blob: 4b31668062fcb761883c44d2ac18434fc1a3c2c5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2011 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""emcc - compiler helper script
emcc is a drop-in replacement for a compiler like gcc or clang.
See emcc --help for details.
emcc can be influenced by a few environment variables:
EMCC_DEBUG - "1" will log out useful information during compilation, as well as
save each compiler step as an emcc-* file in the temp dir
(by default /tmp/emscripten_temp). "2" will save additional emcc-*
steps, that would normally not be separately produced (so this
slows down compilation).
EMMAKEN_NO_SDK - Will tell emcc *not* to use the emscripten headers. Instead
your system headers will be used.
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shlex
import stat
import sys
import time
import base64
from subprocess import PIPE
import emscripten
from tools import shared, system_libs
from tools import colored_logger, diagnostics, building
from tools.shared import unsuffixed, unsuffixed_basename, WINDOWS, safe_move, safe_copy
from tools.shared import run_process, asbytes, read_and_preprocess, exit_with_error, DEBUG
from tools.response_file import substitute_response_files
from tools.minimal_runtime_shell import generate_minimal_runtime_html
import tools.line_endings
from tools.toolchain_profiler import ToolchainProfiler
from tools import js_manipulation
from tools import wasm2c
from tools import webassembly
if __name__ == '__main__':
from urllib.parse import quote
except ImportError:
# Python 2 compatibility
from urllib import quote
logger = logging.getLogger('emcc')
# endings = dot + a suffix, safe to test by filename.endswith(endings)
C_ENDINGS = ('.c', '.i')
CXX_ENDINGS = ('.cpp', '.cxx', '.cc', '.c++', '.CPP', '.CXX', '.C', '.CC', '.C++', '.ii')
OBJC_ENDINGS = ('.m', '.mi')
OBJCXX_ENDINGS = ('.mm', '.mii')
C_ENDINGS = C_ENDINGS + SPECIAL_ENDINGLESS_FILENAMES # consider the special endingless filenames like /dev/null to be C
JS_ENDINGS = ('.js', '.mjs', '.out', '')
WASM_ENDINGS = ('.wasm',)
DYNAMICLIB_ENDINGS = ('.dylib', '.so') # Windows .dll suffix is not included in this list, since those are never linked to directly on the command line.
ASSEMBLY_ENDINGS = ('.ll', '.s')
HEADER_ENDINGS = ('.h', '.hxx', '.hpp', '.hh', '.H', '.HXX', '.HPP', '.HH')
# Supported LLD flags which we will pass through to the linker.
'--start-group', '--end-group',
'-(', '-)',
'--whole-archive', '--no-whole-archive',
'-whole-archive', '-no-whole-archive'
# Unsupported LLD flags which we will ignore.
# Maps to true if the flag takes an argument.
# macOS-specific linker flag that libtool ( will if macOS is detected.
'-bind_at_load': False,
# wasm-ld doesn't support map files yet.
'--print-map': False,
'-M': False,
# wasm-ld doesn't support soname or other dynamic linking flags (yet). Ignore them
# in order to aid build systems that want to pass these flags.
'-soname': True,
'-allow-shlib-undefined': False,
'-rpath': True,
'-rpath-link': True,
'-version-script': True,
LIB_PREFIXES = ('', 'lib')
'emscripten_sleep', 'emscripten_wget', 'emscripten_wget_data', 'emscripten_idb_load',
'emscripten_idb_store', 'emscripten_idb_delete', 'emscripten_idb_exists',
'emscripten_idb_load_blob', 'emscripten_idb_store_blob', 'SDL_Delay',
'emscripten_scan_registers', 'emscripten_lazy_load_code',
'wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_sync', '__wasi_fd_sync', '_emval_await']
# Mapping of emcc opt levels to llvm opt levels. We use llvm opt level 3 in emcc
# opt levels 2 and 3 (emcc 3 is unsafe opts, so unsuitable for the only level to
# get llvm opt level 3, and speed-wise emcc level 2 is already the slowest/most
# optimizing level)
0: ['-O0'],
1: ['-O1'],
2: ['-O3'],
3: ['-O3'],
# Target options
final_js = None
VALID_ENVIRONMENTS = ('web', 'webview', 'worker', 'node', 'shell')
# this function uses the global 'final' variable, which contains the current
# final output file. if a method alters final, and calls this method, then it
# must modify final globally (i.e. it can't receive final as a param and
# return it)
# TODO: refactor all this, a singleton that abstracts over the final output
# and saving of intermediates
def save_intermediate(name, suffix='js'):
if not DEBUG:
if not final_js:
logger.debug('(not saving intermediate %s because not generating JS)' % name)
building.save_intermediate(final_js, name + '.' + suffix)
def save_intermediate_with_wasm(name, wasm_binary):
if not DEBUG:
save_intermediate(name) # save the js
building.save_intermediate(wasm_binary, name + '.wasm')
class TimeLogger(object):
last = time.time()
def update():
TimeLogger.last = time.time()
def log_time(name):
"""Log out times for emcc stages"""
now = time.time()
logger.debug('emcc step "%s" took %.2f seconds', name, now - TimeLogger.last)
def base64_encode(b):
b64 = base64.b64encode(b)
if type(b64) == bytes:
return b64.decode('ascii')
return b64
class EmccOptions(object):
def __init__(self):
self.requested_debug = ''
self.profiling = False
self.profiling_funcs = False
self.tracing = False
self.emit_symbol_map = False
self.llvm_opts = None
self.use_closure_compiler = None
self.closure_args = []
self.js_transform = None
self.pre_js = '' # before all js
self.post_js = '' # after all js
self.extern_pre_js = '' # before all js, external to optimized code
self.extern_post_js = '' # after all js, external to optimized code
self.preload_files = []
self.embed_files = []
self.exclude_files = []
self.ignore_dynamic_linking = False
self.shell_path = shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell.html')
self.source_map_base = ''
self.emrun = False
self.cpu_profiler = False
self.thread_profiler = False
self.memory_profiler = False
self.memory_init_file = None
self.use_preload_cache = False
self.use_preload_plugins = False
self.proxy_to_worker = False
self.default_object_extension = '.o'
self.valid_abspaths = []
self.cfi = False
# Specifies the line ending format to use for all generated text files.
# Defaults to using the native EOL on each platform (\r\n on Windows, \n on
# Linux & MacOS)
self.output_eol = os.linesep
self.binaryen_passes = []
self.no_entry = False
self.shared = False
self.relocatable = False
def use_source_map():
return shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 4
def will_metadce():
# The metadce JS parsing code does not currently support the JS that gets generated
# when assertions are enabled.
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
return False
return shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 3 or shared.Settings.SHRINK_LEVEL >= 1
def setup_environment_settings():
# Environment setting based on user input
environments = shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT.split(',')
if any([x for x in environments if x not in VALID_ENVIRONMENTS]):
exit_with_error('Invalid environment specified in "ENVIRONMENT": ' + shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT + '. Should be one of: ' + ','.join(VALID_ENVIRONMENTS))
shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT_MAY_BE_WEB = not shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT or 'web' in environments
shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT_MAY_BE_WEBVIEW = not shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT or 'webview' in environments
shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT_MAY_BE_NODE = not shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT or 'node' in environments
shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT_MAY_BE_SHELL = not shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT or 'shell' in environments
# The worker case also includes Node.js workers when pthreads are
# enabled and Node.js is one of the supported environments for the build to
# run on. Node.js workers are detected as a combination of
not shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT or \
'worker' in environments or \
(shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT_MAY_BE_NODE and shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS)
if not shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT_MAY_BE_WORKER and shared.Settings.PROXY_TO_WORKER:
exit_with_error('If you specify --proxy-to-worker and specify a "-s ENVIRONMENT=" directive, it must include "worker" as a target! (Try e.g. -s ENVIRONMENT=web,worker)')
if not shared.Settings.ENVIRONMENT_MAY_BE_WORKER and shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
exit_with_error('When building with multithreading enabled and a "-s ENVIRONMENT=" directive is specified, it must include "worker" as a target! (Try e.g. -s ENVIRONMENT=web,worker)')
def minify_whitespace():
return shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 2 and shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL == 0
def embed_memfile():
return (shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE or
(shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_METHOD == 0 and
(not shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE and
not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE and
not use_source_map())))
def expand_byte_size_suffixes(value):
"""Given a string with KB/MB size suffixes, such as "32MB", computes how
many bytes that is and returns it as an integer.
value = value.strip()
match = re.match(r'^(\d+)\s*([kmgt]?b)?$', value, re.I)
if not match:
exit_with_error("invalid byte size `%s`. Valid suffixes are: kb, mb, gb, tb" % value)
value, suffix = match.groups()
value = int(value)
if suffix:
size_suffixes = {suffix: 1024 ** i for i, suffix in enumerate(['b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb'])}
value *= size_suffixes[suffix.lower()]
return value
def apply_settings(changes):
"""Take a list of settings in form `NAME=VALUE` and apply them to the global
Settings object.
def standardize_setting_change(key, value):
# boolean NO_X settings are aliases for X
# (note that *non*-boolean setting values have special meanings,
# and we can't just flip them, so leave them as-is to be
# handled in a special way later)
if key.startswith('NO_') and value in ('0', '1'):
key = key[3:]
value = str(1 - int(value))
return key, value
for change in changes:
key, value = change.split('=', 1)
key, value = standardize_setting_change(key, value)
if key in shared.Settings.internal_settings:
exit_with_error('%s is an internal setting and cannot be set from command line', key)
# map legacy settings which have aliases to the new names
# but keep the original key so errors are correctly reported via the `setattr` below
user_key = key
if key in shared.Settings.legacy_settings and key in shared.Settings.alt_names:
key = shared.Settings.alt_names[key]
# In those settings fields that represent amount of memory, translate suffixes to multiples of 1024.
value = str(expand_byte_size_suffixes(value))
if value and value[0] == '@':
filename = value[1:]
if not os.path.exists(filename):
exit_with_error('%s: file not found parsing argument: %s' % (filename, change))
value = open(filename).read()
value = value.replace('\\', '\\\\')
value = parse_value(value)
except Exception as e:
exit_with_error('a problem occurred in evaluating the content after a "-s", specifically "%s": %s', change, str(e))
# Do some basic type checking by comparing to the existing settings.
# Sadly we can't do this generically in the SettingsManager since there are settings
# that so change types internally over time.
existing = getattr(shared.Settings, user_key, None)
if existing is not None:
# We only currently worry about lists vs non-lists.
if (type(existing) == list) != (type(value) == list):
exit_with_error('setting `%s` expects `%s` but got `%s`' % (user_key, type(existing), type(value)))
setattr(shared.Settings, user_key, value)
# used for warnings in
# TODO(sbc): Remove this legacy way.
if key == 'WASM_OBJECT_FILES':
shared.Settings.LTO = 0 if value else 'full'
def find_output_arg(args):
"""Find and remove any -o arguments. The final one takes precedence.
