blob: 8abac23c8cc57be19a1aea217d2b2ddcc56320d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2013 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# noqa: E241
from __future__ import print_function
from functools import wraps
import glob
import gzip
import itertools
import json
import os
import pipes
import re
import select
import shlex
import shutil
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import tempfile
import unittest
import uuid
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise Exception('do not run this file directly; do something like: tests/ other')
from tools.shared import run_js, run_process, try_delete, listify
from tools.shared import CLANG_CC, CLANG_CXX, LLVM_AR, LLVM_DWARFDUMP
from runner import RunnerCore, path_from_root, no_wasm_backend, no_fastcomp, is_slow_test, ensure_dir
from runner import needs_dlfcn, env_modify, no_windows, chdir, with_env_modify, create_test_file, parameterized
from tools import jsrun, shared, building
import clang_native
import tools.line_endings
import tools.js_optimizer
import tools.tempfiles
import tools.duplicate_function_eliminator
scons_path = shared.which('scons')
emmake = shared.bat_suffix(path_from_root('emmake'))
emcmake = shared.bat_suffix(path_from_root('emcmake'))
emconfigure = shared.bat_suffix(path_from_root('emconfigure'))
emconfig = shared.bat_suffix(path_from_root('em-config'))
emsize = shared.bat_suffix(path_from_root('emsize'))
class temp_directory(object):
def __init__(self, dirname):
self.dir = dirname
def __enter__(self): = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='emtest_temp_', dir=self.dir)
self.prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
print('temp_directory: ' +
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def uses_canonical_tmp(func):
"""Decorator that signals the use of the canonical temp by a test method.
This decorator takes care of cleaning the directory after the
test to satisfy the leak detector.
def decorated(self):
# Before running the test completely remove the canonical_tmp
if os.path.exists(self.canonical_temp_dir):
# Make sure the test isn't lying about the fact that it uses
# canonical_tmp
# Remove the temp dir in a try-finally, as otherwise if the
# test fails we would not clean it up, and if leak detection
# is set we will show that error instead of the actual one.
return decorated
def is_python3_version_supported():
"""Retuns True if the installed python3 version is supported by emscripten.
Note: Emscripten requires python3.5 or above since python3.4 and below do not
support circular dependencies."""
python3 = shared.which('python3')
print(' python3 =', python3)
output = run_process([python3, '--version'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
print(' output =', output, output.split())
output = output.split()[1]
# ignore final component which can contains non-integers (e.g 'rc1')
version = [int(x) for x in output.split('.')[:2]]
return version >= [3, 5]
except Exception:
# If anything goes wrong (no python3, unexpected output format), then we do
# not support this python3
return False
def encode_leb(number):
# TODO(sbc): handle larger numbers
assert(number < 255)
# pack the integer then take only the first (little end) byte
return struct.pack('<i', number)[:1]
def get_fastcomp_src_dir():
"""Locate fastcomp source tree by searching realtive to LLVM_ROOT."""
key_file = 'readme-emscripten-fastcomp.txt'
while d != os.path.dirname(d):
d = os.path.abspath(d)
# when the build directory lives below the source directory
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, key_file)):
return d
# when the build directory lives alongside the source directory
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'src', key_file)):
return os.path.join(d, 'src')
d = os.path.dirname(d)
return None
def parse_wasm(filename):
wat = run_process([os.path.join(building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis'), filename], stdout=PIPE).stdout
imports = []
exports = []
funcs = []
for line in wat.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('(import '):
line = line.strip('()')
name = line.split()[2].strip('"')
if line.startswith('(export '):
line = line.strip('()')
name = line.split()[1].strip('"')
if line.startswith('(func '):
line = line.strip('()')
name = line.split()[1].strip('"')
return imports, exports, funcs
class other(RunnerCore):
# Utility to run a simple test in this suite. This receives a directory which
# should contain a test.cpp and test.out files, compiles the cpp, and runs it
# to verify the output, with optional compile and run arguments.
# TODO: use in more places
def do_other_test(self, dirname, emcc_args=[], run_args=[]):
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', dirname, 'test.cpp'), 'test.cpp')
run_process([EMCC, 'test.cpp'] + emcc_args)
expected = open(path_from_root('tests', dirname, 'test.out')).read()
seen = run_js('a.out.js', args=run_args, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True) + '\n'
self.assertContained(expected, seen)
# Another utility to run a test in this suite. This receives a source file
# to compile, with optional compiler and execution flags.
# Output can be checked by seeing if literals are contained, and that a list
# of regexes match. The return code can also be checked.
def do_smart_test(self, source, literals=[], regexes=[],
emcc_args=[], run_args=[], assert_returncode=0):
run_process([EMCC, source] + emcc_args)
seen = run_js('a.out.js', args=run_args, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True,
assert_returncode=assert_returncode) + '\n'
for literal in literals:
self.assertContained([literal], seen)
for regex in regexes:
self.assertTrue(, seen), 'Expected regex "%s" to match on:\n%s' % (regex, seen))
def run_on_pty(self, cmd):
master, slave = os.openpty()
output = []
env = os.environ.copy()
env['TERM'] = 'xterm-color'
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=slave, stderr=slave, env=env)
while proc.poll() is None:
r, w, x =[master], [], [], 1)
if r:
output.append(, 1024))
return (proc.returncode, b''.join(output))
def test_emcc_v(self):
for compiler in [EMCC, EMXX]:
# -v, without input files
proc = run_process([compiler, '-v'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained('clang version %s' % shared.expected_llvm_version(), proc.stderr)
self.assertContained('GNU', proc.stderr)
self.assertNotContained('this is dangerous', proc.stdout)
self.assertNotContained('this is dangerous', proc.stderr)
def test_emcc_generate_config(self):
for compiler in [EMCC, EMXX]:
config_path = './emscripten_config'
run_process([compiler, '--generate-config', config_path])
self.assertExists(config_path, 'A config file should have been created at %s' % config_path)
config_contents = open(config_path).read()
self.assertContained('EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT', config_contents)
self.assertContained('LLVM_ROOT', config_contents)
def test_emcc_output_mjs(self):
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'hello_world.mjs', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
with open('hello_world.mjs') as f:
output =
self.assertContained('export default Module;', output)
# TODO(sbc): Test that this is actually runnable. We currently don't have
# any tests for EXPORT_ES6 but once we do this should be enabled.
# self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('hello_world.mjs'))
def test_emcc_out_file(self):
# Verify that "-ofile" works in addition to "-o" "file"
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-ofoo.o', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
run_process([EMCC, '-ofoo.js', 'foo.o'])
'c': [EMCC, '.c'],
'cxx': [EMXX, '.cpp']})
def test_emcc_basics(self, compiler, suffix):
# emcc src.cpp ==> writes a.out.js and a.out.wasm
run_process([compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world' + suffix)])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
# --version
output = run_process([compiler, '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output = output.stdout.replace('\r', '')
self.assertContained('emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement)', output)
self.assertContained('''Copyright (C) 2014 the Emscripten authors (see AUTHORS.txt)
This is free and open source software under the MIT license.
''', output)
# --help
output = run_process([compiler, '--help'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained('Display this information', output.stdout)
self.assertContained('Most clang options will work', output.stdout)
# -dumpmachine
output = run_process([compiler, '-dumpmachine'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained(shared.get_llvm_target(), output.stdout)
# -dumpversion
output = run_process([compiler, '-dumpversion'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertEqual(shared.EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION, output.stdout.strip())
# properly report source code errors, and stop there
stderr = self.expect_fail([compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world_error' + suffix)])
self.assertNotContained('IOError', stderr) # no python stack
self.assertNotContained('Traceback', stderr) # no python stack
self.assertContained('error: invalid preprocessing directive', stderr)
self.assertContained(["error: use of undeclared identifier 'cheez", "error: unknown type name 'cheez'"], stderr)
self.assertContained('errors generated.', stderr.splitlines()[-2])
'c': [EMCC, '.c'],
'cxx': [EMXX, '.cpp']})
def test_emcc_2(self, compiler, suffix):
# emcc src.cpp -c and emcc src.cpp -o src.[o|bc] ==> should give a .bc file
for args in [['-c'], ['-o', 'src.o'], ['-o', 'src.bc'], ['-o', ''], ['-O1', '-c', '-o', '/dev/null'], ['-O1', '-o', '/dev/null']]:
print('args:', args)
if '/dev/null' in args and WINDOWS:
print('skip because windows')
target = args[1] if len(args) == 2 else 'hello_world.o'
run_process([compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world' + suffix)] + args)
if args[-1] == '/dev/null':
print('(no output)')
syms = building.llvm_nm(target)
self.assertIn('main', syms.defs)
if self.is_wasm_backend():
# wasm backend will also have '__original_main' or such
self.assertEqual(len(syms.defs), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(syms.defs), 1)
if target == 'js': # make sure emcc can recognize the target as a bitcode file
shutil.move(target, target + '.bc')
target += '.bc'
run_process([compiler, target, '-o', target + '.js'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js(target + '.js'))
'c': [EMCC, '.c'],
'cxx': [EMXX, '.cpp']})
def test_emcc_3(self, compiler, suffix):
# handle singleton archives
run_process([compiler, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world' + suffix), '-o', 'a.o'])
run_process([LLVM_AR, 'r', 'a.a', 'a.o'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
run_process([compiler, 'a.a'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
# emcc src.ll ==> generates .js
run_process([compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.ll')])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
# emcc [..] -o [path] ==> should work with absolute paths
for path in [os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', 'file1.js')), os.path.join('b_dir', 'file2.js')]:
ensure_dir(os.path.join('a_dir', 'b_dir'))
# use single file so we don't have more files to clean up
run_process([compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world' + suffix), '-o', path, '-s', 'SINGLE_FILE=1'])
last = os.getcwd()
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js(os.path.basename(path)))
'c': [EMCC],
'cxx': [EMXX]})
def test_emcc_4(self, compiler):
# Optimization: emcc src.cpp -o something.js [-Ox]. -O0 is the same as not specifying any optimization setting
for params, opt_level, bc_params, closure, has_malloc in [ # bc params are used after compiling to bitcode
(['-o', 'something.js'], 0, None, 0, 1),
(['-o', 'something.js', '-O0'], 0, None, 0, 0),
(['-o', 'something.js', '-O1'], 1, None, 0, 0),
(['-o', 'something.js', '-O1', '-g'], 1, None, 0, 0), # no closure since debug
(['-o', 'something.js', '-O2'], 2, None, 0, 1),
(['-o', 'something.js', '-O2', '-g'], 2, None, 0, 0),
(['-o', 'something.js', '-Os'], 2, None, 0, 1),
(['-o', 'something.js', '-O3'], 3, None, 0, 1),
# and, test compiling to bitcode first
(['-o', 'something.bc'], 0, [], 0, 0),
(['-o', 'something.bc', '-O0'], 0, [], 0, 0),
(['-o', 'something.bc', '-O1'], 1, ['-O1'], 0, 0),
(['-o', 'something.bc', '-O2'], 2, ['-O2'], 0, 0),
(['-o', 'something.bc', '-O3'], 3, ['-O3'], 0, 0),
(['-O1', '-o', 'something.bc'], 1, [], 0, 0),
# non-wasm
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js'], 0, None, 0, 1),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js', '-O0'], 0, None, 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js', '-O1'], 1, None, 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js', '-O1', '-g'], 1, None, 0, 0), # no closure since debug
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js', '-O2'], 2, None, 0, 1),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js', '-O2', '-g'], 2, None, 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js', '-Os'], 2, None, 0, 1),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.js', '-O3'], 3, None, 0, 1),
# and, test compiling to bitcode first
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.bc'], 0, ['-s', 'WASM=0'], 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.bc', '-O0'], 0, ['-s', 'WASM=0'], 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.bc', '-O1'], 1, ['-s', 'WASM=0', '-O1'], 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.bc', '-O2'], 2, ['-s', 'WASM=0', '-O2'], 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', 'something.bc', '-O3'], 3, ['-s', 'WASM=0', '-O3'], 0, 0),
(['-s', 'WASM=0', '-O1', '-o', 'something.bc'], 1, ['-s', 'WASM=0'], 0, 0),
if 'WASM=0' in params and self.is_wasm_backend():
print(params, opt_level, bc_params, closure, has_malloc)
keep_debug = '-g' in params
args = [compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world_loop' + ('_malloc' if has_malloc else '') + '.cpp')] + params
print('..', args)
output = run_process(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert len(output.stdout) == 0, output.stdout
if bc_params is not None:
self.assertExists('something.bc', output.stderr)
bc_args = [compiler, 'something.bc', '-o', 'something.js'] + bc_params
print('....', bc_args)
output = run_process(bc_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertExists('something.js', output.stderr)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('something.js'))
# Verify optimization level etc. in the generated code
# XXX these are quite sensitive, and will need updating when code generation changes
generated = open('something.js').read()
main = self.get_func(generated, '_main') if 'function _main' in generated else generated
assert 'new Uint16Array' in generated and 'new Uint32Array' in generated, 'typed arrays 2 should be used by default'
assert 'SAFE_HEAP' not in generated, 'safe heap should not be used by default'
assert ': while(' not in main, 'when relooping we also js-optimize, so there should be no labelled whiles'
if closure:
if opt_level == 0:
assert '._main =' in generated, 'closure compiler should have been run'
elif opt_level >= 1:
assert '._main=' in generated, 'closure compiler should have been run (and output should be minified)'
# closure has not been run, we can do some additional checks. TODO: figure out how to do these even with closure
assert '._main = ' not in generated, 'closure compiler should not have been run'
if keep_debug:
assert ('switch (label)' in generated or 'switch (label | 0)' in generated) == (opt_level <= 0), 'relooping should be in opt >= 1'
assert ('assert(STACKTOP < STACK_MAX' in generated) == (opt_level == 0), 'assertions should be in opt == 0'
if 'WASM=0' in params:
if opt_level >= 2 and '-g' in params:
assert'HEAP8\[\$?\w+ ?\+ ?\(+\$?\w+ ?', generated) or'HEAP8\[HEAP32\[', generated) or'[i$]\d+ & ~\(1 << [i$]\d+\)', generated), 'eliminator should create compound expressions, and fewer one-time vars' # also in -O1, but easier to test in -O2
looks_unminified = ' = {}' in generated and ' = []' in generated
looks_minified = '={}' in generated and '=[]' and ';var' in generated
assert not (looks_minified and looks_unminified)
if opt_level == 0 or '-g' in params:
assert looks_unminified
elif opt_level >= 2:
assert looks_minified
@no_wasm_backend('tests for asmjs optimzer')
'c': [EMCC],
'cxx': [EMXX]})
def test_emcc_5(self, compiler):
# asm.js optimization levels
for params, test, text in [
(['-O2'], lambda generated: 'function addRunDependency' in generated, 'shell has unminified utilities'),
(['-O2', '--closure', '1'], lambda generated: 'function addRunDependency' not in generated and ';function' in generated, 'closure minifies the shell, removes whitespace'),
(['-O2', '--closure', '1', '-g1'], lambda generated: 'function addRunDependency' not in generated and ';function' not in generated, 'closure minifies the shell, -g1 makes it keep whitespace'),
(['-O2'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' in generated and 'function _main' not in generated, 'registerize/minify is run by default in -O2'),
(['-O2', '--minify', '0'], lambda generated: 'var b = 0' in generated and 'function _main' not in generated, 'minify is cancelled, but not registerize'),
(['-O2', '--js-opts', '0'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' not in generated and 'var b = 0' not in generated and 'function _main' in generated, 'js opts are cancelled'),
(['-O2', '-g'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' not in generated and 'var b = 0' not in generated and 'function _main' in generated, 'registerize/minify is cancelled by -g'),
(['-O2', '-g0'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' in generated and 'function _main' not in generated, 'registerize/minify is run by default in -O2 -g0'),
(['-O2', '-g1'], lambda generated: 'var b = 0' in generated and 'function _main' not in generated, 'compress is cancelled by -g1'),
(['-O2', '-g2'], lambda generated: ('var b = 0' in generated or 'var i1 = 0' in generated) and 'function _main' in generated, 'minify is cancelled by -g2'),
(['-O2', '-g3'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' not in generated and 'var b = 0' not in generated and 'function _main' in generated, 'registerize is cancelled by -g3'),
(['-O2', '--profiling'], lambda generated: ('var b = 0' in generated or 'var i1 = 0' in generated) and 'function _main' in generated, 'similar to -g2'),
(['-O2', '-profiling'], lambda generated: ('var b = 0' in generated or 'var i1 = 0' in generated) and 'function _main' in generated, 'similar to -g2'),
(['-O2', '--profiling-funcs'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' in generated and '"use asm";var a=' in generated and 'function _main' in generated, 'very minified, but retain function names'),
(['-O2', '-profiling-funcs'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' in generated and '"use asm";var a=' in generated and 'function _main' in generated, 'very minified, but retain function names'),
(['-O2'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' in generated and '"use asm";var a=' in generated and 'function _main' not in generated, 'very minified, no function names'),
# (['-O2', '-g4'], lambda generated: 'var b=0' not in generated and 'var b = 0' not in generated and 'function _main' in generated, 'same as -g3 for now'),
(['-s', 'INLINING_LIMIT=0'], lambda generated: 'function _dump' in generated, 'no inlining without opts'),
([], lambda generated: 'Module["_dump"]' not in generated, 'dump is not exported by default'),
(['-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_dump"]'], lambda generated: 'Module["_dump"] =' in generated, 'dump is now exported'),
(['--llvm-opts', '1'], lambda generated: '_puts(' in generated, 'llvm opts requested'),
([], lambda generated: '// Sometimes an existing Module' in generated, 'without opts, comments in shell code'),
(['-O2'], lambda generated: '// Sometimes an existing Module' not in generated, 'with opts, no comments in shell code'),
(['-O2', '-g2'], lambda generated: '// Sometimes an existing Module' not in generated, 'with -g2, no comments in shell code'),
(['-O2', '-g3'], lambda generated: '// Sometimes an existing Module' in generated, 'with -g3, yes comments in shell code'),
print(params, text)
run_process([compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world_loop.cpp'), '-o', 'a.out.js', '-s', 'WASM=0'] + params)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
assert test(open('a.out.js').read()), text
def test_multiple_sources(self):
# Compiling two sources at a time should work.
cmd = [EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_main.cpp'), path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_side.c')]
# Object files should be generated by default in the current working
# directory, and not alongside the sources.
self.assertNotExists(path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_main.o'))
self.assertNotExists(path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_side.o'))
# But it is an error if '-o' is also specified.
err = self.expect_fail(cmd + ['-o', 'out.o'])
self.assertContained('cannot specify -o with -c/-S and multiple source files', err)
self.assertNotExists(path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_main.o'))
self.assertNotExists(path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_side.o'))
def test_combining_object_files(self):
# Compiling two files with -c will generate separate object files
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_main.cpp'), path_from_root('tests', 'twopart_side.c'), '-c'])
# Linking with just one of them is expected to fail
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'twopart_main.o'])
self.assertContained('undefined symbol: theFunc', err)
# Linking with both should work
run_process([EMCC, 'twopart_main.o', 'twopart_side.o'])
self.assertContained('side got: hello from main, over', run_js('a.out.js'))
# Combining object files into another object should also work, using the `-r` flag
run_process([EMCC, '-r', 'twopart_main.o', 'twopart_side.o', '-o', 'combined.o'])
# We also support building without the `-r` flag but expect a warning
err = run_process([EMCC, 'twopart_main.o', 'twopart_side.o', '-o', 'combined2.o'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertBinaryEqual('combined.o', 'combined2.o')
self.assertContained('warning: Assuming object file output in the absence of `-c`', err)
# Should be two symbols (and in the wasm backend, also __original_main)
syms = building.llvm_nm('combined.o')
self.assertIn('main', syms.defs)
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertEqual(len(syms.defs), 3)
self.assertEqual(len(syms.defs), 2)
run_process([EMCC, 'combined.o', '-o', 'combined.o.js'])
self.assertContained('side got: hello from main, over', run_js('combined.o.js'))
def test_js_transform(self):
with open('', 'w') as f:
import sys
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'a')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--js-transform', '%s' % (PYTHON)])
self.assertIn('transformed!', open('a.out.js').read())
@no_wasm_backend("wasm backend alwasy embedds memory")
def test_js_mem_file(self):
for opts in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
print('mem init in', opts)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '-O' + str(opts)])
if opts >= 2:
def test_emcc_asm_v_wasm(self):
for opts in ([], ['-O1'], ['-O2'], ['-O3']):
print('opts', opts)
for mode in ([], ['-s', 'WASM=0']):
wasm = '=0' not in str(mode)
print(' mode', mode, 'wasm?', wasm)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')] + opts + mode)
if wasm:
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
print(' engine', engine)
out = run_js('a.out.js', engine=engine, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', out)
if not wasm and engine == SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE:
if not wasm and not self.is_wasm_backend():
src = open('a.out.js').read()
if opts == []:
self.assertContained('almost asm', src)
self.assertContained('use asm', src)
def test_emcc_cflags(self):
output = run_process([EMCC, '--cflags'], stdout=PIPE)
flags = output.stdout.strip()
self.assertContained(' '.join(building.doublequote_spaces(shared.emsdk_cflags([], False))), flags)
output = run_process([EMXX, '--cflags'], stdout=PIPE)
flags = output.stdout.strip()
self.assertContained(' '.join(building.doublequote_spaces(shared.emsdk_cflags([], True))), flags)
# check they work
cmd = [CLANG_CXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')] + shlex.split(flags.replace('\\', '\\\\')) + ['-c', '-emit-llvm', '-o', 'a.bc']
run_process([EMCC, 'a.bc'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_emcc_print_search_dirs(self):
result = run_process([EMCC, '-print-search-dirs'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained('programs: =', result.stdout)
self.assertContained('libraries: =', result.stdout)
def test_emar_em_config_flag(self):
# Test that the --em-config flag is accepted but not passed down do llvm-ar.
# We expand this in case the EM_CONFIG is ~/.emscripten (default)
config = os.path.expanduser(shared.EM_CONFIG)
proc = run_process([EMAR, '--em-config', config, '-version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertEqual(proc.stderr, "")
self.assertContained('LLVM', proc.stdout)
def test_emsize(self):
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_emsize.out')) as expected_output:
expected =
cmd = [emsize, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_emsize.js')]
for command in [cmd, cmd + ['-format=sysv']]:
output = run_process(cmd, stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained(expected, output)
# ('directory to the test', 'output filename', ['extra args to pass to
# CMake']) Testing all combinations would be too much work and the test
# would take 10 minutes+ to finish (CMake feature detection is slow), so
# combine multiple features into one to try to cover as much as possible
# while still keeping this test in sensible time limit.
'js': ('target_js', 'test_cmake.js', ['-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug']),
'html': ('target_html', 'hello_world_gles.html', ['-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release']),
'library': ('target_library', 'libtest_cmake.a', ['-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel']),
'static_cpp': ('target_library', 'libtest_cmake.a', ['-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo', '-DCPP_LIBRARY_TYPE=STATIC']),
'stdproperty': ('stdproperty', 'helloworld.js', [])
def test_cmake(self, test_dir, output_file, cmake_args):
# Test all supported generators.
generators = ['MinGW Makefiles', 'NMake Makefiles']
generators = ['Unix Makefiles', 'Ninja', 'Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja']
configurations = {'MinGW Makefiles' : {'build' : ['mingw32-make'] }, # noqa
'NMake Makefiles' : {'build' : ['nmake', '/NOLOGO']}, # noqa
'Unix Makefiles' : {'build' : ['make']}, # noqa
'Ninja' : {'build' : ['ninja']}, # noqa
'Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja': {'build' : ['ninja']}, # noqa
for generator in generators:
conf = configurations[generator]
if not shared.which(conf['build'][0]):
# Use simple test if applicable
print('Skipping %s test for CMake support; build tool found found: %s.' % (generator, conf['build'][0]))
cmakelistsdir = path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', test_dir)
with temp_directory(self.get_dir()) as tempdirname:
# Run Cmake
cmd = [emcmake, 'cmake'] + cmake_args + ['-G', generator, cmakelistsdir]
env = os.environ.copy()
# Check that CMake works even if EMCC_SKIP_SANITY_CHECK=1 is passed.
if test_dir == 'target_html':
ret = run_process(cmd, env=env, stdout=None if EM_BUILD_VERBOSE >= 2 else PIPE, stderr=None if EM_BUILD_VERBOSE >= 1 else PIPE)
if ret.stderr is not None and len(ret.stderr.strip()):
print(ret.stderr) # If there were any errors, print them directly to console for diagnostics.
if ret.stderr is not None and 'error' in ret.stderr.lower():
print('Failed command: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
print('Result:\n' + ret.stderr)'cmake call failed!')
# Build
cmd = conf['build']
if EM_BUILD_VERBOSE >= 3 and 'Ninja' not in generator:
cmd += ['VERBOSE=1']
ret = run_process(cmd, stdout=None if EM_BUILD_VERBOSE >= 2 else PIPE)
if ret.stderr is not None and len(ret.stderr.strip()):
print(ret.stderr) # If there were any errors, print them directly to console for diagnostics.
if ret.stdout is not None and 'error' in ret.stdout.lower() and '0 error(s)' not in ret.stdout.lower():
print('Failed command: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
print('Result:\n' + ret.stdout)'make failed!')
self.assertExists(tempdirname + '/' + output_file, 'building a cmake-generated Makefile failed to produce an output file %s!' % tempdirname + '/' + output_file)
# Run through node, if CMake produced a .js file.
if output_file.endswith('.js'):
ret = run_process(NODE_JS + [tempdirname + '/' + output_file], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertTextDataIdentical(open(cmakelistsdir + '/out.txt').read().strip(), ret.strip())
# Test that the various CMAKE_xxx_COMPILE_FEATURES that are advertised for the Emscripten toolchain match with the actual language features that Clang supports.
# If we update LLVM version and this test fails, copy over the new advertised features from Clang and place them to cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake.
@no_windows('Skipped on Windows because CMake does not configure native Clang builds well on Windows.')
def test_cmake_compile_features(self):
with temp_directory(self.get_dir()):
cmd = ['cmake', '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=' + CLANG_CC, '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=' + CLANG_CXX, path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'stdproperty')]
native_features = run_process(cmd, stdout=PIPE).stdout
with temp_directory(self.get_dir()):
cmd = [emcmake, 'cmake', path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'stdproperty')]
emscripten_features = run_process(cmd, stdout=PIPE).stdout
native_features = '\n'.join([x for x in native_features.split('\n') if '***' in x])
emscripten_features = '\n'.join([x for x in emscripten_features.split('\n') if '***' in x])
self.assertTextDataIdentical(native_features, emscripten_features)
# Tests that it's possible to pass C++11 or GNU++11 build modes to CMake by building code that needs C++11 (embind)
def test_cmake_with_embind_cpp11_mode(self):
for args in [[], ['-DNO_GNU_EXTENSIONS=1']]:
with temp_directory(self.get_dir()) as tempdirname:
configure = [emcmake, 'cmake', path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'cmake_with_emval')] + args
build = ['cmake', '--build', '.']
ret = run_process(NODE_JS + [os.path.join(tempdirname, 'cpp_with_emscripten_val.js')], stdout=PIPE).stdout.strip()
if '-DNO_GNU_EXTENSIONS=1' in args:
self.assertTextDataIdentical('Hello! __STRICT_ANSI__: 1, __cplusplus: 201103', ret)
self.assertTextDataIdentical('Hello! __STRICT_ANSI__: 0, __cplusplus: 201103', ret)
# Tests that the Emscripten CMake toolchain option
def test_cmake_bitcode_static_libraries(self):
if self.is_wasm_backend():
# Test that this option produces an error with the llvm backend
err = self.expect_fail([emcmake, 'cmake', path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'static_lib'), '-DEMSCRIPTEN_GENERATE_BITCODE_STATIC_LIBRARIES=ON'])
self.assertContained('EMSCRIPTEN_GENERATE_BITCODE_STATIC_LIBRARIES is not compatible with the', err)
# Test that building static libraries by default generates UNIX archives (.a, with the emar tool)
run_process([emcmake, 'cmake', path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'static_lib')])
run_process(['cmake', '--build', '.'])
run_process([EMAR, 'x', 'libstatic_lib.a'])
found = False # hashing makes the object name random
for x in os.listdir('.'):
if x.endswith('.o'):
found = True
if self.is_wasm_backend():
assert building.is_wasm(x)
assert building.is_bitcode(x)
assert found
# directive causes CMake to generate LLVM bitcode files as static libraries
# (.bc)
run_process([emcmake, 'cmake', '-DEMSCRIPTEN_GENERATE_BITCODE_STATIC_LIBRARIES=ON', path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'static_lib')])
run_process(['cmake', '--build', '.'])
if self.is_wasm_backend():
assert building.is_wasm('libstatic_lib.bc')
assert building.is_bitcode('libstatic_lib.bc')
assert not building.is_ar('libstatic_lib.bc')
# Test that one is able to fake custom suffixes for static libraries.
# (sometimes projects want to emulate stuff, and do weird things like files
# with ".so" suffix which are in fact either ar archives or bitcode files)
run_process([emcmake, 'cmake', '-DSET_FAKE_SUFFIX_IN_PROJECT=1', path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'static_lib')])
run_process(['cmake', '--build', '.'])
assert building.is_ar('myprefix_static_lib.somecustomsuffix')
# Tests that the CMake variable EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION is properly provided to user CMake scripts
def test_cmake_emscripten_version(self):
run_process([emcmake, 'cmake', path_from_root('tests', 'cmake', 'emscripten_version')])
def test_system_include_paths(self):
# Verify that all default include paths are within `emscripten/system`
def verify_includes(stderr):
self.assertContained('<...> search starts here:', stderr)
assert stderr.count('End of search list.') == 1, stderr
start = stderr.index('<...> search starts here:')
end = stderr.index('End of search list.')
includes = stderr[start:end]
includes = [i.strip() for i in includes.splitlines()[1:-1]]
for i in includes:
if shared.Cache.dirname in i:
self.assertContained(shared.Cache.dirname, i)
self.assertContained(path_from_root('system'), i)
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-v'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
err = run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-v'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
def test_failure_error_code(self):
for compiler in [EMCC, EMXX]:
# Test that if one file is missing from the build, then emcc shouldn't succeed, and shouldn't produce an output file.
self.expect_fail([compiler, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'this_file_is_missing.c', '-o', 'out.js'])
def test_use_cxx(self):
create_test_file('empty_file', ' ')
dash_xc = run_process([EMCC, '-v', '-xc', 'empty_file'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('-x c++', dash_xc)
dash_xcpp = run_process([EMCC, '-v', '-xc++', 'empty_file'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('-x c++', dash_xcpp)
def test_cxx11(self):
for std in ['-std=c++11', '--std=c++11']:
for compiler in [EMCC, EMXX]:
run_process([compiler, std, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_cxx11.cpp')])
# Regression test for issue #4522: Incorrect CC vs CXX detection
def test_incorrect_c_detection(self):
# This auto-detection only works for the compile phase.
# For linking you need to use `em++` or pass `-x c++`
create_test_file('test.c', 'foo\n')
for compiler in [EMCC, EMXX]:
run_process([compiler, '-c', '--bind', '--embed-file', 'test.c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')])
def test_odd_suffixes(self):
for suffix in ['CPP', 'c++', 'C++', 'cxx', 'CXX', 'cc', 'CC', 'i', 'ii']:
if self.is_wasm_backend() and suffix == 'ii':
# wasm backend treats .i and .ii specially and considers them already
# pre-processed. Because if this is strips all the -D command line
# flags, including the __EMSCRIPTEN__ define, which makes this fail
# to compile since libcxx/__config depends in __EMSCRIPTEN__.
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'test.' + suffix)
run_process([EMCC, self.in_dir('test.' + suffix)])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
for suffix in ['lo']:
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'binary.' + suffix])
run_process([EMCC, 'binary.' + suffix])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
@no_wasm_backend('asm.js minification')
def test_asm_minify(self):
def test(args):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world_loop_malloc.cpp'), '-s', 'WASM=0'] + args)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
return open('a.out.js').read()
src = test([])
assert 'function _malloc' in src
src = test(['-O2', '-s', 'ASM_JS=1'])
normal_size = len(src)
print('normal', normal_size)
assert 'function _malloc' not in src
src = test(['-O2', '-s', 'ASM_JS=1', '--minify', '0'])
unminified_size = len(src)
print('unminified', unminified_size)
assert unminified_size > normal_size
assert 'function _malloc' not in src
src = test(['-O2', '-s', 'ASM_JS=1', '-g'])
debug_size = len(src)
print('debug', debug_size)
self.assertGreater(debug_size, unminified_size)
self.assertContained('function _malloc', src)
@no_wasm_backend('tests fastcomp extra assertions for function pointer errors - do we need these?')
def test_dangerous_func_cast(self):
src = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void (*voidfunc)();
int my_func() {
printf("my func\n");
return 10;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
voidfunc fps[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
fps[i] = (i == argc) ? (void (*)())my_func : NULL;
fps[2 * (argc-1) + 1]();
return 0;
create_test_file('src.c', src)
def test(args, expected):
print(args, expected)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c'] + args, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None))
if self.is_wasm_backend():
print('in asm.js')
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'WASM=0'] + args, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None))
# TODO: emulation function support in wasm is imperfect
print('with emulated function pointers in asm.js')
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'WASM=0', 'src.c', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=1'] + args + ['-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1'], stderr=PIPE)
out = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None)
self.assertContained(expected, out)
# fastcomp. all asm, so it can't just work with wrong sigs. but,
# ASSERTIONS=2 gives much better info to debug
# Case 1: No useful info, but does mention ASSERTIONS
test(['-O1'], 'ASSERTIONS')
# Case 2: Some useful text
test(['-O1', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=1'], [
'Invalid function pointer',
"called with signature 'v'. Perhaps this is an invalid value",
'Build with ASSERTIONS=2 for more info'
# Case 3: actually useful identity of the bad pointer, with comparisons to
# what it would be in other types/tables
test(['-O1', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=2'], [
'Invalid function pointer',
"called with signature 'v'. Perhaps this is an invalid value",
'This pointer might make sense in another type signature:',
'Invalid function pointer',
"called with signature 'v'. Perhaps this is an invalid value",
"i: asm['_my_func']"
# Case 4: emulate so it works
test(['-O1', '-s', 'EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS=1'], 'my func\n')
@no_wasm_backend('uses EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS')
def test_emulate_function_pointer_casts_assertions_2(self):
# check empty tables work with assertions 2 in this mode (#6554)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=2'])
def test_wl_linkflags(self):
# Test path -L and -l via -Wl, arguments and -Wl, response files
create_test_file('main.cpp', '''
extern "C" void printey();
int main() {
return 0;
create_test_file('libfile.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" void printey() {
printf("hello from lib\\n");
create_test_file('linkflags.txt', '''
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libfile.o', 'libfile.cpp'])
run_process([EMAR, 'cr', 'libfoo.a', 'libfile.o'])
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-L.', '-lfoo'])
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-Wl,-L.', '-Wl,-lfoo'])
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-Wl,@linkflags.txt'])
def test_l_link(self):
# Linking with -lLIBNAME and -L/DIRNAME should work, also should work with spaces
create_test_file('main.cpp', '''
extern void printey();
int main() {
return 0;
create_test_file('libfile.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
void printey() {
printf("hello from lib\\n");
libfile = self.in_dir('libdir', '')
aout = 'a.out.js'
def build(path, args):
run_process([EMCC, path] + args)
# Test linking the library built here by emcc
build('libfile.cpp', ['-c'])
shutil.move('libfile.o', libfile)
build('main.cpp', ['-L' + 'libdir', '-lfile'])
self.assertContained('hello from lib', run_js(aout))
# Also test execution with `-l c` and space-separated library linking syntax
build('libfile.cpp', ['-c', '-l', 'c'])
shutil.move('libfile.o', libfile)
build('main.cpp', ['-L', 'libdir', '-l', 'file'])
self.assertContained('hello from lib', run_js(aout))
# Must not leave unneeded linker stubs
def test_commons_link(self):
create_test_file('a.h', r'''
#if !defined(A_H)
#define A_H
extern int foo[8];
create_test_file('a.c', r'''
#include "a.h"
int foo[8];
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include "a.h"
int main() {
printf("|%d|\n", foo[0]);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'a.o', 'a.c'])
run_process([EMAR, 'rv', 'library.a', 'a.o'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'main.o', 'main.c'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'a.js', 'main.o', 'library.a'])
self.assertContained('|0|', run_js('a.js'))
'expand_symlinks': [[]],
'no_canonical_prefixes': [['-no-canonical-prefixes']],
@no_windows('Windows does not support symlinks')
def test_symlink_points_to_bad_suffix(self, flags):
"""Tests compiling a symlink where foobar.c points to
In this case, we should always successfully compile the code."""
create_test_file('', 'int main(){ return 0; }')
os.symlink('', 'foobar.c')
run_process([EMCC, 'foobar.c', '-o', 'foobar.bc'] + flags)
'expand_symlinks': ([], True),
'no_canonical_prefixes': (['-no-canonical-prefixes'], False),
@no_windows('Windows does not support symlinks')
def test_symlink_has_bad_suffix(self, flags, expect_success):
"""Tests compiling a symlink where points to foobar.c.
