blob: 1cef0d484d515b0eb083813daae52f78edf4479a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2013 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This tool extracts information about structs and defines from the C headers.
The JSON input format is as follows:
'file': 'some/header.h',
'structs': {
'struct_name': [
'field4': [
'nested3': [
'other_struct': [
'defines': [
['f', 'FLOAT_DEFINE'],
'file': 'some/other/header.h',
Please note that the 'f' for 'FLOAT_DEFINE' is just the format passed to printf(), you can put anything printf() understands.
If you call this script with the flag "-f" and pass a header file, it will create an automated boilerplate for you.
The JSON output format is based on the return value of Runtime.generateStructInfo().
'structs': {
'struct_name': {
'__size__': <the struct's size>,
'field1': <field1's offset>,
'field2': <field2's offset>,
'field3': <field3's offset>,
'field4': {
'__size__': <field4's size>,
'nested1': <nested1's offset>,
'defines': {
'DEFINE_1': <DEFINE_1's value>,
import sys
import os
import re
import json
import argparse
import tempfile
import subprocess
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
from tools import shared
from tools import system_libs
from tools.settings import settings
QUIET = (__name__ != '__main__')
DEBUG = False
def show(msg):
if shared.DEBUG or not QUIET:
sys.stderr.write('gen_struct_info: %s\n' % msg)
# The following three functions generate C code. The output of the compiled code will be
# parsed later on and then put back together into a dict structure by parse_c_output().
# Example:
# c_descent('test1', code)
# c_set('item', 'i%i', '111', code)
# c_set('item2', 'i%i', '9', code)
# c_set('item3', 's%s', '"Hello"', code)
# c_ascent(code)
# c_set('outer', 'f%f', '0.999', code)
# Will result in:
# {
# 'test1': {
# 'item': 111,
# 'item2': 9,
# 'item3': 'Hello',
# },
# 'outer': 0.999
# }
def c_set(name, type_, value, code):
code.append('printf("K' + name + '\\n");')
code.append('printf("V' + type_ + '\\n", ' + value + ');')
def c_descent(name, code):
code.append('printf("D' + name + '\\n");')
def c_ascent(code):
def parse_c_output(lines):
result = {}
cur_level = result
parent = []
key = None
for line in lines:
arg = line[1:].strip()
if line[0] == 'K':
# This is a key
key = arg
elif line[0] == 'V':
# A value
if arg[0] == 'i':
arg = int(arg[1:])
elif arg[0] == 'f':
arg = float(arg[1:])
elif arg[0] == 's':
arg = arg[1:]
cur_level[key] = arg
elif line[0] == 'D':
# Remember the current level as the last parent.
# We descend one level.
cur_level[arg] = {}
cur_level = cur_level[arg]
elif line[0] == 'A':
# We return to the parent dict. (One level up.)
cur_level = parent.pop()
return result
def gen_inspect_code(path, struct, code):
if path[0][-1] == '#':
path[0] = path[0][:-1]
prefix = ''
prefix = 'struct '
c_descent(path[-1], code)
if len(path) == 1:
c_set('__size__', 'i%zu', 'sizeof (' + prefix + path[0] + ')', code)
c_set('__size__', 'i%zu', 'sizeof ((' + prefix + path[0] + ' *)0)->' + '.'.join(path[1:]), code)
# c_set('__offset__', 'i%zu', 'offsetof(' + prefix + path[0] + ', ' + '.'.join(path[1:]) + ')', code)
for field in struct:
if isinstance(field, dict):
# We have to recurse to inspect the nested dict.
fname = list(field.keys())[0]
gen_inspect_code(path + [fname], field[fname], code)
c_set(field, 'i%zu', 'offsetof(' + prefix + path[0] + ', ' + '.'.join(path[1:] + [field]) + ')', code)
def inspect_headers(headers, cflags):
code = ['#include <stdio.h>', '#include <stddef.h>']
for header in headers:
code.append('#include "' + header['name'] + '"')
code.append('int main() {')
c_descent('structs', code)
for header in headers:
for name, struct in header['structs'].items():
gen_inspect_code([name], struct, code)
c_descent('defines', code)
for header in headers:
for name, type_ in header['defines'].items():
# Add the necessary python type, if missing.
if '%' not in type_:
if type_[-1] in ('d', 'i', 'u'):
# integer
type_ = 'i%' + type_
elif type_[-1] in ('f', 'F', 'e', 'E', 'g', 'G'):
# float
type_ = 'f%' + type_
elif type_[-1] in ('x', 'X', 'a', 'A', 'c', 's'):
# hexadecimal or string
type_ = 's%' + type_
c_set(name, type_, name, code)
code.append('return 0;')
# Write the source code to a temporary file.
src_file = tempfile.mkstemp('.c', text=True)
show('Generating C code... ' + src_file[1])
os.write(src_file[0], '\n'.join(code).encode())
js_file = tempfile.mkstemp('.js')
# Check sanity early on before populating the cache with libcompiler_rt
# If we don't do this the parallel build of compiler_rt will run while holding the cache
# lock and with EM_EXCLUSIVE_CACHE_ACCESS set causing N processes to race to run sanity checks.
# While this is not in itself serious problem it is wasteful and noise on stdout.
# For the same reason we run this early in and
# TODO(sbc): If we can remove EM_EXCLUSIVE_CACHE_ACCESS then this would not longer be needed.
compiler_rt = system_libs.Library.get_usable_variations()['libcompiler_rt'].get_path()
# Close all unneeded FDs.
info = []
# Compile the program.
show('Compiling generated code...')