Return the final -o target along with the remaining (non-o) arguments.
outargs = []
specified_target = None
arg_count = len(args)
i = 0
while i < arg_count:
arg = args[i]
if arg == '-o':
if i != arg_count - 1:
specified_target = args[i + 1]
i += 2
if arg.startswith('-o'):
specified_target = arg[2:]
i += 1
if arg == '-mllvm' and i != arg_count - 1:
# Explicitly skip over -mllvm arguments and their values because their
# values could potentially start with -o and be confused for output file
# specifiers.
outargs.append(args[i + 1])
i += 2
i += 1
return specified_target, outargs
def is_ar_file_with_missing_index(archive_file):
# We parse the archive header outselves because llvm-nm --print-armap is slower and less
# reliable.
# See:
archive_header = b'!<arch>\n'
file_header_size = 60
with open(archive_file, 'rb') as f:
header =
if header != archive_header:
# This is not even an ar file
return False
file_header =
if len(file_header) != file_header_size:
# We don't have any file entires at all so we don't consider the index missing
return False
name = file_header[:16].strip()
# If '/' is the name of the first file we have an index
return name != b'/'
def ensure_archive_index(archive_file):
# Fastcomp linking works without archive indexes.
if not shared.Settings.AUTO_ARCHIVE_INDEXES:
if is_ar_file_with_missing_index(archive_file):
diagnostics.warning('emcc', '%s: archive is missing an index; Use emar when creating libraries to ensure an index is created', archive_file)
diagnostics.warning('emcc', '%s: adding index', archive_file)
run_process([shared.LLVM_RANLIB, archive_file])
def get_all_js_syms(temp_files):
# Runs the js compiler to generate a list of all symbols available in the JS
# libraries. This must be done separately for each linker invokation since the
# list of symbols depends on what settings are used.
# TODO(sbc): Find a way to optimize this. Potentially we could add a super-set
# mode of the js compiler that would generate a list of all possible symbols
# that could be checked in.
old_full = shared.Settings.INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY
# Temporarily define INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY since we want a full list
# of all available JS library functions.
shared.Settings.INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY = True
shared.Settings.ONLY_CALC_JS_SYMBOLS = True
glue, forwarded_data = emscripten.compile_settings(temp_files)
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
library_fns = forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions']
library_fns_list = []
for name in library_fns:
if shared.is_c_symbol(name):
name = shared.demangle_c_symbol_name(name)
shared.Settings.ONLY_CALC_JS_SYMBOLS = False
shared.Settings.INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY = old_full
return library_fns_list
def filter_link_flags(flags, using_lld):
def is_supported(f):
if using_lld:
for flag, takes_arg in UNSUPPORTED_LLD_FLAGS.items():
# lld allows various flags to have either a single -foo or double --foo
if f.startswith(flag) or f.startswith('-' + flag):
diagnostics.warning('linkflags', 'ignoring unsupported linker flag: `%s`', f)
return False, takes_arg
return True, False
return True, False
# Silently ignore -l/-L flags when not using lld. If using lld allow
# them to pass through the linker
if f.startswith('-l') or f.startswith('-L'):
return False, False
diagnostics.warning('linkflags', 'ignoring unsupported linker flag: `%s`', f)
return False, False
results = []
skip_next = False
for f in flags:
if skip_next:
skip_next = False
keep, skip_next = is_supported(f[1])
if keep:
return results
def fix_windows_newlines(text):
# Avoid duplicating \r\n to \r\r\n when writing out text.
text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
return text
def cxx_to_c_compiler(cxx):
# Convert C++ compiler name into C compiler name
dirname, basename = os.path.split(cxx)
basename = basename.replace('clang++', 'clang').replace('g++', 'gcc').replace('em++', 'emcc')
return os.path.join(dirname, basename)
def backend_binaryen_passes():
# wasm backend output can benefit from the binaryen optimizer (in asm2wasm,
# we run the optimizer during asm2wasm itself). use it, if not overridden.
# run the binaryen optimizer in -O2+. in -O0 we don't need it obviously, while
# in -O1 we don't run it as the LLVM optimizer has been run, and it does the
# great majority of the work; not running the binaryen optimizer in that case
# keeps -O1 mostly-optimized while compiling quickly and without rewriting
# DWARF etc.
run_binaryen_optimizer = shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 2
passes = []
# safe heap must run before post-emscripten, so post-emscripten can apply the sbrk ptr
if shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP:
passes += ['--safe-heap']
if run_binaryen_optimizer:
passes += ['--post-emscripten']
if not shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME:
passes += ['--no-exit-runtime']
if run_binaryen_optimizer:
passes += [building.opt_level_to_str(shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL, shared.Settings.SHRINK_LEVEL)]
elif shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
# even if not optimizing, make an effort to remove all unused imports and
# exports, to make the wasm as standalone as possible
passes += ['--remove-unused-module-elements']
# when optimizing, use the fact that low memory is never used (1024 is a
# hardcoded value in the binaryen pass)
if run_binaryen_optimizer and shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE >= 1024:
passes += ['--low-memory-unused']
if shared.Settings.AUTODEBUG:
# adding '--flatten' here may make these even more effective
passes += ['--instrument-locals']
passes += ['--log-execution']
passes += ['--instrument-memory']
if shared.Settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI:
# legalize it again now, as the instrumentation may need it
passes += ['--legalize-js-interface']
# note that this pass must run before asyncify, as if it runs afterwards we only
# generate the byn$fpcast_emu functions after asyncify runs, and so we wouldn't
# be able to further process them.
passes += ['--fpcast-emu']
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
passes += ['--asyncify']
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
passes += ['--pass-arg=asyncify-asserts']
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ADVISE:
passes += ['--pass-arg=asyncify-verbose']
passes += ['--pass-arg=asyncify-ignore-indirect']
# if we are not ignoring indirect calls, then we must treat invoke_* as if
# they are indirect calls, since that is what they do - we can't see their
# targets statically.
shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS += ['invoke_*']
# with pthreads we may call main through the __call_main mechanism, which can
# therefore reach anything in the program, so mark it as possibly causing a
# sleep (the asyncify analysis doesn't look through JS, just wasm, so it can't
# see what it itself calls)
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS += ['__call_main']
# add the default imports
# return the full import name, including module. The name may
# already have a module prefix; if not, we assume it is "env".
def get_full_import_name(name):
if '.' in name:
return name
return 'env.' + name
shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS = [get_full_import_name(i) for i in shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS]
passes += ['--pass-arg=asyncify-imports@%s' % ','.join(shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS)]
# shell escaping can be confusing; try to emit useful warnings
def check_human_readable_list(items):
for item in items:
if item.count('(') != item.count(')'):
logger.warning('''emcc: ASYNCIFY list contains an item without balanced parentheses ("(", ")"):''')
logger.warning(''' ''' + item)
logger.warning('''This may indicate improper escaping that led to splitting inside your names.''')
logger.warning('''Try to quote the entire argument, like this: -s 'ASYNCIFY_ONLY=["foo(int, char)", "bar"]' ''')
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_REMOVE:
passes += ['--pass-arg=asyncify-removelist@%s' % ','.join(shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_REMOVE)]
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ADD:
passes += ['--pass-arg=asyncify-addlist@%s' % ','.join(shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ADD)]
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ONLY:
passes += ['--pass-arg=asyncify-onlylist@%s' % ','.join(shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ONLY)]
passes += ['--ignore-implicit-traps']
if shared.Settings.BINARYEN_EXTRA_PASSES:
# BINARYEN_EXTRA_PASSES is comma-separated, and we support both '-'-prefixed and
# unprefixed pass names
extras = shared.Settings.BINARYEN_EXTRA_PASSES.split(',')
passes += [('--' + p) if p[0] != '-' else p for p in extras if p]
return passes
def make_js_executable(script):
src = open(script).read()
cmd = shared.shlex_join(shared.JS_ENGINE)
if not os.path.isabs(shared.JS_ENGINE[0]):
# TODO: use whereis etc. And how about non-*NIX?
cmd = '/usr/bin/env -S ' + cmd
logger.debug('adding `#!` to JavaScript file: %s' % cmd)
# add shebang
with open(script, 'w') as f:
f.write('#!%s\n' % cmd)
os.chmod(script, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(script).st_mode) | stat.S_IXUSR) # make executable
except OSError:
pass # can fail if e.g. writing the executable to /dev/null
run_via_emxx = False
# Main run() function
def run(args):
global final_js
target = None
# Additional compiler flags that we treat as if they were passed to us on the
# commandline
EMCC_CFLAGS = os.environ.get('EMCC_CFLAGS')
cmd = shared.shlex_join(args)
cmd += ' + ' + EMCC_CFLAGS
logger.warning('invocation: ' + cmd + ' (in ' + os.getcwd() + ')')
# Strip args[0] (program name)
args = args[1:]
misc_temp_files = shared.configuration.get_temp_files()
# Handle some global flags
# read response files very early on
args = substitute_response_files(args)
except IOError as e:
if '--help' in args:
# Documentation for emcc and its options must be updated in:
# site/source/docs/tools_reference/emcc.rst
# This then gets built (via: `make -C site text`) to:
# site/build/text/docs/tools_reference/emcc.txt
# This then needs to be copied to its final home in docs/emcc.txt from where
# we read it here. We have CI rules that ensure its always up-to-date.
with open(shared.path_from_root('docs', 'emcc.txt'), 'r') as f:
emcc: supported targets: llvm bitcode, javascript, NOT elf
(autoconf likes to see elf above to enable shared object support)
return 0
if '--version' in args:
# if the emscripten folder is not a git repo, don't run git show - that can
# look up and find the revision in a parent directory that is a git repo
revision = ''
if os.path.exists(shared.path_from_root('.git')):
revision = run_process(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=shared.path_from_root()).stdout.strip()
elif os.path.exists(shared.path_from_root('emscripten-revision.txt')):
revision = open(shared.path_from_root('emscripten-revision.txt')).read().strip()
if revision:
revision = ' (%s)' % revision
print('''emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement) %s%s
Copyright (C) 2014 the Emscripten authors (see AUTHORS.txt)
This is free and open source software under the MIT license.
''' % (shared.EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION, revision))
return 0
if run_via_emxx:
clang = shared.CLANG_CXX
clang = shared.CLANG_CC
if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == '-v': # -v with no inputs
# autoconf likes to see 'GNU' in the output to enable shared object support
print('emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement + linker emulating GNU ld) %s' % shared.EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION, file=sys.stderr)
code = run_process([clang, '-v'], check=False).returncode
return code
if '-dumpmachine' in args:
return 0
if '-dumpversion' in args: # gcc's doc states "Print the compiler version [...] and don't do anything else."
return 0
if '--cflags' in args:
# fake running the command, to see the full args we pass to clang
args = [x for x in args if x != '--cflags']
with misc_temp_files.get_file(suffix='.o') as temp_target:
input_file = 'hello_world.c'
cmd = [shared.PYTHON, sys.argv[0], shared.path_from_root('tests', input_file), '-v', '-c', '-o', temp_target] + args
proc = run_process(cmd, stderr=PIPE, check=False)
if proc.returncode != 0:
exit_with_error('error getting cflags')
lines = [x for x in proc.stderr.splitlines() if clang in x and input_file in x]
parts = shlex.split(lines[0].replace('\\', '\\\\'))
parts = [x for x in parts if x not in ['-c', '-o', '-v', '-emit-llvm'] and input_file not in x and temp_target not in x]
return 0
def get_language_mode(args):
return_next = False
for item in args:
if return_next:
return item
if item == '-x':
return_next = True
if item.startswith('-x'):
return item[2:]
return ''
language_mode = get_language_mode(args)
def is_dash_s_for_emcc(args, i):
# -s OPT=VALUE or -s OPT or -sOPT are all interpreted as emscripten flags.
# -s by itself is a linker option (alias for --strip-all)
if args[i] == '-s':
if len(args) <= i + 1:
return False
arg = args[i + 1]
arg = args[i][2:]
return arg.split('=')[0].isupper()
args += shlex.split(EMMAKEN_CFLAGS)
# ---------------- Utilities ---------------
seen_names = {}
def uniquename(name):
if name not in seen_names:
seen_names[name] = str(len(seen_names))
return unsuffixed(name) + '_' + seen_names[name] + shared.suffix(name)
# ---------------- End configs -------------
temp_dir = shared.get_emscripten_temp_dir()
def in_temp(name):
return os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(name))
def get_file_suffix(filename):
"""Parses the essential suffix of a filename, discarding Unix-style version
numbers in the name. For example for '' returns '.so'"""
return filename
while filename:
filename, suffix = os.path.splitext(filename)
if not suffix[1:].isdigit():
return suffix
return ''
def optimizing(opts):
return '-O0' not in opts
def need_llvm_debug_info():
return shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('parse arguments and setup'):
## Parse args
newargs = list(args)
# Scan and strip emscripten specific cmdline warning flags.
# This needs to run before other cmdline flags have been parsed, so that
# warnings are properly printed during arg parse.
newargs = diagnostics.capture_warnings(newargs)
if not shared.CONFIG_FILE:
diagnostics.warning('deprecated', 'Specifying EM_CONFIG as a python literal is deprecated. Please use a file instead.')