In this case, setting -no-canonical-prefixes will result in a build failure
due to the inappropriate file suffix on"""
create_test_file('foobar.c', 'int main(){ return 0; }')
os.symlink('foobar.c', '')
proc = run_process([EMCC, '', '-o', 'foobar.bc'] + flags, check=expect_success, stderr=PIPE)
if not expect_success:
self.assertNotEqual(proc.returncode, 0)
self.assertContained("unknown suffix", proc.stderr)
def test_multiply_defined_libsymbols(self):
lib_name = 'libA.c'
a2_name = 'a2.c'
b2_name = 'b2.c'
main_name = 'main.c'
create_test_file(lib_name, 'int mult() { return 1; }')
create_test_file(a2_name, 'void x() {}')
create_test_file(b2_name, 'void y() {}')
create_test_file(main_name, r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int mult();
int main() {
printf("result: %d\n", mult());
return 0;
building.emcc(lib_name, output_filename='')
building.emcc(a2_name, ['-L.', '-lA'])
building.emcc(b2_name, ['-L.', '-lA'])
building.emcc(main_name, ['-L.', '-lA', a2_name + '.o', b2_name + '.o'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('result: 1', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_multiply_defined_libsymbols_2(self):
a = "int x() { return 55; }"
a_name = 'a.c'
create_test_file(a_name, a)
b = "int y() { return 2; }"
b_name = 'b.c'
create_test_file(b_name, b)
c = "int z() { return 5; }"
c_name = 'c.c'
create_test_file(c_name, c)
main = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int x();
int y();
int z();
int main() {
printf("result: %d\n", x() + y() + z());
return 0;
main_name = 'main.c'
create_test_file(main_name, main)
building.emcc(a_name) # a.c.o
building.emcc(b_name) # b.c.o
building.emcc(c_name) # c.c.o
lib_name = 'libLIB.a'
building.emar('cr', lib_name, [a_name + '.o', b_name + '.o']) # libLIB.a with a and b
# a is in the lib AND in an .o, so should be ignored in the lib. We do still need b from the lib though
building.emcc(main_name, [a_name + '.o', c_name + '.o', '-L.', '-lLIB'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('result: 62', run_js('a.out.js'))
@no_wasm_backend('not relevent with lld')
def test_link_group(self):
lib_src_name = 'lib.c'
create_test_file(lib_src_name, 'int x() { return 42; }')
main_name = 'main.c'
create_test_file(main_name, r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int x();
int main() {
printf("result: %d\n", x());
return 0;
building.emcc(lib_src_name) # lib.c.o
lib_name = 'libLIB.a'
building.emar('cr', lib_name, [lib_src_name + '.o']) # libLIB.a with lib.c.o
def test(lib_args, err_expected):
output = run_process([EMCC, main_name, '-o', 'a.out.js'] + lib_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, check=not err_expected)
if err_expected:
self.assertContained(err_expected, output.stderr)
self.assertNotContained('undefined symbol', output.stderr)
out_js = 'a.out.js'
self.assertExists(out_js, output.stdout + '\n' + output.stderr)
self.assertContained('result: 42', run_js(out_js))
test(['-Wl,--start-group', lib_name, '-Wl,--start-group'], 'Nested --start-group, missing --end-group?')
test(['-Wl,--end-group', lib_name, '-Wl,--start-group'], '--end-group without --start-group')
test(['-Wl,--start-group', lib_name, '-Wl,--end-group'], None)
test(['-Wl,--start-group', lib_name], None)
print('embind test with groups')
main_name = 'main.cpp'
create_test_file(main_name, r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten/val.h>
using namespace emscripten;
extern "C" int x();
int main() {
int y = -x();
y = val::global("Math").call<int>("abs", y);
printf("result: %d\n", y);
return 0;
test(['-Wl,--start-group', lib_name, '-Wl,--end-group', '--bind'], None)
def test_whole_archive(self):
# Verify that -Wl,--whole-archive includes the static constructor from the
# otherwise unreferenced library.
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-o', 'main.o', path_from_root('tests', 'test_whole_archive', 'main.c')])
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-o', 'testlib.o', path_from_root('tests', 'test_whole_archive', 'testlib.c')])
run_process([EMAR, 'crs', 'libtest.a', 'testlib.o'])
run_process([EMCC, '-Wl,--whole-archive', 'libtest.a', '-Wl,--no-whole-archive', 'main.o'])
self.assertContained('foo is: 42\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
run_process([EMCC, '-Wl,-whole-archive', 'libtest.a', '-Wl,-no-whole-archive', 'main.o'])
self.assertContained('foo is: 42\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
# Verify the --no-whole-archive prevents the inclusion of the ctor
run_process([EMCC, '-Wl,-whole-archive', '-Wl,--no-whole-archive', 'libtest.a', 'main.o'])
self.assertContained('foo is: 0\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_link_group_bitcode(self):
create_test_file('1.c', r'''
int f(void);
int main() {
return 0;
create_test_file('2.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int f() {
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-o', '1.o', '1.c'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', '2.o', '2.c'])
run_process([EMAR, 'crs', '2.a', '2.o'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'out.bc', '-Wl,--start-group', '2.a', '1.o', '-Wl,--end-group'])
run_process([EMCC, 'out.bc'])
self.assertContained('Hello', run_js('a.out.js'))
@no_wasm_backend('lld resolves circular lib dependencies')
def test_circular_libs(self):
def tmp_source(name, code):
with open(name, 'w') as f:
tmp_source('a.c', 'int z(); int x() { return z(); }')
tmp_source('b.c', 'int x(); int y() { return x(); } int z() { return 42; }')
tmp_source('c.c', 'int q() { return 0; }')
tmp_source('main.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int y();
int main() {
printf("result: %d\n", y());
return 0;
building.emcc('a.c') # a.c.o
building.emcc('b.c') # b.c.o
building.emar('cr', 'libA.a', ['a.c.o', 'c.c.o'])
building.emar('cr', 'libB.a', ['b.c.o', 'c.c.o'])
args = ['main.c', '-o', 'a.out.js']
libs_list = ['libA.a', 'libB.a']
# 'libA.a' does not satisfy any symbols from main, so it will not be included,
# and there will be an undefined symbol.
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC] + args + libs_list)
self.assertContained('error: undefined symbol: x', err)
# -Wl,--start-group and -Wl,--end-group around the libs will cause a rescan
# of 'libA.a' after 'libB.a' adds undefined symbol "x", so a.c.o will now be
# included (and the link will succeed).
libs = ['-Wl,--start-group'] + libs_list + ['-Wl,--end-group']
run_process([EMCC] + args + libs)
self.assertContained('result: 42', run_js('a.out.js'))
# -( and -) should also work.
args = ['main.c', '-o', 'a2.out.js']
libs = ['-Wl,-('] + libs_list + ['-Wl,-)']
run_process([EMCC] + args + libs)
self.assertContained('result: 42', run_js('a2.out.js'))
# The fastcomp path will deliberately ignore duplicate input files in order
# to allow "" on the command line twice. The is not really .so support
# and the .so files are really bitcode.
@no_wasm_backend('tests legacy .so linking behviour')
def test_redundant_link(self):
lib = "int mult() { return 1; }"
lib_name = 'libA.c'
create_test_file(lib_name, lib)
main = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int mult();
int main() {
printf("result: %d\n", mult());
return 0;
main_name = 'main.c'
create_test_file(main_name, main)
building.emcc(lib_name, output_filename='')
building.emcc(main_name, ['', ''], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('result: 1', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_dot_a_all_contents_invalid(self):
# check that we error if an object file in a .a is not valid bitcode.
# do not silently ignore native object files, which may have been
# built by mistake
create_test_file('native.c', 'int native() { return 5; }')
create_test_file('main.c', 'extern int native(); int main() { return native(); }')
run_process([CLANG_CC, 'native.c', '-target', 'x86_64-linux', '-c', '-o', 'native.o'])
run_process([EMAR, 'crs', 'libfoo.a', 'native.o'])
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'main.c', 'libfoo.a'])
self.assertContained('unknown file type', stderr)
def test_export_all(self):
lib = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void libf1() { printf("libf1\n"); }
void libf2() { printf("libf2\n"); }
create_test_file('lib.c', lib)
create_test_file('main.js', '''
var Module = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function() {
building.emcc('lib.c', ['-s', 'EXPORT_ALL', '-s', 'LINKABLE', '--pre-js', 'main.js'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('libf1\nlibf2\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_export_all_and_exported_functions(self):
# EXPORT_ALL should not export library functions by default.
# This mans that to export library function you also need to explicitly
# list them in EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.
lib = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void libfunc() { puts("libfunc\n"); }
create_test_file('lib.c', lib)
create_test_file('main.js', '''
var Module = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function() {
# __get_daylight should not be linked by default, even with EXPORT_ALL
building.emcc('lib.c', ['-s', 'EXPORT_ALL', '--pre-js', 'main.js'], output_filename='a.out.js')
err = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None)
self.assertContained('__get_daylight is not defined', err)
building.emcc('lib.c', ['-s', "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['__get_daylight']", '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL', '--pre-js', 'main.js'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('libfunc\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_stdin(self):
def make_js_command(filename, engine):
if engine is None:
engine = tools.shared.JS_ENGINES[0]
return jsrun.make_command(filename, engine)
def run_test():
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
if engine == V8_ENGINE:
continue # no stdin support in v8 shell
engine[0] = os.path.normpath(engine[0])
print(engine, file=sys.stderr)
# work around a bug in python's subprocess module
# (we'd use run_js() normally)
jscommand = make_js_command(os.path.normpath(exe), engine)
os.system('type "in.txt" | {} >out.txt'.format(' '.join(building.doublequote_spaces(jscommand))))
else: # posix
os.system('cat in.txt | {} > out.txt'.format(' '.join(building.doublequote_spaces(jscommand))))
self.assertContained('abcdef\nghijkl\neof', open('out.txt').read())
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'module', 'test_stdin.c'), output_filename='a.out.js')
create_test_file('in.txt', 'abcdef\nghijkl')
exe = 'a.out.js'
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'module', 'test_stdin.c'),
['-O2', '--closure', '1'],
def test_ungetc_fscanf(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char str[4] = {0};
FILE* f = fopen("my_test.input", "r");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("cannot open file\n");
return -1;
ungetc('x', f);
ungetc('y', f);
ungetc('z', f);
fscanf(f, "%3s", str);
printf("%s\n", str);
return 0;
create_test_file('my_test.input', 'abc')
building.emcc('main.cpp', ['--embed-file', 'my_test.input'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('zyx', run_process(JS_ENGINES[0] + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout)
def test_abspaths(self):
# Includes with absolute paths are generally dangerous, things like -I/usr/.. will get to system local headers, not our portable ones.
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'main.c')
for args, expected in [(['-I/usr/something', '-Wwarn-absolute-paths'], True),
(['-L/usr/something', '-Wwarn-absolute-paths'], True),
(['-I/usr/something'], False),
(['-L/usr/something'], False),
(['-I/usr/something', '-Wno-warn-absolute-paths'], False),
(['-L/usr/something', '-Wno-warn-absolute-paths'], False),
(['-Isubdir/something', '-Wwarn-absolute-paths'], False),
(['-Lsubdir/something', '-Wwarn-absolute-paths'], False),
([], False)]:
print(args, expected)
proc = run_process([EMCC, 'main.c'] + args, stderr=PIPE)
WARNING = 'encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)'
self.assertContainedIf(WARNING, proc.stderr, expected)
def test_local_link(self):
# Linking a local library directly, like /usr/lib/, cannot work of course since it
# doesn't contain bitcode. However, when we see that we should look for a bitcode file for that
# library in the -L paths and system/lib
create_test_file('main.cpp', '''
extern void printey();
int main() {
return 0;
open(os.path.join('subdir', ''), 'w').write('this is not llvm bitcode!')
create_test_file('libfile.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
void printey() {
printf("hello from lib\\n");
run_process([EMCC, 'libfile.cpp', '-o', ''], stderr=PIPE)
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', os.path.join('subdir', ''), '-L.'])
self.assertContained('hello from lib', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_identical_basenames(self):
# Issue 287: files in different dirs but with the same basename get confused as the same,
# causing multiply defined symbol errors
open(os.path.join('foo', 'main.cpp'), 'w').write('''
extern void printey();
int main() {
return 0;
open(os.path.join('bar', 'main.cpp'), 'w').write('''
#include <stdio.h>
void printey() { printf("hello there\\n"); }
run_process([EMCC, os.path.join('foo', 'main.cpp'), os.path.join('bar', 'main.cpp')])
self.assertContained('hello there', run_js('a.out.js'))
# ditto with first creating .o files
run_process([EMCC, os.path.join('foo', 'main.cpp'), '-o', os.path.join('foo', 'main.o')])
run_process([EMCC, os.path.join('bar', 'main.cpp'), '-o', os.path.join('bar', 'main.o')])
run_process([EMCC, os.path.join('foo', 'main.o'), os.path.join('bar', 'main.o')])
self.assertContained('hello there', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_main_a(self):
# if main() is in a .a, we need to pull in that .a
main_name = 'main.c'
create_test_file(main_name, r'''
#include <stdio.h>
extern int f();
int main() {
printf("result: %d.\n", f());
return 0;
other_name = 'other.c'
create_test_file(other_name, r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int f() { return 12346; }
run_process([EMCC, main_name, '-c', '-o', main_name + '.bc'])
run_process([EMCC, other_name, '-c', '-o', other_name + '.bc'])
run_process([EMAR, 'cr', main_name + '.a', main_name + '.bc'])
run_process([EMCC, other_name + '.bc', main_name + '.a'])
self.assertContained('result: 12346.', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_multiple_archives_duplicate_basenames(self):
create_test_file('common.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void a(void) {
run_process([EMCC, 'common.c', '-c', '-o', 'common.o'])
run_process([EMAR, 'rc', 'liba.a', 'common.o'])
create_test_file('common.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void b(void) {
run_process([EMCC, 'common.c', '-c', '-o', 'common.o'])
run_process([EMAR, 'rc', 'libb.a', 'common.o'])
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
void a(void);
void b(void);
int main() {
run_process([EMCC, 'main.c', '-L.', '-la', '-lb'])
self.assertContained('a\nb\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_archive_duplicate_basenames(self):
create_test_file(os.path.join('a', 'common.c'), r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void a(void) {
run_process([EMCC, os.path.join('a', 'common.c'), '-c', '-o', os.path.join('a', 'common.o')])
create_test_file(os.path.join('b', 'common.c'), r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void b(void) {
run_process([EMCC, os.path.join('b', 'common.c'), '-c', '-o', os.path.join('b', 'common.o')])
run_process([EMAR, 'rc', 'liba.a', os.path.join('a', 'common.o'), os.path.join('b', 'common.o')])
# Verify that archive contains basenames with hashes to avoid duplication
text = run_process([EMAR, 't', 'liba.a'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertEqual(text.count('common'), 2)
for line in text.split('\n'):
# should not have huge hash names
self.assertLess(len(line), 20, line)
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
void a(void);
void b(void);
int main() {
err = run_process([EMCC, 'main.c', '-L.', '-la'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotIn('archive file contains duplicate entries', err)
self.assertContained('a\nb...\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
# Using llvm-ar directly should cause duplicate basenames
run_process([LLVM_AR, 'rc', 'libdup.a', os.path.join('a', 'common.o'), os.path.join('b', 'common.o')])
text = run_process([EMAR, 't', 'libdup.a'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertEqual(text.count('common.o'), 2)
# With fastcomp we don't support duplicate members so this should generate
# a warning. With the wasm backend (lld) this is fully supported.
cmd = [EMCC, 'main.c', '-L.', '-ldup']
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertContained('a\nb...\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
err = self.expect_fail(cmd)
self.assertIn('libdup.a: archive file contains duplicate entries', err)
self.assertIn('error: undefined symbol: a', err)
# others are not duplicates - the hashing keeps them separate
self.assertEqual(err.count('duplicate: '), 1)
self.assertContained('a\nb...\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_export_from_archive(self):
export_name = 'this_is_an_entry_point'
full_export_name = '_' + export_name
# The wasm backend exports symbols without the leading '_'
if self.is_wasm_backend():
expect_export = export_name
expect_export = full_export_name
create_test_file('export.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void %s(void) {
printf("Hello, world!\n");
''' % export_name)
run_process([EMCC, 'export.c', '-c', '-o', 'export.o'])
run_process([EMAR, 'rc', 'libexport.a', 'export.o'])
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
int main() {
return 0;
# Sanity check: the symbol should not be linked in if not requested.
run_process([EMCC, 'main.c', '-L.', '-lexport'])
self.assertFalse(self.is_exported_in_wasm(expect_export, 'a.out.wasm'))
# Sanity check: exporting without a definition does not cause it to appear.
# Note: exporting main prevents emcc from warning that it generated no code.
run_process([EMCC, 'main.c', '-s', 'ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0', '-s', "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_main', '%s']" % full_export_name])
self.assertFalse(self.is_exported_in_wasm(expect_export, 'a.out.wasm'))
# Actual test: defining symbol in library and exporting it causes it to appear in the output.
run_process([EMCC, 'main.c', '-L.', '-lexport', '-s', "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['%s']" % full_export_name])
self.assertTrue(self.is_exported_in_wasm(expect_export, 'a.out.wasm'))
def test_embed_file(self):
create_test_file('somefile.txt', 'hello from a file with lots of data and stuff in it thank you very much')
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
FILE *f = fopen("somefile.txt", "r");
char buf[100];
fread(buf, 1, 20, f);
buf[20] = 0;
printf("|%s|\n", buf);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--embed-file', 'somefile.txt'])
self.assertContained('|hello from a file wi|', run_js('a.out.js'))
# preload twice, should not err
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--embed-file', 'somefile.txt', '--embed-file', 'somefile.txt'])
self.assertContained('|hello from a file wi|', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_embed_file_dup(self):
ensure_dir(self.in_dir('tst', 'test1'))
ensure_dir(self.in_dir('tst', 'test2'))
open(self.in_dir('tst', 'aa.txt'), 'w').write('frist')
open(self.in_dir('tst', 'test1', 'aa.txt'), 'w').write('sacond')
open(self.in_dir('tst', 'test2', 'aa.txt'), 'w').write('thard')
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void print_file(const char *name) {
FILE *f = fopen(name, "r");
char buf[100];
memset(buf, 0, 100);
fread(buf, 1, 20, f);
buf[20] = 0;
printf("|%s|\n", buf);
int main() {
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--embed-file', 'tst'])
self.assertContained('|frist|\n|sacond|\n|thard|\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_exclude_file(self):
ensure_dir(self.in_dir('tst', 'abc.exe'))
ensure_dir(self.in_dir('tst', 'abc.txt'))
open(self.in_dir('tst', 'hello.exe'), 'w').write('hello')
open(self.in_dir('tst', 'hello.txt'), 'w').write('world')
open(self.in_dir('tst', 'abc.exe', 'foo'), 'w').write('emscripten')
open(self.in_dir('tst', 'abc.txt', 'bar'), 'w').write('!!!')
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
if(fopen("tst/hello.exe", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
if(!fopen("tst/hello.txt", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
if(fopen("tst/abc.exe/foo", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
if(!fopen("tst/abc.txt/bar", "rb")) printf("Failed\n");
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--embed-file', 'tst', '--exclude-file', '*.exe'])
self.assertEqual(run_js('a.out.js').strip(), '')
def test_multidynamic_link(self):
# Linking the same dynamic library in statically will error, normally, since we statically link it, causing dupe symbols
def test(link_cmd, lib_suffix=''):
print(link_cmd, lib_suffix)
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
extern void printey();
extern void printother();
int main() {
return 0;
open(os.path.join('libdir', 'libfile.cpp'), 'w').write('''
#include <stdio.h>
void printey() {
printf("hello from lib");
open(os.path.join('libdir', 'libother.cpp'), 'w').write('''
#include <stdio.h>
extern void printey();
void printother() {
compiler = [EMCC]
# Build libfile normally into an .so
run_process(compiler + [os.path.join('libdir', 'libfile.cpp'), '-o', os.path.join('libdir', '' + lib_suffix)])
# Build libother and dynamically link it to libfile
run_process(compiler + [os.path.join('libdir', 'libother.cpp')] + link_cmd + ['-o', os.path.join('libdir', '')])
# Build the main file, linking in both the libs
run_process(compiler + [os.path.join('main.cpp')] + link_cmd + ['-lother', '-c'])
# The normal build system is over. We need to do an additional step to link in the dynamic libraries, since we ignored them before
run_process([EMCC, 'main.o'] + link_cmd + ['-lother', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'])
self.assertContained('*hello from lib\n|hello from lib|\n*', run_js('a.out.js'))
test(['-L' + 'libdir', '-lfile']) # -l, auto detection from library path
test(['-L' + 'libdir', self.in_dir('libdir', '')], '.') # handle as well
def test_js_link(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("hello from main\\n");
return 0;
create_test_file('before.js', '''
var MESSAGE = 'hello from js';
// Module is initialized with empty object by default, so if there are no keys - nothing was run yet
if (Object.keys(Module).length) throw 'This code should run before anything else!';
create_test_file('after.js', '''
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--pre-js', 'before.js', '--post-js', 'after.js', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
self.assertContained('hello from main\nhello from js\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_sdl_endianness(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
int main() {
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp'])
self.assertContained('1234, 1234, 4321\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_sdl2_mixer(self):
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'sdl2_mixer.c'), ['-s', 'USE_SDL_MIXER=2'], output_filename='a.out.js')
def test_libpng(self):
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'pngtest.png'), 'pngtest.png')
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'pngtest.c'), ['--embed-file', 'pngtest.png', '-s', 'USE_ZLIB=1', '-s', 'USE_LIBPNG=1'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('TESTS PASSED', run_process(JS_ENGINES[0] + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout)
def test_libjpeg(self):
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'screenshot.jpg'), 'screenshot.jpg')
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'jpeg_test.c'), ['--embed-file', 'screenshot.jpg', '-s', 'USE_LIBJPEG=1'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('Image is 600 by 450 with 3 components', run_js('a.out.js', args=['screenshot.jpg'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE))
def test_bullet(self):
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'bullet_hello_world.cpp'), ['-s', 'USE_BULLET=1'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('BULLET RUNNING', run_process(JS_ENGINES[0] + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout)
def test_vorbis(self):
# This will also test if ogg compiles, because vorbis depends on ogg
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'vorbis_test.c'), ['-s', 'USE_VORBIS=1'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('ALL OK', run_process(JS_ENGINES[0] + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout)
def test_bzip2(self):
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'bzip2_test.c'), ['-s', 'USE_BZIP2=1'], output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained("usage: unzcrash filename", run_process(JS_ENGINES[0] + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout)
def test_freetype(self):
# copy the Liberation Sans Bold truetype file located in the
# <emscripten_root>/tests/freetype to the compilation folder
shutil.copy2(path_from_root('tests/freetype', 'LiberationSansBold.ttf'), os.getcwd())
# build test program with the font file embed in it
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'freetype_test.c'), ['-s', 'USE_FREETYPE=1', '--embed-file', 'LiberationSansBold.ttf'], output_filename='a.out.js')
# the test program will print an ascii representation of a bitmap where the
# 'w' character has been rendered using the Liberation Sans Bold font
expectedOutput = ' \n' + \
' \n' + \
' \n' + \
' \n' + \
'*** +***+ \n' + \
'***+ ***** +\n' + \
'+**+ ***** +\n' + \
'+*** +**+**+ *\n' + \
' ***+ ***+**+ +*\n' + \
' +**+ *** *** +*\n' + \
' +**++**+ +**+**\n' + \
' ***+**+ +**+**\n' + \
' ****** *****\n' + \
' +****+ +****\n' + \
' +****+ +****\n' + \
' **** ****'
self.assertContained(expectedOutput, run_process(JS_ENGINES[0] + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout)
def test_link_memcpy(self):
# memcpy can show up *after* optimizations, so after our opportunity to link in libc, so it must be special-cased
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int num = argc + 10;
char buf[num], buf2[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
buf[i] = i*i+i/3;
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) {
buf[i] += buf[i-1];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
buf2[i] = buf[i];
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) {
buf2[i] += buf2[i-1];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
printf("%d:%d\n", i, buf2[i]);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-O2', 'main.cpp'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', full_output=True, stderr=PIPE)
''', output)
self.assertNotContained('warning: library.js memcpy should not be running, it is only for testing!', output)
def test_undefined_function(self):
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')]
# adding a missing symbol to EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS should cause failure
cmd += ['-s', "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['foobar']"]
err = self.expect_fail(cmd)
self.assertContained('undefined exported function: "foobar"', err)
# setting ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 suppresses error
def test_undefined_symbols(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include "SDL/SDL_opengl.h"
extern "C" {
void something();
void elsey();
int main() {
printf("%p", SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glGenTextures")); // pull in gl proc stuff, avoid warnings on emulation funcs
return 0;
for args in ([], ['-O1'], ['-s', 'MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2']):
for action in ('WARN', 'ERROR', None):
for value in ([0, 1]):
print('checking "%s" %s=%s' % (args, action, value))
extra = ['-s', action + '_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=%d' % value] if action else []
proc = run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp'] + extra + args, stderr=PIPE, check=False)
if value or action is None:
# The default is that we error in undefined symbols
self.assertContained('error: undefined symbol: something', proc.stderr)
self.assertContained('error: undefined symbol: elsey', proc.stderr)
check_success = False
elif action == 'ERROR' and not value:
# Error disables, should only warn
self.assertContained('warning: undefined symbol: something', proc.stderr)
self.assertContained('warning: undefined symbol: elsey', proc.stderr)
self.assertNotContained('undefined symbol: emscripten_', proc.stderr)
check_success = True
elif action == 'WARN' and not value:
# Disabled warning should imply disabling errors
self.assertNotContained('undefined symbol', proc.stderr)
check_success = True
if check_success:
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, 0)
self.assertNotEqual(proc.returncode, 0)
def test_GetProcAddress_LEGACY_GL_EMULATION(self):
# without legacy gl emulation, getting a proc from there should fail
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'GetProcAddress_LEGACY_GL_EMULATION'), run_args=['0'], emcc_args=['-s', 'LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=0'])
# with it, it should work
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'GetProcAddress_LEGACY_GL_EMULATION'), run_args=['1'], emcc_args=['-s', 'LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1'])
def test_prepost(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("hello from main\\n");
return 0;
create_test_file('pre.js', '''
var Module = {
preRun: function() { out('pre-run') },
postRun: function() { out('post-run') }
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
self.assertContained('pre-run\nhello from main\npost-run\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
# addRunDependency during preRun should prevent main, and post-run from
# running.
with open('pre.js', 'a') as f:
f.write('Module.preRun = function() { out("add-dep"); addRunDependency(); }\n')
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
output = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('add-dep\n', output)
self.assertNotContained('hello from main\n', output)
self.assertNotContained('post-run\n', output)
# noInitialRun prevents run
for no_initial_run, run_dep in [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)]:
print(no_initial_run, run_dep)
if no_initial_run:
args += ['-s', 'INVOKE_RUN=0']
if run_dep:
create_test_file('pre.js', 'Module.preRun = function() { addRunDependency("test"); }')
create_test_file('post.js', 'removeRunDependency("test");')
args += ['--pre-js', 'pre.js', '--post-js', 'post.js']
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp'] + args)
output = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContainedIf('hello from main', output, not no_initial_run)
if no_initial_run:
# Calling main later should still work, filesystem etc. must be set up.
print('call main later')
src = open('a.out.js').read()
src += '\nModule.callMain();\n'
create_test_file('a.out.js', src)
self.assertContained('hello from main', run_js('a.out.js'))
# Use postInit
create_test_file('pre.js', '''
var Module = {
preRun: function() { out('pre-run') },
postRun: function() { out('post-run') },
preInit: function() { out('pre-init') }
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js'])
self.assertContained('pre-init\npre-run\nhello from main\npost-run\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_prepost2(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("hello from main\\n");
return 0;
create_test_file('pre.js', '''
var Module = {
preRun: function() { out('pre-run') },
create_test_file('pre2.js', '''
Module.postRun = function() { out('post-run') };
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '--pre-js', 'pre2.js'])
self.assertContained('pre-run\nhello from main\npost-run\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_prepre(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("hello from main\\n");
return 0;
create_test_file('pre.js', '''
var Module = {
preRun: [function() { out('pre-run') }],
create_test_file('pre2.js', '''
Module.preRun.push(function() { out('prepre') });
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '--pre-js', 'pre2.js'])
self.assertContained('prepre\npre-run\nhello from main\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_extern_prepost(self):
create_test_file('extern-pre.js', '''
// I am an external pre.
create_test_file('extern-post.js', '''
// I am an external post.
run_process([EMCC, '-O2', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--extern-pre-js', 'extern-pre.js', '--extern-post-js', 'extern-post.js'])
# the files should be included, and externally - not as part of optimized
# code, so they are the very first and last things, and they are not
# minified.
with open('a.out.js') as output:
js =
pre = js.index('// I am an external pre.')
post = js.index('// I am an external post.')
# ignore some slack - newlines and other things. we just care about the
# big picture here
SLACK = 50
self.assertLess(pre, post)
self.assertLess(pre, SLACK)
self.assertGreater(post, len(js) - SLACK)
# make sure the slack is tiny compared to the whole program
self.assertGreater(len(js), 100 * SLACK)
@no_wasm_backend('depends on bc output')
def test_save_bc(self):
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world_loop_malloc.cpp'), '--save-bc', 'my_bitcode.bc']
assert 'hello, world!' in run_js('a.out.js')
building.llvm_dis('my_bitcode.bc', 'my_ll.ll')
run_process([EMCC, 'my_ll.ll', '-nostdlib', '-o', 'two.js'])
assert 'hello, world!' in run_js('two.js')
def test_js_optimizer(self):
ACORN_PASSES = ['JSDCE', 'AJSDCE', 'applyImportAndExportNameChanges', 'emitDCEGraph', 'applyDCEGraphRemovals', 'growableHeap', 'unsignPointers', 'asanify']
for input, expected, passes in [
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'eliminateDeadGlobals.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'eliminateDeadGlobals-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-output.js')).read(),
['hoistMultiples', 'removeAssignsToUndefined', 'simplifyExpressions']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'simplifyExpressions']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-si.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-si-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-regs.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-regs-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'eliminator-test.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'eliminator-test-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'safe-eliminator-test.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'safe-eliminator-test-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'asm-eliminator-test.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'asm-eliminator-test-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'eliminate']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'registerize']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs-harder.js'), [open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs-harder-output.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs-harder-output2.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs-harder-output3.js')).read()],
['asm', 'registerizeHarder']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs-min.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-regs-min-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'registerize', 'minifyLocals']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-pre.js'), [open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-pre-output.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-pre-output2.js')).read()],
['asm', 'simplifyExpressions']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-pre-f32.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-pre-output-f32.js')).read(),
['asm', 'asmPreciseF32', 'simplifyExpressions', 'optimizeFrounds']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-pre-f32.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-pre-output-f32-nosimp.js')).read(),
['asm', 'asmPreciseF32', 'optimizeFrounds']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-reduce-dead-float-return.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-reduce-dead-float-return-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'optimizeFrounds', 'registerizeHarder']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-no-reduce-dead-float-return-to-nothing.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-no-reduce-dead-float-return-to-nothing-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'registerizeHarder']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-last.js'), [open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-lastOpts-output.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-lastOpts-output2.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-lastOpts-output3.js')).read()],
['asm', 'asmLastOpts']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'asmLastOpts.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'asmLastOpts-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'asmLastOpts']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-last.js'), [open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-last-output.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-last-output2.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-last-output3.js')).read()],
['asm', 'asmLastOpts', 'last']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-relocate.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-relocate-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'relocate']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-minlast.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-asm-minlast-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'minifyWhitespace', 'asmLastOpts', 'last']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-shiftsAggressive.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-shiftsAggressive-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'aggressiveVariableElimination']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-localCSE.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-localCSE-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'localCSE']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-ensureLabelSet.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-ensureLabelSet-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'ensureLabelSet']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', '3154.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', '3154-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'eliminate', 'registerize', 'asmLastOpts', 'last']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'safeLabelSetting.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'safeLabelSetting-output.js')).read(),
['asm', 'safeLabelSetting']), # eliminate, just enough to trigger asm normalization/denormalization
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'null_if.js'), [open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'null_if-output.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'null_if-output2.js')).read()],
['asm', 'registerizeHarder', 'asmLastOpts', 'minifyWhitespace']), # issue 3520
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'null_else.js'), [open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'null_else-output.js')).read(), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'null_else-output2.js')).read()],
['asm', 'registerizeHarder', 'asmLastOpts', 'minifyWhitespace']), # issue 3549
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-splitMemory.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-splitMemory-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'JSDCE.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'JSDCE-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'JSDCE-hasOwnProperty.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'JSDCE-hasOwnProperty-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'JSDCE-fors.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'JSDCE-fors-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'AJSDCE.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'AJSDCE-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph2.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph2-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph3.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph3-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph4.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph4-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph5.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emitDCEGraph5-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'minimal-runtime-applyDCEGraphRemovals.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'minimal-runtime-applyDCEGraphRemovals-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'applyDCEGraphRemovals.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'applyDCEGraphRemovals-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'applyImportAndExportNameChanges.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'applyImportAndExportNameChanges-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'applyImportAndExportNameChanges2.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'applyImportAndExportNameChanges2-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'minimal-runtime-emitDCEGraph.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'minimal-runtime-emitDCEGraph-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'minimal-runtime-2-emitDCEGraph.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'minimal-runtime-2-emitDCEGraph-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'standalone-emitDCEGraph.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'standalone-emitDCEGraph-output.js')).read(),
['emitDCEGraph', 'noPrint']),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emittedJSPreservesParens.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'emittedJSPreservesParens-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-growableHeap.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-growableHeap-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-unsignPointers.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-unsignPointers-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-asanify.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-asanify-output.js')).read(),
(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-minifyGlobals.js'), open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-js-optimizer-minifyGlobals-output.js')).read(),
print(input, passes)
if not isinstance(expected, list):
expected = [expected]
expected = [out.replace('\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n') for out in expected]
acorn = any(p in ACORN_PASSES for p in passes)
# test calling optimizer
if not acorn:
print(' js')
output = run_process(NODE_JS + [path_from_root('tools', 'js-optimizer.js'), input] + passes, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).stdout
print(' acorn')
output = run_process(NODE_JS + [path_from_root('tools', 'acorn-optimizer.js'), input] + passes, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).stdout
def check_js(js, expected):
# print >> sys.stderr, 'chak\n==========================\n', js, '\n===========================\n'
if 'registerizeHarder' in passes:
# registerizeHarder is hard to test, as names vary by chance, nondeterminstically FIXME
def fix(src):
if type(src) is list:
return list(map(fix, src))
src = '\n'.join([line for line in src.split('\n') if 'var ' not in line]) # ignore vars
def reorder(func):
def swap(func, stuff):
# emit EYE_ONE always before EYE_TWO, replacing i1,i2 or i2,i1 etc
for i in stuff:
if i not in func:
return func
indexes = [[i, func.index(i)] for i in stuff]
indexes.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
for j in range(len(indexes)):
func = func.replace(indexes[j][0], 'STD_' + str(j))
return func
func = swap(func, ['i1', 'i2', 'i3'])
func = swap(func, ['i1', 'i2'])
func = swap(func, ['i4', 'i5'])
return func
src = 'function '.join(map(reorder, src.split('function ')))
return src
js = fix(js)
expected = fix(expected)
self.assertIdentical(expected, js.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n'))
if input not in [ # blacklist of tests that are native-optimizer only
path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'asmLastOpts.js'),
path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', '3154.js')
check_js(output, expected)
print('(skip non-native)')
if not self.is_wasm_backend() and tools.js_optimizer.use_native(passes) and tools.js_optimizer.get_native_optimizer():
# test calling native
def check_json():
run_process(listify(NODE_JS) + [path_from_root('tools', 'js-optimizer.js'), output_temp, 'receiveJSON'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=open(output_temp + '.js', 'w'))
output = open(output_temp + '.js').read()
check_js(output, expected)
input_temp = 'temp.js'
output_temp = 'output.js'
shutil.copyfile(input, input_temp)
run_process(listify(NODE_JS) + [path_from_root('tools', 'js-optimizer.js'), input_temp, 'emitJSON'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=open(input_temp + '.js', 'w'))
original = open(input).read()
if '// EXTRA_INFO:' in original:
json = open(input_temp + '.js').read()
json += '\n' + original[original.find('// EXTRA_INFO:'):]
create_test_file(input_temp + '.js', json)
# last is only relevant when we emit JS
if 'last' not in passes and \
'null_if' not in input and 'null_else' not in input: # null-* tests are js optimizer or native, not a mixture (they mix badly)
print(' native (receiveJSON)')
output = run_process([tools.js_optimizer.get_native_optimizer(), input_temp + '.js'] + passes + ['receiveJSON', 'emitJSON'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=open(output_temp, 'w')).stdout
print(' native (parsing JS)')
output = run_process([tools.js_optimizer.get_native_optimizer(), input] + passes + ['emitJSON'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=open(output_temp, 'w')).stdout
print(' native (emitting JS)')
output = run_process([tools.js_optimizer.get_native_optimizer(), input] + passes, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).stdout
check_js(output, expected)
def test_js_optimizer_wasm2js(self):
# run the js optimizer in a similar way as wasm2js does
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'wasm2js.js'), 'wasm2js.js')
run_process([PYTHON, path_from_root('tools', ''), 'wasm2js.js', 'minifyNames', 'last'])
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'wasm2js-output.js')) as expected:
with open('wasm2js.js.jsopt.js') as actual:
def test_m_mm(self):
create_test_file('foo.c', '#include <emscripten.h>')
for opt in ['M', 'MM']:
proc = run_process([EMCC, 'foo.c', '-' + opt], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert 'foo.o: ' in proc.stdout, '-%s failed to produce the right output: %s' % (opt, proc.stdout)
assert 'error' not in proc.stderr, 'Unexpected stderr: ' + proc.stderr
def test_emcc_debug_files(self):
for opts in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
for debug in [None, '1', '2']:
print(opts, debug)
if os.path.exists(self.canonical_temp_dir):
env = os.environ.copy()
if debug is None:
env.pop('EMCC_DEBUG', None)
env['EMCC_DEBUG'] = debug
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-O' + str(opts)], stderr=PIPE, env=env)
if debug is None:
elif debug == '1':
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.canonical_temp_dir, 'emcc-3-original.js'))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.canonical_temp_dir, 'emcc-0-linktime.bc'))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.canonical_temp_dir, 'emcc-1-original.js'))
elif debug == '2':
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.canonical_temp_dir, 'emcc-3-original.js'))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.canonical_temp_dir, 'emcc-0-basebc.bc'))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.canonical_temp_dir, 'emcc-1-linktime.bc'))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(self.canonical_temp_dir, 'emcc-2-original.js'))
def test_debuginfo(self):
for args, expect_debug in [
(['-O0'], False),
(['-O0', '-g'], True),
(['-O0', '-g4'], True),
(['-O1'], False),
(['-O1', '-g'], True),
(['-O2'], False),
(['-O2', '-g'], True),
print(args, expect_debug)
err = run_process([EMCC, '-v', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')] + args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
lines = err.splitlines()
if self.is_wasm_backend():
finalize = [l for l in lines if 'wasm-emscripten-finalize' in l][0]
if expect_debug:
self.assertIn(' -g ', finalize)
self.assertNotIn(' -g ', finalize)
if expect_debug:
self.assertNotIn('strip-debug', err)
self.assertIn('strip-debug', err)
def test_debuginfo_line_tables_only(self):
def test(do_compile):
no_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
line_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
full_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
return (no_size, line_size, full_size)
def compile_to_object(compile_args):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-c', '-o', 'a.out.wasm'] + compile_args)
no_size, line_size, full_size = test(compile_to_object)
self.assertLess(no_size, line_size)
self.assertLess(line_size, full_size)
def compile_to_executable(compile_args, link_args):
# compile with the specified args
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-c', '-o', 'a.o'] + compile_args)
# link with debug info
run_process([EMCC, 'a.o'] + link_args)
def compile_to_debug_executable(compile_args):
return compile_to_executable(compile_args, ['-g'])
no_size, line_size, full_size = test(compile_to_debug_executable)
self.assertLess(no_size, line_size)
self.assertLess(line_size, full_size)
def compile_to_release_executable(compile_args):
return compile_to_executable(compile_args, [])
no_size, line_size, full_size = test(compile_to_release_executable)
self.assertEqual(no_size, line_size)
self.assertEqual(line_size, full_size)
def test_dwarf(self):
def compile_with_dwarf(args, output):
# Test that -g enables dwarf info in object files and linked wasm
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-o', output, '-g'] + args)
def verify(output):
info = run_process([LLVM_DWARFDUMP, '--all', output], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertIn('DW_TAG_subprogram', info) # Ensure there's a subprogram entry in .debug_info
self.assertIn('debug_line[0x', info) # Ensure there's a line table
compile_with_dwarf(['-c'], 'a.o')
compile_with_dwarf([], 'a.js')
@unittest.skipIf(not scons_path, 'scons not found in PATH')
@with_env_modify({'EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT': path_from_root()})
def test_scons(self):
# this test copies the site_scons directory alongside the test
shutil.copytree(path_from_root('tests', 'scons'), 'test')
shutil.copytree(path_from_root('tools', 'scons', 'site_scons'), os.path.join('test', 'site_scons'))
with chdir('test'):
output = run_js('scons_integration.js', assert_returncode=5)
self.assertContained('If you see this - the world is all right!', output)
@unittest.skipIf(not scons_path, 'scons not found in PATH')
@with_env_modify({'EMSCRIPTEN_TOOLPATH': path_from_root('tools', 'scons', 'site_scons'),
'EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT': path_from_root()})
def test_emscons(self):
# uses the emscons wrapper which requires EMSCRIPTEN_TOOLPATH to find
# site_scons
shutil.copytree(path_from_root('tests', 'scons'), 'test')
with chdir('test'):
run_process([path_from_root('emscons'), 'scons'])
output = run_js('scons_integration.js', assert_returncode=5)
self.assertContained('If you see this - the world is all right!', output)
def test_embind_fail(self):
out = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'test_unsigned.cpp')])
self.assertContained("undefined symbol: _embind_register_function", out)
def test_embind(self):
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ['EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS'] = environ.get('EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS', '') + " --externs " + pipes.quote(path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'underscore-externs.js'))
test_cases = [
(['--bind', '-O1']),
(['--bind', '-O2']),
(['--bind', '-O2', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'isMemoryGrowthEnabled=true.cpp')]),
without_utf8_args = ['-s', 'EMBIND_STD_STRING_IS_UTF8=0']
test_cases_without_utf8 = []
for args in test_cases:
test_cases_without_utf8.append((args + without_utf8_args))
test_cases += test_cases_without_utf8
test_cases.extend([(args[:] + ['-s', 'DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0']) for args in test_cases])
# closure compiler doesn't work with DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0
test_cases.append((['--bind', '-O2', '--closure', '1']))
for args in test_cases:
testFiles = [
path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'underscore-1.4.2.js'),
path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'imvu_test_adapter.js'),
path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'embind.test.js'),
[EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'embind_test.cpp'),
'--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'test.pre.js'),
'--post-js', path_from_root('tests', 'embind', ''),
'-s', 'IN_TEST_HARNESS=1'] + args,
if 'DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0' in args:
with open('a.out.js') as js_binary_file:
js_binary_str =
self.assertNotContained('new Function(', js_binary_str)
self.assertNotContained('eval(', js_binary_str)
with open('a.out.js', 'ab') as f:
for tf in testFiles:
f.write(open(tf, 'rb').read())
output = run_js('a.out.js', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, engine=NODE_JS)
self.assertNotContained('FAIL', output)
def test_emconfig(self):
output = run_process([emconfig, 'LLVM_ROOT'], stdout=PIPE).stdout.strip()
self.assertEqual(output, LLVM_ROOT)
# EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT is kind of special since it should always report the locaton of em-config
# itself (its not configurable via the config file but driven by the location for arg0)
output = run_process([emconfig, 'EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT'], stdout=PIPE).stdout.strip()
self.assertEqual(output, os.path.dirname(emconfig))
invalid = 'Usage: em-config VAR_NAME'
# Don't accept variables that do not exist
output = self.expect_fail([emconfig, 'VAR_WHICH_DOES_NOT_EXIST']).strip()
self.assertEqual(output, invalid)
# Don't accept no arguments
output = self.expect_fail([emconfig]).strip()
self.assertEqual(output, invalid)
# Don't accept more than one variable
output = self.expect_fail([emconfig, 'LLVM_ROOT', 'EMCC']).strip()
self.assertEqual(output, invalid)
# Don't accept arbitrary python code
output = self.expect_fail([emconfig, 'sys.argv[1]']).strip()
self.assertEqual(output, invalid)
def test_link_s(self):
# -s OPT=VALUE can conflict with -s as a linker option. We warn and ignore
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
extern "C" {
void something();
int main() {
return 0;
create_test_file('supp.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
void something() {
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-o', 'main.o'])
run_process([EMCC, 'supp.cpp', '-o', 'supp.o'])
run_process([EMCC, 'main.o', '-s', 'supp.o', '-s', 'SAFE_HEAP=1'])
self.assertContained('yello', run_js('a.out.js'))
# Check that valid -s option had an effect'
self.assertContained('SAFE_HEAP', open('a.out.js').read())
def test_conftest_s_flag_passing(self):
create_test_file('conftest.c', r'''
int main() {
return 0;
with env_modify({'EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE': '1'}):
cmd = [EMCC, '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=1', 'conftest.c', '-o', 'conftest']
output = run_process(cmd, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertNotContained('emcc: warning: treating -s as linker option', output.stderr)
def test_file_packager(self):
create_test_file('data1.txt', 'data1')
create_test_file('data2.txt', 'data2')
# relative path to below the current dir is invalid
stderr = self.expect_fail([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', '../data1.txt'])
self.assertContained('below the current directory', stderr)
# relative path that ends up under us is cool
proc = run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', '../subdir/data2.txt'], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
self.assertGreater(len(proc.stdout), 0)
self.assertNotContained('below the current directory', proc.stderr)
# direct path leads to the same code being generated - relative path does not make us do anything different
proc2 = run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', 'data2.txt'], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
self.assertGreater(len(proc2.stdout), 0)
self.assertNotContained('below the current directory', proc2.stderr)
def clean(txt):
lines = txt.splitlines()
lines = [l for l in lines if 'PACKAGE_UUID' not in l and 'loadPackage({' not in l]
return ''.join(lines)
self.assertTextDataIdentical(clean(proc.stdout), clean(proc2.stdout))
# verify '--separate-metadata' option produces separate metadata file
run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', 'data1.txt', '--preload', 'subdir/data2.txt', '--js-output=immutable.js', '--separate-metadata'])
# verify js output JS file is not touched when the metadata is separated
orig_timestamp = os.path.getmtime('immutable.js')
orig_content = open('immutable.js').read()