# -Oz optimizes enough to avoid warnings on code size/num locals
cmd = [shared.EMCC] + cflags + ['-o', js_file[1], src_file[1],
'-s', 'STRICT',
# Use SINGLE_FILE=1 so there is only a single
# file to cleanup.
'-s', 'SINGLE_FILE']
# Default behavior for emcc is to warn for binaryen version check mismatches
# so we should try to match that behavior.
cmd += ['-Wno-error=version-check']
# TODO(sbc): Remove this one we remove the test_em_config_env_var test
cmd += ['-Wno-deprecated']
if settings.LTO:
cmd += ['-flto=' + settings.LTO]
subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=system_libs.clean_env())
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
sys.stderr.write('FAIL: Compilation failed!: %s\n' % e.cmd)
# Run the compiled program.
show('Calling generated program... ' + js_file[1])
info = shared.run_js_tool(js_file[1], stdout=shared.PIPE).splitlines()
if not DEBUG:
# Remove all temporary files.
if os.path.exists(js_file[1]):
# Parse the output of the program into a dict.
return parse_c_output(info)
def merge_info(target, src):
for key, value in src['defines'].items():
if key in target['defines']:
raise Exception('duplicate define: %s' % key)
target['defines'][key] = value
for key, value in src['structs'].items():
if key in target['structs']:
raise Exception('duplicate struct: %s' % key)
target['structs'][key] = value
def inspect_code(headers, cflags):
if not DEBUG:
info = inspect_headers(headers, cflags)
info = {'defines': {}, 'structs': {}}
for header in headers:
merge_info(info, inspect_headers([header], cflags))
return info
def parse_json(path):
header_files = []
with open(path, 'r') as stream:
# Remove comments before loading the JSON.
data = json.loads(re.sub(r'//.*\n', '',
if not isinstance(data, list):
data = [data]
for item in data:
for key in item.keys():
if key not in ['file', 'defines', 'structs']:
raise 'Unexpected key in json file: %s' % key
header = {'name': item['file'], 'structs': {}, 'defines': {}}
for name, data in item.get('structs', {}).items():
if name in header['structs']:
show('WARN: Description of struct "' + name + '" in file "' + item['file'] + '" replaces an existing description!')
header['structs'][name] = data
for part in item.get('defines', []):
if not isinstance(part, list):
# If no type is specified, assume integer.
part = ['i', part]
if part[1] in header['defines']:
show('WARN: Description of define "' + part[1] + '" in file "' + item['file'] + '" replaces an existing description!')
header['defines'][part[1]] = part[0]
return header_files
def output_json(obj, stream=None):
if stream is None:
stream = sys.stdout
elif isinstance(stream, str):
stream = open(stream, 'w')
json.dump(obj, stream, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def main(args):
global QUIET
default_json_files = [
shared.path_from_root('src', 'struct_info.json'),
shared.path_from_root('src', 'struct_info_internal.json')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate JSON infos for structs.')
parser.add_argument('json', nargs='*',
help='JSON file with a list of structs and their fields (defaults to src/struct_info.json)',
parser.add_argument('-q', dest='quiet', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Don\'t output anything besides error messages.')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output', metavar='path', default=None,
help='Path to the JSON file that will be written. If omitted, the generated data will be printed to stdout.')
parser.add_argument('-I', dest='includes', metavar='dir', action='append', default=[],
help='Add directory to include search path')
parser.add_argument('-D', dest='defines', metavar='define', action='append', default=[],
help='Pass a define to the preprocessor')
parser.add_argument('-U', dest='undefines', metavar='undefine', action='append', default=[],
help='Pass an undefine to the preprocessor')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
QUIET = args.quiet
# Avoid parsing problems due to gcc specifc syntax.
cflags = ['-D_GNU_SOURCE']
# Add the user options to the list as well.
for path in args.includes:
cflags.append('-I' + path)
for arg in args.defines:
cflags.append('-D' + arg)
for arg in args.undefines:
cflags.append('-U' + arg)
internal_cflags = [
'-I' + shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'src', 'internal'),
# Look for structs in all passed headers.
info = {'defines': {}, 'structs': {}}
for f in args.json:
# This is a JSON file, parse it.
header_files = parse_json(f)
# Inspect all collected structs.
if 'internal' in f:
use_cflags = cflags + internal_cflags
use_cflags = cflags
info_fragment = inspect_code(header_files, use_cflags)
merge_info(info, info_fragment)
output_json(info, args.output)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':