if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) and 'EMCC_ALLOW_PYTHON2' not in os.environ:
diagnostics.warning('deprecated', 'Support for running emscripten with python2 is deprecated. Please update to python3 as soon as possible (See')
for i in range(len(newargs)):
if newargs[i] in ('-l', '-L', '-I'):
# Scan for individual -l/-L/-I arguments and concatenate the next arg on
# if there is no suffix
newargs[i] += newargs[i + 1]
newargs[i + 1] = ''
options, settings_changes, user_js_defines, newargs = parse_args(newargs)
CXX = shared.CLANG_CXX
CC = shared.CLANG_CC
if 'EMMAKEN_COMPILER' in os.environ:
diagnostics.warning('deprecated', 'EMMAKEN_COMPILER is deprecated. Please set LLVM_ROOT in config file or EM_LLVM_ROOT in the environment')
CXX = os.environ['EMMAKEN_COMPILER']
CC = cxx_to_c_compiler(CXX)
if '-print-search-dirs' in newargs:
return run_process([CC, '-print-search-dirs'], check=False).returncode
if options.emrun:
options.pre_js += open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'emrun_prejs.js')).read() + '\n'
options.post_js += open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'emrun_postjs.js')).read() + '\n'
# emrun mode waits on program exit
shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME = 1
if options.cpu_profiler:
options.post_js += open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'cpuprofiler.js')).read() + '\n'
if options.memory_profiler:
shared.Settings.MEMORYPROFILER = 1
if options.thread_profiler:
options.post_js += open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'threadprofiler.js')).read() + '\n'
if options.llvm_opts is None:
options.llvm_opts = LLVM_OPT_LEVEL[shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL]
elif type(options.llvm_opts) == int:
options.llvm_opts = ['-O%d' % options.llvm_opts]
if options.memory_init_file is None:
options.memory_init_file = shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 2
# TODO: support source maps with js_transform
if options.js_transform and use_source_map():
logger.warning('disabling source maps because a js transform is being done')
shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL = 3
start_time = time.time() # done after parsing arguments, which might affect debug state
for i in range(len(newargs)):
if newargs[i].startswith('-s'):
if is_dash_s_for_emcc(newargs, i):
if newargs[i] == '-s':
key = newargs[i + 1]
newargs[i + 1] = ''
key = newargs[i][2:]
newargs[i] = ''
# If not = is specified default to 1
if '=' not in key:
key += '=1'
# Special handling of browser version targets. A version -1 means that the specific version
# is not supported at all. Replace those with INT32_MAX to make it possible to compare e.g.
if re.match(r'MIN_.*_VERSION(=.*)?', key) and int(key.split('=')[1]) < 0:
key = key.split('=')[0] + '=0x7FFFFFFF'
except Exception:
newargs = [arg for arg in newargs if arg]
settings_key_changes = {}
for s in settings_changes:
key, value = s.split('=', 1)
settings_key_changes[key] = value
# Find input files
# These three arrays are used to store arguments of different types for
# type-specific processing. In order to shuffle the arguments back together
# after processing, all of these arrays hold tuples (original_index, value).
# Note that the index part of the tuple can have a fractional part for input
# arguments that expand into multiple processed arguments, as in -Wl,-f1,-f2.
input_files = []
libs = []
link_flags = []
# All of the above arg lists entries contain indexes into the full argument
# list. In order to add extra implicit args (, etc) below, we keep a
# counter for the next index that should be used.
next_arg_index = len(newargs)
has_header_inputs = False
lib_dirs = []
has_dash_c = '-c' in newargs
has_dash_S = '-S' in newargs
has_dash_E = '-E' in newargs
compile_only = has_dash_c or has_dash_S or has_dash_E
def add_link_flag(i, f):
# Filter out libraries that musl includes in libc itself, or which we
# otherwise provide implicitly.
if f in ('-lm', '-lrt', '-ldl', '-lpthread'):
if f.startswith('-l'):
libs.append((i, f[2:]))
if f.startswith('-L'):
link_flags.append((i, f))
# find input files with a simple heuristic. we should really analyze
# based on a full understanding of gcc params, right now we just assume that
# what is left contains no more |-x OPT| things
skip = False
for i in range(len(newargs)):
if skip:
skip = False
arg = newargs[i]
if arg in ('-MT', '-MF', '-MJ', '-MQ', '-D', '-U', '-o', '-x',
'-Xpreprocessor', '-include', '-imacros', '-idirafter',
'-iprefix', '-iwithprefix', '-iwithprefixbefore',
'-isysroot', '-imultilib', '-A', '-isystem', '-iquote',
'-install_name', '-compatibility_version',
'-current_version', '-I', '-L', '-include-pch',
'-Xlinker', '-Xclang'):
skip = True
if not arg.startswith('-'):
# os.devnul should always be reported as existing but there is bug in windows
# python before 3.8:
if not os.path.exists(arg) and arg != os.devnull:
exit_with_error('%s: No such file or directory ("%s" was expected to be an input file, based on the commandline arguments provided)', arg, arg)
file_suffix = get_file_suffix(arg)
# we already removed -o <target>, so all these should be inputs
newargs[i] = ''
if file_suffix in SOURCE_ENDINGS or (has_dash_c and file_suffix == '.bc'):
input_files.append((i, arg))
elif file_suffix in HEADER_ENDINGS:
input_files.append((i, arg))
has_header_inputs = True
elif file_suffix in ASSEMBLY_ENDINGS or building.is_bitcode(arg) or building.is_ar(arg):
input_files.append((i, arg))
elif building.is_wasm(arg):
input_files.append((i, arg))
# if it's not, and it's a library, just add it to libs to find later
libname = unsuffixed_basename(arg)
for prefix in LIB_PREFIXES:
if not prefix:
if libname.startswith(prefix):
libname = libname[len(prefix):]
libs.append((i, libname))
elif file_suffix in STATICLIB_ENDINGS:
if not building.is_ar(arg):
if building.is_bitcode(arg):
message = arg + ': File has a suffix of a static library ' + str(STATICLIB_ENDINGS) + ', but instead is an LLVM bitcode file! When linking LLVM bitcode files use .bc or .o.'
message = arg + ': Unknown format, not a static library!'
newargs[i] = ''
input_files.append((i, arg))
elif arg.startswith('-L'):
add_link_flag(i, arg)
newargs[i] = ''
elif arg.startswith('-l'):
add_link_flag(i, arg)
newargs[i] = ''
elif arg.startswith('-Wl,'):
# Multiple comma separated link flags can be specified. Create fake
# fractional indices for these: -Wl,a,b,c,d at index 4 becomes:
# (4, a), (4.25, b), (4.5, c), (4.75, d)
link_flags_to_add = arg.split(',')[1:]
for flag_index, flag in enumerate(link_flags_to_add):
add_link_flag(i + float(flag_index) / len(link_flags_to_add), flag)
newargs[i] = ''
elif arg == '-Xlinker':
add_link_flag(i + 1, newargs[i + 1])
newargs[i] = ''
newargs[i + 1] = ''
elif arg == '-s':
# -s and some other compiler flags are normally passed onto the linker
# TODO(sbc): Pass this and other flags through when using lld
# link_flags.append((i, arg))
newargs[i] = ''
elif arg == '-':
input_files.append((i, arg))
newargs[i] = ''
newargs = [a for a in newargs if a]
# Libraries are searched before settings_changes are applied, so apply the
# value for STRICT from command line already now.
strict_cmdline = settings_key_changes.get('STRICT')
if strict_cmdline:
shared.Settings.STRICT = int(strict_cmdline)
# Apply optimization level settings
shared.Settings.apply_opt_level(opt_level=shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL, shrink_level=shared.Settings.SHRINK_LEVEL, noisy=True)
# For users that opt out of WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS we assume they also
# want to opt out of ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS.
if 'WARN_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0' in settings_changes:
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME or 'MINIMAL_RUNTIME=1' in settings_changes or 'MINIMAL_RUNTIME=2' in settings_changes:
# Remove the default exported functions 'malloc', 'free', etc. those should only be linked in if used
# Apply -s settings in newargs here (after optimization levels, so they can override them)
# Check if a target is specified on the command line
specified_target, args = find_output_arg(args)
make_output_executable = False
if os.environ.get('EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE') or 'conftest.c' in args:
# configure tests want a more shell-like style, where we emit return codes on exit()
shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME = 1
# use node.js raw filesystem access, to behave just like a native executable
shared.Settings.NODERAWFS = 1
# Add `#!` line to output JS and make it executable.
make_output_executable = True
# Autoconf expects the executable output file to be called `a.out`
default_target_name = 'a.out'
elif shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
default_target_name = 'a.out.wasm'
default_target_name = 'a.out.js'
# specified_target is the user-specified one, target is what we will generate
if specified_target:
target = specified_target
# check for the existence of the output directory now, to avoid having
# to do so repeatedly when each of the various output files (.mem, .wasm,
# etc) are written. This gives a more useful error message than the
# IOError and python backtrace that users would otherwise see.
dirname = os.path.dirname(target)
if dirname and not os.path.isdir(dirname):
exit_with_error("specified output file (%s) is in a directory that does not exist" % target)
target = default_target_name
shared.Settings.TARGET_BASENAME = target_basename = unsuffixed_basename(target)
final_suffix = get_file_suffix(target)
if has_dash_c or has_dash_S or has_dash_E:
if has_dash_c:
if '-emit-llvm' in newargs:
final_suffix = '.bc'
final_suffix = options.default_object_extension
target = target_basename + final_suffix
elif has_dash_S:
if '-emit-llvm' in newargs:
final_suffix = '.ll'
final_suffix = '.s'
target = target_basename + final_suffix
if len(input_files) > 1 and specified_target:
exit_with_error('cannot specify -o with -c/-S/-E and multiple source files')
if '-M' in newargs or '-MM' in newargs:
final_suffix = '.mout' # not bitcode, not js; but just dependency rule of the input file
# target is now finalized, can finalize other _target s
if final_suffix == '.mjs':
shared.Settings.EXPORT_ES6 = 1
shared.Settings.MODULARIZE = 1
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE or final_suffix in WASM_ENDINGS:
# If the user asks directly for a wasm file then this *is* the target
wasm_target = target
# Otherwise the wasm file is produced alongside the final target.
wasm_target = unsuffixed(target) + '.wasm'
wasm_source_map_target = wasm_target + '.map'
# Apply user -jsD settings
for s in user_js_defines:
shared.Settings.attrs[s[0]] = s[1]
if final_suffix in WASM_ENDINGS and not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
# if the output is just a wasm file, it will normally be a standalone one,
# as there is no JS. an exception are side modules, as we can't tell at
# compile time whether JS will be involved or not - the main module may
# have JS, and the side module is expected to link against that.
# we also do not support standalone mode in fastcomp.
shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM = 1
if shared.Settings.WASM2C:
# wasm2c only makes sense with standalone wasm - there will be no JS,
# just wasm and then C
shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM = 1
# wasm2c doesn't need any special handling of i64, we have proper i64
# handling on the FFI boundary, which is exactly like the case of JS with
# BigInt support
shared.Settings.WASM_BIGINT = 1
if options.no_entry:
shared.Settings.EXPECT_MAIN = 0
elif shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
if '_main' in shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS:
# TODO(sbc): Make this into a warning?
logger.debug('including `_main` in EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS is not necessary in standalone mode')
# In normal non-standalone mode we have special handling of `_main` in EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.