# ensure some time passes before running the packager again so that if it does touch the
# js file it will end up with the different timestamp.
run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', 'data1.txt', '--preload', 'subdir/data2.txt', '--js-output=immutable.js', '--separate-metadata'])
# assert both file content and timestamp are the same as reference copy
self.assertTextDataIdentical(orig_content, open('immutable.js').read())
self.assertEqual(orig_timestamp, os.path.getmtime('immutable.js'))
# verify the content of metadata file is correct
with open('immutable.js.metadata') as f:
metadata = json.load(f)
self.assertEqual(len(metadata['files']), 2)
assert metadata['files'][0]['start'] == 0 and metadata['files'][0]['end'] == len('data1') and metadata['files'][0]['filename'] == '/data1.txt'
assert metadata['files'][1]['start'] == len('data1') and metadata['files'][1]['end'] == len('data1') + len('data2') and metadata['files'][1]['filename'] == '/subdir/data2.txt'
assert metadata['remote_package_size'] == len('data1') + len('data2')
# can only assert the uuid format is correct, the uuid's value is expected to differ in between invocation
uuid.UUID(metadata['package_uuid'], version=4)
def test_file_packager_unicode(self):
unicode_name = 'unicode…☃'
except OSError:
print("we failed to even create a unicode dir, so on this OS, we can't test this")
full = os.path.join(unicode_name, 'data.txt')
create_test_file(full, 'data')
proc = run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', full], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert len(proc.stdout), proc.stderr
assert unicode_name in proc.stdout, proc.stdout
def test_file_packager_mention_FORCE_FILESYSTEM(self):
MESSAGE = 'Remember to build the main file with -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 so that it includes support for loading this file package'
create_test_file('data.txt', 'data1')
# mention when running standalone
err = run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', 'data.txt'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained(MESSAGE, err)
# do not mention from emcc
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--preload-file', 'data.txt'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
def test_headless(self):
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'screenshot.png'), 'example.png')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'sdl_headless.c'), '-s', 'HEADLESS=1'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE)
assert '''Init: 0
Font: 0x1
Sum: 0
you should see two lines of text in different colors and a blue rectangle
SDL_Quit called (and ignored)
''' in output, output
def test_preprocess(self):
# Pass -Werror to prevent regressions such as
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-E', '-Werror'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
# Test explicitly that the output contains a line typically written by the preprocessor.
self.assertContained('# 1 ', out)
self.assertContained('hello_world.c"', out)
self.assertContained('printf("hello, world!', out)
def test_syntax_only_valid(self):
result = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-fsyntax-only'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
self.assertEqual(result.stdout, '')
def test_syntax_only_invalid(self):
create_test_file('src.c', 'int main() {')
result = run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-fsyntax-only'], stdout=PIPE, check=False, stderr=STDOUT)
self.assertNotEqual(result.returncode, 0)
self.assertContained("src.c:1:13: error: expected '}'", result.stdout)
def test_demangle(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
void two(char c) {
void one(int x) {
two(x % 17);
int main() {
EM_ASM(out(demangle('__Znwm'))); // check for no aborts
EM_ASM(out(demangle('__ZN5wakaw2Cm10RasterBaseINS_6watwat9PolocatorEE8merbine1INS4_2OREEEvPKjj'))); // we get this wrong, but at least emit a '?'
return 0;
# full demangle support
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1'])
output = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('''operator new(unsigned long)
test(char, short, int, float, double, void*, int*, char*)
test::moarr(char, short, long, float, double, void*, int*, char*)
void Foo<int>()
void Foo<int, double>(int)
void Foo::Bar<5>()
__cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info::search_below_dst(__cxxabiv1::__dynamic_cast_info*, void const*, int, bool) const
parseword(char const*&, int, int&)
multi(wchar_t, signed char, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long, ...)
a(int [32], char (*) [5])
FWakaGLXFleeflsMarfoo::FWakaGLXFleeflsMarfoo(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, void const*, bool, unsigned int, unsigned int)
void wakaw::Cm::RasterBase<wakaw::watwat::Polocator>::merbine1<wakaw::Cm::RasterBase<wakaw::watwat::Polocator>::OR>(unsigned int const*, unsigned int)
''', output)
# test for multiple functions in one stack trace
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1', '-g'])
output = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertIn('one(int)', output)
self.assertIn('two(char)', output)
def test_demangle_cpp(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main() {
char out[256];
int status = 1;
size_t length = 255;
abi::__cxa_demangle("_ZN4Waka1f12a234123412345pointEv", out, &length, &status);
assert(status == 0);
printf("%s\\n", out);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
output = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('Waka::f::a23412341234::point()', output)
# Test that malloc() -> OOM -> abort() -> stackTrace() -> jsStackTrace() -> demangleAll() -> demangle() -> malloc()
# cycle will not produce an infinite loop.
def test_demangle_malloc_infinite_loop_crash(self):
run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'malloc_demangle_infinite_loop.cpp'), '-g', '-s', 'ABORTING_MALLOC=1', '-s', 'DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=PIPE)
if output.count('Cannot enlarge memory arrays') > 2:
assert(output.count('Cannot enlarge memory arrays') <= 2)
def test_module_exports_with_closure(self):
# This test checks that module.export is retained when JavaScript is minified by compiling with --closure 1
# This is important as if module.export is not present the Module object will not be visible to node.js
# Run with ./ other.test_module_exports_with_closure
# First make sure test.js isn't present.
# compile with -O2 --closure 0
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'Module-exports', 'test.c'),
'-o', 'test.js', '-O2', '--closure', '0',
'--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'Module-exports', 'setup.js'),
'-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_bufferTest"]',
'-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["ccall", "cwrap"]',
# Check that compilation was successful
test_js_closure_0 = open('test.js').read()
# Check that test.js compiled with --closure 0 contains "module['exports'] = Module;"
assert ("module['exports'] = Module;" in test_js_closure_0) or ('module["exports"]=Module' in test_js_closure_0) or ('module["exports"] = Module;' in test_js_closure_0)
# Check that main.js (which requires test.js) completes successfully when run in node.js
# in order to check that the exports are indeed functioning correctly.
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'Module-exports', 'main.js'), 'main.js')
self.assertContained('bufferTest finished', run_js('main.js', engine=NODE_JS))
# Delete test.js again and check it's gone.
# compile with -O2 --closure 1
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'Module-exports', 'test.c'),
'-o', 'test.js', '-O2', '--closure', '1',
'--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'Module-exports', 'setup.js'),
'-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_bufferTest"]',
'-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["ccall", "cwrap"]',
# Check that compilation was successful
test_js_closure_1 = open('test.js').read()
# Check that test.js compiled with --closure 1 contains "module.exports", we want to verify that
# "module['exports']" got minified to "module.exports" when compiling with --closure 1
self.assertContained("module.exports", test_js_closure_1)
# Check that main.js (which requires test.js) completes successfully when run in node.js
# in order to check that the exports are indeed functioning correctly.
self.assertContained('bufferTest finished', run_js('main.js', engine=NODE_JS))
def test_node_catch_exit(self):
# Test that in node.js exceptions are not caught if NODEJS_EXIT_CATCH=0
create_test_file('count.c', '''
#include <string.h>
int count(const char *str) {
return (int)strlen(str);
create_test_file('index.js', '''
const count = require('./count.js');
console.log(xxx); //< here is the ReferenceError
reference_error_text = 'console.log(xxx); //< here is the ReferenceError'
run_process([EMCC, 'count.c', '-o', 'count.js'])
# Check that the ReferenceError is caught and rethrown and thus the original error line is masked
run_js('index.js', engine=NODE_JS, stderr=STDOUT, assert_returncode=None))
run_process([EMCC, 'count.c', '-o', 'count.js', '-s', 'NODEJS_CATCH_EXIT=0'])
# Check that the ReferenceError is not caught, so we see the error properly
run_js('index.js', engine=NODE_JS, stderr=STDOUT, assert_returncode=None))
def test_extra_exported_methods(self):
# Test with node.js that the EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS setting is considered by libraries
self.skipTest("node engine required for this test")
create_test_file('count.c', '''
#include <string.h>
int count(const char *str) {
return (int)strlen(str);
create_test_file('index.js', '''
const count = require('./count.js');
reference_error_text = 'undefined'
run_process([EMCC, 'count.c', '-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1', '-s',
'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["FS_writeFile"]', '-o', 'count.js'])
# Check that the Module.FS_writeFile exists
run_js('index.js', engine=NODE_JS, stderr=STDOUT, assert_returncode=None))
run_process([EMCC, 'count.c', '-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1', '-o', 'count.js'])
# Check that the Module.FS_writeFile is not exported
run_js('index.js', engine=NODE_JS, stderr=STDOUT, assert_returncode=None))
def test_fs_stream_proto(self):
open('src.cpp', 'wb').write(br'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
long file_size = 0;
int h = open("src.cpp", O_RDONLY, 0666);
if (0 != h)
FILE* file = fdopen(h, "rb");
if (0 != file)
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
printf("fdopen() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 10;
printf("File size: %ld\n", file_size);
printf("open() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 10;
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--embed-file', 'src.cpp'])
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
out = run_js('a.out.js', engine=engine, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
self.assertContained('File size: 724', out)
def test_proxyfs(self):
# This test supposes that 3 different programs share the same directory and files.
# The same JS object is not used for each of them
# But 'require' function caches JS objects.
# If we just load same js-file multiple times like following code,
# these programs (m0,m1,m2) share the same JS object.
# var m0 = require('./proxyfs_test.js');
# var m1 = require('./proxyfs_test.js');
# var m2 = require('./proxyfs_test.js');
# To separate js-objects for each of them, following 'require' use different js-files.
# var m0 = require('./proxyfs_test.js');
# var m1 = require('./proxyfs_test1.js');
# var m2 = require('./proxyfs_test2.js');
create_test_file('proxyfs_test_main.js', r'''
var m0 = require('./proxyfs_test.js');
var m1 = require('./proxyfs_test1.js');
var m2 = require('./proxyfs_test2.js');
var section;
function print(str){
section = "child m1 reads and writes local file.";
print("m1 read embed");
print("m1 write");console.log("");
print("m1 read");
section = "child m2 reads and writes local file.";
print("m2 read embed");
print("m2 write");console.log("");
print("m2 read");
section = "child m1 reads local file.";
print("m1 read");
section = "parent m0 reads and writes local and children's file.";
print("m0 read embed");
print("m0 read m1");
print("m0 read m2");
section = "m0,m1 and m2 verify local files.";
print("m0 write");console.log("");
print("m0 read");
print("m1 read");
print("m2 read");
print("m0 read embed");
print("m1 read embed");
print("m2 read embed");
section = "parent m0 writes and reads children's files.";
print("m0 write m1");console.log("");
print("m0 read m1");
print("m0 write m2");console.log("");
print("m0 read m2");
print("m1 read");
print("m2 read");
print("m0 read m0");
create_test_file('proxyfs_pre.js', r'''
if (typeof Module === 'undefined') Module = {};
create_test_file('proxyfs_embed.txt', r'''test
create_test_file('proxyfs_test.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
FILE* out = fopen("/working/hoge.txt","w");
return 0;
FILE* in = fopen("/working/hoge.txt","r");
char buf[1024];
int len;
printf("open failed\n");
while(! feof(in)){
return 0;
FILE* out = fopen("/working2/hoge.txt","w");
return 0;
FILE* in = fopen("/working2/hoge.txt","r");
char buf[1024];
int len;
printf("open failed\n");
while(! feof(in)){
return 0;
mywrite0(int i){
FILE* out = fopen("hoge.txt","w");
return 0;
FILE* in = fopen("hoge.txt","r");
char buf[1024];
int len;
printf("open failed\n");
while(! feof(in)){
return 0;
FILE* in = fopen("proxyfs_embed.txt","r");
char buf[1024];
int len;
printf("open failed\n");
while(! feof(in)){
return 0;
'-o', 'proxyfs_test.js', 'proxyfs_test.c',
'--embed-file', 'proxyfs_embed.txt', '--pre-js', 'proxyfs_pre.js',
'-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["ccall", "cwrap"]',
'-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1',
'-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'])
# Following shutil.copyfile just prevent 'require' of node.js from caching js-object.
# See
shutil.copyfile('proxyfs_test.js', 'proxyfs_test1.js')
shutil.copyfile('proxyfs_test.js', 'proxyfs_test2.js')
out = run_js('proxyfs_test_main.js')
section = "child m1 reads and writes local file."
self.assertContained(section + ":m1 read embed:test", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m1 write:", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m1 read:test0_1", out)
section = "child m2 reads and writes local file."
self.assertContained(section + ":m2 read embed:test", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m2 write:", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m2 read:test0_2", out)
section = "child m1 reads local file."
self.assertContained(section + ":m1 read:test0_1", out)
section = "parent m0 reads and writes local and children's file."
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read embed:test", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read m1:test0_1", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read m2:test0_2", out)
section = "m0,m1 and m2 verify local files."
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 write:", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read:test0_0", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m1 read:test0_1", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m2 read:test0_2", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read embed:test", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m1 read embed:test", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m2 read embed:test", out)
section = "parent m0 writes and reads children's files."
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 write m1:", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read m1:test1", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 write m2:", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read m2:test2", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m1 read:test1", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m2 read:test2", out)
self.assertContained(section + ":m0 read m0:test0_0", out)
@unittest.skip("autovectorization of this stopped in LLVM 6.0")
def test_autovectorize_linpack(self):
# TODO: investigate when SIMD arrives in wasm
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'linpack.c'), '-O2', '-msimd128', '-DSP', '--profiling'])
def test_dependency_file(self):
# Issue 1732: -MMD (and friends) create dependency files that need to be
# copied from the temporary directory.
create_test_file('test.cpp', r'''
#include "test.hpp"
void my_function()
create_test_file('test.hpp', r'''
void my_function();
run_process([EMCC, '-MMD', '-c', 'test.cpp', '-o', 'test.o'])
deps = open('test.d').read()
# Look for ': ' instead of just ':' to not confuse C:\path\ notation with make "target: deps" rule. Not perfect, but good enough for this test.
head, tail = deps.split(': ', 2)
assert 'test.o' in head, 'Invalid dependency target'
assert 'test.cpp' in tail and 'test.hpp' in tail, 'Invalid dependencies generated'
def test_dependency_file_2(self):
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'a.c')
run_process([EMCC, 'a.c', '-MMD', '-MF', 'test.d', '-c'])
self.assertContained(open('test.d').read(), 'a.o: a.c\n')
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'a.c')
run_process([EMCC, 'a.c', '-MMD', '-MF', 'test2.d', '-c', '-o', 'test.o'])
self.assertContained(open('test2.d').read(), 'test.o: a.c\n')
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'a.c')
run_process([EMCC, 'a.c', '-MMD', '-MF', 'test3.d', '-c', '-o', 'obj/test.o'])
self.assertContained(open('test3.d').read(), 'obj/test.o: a.c\n')
def test_js_lib_quoted_key(self):
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
'<' : 0,
'white space' : 1
printf__deps: ['__internal_data', 'fprintf']
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '--js-library', 'lib.js'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_js_lib_exported(self):
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
jslibfunc: function(x) { return 2 * x }
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" int jslibfunc(int x);
int main() {
printf("c calling: %d\n", jslibfunc(6));
out('js calling: ' + Module['_jslibfunc'](5) + '.');
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--js-library', 'lib.js', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_jslibfunc"]'])
self.assertContained('c calling: 12\njs calling: 10.', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_js_lib_primitive_dep(self):
# Verify that primitive dependencies aren't generated in the output JS.
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
foo__deps: ['Int8Array', 'NonPrimitive'],
foo: function() {},
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
void foo(void);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-O0', 'main.c', '--js-library', 'lib.js', '-s', 'WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0'])
generated = open('a.out.js').read()
self.assertContained('missing function: NonPrimitive', generated)
self.assertNotContained('missing function: Int8Array', generated)
def test_js_lib_using_asm_lib(self):
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
jslibfunc__deps: ['asmlibfunc'],
jslibfunc: function(x) {
return 2 * _asmlibfunc(x);
asmlibfunc__asm: true,
asmlibfunc__sig: 'ii',
asmlibfunc: function(x) {
x = x | 0;
return x + 1 | 0;
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" int jslibfunc(int x);
int main() {
printf("c calling: %d\n", jslibfunc(6));
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--js-library', 'lib.js'])
self.assertContained('c calling: 14\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_EMCC_BUILD_DIR(self):
# EMCC_BUILD_DIR env var contains the dir we were building in, when running the js compiler (e.g. when
# running a js library). We force the cwd to be src/ for technical reasons, so this lets you find out
# where you were.
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
printErr('dir was ' + process.env.EMCC_BUILD_DIR);
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '--js-library', 'lib.js'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('dir was ' + os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(self.get_dir())), err)
def test_float_h(self):
process = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'float+.c')], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert process.returncode == 0, 'float.h should agree with our system: ' + process.stdout + '\n\n\n' + process.stderr
def test_output_is_dir(self):
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'out_dir/'])
self.assertContained('error: unable to open output file', err)
def test_default_obj_ext(self):
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--default-obj-ext', 'obj'])
def test_doublestart_bug(self):
create_test_file('code.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
void main_loop(void) {
static int cnt = 0;
if (++cnt >= 10) emscripten_cancel_main_loop();
int main(void) {
printf("This should only appear once.\n");
emscripten_set_main_loop(main_loop, 10, 0);
return 0;
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
if (!Module['preRun']) Module['preRun'] = [];
Module["preRun"].push(function () {
run_process([EMCC, 'code.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', engine=NODE_JS)
assert output.count('This should only appear once.') == 1, output
def test_module_print(self):
create_test_file('code.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
return 0;
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
var Module = { print: function(x) { throw '<{(' + x + ')}>' } };
run_process([EMCC, 'code.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, engine=NODE_JS, assert_returncode=None)
assert r'<{(123456789)}>' in output, output
def test_precompiled_headers_warnings(self):
# Check that we don't have any underlying warnings from clang, this can happen if we
# pass any link flags to when building a pch.
create_test_file('header.h', '#define X 5\n')
run_process([EMCC, '-Werror', '-xc++-header', 'header.h'])
def test_precompiled_headers(self):
for suffix in ['gch', 'pch']:
create_test_file('header.h', '#define X 5\n')
run_process([EMCC, '-xc++-header', 'header.h', '-c'])
self.assertExists('header.h.gch') # default output is gch
if suffix != 'gch':
run_process([EMCC, '-xc++-header', 'header.h', '-o', 'header.h.' + suffix])
self.assertBinaryEqual('header.h.gch', 'header.h.' + suffix)
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("|%d|\n", X);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-include', 'header.h'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, engine=NODE_JS)
self.assertContained('|5|', output)
# also verify that the gch is actually used
err = run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-include', 'header.h', '-Xclang', '-print-stats'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertTextDataContained('*** PCH/Modules Loaded:\nModule: header.h.' + suffix, err)
# and sanity check it is not mentioned when not
try_delete('header.h.' + suffix)
err = run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-include', 'header.h', '-Xclang', '-print-stats'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('*** PCH/Modules Loaded:\nModule: header.h.' + suffix, err.replace('\r\n', '\n'))
# with specified target via -o
try_delete('header.h.' + suffix)
run_process([EMCC, '-xc++-header', 'header.h', '-o', 'my.' + suffix])
self.assertExists('my.' + suffix)
# -include-pch flag
run_process([EMCC, '-xc++-header', 'header.h', '-o', 'header.h.' + suffix])
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-include-pch', 'header.h.' + suffix])
output = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('|5|', output)
@no_wasm_backend('tests extra fastcomp warnings on unaligned loads/stores, which matter a lot more in asm.js')
def test_warn_unaligned(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
struct packey {
char x;
int y;
double z;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
int main() {
volatile packey p;
p.x = 0;
p.y = 1;
p.z = 2;
return 0;
output = run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'WASM=0', '-s', 'WARN_UNALIGNED=1', '-g'], stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained('emcc: warning: unaligned store', output.stderr)
self.assertContained('emcc: warning: unaligned store', output.stderr)
self.assertContained('@line 11 "src.cpp"', output.stderr)
def test_LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT(self):
# when modern features are lacking, we can polyfill them or at least warn
create_test_file('pre.js', 'Math.imul = undefined;')
def test(expected, opts=[]):
result = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--pre-js', 'pre.js'] + opts, stderr=PIPE, check=False)
if result.returncode == 0:
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, engine=NODE_JS, assert_returncode=None))
self.assertContained(expected, result.stderr)
# when legacy is needed, we show an error indicating so
test('build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT')
# legacy + disabling wasm works
if self.is_wasm_backend():
test('hello, world!', ['-s', 'LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT=1', '-s', 'WASM=0'])
def test_on_abort(self):
expected_output = 'Module.onAbort was called'
def add_on_abort_and_verify(extra=''):
with open('a.out.js') as f:
js =
with open('a.out.js', 'w') as f:
f.write("var Module = { onAbort: function() { console.log('%s') } };\n" % expected_output)
f.write(extra + '\n')
self.assertContained(expected_output, run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None))
# test direct abort() C call
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
# test direct abort() JS call
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
EM_ASM({ abort() });
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
# test throwing in an abort handler, and catching that
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
try {
} catch (e) {
throw e;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
js =
with open('a.out.js', 'w') as f:
f.write("var Module = { onAbort: function() { console.log('%s'); throw 're-throw'; } };\n" % expected_output)
out = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=STDOUT, assert_returncode=None)
self.assertContained(expected_output, out)
self.assertContained('re-throw', out)
self.assertContained('first', out)
self.assertContained('second', out)
self.assertEqual(out.count(expected_output), 2)
# test an abort during startup
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
os.remove('a.out.wasm') # trigger onAbort by intentionally causing startup to fail
def test_no_exit_runtime(self):
create_test_file('code.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
template<int x>
struct Waste {
Waste() {
printf("coming around %d\n", x);
~Waste() {
printf("going away %d\n", x);
Waste<1> w1;
Waste<2> w2;
Waste<3> w3;
Waste<4> w4;
Waste<5> w5;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;
for wasm in [0, 1]:
for no_exit in [1, 0]:
for opts in [[], ['-O1'], ['-O2', '-g2'], ['-O2', '-g2', '--llvm-lto', '1']]:
if self.is_wasm_backend() and not wasm:
print(wasm, no_exit, opts)
cmd = [EMCC] + opts + ['code.cpp', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=' + str(1 - no_exit), '-s', 'WASM=' + str(wasm)]
if wasm:
cmd += ['--profiling-funcs'] # for function names
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, engine=NODE_JS)
src = open('a.out.js').read()
if wasm:
src += '\n' + self.get_wasm_text('a.out.wasm')
exit = 1 - no_exit
print(' exit:', exit, 'opts:', opts)
self.assertContained('coming around', output)
self.assertContainedIf('going away', output, exit)
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
# The wasm backend uses atexit to register destructors when
# constructors are called There is currently no way to exclude
# these destructors from the wasm binary.
assert ('atexit(' in src) == exit, 'atexit should not appear in src when EXIT_RUNTIME=0'
assert ('_ZN5WasteILi2EED' in src) == exit, 'destructors should not appear if no exit:\n' + src
def test_no_exit_runtime_warnings_flush(self):
# check we warn if there is unflushed info
create_test_file('code.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("world"); // no newline, not flushed
create_test_file('code.cpp', r'''
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std;
cout << "hello" << std::endl;
cout << "world"; // no newline, not flushed
std::cout << std::endl;
for src in ['code.c', 'code.cpp']:
for no_exit in [0, 1]:
for assertions in [0, 1]:
for flush in [0, 1]:
# TODO: also check FILESYSTEM=0 here. it never worked though, buffered output was not emitted at shutdown
print(src, no_exit, assertions, flush)
cmd = [EMCC, src, '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=%d' % (1 - no_exit), '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=%d' % assertions]
if flush:
cmd += ['-DFLUSH']
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
exit = 1 - no_exit
self.assertContained('hello', output)
assert ('world' in output) == (exit or flush), 'unflushed content is shown only when exiting the runtime'
assert (no_exit and assertions and not flush) == ('stdio streams had content in them that was not flushed. you should set EXIT_RUNTIME to 1' in output), 'warning should be shown'
def test_fs_after_main(self):
for args in [[], ['-O1']]:
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'fs_after_main.cpp')])
self.assertContained('Test passed.', run_js('a.out.js', engine=NODE_JS))
@no_wasm_backend('tests fastcomp compiler flags')
def test_os_oz(self):
for arg, expect in [
('-O1', '-O1'),
('-O2', '-O3'),
('-Os', '-Os'),
('-Oz', '-Oz'),
('-O3', '-O3'),
print(arg, expect)
proc = run_process([EMCC, '-v', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), arg], stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained(expect, proc.stderr)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_oz_size(self):
sizes = {}
for name, args in [
('0', []),
('1', ['-O1']),
('2', ['-O2']),
('s', ['-Os']),
('z', ['-Oz']),
('3', ['-O3']),
print(name, args)
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'dlmalloc.c')] + args)
sizes[name] = os.path.getsize('dlmalloc.o')
opt_min = min(sizes['1'], sizes['2'], sizes['3'], sizes['s'], sizes['z'])
opt_max = max(sizes['1'], sizes['2'], sizes['3'], sizes['s'], sizes['z'])
# 'opt builds are all fairly close'
self.assertLess(opt_min - opt_max, opt_max * 0.1)
# unopt build is quite larger'
self.assertGreater(sizes['0'], (1.20 * opt_max))
@no_wasm_backend('relies on ctor evaluation and dtor elimination')
def test_global_inits(self):
create_test_file('inc.h', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
template<int x>
struct Waste {
int state;
Waste() : state(10) {}
void test(int a) {
printf("%d\n", a + state);
~Waste() {
printf("going away %d\n", x);
Waste<3> *getMore();
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include "inc.h"
Waste<1> mw1;
Waste<2> mw2;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("argc: %d\n", argc);
mw1.state += argc;
mw2.state += argc;
return 0;
create_test_file('side.cpp', r'''
#include "inc.h"
Waste<3> sw3;
Waste<3> *getMore() {
return &sw3;
for opts, has_global in [
(['-O2', '-g', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'], True),
# no-exit-runtime removes the atexits, and then globalgce can work
# it's magic to remove the global initializer entirely
(['-O2', '-g'], False),
(['-Os', '-g', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'], True),
(['-Os', '-g'], False),
(['-O2', '-g', '--llvm-lto', '1', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'], True),
(['-O2', '-g', '--llvm-lto', '1'], False),
print(opts, has_global)
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-c'] + opts)
run_process([EMCC, 'side.cpp', '-c'] + opts)
run_process([EMCC, 'main.o', 'side.o'] + opts)
run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, engine=NODE_JS)
src = open('a.out.js').read()
self.assertContained('argc: 1\n16\n17\n10\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
self.assertContainedIf('globalCtors', src, has_global)
# Tests that when there are only 0 or 1 global initializers, that a grouped global initializer function will not be generated
# (that would just consume excess code size)
def test_no_global_inits(self):
create_test_file('one_global_initializer.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <stdio.h>
double t = emscripten_get_now();
int main() { printf("t:%d\n", (int)(t>0)); }
run_process([EMCC, 'one_global_initializer.cpp'])
# Above file has one global initializer, should not generate a redundant grouped globalCtors function
self.assertNotContained('globalCtors', open('a.out.js').read())
self.assertContained('t:1', run_js('a.out.js'))
create_test_file('zero_global_initializers.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() { printf("t:1\n"); }
run_process([EMCC, 'zero_global_initializers.cpp'])
# Above file should have zero global initializers, should not generate any global initializer functions
self.assertNotContained('__GLOBAL__sub_', open('a.out.js').read())
self.assertContained('t:1', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_implicit_func(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("hello %d\n", strnlen("waka", 2)); // Implicit declaration, no header, for strnlen
int (*my_strnlen)(char*, ...) = strnlen;
printf("hello %d\n", my_strnlen("shaka", 2));
return 0;
IMPLICIT_WARNING = "warning: implicit declaration of function 'strnlen' is invalid in C99"
IMPLICIT_ERROR = "error: implicit declaration of function 'strnlen' is invalid in C99"
INCOMPATIBLE_WARNINGS = ('warning: incompatible pointer types', 'warning: incompatible function pointer types')
for opts, expected, compile_expected in [
([], None, [IMPLICIT_ERROR]),
(['-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration'], ['hello '], [IMPLICIT_WARNING]), # turn error into warning
(['-Wno-implicit-function-declaration'], ['hello '], []), # turn error into nothing at all (runtime output is incorrect)
print(opts, expected)
stderr = run_process([EMCC, 'src.c'] + opts, stderr=PIPE, check=False).stderr
for ce in compile_expected + [INCOMPATIBLE_WARNINGS]:
self.assertContained(ce, stderr)
if expected is None:
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
for e in expected:
self.assertContained(e, output)
@no_wasm_backend('uses prebuilt .ll file')
def test_incorrect_static_call(self):
for wasm in [0, 1]:
for opts in [0, 1]:
for asserts in [0, 1]:
extra = []
if opts != 1 - asserts:
extra = ['-s', 'ASSERTIONS=' + str(asserts)]
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'sillyfuncast2_noasm.ll'), '-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'WASM=' + str(wasm)] + extra
print(opts, asserts, wasm, cmd)
# Should not need to pipe stdout here but binaryen writes to stdout
# when it really should write to stderr.
stderr = run_process(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, check=False).stderr
assert ('unexpected' in stderr) == asserts, stderr
assert ("to 'doit'" in stderr) == asserts, stderr
@no_wasm_backend('fastcomp specific')
def test_llvm_lit(self):
grep_path = shared.which('grep')
if not grep_path:
self.skipTest('This test needs the "grep" tool in PATH. If you are using emsdk on Windows, you can obtain it via installing and activating the gnu package.')
llvm_src = get_fastcomp_src_dir()
if not llvm_src:
self.skipTest('llvm source tree not found')
LLVM_LIT = os.path.join(LLVM_ROOT, '')
if not os.path.exists(LLVM_LIT):
LLVM_LIT = os.path.join(LLVM_ROOT, 'llvm-lit')
if not os.path.exists(LLVM_LIT):
self.skipTest('llvm-lit not found; fastcomp directory is most likely prebuilt')
cmd = [PYTHON, LLVM_LIT, '-v', os.path.join(llvm_src, 'test', 'CodeGen', 'JS')]
def test_bad_triple(self):
# compile a minimal program, with as few dependencies as possible, as
# native building on CI may not always work well
create_test_file('minimal.cpp', 'int main() { return 0; }')
vs_env = shared.get_clang_native_env()
except Exception:
self.skipTest('Native clang env not found')
run_process([CLANG_CXX, 'minimal.cpp', '-target', 'x86_64-linux', '-c', '-emit-llvm', '-o', 'a.bc'] + clang_native.get_clang_native_args(), env=vs_env)
err = run_process([EMCC, 'a.bc'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, check=False).stderr
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertContained('machine type must be wasm32', err)
assert 'warning' in err or 'WARNING' in err, err
assert 'incorrect target triple' in err or 'different target triples' in err, err
def test_valid_abspath(self):
# Test whether abspath warning appears
abs_include_path = os.path.abspath(self.get_dir())
err = run_process([EMCC, '-I%s' % abs_include_path, '-Wwarn-absolute-paths', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')], stderr=PIPE).stderr
warning = '-I or -L of an absolute path "-I%s" encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript).' % abs_include_path
self.assertContained(warning, err)
# Passing an absolute path to a directory inside the emscripten tree is always ok and should not issue a warning.
abs_include_path = path_from_root('tests')
err = run_process([EMCC, '-I%s' % abs_include_path, '-Wwarn-absolute-paths', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')], stderr=PIPE).stderr
warning = '-I or -L of an absolute path "-I%s" encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript).' % abs_include_path
self.assertNotContained(warning, err)
# Hide warning for this include path
err = run_process([EMCC, '--valid-abspath', abs_include_path, '-I%s' % abs_include_path, '-Wwarn-absolute-paths', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained(warning, err)
def test_valid_abspath_2(self):
abs_include_path = 'C:\\nowhere\\at\\all'
abs_include_path = '/nowhere/at/all'
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--valid-abspath', abs_include_path, '-I%s' % abs_include_path]
print(' '.join(cmd))
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_warn_dylibs(self):
shared_suffixes = ['.so', '.dylib', '.dll']
for suffix in ['.o', '.a', '.bc', '.so', '.lib', '.dylib', '.js', '.html']:
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'out' + suffix], stderr=PIPE).stderr
warning = 'When Emscripten compiles to a typical native suffix for shared libraries (.so, .dylib, .dll) then it emits an object file. You should then compile that to an emscripten SIDE_MODULE (using that flag) with suffix .wasm (for wasm) or .js (for asm.js).'
