blob: 7d2bfc71b24a9009266398fd822042cd936c0721 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import difflib
import os
import re
from .utils import path_from_root, exit_with_error
from . import diagnostics
# Subset of settings that take a memory size (i.e. 1Gb, 64kb etc)
# All port-related settings are valid at compile time
# Subset of settings that apply at compile time.
# (Keep in sync with [compile] comments in settings.js)
# Internal settings used during compilation
# This is legacy setting that we happen to handle very early on
# TODO: should not be here
class SettingsManager:
attrs = {}
allowed_settings = []
legacy_settings = {}
alt_names = {}
internal_settings = set()
def __init__(self):
# Load the JS defaults into python.
settings = open(path_from_root('src', 'settings.js')).read().replace('//', '#')
settings = re.sub(r'var ([\w\d]+)', r'attrs["\1"]', settings)
# Variable TARGET_NOT_SUPPORTED is referenced by value settings.js (also beyond declaring it),
# so must pass it there explicitly.
exec(settings, {'attrs': self.attrs})
settings = open(path_from_root('src', 'settings_internal.js')).read().replace('//', '#')
settings = re.sub(r'var ([\w\d]+)', r'attrs["\1"]', settings)
internal_attrs = {}
exec(settings, {'attrs': internal_attrs})
if 'EMCC_STRICT' in os.environ:
self.attrs['STRICT'] = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_STRICT'))
# Special handling for LEGACY_SETTINGS. See src/setting.js for more
# details
for legacy in self.attrs['LEGACY_SETTINGS']:
if len(legacy) == 2:
name, new_name = legacy
self.legacy_settings[name] = (None, 'setting renamed to ' + new_name)
self.alt_names[name] = new_name
self.alt_names[new_name] = name
default_value = self.attrs[new_name]
name, fixed_values, err = legacy
self.legacy_settings[name] = (fixed_values, err)
default_value = fixed_values[0]
assert name not in self.attrs, 'legacy setting (%s) cannot also be a regular setting' % name
if not self.attrs['STRICT']:
self.attrs[name] = default_value
def dict(self):
return self.attrs
def keys(self):
return self.attrs.keys()
def limit_settings(self, allowed):
if allowed:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if self.allowed_settings:
assert attr in self.allowed_settings, f"internal error: attempt to read setting '{attr}' while in limited settings mode"
if attr in self.attrs:
return self.attrs[attr]
raise AttributeError(f"no such setting: '{attr}'")
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if self.allowed_settings:
assert name in self.allowed_settings, f"internal error: attempt to write setting '{name}' while in limited settings mode"
if name == 'STRICT' and value:
for a in self.legacy_settings:
self.attrs.pop(a, None)
if name in self.legacy_settings:
# TODO(sbc): Rather then special case this we should have STRICT turn on the
# legacy-settings warning below
if self.attrs['STRICT']:
exit_with_error('legacy setting used in strict mode: %s', name)
fixed_values, error_message = self.legacy_settings[name]
if fixed_values and value not in fixed_values:
exit_with_error('Invalid command line option -s ' + name + '=' + str(value) + ': ' + error_message)
diagnostics.warning('legacy-settings', 'use of legacy setting: %s (%s)', name, error_message)
if name in self.alt_names:
alt_name = self.alt_names[name]
self.attrs[alt_name] = value
if name not in self.attrs:
msg = "Attempt to set a non-existent setting: '%s'\n" % name
suggestions = difflib.get_close_matches(name, list(self.attrs.keys()))
suggestions = [s for s in suggestions if s not in self.legacy_settings]
suggestions = ', '.join(suggestions)
if suggestions:
msg += ' - did you mean one of %s?\n' % suggestions
msg += " - perhaps a typo in emcc's -s X=Y notation?\n"
msg += ' - (see src/settings.js for valid values)'
self.attrs[name] = value
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.attrs[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.attrs[key] = value
settings = SettingsManager()