# 1. If the user specifies exports, but doesn't include `_main` we assume they want to build a
# reactor.
# 2. If the user doesn't export anything we default to exporting `_main` (unless `--no-entry`
# is specified (see above).
if 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS' in settings_key_changes:
if '_main' not in shared.Settings.USER_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS:
shared.Settings.EXPECT_MAIN = 0
assert(not shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS)
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = ['_main']
if shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
# In STANDALONE_WASM mode we either build a command or a reactor.
# See
# For a command we always want EXIT_RUNTIME=1
# For a reactor we always want EXIT_RUNTIME=0
if 'EXIT_RUNTIME' in settings_key_changes:
exit_with_error('Explictly setting EXIT_RUNTIME not compatible with STANDALONE_WASM. EXIT_RUNTIME will always be True for programs (with a main function) and False for reactors (not main function).')
shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME = shared.Settings.EXPECT_MAIN
def filter_out_dynamic_libs(inputs):
# If not compiling to JS, then we are compiling to an intermediate bitcode
# objects or library, so ignore dynamic linking, since multiple dynamic
# linkings can interfere with each other
if final_suffix not in EXECUTABLE_ENDINGS or options.ignore_dynamic_linking:
def check(input_file):
if get_file_suffix(input_file) in DYNAMICLIB_ENDINGS:
if not options.ignore_dynamic_linking:
diagnostics.warning('emcc', 'ignoring dynamic library %s because not compiling to JS or HTML, remember to link it when compiling to JS or HTML at the end', os.path.basename(input_file))
return False
return True
return [f for f in inputs if check(f[1])]
return inputs
def filter_out_duplicate_dynamic_libs(inputs):
# Filter out duplicate shared libraries.
# See
seen = set()
rtn = []
for i in inputs:
if get_file_suffix(i[1]) in DYNAMICLIB_ENDINGS and os.path.exists(i[1]):
abspath = os.path.abspath(i[1])
if abspath in seen:
return rtn
input_files = filter_out_dynamic_libs(input_files)
input_files = filter_out_duplicate_dynamic_libs(input_files)
if not input_files and not link_flags:
exit_with_error('no input files')
# Note the exports the user requested
building.user_requested_exports = shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS[:]
# -s ASSERTIONS=1 implies basic stack overflow checks.
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK = max(1, shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK)
if shared.Settings.LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED or shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
# Reporting undefined symbols at wasm-ld time requires us to know if we have a `main` function
# or not, as does standalone wasm mode.
# TODO(sbc): Remove this once this becomes the default
shared.Settings.IGNORE_MISSING_MAIN = 0
if shared.Settings.STRICT:
shared.Settings.STRICT_JS = 1
shared.Settings.AUTO_JS_LIBRARIES = 0
shared.Settings.AUTO_ARCHIVE_INDEXES = 0
shared.Settings.IGNORE_MISSING_MAIN = 0
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_TO_CXX = 0
# If set to 1, we will run the autodebugger (the automatic debugging tool, see
# tools/autodebugger). Note that this will disable inclusion of libraries. This
# is useful because including dlmalloc makes it hard to compare native and js
# builds
if os.environ.get('EMCC_AUTODEBUG'):
shared.Settings.AUTODEBUG = 1
# Use settings
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 and options.use_closure_compiler:
diagnostics.warning('emcc', 'disabling closure because debug info was requested')
options.use_closure_compiler = False
if shared.Settings.WASM == 2 and shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
exit_with_error('cannot have both WASM=2 and SINGLE_FILE enabled at the same time (pick either JS to target with -s WASM=0 or Wasm to target with -s WASM=1)')
if shared.Settings.SEPARATE_DWARF and shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
exit_with_error('cannot have both SEPARATE_DWARF and WASM2JS at the same time (as there is no wasm file)')
if options.emrun:
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
exit_with_error('--emrun is not compatible with -s MINIMAL_RUNTIME=1')
if options.use_closure_compiler:
shared.Settings.USE_CLOSURE_COMPILER = options.use_closure_compiler
if shared.Settings.CLOSURE_WARNINGS not in ['quiet', 'warn', 'error']:
exit_with_error('Invalid option -s CLOSURE_WARNINGS=%s specified! Allowed values are "quiet", "warn" or "error".' % shared.Settings.CLOSURE_WARNINGS)
if shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE:
assert not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE
if shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE == 1:
shared.Settings.INCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY = 1
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$preloadDylibs']
elif shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
assert not shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE
# memory init file is not supported with asm.js side modules, must be executable synchronously (for dlopen)
options.memory_init_file = False
if shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE or shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
if shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE == 1 or shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE == 1:
shared.Settings.LINKABLE = 1
shared.Settings.EXPORT_ALL = 1
shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE = 1
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
if options.use_closure_compiler:
exit_with_error('cannot use closure compiler on shared modules')
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
exit_with_error('MINIMAL_RUNTIME is not compatible with relocatable output')
# shared modules need memory utilities to allocate their memory
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += ['allocate']
shared.Settings.ALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH = 1
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$relocateExports']
# various settings require sbrk() access
if shared.Settings.DETERMINISTIC or \
shared.Settings.EMSCRIPTEN_TRACING or \
shared.Settings.MALLOC == 'emmalloc' or \
shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP or \
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_sbrk']
if shared.Settings.MEMORYPROFILER:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['___heap_base']
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
# See:
# See:
shared.Settings.USE_LEGACY_DYNCALLS = 1
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$getDynCaller']
# Reconfigure the cache now that settings have been applied. Some settings
# such as LTO and SIDE_MODULE/MAIN_MODULE effect which cache directory we use.
if not compile_only:
ldflags = shared.emsdk_ldflags(newargs)
for f in ldflags:
add_link_flag(len(newargs), f)
# Flags we pass to the compiler when building C/C++ code
# We add these to the user's flags (newargs), but not when building .s or .S assembly files
cflags = []
# SSEx is implemented on top of SIMD128 instruction set, but do not pass SSE flags to LLVM
# so it won't think about generating native x86 SSE code.
newargs = [x for x in newargs if x not in shared.SIMD_INTEL_FEATURE_TOWER and x not in shared.SIMD_NEON_FLAGS]
if not shared.Settings.STRICT:
# The preprocessor define EMSCRIPTEN is deprecated. Don't pass it to code
# in strict mode. Code should use the define __EMSCRIPTEN__ instead.
link_to_object = False
if options.shared or options.relocatable:
# Until we have a better story for actually producing runtime shared libraries
# we support a compatibility mode where shared libraries are actually just
# object files linked with `wasm-ld --relocatable` or `llvm-link` in the case
# of LTO.
if final_suffix in EXECUTABLE_ENDINGS:
diagnostics.warning('emcc', '-shared/-r used with executable output suffix. This behaviour is deprecated. Please remove -shared/-r to build an executable or avoid the executable suffix (%s) when building object files.' % final_suffix)
if options.shared:
diagnostics.warning('emcc', 'linking a library with `-shared` will emit a static object file. This is a form of emulation to support existing build systems. If you want to build a runtime shared library use the SIDE_MODULE setting.')
link_to_object = True
if shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK:
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$abortStackOverflow']
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += ['writeStackCookie', 'checkStackCookie']
if shared.Settings.MODULARIZE:
assert not options.proxy_to_worker, '-s MODULARIZE=1 is not compatible with --proxy-to-worker (if you want to run in a worker with -s MODULARIZE=1, you likely want to do the worker side setup manually)'
# in MINIMAL_RUNTIME we may not need to emit the Promise code, as the
# HTML output creates a singleton instance, and it does so without the
# Promise. However, in Pthreads mode the Promise is used for worker
# creation.
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME and final_suffix == '.html' and \
not shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
shared.Settings.EXPORT_READY_PROMISE = 0
if shared.Settings.LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT:
if shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
# Support all old browser versions
shared.Settings.MIN_FIREFOX_VERSION = 0
shared.Settings.MIN_SAFARI_VERSION = 0
shared.Settings.MIN_IE_VERSION = 0
shared.Settings.MIN_EDGE_VERSION = 0
shared.Settings.MIN_CHROME_VERSION = 0
if shared.Settings.MIN_SAFARI_VERSION <= 9 and shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
if shared.Settings.MIN_CHROME_VERSION <= 37:
# Silently drop any individual backwards compatibility emulation flags that are known never to occur on browsers that support WebAssembly.
if not shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
if shared.Settings.STB_IMAGE and final_suffix in EXECUTABLE_ENDINGS:
input_files.append((next_arg_index, shared.path_from_root('third_party', 'stb_image.c')))
next_arg_index += 1
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_stbi_load', '_stbi_load_from_memory', '_stbi_image_free']
# stb_image 2.x need to have STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION defined to include the implementation when compiling
if shared.Settings.USE_WEBGL2:
shared.Settings.MAX_WEBGL_VERSION = 2
forced_stdlibs = []
if shared.Settings.ASMFS and final_suffix in EXECUTABLE_ENDINGS:
next_arg_index += 1
shared.Settings.FILESYSTEM = 0
shared.Settings.FETCH = 1
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'library_asmfs.js')))
# Explicitly drop linking in a malloc implementation if program is not using any dynamic allocation calls.
if not shared.Settings.USES_DYNAMIC_ALLOC:
shared.Settings.MALLOC = 'none'
if shared.Settings.MALLOC == 'emmalloc':
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'library_emmalloc.js')))
if shared.Settings.FETCH and final_suffix in EXECUTABLE_ENDINGS:
next_arg_index += 1
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'library_fetch.js')))
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
shared.Settings.FETCH_WORKER_FILE = unsuffixed(os.path.basename(target)) + '.fetch.js'
if shared.Settings.DEMANGLE_SUPPORT:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['___cxa_demangle']
if shared.Settings.FULL_ES3:
shared.Settings.FULL_ES2 = 1
shared.Settings.MAX_WEBGL_VERSION = max(2, shared.Settings.MAX_WEBGL_VERSION)
if shared.Settings.EMBIND:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_stackSave', '_stackRestore', '_stackAlloc']
# We need to preserve the __data_end symbol so that wasm-emscripten-finalize can determine
# where static data ends (and correspondingly where the stack begins).
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['___data_end']
if not shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
# in standalone mode, crt1 will call the constructors from inside the wasm
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE and not shared.Settings.DYNAMIC_EXECUTION:
exit_with_error('cannot have both DYNAMIC_EXECUTION=0 and RELOCATABLE enabled at the same time, since RELOCATABLE needs to eval()')
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE and shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE != -1:
exit_with_error('Cannot set GLOBAL_BASE when building SIDE_MODULE')
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
exit_with_error("DISABLE_EXCEPTION_THROWING was set (probably from -fno-exceptions) but is not compatible with enabling exception catching (DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0). If you don't want exceptions, set DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING to 1; if you do want exceptions, don't link with -fno-exceptions")
# if exception catching is disabled, we can prevent that code from being
# generated in the frontend
if shared.Settings.DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING == 1 and not shared.Settings.EXCEPTION_HANDLING:
if options.proxy_to_worker:
shared.Settings.PROXY_TO_WORKER = 1
if options.use_preload_plugins or len(options.preload_files) or len(options.embed_files):
if shared.Settings.NODERAWFS:
exit_with_error('--preload-file and --embed-file cannot be used with NODERAWFS which disables virtual filesystem')
# if we include any files, or intend to use preload plugins, then we definitely need filesystem support
shared.Settings.FORCE_FILESYSTEM = 1
if options.proxy_to_worker or options.use_preload_plugins:
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$Browser']
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In non-MINIMAL_RUNTIME, the core runtime depends on these functions to be present. (In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, they are
# no longer always bundled in)
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$demangle', '$demangleAll', '$jsStackTrace', '$stackTrace']
if shared.Settings.FILESYSTEM:
# to flush streams on FS exit, we need to be able to call fflush
# we only include it if the runtime is exitable, or when ASSERTIONS
# (ASSERTIONS will check that streams do not need to be flushed,
# helping people see when they should have enabled EXIT_RUNTIME)
if shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME or shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_fflush']
if shared.Settings.SUPPORT_ERRNO:
# so setErrNo JS library function can report errno back to C
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['___errno_location']
if shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE < 0:
# default if nothing else sets it
# a higher global base is useful for optimizing load/store offsets, as it
# enables the --post-emscripten pass
shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE = 1024
if shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP:
# SAFE_HEAP check includes calling emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr() from wasm
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr']
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$unSign']
if not shared.Settings.DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS:
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$exportAsmFunctions']
if shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH and 'ABORTING_MALLOC=1' not in settings_changes:
# Setting ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH turns off ABORTING_MALLOC, as in that mode we default to
# the behavior of trying to grow and returning 0 from malloc on failure, like
# a standard system would. However, if the user sets the flag it
# overrides that.
shared.Settings.ABORTING_MALLOC = 0
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS == 2:
exit_with_error('USE_PTHREADS=2 is not longer supported')
if shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH:
diagnostics.warning('pthreads-mem-growth', 'USE_PTHREADS + ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH may run non-wasm code slowly, see')
# UTF8Decoder.decode doesn't work with a view of a SharedArrayBuffer
shared.Settings.TEXTDECODER = 0
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'library_pthread.js')))
newargs += ['-pthread']
# some pthreads code is in asm.js library functions, which are auto-exported; for the wasm backend, we must
# manually export them
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += [
'_emscripten_get_global_libc', '___pthread_tsd_run_dtors',
'registerPthreadPtr', '_pthread_self',
'___emscripten_pthread_data_constructor', '_emscripten_futex_wake']
# set location of worker.js
shared.Settings.PTHREAD_WORKER_FILE = unsuffixed(os.path.basename(target)) + '.worker.js'
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'library_pthread_stub.js')))
if shared.Settings.FORCE_FILESYSTEM and not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# when the filesystem is forced, we export by default methods that filesystem usage
# may need, including filesystem usage from standalone file packager output (i.e.
# file packages not built together with emcc, but that are loaded at runtime
# separately, and they need emcc's output to contain the support they need)
if not shared.Settings.ASMFS:
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME or shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME:
# MINIMAL_RUNTIME only needs callRuntimeCallbacks in certain cases, but the normal runtime
# always does.
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$callRuntimeCallbacks', '$dynCall']
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
# memalign is used to ensure allocated thread stacks are aligned.
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_memalign']
# dynCall is used to call pthread entry points in worker.js (as
# metadce does not consider worker.js, which is external, we must
# consider it an export, i.e., one which can never be removed).
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$dynCall']
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['dynCall']
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
building.user_requested_exports += ['exit']
if shared.Settings.PROXY_TO_PTHREAD:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_proxy_main']
# pthread stack setup and other necessary utilities
def include_and_export(name):
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$' + name]
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += [name]
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# noExitRuntime does not apply to MINIMAL_RUNTIME.