self.assertContainedIf(warning, err, suffix in shared_suffixes)
def test_side_module_without_proper_target(self):
# SIDE_MODULE is only meaningful when compiling to wasm (or js+wasm)
# otherwise, we are just linking bitcode, and should show an error
for wasm in [0, 1]:
if self.is_wasm_backend() and not wasm:
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-o', '', '-s', 'WASM=%d' % wasm])
self.assertContained('SIDE_MODULE must only be used when compiling to an executable shared library, and not when emitting an object file', stderr)
@no_wasm_backend('asm.js optimizations')
def test_simplify_ifs(self):
def test(src, nums):
create_test_file('src.c', src)
for opts, ifs in [
[['-g2'], nums[0]],
[['--profiling'], nums[1]],
[['--profiling', '-g2'], nums[2]]
print(opts, ifs)
if type(ifs) == int:
ifs = [ifs]
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-O2', '-s', 'WASM=0'] + opts, stdout=PIPE)
src = open('a.out.js').read()
main = src[src.find('function _main'):src.find('\n}', src.find('function _main'))]
actual_ifs = main.count('if (')
assert actual_ifs in ifs, main + ' : ' + str([ifs, actual_ifs])
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc > 5 && strlen(argv[0]) > 1 && strlen(argv[1]) > 2) printf("halp");
return 0;
''', [3, 1, 1])
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
while (argc % 3 == 0) {
if (argc > 5 && strlen(argv[0]) > 1 && strlen(argv[1]) > 2) {
} else {
while (argc > 0) {
printf("%d\n", argc--);
return 0;
''', [8, [5, 7], [5, 7]])
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
while (argc % 17 == 0) argc *= 2;
if (argc > 5 && strlen(argv[0]) > 10 && strlen(argv[1]) > 20) {
} else {
printf("%d\n", argc--);
while (argc % 17 == 0) argc *= 2;
return argc;
''', [6, 3, 3])
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (getenv("A") && getenv("B")) {
printf("hello world\n");
} else {
printf("goodnight moon\n");
printf("and that's that\n");
return 0;
''', [[3, 2], 1, 1])
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (getenv("A") || getenv("B")) {
printf("hello world\n");
printf("and that's that\n");
return 0;
''', [[3, 2], 1, 1])
def test_symbol_map(self):
UNMINIFIED_HEAP8 = 'var HEAP8 = new global.Int8Array'
UNMINIFIED_MIDDLE = 'function middle'
for opts in [['-O2'], ['-O3']]:
for wasm in [0, 1, 2]:
print(opts, wasm)
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
EM_JS(int, run_js, (), {
out(new Error().stack);
return 0;
void middle() {
if (run_js()) {
// fake recursion that is never reached, to avoid inlining in binaryen and LLVM
int main() {
EM_ASM({ _middle() });
cmd = [EMCC, 'src.c', '--emit-symbol-map'] + opts
cmd += ['-s', 'WASM=%d' % wasm]
# check that the map is correct
with open('a.out.js.symbols') as f:
symbols =
lines = [line.split(':') for line in symbols.strip().split('\n')]
minified_middle = None
for minified, full in lines:
# handle both fastcomp and wasm backend notation
if full == '_middle' or full == 'middle':
minified_middle = minified
self.assertNotEqual(minified_middle, None)
if wasm:
# stack traces are standardized enough that we can easily check that the
# minified name is actually in the output
stack_trace_reference = 'wasm-function[%s]' % minified_middle
out = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None)
self.assertContained(stack_trace_reference, out)
# make sure there are no symbols in the wasm itself
wat = run_process([os.path.join(building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis'), 'a.out.wasm'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
for func_start in ('(func $middle', '(func $_middle'):
self.assertNotContained(func_start, wat)
# check we don't keep unnecessary debug info with wasm2js when emitting
# a symbol map
if self.is_wasm_backend() and wasm == 0 and '-O' in str(opts):
with open('a.out.js') as f:
js =
self.assertNotContained(UNMINIFIED_HEAP8, js)
self.assertNotContained(UNMINIFIED_MIDDLE, js)
# verify those patterns would exist with more debug info
run_process(cmd + ['--profiling-funcs'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
js =
self.assertContained(UNMINIFIED_HEAP8, js)
self.assertContained(UNMINIFIED_MIDDLE, js)
def test_bc_to_bc(self):
# emcc should 'process' bitcode to bitcode. build systems can request this if
# e.g. they assume our 'executable' extension is bc, and compile an .o to a .bc
# (the user would then need to build bc to js of course, but we need to actually
# emit the bc)
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
run_process([EMCC, 'hello_world.o', '-o', 'hello_world.bc'])
def test_bad_function_pointer_cast(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int (*callback) (int, ...);
int impl(int foo) {
printf("Hello, world.\n");
return 0;
int main() {
volatile callback f = (callback) impl;
f(0); /* This fails with or without additional arguments. */
return 0;
for opts in [0, 1, 2]:
for safe in [0, 1]:
for emulate_casts in [0, 1]:
for emulate_fps in [0, 1]:
for relocatable in [0, 1]:
for wasm in [0, 1]:
if self.is_wasm_backend() and (not wasm or emulate_fps):
if emulate_casts and self.is_wasm_backend() and relocatable:
# TODO('')
cmd = [EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O' + str(opts)]
if not wasm:
cmd += ['-s', 'WASM=0']
if safe:
cmd += ['-s', 'SAFE_HEAP']
if emulate_casts:
if emulate_fps:
if relocatable:
cmd += ['-s', 'RELOCATABLE'] # disables asm-optimized safe heap
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None)
if emulate_casts:
# success!
self.assertContained('Hello, world.', output)
# otherwise, the error depends on the mode we are in
if self.is_wasm_backend() or (wasm and (relocatable or emulate_fps)):
# wasm trap raised by the vm
self.assertContained('function signature mismatch', output)
elif opts == 0 and safe and not wasm:
# non-wasm safe mode checks asm.js function table masks
self.assertContained('Function table mask error', output)
elif opts == 0:
# informative error message (assertions are enabled in -O0)
self.assertContained('Invalid function pointer', output)
# non-informative error
self.assertContained(('abort(', 'exception'), output)
@no_wasm_backend('asm.js function table feature')
def test_aliased_func_pointers(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int impl1(int foo) { return foo; }
float impla(float foo) { return foo; }
int impl2(int foo) { return foo+1; }
float implb(float foo) { return foo+1; }
int impl3(int foo) { return foo+2; }
float implc(float foo) { return foo+2; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
volatile void *f = (void*)impl1;
if (argc == 50) f = (void*)impla;
if (argc == 51) f = (void*)impl2;
if (argc == 52) f = (void*)implb;
if (argc == 53) f = (void*)impl3;
if (argc == 54) f = (void*)implc;
return (int)f;
sizes_ii = {}
sizes_dd = {}
for alias in [None, 0, 1]:
cmd = [EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O1', '-s', 'WASM=0']
if alias is not None:
cmd += ['-s', 'ALIASING_FUNCTION_POINTERS=' + str(alias)]
alias = -1
src = open('a.out.js').read().split('\n')
for line in src:
if line.strip().startswith('var FUNCTION_TABLE_ii = '):
sizes_ii[alias] = line.count(',')
if line.strip().startswith('var FUNCTION_TABLE_dd = '):
sizes_dd[alias] = line.count(',')
print('ii', sizes_ii)
print('dd', sizes_dd)
for sizes in [sizes_ii, sizes_dd]:
self.assertEqual(sizes[-1], sizes[1]) # default is to alias
self.assertLess(sizes[1], sizes[0]) # without aliasing, we have more unique values and fat tables
def test_bad_export(self):
for m in ['', ' ']:
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["' + m + '_main"]']
stderr = run_process(cmd, stderr=PIPE, check=False).stderr
if m:
self.assertContained('undefined exported function: " _main"', stderr)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_no_dynamic_execution(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O1', '-s', 'DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
src = open('a.out.js').read()
self.assertNotContained('eval(', src)
self.assertNotContained('eval.', src)
self.assertNotContained('new Function', src)
# Test that --preload-file doesn't add an use of eval().
create_test_file('temp.txt', "foo\n")
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O1',
'-s', 'DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0', '--preload-file', 'temp.txt'])
src = open('a.out.js').read()
assert 'eval(' not in src
assert 'eval.' not in src
assert 'new Function' not in src
# Test that -s DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=1 and -s RELOCATABLE=1 are not allowed together.
self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O1',
create_test_file('test.c', r'''
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
int main() {
emscripten_run_script("console.log('hello from script');");
return 0;
# Test that emscripten_run_script() aborts when -s DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0
run_process([EMCC, 'test.c', '-O1', '-s', 'DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0'])
self.assertContained('DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0 was set, cannot eval', run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, full_output=True, stderr=PIPE))
# Test that emscripten_run_script() posts a warning when -s DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=2
run_process([EMCC, 'test.c', '-O1', '-s', 'DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=2'])
self.assertContained('Warning: DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=2 was set, but calling eval in the following location:', run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, full_output=True, stderr=PIPE))
self.assertContained('hello from script', run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, full_output=True, stderr=PIPE))
def test_init_file_at_offset(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int data = 0x12345678;
FILE *f = fopen("test.dat", "wb");
fseek(f, 100, SEEK_CUR);
fwrite(&data, 4, 1, f);
int data2;
f = fopen("test.dat", "rb");
fread(&data2, 4, 1, f); // should read 0s, not that int we wrote at an offset
printf("read: %d\n", data2);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
long size = ftell(f); // should be 104, not 4
printf("file size is %ld\n", size);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained('read: 0\nfile size is 104\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_unlink(self):
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'unlink'))
def test_argv0_node(self):
create_test_file('code.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("I am %s.\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'code.cpp'])
self.assertContained('I am ' + os.path.realpath(self.get_dir()).replace('\\', '/') + '/a.out.js', run_js('a.out.js', engine=NODE_JS).replace('\\', '/'))
def test_returncode(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
return CODE;
for code in [0, 123]:
for no_exit in [0, 1]:
for call_exit in [0, 1]:
for async_compile in [0, 1]:
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-DCODE=%d' % code, '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=%d' % (1 - no_exit), '-DCALL_EXIT=%d' % call_exit, '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=%d' % async_compile])
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
# async compilation can't return a code in d8
if async_compile and engine == V8_ENGINE:
print(code, no_exit, call_exit, async_compile, engine)
proc = run_process(engine + ['a.out.js'], stderr=PIPE, check=False)
# we always emit the right exit code, whether we exit the runtime or not
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, code)
msg = 'but EXIT_RUNTIME is not set, so halting execution but not exiting the runtime or preventing further async execution (build with EXIT_RUNTIME=1, if you want a true shutdown)'
if no_exit and call_exit:
self.assertContained(msg, proc.stderr)
self.assertNotContained(msg, proc.stderr)
def test_emscripten_force_exit_NO_EXIT_RUNTIME(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
for no_exit in [0, 1]:
for call_exit in [0, 1]:
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=%d' % (1 - no_exit), '-DCALL_EXIT=%d' % call_exit])
print(no_exit, call_exit)
out = run_js('a.out.js', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
assert ('emscripten_force_exit cannot actually shut down the runtime, as the build does not have EXIT_RUNTIME set' in out) == (no_exit and call_exit), out
def test_mkdir_silly(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
printf("%d:\n", i);
int ok = mkdir(argv[i], S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO);
printf(" make %s: %d\n", argv[i], ok);
DIR *dir = opendir(argv[i]);
printf(" open %s: %d\n", argv[i], dir != NULL);
if (dir) {
struct dirent *entry;
while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {
printf(" %s, %d\n", entry->d_name, entry->d_type);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
# cannot create /, can open
make /: -1
open /: 1
., 4
.., 4
tmp, 4
home, 4
dev, 4
proc, 4
''', run_js('a.out.js', args=['/']))
# cannot create empty name, cannot open
make : -1
open : 0
''', run_js('a.out.js', args=['']))
# can create unnormalized path, can open
make /a//: 0
open /a//: 1
., 4
.., 4
''', run_js('a.out.js', args=['/a//']))
# can create child unnormalized
make /a: 0
open /a: 1
., 4
.., 4
make /a//b//: 0
open /a//b//: 1
., 4
.., 4
''', run_js('a.out.js', args=['/a', '/a//b//']))
def test_stat_silly(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
const char *path = argv[i];
struct stat path_stat;
if (stat(path, &path_stat) != 0) {
printf("Failed to stat path: %s; errno=%d\n", path, errno);
} else {
printf("ok on %s\n", path);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
# cannot stat ""
self.assertContained(r'''Failed to stat path: /a; errno=44
Failed to stat path: ; errno=44
''', run_js('a.out.js', args=['/a', '']))
def test_symlink_silly(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (symlink(argv[1], argv[2]) != 0) {
printf("Failed to symlink paths: %s, %s; errno=%d\n", argv[1], argv[2], errno);
} else {
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
# cannot symlink nonexistents
self.assertContained(r'Failed to symlink paths: , abc; errno=44', run_js('a.out.js', args=['', 'abc']))
self.assertContained(r'Failed to symlink paths: , ; errno=44', run_js('a.out.js', args=['', '']))
self.assertContained(r'ok', run_js('a.out.js', args=['123', 'abc']))
self.assertContained(r'Failed to symlink paths: abc, ; errno=44', run_js('a.out.js', args=['abc', '']))
def test_rename_silly(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (rename(argv[1], argv[2]) != 0) {
printf("Failed to rename paths: %s, %s; errno=%d\n", argv[1], argv[2], errno);
} else {
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
# cannot symlink nonexistents
self.assertContained(r'Failed to rename paths: , abc; errno=44', run_js('a.out.js', args=['', 'abc']))
self.assertContained(r'Failed to rename paths: , ; errno=44', run_js('a.out.js', args=['', '']))
self.assertContained(r'Failed to rename paths: 123, abc; errno=44', run_js('a.out.js', args=['123', 'abc']))
self.assertContained(r'Failed to rename paths: abc, ; errno=44', run_js('a.out.js', args=['abc', '']))
def test_readdir_r_silly(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cerrno>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
using std::endl;
void check(const bool result)
if(not result) {
std::cout << "Check failed!" << endl;
throw "bad";
// Do a recursive directory listing of the directory whose path is specified
// by \a name.
void ls(const std::string& name, std::size_t indent = 0)
::DIR *dir;
struct ::dirent *entry;
if(indent == 0) {
std::cout << name << endl;
// Make sure we can open the directory. This should also catch cases where
// the empty string is passed in.
if (not (dir = ::opendir(name.c_str()))) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to open directory: " << name << "; " << error << endl;
// Just checking the sanity.
if (name.empty()) {
<< "Managed to open a directory whose name was the empty string.."
<< endl;
check(::closedir(dir) != -1);
// Iterate over the entries in the directory.
while ((entry = ::readdir(dir))) {
const std::string entryName(entry->d_name);
if (entryName == "." || entryName == "..") {
// Skip the dot entries.
const std::string indentStr(indent * 2, ' ');
if (entryName.empty()) {
<< indentStr << "\"\": Found empty string as a "
<< (entry->d_type == DT_DIR ? "directory" : "file")
<< " entry!" << endl;
} else {
std::cout << indentStr << entryName
<< (entry->d_type == DT_DIR ? "/" : "") << endl;
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) {
// We found a subdirectory; recurse.
ls(std::string(name + (name == "/" ? "" : "/" ) + entryName),
indent + 1);
// Close our handle.
check(::closedir(dir) != -1);
void touch(const std::string &path)
const int fd = ::open(path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
check(fd != -1);
check(::close(fd) != -1);
int main()
check(::mkdir("dir", 0755) == 0);
std::cout << "Before:" << endl;
std::cout << endl;
// Attempt to delete entries as we walk the (single) directory.
::DIR * const dir = ::opendir("dir");
check(dir != NULL);
struct ::dirent *entry;
while((entry = ::readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
const std::string name(entry->d_name);
// Skip "." and "..".
if(name == "." || name == "..") {
// Unlink it.
std::cout << "Unlinking " << name << endl;
check(::unlink(("dir/" + name).c_str()) != -1);
check(::closedir(dir) != -1);
std::cout << "After:" << endl;
std::cout << endl;
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
# cannot symlink nonexistents
Unlinking a
Unlinking b
Unlinking c
Unlinking d
Unlinking e
''', run_js('a.out.js', args=['', 'abc']))
def test_emversion(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("major: %d\n", __EMSCRIPTEN_major__);
printf("minor: %d\n", __EMSCRIPTEN_minor__);
printf("tiny: %d\n", __EMSCRIPTEN_tiny__);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
expected = '''\
major: %d
minor: %d
tiny: %d
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_libc_files_without_syscalls(self):
# a program which includes FS due to libc js library support, but has no syscalls,
# so full FS support would normally be optimized out
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int main() {
return utimes(NULL, NULL);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
def test_syscall_without_filesystem(self):
# a program which includes a non-trivial syscall, but disables the filesystem.
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stddef.h>
extern int __sys_openat(int);
int main() {
return __sys_openat(0);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'NO_FILESYSTEM=1'])
def test_dashS(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-S'])
def test_dashS_stdout(self):
stdout = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-S', '-o', '-'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertEqual(os.listdir('.'), [])
self.assertContained('hello_world.c', stdout)
def test_emit_llvm(self):
# We shouldn't need to copy the file here but if we don't then emcc will
# internally clobber the hello_world.ll in tests.
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'hello_world.c')
run_process([EMCC, 'hello_world.c', '-S', '-emit-llvm'])
bitcode = open('hello_world.ll').read()
self.assertContained('target triple = "', bitcode)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-c', '-emit-llvm'])
def test_dashE(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''#include <emscripten.h>
def test(args=[]):
out = run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-E'] + args, stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('%d %d %d __attribute__((used))' % (shared.EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION_MAJOR, shared.EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION_MINOR, shared.EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION_TINY), out)
def test_dashE_respect_dashO(self):
# issue #3365
with_dash_o = run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-E', '-o', 'ignored.js'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout
without_dash_o = run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-E'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout
self.assertEqual(len(with_dash_o), 0)
self.assertNotEqual(len(without_dash_o), 0)
def test_dashM(self):
out = run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-M'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('hello_world.o:', out) # Verify output is just a dependency rule instead of bitcode or js
def test_dashM_respect_dashO(self):
# issue #3365
with_dash_o = run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-M', '-o', 'ignored.js'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
without_dash_o = run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-M'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertEqual(len(with_dash_o), 0)
self.assertNotEqual(len(without_dash_o), 0)
def test_malloc_implicit(self):
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'malloc_implicit'))
def test_switch64phi(self):
# issue 2539, fastcomp segfault on phi-i64 interaction
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <cstdio>
class int_adapter {
typedef ::int64_t int_type;
int_adapter(int_type v = 0)
: value_(v)
static const int_adapter pos_infinity()
return (::std::numeric_limits<int_type>::max)();
static const int_adapter neg_infinity()
return (::std::numeric_limits<int_type>::min)();
static const int_adapter not_a_number()
return (::std::numeric_limits<int_type>::max)()-1;
static bool is_neg_inf(int_type v)
return (v == neg_infinity().as_number());
static bool is_pos_inf(int_type v)
return (v == pos_infinity().as_number());
static bool is_not_a_number(int_type v)
return (v == not_a_number().as_number());
bool is_infinity() const
return (value_ == neg_infinity().as_number() ||
value_ == pos_infinity().as_number());
bool is_special() const
return(is_infinity() || value_ == not_a_number().as_number());
bool operator<(const int_adapter& rhs) const
if(value_ == not_a_number().as_number()
|| rhs.value_ == not_a_number().as_number()) {
return false;
if(value_ < rhs.value_) return true;
return false;
int_type as_number() const
return value_;
int_adapter operator-(const int_adapter& rhs)const
if(is_special() || rhs.is_special())
if (rhs.is_pos_inf(rhs.as_number()))
return int_adapter(1);
if (rhs.is_neg_inf(rhs.as_number()))
return int_adapter();
return int_adapter();
int_type value_;
class time_iterator {
time_iterator(int_adapter t, int_adapter d)
: current_(t),
time_iterator& operator--()
current_ = int_adapter(current_ - offset_);
return *this;
bool operator>=(const int_adapter& t)
return not (current_ < t);
int_adapter current_;
int_adapter offset_;
void iterate_backward(const int_adapter *answers, const int_adapter& td)
int_adapter end = answers[0];
time_iterator titr(end, td);
for (; titr >= answers[0]; --titr) {
const int_adapter answer1[] = {};
iterate_backward(NULL, int_adapter());
iterate_backward(answer1, int_adapter());
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O2', '-s', 'SAFE_HEAP=1'])
'none': [{'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': None}, False],
# forced libs is ok, they were there anyhow
'normal': [{'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': 'libc,libc++abi,libc++'}, False],
# partial list, but ok since we grab them as needed
'parial': [{'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': 'libc++'}, False],
# fail! not enough stdlibs
'partial_only': [{'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': 'libc++,libc,libc++abi', 'EMCC_ONLY_FORCED_STDLIBS': '1'}, True],
# force all the needed stdlibs, so this works even though we ignore the input file
'full_only': [{'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': 'libc,libc++abi,libc++,libpthread,libmalloc', 'EMCC_ONLY_FORCED_STDLIBS': '1'}, False],
def test_only_force_stdlibs(self, env, fail):
with env_modify(env):
run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-s', 'WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0'])
if fail:
output = self.expect_fail(NODE_JS + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE)
self.assertContained('missing function', output)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_only_force_stdlibs_2(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
int main()
try {
throw std::exception();
std::cout << "got here" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& ex) {
std::cout << "Caught exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
with env_modify({'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': 'libc,libc++abi,libc++,libmalloc,libpthread', 'EMCC_ONLY_FORCED_STDLIBS': '1'}):
run_process([EMXX, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0'])
self.assertContained('Caught exception: std::exception', run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE))
def test_strftime_zZ(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
int main()
// Buffer to hold the current hour of the day. Format is HH + nul
// character.
char hour[3];
// Buffer to hold our ISO 8601 formatted UTC offset for the current
// timezone. Format is [+-]hhmm + nul character.
char utcOffset[6];
// Buffer to hold the timezone name or abbreviation. Just make it
// sufficiently large to hold most timezone names.
char timezone[128];
std::tm tm;
// Get the current timestamp.
const std::time_t now = std::time(NULL);
// What time is that here?
if (::localtime_r(&now, &tm) == NULL) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to get localtime for timestamp=" << now << "; errno=" << error
<< "; " << std::strerror(error) << std::endl;
return 1;
size_t result = 0;
// Get the formatted hour of the day.
if ((result = std::strftime(hour, 3, "%H", &tm)) != 2) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to format hour for timestamp=" << now << "; result="
<< result << "; errno=" << error << "; " << std::strerror(error)
<< std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "The current hour of the day is: " << hour << std::endl;
// Get the formatted UTC offset in ISO 8601 format.
if ((result = std::strftime(utcOffset, 6, "%z", &tm)) != 5) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to format UTC offset for timestamp=" << now << "; result="
<< result << "; errno=" << error << "; " << std::strerror(error)
<< std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "The current timezone offset is: " << utcOffset << std::endl;
// Get the formatted timezone name or abbreviation. We don't know how long
// this will be, so just expect some data to be written to the buffer.
if ((result = std::strftime(timezone, 128, "%Z", &tm)) == 0) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to format timezone for timestamp=" << now << "; result="
<< result << "; errno=" << error << "; " << std::strerror(error)
<< std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "The current timezone is: " << timezone << std::endl;
std::cout << "ok!\n";
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained('ok!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_strptime_symmetry(self):
building.emcc(path_from_root('tests', 'strptime_symmetry.cpp'), output_filename='a.out.js')
self.assertContained('TEST PASSED', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_truncate_from_0(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using std::endl;
// :: Helpers
// Returns the size of the regular file specified as 'path'.
::off_t getSize(const char* const path)
// Stat the file and make sure that it's the expected size.
struct ::stat path_stat;
if (::stat(path, &path_stat) != 0) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to lstat path: " << path << "; errno=" << error << "; "
<< std::strerror(error) << endl;
return -1;
<< "Size of file is: " << path_stat.st_size << endl;
return path_stat.st_size;
// Causes the regular file specified in 'path' to have a size of 'length'
// bytes.
void resize(const char* const path,
const ::off_t length)
<< "Truncating file=" << path << " to length=" << length << endl;
if (::truncate(path, length) == -1)
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to truncate file=" << path << "; errno=" << error
<< "; " << std::strerror(error) << endl;
const ::off_t size = getSize(path);
if (size != length) {
<< "Failed to truncate file=" << path << " to length=" << length
<< "; got size=" << size << endl;
// Helper to create a file with the given content.
void createFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& content)
<< "Creating file: " << path << " with content=" << content << endl;
const int fd = ::open(path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644);
if (fd == -1) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to open file for writing: " << path << "; errno=" << error
<< "; " << std::strerror(error) << endl;
if (::write(fd, content.c_str(), content.size()) != content.size()) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to write content=" << content << " to file=" << path
<< "; errno=" << error << "; " << std::strerror(error) << endl;
// Fall through to close FD.
// :: Entry Point
int main()
const char* const file = "/tmp/file";
createFile(file, "This is some content");
resize(file, 32);
resize(file, 17);
resize(file, 0);
// This throws a JS exception.
resize(file, 32);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained(r'''Creating file: /tmp/file with content=This is some content
Size of file is: 20
Truncating file=/tmp/file to length=32
Size of file is: 32
Truncating file=/tmp/file to length=17
Size of file is: 17
Truncating file=/tmp/file to length=0
Size of file is: 0
Truncating file=/tmp/file to length=32
Size of file is: 32
''', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_create_readonly(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using std::endl;
// :: Helpers
// Helper to create a read-only file with content.
void readOnlyFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& content)
<< "Creating file: " << path << " with content of size="
<< content.size() << endl;
const int fd = ::open(path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0400);
if (fd == -1) {
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to open file for writing: " << path << "; errno=" << error
<< "; " << std::strerror(error) << endl;
// Write the content to the file.
ssize_t result = 0;
if ((result = ::write(fd,, content.size()))
!= ssize_t(content.size()))
const int error = errno;
<< "Failed to write to file=" << path << "; errno=" << error
<< "; " << std::strerror(error) << endl;
// Fall through to close the file.
else {
<< "Data written to file=" << path << "; successfully wrote "
<< result << " bytes" << endl;
// :: Entry Point
int main()
const char* const file = "/tmp/file";
readOnlyFile(file, "This content should get written because the file "
"does not yet exist and so, only the mode of the "
"containing directory will influence my ability to "
"create and open the file. The mode of the file only "
"applies to opening of the stream, not subsequent stream "
"operations after stream has opened.\n\n");
readOnlyFile(file, "This should not get written because the file already "
"exists and is read-only.\n\n");
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained(r'''Creating file: /tmp/file with content of size=292
Data written to file=/tmp/file; successfully wrote 292 bytes
Creating file: /tmp/file with content of size=79
Failed to open file for writing: /tmp/file; errno=2; Permission denied
''', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_embed_file_large(self):
# If such long files are encoded on one line,
# they overflow the interpreter's limit
large_size = int(1500000)
create_test_file('large.txt', 'x' * large_size)
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
FILE* fp = fopen("large.txt", "r");
if (fp) {
fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
printf("%ld\n", ftell(fp));
} else {
printf("failed to open large file.txt\n");
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--embed-file', 'large.txt'])
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
if engine == V8_ENGINE:
continue # ooms
self.assertContained('ok\n' + str(large_size) + '\n', run_js('a.out.js', engine=engine))
def test_force_exit(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
extern "C"
void callback()
EM_ASM({ out('callback pre()') });
EM_ASM({ out('callback post()') });
EM_ASM({ setTimeout(function() { out("calling callback()"); _callback() }, 100) });
return 123;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', engine=NODE_JS, assert_returncode=42)
assert 'callback pre()' in output
assert 'callback post()' not in output
def test_bad_locale(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wctype.h>
main(const int argc, const char * const * const argv)
const char * const locale = (argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "C");
const char * const actual = setlocale(LC_ALL, locale);
if(actual == NULL) {
printf("%s locale not supported\n",
return 0;
printf("locale set to %s: %s\n", locale, actual);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained('locale set to C: C;C;C;C;C;C',
run_js('a.out.js', args=['C']))
self.assertContained('locale set to waka: waka;waka;waka;waka;waka;waka',
run_js('a.out.js', args=['waka']))
def test_browser_language_detection(self):
# Test HTTP Accept-Language parsing by simulating navigator.languages #8751
path_from_root('tests', 'test_browser_language_detection.c')])
self.assertContained('C.UTF-8', run_js('a.out.js'))
# Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
create_test_file('preamble.js', r'''navigator = {};
navigator.languages = [ "fr", "fr-FR", "en-US", "en" ];''')
run_process([EMCC, '--pre-js', 'preamble.js',
path_from_root('tests', 'test_browser_language_detection.c')])
self.assertContained('fr.UTF-8', run_js('a.out.js'))
# Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
create_test_file('preamble.js', r'''navigator = {};
navigator.languages = [ "fr-FR", "fr", "en-US", "en" ];''')
run_process([EMCC, '--pre-js', 'preamble.js',
path_from_root('tests', 'test_browser_language_detection.c')])
self.assertContained('fr_FR.UTF-8', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_js_main(self):
# try to add a main() from JS, at runtime. this is not supported (the
# compiler needs to know at compile time about main).
create_test_file('pre_main.js', r'''
var Module = {
'_main': function() {
create_test_file('src.cpp', '')
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre_main.js'])
self.assertContained('compiled without a main, but one is present. if you added it from JS, use Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]',
run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=PIPE))
def test_js_malloc(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
var ptr = Module._malloc(1024 * 1024); // only done in JS, but still must not leak
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained('ok.', run_js('a.out.js', args=['C']))
def test_locale_wrong(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
main(const int argc, const char * const * const argv)
const char * const name = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "C";
try {
const std::locale locale(name);
<< "Constructed locale \"" << name << "\"\n"
<< "This locale is "
<< (locale == std::locale::global(locale) ? "" : "not ")
<< "the global locale.\n"
<< "This locale is " << (locale == std::locale::classic() ? "" : "not ")
<< "the C locale." << std::endl;
} catch(const std::runtime_error &ex) {
<< "Can't construct locale \"" << name << "\": " << ex.what()
<< std::endl;
return 1;
} catch(...) {
<< "FAIL: Unexpected exception constructing locale \"" << name << '\"'
<< std::endl;
return 127;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1', '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0'])
self.assertContained('Constructed locale "C"\nThis locale is the global locale.\nThis locale is the C locale.', run_js('a.out.js', args=['C']))
self.assertContained('''Can't construct locale "waka": collate_byname<char>::collate_byname failed to construct for waka''', run_js('a.out.js', args=['waka'], assert_returncode=1))
def test_cleanup_os(self):
# issue 2644
def test(args, be_clean):
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'a.c')
create_test_file('b.c', ' ')
run_process([EMCC, 'a.c', 'b.c'] + args)
clutter = glob.glob('*.o')
if be_clean:
assert len(clutter) == 0, 'should not leave clutter ' + str(clutter)
assert len(clutter) == 2, 'should leave .o files'
test(['-o', 'c.bc'], True)
test(['-o', 'c.js'], True)
test(['-o', 'c.html'], True)
test(['-c'], False)
@no_wasm_backend('asm.js debug info')
def test_js_dash_g(self):
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
void checker(int x) {
x += 20;
assert(x < 15); // this is line 7!
int main() {
return 0;
def check(has):
lines = open('a.out.js').readlines()
lines = [line for line in lines if '___assert_fail(' in line or '___assert_func(' in line]
found_line_num = any(('//@line 7 "' in line) for line in lines)
found_filename = any(('src.c"\n' in line) for line in lines)
assert found_line_num == has, 'Must have debug info with the line number'
assert found_filename == has, 'Must have debug info with the filename'
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'WASM=0', 'src.c', '-g'])
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'WASM=0', 'src.c'])
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'WASM=0', 'src.c', '-g0'])
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'WASM=0', 'src.c', '-g0', '-g']) # later one overrides
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'WASM=0', 'src.c', '-g', '-g0']) # later one overrides
def test_dash_g_bc(self):
def test(opts):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'a_.bc'] + opts)
sizes = {'_': os.path.getsize('a_.bc')}
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-g', '-o', 'ag.bc'] + opts)
sizes['g'] = os.path.getsize('ag.bc')
for i in range(0, 5):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-g' + str(i), '-o', 'a' + str(i) + '.bc'] + opts)
sizes[i] = os.path.getsize('a' + str(i) + '.bc')
print(' ', sizes)
assert sizes['_'] == sizes[0] == sizes[1] == sizes[2], 'no debug means no llvm debug info ' + str(sizes)
assert sizes['g'] == sizes[3] == sizes[4], '-g or -g4 means llvm debug info ' + str(sizes)
assert sizes['_'] < sizes['g'], 'llvm debug info has positive size ' + str(sizes)
def test_no_filesystem(self):
FS_MARKER = 'var FS'
# fopen forces full filesystem support
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world_fopen.c'), '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'])
yes_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
self.assertContained(FS_MARKER, open('a.out.js').read())
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'])
no_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
self.assertNotContained(FS_MARKER, open('a.out.js').read())
print('yes fs, no fs:', yes_size, no_size)
# ~100K of FS code is removed
self.assertGreater(yes_size - no_size, 90000)
self.assertLess(no_size, 360000)
def test_no_filesystem_libcxx(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-s', 'FILESYSTEM=0'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_no_nuthin(self):
# check FILESYSTEM is automatically set, and effective
def test(opts, absolute):
print('opts, absolute:', opts, absolute)
sizes = {}
def do(name, source, moar_opts):
# pad the name to a common length so that doesn't effect the size of the
# output
padded_name = name + '_' * (20 - len(name))
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', source), '-o', padded_name + '.js'] + opts + moar_opts)
sizes[name] = os.path.getsize(padded_name + '.js')
if os.path.exists(padded_name + '.wasm'):
sizes[name] += os.path.getsize(padded_name + '.wasm')
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js(padded_name + '.js'))
do('normal', 'hello_world_fopen.c', [])
do('no_fs', 'hello_world.c', []) # without fopen, we should auto-detect we do not need full fs support and can do FILESYSTEM=0
do('no_fs_manual', 'hello_world.c', ['-s', 'FILESYSTEM=0'])
print(' ', sizes)
self.assertLess(sizes['no_fs'], sizes['normal'])
self.assertLess(sizes['no_fs'], absolute)
# manual can usually remove a tiny bit more
self.assertLess(sizes['no_fs_manual'], sizes['no_fs'] + 30)
test(['-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'], 120000) # we don't care about code size with assertions
test(['-O1'], 91000)
test(['-O2'], 46000)
test(['-O3', '--closure', '1'], 17000)
# asm.js too
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
test(['-O3', '--closure', '1', '-s', 'WASM=0'], 36000)
test(['-O3', '--closure', '2', '-s', 'WASM=0'], 33000) # might change now and then
def test_no_browser(self):
BROWSER_INIT = 'var Browser'
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
self.assertNotContained(BROWSER_INIT, open('a.out.js').read())
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'browser_main_loop.c')]) # uses emscripten_set_main_loop, which needs Browser
self.assertContained(BROWSER_INIT, open('a.out.js').read())
def test(opts, has, not_has):
print(opts, has, not_has)
# check without assertions, as with assertions we add stubs for the things we remove (which
# print nice error messages)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'] + opts)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
src = open('a.out.js').read()
self.assertContained(has, src)
self.assertNotContained(not_has, src)
test([], 'Module["', 'Module["waka')
test(['-s', 'EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[]'], '', 'Module["addRunDependency')
test(['-s', 'EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["addRunDependency"]'], 'Module["addRunDependency', 'Module["waka')
test(['-s', 'EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[]', '-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["addRunDependency"]'], 'Module["addRunDependency', 'Module["waka')
def test_stat_fail_alongtheway(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#define CHECK(expression) \
if(!(expression)) { \
error = errno; \
printf("FAIL: %s\n", #expression); fail = 1; \
} else { \
error = errno; \
printf("pass: %s\n", #expression); \
} \
int error;
int fail = 0;
CHECK(mkdir("path", 0777) == 0);
CHECK(close(open("path/file", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644)) == 0);
struct stat st;
CHECK(stat("path", &st) == 0);
CHECK(st.st_mode = 0777);
struct stat st;
CHECK(stat("path/nosuchfile", &st) == -1);
printf("info: errno=%d %s\n", error, strerror(error));
CHECK(error == ENOENT);
struct stat st;
CHECK(stat("path/file", &st) == 0);
CHECK(st.st_mode = 0666);
struct stat st;
CHECK(stat("path/file/impossible", &st) == -1);
printf("info: errno=%d %s\n", error, strerror(error));
CHECK(error == ENOTDIR);
struct stat st;
CHECK(lstat("path/file/impossible", &st) == -1);
printf("info: errno=%d %s\n", error, strerror(error));
CHECK(error == ENOTDIR);
return fail;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained(r'''pass: mkdir("path", 0777) == 0
pass: close(open("path/file", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644)) == 0
pass: stat("path", &st) == 0
pass: st.st_mode = 0777
pass: stat("path/nosuchfile", &st) == -1
info: errno=44 No such file or directory
pass: error == ENOENT
pass: stat("path/file", &st) == 0
pass: st.st_mode = 0666
pass: stat("path/file/impossible", &st) == -1
info: errno=54 Not a directory
pass: error == ENOTDIR
pass: lstat("path/file/impossible", &st) == -1
info: errno=54 Not a directory
pass: error == ENOTDIR
''', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_link_with_a_static(self):
create_test_file('x.c', r'''
int init_weakref(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
create_test_file('y.c', r'''
static int init_weakref(void) { // inlined in -O2, not in -O0 where it shows up in llvm-nm as 't'
return 150;
int testy(void) {
return init_weakref();
create_test_file('z.c', r'''
extern int init_weakref(int, int);
extern int testy(void);
int main(void) {
return testy() + init_weakref(5, 6);
run_process([EMCC, 'x.c', '-o', 'x.o'])
run_process([EMCC, 'y.c', '-o', 'y.o'])
run_process([EMCC, 'z.c', '-o', 'z.o'])
run_process([EMAR, 'rc', 'libtest.a', 'y.o'])
run_process([EMAR, 'rc', 'libtest.a', 'x.o'])
run_process([EMRANLIB, 'libtest.a'])
for args in [[], ['-O2']]:
print('args:', args)
run_process([EMCC, 'z.o', 'libtest.a', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'] + args)
run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=161)
def test_link_with_bad_o_in_a(self):
# when building a .a, we force-include all the objects inside it. but, some
# may not be valid bitcode, e.g. if it contains metadata or something else
# weird. we should just ignore those
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'hello_world.o'])
create_test_file('bad.obj', 'this is not a good file, it should be ignored!')
