_wrappers(invoke_funcs):
"""Asm.js-style exception handling: invoke wrapper generation."""
invoke_wrappers = ''
for invoke in invoke_funcs:
sig = invoke[len('invoke_'):]
invoke_wrappers += '\n' + shared.JS.make_invoke(sig) + '\n'
return invoke_wrappers
def normalize_line_endings(text):
"""Normalize to UNIX line endings.
On Windows, writing to text file will duplicate \r\n to \r\r\n otherwise.
return text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
return text
def generate_struct_info():
generated_struct_info_name = 'generated_struct_info.json'
def generate_struct_info():
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('gen_struct_info'):
out = shared.Cache.get_path(generated_struct_info_name)
gen_struct_info.main(['-q', '-o', out])
return out
shared.Settings.STRUCT_INFO = shared.Cache.get(generated_struct_info_name, generate_struct_info)
def run(in_wasm, out_wasm, outfile_js, memfile):
temp_files = shared.configuration.get_temp_files()
if not shared.Settings.BOOTSTRAPPING_STRUCT_INFO:
return temp_files.run_and_clean(lambda: emscript(
in_wasm, out_wasm, outfile_js, memfile, temp_files, shared.DEBUG)