if shared.Settings.MODULARIZE:
# MODULARIZE+USE_PTHREADS mode requires extra exports out to Module so that worker.js
# can access them:
# general threading variables:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += ['PThread']
# To keep code size to minimum, MINIMAL_RUNTIME does not utilize the global ExitStatus
# object, only regular runtime has it.
if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += ['ExitStatus']
# stack check:
if shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += ['writeStackCookie', 'checkStackCookie']
if shared.Settings.LINKABLE:
exit_with_error('-s LINKABLE=1 is not supported with -s USE_PTHREADS>0!')
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
exit_with_error('-s SIDE_MODULE=1 is not supported with -s USE_PTHREADS>0!')
if shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE:
exit_with_error('-s MAIN_MODULE=1 is not supported with -s USE_PTHREADS>0!')
if shared.Settings.PROXY_TO_WORKER:
exit_with_error('--proxy-to-worker is not supported with -s USE_PTHREADS>0! Use the option -s PROXY_TO_PTHREAD=1 if you want to run the main thread of a multithreaded application in a web worker.')
if shared.Settings.PROXY_TO_PTHREAD:
exit_with_error('-s PROXY_TO_PTHREAD=1 requires -s USE_PTHREADS to work!')
if shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY % 65536 != 0:
exit_with_error('For wasm, INITIAL_MEMORY must be a multiple of 64KB, was ' + str(shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY))
if shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY >= 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
exit_with_error('INITIAL_MEMORY must be less than 2GB due to current spec limitations')
if shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY < shared.Settings.TOTAL_STACK:
exit_with_error('INITIAL_MEMORY must be larger than TOTAL_STACK, was ' + str(shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY) + ' (TOTAL_STACK=' + str(shared.Settings.TOTAL_STACK) + ')')
if shared.Settings.MAXIMUM_MEMORY != -1 and shared.Settings.MAXIMUM_MEMORY % 65536 != 0:
exit_with_error('MAXIMUM_MEMORY must be a multiple of 64KB, was ' + str(shared.Settings.MAXIMUM_MEMORY))
if shared.Settings.MEMORY_GROWTH_LINEAR_STEP != -1 and shared.Settings.MEMORY_GROWTH_LINEAR_STEP % 65536 != 0:
exit_with_error('MEMORY_GROWTH_LINEAR_STEP must be a multiple of 64KB, was ' + str(shared.Settings.MEMORY_GROWTH_LINEAR_STEP))
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS and shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH and shared.Settings.MAXIMUM_MEMORY == -1:
exit_with_error('If pthreads and memory growth are enabled, MAXIMUM_MEMORY must be set')
if shared.Settings.EXPORT_ES6 and not shared.Settings.MODULARIZE:
exit_with_error('EXPORT_ES6 requires MODULARIZE to be set')
if shared.Settings.MODULARIZE and not shared.Settings.DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS:
# When MODULARIZE option is used, currently requires declaring all module exports
# individually - TODO: this could be optimized
exit_with_error('DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS=0 is not compatible with MODULARIZE')
# When not declaring asm module exports in outer scope one by one, disable minifying
# asm.js/wasm module export names so that the names can be passed directly to the outer scope.
# Also, if using library_exports.js API, disable minification so that the feature can work.
if not shared.Settings.DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS or 'exports.js' in [x for _, x in libs]:
# Enable minification of wasm imports and exports when appropriate, if we
# are emitting an optimized JS+wasm combo (then the JS knows how to load the minified names).
# Things that process the JS after this operation would be done must disable this.
# For example, ASYNCIFY_LAZY_LOAD_CODE needs to identify import names.
if will_metadce() and \
shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 2 and \
shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL <= 2 and \
not shared.Settings.LINKABLE and \
not shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM and \
not shared.Settings.AUTODEBUG and \
not shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS and \
not shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE and \
not target.endswith(WASM_ENDINGS) and \
not shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_LAZY_LOAD_CODE and \
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# Minimal runtime uses a different default shell file
if options.shell_path == shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell.html'):
options.shell_path = shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell_minimal_runtime.html')
if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS and shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In ASSERTIONS-builds, functions UTF8ArrayToString() and stringToUTF8Array() (which are not JS library functions), both
# use warnOnce(), which in MINIMAL_RUNTIME is a JS library function, so explicitly have to mark dependency to warnOnce()
# in that case. If string functions are turned to library functions in the future, then JS dependency tracking can be
# used and this special directive can be dropped.
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$warnOnce']
# Require explicit -lfoo.js flags to link with JS libraries.
shared.Settings.AUTO_JS_LIBRARIES = 0
if shared.Settings.MODULARIZE and shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME == 'Module' and final_suffix == '.html' and \
(options.shell_path == shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell.html') or options.shell_path == shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell_minimal.html')):
exit_with_error('Due to collision in variable name "Module", the shell file "' + options.shell_path + '" is not compatible with build options "-s MODULARIZE=1 -s EXPORT_NAME=Module". Either provide your own shell file, change the name of the export to something else to avoid the name collision. (see for details)')
if shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
exit_with_error('STANDALONE_WASM does not support pthreads yet')
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
exit_with_error('MINIMAL_RUNTIME reduces JS size, and is incompatible with STANDALONE_WASM which focuses on ignoring JS anyhow and being 100% wasm')
# the wasm must be runnable without the JS, so there cannot be anything that
# requires JS legalization
shared.Settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI = 0
if shared.Settings.WASM_BIGINT:
shared.Settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI = 0
if shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
# placeholder strings for JS glue, to be replaced with subresource locations in do_binaryen
shared.Settings.WASM_BINARY_FILE = shared.FilenameReplacementStrings.WASM_BINARY_FILE
# set file locations, so that JS glue can find what it needs
shared.Settings.WASM_BINARY_FILE = shared.JS.escape_for_js_string(os.path.basename(wasm_target))
if options.use_closure_compiler == 2 and not shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
exit_with_error('closure compiler mode 2 assumes the code is asm.js, so not meaningful for wasm')
if any(s.startswith('MEM_INIT_METHOD=') for s in settings_changes):
exit_with_error('MEM_INIT_METHOD is not supported in wasm. Memory will be embedded in the wasm binary if threads are not used, and included in a separate file if threads are used.')
if shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
shared.Settings.MAYBE_WASM2JS = 1
# when using wasm2js, if the memory segments are in the wasm then they
# end up converted by wasm2js into base64 encoded JS. alternatively, we
# can use a .mem file like asm.js used to.
# generally we follow what the options tell us to do (which is to use
# a .mem file in most cases, since it is binary & compact). however, for
# pthreads we must keep the memory segments in the wasm as they will be
# passive segments which the .mem format cannot handle.
shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_IN_WASM = not options.memory_init_file or shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE or shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS
# wasm includes the mem init in the wasm binary. The exception is
# wasm2js, which behaves more like js.
options.memory_init_file = True
shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_IN_WASM = True
# wasm side modules have suffix .wasm
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE and target.endswith('.js'):
diagnostics.warning('emcc', 'output suffix .js requested, but wasm side modules are just wasm files; emitting only a .wasm, no .js')
sanitize = set()
for arg in newargs:
if arg.startswith('-fsanitize='):
sanitize.update(arg.split('=', 1)[1].split(','))
elif arg.startswith('-fno-sanitize='):
sanitize.difference_update(arg.split('=', 1)[1].split(','))
if sanitize:
shared.Settings.USE_OFFSET_CONVERTER = 1
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += [
if sanitize & UBSAN_SANITIZERS:
if '-fsanitize-minimal-runtime' in newargs:
shared.Settings.UBSAN_RUNTIME = 1
shared.Settings.UBSAN_RUNTIME = 2
if 'leak' in sanitize:
shared.Settings.USE_LSAN = 1
shared.Settings.EXIT_RUNTIME = 1
if shared.Settings.LINKABLE:
exit_with_error('LSan does not support dynamic linking')
if 'address' in sanitize:
shared.Settings.USE_ASAN = 1
if not shared.Settings.UBSAN_RUNTIME:
shared.Settings.UBSAN_RUNTIME = 2
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += [
'_asan_c_load_1', '_asan_c_load_1u',
'_asan_c_load_2', '_asan_c_load_2u',
'_asan_c_load_4', '_asan_c_load_4u',
'_asan_c_load_f', '_asan_c_load_d',
'_asan_c_store_1', '_asan_c_store_1u',
'_asan_c_store_2', '_asan_c_store_2u',
'_asan_c_store_4', '_asan_c_store_4u',
'_asan_c_store_f', '_asan_c_store_d',
shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE = shared.Settings.ASAN_SHADOW_SIZE
shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY += shared.Settings.ASAN_SHADOW_SIZE
assert shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY < 2**32
if shared.Settings.SAFE_HEAP:
# SAFE_HEAP instruments ASan's shadow memory accesses.
# Since the shadow memory starts at 0, the act of accessing the shadow memory is detected
# by SAFE_HEAP as a null pointer dereference.
exit_with_error('ASan does not work with SAFE_HEAP')
if shared.Settings.LINKABLE:
exit_with_error('ASan does not support dynamic linking')
if sanitize and '-g4' in args:
shared.Settings.LOAD_SOURCE_MAP = 1
# various settings require malloc/free support from JS
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE or \
shared.Settings.BUILD_AS_WORKER or \
shared.Settings.USE_WEBGPU or \
shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS or \
shared.Settings.LEGACY_GL_EMULATION or \
shared.Settings.DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING != 1 or \
shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY or \
shared.Settings.ASMFS or \
shared.Settings.DEMANGLE_SUPPORT or \
shared.Settings.FORCE_FILESYSTEM or \
shared.Settings.STB_IMAGE or \
shared.Settings.EMBIND or \
shared.Settings.FETCH or \
shared.Settings.PROXY_POSIX_SOCKETS or \
options.memory_profiler or \
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS += ['_malloc', '_free']
options.binaryen_passes += backend_binaryen_passes()
if shared.Settings.WASM2JS and use_source_map():
exit_with_error('wasm2js does not support source maps yet (debug in wasm for now)')
if shared.Settings.NODE_CODE_CACHING:
if shared.Settings.WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION:
exit_with_error('NODE_CODE_CACHING requires sync compilation (WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0)')
if not shared.Settings.target_environment_may_be('node'):
exit_with_error('NODE_CODE_CACHING only works in node, but target environments do not include it')
if shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
exit_with_error('NODE_CODE_CACHING saves a file on the side and is not compatible with SINGLE_FILE')
if options.tracing:
if shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH:
shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['emscripten_trace_report_memory_layout']
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
# check if we can address the 2GB mark and higher: either if we start at
# 2GB, or if we allow growth to either any amount or to 2GB or more.
if shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY > 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 or \
(shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH and
(shared.Settings.MAXIMUM_MEMORY < 0 or
shared.Settings.MAXIMUM_MEMORY > 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)):
shared.Settings.CAN_ADDRESS_2GB = 1
if shared.Settings.MALLOC == 'emmalloc':
if shared.Settings.INITIAL_MEMORY >= 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
suggestion = 'decrease INITIAL_MEMORY'
elif shared.Settings.MAXIMUM_MEMORY < 0:
suggestion = 'set MAXIMUM_MEMORY'
suggestion = 'decrease MAXIMUM_MEMORY'
exit_with_error('emmalloc only works on <2GB of memory. Use the default allocator, or ' + suggestion)
shared.Settings.PROFILING_FUNCS = options.profiling_funcs
shared.Settings.SOURCE_MAP_BASE = options.source_map_base or ''
## Compile source code to bitcode
logger.debug('compiling to bitcode')
temp_files = []
# exit block 'parse arguments and setup'
log_time('parse arguments and setup')
# we are about to start using temp dirs. serialize access to the temp dir
# when using EMCC_DEBUG, since we don't want multiple processes would to
# use it at once, they might collide if they happen to use the same
# tempfile names
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('compile inputs'):
def is_link_flag(flag):
if flag.startswith('-nostdlib'):
return True
return flag.startswith(('-l', '-L', '-Wl,'))
compile_args = [a for a in newargs if a and not is_link_flag(a)]
if not building.can_inline():
def use_cxx(src):
if 'c++' in language_mode or run_via_emxx:
return True
# Next consider the filename
if src.endswith(C_ENDINGS + OBJC_ENDINGS):
return False
if src.endswith(CXX_ENDINGS):
return True
# Finally fall back to the default
if shared.Settings.DEFAULT_TO_CXX:
# Default to using C++ even when run as `emcc`.
# This means that emcc will act as a C++ linker when no source files are
# specified.
# This differs to clang and gcc where the default is always C unless run as
# clang++/g++.
return True
return False
def get_compiler(cxx):
if cxx:
return CXX
return CC
def get_clang_command(src_file):
cxx = use_cxx(src_file)
base_cflags = shared.get_cflags(args, cxx)
cmd = [get_compiler(cxx)] + base_cflags + cflags + compile_args + [src_file]
return system_libs.process_args(cmd, shared.Settings)
def get_clang_command_asm(src_file):
asflags = shared.get_asmflags()
return [get_compiler(use_cxx(src_file))] + asflags + compile_args + [src_file]
# preprocessor-only (-E) support
if has_dash_E or '-M' in newargs or '-MM' in newargs or '-fsyntax-only' in newargs:
for input_file in [x[1] for x in input_files]:
cmd = get_clang_command(input_file)
if specified_target:
cmd += ['-o', specified_target]
# Do not compile, but just output the result from preprocessing stage or
# output the dependency rule. Warning: clang and gcc behave differently
# with -MF! (clang seems to not recognize it)
logger.debug(('just preprocessor ' if has_dash_E else 'just dependencies: ') + ' '.join(cmd))
rtn = run_process(cmd, check=False).returncode
if rtn:
return rtn
return 0
# Precompiled headers support
if has_header_inputs:
headers = [header for _, header in input_files]
for header in headers:
if not header.endswith(HEADER_ENDINGS):
exit_with_error('cannot mix precompile headers with non-header inputs: ' + str(headers) + ' : ' + header)
cxx = use_cxx(header)
compiler = get_compiler(cxx)
base_cflags = shared.get_cflags(args, cxx)
cmd = [compiler] + base_cflags + cflags + compile_args + [header]
if specified_target:
cmd += ['-o', specified_target]
cmd = system_libs.process_args(cmd, shared.Settings)
logger.debug("running (for precompiled headers): " + cmd[0] + ' ' + ' '.join(cmd[1:]))
return run_process(cmd, check=False).returncode
def get_object_filename(input_file):
if compile_only and len(input_files) == 1:
# no need for a temp file, just emit to the right place
if specified_target:
return specified_target
return unsuffixed_basename(input_files[0][1]) + options.default_object_extension
return in_temp(unsuffixed(uniquename(input_file)) + options.default_object_extension)
def compile_source_file(i, input_file):
logger.debug('compiling source file: ' + input_file)
output_file = get_object_filename(input_file)
temp_files.append((i, output_file))
if get_file_suffix(input_file) in ASSEMBLY_ENDINGS:
cmd = get_clang_command_asm(input_file)
cmd = get_clang_command(input_file)
cmd += ['-c', '-o', output_file]
if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
if shared.Settings.LTO:
cmd.append('-flto=' + shared.Settings.LTO)
# With LTO mode these args get passed instead
# at link time when the backend runs.
for a in building.llvm_backend_args():
cmd += ['-mllvm', a]
if output_file not in ('-', os.devnull):
# First, generate LLVM bitcode. For each input file, we get base.o with bitcode
for i, input_file in input_files:
file_suffix = get_file_suffix(input_file)
if file_suffix in SOURCE_ENDINGS + ASSEMBLY_ENDINGS or (has_dash_c and file_suffix == '.bc'):
compile_source_file(i, input_file)
elif file_suffix in DYNAMICLIB_ENDINGS:
logger.debug('using shared library: ' + input_file)
temp_files.append((i, input_file))
elif building.is_ar(input_file):
logger.debug('using static library: ' + input_file)
temp_files.append((i, input_file))
elif language_mode:
compile_source_file(i, input_file)
elif input_file == '-':
exit_with_error('-E or -x required when input is from standard input')
# Default to assuming the inputs are object files and pass them to the linker
logger.debug('using object file: ' + input_file)
temp_files.append((i, input_file))
# exit block 'compile inputs'
log_time('compile inputs')
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('process inputs'):
# If we were just compiling stop here
if compile_only:
if not specified_target:
assert len(temp_files) == len(input_files)
for tempf, inputf in zip(temp_files, input_files):
safe_move(tempf[1], unsuffixed_basename(inputf[1]) + final_suffix)
# Specifying -o with multiple input source files is not allowed.
# We error out much earlier in this case.
assert len(input_files) == 1
input_file = input_files[0][1]
temp_file = temp_files[0][1]
if specified_target != '-':
if temp_file != input_file:
safe_move(temp_file, specified_target)
safe_copy(temp_file, specified_target)
temp_output_base = unsuffixed(temp_file)
if os.path.exists(temp_output_base + '.d'):
# There was a .d file generated, from -MD or -MMD and friends, save a copy of it to where the output resides,
# adjusting the target name away from the temporary file name to the specified target.
# It will be deleted with the rest of the temporary directory.
deps = open(temp_output_base + '.d').read()
deps = deps.replace(temp_output_base + options.default_object_extension, specified_target)
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(specified_target), os.path.basename(unsuffixed(input_file) + '.d')), "w") as out_dep:
# exit block 'process inputs'
log_time('process inputs')
if compile_only:
logger.debug('stopping after compile phase')
for flag in link_flags:
diagnostics.warning('unused-command-line-argument', "argument unused during compilation: '%s'" % flag[1])
return 0
if specified_target and specified_target.startswith('-'):
exit_with_error('invalid output filename: `%s`' % specified_target)
using_lld = not (link_to_object and shared.Settings.LTO)
link_flags = filter_link_flags(link_flags, using_lld)
# Decide what we will link
consumed = process_libraries(libs, lib_dirs, temp_files)
# Filter out libraries that are actually JS libs
link_flags = [l for l in link_flags if l[0] not in consumed]
temp_files = filter_out_dynamic_libs(temp_files)
linker_inputs = [val for _, val in sorted(temp_files + link_flags)]
if link_to_object:
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('linking to object file'):
logger.debug('link_to_object: ' + str(linker_inputs) + ' -> ' + target)
if len(temp_files) == 1:
temp_file = temp_files[0][1]
# skip running the linker and just copy the object file
safe_copy(temp_file, target)
building.link_to_object(linker_inputs, target)
logger.debug('stopping after linking to object file')
return 0
if final_suffix in ('.o', '.bc', '.so', '.dylib') and not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
diagnostics.warning('emcc', 'generating an executable with an object extension (%s). If you meant to build an object file please use `-c, `-r`, or `-shared`' % final_suffix)
## Continue on to create JavaScript
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('calculate system libraries'):
# link in ports and system libraries, if necessary
if not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE: # shared libraries/side modules link no C libraries, need them in parent
extra_files_to_link = system_libs.get_ports(shared.Settings)
if '-nostdlib' not in newargs and '-nodefaultlibs' not in newargs:
# TODO(sbc): Only set link_as_cxx when run_via_emxx
link_as_cxx = '-nostdlib++' not in newargs
extra_files_to_link += system_libs.calculate([f for _, f in sorted(temp_files)] + extra_files_to_link, link_as_cxx, forced=forced_stdlibs)
linker_inputs += extra_files_to_link
# exit block 'calculate system libraries'
log_time('calculate system libraries')
def dedup_list(lst):
rtn = []
for item in lst:
if item not in rtn:
return rtn
# Make a final pass over shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS to remove any
# duplication between functions added by the driver/libraries and function
# specified by the user
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = dedup_list(shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS)
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('link'):
logger.debug('linking: ' + str(linker_inputs))
tmp_wasm = in_temp(target_basename + '.wasm')
# if EMCC_DEBUG=2 then we must link now, so the temp files are complete.
# if using the wasm backend, we might be using vanilla LLVM, which does not allow our
# fastcomp deferred linking opts.
# TODO: we could check if this is a fastcomp build, and still speed things up here
js_funcs = None
if shared.Settings.LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED and shared.Settings.ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS:
js_funcs = get_all_js_syms(misc_temp_files)
log_time('JS symbol generation')
building.link_lld(linker_inputs, tmp_wasm, external_symbol_list=js_funcs)
# Special handling for when the user passed '-Wl,--version'. In this case the linker
# does not create the output file, but just prints its version and exits with 0.
if '--version' in linker_inputs:
return 0
# exit block 'link'
if target == os.devnull:
# TODO(sbc): In theory we should really run the whole pipeline even if the output is
# /dev/null, but that will take some refactoring
return 0
wasm_only = shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE or final_suffix in WASM_ENDINGS
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('emscript'):
# Emscripten
logger.debug('LLVM => JS')
if options.memory_init_file:
shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_METHOD = 1
assert shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_METHOD != 1
if embed_memfile():
shared.Settings.SUPPORT_BASE64_EMBEDDING = 1
if wasm_only:
final_js = None
final_js = tmp_wasm + '.js', final_js, shared.replace_or_append_suffix(target, '.mem'))
# we also received the wasm at this stage
safe_move(tmp_wasm, wasm_target)
if use_source_map():
safe_move(tmp_wasm + '.map', wasm_source_map_target)
# exit block 'emscript'
log_time('emscript (llvm => executable code)')
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('source transforms'):
# Embed and preload files
if len(options.preload_files) or len(options.embed_files):
logger.debug('setting up files')
file_args = ['--from-emcc', '--export-name=' + shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME]
if len(options.preload_files):
file_args += options.preload_files
if len(options.embed_files):
file_args += options.embed_files
if len(options.exclude_files):
file_args += options.exclude_files
if options.use_preload_cache:
if shared.Settings.LZ4:
if options.use_preload_plugins:
file_code = shared.check_call([shared.PYTHON, shared.FILE_PACKAGER, unsuffixed(target) + '.data'] + file_args, stdout=PIPE).stdout
options.pre_js = js_manipulation.add_files_pre_js(options.pre_js, file_code)
# Apply pre and postjs files
if final_js and (options.pre_js or options.post_js):
logger.debug('applying pre/postjses')
src = open(final_js).read()
final_js += '.pp.js'
with open(final_js, 'w') as f:
# pre-js code goes right after the Module integration code (so it
# can use Module), we have a marker for it
f.write(src.replace('// {{PRE_JSES}}', fix_windows_newlines(options.pre_js)))
options.pre_js = src = options.post_js = None
# Apply a source code transformation, if requested
if options.js_transform:
safe_copy(final_js, final_js + '.tr.js')
final_js += '.tr.js'
posix = not shared.WINDOWS
logger.debug('applying transform: %s', options.js_transform)
shared.check_call(building.remove_quotes(shlex.split(options.js_transform, posix=posix) + [os.path.abspath(final_js)]))
# exit block 'source transforms'
log_time('source transforms')
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('memory initializer'):
memfile = None
if not shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_IN_WASM:
memfile = shared.replace_or_append_suffix(target, '.mem')
if memfile:
# For the wasm backend, we don't have any memory info in JS. All we need to do
# is set the memory initializer url.
src = open(final_js).read()
src = src.replace('var memoryInitializer = null;', 'var memoryInitializer = "%s";' % os.path.basename(memfile))
open(final_js + '.mem.js', 'w').write(src)
final_js += '.mem.js'
log_time('memory initializer')
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('binaryen'):
do_binaryen(target, options, wasm_target)
# If we are not emitting any JS then we are all done now
if wasm_only:
with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('final emitting'):
# Remove some trivial whitespace
# TODO: do not run when compress has already been done on all parts of the code
# src = open(final_js).read()
# src = re.sub(r'\n+[ \n]*\n+', '\n', src)
# open(final_js, 'w').write(src)
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
target_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(target))
worker_output = os.path.join(target_dir, shared.Settings.PTHREAD_WORKER_FILE)
with open(worker_output, 'w') as f:
f.write(shared.read_and_preprocess(shared.path_from_root('src', 'worker.js'), expand_macros=True))
# Minify the worker.js file in optimized builds
if (shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 1 or shared.Settings.SHRINK_LEVEL >= 1) and not shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL:
minified_worker = building.acorn_optimizer(worker_output, ['minifyWhitespace'], return_output=True)
open(worker_output, 'w').write(minified_worker)
# track files that will need native eols
generated_text_files_with_native_eols = []
if shared.Settings.MODULARIZE:
# Run a final regex pass to clean up items that were not possible to optimize by Closure, or unoptimalities that were left behind
# by processing steps that occurred after Closure.
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME == 2 and shared.Settings.USE_CLOSURE_COMPILER and shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 and not shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
# Process .js runtime file. Note that we need to handle the license text
# here, so that it will not confuse the hacky script.
shared.run_process([shared.PYTHON, shared.path_from_root('tools', ''), final_js])
# Apply pre and postjs files
if options.extern_pre_js or options.extern_post_js:
logger.debug('applying extern pre/postjses')
src = open(final_js).read()
final_js += '.epp.js'
with open(final_js, 'w') as f:
if final_suffix in JS_ENDINGS:
js_target = target
js_target = unsuffixed(target) + '.js'
# The JS is now final. Move it to its final location
safe_move(final_js, js_target)
if not shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
generated_text_files_with_native_eols += [js_target]
# If we were asked to also generate HTML, do that
if final_suffix == '.html':
generate_html(target, options, js_target, target_basename,
wasm_target, memfile)
if options.proxy_to_worker:
generate_worker_js(target, js_target, target_basename)
if embed_memfile() and memfile:
for f in generated_text_files_with_native_eols:
tools.line_endings.convert_line_endings_in_file(f, os.linesep, options.output_eol)
if make_output_executable:
log_time('final emitting')
# exit block 'final emitting'
logger.debug('total time: %.2f seconds', (time.time() - start_time))
return 0
def parse_args(newargs):
options = EmccOptions()
settings_changes = []
user_js_defines = []
should_exit = False
eh_enabled = False
wasm_eh_enabled = False
for i in range(len(newargs)):
# On Windows Vista (and possibly others), excessive spaces in the command line
# leak into the items in this array, so trim e.g. 'foo.cpp ' -> 'foo.cpp'
newargs[i] = newargs[i].strip()
arg = newargs[i]
def check_arg(value):
if arg.startswith(value) and '=' in arg:
exit_with_error('Invalid parameter (do not use "=" with "--" options)')
return arg == value
def consume_arg():
# Consume that option and its argument
if len(newargs) <= i + 1:
exit_with_error("option '%s' requires an argument" % arg)
ret = newargs[i + 1]
newargs[i] = ''
newargs[i + 1] = ''
return ret
if newargs[i].startswith('-O'):
# Let -O default to -O2, which is what gcc does.
options.requested_level = newargs[i][2:] or '2'
if options.requested_level == 's':
options.llvm_opts = ['-Os']
options.requested_level = 2
shared.Settings.SHRINK_LEVEL = 1
elif options.requested_level == 'z':
options.llvm_opts = ['-Oz']
options.requested_level = 2
shared.Settings.SHRINK_LEVEL = 2
shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL = validate_arg_level(options.requested_level, 3, 'Invalid optimization level: ' + newargs[i], clamp=True)
elif check_arg('--js-opts'):
logger.warning('--js-opts ignored when using llvm backend')
elif check_arg('--llvm-opts'):
options.llvm_opts = parse_value(consume_arg())
elif newargs[i].startswith('-flto'):
if '=' in newargs[i]:
shared.Settings.LTO = newargs[i].split('=')[1]
shared.Settings.LTO = "full"
elif check_arg('--llvm-lto'):
logger.warning('--llvm-lto ignored when using llvm backend')
elif check_arg('--closure-args'):
args = consume_arg()
options.closure_args += shlex.split(args)
elif check_arg('--closure'):
options.use_closure_compiler = int(consume_arg())
elif check_arg('--js-transform'):
options.js_transform = consume_arg()
elif check_arg('--pre-js'):
options.pre_js += open(consume_arg()).read() + '\n'
elif check_arg('--post-js'):
options.post_js += open(consume_arg()).read() + '\n'
elif check_arg('--extern-pre-js'):
options.extern_pre_js += open(consume_arg()).read() + '\n'
elif check_arg('--extern-post-js'):
options.extern_post_js += open(consume_arg()).read() + '\n'
elif check_arg('--minify'):
arg = consume_arg()
if arg != '0':
exit_with_error('0 is the only supported option for --minify; 1 has been deprecated')
shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL = max(1, shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL)
elif newargs[i].startswith('-g'):
options.requested_debug = newargs[i]
requested_level = newargs[i][2:] or '3'
if is_int(requested_level):
# the -gX value is the debug level (-g1, -g2, etc.)
shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL = validate_arg_level(requested_level, 4, 'Invalid debug level: ' + newargs[i])
# if we don't need to preserve LLVM debug info, do not keep this flag
# for clang
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL < 3:
newargs[i] = ''
# for 3+, report -g to clang as -g4 is not accepted
newargs[i] = '-g'
if requested_level.startswith('force_dwarf'):
exit_with_error('gforce_dwarf was a temporary option and is no longer necessary (use -g)')
elif requested_level.startswith('separate-dwarf'):
# emit full DWARF but also emit it in a file on the side
newargs[i] = '-g'
# if a file is provided, use that; otherwise use the default location
# (note that we do not know the default location until all args have
# been parsed, so just note True for now).
if requested_level != 'separate-dwarf':
if not requested_level.startswith('separate-dwarf=') or requested_level.count('=') != 1:
exit_with_error('invalid -gseparate-dwarf=FILENAME notation')
shared.Settings.SEPARATE_DWARF = requested_level.split('=')[1]
shared.Settings.SEPARATE_DWARF = True
# a non-integer level can be something like -gline-tables-only. keep
# the flag for the clang frontend to emit the appropriate DWARF info.
# set the emscripten debug level to 3 so that we do not remove that
# debug info during link (during compile, this does not make a
# difference).
shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL = 3
elif newargs[i] == '-profiling' or newargs[i] == '--profiling':
shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL = max(shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL, 2)
options.profiling = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '-profiling-funcs' or newargs[i] == '--profiling-funcs':
options.profiling_funcs = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--tracing' or newargs[i] == '--memoryprofiler':
if newargs[i] == '--memoryprofiler':
options.memory_profiler = True
options.tracing = True
newargs[i] = ''
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'library_trace.js')))
elif newargs[i] == '--emit-symbol-map':
options.emit_symbol_map = True
shared.Settings.EMIT_SYMBOL_MAP = 1
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--bind':
shared.Settings.EMBIND = 1
newargs[i] = ''
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'embind', 'emval.js')))
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((0, shared.path_from_root('src', 'embind', 'embind.js')))
elif check_arg('--embed-file'):
elif check_arg('--preload-file'):
elif check_arg('--exclude-file'):
elif newargs[i].startswith('--use-preload-cache'):
options.use_preload_cache = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i].startswith('--no-heap-copy'):
diagnostics.warning('legacy-settings', 'ignoring legacy flag --no-heap-copy (that is the only mode supported now)')
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i].startswith('--use-preload-plugins'):
options.use_preload_plugins = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--ignore-dynamic-linking':
options.ignore_dynamic_linking = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '-v':
shared.PRINT_STAGES = True
elif check_arg('--shell-file'):
options.shell_path = consume_arg()
elif check_arg('--source-map-base'):
options.source_map_base = consume_arg()
elif newargs[i] == '--no-entry':
options.no_entry = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif check_arg('--js-library'):
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.append((i + 1, os.path.abspath(consume_arg())))
elif newargs[i] == '--remove-duplicates':
diagnostics.warning('legacy-settings', '--remove-duplicates is deprecated as it is no longer needed. If you cannot link without it, file a bug with a testcase')
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--jcache':
logger.error('jcache is no longer supported')
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--clear-cache':'clearing cache as requested by --clear-cache')
shared.check_sanity(force=True) # this is a good time for a sanity check
should_exit = True
elif newargs[i] == '--clear-ports':'clearing ports and cache as requested by --clear-ports')
shared.check_sanity(force=True) # this is a good time for a sanity check
should_exit = True
elif newargs[i] == '--show-ports':
should_exit = True
elif check_arg('--memory-init-file'):
options.memory_init_file = int(consume_arg())
elif newargs[i] == '--proxy-to-worker':
options.proxy_to_worker = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--valid-abspath':
options.valid_abspaths.append(newargs[i + 1])
newargs[i] = ''
newargs[i + 1] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--separate-asm':
exit_with_error('cannot --separate-asm with the wasm backend, since not emitting asm.js')
elif newargs[i].startswith(('-I', '-L')):
path_name = newargs[i][2:]
if os.path.isabs(path_name) and not is_valid_abspath(options, path_name):
# Of course an absolute path to a non-system-specific library or header
# is fine, and you can ignore this warning. The danger are system headers
# that are e.g. x86 specific and nonportable. The emscripten bundled
# headers are modified to be portable, local system ones are generally not.
'absolute-paths', '-I or -L of an absolute path "' + newargs[i] +
'" encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may '
'cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively '
'on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript).')
elif newargs[i] == '--emrun':
options.emrun = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--cpuprofiler':
options.cpu_profiler = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--threadprofiler':
options.thread_profiler = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '-fno-exceptions':
shared.Settings.EXCEPTION_HANDLING = 0
elif newargs[i] == '-fexceptions':
eh_enabled = True
elif newargs[i] == '-fwasm-exceptions':
wasm_eh_enabled = True
elif newargs[i] == '-fignore-exceptions':
elif newargs[i] == '--default-obj-ext':
newargs[i] = ''
options.default_object_extension = newargs[i + 1]
if not options.default_object_extension.startswith('.'):
options.default_object_extension = '.' + options.default_object_extension
newargs[i + 1] = ''
elif newargs[i].startswith("-fsanitize=cfi"):
options.cfi = True
elif newargs[i] == "--output_eol":
if newargs[i + 1].lower() == 'windows':
options.output_eol = '\r\n'
elif newargs[i + 1].lower() == 'linux':
options.output_eol = '\n'
exit_with_error('Invalid value "' + newargs[i + 1] + '" to --output_eol!')
newargs[i] = ''
newargs[i + 1] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--generate-config':
optarg = newargs[i + 1]
path = os.path.expanduser(optarg)
if os.path.exists(path):
exit_with_error('File ' + optarg + ' passed to --generate-config already exists!')