run_process([LLVM_AR, 'cr', 'libfoo.a', 'hello_world.o', 'bad.obj'])
run_process([EMCC, 'libfoo.a'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_require(self):
inname = path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')
building.emcc(inname, args=['-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'], output_filename='a.out.js')
output = run_process(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'require("./a.out.js")'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert output.stdout == 'hello, world!\n' and output.stderr == '', 'expected no output, got\n===\nSTDOUT\n%s\n===\nSTDERR\n%s\n===\n' % (output.stdout, output.stderr)
def test_require_modularize(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MODULARIZE=1', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'])
src = open('a.out.js').read()
self.assertContained('module.exports = Module;', src)
output = run_process(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'var m = require("./a.out.js"); m();'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertEqual(output.stdout, 'hello, world!\n')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MODULARIZE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_NAME="NotModule"', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'])
src = open('a.out.js').read()
self.assertContained('module.exports = NotModule;', src)
output = run_process(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'var m = require("./a.out.js"); m();'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertEqual(output.stdout, 'hello, world!\n')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MODULARIZE=1'])
# We call require() twice to ensure it returns wrapper function each time
output = run_process(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'require("./a.out.js")();var m = require("./a.out.js"); m();'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertEqual(output.stdout, 'hello, world!\nhello, world!\n')
def test_define_modularize(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MODULARIZE=1', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
src = 'var module = 0; ' +
create_test_file('a.out.js', src)
assert "define([], function() { return Module; });" in src
output = run_process(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'var m; (global.define = function(deps, factory) { m = factory(); }).amd = true; require("./a.out.js"); m();'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert output.stdout == 'hello, world!\n' and output.stderr == '', 'expected output, got\n===\nSTDOUT\n%s\n===\nSTDERR\n%s\n===\n' % (output.stdout, output.stderr)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MODULARIZE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_NAME="NotModule"', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
src = 'var module = 0; ' +
create_test_file('a.out.js', src)
assert "define([], function() { return NotModule; });" in src
output = run_process(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'var m; (global.define = function(deps, factory) { m = factory(); }).amd = true; require("./a.out.js"); m();'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert output.stdout == 'hello, world!\n' and output.stderr == '', 'expected output, got\n===\nSTDOUT\n%s\n===\nSTDERR\n%s\n===\n' % (output.stdout, output.stderr)
def test_EXPORT_NAME_with_html(self):
result = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'a.html', '-s', 'EXPORT_NAME=Other'], stdout=PIPE, check=False, stderr=STDOUT)
self.assertNotEqual(result.returncode, 0)
self.assertContained('Customizing EXPORT_NAME requires that the HTML be customized to use that name', result.stdout)
@no_wasm_backend('tests fastcomp specific passes')
def test_emcc_c_multi(self):
def test(args, llvm_opts=None):
lib = r'''
int mult() { return 1; }
lib_name = 'libA.c'
create_test_file(lib_name, lib)
main = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int mult();
int main() {
printf("result: %d\n", mult());
return 0;
main_name = 'main.c'
create_test_file(main_name, main)
err = run_process([EMCC, '-v', '-c', main_name, lib_name] + args, stderr=PIPE).stderr
VECTORIZE = '-disable-loop-vectorization'
if args:
assert err.count(VECTORIZE) == 2, err # specified twice, once per file
# corresponding to exactly once per invocation of optimizer
assert err.count(os.path.sep + 'opt') == 2, err
assert err.count(VECTORIZE) == 0, err # no optimizations
run_process([EMCC, main_name.replace('.c', '.o'), lib_name.replace('.c', '.o')])
self.assertContained('result: 1', run_js('a.out.js'))
test(['-O2'], '-O3')
test(['-Oz'], '-Oz')
test(['-Os'], '-Os')
def test_export_all_3142(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
typedef unsigned int Bit32u;
struct S_Descriptor {
Bit32u limit_0_15 :16;
Bit32u base_0_15 :16;
Bit32u base_16_23 :8;
class Descriptor
Descriptor() { saved.fill[0]=saved.fill[1]=0; }
union {
S_Descriptor seg;
Bit32u fill[2];
} saved;
Descriptor desc;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O2', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL'])
@no_wasm_backend('tests PRECISE_F32=1')
def test_f0(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'fasta.cpp'), '-O2', '-s', 'PRECISE_F32=1', '-profiling', '-s', 'WASM=0'])
src = open('a.out.js').read()
assert ' = f0;' in src or ' = f0,' in src
def test_emmake_emconfigure(self):
def check(what, args, fail=True, expect=''):
args = [what] + args
print(what, args, fail, expect)
output = run_process(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, check=False)
assert ('is a helper for' in output.stderr) == fail
assert ('Typical usage' in output.stderr) == fail
self.assertContained(expect, output.stdout)
check(emmake, [])
check(emconfigure, [])
check(emmake, ['--version'])
check(emconfigure, ['--version'])
check(emmake, ['make'], fail=False)
check(emconfigure, ['configure'], fail=False)
check(emconfigure, ['./configure'], fail=False)
check(emcmake, ['cmake'], fail=False)
create_test_file('', '''
import os
check(emconfigure, [PYTHON, ''], expect=path_from_root('em'), fail=False)
check(emmake, [PYTHON, ''], expect=path_from_root('em'), fail=False)
create_test_file('', '''
import os
check(emconfigure, [PYTHON, ''], expect=shared.LLVM_NM, fail=False)
@no_windows('This test is broken,')
def test_emmake_python(self):
# simulates a configure/make script that looks for things like CC, AR, etc., and which we should
# not confuse by setting those vars to something containing `python X` as the script checks for
# the existence of an executable.
result = run_process([emmake, PYTHON, path_from_root('tests', 'emmake', '')], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
print(result.stdout, result.stderr)
def test_sdl2_config(self):
for args, expected in [
[['--version'], '2.0.0'],
[['--cflags'], '-s USE_SDL=2'],
[['--libs'], '-s USE_SDL=2'],
[['--cflags', '--libs'], '-s USE_SDL=2'],
print(args, expected)
out = run_process([PYTHON, path_from_root('system', 'bin', 'sdl2-config')] + args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout
assert expected in out, out
print('via emmake')
out = run_process([emmake, 'sdl2-config'] + args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout
assert expected in out, out
def test_module_onexit(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
Module['onExit'] = function(status) { out('exiting now, status ' + status) };
return 14;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'])
self.assertContained('exiting now, status 14', run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=14))
def test_NO_aliasing(self):
# the NO_ prefix flips boolean options
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'])
exit_1 = open('a.out.js').read()
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=0'])
no_exit_0 = open('a.out.js').read()
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=0'])
exit_0 = open('a.out.js').read()
assert exit_1 == no_exit_0
assert exit_1 != exit_0
def test_underscore_exit(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
_exit(0); // should not end up in an infinite loop with non-underscore exit
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained('', run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=0))
def test_file_packager_huge(self):
MESSAGE = 'warning: file packager is creating an asset bundle of 257 MB. this is very large, and browsers might have trouble loading it'
create_test_file('huge.dat', 'a' * (1024 * 1024 * 257))
create_test_file('tiny.dat', 'a')
err = run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', 'tiny.dat'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained(MESSAGE, err)
err = run_process([PYTHON, FILE_PACKAGER, '', '--preload', 'huge.dat'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained(MESSAGE, err)
def test_massive_alloc(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
volatile int x = (int)malloc(1024 * 1024 * 1400);
return x == 0; // can't alloc it, but don't fail catastrophically, expect null
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'WASM=0'])
# just care about message regarding allocating over 1GB of memory
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertContained('''Warning: Enlarging memory arrays, this is not fast! 16777216,1473314816\n''', output)
self.assertContained('''Warning: Enlarging memory arrays, this is not fast! 16777216,1476395008\n''', output)
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'])
# no message about growth, just check return code
run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
def test_failing_alloc(self):
for pre_fail, post_fail, opts in [
('', '', []),
('EM_ASM( Module.temp = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] );', 'EM_ASM( assert(Module.temp === HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2], "must not adjust DYNAMICTOP when an alloc fails!") );', []),
# also test non-wasm in normal mode
('', '', ['-s', 'WASM=0']),
('EM_ASM( Module.temp = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] );', 'EM_ASM( assert(Module.temp === HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2], "must not adjust DYNAMICTOP when an alloc fails!") );', ['-s', 'WASM=0']),
for growth in [0, 1]:
for aborting_args in [[], ['-s', 'ABORTING_MALLOC=0'], ['-s', 'ABORTING_MALLOC=1']]:
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
#define CHUNK_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024)
int main() {
std::vector<void*> allocs;
bool has = false;
while (1) {
printf("trying an allocation\n");
void* curr = malloc(CHUNK_SIZE);
if (!curr) {
has = true;
printf("allocated another chunk, %%zu so far\n", allocs.size());
printf("an allocation failed!\n");
#ifdef SPLIT
return 0;
while (1) {
assert(allocs.size() > 0);
void *curr = allocs.back();
printf("freed one\n");
if (malloc(CHUNK_SIZE)) break;
printf("managed another malloc!\n");
''' % (pre_fail, post_fail))
args = [EMCC, 'main.cpp'] + opts + aborting_args
args += ['-s', 'TEST_MEMORY_GROWTH_FAILS=1'] # In this test, force memory growing to fail
if growth:
args += ['-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1']
# growth disables aborting by default, but it can be overridden
aborting = 'ABORTING_MALLOC=1' in aborting_args or (not aborting_args and not growth)
print('test_failing_alloc', args, pre_fail)
# growth also disables aborting
can_manage_another = not aborting
split = '-DSPLIT' in args
print('can manage another:', can_manage_another, 'split:', split, 'aborting:', aborting)
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=0 if can_manage_another else None)
if can_manage_another:
self.assertContained('an allocation failed!\n', output)
if not split:
# split memory allocation may fail due to GC objects no longer being allocatable,
# and we can't expect to recover from that deterministically. So just check we
# get to the fail.
# otherwise, we should fail eventually, then free, then succeed
self.assertContained('managed another malloc!\n', output)
# we should see an abort
self.assertContained('abort(Cannot enlarge memory arrays', output)
if growth:
# when growth is enabled, the default is to not abort, so just explain that
self.assertContained('If you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, do not link with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=1', output)
# when growth is not enabled, suggest 3 possible solutions (start with more memory, allow growth, or don't abort)
self.assertContained(('higher than the current value 16777216,', 'higher than the current value 33554432,'), output)
self.assertContained('compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 ', output)
self.assertContained('compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 ', output)
def test_failing_growth_2gb(self):
create_test_file('test.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void* out;
int main() {
while (1) {
out = malloc(1024 * 1024);
if (!out) {
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-O1', 'test.cpp', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH'])
self.assertContained('done', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_libcxx_minimal(self):
create_test_file('vector.cpp', r'''
#include <vector>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<void*> v;
for (int i = 0 ; i < argc; i++) {
return v.size();
run_process([EMCC, '-O2', 'vector.cpp', '-o', 'vector.js'])
run_process([EMCC, '-O2', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-o', 'iostream.js'])
vector = os.path.getsize('vector.js')
iostream = os.path.getsize('iostream.js')
print(vector, iostream)
self.assertGreater(vector, 1000)
# we can strip out almost all of libcxx when just using vector
self.assertLess(2.25 * vector, iostream)
@no_wasm_backend('relies on EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS')
def test_emulated_function_pointers(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
typedef void (*fp)();
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
volatile fp f = 0;
if (typeof FUNCTION_TABLE_v !== 'undefined') {
out('function table: ' + FUNCTION_TABLE_v);
} else {
out('no visible function tables');
if (f) f();
return 0;
def test(args, expected):
print(args, expected)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'WASM=0'] + args, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js'))
for opts in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
test(['-O' + str(opts)], 'no visible function tables')
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1'], 'function table: ')
@no_wasm_backend('relies on EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS')
def test_emulated_function_pointers_2(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
typedef void (*fp)();
static void one() { EM_ASM( out('one') ); }
static void two() { EM_ASM( out('two') ); }
void test() {
volatile fp f = one;
f = two;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// swap them!
var one = $0;
var two = $1;
if (typeof FUNCTION_TABLE_v === 'undefined') {
var temp = FUNCTION_TABLE_v[one];
FUNCTION_TABLE_v[two] = temp;
}, (int)&one, (int)&two);
return 0;
flipped = 'one\ntwo\ntwo\none\n'
unchanged = 'one\ntwo\none\ntwo\n'
no_table = 'one\ntwo\nno\none\ntwo\n'
def test(args, expected):
print(args, expected.replace('\n', ' '))
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'WASM=0'] + args)
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js'))
for opts in [0, 1, 2]:
test(['-O' + str(opts)], no_table)
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1'], flipped)
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=2'], flipped)
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1', '-s', 'RELOCATABLE=1'], flipped)
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=2', '-s', 'RELOCATABLE=1'], unchanged) # with both of those, we optimize and you cannot flip them
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1'], unchanged) # default for modules is optimized
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=2'], unchanged)
test(['-O' + str(opts), '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1'], flipped) # but you can disable that
def test_minimal_dynamic(self):
def run(wasm):
print('wasm?', wasm)
library_file = 'library.wasm' if wasm else 'library.js'
def test(main_args, library_args=[], expected='hello from main\nhello from library'):
print('testing', main_args, library_args)
create_test_file('library.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void library_func() {
printf("hello from library: %p\n", &library_func);
puts("hello from library");
# -fno-builtin to prevent printf -> iprintf optimization
run_process([EMCC, 'library.c', '-fno-builtin', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-O2', '-o', library_file, '-s', 'WASM=' + str(wasm), '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL'] + library_args)
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
puts("hello from main");
void *lib_handle = dlopen("%s", 0);
if (!lib_handle) {
puts("cannot load side module");
return 1;
typedef void (*voidfunc)();
voidfunc x = (voidfunc)dlsym(lib_handle, "library_func");
if (!x) puts("cannot find side function");
else x();
''' % library_file)
run_process([EMCC, 'main.c', '--embed-file', library_file, '-O2', '-s', 'WASM=' + str(wasm)] + main_args)
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=STDOUT))
size = os.path.getsize('a.out.js')
if wasm:
size += os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
side_size = os.path.getsize(library_file)
print(' sizes:', size, side_size)
return (size, side_size)
def percent_diff(x, y):
small = min(x, y)
large = max(x, y)
return float(100 * large) / small - 100
full = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1'])
# printf is not used in main, but libc was linked in, so it's there
printf = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1'], library_args=['-DUSE_PRINTF'])
# main module tests
# dce in main, and it fails since puts is not exported
dce = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2'], expected=('cannot', 'undefined'))
# with exporting, it works
dce = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_puts"]'])
# printf is not used in main, and we dce, so we failz
dce_fail = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2'], library_args=['-DUSE_PRINTF'], expected=('cannot', 'undefined'))
# exporting printf in main keeps it alive for the library
dce_save = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_printf", "_puts"]'], library_args=['-DUSE_PRINTF'])
self.assertLess(percent_diff(full[0], printf[0]), 4)
self.assertLess(percent_diff(dce[0], dce_fail[0]), 4)
self.assertLess(dce[0], 0.2 * full[0]) # big effect, 80%+ is gone
self.assertGreater(dce_save[0], 1.05 * dce[0]) # save exported all of printf
# side module tests
# mode 2, so dce in side, but library_func is not exported, so it is dce'd
side_dce_fail = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1'], library_args=['-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=2'], expected='cannot find side function')
# mode 2, so dce in side, and library_func is not exported
side_dce_work = test(main_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1'], library_args=['-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=2', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_library_func"]'], expected='hello from library')
self.assertLess(side_dce_fail[1], 0.95 * side_dce_work[1]) # removing that function saves a chunk
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
def test_ld_library_path(self):
create_test_file('hello1.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
hello1 ()
printf ("Hello1\n");
create_test_file('hello2.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
hello2 ()
printf ("Hello2\n");
create_test_file('hello3.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
hello3 ()
printf ("Hello3\n");
create_test_file('hello4.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
hello4 (double x)
printf ("Hello4\n");
return fmod(x, 2.0);
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
Module['preRun'].push(function (){
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
void *h;
void (*f) ();
double (*f2) (double);
h = dlopen ("libhello1.wasm", RTLD_NOW);
f = dlsym (h, "hello1");
dlclose (h);
h = dlopen ("libhello2.wasm", RTLD_NOW);
f = dlsym (h, "hello2");
dlclose (h);
h = dlopen ("libhello3.wasm", RTLD_NOW);
f = dlsym (h, "hello3");
dlclose (h);
h = dlopen ("/usr/local/lib/libhello4.wasm", RTLD_NOW);
f2 = dlsym (h, "hello4");
double result = f2(5.5);
dlclose (h);
if (result == 1.5) {
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libhello1.wasm', 'hello1.c', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libhello2.wasm', 'hello2.c', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libhello3.wasm', 'hello3.c', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libhello4.wasm', 'hello4.c', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'main.js', 'main.c', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1', '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=' + str(32 * 1024 * 1024),
'--embed-file', 'libhello1.wasm@/lib/libhello1.wasm',
'--embed-file', 'libhello2.wasm@/usr/lib/libhello2.wasm',
'--embed-file', 'libhello3.wasm@/libhello3.wasm',
'--embed-file', 'libhello4.wasm@/usr/local/lib/libhello4.wasm',
'--pre-js', 'pre.js'])
out = run_js('main.js')
self.assertContained('Hello1', out)
self.assertContained('Hello2', out)
self.assertContained('Hello3', out)
self.assertContained('Hello4', out)
self.assertContained('Ok', out)
def test_dlopen_rtld_global(self):
# This test checks RTLD_GLOBAL where a module is loaded
# before the module providing a global it needs is. in asm.js we use JS
# to create a redirection function. In wasm we just have wasm, so we
# need to introspect the wasm module. Browsers may add that eventually,
# or we could ship a little library that does it.
create_test_file('hello1.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
extern int hello1_val;
int hello1_val=3;
hello1 (int i)
printf ("hello1_val by hello1:%d\n",hello1_val);
printf ("Hello%d\n",i);
create_test_file('hello2.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
extern int hello1_val;
extern void hello1 (int);
hello2 (int i)
void (*f) (int);
printf ("hello1_val by hello2:%d\n",hello1_val);
f = hello1;
create_test_file('main.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
main(int argc,char** argv)
void *h;
void *h2;
void (*f) (int);
h = dlopen ("libhello1.wasm", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
h2 = dlopen ("libhello2.wasm", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
f = dlsym (h, "hello1");
f = dlsym (h2, "hello2");
dlclose (h);
dlclose (h2);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libhello1.js', 'hello1.c', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libhello2.js', 'hello2.c', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'])
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'main.js', 'main.c', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1',
'--embed-file', 'libhello1.wasm',
'--embed-file', 'libhello2.wasm'])
out = run_js('main.js')
self.assertContained('Hello1', out)
self.assertContained('Hello2', out)
self.assertContained('hello1_val by hello1:3', out)
self.assertContained('hello1_val by hello2:3', out)
def test_main_module_without_exceptions_message(self):
# A side module that needs exceptions needs a main module with that
# support enabled; show a clear message in that case.
create_test_file('side.cpp', r'''
#include <exception>
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" void test_throw() {
try {
throw 42;
} catch(int x) {
printf("catch %d.\n", x);
puts("bad location");
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
typedef void (*voidf)();
int main() {
void* h = dlopen ("libside.wasm", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
voidf f = (voidf)dlsym(h, "test_throw");
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-o', 'libside.wasm', 'side.cpp', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-fexceptions'])
def build_main(args):
with env_modify({'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': 'libc++abi'}):
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1',
'--embed-file', 'libside.wasm'] + args)
out = run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=STDOUT)
self.assertContained('Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught.', out)
self.assertContained('note: in dynamic linking, if a side module wants exceptions, the main module must be built with that support', out)
out = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('catch 42', out)
def test_debug_asmLastOpts(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
struct Dtlink_t
{ struct Dtlink_t* right; /* right child */
{ unsigned int _hash; /* hash value */
struct Dtlink_t* _left; /* left child */
} hl;
int treecount(register struct Dtlink_t* e)
return e ? treecount(e->hl._left) + treecount(e->right) + 1 : 0;
int main() {
printf("hello, world!\n");
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_treecount"]', '--minify', '0', '-g4', '-Oz'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
@no_wasm_backend('MEM_INIT_METHOD not supported under wasm')
def test_meminit_crc(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() { printf("Mary had a little lamb.\n"); }
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '--memory-init-file', '0', '-s', 'MEM_INIT_METHOD=2', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=1', '-s', 'WASM=0'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
d =
self.assertContained('Mary had', d)
d = d.replace('Mary had', 'Paul had')
create_test_file('a.out.js', d)
out = run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=STDOUT)
self.assertContained('Assertion failed: memory initializer checksum', out)
def test_emscripten_print_double(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
void test(double d) {
char buffer[100], buffer2[100];
unsigned len, len2, len3;
len = emscripten_print_double(d, NULL, -1);
len2 = emscripten_print_double(d, buffer, len+1);
assert(len == len2);
buffer[len] = 0;
len3 = snprintf(buffer2, 100, "%g", d);
printf("|%g : %u : %s : %s : %d|\n", d, len, buffer, buffer2, len3);
int main() {
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c'])
out = run_js('a.out.js')
|0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1|
|1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1|
|-1 : 2 : -1 : -1 : 2|
|1.234 : 5 : 1.234 : 1.234 : 5|
|-1.234 : 6 : -1.234 : -1.234 : 6|
|1.1234e+20 : 21 : 112340000000000000000 : 1.1234e+20 : 10|
|-1.1234e+20 : 22 : -112340000000000000000 : -1.1234e+20 : 11|
|1.1234e-20 : 10 : 1.1234e-20 : 1.1234e-20 : 10|
|-1.1234e-20 : 11 : -1.1234e-20 : -1.1234e-20 : 11|
|inf : 8 : Infinity : inf : 3|
|-inf : 9 : -Infinity : -inf : 4|
''', out)
def test_emscripten_scan_stack(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <set>
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
std::set<int> seenInts;
void scan(void* x, void* y) {
int* p = (int*)x;
int* q = (int*)y;
// The callback sends us the [low, high) range.
assert(p < q);
// The range is of a reasonable size - not all of memory.
assert(q - p < 100);
while (p < q) {
int main() {
int x;
int* y = &x;
*y = 12345678;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained('ok', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_no_warn_exported_jslibfunc(self):
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'),
'-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_alGetError"]'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('function requested to be exported, but not implemented: "_alGetError"', err)
def test_almost_asm_warning(self):
def run(args, expected):
print(args, expected)
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0'] + args, stderr=PIPE).stderr
if expected:
self.assertContained('[-Walmost-asm]', err)
self.assertEqual(err, '')
run(['-O1', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'], True), # default
# suppress almost-asm warning manually
run(['-O1', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-Wno-almost-asm'], False),
# last warning flag should "win"
run(['-O1', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-Wno-almost-asm', '-Walmost-asm'], True)
def test_musl_syscalls(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
src = open('a.out.js').read()
# there should be no musl syscalls in hello world output
self.assertNotContained('__syscall', src)
def test_emcc_dev_null(self):
out = run_process([EMCC, '-dM', '-E', '-x', 'c', '/dev/null'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('#define __EMSCRIPTEN__ 1', out) # all our defines should show up
def test_umask_0(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("hello, world!\n");
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_no_missing_symbols(self): # simple hello world should not show any missing symbols
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
# main() is implemented in C, and even if requested from JS, we should not warn
create_test_file('library_foo.js', '''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
my_js__deps: ['main'],
my_js: (function() {
return function() {
console.log("hello " + _nonexistingvariable);
create_test_file('test.cpp', '''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern "C" {
extern void my_js();
int main() {
run_process([EMCC, 'test.cpp', '--js-library', 'library_foo.js'])
# but we do error on a missing js var
create_test_file('library_foo_missing.js', '''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
my_js__deps: ['main', 'nonexistingvariable'],
my_js: (function() {
return function() {
console.log("hello " + _nonexistingvariable);
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'test.cpp', '--js-library', 'library_foo_missing.js'])
self.assertContained('undefined symbol: nonexistingvariable', err)
# and also for missing C code, of course (without the --js-library, it's just a missing C method)
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'test.cpp'])
self.assertContained('undefined symbol: my_js', err)
@no_fastcomp('fastcomp links in memset in JS in a hackish way')
def test_js_lib_to_system_lib(self):
# memset is in compiled code, so a js library __deps can't access it. it
# would need to be in deps_info.json or EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
depper__deps: ['memset'],
depper: function(ptr) {
_memset(ptr, 'd'.charCodeAt(0), 10);
create_test_file('test.cpp', r'''
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
extern void depper(char*);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char buffer[11];
buffer[10] = '\0';
// call by a pointer, to force linking of memset, no llvm intrinsic here
volatile auto ptr = memset;
(*ptr)(buffer, 'a', 10);
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'test.cpp', '--js-library', 'lib.js'])
self.assertContained('_memset may need to be added to EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS if it arrives from a system library', err)
# without the dep, and with EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS, it works ok
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
depper: function(ptr) {
_memset(ptr, 'd'.charCodeAt(0), 10);
run_process([EMCC, 'test.cpp', '--js-library', 'lib.js', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[_main,_memset]'])
self.assertContained('dddddddddd', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_realpath(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define TEST_PATH "/boot/README.txt"
main(int argc, char **argv)
errno = 0;
char *t_realpath_buf = realpath(TEST_PATH, NULL);
if (NULL == t_realpath_buf) {
perror("Resolve failed");
return 1;
} else {
printf("Resolved: %s\n", t_realpath_buf);
return 0;
create_test_file(os.path.join('boot', 'README.txt'), ' ')
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '--embed-file', 'boot'])
self.assertContained('Resolved: /boot/README.txt', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_realpath_nodefs(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
#define TEST_PATH "/working/TEST_NODEFS.txt"
main(int argc, char **argv)
errno = 0;
FS.mount(NODEFS, { root: '.' }, '/working');
char *t_realpath_buf = realpath(TEST_PATH, NULL);
if (NULL == t_realpath_buf) {
perror("Resolve failed");
return 1;
} else {
printf("Resolved: %s\n", t_realpath_buf);
return 0;
create_test_file('TEST_NODEFS.txt', ' ')
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-lnodefs.js'])
self.assertContained('Resolved: /working/TEST_NODEFS.txt', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_realpath_2(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int testrealpath(const char* path) {
errno = 0;
char *t_realpath_buf = realpath(path, NULL);
if (NULL == t_realpath_buf) {
printf("Resolve failed: \"%s\"\n",path);fflush(stdout);
return 1;
} else {
printf("Resolved: \"%s\" => \"%s\"\n", path, t_realpath_buf);fflush(stdout);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// files:
// folders
return 0;
create_test_file('testfile.txt', '')
create_test_file(os.path.join('Folder', 'testfile.txt'), '')
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '--embed-file', 'testfile.txt', '--embed-file', 'Folder'])
self.assertContained('''Resolved: "testfile.txt" => "/testfile.txt"
Resolved: "Folder/testfile.txt" => "/Folder/testfile.txt"
Resolve failed: "testnonexistentfile.txt"
Resolved: "Folder" => "/Folder"
Resolved: "/Folder" => "/Folder"
Resolved: "./" => "/"
Resolve failed: ""
Resolved: "/" => "/"
''', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_no_warnings(self):
# build once before to make sure system libs etc. exist
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp')])
# check that there is nothing in stderr for a regular compile
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp')], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertEqual(err, '')
@no_wasm_backend("llvm-lto is fastcomp only flag")
def test_llvm_lto(self):
sizes = {}
lto_levels = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for lto in lto_levels:
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-O2', '--llvm-lto', str(lto)]
if self.is_wasm_backend():
cmd += ['-flto']
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
sizes[lto] = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
# LTO sizes should be distinct
for i in lto_levels:
assert sizes[i] not in set(sizes).difference(set([sizes[i]]))
# LTO should reduce code size
# Skip mode 2 because it has historically increased code size, but not always
self.assertLess(sizes[1], sizes[0])
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertLess(sizes[3], sizes[0])
def test_dlmalloc_modes(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
void* c = malloc(1024);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained('double-freed', run_js('a.out.js'))
# in debug mode, the double-free is caught
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=2'])
seen_error = False
out = '?'
out = run_js('a.out.js')
except Exception:
seen_error = True
self.assertTrue(seen_error, out)
def test_mallocs(self):
def run(opts):
sizes = {}
for malloc, name in (
('dlmalloc', 'dlmalloc'),
(None, 'default'),
('emmalloc', 'emmalloc')
print(malloc, name)
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-o', 'a.out.js'] + opts
if malloc:
cmd += ['-s', 'MALLOC="%s"' % malloc]
sizes[name] = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
# dlmalloc is the default
self.assertEqual(sizes['dlmalloc'], sizes['default'])
# emmalloc is much smaller
self.assertLess(sizes['emmalloc'], sizes['dlmalloc'] - 5000)
@no_fastcomp("fastcomp doesn't support 2GB+")
def test_emmalloc_2GB(self):
def test(args, text=None):
if text:
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MALLOC=emmalloc'] + args)
self.assertContained(text, stderr)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MALLOC=emmalloc'] + args)
test(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=2GB'], 'INITIAL_MEMORY must be less than 2GB due to current spec limitations')
# emmalloc allows growth by default (as the max size is fine), but not if
# a too-high max is set
test(['-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH'])
test(['-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH', '-s', 'MAXIMUM_MEMORY=3GB'], 'emmalloc only works on <2GB of memory. Use the default allocator, or decrease MAXIMUM_MEMORY')
@no_fastcomp("fastcomp doesn't support 2GB+")
def test_2GB_plus(self):
# when the heap size can be over 2GB, we rewrite pointers to be unsigned
def test(page_diff):
args = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O2', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH']
if page_diff is not None:
args += ['-s', 'MAXIMUM_MEMORY=%d' % (2**31 + page_diff * 64 * 1024)]
return os.path.getsize('a.out.js')
less = test(-1)
equal = test(0)
more = test(1)
none = test(None)
# exactly 2GB still doesn't require unsigned pointers, as we can't address
# the 2GB location in memory
self.assertEqual(less, equal)
self.assertLess(equal, more)
# not specifying maximum memory does not result in unsigned pointers, as the
# default maximum memory is 2GB.
self.assertEqual(less, none)
@no_fastcomp('depends on wasm-emscripten-finalize')
'normal': (['-s', 'WASM_BIGINT=0'], 'testbind.js'),
'bigint': (['-s', 'WASM_BIGINT=1'], 'testbind_bigint.js'),
def test_sixtyfour_bit_return_value(self, args, bind_js):
# This test checks that the most significant 32 bits of a 64 bit long are correctly made available
# to native JavaScript applications that wish to interact with compiled code returning 64 bit longs.
# The MS 32 bits should be available in Runtime.getTempRet0() even when compiled with -O2 --closure 1
# Compile test.c and wrap it in a native JavaScript binding so we can call our compiled function from JS.
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'return64bit', 'test.c'),
'--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'return64bit', 'testbindstart.js'),
'--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'return64bit', bind_js),
'--post-js', path_from_root('tests', 'return64bit', 'testbindend.js'),
'-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_test_return64"]', '-o', 'test.js', '-O2',
'--closure', '1', '-g1', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'] + args)
# Simple test program to load the test.js binding library and call the binding to the
# C function returning the 64 bit long.
create_test_file('testrun.js', '''
var test = require("./test.js");
# Run the test and confirm the output is as expected.
out = run_js('testrun.js', engine=NODE_JS + ['--experimental-wasm-bigint'])
input = 0xaabbccdd11223344
low = 5678
high = 1234
input = 0xabcdef1912345678
low = 5678
high = 1234
''', out)
def test_lib_include_flags(self):
run_process([EMCC] + '-l m -l c -I'.split() + [path_from_root('tests', 'include_test'), path_from_root('tests', 'lib_include_flags.c')])
def test_dash_s(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_dash_s_response_file_string(self):
create_test_file('response_file', '"MyModule"\n')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'EXPORT_NAME=@response_file'])
def test_dash_s_response_file_list(self):
create_test_file('response_file', '["_main", "_malloc"]\n')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@response_file'])
def test_dash_s_response_file_misssing(self):
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@foo'])
self.assertContained('error: foo: file not found parsing argument: EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@foo', err)
def test_dash_s_unclosed_quote(self):
# Unclosed quote
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), "-s", "TEST_KEY='MISSING_QUOTE"], stderr=PIPE, check=False).stderr
self.assertNotContained('AssertionError', err) # Do not mention that it is an assertion error
self.assertContained('unclosed opened quoted string. expected final character to be "\'"', err)
def test_dash_s_single_quote(self):
# Only one quote
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), "-s", "TEST_KEY='"], stderr=PIPE, check=False).stderr
self.assertNotContained('AssertionError', err) # Do not mention that it is an assertion error
self.assertContained('unclosed opened quoted string.', err)
def test_dash_s_unclosed_list(self):
# Unclosed list
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), "-s", "TEST_KEY=[Value1, Value2"])
self.assertNotContained('AssertionError', err) # Do not mention that it is an assertion error
self.assertContained('unclosed opened string list. expected final character to be "]"', err)
def test_dash_s_valid_list(self):
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), "-s", "TEST_KEY=[Value1, \"Value2\"]"])
self.assertNotContained('a problem occurred in evaluating the content after a "-s", specifically', err)
def test_dash_s_wrong_type(self):
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=foo'])
self.assertContained("error: setting `EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS` expects `<class 'list'>` but got `<class 'str'>`", err)
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=[foo,bar]'])
self.assertContained("error: setting `EXIT_RUNTIME` expects `<class 'int'>` but got `<class 'list'>`", err)
def test_dash_s_typo(self):
# with suggestions
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCH=1'])
self.assertContained("Attempt to set a non-existent setting: 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCH'", stderr)
self.assertContained('did you mean one of DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING', stderr)
# no suggestions
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'CHEEZ=1'])
self.assertContained("perhaps a typo in emcc\'s -s X=Y notation?", stderr)
self.assertContained('(see src/settings.js for valid values)', stderr)
def test_python_2_3(self):
# check emcc/em++ can be called by any python
def trim_py_suffix(filename):
"""remove .py from EMCC("""
return filename[:-3] if filename.endswith('.py') else filename
def run(python):
if python == 'python3':
has = is_python3_version_supported()
has = shared.which(python) is not None
print(python, has)
if has:
print(' checking')
run_process([python, path_from_root(''), '--version'], stdout=PIPE)
print(' checking')
run_process([python, path_from_root(''), '--version'], stdout=PIPE)
def test_zeroinit(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int buf[1048576];
int main() {
printf("hello, world! %d\n", buf[123456]);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-O2', '-g'])
size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
# size should be much smaller than the size of that zero-initialized buffer
self.assertLess(size, 123456 / 2)
def test_separate_asm_warning(self):
# Test that -s PRECISE_F32=2 raises a warning that --separate-asm is implied.
stderr = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2', '-o', 'a.html'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('forcing separate asm output', stderr)
# Test that -s PRECISE_F32=2 --separate-asm should not post a warning.
stderr = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2', '-o', 'a.html', '--separate-asm'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('forcing separate asm output', stderr)
# Test that -s PRECISE_F32=1 should not post a warning.
stderr = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '-s', 'PRECISE_F32=1', '-o', 'a.html'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('forcing separate asm output', stderr)
# Manually doing separate asm should show a warning, if not targeting html
warning = '--separate-asm works best when compiling to HTML'
stderr = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '--separate-asm'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained(warning, stderr)
stderr = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '--separate-asm', '-o', 'a.html'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained(warning, stderr)
# test that the warning can be suppressed
stderr = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '--separate-asm', '-Wno-separate-asm'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained(warning, stderr)
def test_canonicalize_nan_warning(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
union U {
int x;
float y;
} a;
int main() {
a.x = 0x7FC01234;
printf("%f\n", a.y);
printf("0x%x\n", a.x);
return 0;
stderr = run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O1'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertContained("emcc: warning: cannot represent a NaN literal", stderr)
stderr = run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O1', '-g'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained("emcc: warning: cannot represent a NaN literal", stderr)
self.assertContained('//@line 12 "src.cpp"', stderr)
out = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('nan\n', out)
self.assertContained('0x7fc01234\n', out)
@no_wasm_backend('tests our python linking logic')
def test_link_response_file_does_not_force_absolute_paths(self):
with_space = 'with space'
create_test_file(os.path.join(with_space, 'main.cpp'), '''
int main() {
return 0;
building.emcc(os.path.join(with_space, 'main.cpp'), ['-g'])
with chdir(with_space):
link_args =['main.cpp.o'], 'all.bc', just_calculate=True)
time.sleep(0.2) # Wait for Windows FS to release access to the directory
# We want only the relative path to be in the linker args, it should not be converted to an absolute path.
if hasattr(self, 'assertCountEqual'):
self.assertCountEqual(link_args, ['main.cpp.o'])
# Python 2 compatibility
self.assertItemsEqual(link_args, ['main.cpp.o'])
def test_memory_growth_noasm(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O2', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'])
src = open('a.out.js').read()
assert 'use asm' not in src
def test_EM_ASM_i64(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', '''
#include <stdint.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
out('inputs: ' + $0 + ', ' + $1 + '.');
}, int64_t(0x12345678ABCDEF1FLL));
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-Oz'])
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertContained('EM_ASM should not receive i64s as inputs, they are not valid in JS', stderr)
def test_eval_ctors_non_terminating(self):
for wasm in (1, 0):
if self.is_wasm_backend() and not wasm:
print('wasm', wasm)
src = r'''
struct C {
C() {
volatile int y = 0;
while (y == 0) {}
C always;
int main() {}
create_test_file('src.cpp', src)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O2', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=1', '-profiling-funcs', '-s', 'WASM=%d' % wasm])
@no_wasm_backend('EVAL_CTORS is monolithic with the wasm backend')
def test_eval_ctors(self):
for wasm in (1, 0):
if self.is_wasm_backend() and not wasm:
print('wasm', wasm)
print('check no ctors is ok')
# on by default in -Oz, but user-overridable
def get_size(args):
print('get_size', args)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-s', 'WASM=%d' % wasm] + args)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
if wasm:
codesize = self.count_wasm_contents('a.out.wasm', 'funcs')
memsize = self.count_wasm_contents('a.out.wasm', 'memory-data')
codesize = os.path.getsize('a.out.js')
memsize = os.path.getsize('a.out.js.mem')
return (codesize, memsize)
def check_size(left, right):
# can't measure just the mem out of the wasm, so ignore [1] for wasm
if left[0] == right[0] and left[1] == right[1]:
return 0
if left[0] < right[0] and left[1] > right[1]:
return -1 # smaller code, bigger mem
if left[0] > right[0] and left[1] < right[1]:
return 1
assert False, [left, right]
o2_size = get_size(['-O2'])
assert check_size(get_size(['-O2']), o2_size) == 0, 'deterministic'
assert check_size(get_size(['-O2', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=1']), o2_size) < 0, 'eval_ctors works if user asks for it'
oz_size = get_size(['-Oz'])
assert check_size(get_size(['-Oz']), oz_size) == 0, 'deterministic'
assert check_size(get_size(['-Oz', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=1']), oz_size) == 0, 'eval_ctors is on by default in oz'
assert check_size(get_size(['-Oz', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=0']), oz_size) == 1, 'eval_ctors can be turned off'
linkable_size = get_size(['-Oz', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=1', '-s', 'LINKABLE=1'])
assert check_size(get_size(['-Oz', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=0', '-s', 'LINKABLE=1']), linkable_size) == 1, 'noticeable difference in linkable too'
def test_eval_ctor_ordering(self):
# ensure order of execution remains correct, even with a bad ctor
def test(p1, p2, p3, last, expected):
src = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
volatile int total = 0;
struct C {
C(int x) {
volatile int y = x;
if (y == 0xf) {
printf("you can't eval me ahead of time\n"); // bad ctor
total <<= 4;
total += int(y);
C __attribute__((init_priority(%d))) c1(0x5);
C __attribute__((init_priority(%d))) c2(0x8);
C __attribute__((init_priority(%d))) c3(%d);
int main() {
printf("total is 0x%%x.\n", total);
''' % (p1, p2, p3, last)
create_test_file('src.cpp', src)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O2', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=1', '-profiling-funcs', '-s', 'WASM=%d' % wasm])
self.assertContained('total is %s.' % hex(expected), run_js('a.out.js'))
shutil.copyfile('a.out.js', 'x' + hex(expected) + '.js')
if wasm:
shutil.copyfile('a.out.wasm', 'x' + hex(expected) + '.wasm')
return self.count_wasm_contents('a.out.wasm', 'funcs')
return open('a.out.js').read().count('function _')
print('no bad ctor')
first = test(1000, 2000, 3000, 0xe, 0x58e) # noqa
second = test(3000, 1000, 2000, 0xe, 0x8e5) # noqa
third = test(2000, 3000, 1000, 0xe, 0xe58) # noqa
print(first, second, third)
assert first == second and second == third
print('with bad ctor')
first = test(1000, 2000, 3000, 0xf, 0x58f) # noqa; 2 will succeed
second = test(3000, 1000, 2000, 0xf, 0x8f5) # noqa; 1 will succedd
third = test(2000, 3000, 1000, 0xf, 0xf58) # noqa; 0 will succeed
print(first, second, third)
assert first < second and second < third, [first, second, third]
@with_env_modify({'EMCC_DEBUG': '1'})
def test_eval_ctors_debug_output(self):
for wasm in (1, 0):
print('wasm', wasm)
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
external_thing: function() {}
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
extern "C" void external_thing();
struct C {
C() { external_thing(); } // don't remove this!
C c;
int main() {}
err = run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--js-library', 'lib.js', '-Oz', '-s', 'WASM=%d' % wasm], stderr=PIPE).stderr
if self.is_wasm_backend():
# disabled in the wasm backend
self.assertContained('Ctor evalling in the wasm backend is disabled', err)
self.assertNotContained('ctor_evaller: not successful', err) # with logging
self.assertContained('external_thing', err) # the failing call should be mentioned
if not wasm and not self.is_wasm_backend(): # asm.js will show a stack trace
self.assertContained('ctorEval.js', err) # with a stack trace
self.assertContained('ctor_evaller: not successful', err) # with logging
def test_override_js_execution_environment(self):
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
out('environment is WEB? ' + ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB);
out('environment is WORKER? ' + ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER);
out('environment is NODE? ' + ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE);
out('environment is SHELL? ' + ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL);
# use SINGLE_FILE since we don't want to depend on loading a side .wasm file on the environment in this test;
# with the wrong env we have very odd failures
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-s', 'SINGLE_FILE=1'])
src = open('a.out.js').read()
envs = ['web', 'worker', 'node', 'shell']
for env in envs:
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
if engine == V8_ENGINE:
continue # ban v8, weird failures
actual = 'NODE' if engine == NODE_JS else 'SHELL'
print(env, actual, engine)
module = {'ENVIRONMENT': env}
if env != actual:
# avoid problems with arguments detection, which may cause very odd failures with the wrong environment code
module['arguments'] = []
curr = 'var Module = %s;\n' % str(module)
print(' ' + curr)
create_test_file('test.js', curr + src)
seen = run_js('test.js', engine=engine, stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None)
self.assertContained('Module.ENVIRONMENT has been deprecated. To force the environment, use the ENVIRONMENT compile-time option (for example, -s ENVIRONMENT=web or -s ENVIRONMENT=node', seen)
def test_override_c_environ(self):
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
var Module = {
preRun: [function() { ENV.hello = 'world' }]
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("|%s|\n", getenv("hello"));
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js'])
self.assertContained('|world|', run_js('a.out.js'))
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
var Module = {
preRun: [function(module) { module.ENV.hello = 'world' }]
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["ENV"]'])
self.assertContained('|world|', run_js('a.out.js'))
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["ENV"]', '-s', 'MODULARIZE=1'])
output = run_process(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'require("./a.out.js")();'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained('|world|', output.stdout)
def test_warn_no_filesystem(self):
WARNING = 'Filesystem support (FS) was not included. The problem is that you are using files from JS, but files were not used from C/C++, so filesystem support was not auto-included. You can force-include filesystem support with -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1'
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
seen = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE)
assert WARNING not in seen
def test(contents):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
EM_ASM({ %s });
printf("hello, world!\n");
return 0;
''' % contents)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained(WARNING, run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, assert_returncode=None))
# might appear in handwritten code
test("FS.createPreloadedFile('waka waka, just warning check')")
test("FS.createDataFile('waka waka, just warning check')")
test("FS.analyzePath('waka waka, just warning check')")
test("FS.loadFilesFromDB('waka waka, just warning check')")
# might appear in filesystem code from a separate script tag
test("Module['FS_createDataFile']('waka waka, just warning check')")
test("Module['FS_createPreloadedFile']('waka waka, just warning check')")
# text is in the source when needed, but when forcing FS, it isn't there
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
self.assertContained(WARNING, open('a.out.js').read())
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1']) # forcing FS means no need
self.assertNotContained(WARNING, open('a.out.js').read())
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0']) # no assertions, no need
self.assertNotContained(WARNING, open('a.out.js').read())
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O2']) # optimized, so no assertions
self.assertNotContained(WARNING, open('a.out.js').read())
def test_warn_module_print_err(self):
ERROR = 'was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)'
def test(contents, expected, args=[]):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
EM_ASM({ %s });
return 0;
''' % contents)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'] + args)
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js', stderr=STDOUT, assert_returncode=None))
# error shown (when assertions are on)
test("Module.print('x')", ERROR)
test("Module['print']('x')", ERROR)
test("Module.printErr('x')", ERROR)
test("Module['printErr']('x')", ERROR)
# when exported, all good
test("Module['print']('print'); Module['printErr']('err'); ", 'print\nerr', ['-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["print", "printErr"]'])
def test_warn_unexported_main(self):
WARNING = 'main() is in the input files, but "_main" is not in EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS, which means it may be eliminated as dead code. Export it if you want main() to run.'
proc = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[]'], stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained(WARNING, proc.stderr)
# Function eliminator tests
def normalize_line_endings(self, input):
return input.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n')
def get_file_contents(self, file):
file_contents = ""
with open(file) as fout:
file_contents = "".join(fout.readlines())
file_contents = self.normalize_line_endings(file_contents)
return file_contents
def function_eliminator_test_helper(self, input_file, expected_output_file, use_hash_info=False):
input_file = path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', input_file)
expected_output_file = path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', expected_output_file)
command = [path_from_root('tools', 'eliminate-duplicate-functions.js'), input_file, '--no-minimize-whitespace', '--use-asm-ast']
if use_hash_info:
proc = run_process(NODE_JS + command, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
assert proc.stderr == '', proc.stderr
expected_output = self.get_file_contents(expected_output_file)
output = self.normalize_line_endings(proc.stdout)
self.assertIdentical(expected_output, output)
def test_function_eliminator_simple(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_function_call(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_function_call_two_passes(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_array_value(self):
output_file = 'output.js'
shared.safe_copy(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-function-eliminator-replace-array-value.js'), output_file)
output_file_contents = self.get_file_contents(output_file)
expected_file_contents = self.get_file_contents(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-function-eliminator-replace-array-value-output.js'))
self.assertIdentical(expected_file_contents, output_file_contents)
def test_function_eliminator_replace_object_value_assignment(self):
def test_function_eliminator_variable_clash(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_variable_value(self):
@no_wasm_backend('tests native asm.js optimizer, which is never build for wasm backend')
def test_function_eliminator_double_parsed_correctly(self):
# This is a test that makes sure that when we perform final optimization on
# the JS file, doubles are preserved (and not converted to ints).
output_file = 'output.js'
shared.safe_copy(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-function-eliminator-double-parsed-correctly.js'), output_file)
# Run duplicate function elimination
# Run last opts
shutil.move(, ['last', 'asm']), output_file)
output_file_contents = self.get_file_contents(output_file)
# Compare
expected_file_contents = self.get_file_contents(path_from_root('tests', 'optimizer', 'test-function-eliminator-double-parsed-correctly-output.js'))
self.assertIdentical(expected_file_contents, output_file_contents)
# Now do the same, but using a pre-generated equivalent function hash info that
# comes in handy for parallel processing
def test_function_eliminator_simple_with_hash_info(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_function_call_with_hash_info(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_function_call_two_passes_with_hash_info(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_object_value_assignment_with_hash_info(self):
def test_function_eliminator_variable_clash_with_hash_info(self):
def test_function_eliminator_replace_variable_value_with_hash_info(self):
@no_wasm_backend('uses CYBERDWARF')
def test_cyberdwarf_pointers(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'debugger', 'test_pointers.cpp'), '-Oz', '-s', 'CYBERDWARF=1',
'--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'debugger', 'test_preamble.js'), '-o', 'test_pointers.js'])
run_js('test_pointers.js', engine=NODE_JS)
@no_wasm_backend('uses CYBERDWARF')
def test_cyberdwarf_union(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'debugger', 'test_union.cpp'), '-Oz', '-s', 'CYBERDWARF=1',
'--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'debugger', 'test_preamble.js'), '-o', 'test_union.js'])
run_js('test_union.js', engine=NODE_JS)
def test_source_file_with_fixed_language_mode(self):
create_test_file('src_tmp_fixed_lang', '''
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Test_source_fixed_lang_hello" << std::endl;
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-Wall', '-x', 'c++', 'src_tmp_fixed_lang'])
self.assertContained("Test_source_fixed_lang_hello", run_js('a.out.js'))
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-Wall', 'src_tmp_fixed_lang'])
self.assertContained("Input file has an unknown suffix, don't know what to do with it!", stderr)
def test_disable_inlining(self):
create_test_file('test.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void foo() {
int main() {
return 0;
# Without the 'INLINING_LIMIT=1', -O2 inlines foo()
cmd = [EMCC, 'test.c', '-O2', '-o', 'test.bc', '-s', 'INLINING_LIMIT=1']
if self.is_wasm_backend():
cmd += ['-flto']
# If foo() had been wrongly inlined above, internalizing foo and running
# global DCE makes foo DCE'd
building.llvm_opt('test.bc', ['-internalize', '-internalize-public-api-list=main', '-globaldce'], 'test2.bc')
# To this test to be successful, foo() shouldn't have been inlined above and
# foo() should be in the function list
syms = building.llvm_nm('test2.bc', include_internal=True)
assert 'foo' in syms.defs, 'foo() should not be inlined'
def test_output_eol(self):
# --separate-asm only makes sense without wasm (no asm.js with wasm)
for params in [[], ['--separate-asm', '-s', 'WASM=0'], ['--proxy-to-worker'], ['--proxy-to-worker', '--separate-asm', '-s', 'WASM=0']]:
for output_suffix in ['html', 'js']:
for eol in ['windows', 'linux']:
files = ['a.js']
if '--separate-asm' in params:
files += ['a.asm.js']
if output_suffix == 'html':
files += ['a.html']
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'a.' + output_suffix, '--output_eol', eol] + params
for f in files:
print(str(cmd) + ' ' + str(params) + ' ' + eol + ' ' + f)
assert os.path.isfile(f)
if eol == 'linux':
expected_ending = '\n'
expected_ending = '\r\n'
ret = tools.line_endings.check_line_endings(f, expect_only=expected_ending)
assert ret == 0
for f in files:
@no_wasm_backend('asm2wasm specific')
def test_binaryen_opts(self):
with env_modify({'EMCC_DEBUG': '1'}):
for args, expect_js_opts, expect_wasm_opts, expect_only_wasm in [
([], False, False, True),
(['-O0'], False, False, True),
(['-O1'], False, True, True),
(['-O2'], False, True, True),
(['-O2', '--js-opts', '1'], True, True, False), # user asked
(['-O2', '-s', 'EVAL_CTORS=1'], False, True, True), # ctor evaller turned off since only-wasm
(['-O3'], False, True, True),
(['-Os'], False, True, True),
(['-Oz'], False, True, True), # ctor evaller turned off since only-wasm
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'core', 'test_i64.c')] + args
print(args, 'js opts:', expect_js_opts, 'only-wasm:', expect_only_wasm, ' ', ' '.join(cmd))
err = run_process(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
assert expect_js_opts == ('applying js optimization passes:' in err), err
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
assert expect_only_wasm == ('-emscripten-only-wasm' in err and '--wasm-only' in err), err # check both flag to fastcomp and to asm2wasm
wat = run_process([os.path.join(building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis'), 'a.out.wasm'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
# i64s
i64s = wat.count('(i64.')
print(' seen i64s:', i64s)
assert expect_only_wasm == (i64s > 30), 'i64 opts can be emitted in only-wasm mode, but not normally' # note we emit a few i64s even without wasm-only, when we replace udivmoddi (around 15 such)
selects = wat.count('(select')
print(' seen selects:', selects)
if expect_wasm_opts:
# when optimizing we should create selects
self.assertGreater(selects, 15)
# when not optimizing for size we should not
self.assertEqual(selects, 0)
# asm2wasm opt line
asm2wasm_line = [line for line in err.split('\n') if 'asm2wasm' in line]
asm2wasm_line = '' if not asm2wasm_line else asm2wasm_line[0]
if '-O0' in args or '-O' not in str(args):
assert '-O' not in asm2wasm_line, 'no opts should be passed to asm2wasm: ' + asm2wasm_line
opts_str = args[0]
assert opts_str.startswith('-O')
assert opts_str in asm2wasm_line, 'expected opts: ' + asm2wasm_line
@no_wasm_backend('fastcomp specific')
def test_binaryen_and_precise_f32(self):
for args, expect in [
([], True),
(['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=0'], True), # disabled, but no asm.js, so we definitely want f32
(['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=1'], True),
(['-s', 'PRECISE_F32=2'], True),
print(args, expect)
err = run_process([EMCC, '-v', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'BINARYEN=1'] + args, stderr=PIPE).stderr
assert expect == (' -emscripten-precise-f32' in err), err
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_binaryen_names(self):
sizes = {}
for args, expect_names in [
([], False),
(['-g'], True),
(['-O1'], False),
(['-O2'], False),
(['-O2', '-g'], True),
(['-O2', '-g1'], False),
(['-O2', '-g2'], True),
(['-O2', '--profiling'], True),
(['-O2', '--profiling-funcs'], True),
print(args, expect_names)
# we use dlmalloc here, as emmalloc has a bunch of asserts that contain the text "malloc" in them, which makes counting harder
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')] + args + ['-s', 'MALLOC="dlmalloc"'])
code = open('a.out.wasm', 'rb').read()
if expect_names:
# name section adds the name of malloc (there is also another one for the export)
self.assertEqual(code.count(b'malloc'), 2)
# should be just malloc for the export
self.assertEqual(code.count(b'malloc'), 1)
sizes[str(args)] = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
self.assertLess(sizes["['-O2']"], sizes["['-O2', '--profiling-funcs']"], 'when -profiling-funcs, the size increases due to function names')
def test_binaryen_warn_mem(self):
# if user changes INITIAL_MEMORY at runtime, the wasm module may not accept the memory import if it is too big/small
create_test_file('pre.js', 'var Module = { INITIAL_MEMORY: 50 * 1024 * 1024 };\n')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=' + str(16 * 1024 * 1024), '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
out = run_js('a.out.js', full_output=True, stderr=PIPE, assert_returncode=None)
self.assertContained('LinkError', out)
self.assertContained('Memory size incompatibility issues may be due to changing INITIAL_MEMORY at runtime to something too large. Use ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH to allow any size memory (and also make sure not to set INITIAL_MEMORY at runtime to something smaller than it was at compile time).', out)
self.assertNotContained('hello, world!', out)
# and with memory growth, all should be good
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=' + str(16 * 1024 * 1024), '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
@no_wasm_backend('asm.js specific')
def test_binaryen_asmjs_outputs(self):
# Test that an .asm.js file is outputted exactly when it is requested.
for args, output_asmjs in [
([], False),
(['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2'], False),
with temp_directory(self.get_dir()) as temp_dir:
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.js')] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
if output_asmjs:
self.assertExists(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.asm.js'))
self.assertNotExists(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.temp.asm.js'))
# Test that outputting to .wasm does not nuke an existing .asm.js file, if
# user wants to manually dual-deploy both to same directory.
with temp_directory(self.get_dir()) as temp_dir:
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=0', '-o', os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.js'), '--separate-asm']
print(' '.join(cmd))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.asm.js'))
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.js')]
print(' '.join(cmd))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.asm.js'))
self.assertExists(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.wasm'))
self.assertNotExists(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a.temp.asm.js'))
def test_binaryen_mem(self):
for args, expect_initial, expect_max in [
(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=20971520'], 320, 320),
(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=20971520', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'], 320, None),
(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=20971520', '-s', 'MAXIMUM_MEMORY=41943040'], 320, 640),
(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=20971520', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'MAXIMUM_MEMORY=41943040'], 320, 640),
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'WASM=1', '-O2'] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
wat = run_process([os.path.join(building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis'), 'a.out.wasm'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
for line in wat:
if '(import "env" "memory" (memory ' in line:
parts = line.strip().replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(' ')
self.assertEqual(parts[5], str(expect_initial))
if not expect_max:
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 6)
self.assertEqual(parts[6], str(expect_max))
def test_invalid_mem(self):
# A large amount is fine, multiple of 16MB or not
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=33MB'])
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=32MB'])
# But not in asm.js
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
ret = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-s', 'WASM=0', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=33MB'])
self.assertContained('INITIAL_MEMORY must be a multiple of 16MB', ret)
# A tiny amount is fine in wasm
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=65536', '-s', 'TOTAL_STACK=1024'])
# And the program works!
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
# But not in asm.js
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
ret = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=65536', '-s', 'WASM=0'])
self.assertContained('INITIAL_MEMORY must be at least 16MB', ret)
# Must be a multiple of 64KB
ret = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=33554433']) # 32MB + 1 byte
self.assertContained('INITIAL_MEMORY must be a multiple of 64KB', ret)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MAXIMUM_MEMORY=33MB'])
ret = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MAXIMUM_MEMORY=34603009']) # 33MB + 1 byte
self.assertContained('MAXIMUM_MEMORY must be a multiple of 64KB', ret)
def test_invalid_output_dir(self):
ret = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', os.path.join('NONEXISTING_DIRECTORY', 'out.js')])
self.assertContained('specified output file (NONEXISTING_DIRECTORY%sout.js) is in a directory that does not exist' % os.path.sep, ret)
def test_binaryen_ctors(self):
# ctor order must be identical to js builds, deterministically
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
struct A {
A() { puts("constructing A!"); }
A a;
struct B {
B() { puts("constructing B!"); }
B b;
int main() {}
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'])
correct = run_js('a.out.js')
for args in [[], ['-s', 'RELOCATABLE=1']]:
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'WASM=1', '-o', 'b.out.js'] + args)
seen = run_js('b.out.js')
assert correct == seen, correct + '\n vs \n' + seen
# test debug info and debuggability of JS output
def test_binaryen_debug(self):
with env_modify({'EMCC_DEBUG': '1'}):
for args, expect_dash_g, expect_emit_text, expect_clean_js, expect_whitespace_js, expect_closured in [
(['-O0'], False, False, False, True, False),
(['-O0', '-g1'], False, False, False, True, False),
(['-O0', '-g2'], True, False, False, True, False), # in -g2+, we emit -g to asm2wasm so function names are saved
(['-O0', '-g'], True, True, False, True, False),
(['-O0', '--profiling-funcs'], True, False, False, True, False),
(['-O1'], False, False, False, True, False),
(['-O2'], False, False, True, False, False),
(['-O2', '-g1'], False, False, True, True, False),
(['-O2', '-g'], True, True, False, True, False),
(['-O2', '--closure', '1'], False, False, True, False, True),
(['-O2', '--closure', '1', '-g1'], False, False, True, True, True),
(['-O2', '--js-opts', '1'], False, False, True, False, False),
print(args, expect_dash_g, expect_emit_text)
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'WASM=1'] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
err = run_process(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
asm2wasm_line = [x for x in err.split('\n') if 'asm2wasm' in x][0]
asm2wasm_line = asm2wasm_line.strip() + ' ' # ensure it ends with a space, for simpler searches below
print('|' + asm2wasm_line + '|')
assert expect_dash_g == (' -g ' in asm2wasm_line)
assert expect_emit_text == (' -S ' in asm2wasm_line)
if expect_emit_text:
text = open('a.out.wat').read()
assert ';;' in text, 'must see debug info comment'
assert 'hello_world.cpp:12' in text, 'must be file:line info'
js = open('a.out.js').read()
assert expect_clean_js == ('// ' not in js), 'cleaned-up js must not have comments'
assert expect_whitespace_js == ('{\n ' in js), 'whitespace-minified js must not have excess spacing'
assert expect_closured == ('var a;' in js or 'var a,' in js or 'var a=' in js or 'var a ' in js), 'closured js must have tiny variable names'
def test_binaryen_ignore_implicit_traps(self):
sizes = []
with env_modify({'EMCC_DEBUG': '1'}):
for args, expect in [
([], False),
print(args, expect)
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-s', 'WASM=1', '-O3'] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
err = run_process(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContainedIf('--ignore-implicit-traps ', err, expect)
print('sizes:', sizes)
# sizes must be different, as the flag has an impact
self.assertEqual(len(set(sizes)), 2)
@no_fastcomp('BINARYEN_EXTRA_PASSES is used to optimize only in the wasm backend (fastcomp uses flags to asm2wasm)')
def test_binaryen_passes_extra(self):
def build(args=[]):
return run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-O3'] + args, stdout=PIPE).stdout
base_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
out = build(['-s', 'BINARYEN_EXTRA_PASSES="--metrics"'])
# and --metrics output appears
self.assertContained('[funcs]', out)
# adding --metrics should not affect code size
self.assertEqual(base_size, os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm'))
def assertFileContents(self, filename, contents):
contents = contents.replace('\r', '')
if os.environ.get('EMTEST_REBASELINE'):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
if not os.path.exists(filename):'Test expectation file not found: ' + filename + '.\n' +
'Run with EMTEST_REBASELINE to generate.')
expected_content = open(filename).read()
message = "Run with EMTEST_REBASELINE=1 to automatically update expectations"
self.assertTextDataIdentical(expected_content, contents, message,
filename, filename + '.new')
def run_metadce_test(self, filename, args, expected_exists, expected_not_exists, expected_size,
check_sent=True, check_imports=True, check_exports=True, check_funcs=True):
size_slack = 0.05
# in -Os, -Oz, we remove imports wasm doesn't need
print('Running metadce test: %s:' % filename, args, expected_exists,
expected_not_exists, expected_size, check_sent, check_imports, check_exports, check_funcs)
filename = path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'metadce', filename)
def clean_arg(arg):
return arg.replace('-', '')
def args_to_filename(args):
result = ''
for a in args:
if a == '-s':
a = a.replace('-', '')
a = a.replace('=1', '')
a = a.replace('=[]', '_NONE')
a = a.replace('=', '_')
if a:
result += '_' + a
return result
expected_basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
expected_basename += '_fastcomp'
expected_basename += args_to_filename(args)
run_process([EMCC, filename, '-g2'] + args)
# find the imports we send from JS
js = open('a.out.js').read()
start = js.find('asmLibraryArg = ')
end = js.find('}', start) + 1
start = js.find('{', start)
relevant = js[start + 2:end - 2]
relevant = relevant.replace(' ', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", '').split(',')
sent = [x.split(':')[0].strip() for x in relevant]
sent = [x for x in sent if x]
for exists in expected_exists:
self.assertIn(exists, sent)
for not_exists in expected_not_exists:
self.assertNotIn(not_exists, sent)
wasm_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
if expected_size is not None:
ratio = abs(wasm_size - expected_size) / float(expected_size)
print(' seen wasm size: %d (expected: %d), ratio to expected: %f' % (wasm_size, expected_size, ratio))
self.assertLess(ratio, size_slack)
imports, exports, funcs = parse_wasm('a.out.wasm')
# filter out _NNN suffixed that can be the result of bitcode linking when
# internal symbol names collide.
def strip_numeric_suffixes(funcname):
parts = funcname.split('_')
while parts:
if parts[-1].isdigit():
return '_'.join(parts)
funcs = [strip_numeric_suffixes(f) for f in funcs]
if check_sent:
sent_file = expected_basename + '.sent'
sent_data = '\n'.join(sent) + '\n'
self.assertFileContents(sent_file, sent_data)
if check_imports:
filename = expected_basename + '.imports'
data = '\n'.join(imports) + '\n'
self.assertFileContents(filename, data)
if check_exports:
filename = expected_basename + '.exports'
data = '\n'.join(exports) + '\n'
self.assertFileContents(filename, data)
if check_funcs:
filename = expected_basename + '.funcs'
data = '\n'.join(funcs) + '\n'
self.assertFileContents(filename, data)
'O0': ([], [], ['waka'], 9766), # noqa
'O1': (['-O1'], [], ['waka'], 7886), # noqa
'O2': (['-O2'], [], ['waka'], 7871), # noqa
# in -O3, -Os and -Oz we metadce, and they shrink it down to the minimal output we want
'O3': (['-O3'], [], [], 85), # noqa
'Os': (['-Os'], [], [], 85), # noqa
'Oz': (['-Oz'], [], [], 85), # noqa
'Os_mr': (['-Os', '-s', 'MINIMAL_RUNTIME'], [], [], 85), # noqa
def test_metadce_minimal(self, *args):
self.run_metadce_test('minimal.c', *args)
'O0': ([], ['abort'], ['waka'], 22712), # noqa
'O1': (['-O1'], ['abort'], ['waka'], 10450), # noqa
'O2': (['-O2'], ['abort'], ['waka'], 10440), # noqa
# in -O3, -Os and -Oz we metadce, and they shrink it down to the minimal output we want
'O3': (['-O3'], [], [], 55), # noqa
'Os': (['-Os'], [], [], 55), # noqa
'Oz': (['-Oz'], [], [], 55), # noqa
def test_metadce_minimal_fastcomp(self, *args):
self.run_metadce_test('minimal.c', *args)
'noexcept': (['-O2'], [], ['waka'], 218988), # noqa
# exceptions increases code size significantly
'except': (['-O2', '-fexceptions'], [], ['waka'], 279827), # noqa
# exceptions does not pull in demangling by default, which increases code size
'mangle': (['-O2', '-fexceptions',
'-s', 'DEMANGLE_SUPPORT'], [], ['waka'], 408028), # noqa
def test_metadce_cxx(self, *args):
self.run_metadce_test('hello_libcxx.cpp', *args)
'normal': (['-O2'], ['abort'], ['waka'], 186423),
(['-O2', '-s', 'EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1'], ['abort'], ['waka'], 188310),
def test_metadce_cxx_fastcomp(self, *args):
# test on libc++: see effects of emulated function pointers
self.run_metadce_test('hello_libcxx.cpp', *args)
'O0': ([], [], ['waka'], 22849), # noqa
'O1': (['-O1'], [], ['waka'], 10533), # noqa
'O2': (['-O2'], [], ['waka'], 10256), # noqa
'O3': (['-O3'], [], [], 1999), # noqa; in -O3, -Os and -Oz we metadce
'Os': (['-Os'], [], [], 2010), # noqa
'Oz': (['-Oz'], [], [], 2004), # noqa
# finally, check what happens when we export nothing. wasm should be almost empty
(['-Os', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[]'], [], [], 61), # noqa
# we don't metadce with linkable code! other modules may want stuff
# don't compare the # of functions in a main module, which changes a lot
# TODO(sbc): Investivate why the number of exports is order of magnitude
# larger for wasm backend.
'main_module_2': (['-O3', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2'], [], [], 10652, True, True, True, False), # noqa
def test_metadce_hello(self, *args):
self.run_metadce_test('hello_world.cpp', *args)
'O0': ([], ['abort'], ['waka'], 42701), # noqa
'O1': (['-O1'], ['abort'], ['waka'], 13199), # noqa
'O2': (['-O2'], ['abort'], ['waka'], 12425), # noqa
'O3': (['-O3'], [], [], 2045), # noqa; in -O3, -Os and -Oz we metadce
'Os': (['-Os'], [], [], 2064), # noqa
'Oz': (['-Oz'], [], [], 2045), # noqa
# finally, check what happens when we export nothing. wasm should be almost empty
(['-Os', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[]'], [], [], 8), # noqa; totally empty!
# we don't metadce with linkable code! other modules may want stuff
# don't compare the # of functions in a main module, which changes a lot
'main_module_2': (['-O3', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2'], [], [], 10017), # noqa
def test_metadce_hello_fastcomp(self, *args):
self.run_metadce_test('hello_world.cpp', *args)
'O3': ('mem.c', ['-O3'],
[], [], 6100), # noqa
# argc/argv support code etc. is in the wasm
'O3_standalone': ('mem.c', ['-O3', '-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM'],
[], [], 6309), # noqa
# without argc/argv, no support code for them is emitted
'O3_standalone_narg': ('mem_no_argv.c', ['-O3', '-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM'],
[], [], 6309), # noqa
# without main, no support code for argc/argv is emitted either
'O3_standalone_lib': ('mem_no_main.c', ['-O3', '-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM', '--no-entry'],
[], [], 6309), # noqa
# Growth support code is in JS, no significant change in the wasm
'O3_grow': ('mem.c', ['-O3', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH'],
[], [], 6098), # noqa
# Growth support code is in the wasm
'O3_grow_standalone': ('mem.c', ['-O3', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH', '-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM'],
[], [], 6449), # noqa
# without argc/argv, no support code for them is emitted, even with lto
('mem_no_argv.c', ['-O3', '-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM', '-flto'],
[], [], 4971), # noqa
def test_metadce_mem(self, filename, *args):
self.run_metadce_test(filename, *args)
'O3': ('libcxxabi_message.cpp', ['-O3'],
[], [], 128), # noqa
# argc/argv support code etc. is in the wasm
'O3_standalone': ('libcxxabi_message.cpp', ['-O3', '-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM'],
[], [], 216), # noqa
def test_metadce_libcxxabi_message(self, filename, *args):
self.run_metadce_test(filename, *args)
# ensures runtime exports work, even with metadce
def test_extra_runtime_exports(self):
exports = ['stackSave', 'stackRestore', 'stackAlloc', 'FS']
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'WASM=1', '-Os', '-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=%s' % str(exports)])
js = open('a.out.js').read()
for export in exports:
assert ('Module["%s"]' % export) in js, export
def test_legalize_js_ffi(self):
# test disabling of JS FFI legalization
wasm_dis = os.path.join(building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis')
for (args, js_ffi) in [
(['-s', 'LEGALIZE_JS_FFI=1', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-O1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'], True),
(['-s', 'LEGALIZE_JS_FFI=0', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-O1', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'], False),
(['-s', 'LEGALIZE_JS_FFI=0', '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1', '-O0', '-s', 'EXPORT_ALL=1'], False),
(['-s', 'LEGALIZE_JS_FFI=0', '-s', 'WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0', '-O0'], False),
if self.is_wasm_backend() and 'SIDE_MODULE=1' in args:
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'ffi.c'), '-g', '-o', 'a.out.js'] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
run_process([wasm_dis, 'a.out.wasm', '-o', 'a.out.wat'])
text = open('a.out.wat').read()
# remove internal comments and extra whitespace
text = re.sub(r'\(;[^;]+;\)', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'\$var\$*.', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'param \$\d+', 'param ', text)
text = re.sub(r' +', ' ', text)
# TODO: remove the unecessary ".*" in e_* regexs after binaryen #2510 lands
e_add_f32 ='func \$_?add_f .*\(param f32\) \(param f32\) \(result f32\)', text)
i_i64_i32 ='import .*"_?import_ll" .*\(param i32 i32\) \(result i32\)', text)
i_f32_f64 ='import .*"_?import_f" .*\(param f64\) \(result f64\)', text)
i_i64_i64 ='import .*"_?import_ll" .*\(param i64\) \(result i64\)', text)
i_f32_f32 ='import .*"_?import_f" .*\(param f32\) \(result f32\)', text)
e_i64_i32 ='func \$_?add_ll .*\(param i32\) \(param i32\) \(param i32\) \(param i32\) \(result i32\)', text)
e_f32_f64 ='func \$legalstub\$_?add_f .*\(param f64\) \(param f64\) \(result f64\)', text)
e_i64_i64 ='func \$_?add_ll .*\(param i64\) \(param i64\) \(result i64\)', text)
assert e_add_f32, 'add_f export missing'
if js_ffi:
assert i_i64_i32, 'i64 not converted to i32 in imports'
assert i_f32_f64, 'f32 not converted to f64 in imports'
assert not i_i64_i64, 'i64 not converted to i32 in imports'
assert not i_f32_f32, 'f32 not converted to f64 in imports'
assert e_i64_i32, 'i64 not converted to i32 in exports'
assert not e_f32_f64, 'f32 not converted to f64 in exports'
assert not e_i64_i64, 'i64 not converted to i64 in exports'
assert not i_i64_i32, 'i64 converted to i32 in imports'
assert not i_f32_f64, 'f32 converted to f64 in imports'
assert i_i64_i64, 'i64 converted to i32 in imports'
assert i_f32_f32, 'f32 converted to f64 in imports'
assert not e_i64_i32, 'i64 converted to i32 in exports'
assert not e_f32_f64, 'f32 converted to f64 in exports'
assert e_i64_i64, 'i64 converted to i64 in exports'
def test_no_legalize_js_ffi(self):
# test minimal JS FFI legalization for invoke and dyncalls
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.skipTest('not testing legalize with main module and wasm backend')
wasm_dis = os.path.join(building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis')
for (args, js_ffi) in [
(['-s', 'LEGALIZE_JS_FFI=0', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2', '-O3', '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0'], False),
with env_modify({'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS': 'libc++'}):
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'noffi.cpp'), '-g', '-o', 'a.out.js'] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
run_process([wasm_dis, 'a.out.wasm', '-o', 'a.out.wat'])
text = open('a.out.wat').read()
# remove internal comments and extra whitespace
text = re.sub(r'\(;[^;]+;\)', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'\$var\$*.', '', text)
text = re.sub(r'param \$\d+', 'param ', text)
text = re.sub(r' +', ' ', text)
# print("text: %s" % text)
i_legalimport_i64 ='\(import.*\$legalimport\$invoke_j.*', text)
e_legalstub_i32 ='\(func.*\$legalstub\$dyn.*\(result i32\)', text)
assert i_legalimport_i64, 'legal import not generated for invoke call'
assert e_legalstub_i32, 'legal stub not generated for dyncall'
def test_export_aliasee(self):
# build side module
args = ['-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1']
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'alias', 'side.c'), '-g', '-o', 'side.wasm'] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
# build main module
args = ['-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_foo"]', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1', '-lnodefs.js']
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'alias', 'main.c'), '-o', 'main.js'] + args
print(' '.join(cmd))
# run the program
self.assertContained('success', run_js('main.js'))
def test_sysconf_phys_pages(self):
def run(args, expected):
if self.is_wasm_backend() and 'WASM=0' in args:
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'unistd', 'sysconf_phys_pages.c')] + args
result = run_js('a.out.js').strip()
self.assertEqual(result, str(expected) + ', errno: 0')
run([], 1024)
run(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=32MB'], 2048)
run(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=32MB', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'], (2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 16384)
run(['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=32MB', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'WASM=0'], (2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 16384)
def test_wasm_target_and_STANDALONE_WASM(self):
# STANDALONE_WASM means we never minify imports and exports.
for opts, potentially_expect_minified_exports_and_imports in (
([], False),
(['-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM'], False),
(['-O2'], False),
(['-O3'], True),
(['-O3', '-s', 'STANDALONE_WASM'], False),
(['-Os'], True),
if 'STANDALONE_WASM' in opts and not self.is_wasm_backend():
# targeting .wasm (without .js) means we enable STANDALONE_WASM automatically, and don't minify imports/exports
for target in ('out.js', 'out.wasm'):
expect_minified_exports_and_imports = potentially_expect_minified_exports_and_imports and target.endswith('.js')
standalone = target.endswith('.wasm') or 'STANDALONE_WASM' in opts
print(opts, potentially_expect_minified_exports_and_imports, target, ' => ', expect_minified_exports_and_imports, standalone)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-o', target] + opts)
if target.endswith('.wasm'):
# only wasm requested
wat = run_process([os.path.join(building.get_binaryen_bin(), 'wasm-dis'), 'out.wasm'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
wat_lines = wat.split('\n')
exports = [line.strip().split(' ')[1].replace('"', '') for line in wat_lines if "(export " in line]
imports = [line.strip().split(' ')[2].replace('"', '') for line in wat_lines if "(import " in line]
exports_and_imports = exports + imports
print(' exports', exports)
print(' imports', imports)
if expect_minified_exports_and_imports:
assert 'a' in exports_and_imports
assert 'a' not in exports_and_imports
assert 'memory' in exports_and_imports or 'fd_write' in exports_and_imports, 'some things are not minified anyhow'
# verify the wasm runs with the JS
if target.endswith('.js'):
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('out.js'))
# verify a standalone wasm
if standalone and self.is_wasm_backend():
for engine in WASM_ENGINES:
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('out.wasm', engine=engine))
def test_wasm_targets_side_module(self):
# side modules do allow a wasm target
for opts, target in [([], 'a.out.wasm'), (['-o', 'lib.wasm'], 'lib.wasm')]:
# specified target
print('building: ' + target)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'SIDE_MODULE=1'] + opts)
for x in os.listdir('.'):
assert not x.endswith('.js'), 'we should not emit js when making a wasm side module: ' + x
self.assertIn(b'dylink', open(target, 'rb').read())
@no_fastcomp('test wasm object files')
def test_wasm_backend_lto(self):
# test building of non-wasm-object-files libraries, building with them, and running them
src = path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp')
# test codegen in lto mode, and compare to normal (wasm object) mode
for args in [[], ['-O1'], ['-O2'], ['-O3'], ['-Os'], ['-Oz']]:
print('wasm in object')
run_process([EMXX, src] + args + ['-c', '-o', 'hello_obj.o'])
print('bitcode in object')
run_process([EMXX, src] + args + ['-c', '-o', 'hello_bitcode.o', '-flto'])
print('use bitcode object (LTO)')
run_process([EMXX, 'hello_bitcode.o'] + args + ['-flto'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
print('use bitcode object (non-LTO)')
run_process([EMXX, 'hello_bitcode.o'] + args)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
print('use native object (LTO)')
run_process([EMXX, 'hello_obj.o'] + args + ['-flto'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
print('use native object (non-LTO)')
run_process([EMXX, 'hello_obj.o'] + args)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
'except': [],
'noexcept': ['-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0']
@no_fastcomp('test wasm object files')
def test_wasm_backend_lto_libcxx(self, *args):
run_process([EMXX, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_libcxx.cpp'), '-flto'] + list(args))
@no_fastcomp('wasm backend lto specific')
def test_lto_flags(self):
for flags, expect_bitcode in [
([], False),
(['-flto'], True),
(['-flto=thin'], True),
(['-s', 'WASM_OBJECT_FILES=0'], True),
(['-s', 'WASM_OBJECT_FILES=1'], False),
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')] + flags + ['-c', '-o', 'a.o'])
seen_bitcode = building.is_bitcode('a.o')
self.assertEqual(expect_bitcode, seen_bitcode, 'must emit LTO-capable bitcode when flags indicate so (%s)' % str(flags))
def test_wasm_nope(self):
for opts in [[], ['-O2']]:
# check we show a good error message if there is no wasm support
create_test_file('pre.js', 'WebAssembly = undefined;\n')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '--pre-js', 'pre.js'] + opts)
out = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=STDOUT, assert_returncode=None)
if opts == []:
self.assertContained('No WebAssembly support found. Build with -s WASM=0 to target JavaScript instead.', out)
self.assertContained('no native wasm support detected', out)
def test_jsrun(self):
# Test that engine check passes
# Run it a second time (cache hit)
# Test that engine check fails
bogus_engine = ['/fake/inline4']
# Test the other possible way (list vs string) to express an engine
if type(NODE_JS) is list:
engine2 = NODE_JS[0]
engine2 = [NODE_JS]
# Test that run_js requires the engine
jsrun.run_js(path_from_root('src', 'hello_world.js'), NODE_JS)
caught_exit = 0
jsrun.run_js(path_from_root('src', 'hello_world.js'), bogus_engine)
except SystemExit as e:
caught_exit = e.code
self.assertEqual(1, caught_exit, 'Did not catch SystemExit with bogus JS engine')
def test_error_on_missing_libraries(self):
# -llsomenonexistingfile is an error by default
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-lsomenonexistingfile'])
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertContained('wasm-ld: error: unable to find library -lsomenonexistingfile', err)
self.assertContained('emcc: cannot find library "somenonexistingfile"', err)
# Tests that if user accidentally attempts to link native object code, we show an error
def test_native_link_error_message(self):
run_process([CLANG_CC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_123.c'), '-o', 'hello_123.o'])
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'hello_123.o', '-o', 'hello_123.js'])
self.assertContained('hello_123.o is not a valid input', err)
# Tests that we should give a clear error on INITIAL_MEMORY not being enough for static initialization + stack
def test_clear_error_on_massive_static_data(self):
with open('src.cpp', 'w') as f:
char muchData[128 * 1024];
int main() {
return (int)&muchData;
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'TOTAL_STACK=1KB', '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=64KB'])
if self.is_wasm_backend():
self.assertContained('wasm-ld: error: initial memory too small', err)
self.assertContained('Memory is not large enough for static data (134000) plus the stack (1024), please increase INITIAL_MEMORY (65536)', err)
def test_o_level_clamp(self):
for level in [3, 4, 20]:
err = run_process([EMCC, '-O' + str(level), path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContainedIf("optimization level '-O" + str(level) + "' is not supported; using '-O3' instead", err, level > 3)
# Tests that if user specifies multiple -o output directives, then the last one will take precedence
def test_multiple_o_files(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'a.js', '-o', 'b.js'])
assert os.path.isfile('b.js')
assert not os.path.isfile('a.js')
# Tests that Emscripten-provided header files can be cleanly included in C code
def test_include_system_header_in_c(self):
for std in [[], ['-std=c89']]: # Test oldest C standard, and the default C standard
for directory, headers in [
('emscripten', ['dom_pk_codes.h', 'em_asm.h', 'emscripten.h', 'fetch.h', 'html5.h', 'key_codes.h', 'threading.h', 'trace.h', 'vr.h']), # This directory has also bind.h, val.h and wire.h, which require C++11
('AL', ['al.h', 'alc.h']),
('EGL', ['egl.h', 'eglplatform.h']),
('GL', ['freeglut_std.h', 'gl.h', 'glew.h', 'glfw.h', 'glu.h', 'glut.h']),
('GLES', ['gl.h', 'glplatform.h']),
('GLES2', ['gl2.h', 'gl2platform.h']),
('GLES3', ['gl3.h', 'gl3platform.h', 'gl31.h', 'gl32.h']),
('GLFW', ['glfw3.h']),
('KHR', ['khrplatform.h'])]:
for h in headers:
inc = '#include <' + directory + '/' + h + '>'
create_test_file('a.c', inc)
create_test_file('b.c', inc)
run_process([EMCC] + std + ['a.c', 'b.c'])
def test_single_file(self):
for (single_file_enabled,
wasm_enabled) in itertools.product([True, False], repeat=5):
# skip unhelpful option combinations
if wasm_enabled and meminit1_enabled:
if closure_enabled and debug_enabled:
expect_wasm = wasm_enabled
expect_meminit = meminit1_enabled and not wasm_enabled
expect_wat = debug_enabled and wasm_enabled and not self.is_wasm_backend()
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')]
if single_file_enabled:
expect_meminit = False
expect_wasm = False
cmd += ['-s', 'SINGLE_FILE=1']
if meminit1_enabled:
cmd += ['--memory-init-file', '1']
if debug_enabled:
cmd += ['-g']
if closure_enabled:
cmd += ['--closure', '1']
if not wasm_enabled:
cmd += ['-s', 'WASM=0']
def do_test(cmd):
print(' '.join(cmd))
assert expect_meminit == (os.path.exists('a.out.mem') or os.path.exists('a.out.js.mem'))
assert expect_wasm == os.path.exists('a.out.wasm')
assert expect_wat == os.path.exists('a.out.wat')
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
# additional combinations that are not part of the big product()
if self.is_wasm_backend() and debug_enabled:
separate_dwarf_cmd = cmd + ['-gseparate-dwarf']
if wasm_enabled:
def test_emar_M(self):
create_test_file('file1', ' ')
create_test_file('file2', ' ')
run_process([EMAR, 'cr', 'file1.a', 'file1'])
run_process([EMAR, 'cr', 'file2.a', 'file2'])
run_process([EMAR, '-M'], input='''create combined.a
addlib file1.a
addlib file2.a
result = run_process([EMAR, 't', 'combined.a'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('file1', result)
self.assertContained('file2', result)
def test_emar_duplicate_inputs(self):
# Verify the we can supply the same intput muliple times without
# confusing
# See
create_test_file('file1', ' ')
run_process([EMAR, 'cr', 'file1.a', 'file1', 'file1'])
# Temporarily disabled to allow this llvm change to roll
@no_windows('Temporarily disabled under windows')
def test_emar_response_file(self):
# Test that special character such as single quotes in filenames survive being
# sent via response file
create_test_file("file'1", ' ')
create_test_file("file'2", ' ')
building.emar('cr', 'libfoo.a', ("file'1", "file'2"))
def test_archive_empty(self):
# This test added because we had an issue with the AUTO_ARCHIVE_INDEXES failing on empty
# archives (which inherently don't have indexes).
run_process([EMAR, 'crS', 'libfoo.a'])
run_process([EMCC, '-Werror', 'libfoo.a', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
def test_archive_no_index(self):
create_test_file('foo.c', 'int foo = 1;')
run_process([EMCC, '-c', 'foo.c'])
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
# The `S` flag means don't add an archive index
run_process([EMAR, 'crS', 'libfoo.a', 'foo.o'])
# The llvm backend (link GNU ld and lld) doesn't support linking archives with no index.
# However we have logic that will automatically add indexes (unless running with
if self.is_wasm_backend():
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-s', 'NO_AUTO_ARCHIVE_INDEXES', 'libfoo.a', 'hello_world.o'])
self.assertContained('libfoo.a: archive has no index; run ranlib to add one', stderr)
# The default behavior is to add archive indexes automatically.
run_process([EMCC, 'libfoo.a', 'hello_world.o'])
@no_fastcomp('AUTO_ARCHIVE_INDEXES only applies to wasm backend')
def test_archive_non_objects(self):
create_test_file('file.txt', 'test file')
# llvm-nm has issues with files that start with two or more null bytes since it thinks they
# are COFF files. Ensure that we correctly ignore such files when we process them.
create_test_file('zeros.bin', '\0\0\0\0')
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
# No index added.
# --format=darwin (the default on OSX has a strange issue where it add extra
# newlines to files:
run_process([EMAR, 'crS', '--format=gnu', 'libfoo.a', 'file.txt', 'zeros.bin', 'hello_world.o'])
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), 'libfoo.a'])
def test_flag_aliases(self):
def assert_aliases_match(flag1, flag2, flagarg, extra_args=[]):
results = {}
for f in (flag1, flag2):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', f + '=' + flagarg] + extra_args)
with open('a.out.js') as out:
results[f + '.js'] =
with open('a.out.wasm', 'rb') as out:
results[f + '.wasm'] =
self.assertEqual(results[flag1 + '.js'], results[flag2 + '.js'], 'js results should be identical')
self.assertEqual(results[flag1 + '.wasm'], results[flag2 + '.wasm'], 'wasm results should be identical')
assert_aliases_match('INITIAL_MEMORY', 'TOTAL_MEMORY', '16777216')
assert_aliases_match('INITIAL_MEMORY', 'TOTAL_MEMORY', '64MB')
assert_aliases_match('MAXIMUM_MEMORY', 'WASM_MEM_MAX', '16777216', ['-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH'])
assert_aliases_match('MAXIMUM_MEMORY', 'BINARYEN_MEM_MAX', '16777216', ['-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH'])
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
// make closure compiler very very angry
var dupe = 1;
var dupe = 2;
function Node() {
throw 'Node is a DOM thing too, and use the ' + dupe;
function Node() {
throw '(duplicate) Node is a DOM thing too, and also use the ' + dupe;
def test(check, extra=[]):
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O2', '--closure', '1', '--pre-js', 'pre.js'] + extra
proc = run_process(cmd, check=check, stderr=PIPE)
if not check:
self.assertNotEqual(proc.returncode, 0)
return proc
WARNING = 'Variable dupe declared more than once'
proc = test(check=False)
self.assertContained(WARNING, proc.stderr)
proc = test(check=True, extra=['-s', 'IGNORE_CLOSURE_COMPILER_ERRORS=1'])
self.assertNotContained(WARNING, proc.stderr)
def test_closure_full_js_library(self):
# test for closure errors in the entire JS library
# We must ignore various types of errors that are expected in this situation, as we
# are including a lot of JS without corresponding compiled code for it. This still
# lets us catch all other errors.
with env_modify({'EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS': '--jscomp_off undefinedVars'}):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O1', '--closure', '1', '-g1', '-s', 'INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY=1', '-s', 'ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0'])
# Tests --closure-args command line flag
def test_closure_externs(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--closure', '1', '--pre-js', path_from_root('tests', 'test_closure_externs_pre_js.js'), '--closure-args', '--externs "' + path_from_root('tests', 'test_closure_externs.js') + '"'])
def test_toolchain_profiler(self):
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ['EM_PROFILE_TOOLCHAIN'] = '1'
# replaced subprocess functions should not cause errors
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')], env=environ)
def test_RAW_OS(self):
fopen_write = open(path_from_root('tests', 'asmfs', 'fopen_write.cpp')).read()
create_test_file('main.cpp', fopen_write)
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-s', 'RAW_OS=1'])
self.assertContained("read 11 bytes. Result: Hello data!", run_js('a.out.js'))
# RAW_OS should directly write on OS file system
self.assertEqual("Hello data!", open('hello_file.txt').read())
def test_RAW_OS_disables_embedding(self):
expected = '--preload-file and --embed-file cannot be used with RAW_OS which disables virtual filesystem'
base = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'RAW_OS']
err = self.expect_fail(base + ['--preload-file', 'somefile'])
self.assertContained(expected, err)
err = self.expect_fail(base + ['--embed-file', 'somefile'])
self.assertContained(expected, err)
def test_node_code_caching(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'),
def get_cached():
cached = glob.glob('a.out.wasm.*.cached')
if not cached:
return None
self.assertEqual(len(cached), 1)
return cached[0]
# running the program makes it cache the code
self.assertEqual('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js').strip())
self.assertTrue(get_cached(), 'should be a cache file')
# hard to test it actually uses it to speed itself up, but test that it
# does try to deserialize it at least
with open(get_cached(), 'w') as f:
f.write('waka waka')
ERROR = 'NODE_CODE_CACHING: failed to deserialize, bad cache file?'
self.assertContained(ERROR, run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True))
# we cached proper code after showing that error
with open(get_cached(), 'rb') as f:
self.assertEqual('waka'), 0)
self.assertNotContained(ERROR, run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True))
def test_autotools_shared_check(self):
env = os.environ.copy()
env['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
expected = ': supported targets:.* elf'
for python in [PYTHON, 'python', 'python2', 'python3']:
if not shared.which(python):
if python == 'python3' and not is_python3_version_supported():
out = run_process([python, path_from_root(''), '--help'], stdout=PIPE, env=env).stdout
assert, out)
def test_ioctl_window_size(self):
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'ioctl', 'window_size'))
def test_fd_closed(self):
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'fd_closed'))
def test_fflush(self):
# fflush without the full filesystem won't quite work
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'fflush'))
def test_fflush_fs(self):
# fflush with the full filesystem will flush from libc, but not the JS logging, which awaits a newline
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'fflush_fs'), emcc_args=['-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1'])
def test_fflush_fs_exit(self):
# on exit, we can send out a newline as no more code will run
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'fflush_fs_exit'), emcc_args=['-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=1'])
def test_extern_weak(self):
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'extern_weak'))
if not self.is_wasm_backend(): # TODO: wasm backend main module
self.do_other_test(os.path.join('other', 'extern_weak'), emcc_args=['-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=1', '-DLINKABLE'])
def test_main_module_without_main(self):
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
var Module = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function() {
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
EM_ASM({ console.log("bar") });
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '--pre-js', 'pre.js', '-s', 'MAIN_MODULE=2'])
self.assertContained('bar', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_js_optimizer_parse_error(self):
# check we show a proper understandable error for JS parse problems
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
var x = !<->5.; // wtf
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O2'])
# wasm backend output doesn't have spaces in the EM_ASM function bodies
var ASM_CONSTS = [function() { var x = !<->5.; }];
''', '''
1024: function() {var x = !<->5.;}
'''), stderr)
@no_fastcomp('wasm2js only')
def test_js_optimizer_chunk_size_determinism(self):
def build():
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O3', '-s', 'WASM=0'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
# FIXME: newline differences can exist, ignore for now
return'\n', '')
normal = build()
with env_modify({
tiny = build()
with env_modify({
'EMCC_JSOPT_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE': '4294967296',
huge = build()
self.assertIdentical(normal, tiny)
self.assertIdentical(normal, huge)
def test_EM_ASM_ES6(self):
# check we show a proper understandable error for JS parse problems
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
var x = (a, b) => 5; // valid ES6!
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-O2'])
self.assertContained('hello!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_check_sourcemapurl(self):
if not self.is_wasm():
self.skipTest('only supported with wasm')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_123.c'), '-g4', '-o', 'a.js', '--source-map-base', 'dir/'])
output = open('a.wasm', 'rb').read()
# has sourceMappingURL section content and points to 'dir/' file
source_mapping_url_content = encode_leb(len('sourceMappingURL')) + b'sourceMappingURL' + encode_leb(len('dir/')) + b'dir/'
self.assertEqual(output.count(source_mapping_url_content), 1)
# make sure no DWARF debug info sections remain - they would just waste space
self.assertNotIn(b'.debug_', output)
def test_check_source_map_args(self):
# -g4 is needed for source maps; -g is not enough
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-g'])
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-g4'])
'normal': [],
'profiling': ['--profiling'] # -g4 --profiling should still emit a source map; see #8584
def test_check_sourcemapurl_default(self, *args):
if not self.is_wasm():
self.skipTest('only supported with wasm')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_123.c'), '-g4', '-o', 'a.js'] + list(args))
output = open('a.wasm', 'rb').read()
# has sourceMappingURL section content and points to '' file
source_mapping_url_content = encode_leb(len('sourceMappingURL')) + b'sourceMappingURL' + encode_leb(len('')) + b''
self.assertIn(source_mapping_url_content, output)
def test_wasm_sourcemap(self):
# The no_main.c will be read (from relative location) due to speficied "-s"
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm_sourcemap', 'no_main.c'), 'no_main.c')
wasm_map_cmd = [PYTHON, path_from_root('tools', ''),
'--sources', '--prefix', '=wasm-src://',
'--load-prefix', '/emscripten/tests/other/wasm_sourcemap=.',
path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm_sourcemap', 'foo.wasm.dump'),
'-o', '',
path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm_sourcemap', 'foo.wasm'),
'--basepath=' + os.getcwd()]
output = open('').read()
# has "sources" entry with file (includes also `--prefix =wasm-src:///` replacement)
self.assertIn('wasm-src:///emscripten/tests/other/wasm_sourcemap/no_main.c', output)
# has "sourcesContent" entry with source code (included with `-s` option)
self.assertIn('int foo()', output)
# has some entries
self.assertRegexpMatches(output, r'"mappings":\s*"[A-Za-z0-9+/]')
def test_wasm_sourcemap_dead(self):
wasm_map_cmd = [PYTHON, path_from_root('tools', ''),
path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm_sourcemap_dead', 't.wasm.dump'),
'-o', '',
path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm_sourcemap_dead', 't.wasm'),
'--basepath=' + os.getcwd()]
run_process(wasm_map_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output = open('').read()
# has only two entries
self.assertRegexpMatches(output, r'"mappings":\s*"[A-Za-z0-9+/]+,[A-Za-z0-9+/]+"')
def test_wasm_sourcemap_relative_paths(self):
def test(infile, source_map_added_dir=''):
expected_source_map_path = 'a.cpp'
if source_map_added_dir:
expected_source_map_path = source_map_added_dir + '/' + expected_source_map_path
print(infile, expected_source_map_path)
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_123.c'), infile)
infiles = [
'./' + infile
for curr in infiles:
print(' ', curr)
run_process([EMCC, curr, '-g4'])
with open('', 'r') as f:
self.assertIn('"%s"' % expected_source_map_path, str(
test('inner/a.cpp', 'inner')
def test_separate_dwarf(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-g'])
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-gseparate-dwarf'])
self.assertLess(os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm'), os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm.debug.wasm'))
# the special section should also exist, that refers to the side debug file
with open('a.out.wasm', 'rb') as f:
wasm =
self.assertIn(b'external_debug_info', wasm)
self.assertIn(b'a.out.wasm.debug.wasm', wasm)
def test_separate_dwarf_with_filename(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-gseparate-dwarf=with_dwarf.wasm'])
# the correct notation is to have exactly one '=' and in the right place
for invalid in ('-gseparate-dwarf=x=', '-gseparate-dwarfy=', '-gseparate-dwarf-hmm'):
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), invalid])
self.assertContained('invalid -gseparate-dwarf=FILENAME notation', stderr)
def test_wasm_producers_section(self):
# no producers section by default
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
with open('a.out.wasm', 'rb') as f:
self.assertNotIn('clang', str(
size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
if self.is_wasm_backend():
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'EMIT_PRODUCERS_SECTION=1'])
with open('a.out.wasm', 'rb') as f:
self.assertIn('clang', str(
size_with_section = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
self.assertLess(size, size_with_section)
def test_html_preprocess(self):
test_file = path_from_root('tests', 'module', 'test_stdin.c')
output_file = 'test_stdin.html'
shell_file = path_from_root('tests', 'module', 'test_html_preprocess.html')
run_process([EMCC, '-o', output_file, test_file, '--shell-file', shell_file, '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output = open(output_file).read()
/* Disable preprocessing inside style block as syntax is ambiguous with CSS */
#include {background-color: black;}
#if { background-color: red;}
#else {background-color: blue;}
#endif {background-color: green;}
#xxx {background-color: purple;}
T1:(else) ASSERTIONS != 1
T4:(else) ASSERTIONS <= 1
T6:!ASSERTIONS""", output)
run_process([EMCC, '-o', output_file, test_file, '--shell-file', shell_file, '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=1'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output = open(output_file).read()
/* Disable preprocessing inside style block as syntax is ambiguous with CSS */
#include {background-color: black;}
#if { background-color: red;}
#else {background-color: blue;}
#endif {background-color: green;}
#xxx {background-color: purple;}
T2:(else) ASSERTIONS == 1
T4:(else) ASSERTIONS <= 1
T6:(else) !ASSERTIONS""", output)
run_process([EMCC, '-o', output_file, test_file, '--shell-file', shell_file, '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=2'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output = open(output_file).read()
/* Disable preprocessing inside style block as syntax is ambiguous with CSS */
#include {background-color: black;}
#if { background-color: red;}
#else {background-color: blue;}
#endif {background-color: green;}
#xxx {background-color: purple;}
T1:(else) ASSERTIONS != 1
T3:(else) ASSERTIONS >= 2
T6:(else) !ASSERTIONS""", output)
# Tests that Emscripten-compiled applications can be run from a relative path with node command line that is different than the current working directory.
def test_node_js_run_from_different_directory(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', os.path.join('subdir', 'a.js'), '-O3'])
ret = run_process(NODE_JS + [os.path.join('subdir', 'a.js')], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('hello, world!', ret)
# Tests that a pthreads + modularize build can be run in node js
@no_fastcomp('node pthreads only supported on wasm backend')
def test_node_js_pthread_module(self):
# create module loader script
moduleLoader = 'moduleLoader.js'
moduleLoaderContents = '''
const test_module = require("./module");
test_module().then((test_module_instance) => {
create_test_file(os.path.join('subdir', moduleLoader), moduleLoaderContents)
# build hello_world.c
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', os.path.join('subdir', 'module.js'), '-s', 'USE_PTHREADS=1', '-s', 'PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=2', '-s', 'MODULARIZE=1', '-s', 'EXPORT_NAME=test_module', '-s', 'ENVIRONMENT=worker,node'])
# run the module
ret = run_process(NODE_JS + ['--experimental-wasm-threads'] + [os.path.join('subdir', moduleLoader)], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('hello, world!', ret)
@no_windows('node system() does not seem to work, see')
def test_node_js_system(self):
run_process([EMCC, '-DENV_NODE', path_from_root('tests', 'system.c'), '-o', 'a.js', '-O3'])
ret = run_process(NODE_JS + ['a.js'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('OK', ret)
def test_is_bitcode(self):
fname = 'tmp.o'
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
f.write(16 * b'\x00')
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
def test_is_ar(self):
fname = 'tmp.a'
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
def test_emcc_parsing(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
void a() { printf("a\n"); }
void b() { printf("b\n"); }
void c() { printf("c\n"); }
void d() { printf("d\n"); }
create_test_file('response', r'''[
for export_arg, expected in [
# extra space at end - should be ignored
("EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_a', '_b', '_c', '_d' ]", ''),
# extra newline in response file - should be ignored
("EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@response", ''),
# stray slash
("EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_a', '_b', \\'_c', '_d']", '''undefined exported function: "\\\\'_c'"'''),
# stray slash
("EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_a', '_b',\\ '_c', '_d']", '''undefined exported function: "\\\\ '_c'"'''),
# stray slash
('EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_a", "_b", \\"_c", "_d"]', 'undefined exported function: "\\\\"_c""'),
# stray slash
('EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_a", "_b",\\ "_c", "_d"]', 'undefined exported function: "\\\\ "_c"'),
# missing comma
('EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_a", "_b" "_c", "_d"]', 'undefined exported function: "_b" "_c"'),
proc = run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', export_arg], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, check=not expected)
if not expected:
self.assertNotEqual(proc.returncode, 0)
self.assertContained(expected, proc.stderr)
@no_fastcomp('uses new ASYNCIFY')
def test_asyncify_escaping(self):
proc = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'ASYNCIFY=1', '-s', "ASYNCIFY_WHITELIST=[DOS_ReadFile(unsigned short, unsigned char*, unsigned short*, bool)]"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained('emcc: ASYNCIFY list contains an item without balanced parentheses', proc.stderr)
self.assertContained(' DOS_ReadFile(unsigned short', proc.stderr)
self.assertContained('Try to quote the entire argument', proc.stderr)
@no_fastcomp('uses new ASYNCIFY')
def test_asyncify_response_file(self):
return self.skipTest(' TODO remove the support for multiple binaryen versions warning output ("function name" vs "pattern" etc).')
create_test_file('a.txt', r'''[
"DOS_ReadFile(unsigned short, unsigned char*, unsigned short*, bool)"
proc = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'ASYNCIFY=1', '-s', "ASYNCIFY_WHITELIST=@a.txt"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
# we should parse the response file properly, and then issue a proper warning for the missing function
'Asyncify whitelist contained a non-matching pattern: DOS_ReadFile(unsigned short, unsigned char*, unsigned short*, bool)',
# Sockets and networking
def test_inet(self):
self.do_run(open(path_from_root('tests', 'sha1.c')).read(), 'SHA1=15dd99a1991e0b3826fede3deffc1feba42278e6')
src = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
int main() {
printf("*%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x*\n", htonl(0xa1b2c3d4), htonl(0xfe3572e0), htonl(0x07abcdf0), htons(0xabcd), ntohl(0x43211234), ntohs(0xbeaf));
in_addr_t i = inet_addr("");
printf("%x\n", i);
return 0;
self.do_run(src, '*d4c3b2a1,e07235fe,f0cdab07,cdab,34122143,afbe*\n4e0ab4be\n')
def test_inet2(self):
src = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
int main() {
struct in_addr x, x2;
int *y = (int*)&x;
*y = 0x12345678;
printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(x));
int r = inet_aton(inet_ntoa(x), &x2);
printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(x2));
return 0;
self.do_run(src, '\n120.86.52.18\n')
def test_inet3(self):
src = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int main() {
char dst[64];
struct in_addr x, x2;
int *y = (int*)&x;
*y = 0x12345678;
printf("%s\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET,&x,dst,sizeof dst));
int r = inet_aton(inet_ntoa(x), &x2);
printf("%s\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET,&x2,dst,sizeof dst));
return 0;
self.do_run(src, '\n120.86.52.18\n')
def test_inet4(self):
src = r'''
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
void test(const char *test_addr, bool first=true){
char str[40];
struct in6_addr addr;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)&addr;
int ret;
ret = inet_pton(AF_INET6,test_addr,&addr);
if(ret == -1) return;
if(ret == 0) return;
if(inet_ntop(AF_INET6,&addr,str,sizeof(str)) == NULL ) return;
printf("%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x - %s\n",
if (first) test(str, false); // check again, on our output
int main(){
//below should fail and not produce results..
self.do_run(src, r'''0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - ::
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - ::
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 - ::1
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 - ::1
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0102:0304 - ::102:304
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0102:0304 - ::102:304
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1112:1314 - ::1112:1314
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1112:1314 - ::1112:1314
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:0102:0304 - ::ffff:
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:0102:0304 - ::ffff:
0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff - 1::ffff
0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff - 1::ffff
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:ffff - ::ffff:ffff
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:ffff - ::ffff:ffff
0000:ff00:0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 0:ff00:1::
0000:ff00:0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 0:ff00:1::
0000:00ff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 0:ff::
0000:00ff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 0:ff::
abcd:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - abcd::
abcd:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - abcd::
ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000a - ffff::a
ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000a - ffff::a
ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000a:000b - ffff::a:b
ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000a:000b - ffff::a:b
ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:000a:000b:000c - ffff::a:b:c
ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:000a:000b:000c - ffff::a:b:c
ffff:0000:0000:0000:000a:000b:000c:000d - ffff::a:b:c:d
ffff:0000:0000:0000:000a:000b:000c:000d - ffff::a:b:c:d
ffff:0000:0000:000a:000b:000c:000d:000e - ffff::a:b:c:d:e
ffff:0000:0000:000a:000b:000c:000d:000e - ffff::a:b:c:d:e
0000:0000:0000:0001:0002:0000:0000:0000 - ::1:2:0:0:0
0000:0000:0000:0001:0002:0000:0000:0000 - ::1:2:0:0:0
0000:0000:0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000 - 0:0:1:2:3::
0000:0000:0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000 - 0:0:1:2:3::
ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff - ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff - ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:ffff - 1::ffff:ffff
0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:ffff - 1::ffff:ffff
def test_getsockname_unconnected_socket(self):
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int fd;
int z;
struct sockaddr_in adr_inet;
socklen_t len_inet = sizeof adr_inet;
z = getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&adr_inet, &len_inet);
if (z != 0) {
perror("getsockname error");
return 1;
char buffer[1000];
sprintf(buffer, "%s:%u", inet_ntoa(adr_inet.sin_addr), (unsigned)ntohs(adr_inet.sin_port));
const char *correct = "";
printf("got (expected) socket: %s (%s), size %lu (%lu)\n", buffer, correct, strlen(buffer), strlen(correct));
assert(strlen(buffer) == strlen(correct));
assert(strcmp(buffer, correct) == 0);
''', 'success.')
def test_getpeername_unconnected_socket(self):
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int fd;
int z;
struct sockaddr_in adr_inet;
socklen_t len_inet = sizeof adr_inet;
z = getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&adr_inet, &len_inet);
if (z != 0) {
perror("getpeername error");
return 1;
puts("unexpected success.");
''', 'getpeername error: Socket not connected', assert_returncode=None)
def test_getaddrinfo(self):
self.do_run(open(path_from_root('tests', 'sockets', 'test_getaddrinfo.c')).read(), 'success')
def test_getnameinfo(self):
self.do_run(open(path_from_root('tests', 'sockets', 'test_getnameinfo.c')).read(), 'success')
def test_gethostbyname(self):
self.do_run(open(path_from_root('tests', 'sockets', 'test_gethostbyname.c')).read(), 'success')
def test_getprotobyname(self):
self.do_run(open(path_from_root('tests', 'sockets', 'test_getprotobyname.c')).read(), 'success')
def test_socketpair(self):
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int fd[2];
int err;
err = socketpair(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd);
if (err != 0) {
perror("socketpair error");
return 1;
puts("unexpected success.");
''', 'socketpair error: Function not implemented', assert_returncode=None)
def test_link(self):
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int main () {
void* thing = gethostbyname("");
ssize_t rval = recv (0, thing, 0, 0);
rval = send (0, thing, 0, 0);
return 0;
}''', '', force_c=True)
# This test verifies that function names embedded into the build with --js-library (JS functions imported to asm.js/wasm)
# are minified when -O3 is used
def test_js_function_names_are_minified(self):
def check_size(f, expected_size):
if not os.path.isfile(f):
return # Nonexistent file passes in this check
obtained_size = os.path.getsize(f)
print('size of generated ' + f + ': ' + str(obtained_size))
self.assertLess(obtained_size, expected_size)
run_process([PYTHON, path_from_root('tests', ''), 'library_long.js', 'main_long.c'])
for wasm in [['-s', 'WASM=1'], ['-s', 'WASM=0']]:
if self.is_wasm_backend() and 'WASM=0' in wasm:
# Currently we rely on Closure for full minification of every appearance of JS function names.
# TODO: Add minification also for non-Closure users and add [] to this list to test minification without Closure.
for closure in [['--closure', '1']]:
args = [EMCC, '-O3', '--js-library', 'library_long.js', 'main_long.c', '-o', 'a.html'] + wasm + closure
print(' '.join(args))
ret = run_process(NODE_JS + ['a.js'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertTextDataIdentical('Sum of numbers from 1 to 1000: 500500 (expected 500500)', ret.strip())
check_size('a.js', 150000)
check_size('a.wasm', 80000)
# Checks that C++ exceptions managing invoke_*() wrappers will not be generated if exceptions are disabled
def test_no_invoke_functions_are_generated_if_exception_catching_is_disabled(self):
self.skipTest('Skipping other.test_no_invoke_functions_are_generated_if_exception_catching_is_disabled: Enable after new version of fastcomp has been tagged')
for args in [[], ['-s', 'WASM=0']]:
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=1', '-o', 'a.html'] + args)
output = open('a.js').read()
self.assertContained('_main', output) # Smoke test that we actually compiled
self.assertNotContained('invoke_', output)
# Verifies that only the minimal needed set of invoke_*() functions will be generated when C++ exceptions are enabled
def test_no_excessive_invoke_functions_are_generated_when_exceptions_are_enabled(self):
self.skipTest('Skipping other.test_no_excessive_invoke_functions_are_generated_when_exceptions_are_enabled: Enable after new version of fastcomp has been tagged')
for args in [[], ['-s', 'WASM=0']]:
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'invoke_i.cpp'), '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0', '-o', 'a.html'] + args)
output = open('a.js').read()
self.assertContained('invoke_i', output)
self.assertNotContained('invoke_ii', output)
self.assertNotContained('invoke_v', output)
def test_emscripten_metadata(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
self.assertNotIn(b'emscripten_metadata', open('a.out.wasm', 'rb').read())
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'),
self.assertIn(b'emscripten_metadata', open('a.out.wasm', 'rb').read())
# make sure wasm executes correctly
ret = run_process(NODE_JS + ['a.out.js'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertTextDataIdentical('hello, world!\n', ret)
'O0': (False, ['-O0']), # noqa
'O0_emit': (True, ['-O0', '-s', 'EMIT_EMSCRIPTEN_LICENSE']), # noqa
'O2': (False, ['-O2']), # noqa
'O2_emit': (True, ['-O2', '-s', 'EMIT_EMSCRIPTEN_LICENSE']), # noqa
'O2_js_emit': (True, ['-O2', '-s', 'EMIT_EMSCRIPTEN_LICENSE', '-s', 'WASM=0']), # noqa
'O2_closure': (False, ['-O2', '--closure', '1']), # noqa
'O2_closure_emit': (True, ['-O2', '-s', 'EMIT_EMSCRIPTEN_LICENSE', '--closure', '1']), # noqa
'O2_closure_js_emit': (True, ['-O2', '-s', 'EMIT_EMSCRIPTEN_LICENSE', '--closure', '1', '-s', 'WASM=0']), # noqa
@no_fastcomp('EMIT_EMSCRIPTEN_LICENSE is upstream only')
def test_emscripten_license(self, expect_license, args):
# fastcomp does not support the new license flag
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
expect_license = False
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')] + args)
with open('a.out.js') as f:
js =
licenses_found = len(re.findall('Copyright [0-9]* The Emscripten Authors', js))
if expect_license:
self.assertNotEqual(licenses_found, 0, 'Unable to find license block in output file!')
self.assertEqual(licenses_found, 1, 'Found too many license blocks in the output file!')
self.assertEqual(licenses_found, 0, 'Found a license block in the output file, but it should not have been there!')
# This test verifies that the generated exports from asm.js/wasm module only reference the
# unminified exported name exactly once. (need to contain the export name once for unminified
# access from calling code, and should not have the unminified name exist more than once, that
# would be wasteful for size)
def test_function_exports_are_small(self):
def test(wasm, closure, opt):
extra_args = wasm + opt + closure
args = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'long_function_name_in_export.c'), '-o', 'a.html', '-s', 'ENVIRONMENT=web', '-s', 'DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS=0', '-Werror'] + extra_args
output = open('a.js', 'r').read()
self.assertNotContained('asm["_thisIsAFunctionExportedFromAsmJsOrWasmWithVeryLongFunction"]', output)
# TODO: Add stricter testing when Wasm side is also optimized: (currently Wasm does still need
# to reference exports multiple times)
if 'WASM=1' not in wasm:
num_times_export_is_referenced = output.count('thisIsAFunctionExportedFromAsmJsOrWasmWithVeryLongFunction')
self.assertEqual(num_times_export_is_referenced, 1)
for closure in [[], ['--closure', '1']]:
for opt in [['-O2'], ['-O3'], ['-Os']]:
test(['-s', 'WASM=0'], closure, opt)
test(['-s', 'WASM=1', '-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'], closure, opt)
def test_minimal_runtime_code_size(self):
smallest_code_size_args = ['-s', 'MINIMAL_RUNTIME=2',
'-s', 'ENVIRONMENT=web',
'-s', 'TEXTDECODER=2',
'-s', 'SUPPORT_ERRNO=0',
'-s', 'MALLOC=emmalloc',
'-s', 'GL_TRACK_ERRORS=0',
'-s', 'NO_FILESYSTEM=1',
'--output_eol', 'linux',
'--closure', '1',
asmjs = ['-s', 'WASM=0', '--separate-asm', '-s', 'ELIMINATE_DUPLICATE_FUNCTIONS=1', '--memory-init-file', '1']
wasm2js = ['-s', 'WASM=0', '--memory-init-file', '1']
hello_world_sources = [path_from_root('tests', 'small_hello_world.c'),
random_printf_sources = [path_from_root('tests', 'hello_random_printf.c'),
'-s', 'SINGLE_FILE=1']
hello_webgl_sources = [path_from_root('tests', 'minimal_webgl', 'main.cpp'),
path_from_root('tests', 'minimal_webgl', 'webgl.c'),
'--js-library', path_from_root('tests', 'minimal_webgl', 'library_js.js'),
'-s', 'USES_DYNAMIC_ALLOC=1', '-lwebgl.js',
'-s', 'MODULARIZE=1']
hello_webgl2_sources = hello_webgl_sources + ['-s', 'MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2']
def print_percent(actual, expected):
if actual == expected:
return ''
return ' ({:+.2f}%)'.format((actual - expected) * 100.0 / expected)
for js in [False, True]:
for sources, name in [
[hello_world_sources, 'hello_world'],
[random_printf_sources, 'random_printf'],
[hello_webgl_sources, 'hello_webgl'],
[hello_webgl2_sources, 'hello_webgl2']
outputs = ['a.html', 'a.js']
test_name = name
args = smallest_code_size_args[:]
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
test_name += '_fastcomp'
if js:
outputs += ['a.mem']
if self.is_wasm_backend():
args += wasm2js
test_name += '_wasm2js'
args += asmjs
outputs += ['a.asm.js']
test_name += '_asmjs'
outputs += ['a.wasm']
test_name += '_wasm'
if 'SINGLE_FILE=1' in sources:
outputs = ['a.html']
results_file = path_from_root('tests', 'code_size', test_name + '.json')
print('\n-----------------------------\n' + test_name)
expected_results = {}
expected_results = json.loads(open(results_file, 'r').read())
except Exception:
if not os.environ.get('EMTEST_REBASELINE'):
args = [EMCC, '-o', 'a.html'] + args + sources
print('\n' + ' '.join(args))
def get_file_gzipped_size(f):
f_gz = f + '.gz'
with, 'wb') as gzf:
gzf.write(open(f, 'rb').read())
size = os.path.getsize(f_gz)
return size
obtained_results = {}
total_output_size = 0
total_expected_size = 0
total_output_size_gz = 0
total_expected_size_gz = 0
for f in outputs:
f_gz = f + '.gz'
expected_size = expected_results[f] if f in expected_results else float('inf')
expected_size_gz = expected_results[f_gz] if f_gz in expected_results else float('inf')
size = os.path.getsize(f)
size_gz = get_file_gzipped_size(f)
obtained_results[f] = size
obtained_results[f_gz] = size_gz
if size != expected_size and (f.endswith('.js') or f.endswith('.html')):
print('Contents of ' + f + ': ')
print(open(f, 'r').read())
print('size of ' + f + ' == ' + str(size) + ', expected ' + str(expected_size) + ', delta=' + str(size - expected_size) + print_percent(size, expected_size))
print('size of ' + f_gz + ' == ' + str(size_gz) + ', expected ' + str(expected_size_gz) + ', delta=' + str(size_gz - expected_size_gz) + print_percent(size_gz, expected_size_gz))
# Hack: Generated .mem initializer files have different sizes on different
# platforms (Windows gives x, CircleCI Linux gives x-17 bytes, my home
# Linux gives x+2 bytes..). Likewise asm.js files seem to be affected by
# the LLVM IR text names, which lead to asm.js names, which leads to
# difference code size, which leads to different relooper choices,
# as a result leading to slightly different total code sizes.
# TODO: identify what is causing this. meanwhile allow some amount of slop
mem_slop = 10 if self.is_wasm_backend() else 50
if size <= expected_size + mem_slop and size >= expected_size - mem_slop:
size = expected_size
# N.B. even though the test code above prints out gzip compressed sizes, regression testing is done against uncompressed sizes
# this is because optimizing for compressed sizes can be unpredictable and sometimes counterproductive
total_output_size += size
total_expected_size += expected_size
total_output_size_gz += size_gz
total_expected_size_gz += expected_size_gz
obtained_results['total'] = total_output_size
obtained_results['total_gz'] = total_output_size_gz
print('Total output size=' + str(total_output_size) + ' bytes, expected total size=' + str(total_expected_size) + ', delta=' + str(total_output_size - total_expected_size) + print_percent(total_output_size, total_expected_size))
print('Total output size gzipped=' + str(total_output_size_gz) + ' bytes, expected total size gzipped=' + str(total_expected_size_gz) + ', delta=' + str(total_output_size_gz - total_expected_size_gz) + print_percent(total_output_size_gz, total_expected_size_gz))
if os.environ.get('EMTEST_REBASELINE'):
open(results_file, 'w').write(json.dumps(obtained_results, indent=2) + '\n')
if total_output_size > total_expected_size:
print('Oops, overall generated code size regressed by ' + str(total_output_size - total_expected_size) + ' bytes!')
if total_output_size < total_expected_size:
print('Hey amazing, overall generated code size was improved by ' + str(total_expected_size - total_output_size) + ' bytes! Rerun test with other.test_minimal_runtime_code_size with EMTEST_REBASELINE=1 to update the expected sizes!')
self.assertEqual(total_output_size, total_expected_size)
# Test that legacy settings that have been fixed to a specific value and their value can no longer be changed,
def test_legacy_settings_forbidden_to_change(self):
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-s', 'MEMFS_APPEND_TO_TYPED_ARRAYS=0', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
self.assertContained('MEMFS_APPEND_TO_TYPED_ARRAYS=0 is no longer supported', stderr)
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'MEMFS_APPEND_TO_TYPED_ARRAYS=1', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
run_process([EMCC, '-s', 'PRECISE_I64_MATH=2', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
@no_fastcomp('depends on wasm backend .a linking')
def test_jsmath(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'jsmath.cpp'), '-Os', '-o', 'normal.js', '--closure', '0'])
normal_js_size = os.path.getsize('normal.js')
normal_wasm_size = os.path.getsize('normal.wasm')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'jsmath.cpp'), '-Os', '-o', 'jsmath.js', '-s', 'JS_MATH', '--closure', '0'])
jsmath_js_size = os.path.getsize('jsmath.js')
jsmath_wasm_size = os.path.getsize('jsmath.wasm')
# js math increases JS size, but decreases wasm, and wins overall
# it would win more with closure, but no point in making the test slower)
self.assertLess(normal_js_size, jsmath_js_size)
self.assertLess(jsmath_wasm_size, normal_wasm_size)
self.assertLess(jsmath_js_size + jsmath_wasm_size, 0.90 * (normal_js_size + normal_wasm_size))
# js math has almost identical output, but misses some corner cases, 4 out of 34
normal = run_js('normal.js').splitlines()
jsmath = run_js('jsmath.js').splitlines()
assert len(normal) == len(jsmath)
diff = 0
for i in range(len(normal)):
if normal[i] != jsmath[i]:
diff += 1
self.assertEqual(diff, 4)
def test_strict_mode_hello_world(self):
# Verify that strict mode can be used for simple hello world program both
# via the environment EMCC_STRICT=1 and from the command line `-s STRICT`
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'STRICT=1']
with env_modify({'EMCC_STRICT': '1'}):
self.do_run(open(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')).read(), 'hello, world!')
def test_legacy_settings(self):
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'SPLIT_MEMORY=0']
# By default warnings are not shown
stderr = run_process(cmd, stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('warning', stderr)
# Adding or -Wlegacy-settings enables the warning
stderr = run_process(cmd + ['-Wlegacy-settings'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: use of legacy setting: SPLIT_MEMORY', stderr)
self.assertContained('[-Wlegacy-settings]', stderr)
def test_strict_mode_legacy_settings(self):
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'SPLIT_MEMORY=0']
stderr = self.expect_fail(cmd + ['-s', 'STRICT=1'])
self.assertContained('legacy setting used in strict mode: SPLIT_MEMORY', stderr)
with env_modify({'EMCC_STRICT': '1'}):
stderr = self.expect_fail(cmd)
self.assertContained('legacy setting used in strict mode: SPLIT_MEMORY', stderr)
def test_strict_mode_legacy_settings_runtime(self):
# Verify that legacy settings are not accessible at runtime under strict
# mode.
self.set_setting('RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS', 1)
src = r'''\
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
printf("BINARYEN_METHOD: %s\n", (char*)emscripten_get_compiler_setting("BINARYEN_METHOD"));
return 0;
self.do_run(src, 'BINARYEN_METHOD: native-wasm')
with env_modify({'EMCC_STRICT': '1'}):
self.do_run(src, 'invalid compiler setting: BINARYEN_METHOD')
self.set_setting('STRICT', 1)
self.do_run(src, 'invalid compiler setting: BINARYEN_METHOD')
def test_renamed_setting(self):
# Verify that renamed settings are available by either name (when not in
# strict mode.
self.set_setting('RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS', 1)
src = r'''\
#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
printf("%d %d\n",
return 0;
# Setting the new name should set both
self.set_setting('WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION', 0)
self.do_run(src, '0 0')
self.set_setting('WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION', 1)
self.do_run(src, '1 1')
# Setting the old name should set both
self.set_setting('BINARYEN_ASYNC_COMPILATION', 0)
self.do_run(src, '0 0')
self.set_setting('BINARYEN_ASYNC_COMPILATION', 1)
self.do_run(src, '1 1')
def test_strict_mode_legacy_settings_library(self):
create_test_file('lib.js', r'''
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-o', 'out.js', '--js-library', 'lib.js']
self.assertContained('ReferenceError: SPLIT_MEMORY is not defined', self.expect_fail(cmd + ['-s', 'STRICT=1']))
with env_modify({'EMCC_STRICT': '1'}):
self.assertContained('ReferenceError: SPLIT_MEMORY is not defined', self.expect_fail(cmd))
def test_safe_heap_log(self):
src = open(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')).read()
self.do_run(src, 'SAFE_HEAP load: ')
if not self.is_wasm_backend():
self.set_setting('WASM', 0)
self.do_run(src, 'SAFE_HEAP load: ')
@no_fastcomp('iprintf/__small_printf are wasm-backend-only features')
def test_mini_printfs(self):
def test(code):
with open('src.c', 'w') as f:
#include <stdio.h>
void* unknown_value;
int main() {
''' % code)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-O1'])
return os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
i = test('printf("%d", *(int*)unknown_value);')
f = test('printf("%f", *(double*)unknown_value);')
lf = test('printf("%Lf", *(long double*)unknown_value);')
both = test('printf("%d", *(int*)unknown_value); printf("%Lf", *(long double*)unknown_value);')
print(i, f, lf, both)
# iprintf is much smaller than printf with float support
self.assertGreater(i, f - 3400)
self.assertLess(i, f - 3000)
# __small_printf is somewhat smaller than printf with long double support
self.assertGreater(f, lf - 900)
self.assertLess(f, lf - 500)
# both is a little bigger still
self.assertGreater(lf, both - 100)
self.assertLess(lf, both - 50)
'normal': ([], '''\
0.000051 => -5.123719529365189373493194580078e-05
0.000051 => -5.123719300544352718866300544498e-05
0.000051 => -5.123719300544352718866300544498e-05
'full_long_double': (['-s', 'PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE'], '''\
0.000051 => -5.123719529365189373493194580078e-05
0.000051 => -5.123719300544352718866300544498e-05
0.000051 => -5.123719300544352710023893104250e-05
@no_fastcomp('float128 is wasm backend only')
def test_long_double_printing(self, args, expected):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
float f = 5.123456789e-5;
double d = 5.123456789e-5;
long double ld = 5.123456789e-5;
printf("%f => %.30e\n", f, f / (f - 1));
printf("%f => %.30e\n", d, d / (d - 1));
printf("%Lf => %.30Le\n", ld, ld / (ld - 1));
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp'] + args)
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('a.out.js'))
# Tests that passing -s MALLOC=none will not include system malloc() to the build.
def test_malloc_none(self):
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'malloc_none.c'), '-s', 'MALLOC=none'])
self.assertContained('undefined symbol: malloc', stderr)
'c': ['c'],
'cpp': ['cpp'],
@no_fastcomp('lsan not supported on fastcomp')
def test_lsan_leaks(self, ext):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_lsan_leaks.' + ext),
emcc_args=['-fsanitize=leak', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'],
assert_returncode=None, literals=[
'Direct leak of 2048 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from',
'Direct leak of 1337 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from',
'Direct leak of 42 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from',
'c': ['c', [
r'in malloc.*a\.out\.wasm\+0x',
r'(?im)in f (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.c:6:21$',
r'(?im)in main (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.c:10:16$',
r'(?im)in main (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.c:12:3$',
r'(?im)in main (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.c:13:3$',
'cpp': ['cpp', [
r'in operator new\[\]\(unsigned long\).*a\.out\.wasm\+0x',
r'(?im)in f\(\) (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.cpp:4:21$',
r'(?im)in main (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.cpp:8:16$',
r'(?im)in main (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.cpp:10:3$',
r'(?im)in main (|[/a-z\.]:).*/test_lsan_leaks\.cpp:11:3$',
@no_fastcomp('lsan not supported on fastcomp')
def test_lsan_stack_trace(self, ext, regexes):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_lsan_leaks.' + ext),
emcc_args=['-fsanitize=leak', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-g4'],
assert_returncode=None, literals=[
'Direct leak of 2048 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from',
'Direct leak of 1337 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from',
'Direct leak of 42 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from',
], regexes=regexes)
'c': ['c'],
'cpp': ['cpp'],
@no_fastcomp('lsan not supported on fastcomp')
def test_lsan_no_leak(self, ext):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_lsan_no_leak.' + ext),
emcc_args=['-fsanitize=leak', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0'],
@no_fastcomp('lsan not supported on fastcomp')
def test_lsan_no_stack_trace(self):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_lsan_leaks.c'),
emcc_args=['-fsanitize=leak', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-DDISABLE_CONTEXT'],
assert_returncode=None, literals=[
'Direct leak of 3427 byte(s) in 3 object(s) allocated from:',
'SUMMARY: LeakSanitizer: 3427 byte(s) leaked in 3 allocation(s).',
@no_fastcomp('asan is not supported on fastcomp')
def test_asan_null_deref(self):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asan_null_deref.c'),
emcc_args=['-fsanitize=address', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'],
assert_returncode=None, literals=[
'AddressSanitizer: null-pointer-dereference on address',
@no_fastcomp('asan is not supported on fastcomp')
def test_asan_no_stack_trace(self):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_lsan_leaks.c'),
emcc_args=['-fsanitize=address', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-DDISABLE_CONTEXT', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME'],
assert_returncode=None, literals=[
'Direct leak of 3427 byte(s) in 3 object(s) allocated from:',
'SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 3427 byte(s) leaked in 3 allocation(s).',
@no_fastcomp('asan is not supported on fastcomp')
def test_asan_pthread_stubs(self):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asan_pthread_stubs.c'), emcc_args=['-fsanitize=address', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'])
'async': ['-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=1'],
'sync': ['-s', 'WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0'],
@no_fastcomp('offset converter is not supported on fastcomp')
def test_offset_converter(self, *args):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_offset_converter.c'),
emcc_args=['-s', 'USE_OFFSET_CONVERTER', '-g4'] + list(args), literals=['ok'])
@no_windows('ptys and select are not available on windows')
@no_fastcomp('fastcomp clang detects colors differently')
def test_build_error_color(self):
create_test_file('src.c', 'int main() {')
returncode, output = self.run_on_pty([EMCC, 'src.c'])
self.assertNotEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertIn(b"\x1b[1msrc.c:1:13: \x1b[0m\x1b[0;1;31merror: \x1b[0m\x1b[1mexpected '}'\x1b[0m", output)
self.assertIn(b"\x1b[31merror: ", output)
'fno_diagnostics_color': ['-fno-diagnostics-color'],
'fdiagnostics_color_never': ['-fdiagnostics-color=never'],
@no_windows('ptys and select are not available on windows')
def test_pty_no_color(self, flag):
with open('src.c', 'w') as f:
f.write('int main() {')
returncode, output = self.run_on_pty([EMCC, flag, 'src.c'])
self.assertNotEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertNotIn(b'\x1b', output)
@no_fastcomp('sanitizers are not supported on fastcomp')
def test_sanitizer_color(self):
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
int *p = 0, q;
EM_ASM({ Module.printWithColors = true; });
q = *p;
run_process([EMCC, '-fsanitize=null', 'src.c'])
output = run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True)
self.assertIn('\x1b[1msrc.c', output)
@no_fastcomp('main param optimizations are upstream-only')
def test_main_reads_params(self):
create_test_file('no.c', '''
int main() {
return 42;
run_process([EMCC, 'no.c', '-O3', '-o', 'no.js'])
no = os.path.getsize('no.js')
create_test_file('yes.c', '''
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return argc;
run_process([EMCC, 'yes.c', '-O3', '-o', 'yes.js'])
yes = os.path.getsize('yes.js')
# not having to set up argc/argv allows us to avoid including a
# significant amount of JS for string support (which is not needed
# otherwise in such a trivial program).
self.assertLess(no, 0.95 * yes)
@no_fastcomp('not optimized in fastcomp')
def test_INCOMING_MODULE_JS_API(self):
def test(args):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-O3', '--closure', '1'] + args)
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js', engine=engine))
with open('a.out.js') as f:
# ignore \r which on windows can increase the size
return len('\r', ''))
normal = test([])
changed = test(['-s', 'INCOMING_MODULE_JS_API=[]'])
print('sizes', normal, changed)
# Changing this option to [] should decrease code size.
self.assertLess(changed, normal)
# Check an absolute code size as well, with some slack.
self.assertLess(abs(changed - 5795), 150)
def test_llvm_includes(self):'#include <stdatomic.h>', self.get_dir(), 'atomics.c')
def test_mmap_and_munmap(self):
emcc_args = []
for f in ['data_ro.dat', 'data_rw.dat']:
create_test_file(f, 'Test file')
emcc_args.extend(['--embed-file', f])
self.do_other_test('mmap_and_munmap', emcc_args)
def test_mmap_and_munmap_anonymous(self):
self.do_other_test('mmap_and_munmap_anonymous', emcc_args=['-s', 'NO_FILESYSTEM'])
def test_mmap_memorygrowth(self):
self.do_other_test('mmap_memorygrowth', ['-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'])
@no_fastcomp('fastcomp defines this in the backend itself, so it is always on there')
def test_EMSCRIPTEN_and_STRICT(self):
# __EMSCRIPTEN__ is the proper define; we support EMSCRIPTEN for legacy
# code, unless STRICT is enabled.
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#error "not defined"
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-c'])
self.expect_fail([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'STRICT', '-c'])
def test_exception_settings(self):
for catching, throwing, opts in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=3):
cmd = [EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'exceptions_modes_symbols_defined.cpp'), '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_THROWING=%d' % (1 - throwing), '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=%d' % (1 - catching), '-O%d' % opts]
if not throwing and not catching:
self.assertContained('DISABLE_EXCEPTION_THROWING was set (likely due to -fno-exceptions), which means no C++ exception throwing support code is linked in, but such support is required', self.expect_fail(cmd))
elif not throwing and catching:
self.assertContained('DISABLE_EXCEPTION_THROWING was set (probably from -fno-exceptions) but is not compatible with enabling exception catching (DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0)', self.expect_fail(cmd))
@no_fastcomp('new clang feature')
def test_fignore_exceptions(self):
# the new clang flag -fignore-exceptions basically is the same as -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=1,
# that is, it allows throwing, but emits no support code for catching.
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'exceptions_modes_symbols_defined.cpp'), '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0'])
enable_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'exceptions_modes_symbols_defined.cpp'), '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=1'])
disable_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'exceptions_modes_symbols_defined.cpp'), '-s', '-fignore-exceptions'])
ignore_size = os.path.getsize('a.out.wasm')
self.assertGreater(enable_size, disable_size)
self.assertEqual(disable_size, ignore_size)
@no_fastcomp('assumes wasm object files')
def test_f_exception(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
try {
throw 42;
} catch (int e) {
printf("CAUGHT: %d\n", e);
return 0;
for compile_flags, link_flags, expect_caught in [
# exceptions are off by default
([], [], False),
# enabling exceptions at link and compile works
(['-fexceptions'], ['-fexceptions'], True),
# just compile isn't enough as the JS runtime lacks support
(['-fexceptions'], [], False),
# just link isn't enough as codegen didn't emit exceptions support
([], ['-fexceptions'], False),
print(compile_flags, link_flags, expect_caught)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-c', '-o', 'src.o'] + compile_flags)
run_process([EMCC, 'src.o'] + link_flags)
result = run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContainedIf('CAUGHT', result, expect_caught)
def test_assertions_on_internal_api_changes(self):
create_test_file('src.c', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
try {
out('it should not be there');
} catch(e) {
out('error: ' + e);
run_process([EMCC, 'src.c', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS'])
self.assertContained(' has been replaced with plain read', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_assertions_on_incoming_module_api_changes(self):
create_test_file('pre.js', r'''
var Module = {
read: function() {}
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'ASSERTIONS', '--pre-js', 'pre.js'])
self.assertContained(' option was removed', run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=PIPE))
def test_assertions_on_outgoing_module_api_changes(self):
create_test_file('src.cpp', r'''
#include <emscripten.h>
int main() {
function check(name) {
try {
console.log("success: " + name);
} catch(e) {
// TODO check("setWindowTitle");
run_process([EMCC, 'src.cpp', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS'])
self.assertContained(''' has been replaced with plain read_ (the initial value can be provided on Module, but after startup the value is only looked for on a local variable of that name)
Module.wasmBinary has been replaced with plain wasmBinary (the initial value can be provided on Module, but after startup the value is only looked for on a local variable of that name)
Module.arguments has been replaced with plain arguments_ (the initial value can be provided on Module, but after startup the value is only looked for on a local variable of that name)
''', run_js('a.out.js', assert_returncode=None, stderr=PIPE))
def test_assertions_on_ready_promise(self):
# check that when assertions are on we give useful error messages for
# mistakenly thinking the Promise is an instance. I.e., once you could do
# Module()._main to get an instance and the main function, but after
# the breaking change in #10697 Module() now returns a promise, and to get
# the instance you must use .then() to get a callback with the instance.
create_test_file('test.js', r'''
try {
} catch(e) {
try {
Module().onRuntimeInitialized = 42;
} catch(e) {
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'MODULARIZE', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS', '--extern-post-js', 'test.js'])
out = run_js('a.out.js')
self.assertContained('You are getting _main on the Promise object, instead of the instance. Use .then() to get called back with the instance, see the MODULARIZE docs in src/settings.js', out)
self.assertContained('You are setting onRuntimeInitialized on the Promise object, instead of the instance. Use .then() to get called back with the instance, see the MODULARIZE docs in src/settings.js', out)
def test_em_asm_duplicate_strings(self):
# We had a regression where tow different EM_ASM strings from two diffferent
# object files were de-duplicated in wasm-emscripten-finalize. This used to
# work when we used zero-based index for store the JS strings, but once we
# switched to absolute addresses the string needs to exist twice in the JS
# file.
create_test_file('foo.c', '''
#include <emscripten.h>
void foo() {
EM_ASM({ console.log('Hello, world!'); });
create_test_file('main.c', '''
#include <emscripten.h>
void foo();
int main() {
EM_ASM({ console.log('Hello, world!'); });
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, '-c', 'foo.c'])
run_process([EMCC, '-c', 'main.c'])
run_process([EMCC, 'foo.o', 'main.o'])
self.assertContained('Hello, world!\nHello, world!\n', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_em_asm_strict_c(self):
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#include <emscripten/em_asm.h>
int main() {
EM_ASM({ console.log('Hello, world!'); });
result = run_process([EMCC, '-std=c11', 'src.c'], stderr=PIPE, check=False)
self.assertNotEqual(result.returncode, 0)
self.assertIn('EM_ASM does not work in -std=c* modes, use -std=gnu* modes instead', result.stderr)
def test_boost_graph(self):
self.do_smart_test(path_from_root('tests', 'test_boost_graph.cpp'),
emcc_args=['-s', 'USE_BOOST_HEADERS=1'],
@no_fastcomp('EM_ASM and setjmp works fine on fastcomp')
def test_setjmp_em_asm(self):
create_test_file('src.c', '''
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
int main() {
jmp_buf buf;
console.log("hello world");
result = run_process([EMCC, 'src.c'], stderr=PIPE, check=False)
self.assertNotEqual(result.returncode, 0)
self.assertIn('Cannot use EM_ASM* alongside setjmp/longjmp', result.stderr)
self.assertIn('Please consider using EM_JS, or move the EM_ASM into another function.', result.stderr)
def test_missing_stdlibs(self):
# Certain standard libraries are expected to be useable via -l flags but
# don't actually exist in our standard library path. Make sure we don't
# error out when linking with these flags.
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-lm', '-ldl', '-lrt', '-lpthread'])
def test_supported_linker_flags(self):
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Wl,--print-map'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag: `--print-map`', out)
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Xlinker', '--print-map'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag: `--print-map`', out)
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Wl,-rpath=foo'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag: `-rpath=foo`', out)
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Wl,-rpath-link,foo'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag: `-rpath-link`', out)
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'),
'-Wl,--no-check-features,-mllvm,-debug'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag', out)
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Wl,-allow-shlib-undefined'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag: `-allow-shlib-undefined`', out)
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag: `--allow-shlib-undefined`', out)
out = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Wl,-version-script,foo'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: ignoring unsupported linker flag: `-version-script`', out)
def test_linker_flags_pass_through(self):
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Wl,--waka'])
self.assertContained('wasm-ld: error: unknown argument: --waka', err)
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Xlinker', '--waka'])
self.assertContained('wasm-ld: error: unknown argument: --waka', err)
def test_linker_flags_unused(self):
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-c', '-lbar'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained("warning: argument unused during compilation: '-lbar' [-Wunused-command-line-argument]", err)
def test_non_wasm_without_wasm_in_vm(self):
# Test that our non-wasm output does not depend on wasm support in the vm.
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-s', 'WASM=0'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
js =
with open('a.out.js', 'w') as f:
f.write('var WebAssembly = null;\n' + js)
for engine in JS_ENGINES:
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js', engine=engine))
def test_compile_only_with_object_extension(self):
# Emscripten supports compiling to an object file when the output has an
# object extension.
# Most compilers require the `-c` to be explicit.
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-c', '-o', 'hello1.o'])
err = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-o', 'hello2.o'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('warning: Assuming object file output in the absence of `-c`', err)
self.assertBinaryEqual('hello1.o', 'hello2.o')
def test_empty_output_extension(self):
# Default to JS output when no extension is present
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-Werror', '-o', 'hello'])
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('hello'))
def test_backwards_deps_in_archive(self):
# Test that JS dependencies from deps_info.json work for code linked via
# static archives using -l<name>
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'sockets', 'test_gethostbyname.c'), '-o', 'a.o'])
run_process([LLVM_AR, 'cr', 'liba.a', 'a.o'])
create_test_file('empty.c', 'static int foo = 0;')
run_process([EMCC, 'empty.c', '-la', '-L.'])
self.assertContained('success', run_js('a.out.js'))
def test_warning_flags(self):
create_test_file('not_object.bc', 'some text')
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-o', 'hello.o', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
cmd = [EMCC, 'hello.o', 'not_object.bc', '-o', 'a.wasm']
# warning that is enabled by default
stderr = run_process(cmd, stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('emcc: warning: not_object.bc is not a valid input file [-Winvalid-input]', stderr)
# -w to suppress warnings
stderr = run_process(cmd + ['-w'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('warning', stderr)
# -Wno-invalid-input to suppress just this one warning
stderr = run_process(cmd + ['-Wno-invalid-input'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertNotContained('warning', stderr)
# with -Werror should fail
stderr = self.expect_fail(cmd + ['-Werror'])
self.assertContained('emcc: error: not_object.bc is not a valid input file [-Winvalid-input] [-Werror]', stderr)
# with -Werror + -Wno-error=<type> should only warn
stderr = run_process(cmd + ['-Werror', '-Wno-error=invalid-input'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('emcc: warning: not_object.bc is not a valid input file [-Winvalid-input]', stderr)
# check that `-Werror=foo` also enales foo
stderr = self.expect_fail(cmd + ['-Werror=legacy-settings', '-s', 'TOTAL_MEMORY=1'])
self.assertContained('error: use of legacy setting: TOTAL_MEMORY (setting renamed to INITIAL_MEMORY) [-Wlegacy-settings] [-Werror]', stderr)
def test_emranlib(self):
create_test_file('foo.c', 'int foo = 1;')
create_test_file('bar.c', 'int bar = 2;')
run_process([EMCC, '-c', 'foo.c', 'bar.c'])
# Create a library with no archive map
run_process([EMAR, 'crS', 'liba.a', 'foo.o', 'bar.o'])
output = run_process([shared.LLVM_NM, '--print-armap', 'liba.a'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertNotContained('Archive map', output)
# Add an archive map
run_process([EMRANLIB, 'liba.a'])
output = run_process([shared.LLVM_NM, '--print-armap', 'liba.a'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('Archive map', output)
def test_pthread_stub(self):
# Verify that programs containing pthread code can still be compiled even
# without enabling threads. This is possible becase we link in
# libpthread_stub.a
create_test_file('pthread.c', '''
#include <pthread.h>
int main() {
pthread_atfork(NULL, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
run_process([EMCC, 'pthread.c'])
def test_stdin_preprocess(self):
create_test_file('temp.h', '#include <string>')
outputStdin = run_process([EMCC, '-x', 'c++', '-dM', '-E', '-'], input="#include <string>", stdout=PIPE).stdout
outputFile = run_process([EMCC, '-x', 'c++', '-dM', '-E', 'temp.h'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertTextDataIdentical(outputStdin, outputFile)
def test_stdin_compile_only(self):
# Should fail without -x lang specifier
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')) as f:
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-c', '-'],
self.assertContained('error: -E or -x required when input is from standard input', err)
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')) as f:
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-o', 'out.o', '-x', 'c++', '-'],
# Same again but without an explicit output filename
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')) as f:
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-x', 'c++', '-'],
def test_stdin_compile_and_link(self):
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')) as f:
run_process([EMCC, '-x', 'c++', '-'],
self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'))
def is_object_file(self, filename):
if self.is_wasm_backend():
return building.is_wasm('-')
return building.is_bitcode('-')
def test_stdout_link(self):
# linking to stdout `-` doesn't work, we have no way to pass such an output filename
# through post-link tools such as binaryen.
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-o', '-', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')])
self.assertContained('invalid output filename: `-`', err)
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-o', '-foo', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')])
self.assertContained('invalid output filename: `-foo`', err)
def test_output_to_nowhere(self):
nowhere = 'NULL' if WINDOWS else '/dev/null'
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp'), '-o', nowhere, '-c'])
# Test that passing -s MIN_X_VERSION=-1 on the command line will result in browser X being not supported at all.
# I.e. -s MIN_X_VERSION=-1 is equal to -s MIN_X_VERSION=Infinity
def test_drop_support_for_browser(self):
# Test that -1 means "not supported"
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'test_html5.c'), '-s', 'MIN_IE_VERSION=-1'])
self.assertContained('allowsDeferredCalls: true', open('a.out.js').read())
self.assertNotContained('allowsDeferredCalls: JSEvents.isInternetExplorer()', open('a.out.js').read())
def test_errno_type(self):
create_test_file('errno_type.c', '''
#include <errno.h>
// Use of these constants in C preprocessor comparisons should work.
#if EPERM > 0
#define DAV1D_ERR(e) (-(e))
#define DAV1D_ERR(e) (e)
run_process([EMCC, 'errno_type.c'])
@no_fastcomp("uses standalone mode")
def test_standalone_syscalls(self):
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'standalone_syscalls', 'test.cpp'), '-o', 'test.wasm'])
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'standalone_syscalls', 'test.out')) as f:
expected =
for engine in WASM_ENGINES:
self.assertContained(expected, run_js('test.wasm', engine))
@no_windows('TODO: fix setjmp.h on clang on windows on ci')
@no_fastcomp("uses standalone mode")
def test_wasm2c_reactor(self):
# test compiling an unsafe library using wasm2c, then using it from a
# main program. this shows it is easy to use wasm2c as a sandboxing
# mechanism.
# first compile the library with emcc, getting a .c and .h
path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm2c', 'unsafe-library.c'),
'-O3', '-o', 'lib.wasm', '-s', 'WASM2C', '--no-entry'])
# compile that .c to a native object
run_process([CLANG_CC, 'lib.wasm.c', '-c', '-O3', '-o', 'lib.o'])
# compile the main program natively normally, and link with the
# unsafe library
path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm2c', 'my-code.c'),
'-O3', 'lib.o', '-o', 'program.exe'])
output = run_process([os.path.abspath('program.exe')], stdout=PIPE).stdout
with open(path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'wasm2c', 'output.txt')) as f:
@no_windows('TODO: fix setjmp.h on clang on windows on ci')
def test_wasm2c_RAW_OS(self):
create_test_file('data.txt', 'hello')
create_test_file('main.cpp', r'''
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
FILE *f = fopen("data.dat", "r");
if (!f) {
puts("failed to open file");
return 1;
char buf[6];
fread(buf, 1, 5, f);
buf[5] = 0;
printf("read |%s|\n", buf);
run_process([EMCC, 'main.cpp', '-s', 'WASM2C', '-o', 'main.wasm'])
run_process([CLANG_CC, 'main.wasm.c', '-o', 'program.exe'])
output = run_process([os.path.abspath('program.exe')], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('|hello|', output)
'wasm2js': (['-s', 'WASM=0'], ''),
'modularize': (['-s', 'MODULARIZE'], 'Module()'),
@no_fastcomp('wasm2js only')
def test_promise_polyfill(self, constant_args, extern_post_js):
def test(args):
# legacy browsers may lack Promise, which wasm2js depends on. see what
# happens when we kill the global Promise function.
create_test_file('extern-post.js', extern_post_js)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.cpp')] + constant_args + args + ['--extern-post-js', 'extern-post.js'])
with open('a.out.js') as f:
js =
with open('a.out.js', 'w') as f:
f.write('Promise = undefined;\n' + js)
return run_js('a.out.js', stderr=PIPE, full_output=True, assert_returncode=None)
# we fail without legacy support
self.assertNotContained('hello, world!', test([]))
# but work with it
self.assertContained('hello, world!', test(['-s', 'LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT']))
# Compile-test for -s USE_WEBGPU=1 and library_webgpu.js.
def test_webgpu_compiletest(self):
for args in [[], ['-s', 'ASSERTIONS=1']]:
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'webgpu_dummy.cpp'), '-s', 'USE_WEBGPU=1'] + args)
@no_fastcomp('lld only')
def test_signature_mismatch(self):
create_test_file('a.c', 'void foo(); int main() { foo(); return 0; }')
create_test_file('b.c', 'int foo() { return 1; }')
stderr = run_process([EMCC, 'a.c', 'b.c'], stderr=PIPE).stderr
self.assertContained('function signature mismatch: foo', stderr)
self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-Wl,--fatal-warnings', 'a.c', 'b.c'])
self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-s', 'STRICT', 'a.c', 'b.c'])
@no_fastcomp('lld only')
def test_lld_report_undefined(self):
create_test_file('main.c', 'void foo(); int main() { foo(); return 0; }')
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-s', 'LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED', 'main.c'])
self.assertContained('wasm-ld: error:', stderr)
self.assertContained('main_0.o: undefined symbol: foo', stderr)
@no_fastcomp('wasm backend only')
def test_4GB(self):
stderr = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=2GB'])
self.assertContained('INITIAL_MEMORY must be less than 2GB due to current spec limitations', stderr)
# Verifies that warning messages that Closure outputs are recorded to console
def test_closure_warnings(self):
proc = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'test_closure_warning.c'), '-O3', '--closure', '1', '-s', 'CLOSURE_WARNINGS=quiet'], stderr=PIPE)
self.assertNotContained('WARNING', proc.stderr)
proc = run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'test_closure_warning.c'), '-O3', '--closure', '1', '-s', 'CLOSURE_WARNINGS=warn'], stderr=PIPE)
self.assertContained('WARNING - [JSC_REFERENCE_BEFORE_DECLARE] Variable referenced before declaration', proc.stderr)
self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'test_closure_warning.c'), '-O3', '--closure', '1', '-s', 'CLOSURE_WARNINGS=error'])
@no_fastcomp('test wasm object files')
def test_bitcode_input(self):
# Verify that bitcode files are accepted as input
create_test_file('main.c', 'void foo(); int main() { return 0; }')
run_process([EMCC, '-emit-llvm', '-c', '-o', 'main.bc', 'main.c'])
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-o', 'main.o', 'main.bc'])
def test_nostdlib(self):
# First ensure all the system libs are built
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'unistd', 'close.c')])
self.assertContained('undefined symbol:', self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'unistd', 'close.c'), '-nostdlib']))
self.assertContained('undefined symbol:', self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'unistd', 'close.c'), '-nodefaultlibs']))
# Build again but with explit system libraries
libs = ['-lc', '-lcompiler_rt']
if self.is_wasm_backend():
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'unistd', 'close.c'), '-nostdlib'] + libs)
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'unistd', 'close.c'), '-nodefaultlibs'] + libs)
def test_argument_match(self):
# Verify that emcc arguments match precisely. We had a bug where only the prefix
# was matched
run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--js-opts', '10'])
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--js-optsXX'])
self.assertContained("error: unsupported option '--js-optsXX'", err)
def test_missing_argument(self):
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c'), '--js-opts'])
self.assertContained("error: option '--js-opts' requires an argument", err)
def test_default_to_cxx(self):
create_test_file('foo.h', '#include <string.h>')
create_test_file('cxxfoo.h', '#include <string>')
# The default bahviour is to default to C++, which means the C++ header can be compiled even
# with emcc.
run_process([EMCC, '-c', 'cxxfoo.h'])
# But this means that C flags can't be passed (since we are assuming C++)
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-std=gnu11', '-c', 'foo.h'])
self.assertContained("'-std=gnu11' not allowed with 'C++'", err)
# If we disable DEFAULT_TO_CXX the emcc can be used with cflags, but can't be used to build
# C++ headers
run_process([EMCC, '-std=gnu11', '-c', 'foo.h', '-s', 'DEFAULT_TO_CXX=0'])
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, '-c', 'cxxfoo.h', '-s', 'DEFAULT_TO_CXX=0'])
self.assertContained("'string' file not found", err)
# Using em++ should alwasy work for C++ headers
run_process([EMXX, '-c', 'cxxfoo.h', '-s', 'DEFAULT_TO_CXX=0'])
# Or using emcc with `-x c++`
run_process([EMCC, '-c', 'cxxfoo.h', '-s', 'DEFAULT_TO_CXX=0', '-x', 'c++-header'])
'': ([],),
'minimal': (['-s', 'MINIMAL_RUNTIME'],),
def test_support_errno(self, args):
self.emcc_args += args
src = path_from_root('tests', 'core', 'test_support_errno.c')
output = path_from_root('tests', 'core', 'test_support_errno.out')
self.do_run_from_file(src, output)
size_default = os.path.getsize('src.c.o.js')
# Run the same test again but with SUPPORT_ERRNO disabled. This time we don't expect errno
# to be set after the failing syscall.
self.set_setting('SUPPORT_ERRNO', 0)
output = path_from_root('tests', 'core', 'test_support_errno_disabled.out')
self.do_run_from_file(src, output)
# Verify the JS output was smaller
self.assertLess(os.path.getsize('src.c.o.js'), size_default)
@no_fastcomp('no .s file support')
def test_assembly(self):
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asm.s'), '-o', 'foo.o'])
src = path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asm.c')
output = path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asm.out')
self.do_run_from_file(src, output)
@no_fastcomp('no .s file support')
def test_assembly_preprocessed(self):
run_process([EMCC, '-c', path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asm_cpp.S'), '-o', 'foo.o'])
src = path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asm.c')
output = path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_asm.out')
self.do_run_from_file(src, output)
def test_export_global_address(self):
src = path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_export_global_address.c')
output = path_from_root('tests', 'other', 'test_export_global_address.out')
self.do_run_from_file(src, output)
@no_fastcomp('wasm-ld only')
def test_linker_version(self):
out = run_process([EMCC, '-Wl,--version'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
self.assertContained('LLD ', out)
# Tests that if a JS library function is missing, the linker will print out which function
# depended on the missing function.
def test_chained_js_error_diagnostics(self):
err = self.expect_fail([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'test_chained_js_error_diagnostics.c'), '--js-library', path_from_root('tests', 'test_chained_js_error_diagnostics.js')])
self.assertContained("error: undefined symbol: nonexistent_function (referenced by bar__deps: ['nonexistent_function'], referenced by foo__deps: ['bar'], referenced by top-level compiled C/C++ code)", err)
def test_xclang_flag(self):
create_test_file('foo.h', ' ')
run_process([EMCC, '-c', '-o', 'out.o', '-Xclang', '-include', '-Xclang', 'foo.h', path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')])
def test_native_call_before_init(self):
self.set_setting('EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS', ['_foo'])
self.add_pre_run('console.log("calling foo"); Module["_foo"]();')'#include <stdio.h>\nint foo() { puts("foo called"); return 3; }', self.get_dir(), 'foo.c')
err = self.expect_fail(NODE_JS + ['foo.c.o.js'], stdout=PIPE)
self.assertContained('native function `foo` called before runtime initialization', err)
def test_native_call_after_exit(self):
self.add_on_exit('console.log("calling main again"); Module["_main"]();')'#include <stdio.h>\nint main() { puts("foo called"); return 0; }', self.get_dir(), 'foo.c')
err = self.expect_fail(NODE_JS + ['foo.c.o.js'], stdout=PIPE)
self.assertContained('native function `main` called after runtime exit', err)