should_exit = True
# Record USE_PTHREADS setting because it controls whether --shared-memory is passed to lld
elif newargs[i] == '-pthread':
elif newargs[i] in ('-fno-diagnostics-color', '-fdiagnostics-color=never'):
diagnostics.color_enabled = False
elif newargs[i] == '-fno-rtti':
shared.Settings.USE_RTTI = 0
elif newargs[i] == '-frtti':
shared.Settings.USE_RTTI = 1
# TODO Currently -fexceptions only means Emscripten EH. Switch to wasm
# exception handling by default when -fexceptions is given when wasm
# exception handling becomes stable.
if wasm_eh_enabled:
shared.Settings.EXCEPTION_HANDLING = 1
elif eh_enabled:
shared.Settings.EXCEPTION_HANDLING = 0
elif newargs[i].startswith('-jsD'):
key = newargs[i][4:]
if '=' in key:
key, value = key.split('=')
value = '1'
if key in shared.Settings.attrs:
exit_with_error(newargs[i] + ': cannot change built-in settings values with a -jsD directive. Pass -s ' + key + '=' + value + ' instead!')
user_js_defines += [(key, value)]
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '-shared':
options.shared = True
newargs[i] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '-r':
options.relocatable = True
newargs[i] = ''
if should_exit:
newargs = [a for a in newargs if a]
return options, settings_changes, user_js_defines, newargs
def emit_js_source_maps(target, js_transform_tempfiles):
logger.debug('generating source maps')
shared.run_js_tool(shared.path_from_root('tools', 'source-maps', 'sourcemapper.js'),
js_transform_tempfiles +
['--sourceRoot', os.getcwd(),
'--mapFileBaseName', target,
'--offset', '0'])
def do_binaryen(target, options, wasm_target):
global final_js
logger.debug('using binaryen')
if use_source_map() and not shared.Settings.SOURCE_MAP_BASE:
logger.warning("Wasm source map won't be usable in a browser without --source-map-base")
# whether we need to emit -g (function name debug info) in the final wasm
debug_info = shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2 or options.profiling_funcs
# whether we need to emit -g in the intermediate binaryen invocations (but not necessarily at the very end).
# this is necessary for emitting a symbol map at the end.
intermediate_debug_info = bool(debug_info or options.emit_symbol_map or shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ONLY or shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_REMOVE or shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_ADD)
# note that wasm-ld can strip DWARF info for us too (--strip-debug), but it
# also strips the Names section. so to emit just the Names section we don't
# tell wasm-ld to strip anything, and we do it here.
strip_debug = shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL < 3
strip_producers = not shared.Settings.EMIT_PRODUCERS_SECTION
# run wasm-opt if we have work for it: either passes, or if we are using
# source maps (which requires some extra processing to keep the source map
# but remove DWARF)
if options.binaryen_passes or use_source_map():
# if we need to strip certain sections, and we have wasm-opt passes
# to run anyhow, do it with them.
if strip_debug:
options.binaryen_passes += ['--strip-debug']
if strip_producers:
options.binaryen_passes += ['--strip-producers']
building.save_intermediate(wasm_target, 'pre-byn.wasm')
# we are not running wasm-opt. if we need to strip certain sections
# then do so using llvm-objcopy which is fast and does not rewrite the
# code (which is better for debug info)
if strip_debug or strip_producers:
building.save_intermediate(wasm_target, 'pre-strip.wasm')
building.strip(wasm_target, wasm_target, debug=strip_debug, producers=strip_producers)
if shared.Settings.EVAL_CTORS:
building.save_intermediate(wasm_target, 'pre-ctors.wasm')
building.eval_ctors(final_js, wasm_target, debug_info=intermediate_debug_info)
# after generating the wasm, do some final operations
if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
webassembly.add_dylink_section(wasm_target, shared.Settings.RUNTIME_LINKED_LIBS)
if final_js:
# pthreads memory growth requires some additional JS fixups
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS and shared.Settings.ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH:
final_js = building.apply_wasm_memory_growth(final_js)
# >=2GB heap support requires pointers in JS to be unsigned. rather than
# require all pointers to be unsigned by default, which increases code size
# a little, keep them signed, and just unsign them here if we need that.
if shared.Settings.CAN_ADDRESS_2GB:
final_js = building.use_unsigned_pointers_in_js(final_js)
if shared.Settings.USE_ASAN:
final_js = building.instrument_js_for_asan(final_js)
if shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 2 and shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL <= 2:
# minify the JS
save_intermediate_with_wasm('preclean', wasm_target)
final_js = building.minify_wasm_js(js_file=final_js,
save_intermediate_with_wasm('postclean', wasm_target)
if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY_LAZY_LOAD_CODE:
if not shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
exit_with_error('ASYNCIFY_LAZY_LOAD_CODE requires ASYNCIFY')
building.asyncify_lazy_load_code(wasm_target, debug=intermediate_debug_info)
def preprocess_wasm2js_script():
return read_and_preprocess(shared.path_from_root('src', 'wasm2js.js'), expand_macros=True)
def run_closure_compiler():
global final_js
final_js = building.closure_compiler(final_js, pretty=not minify_whitespace(),
save_intermediate_with_wasm('closure', wasm_target)
if final_js and options.use_closure_compiler:
symbols_file = shared.replace_or_append_suffix(target, '.symbols') if options.emit_symbol_map else None
if shared.Settings.WASM2JS:
if shared.Settings.WASM == 2:
wasm2js_template = wasm_target + '.js'
open(wasm2js_template, 'w').write(preprocess_wasm2js_script())
wasm2js_template = final_js
wasm2js = building.wasm2js(wasm2js_template,
if shared.Settings.WASM == 2:
safe_copy(wasm2js, wasm2js_template)
if shared.Settings.WASM != 2:
final_js = wasm2js
# if we only target JS, we don't need the wasm any more
# emit the final symbols, either in the binary or in a symbol map.
# this will also remove debug info if we only kept it around in the intermediate invocations.
# note that if we aren't emitting a binary (like in wasm2js) then we don't
# have anything to do here.
if options.emit_symbol_map and os.path.exists(wasm_target):
building.handle_final_wasm_symbols(wasm_file=wasm_target, symbols_file=symbols_file, debug_info=debug_info)
save_intermediate_with_wasm('symbolmap', wasm_target)
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3 and shared.Settings.SEPARATE_DWARF and os.path.exists(wasm_target):
building.emit_debug_on_side(wasm_target, shared.Settings.SEPARATE_DWARF)
if shared.Settings.WASM2C:
# replace placeholder strings with correct subresource locations
if final_js and shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
js = open(final_js).read()
if '{{{ WASM_BINARY_DATA }}}' in js:
js = js.replace('{{{ WASM_BINARY_DATA }}}', base64_encode(open(wasm_target, 'rb').read()))
js = js.replace(shared.FilenameReplacementStrings.WASM_BINARY_FILE, shared.JS.get_subresource_location(wasm_target))
with open(final_js, 'w') as f:
def modularize():
global final_js
logger.debug('Modularizing, assigning to var ' + shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME)
src = open(final_js).read()
return_value = shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME + '.ready'
if not shared.Settings.EXPORT_READY_PROMISE:
return_value = '{}'
src = '''
function(%(EXPORT_NAME)s) {
%(EXPORT_NAME)s = %(EXPORT_NAME)s || {};
return %(return_value)s
''' % {
'EXPORT_NAME': shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME,
'src': src,
'return_value': return_value
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME and not shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
# Single threaded MINIMAL_RUNTIME programs do not need access to
# document.currentScript, so a simple export declaration is enough.
src = 'var %s=%s' % (shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME, src)
script_url_node = ""
# When MODULARIZE this JS may be executed later,
# after document.currentScript is gone, so we save it.
# In EXPORT_ES6 + USE_PTHREADS the 'thread' is actually an ES6 module webworker running in strict mode,
# so doesn't have access to 'document'. In this case use 'import.meta' instead.
if shared.Settings.EXPORT_ES6 and shared.Settings.USE_ES6_IMPORT_META:
script_url = "import.meta.url"
script_url = "typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : undefined"
if shared.Settings.target_environment_may_be('node'):
script_url_node = "if (typeof __filename !== 'undefined') _scriptDir = _scriptDir || __filename;"
src = '''
var %(EXPORT_NAME)s = (function() {
var _scriptDir = %(script_url)s;
return (%(src)s);
''' % {
'EXPORT_NAME': shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME,
'script_url': script_url,
'script_url_node': script_url_node,
'src': src
final_js += '.modular.js'
with open(final_js, 'w') as f:
# Export using a UMD style export, or ES6 exports if selected
if shared.Settings.EXPORT_ES6:
f.write('''export default %s;''' % shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME)
elif not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
f.write('''if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = %(EXPORT_NAME)s;
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd'])
define([], function() { return %(EXPORT_NAME)s; });
else if (typeof exports === 'object')
exports["%(EXPORT_NAME)s"] = %(EXPORT_NAME)s;
''' % {
'EXPORT_NAME': shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME
def module_export_name_substitution():
global final_js
logger.debug('Private module export name substitution with ' + shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME)
src = open(final_js).read()
final_js += '.module_export_name_substitution.js'
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
# In MINIMAL_RUNTIME the Module object is always present to provide the .asm.js/.wasm content
replacement = shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME
replacement = "typeof %(EXPORT_NAME)s !== 'undefined' ? %(EXPORT_NAME)s : {}" % {"EXPORT_NAME": shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME}
with open(final_js, 'w') as f:
src = re.sub(r'{\s*[\'"]?__EMSCRIPTEN_PRIVATE_MODULE_EXPORT_NAME_SUBSTITUTION__[\'"]?:\s*1\s*}', replacement, src)
# For Node.js and other shell environments, create an unminified Module object so that
# loading external .asm.js file that assigns to Module['asm'] works even when Closure is used.
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME and (shared.Settings.target_environment_may_be('node') or shared.Settings.target_environment_may_be('shell')):
src = 'if(typeof Module==="undefined"){var Module={};}' + src
def generate_traditional_runtime_html(target, options, js_target, target_basename,
wasm_target, memfile):
script = ScriptSource()
shell = read_and_preprocess(options.shell_path)
assert '{{{ SCRIPT }}}' in shell, 'HTML shell must contain {{{ SCRIPT }}} , see src/shell.html for an example'
base_js_target = os.path.basename(js_target)
if options.proxy_to_worker:
proxy_worker_filename = (shared.Settings.PROXY_TO_WORKER_FILENAME or target_basename) + '.js'
worker_js = worker_js_script(proxy_worker_filename)
script.inline = ('''
var filename = '%s';
if ((',' + + ',').indexOf(',noProxy,') < 0) {
console.log('running code in a web worker');
''' % shared.JS.get_subresource_location(proxy_worker_filename)) + worker_js + '''
} else {
console.log('running code on the main thread');
var fileBytes = tryParseAsDataURI(filename);
var script = document.createElement('script');
if (fileBytes) {
script.innerHTML = intArrayToString(fileBytes);
} else {
script.src = filename;
# Normal code generation path
script.src = base_js_target
if not shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
if options.memory_init_file and not shared.Settings.MEM_INIT_IN_WASM:
# start to load the memory init file in the HTML, in parallel with the JS
script.inline = ('''
var memoryInitializer = '%s';
memoryInitializer = Module['locateFile'] ? Module['locateFile'](memoryInitializer, '') : memoryInitializer;
Module['memoryInitializerRequestURL'] = memoryInitializer;
var meminitXHR = Module['memoryInitializerRequest'] = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', memoryInitializer, true);
meminitXHR.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
''' % shared.JS.get_subresource_location(memfile)) + script.inline
if not shared.Settings.WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION:
# We need to load the wasm file before anything else, it has to be synchronously ready TODO: optimize
script.inline = '''
var wasmURL = '%s';
var wasmXHR = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', wasmURL, true);
wasmXHR.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
wasmXHR.onload = function() {
if (wasmXHR.status === 200 || wasmXHR.status === 0) {
Module.wasmBinary = wasmXHR.response;
} else {
var wasmURLBytes = tryParseAsDataURI(wasmURL);
if (wasmURLBytes) {
Module.wasmBinary = wasmURLBytes.buffer;
''' % (shared.JS.get_subresource_location(wasm_target), script.inline)
if shared.Settings.WASM == 2:
# If target browser does not support WebAssembly, we need to load the .wasm.js file before the main .js file.
script.inline = '''
function loadMainJs() {
if (!window.WebAssembly ||'_rwasm=0') > 0) {
// Current browser does not support WebAssembly, load the .wasm.js JavaScript fallback
// before the main JS runtime.
var wasm2js = document.createElement('script');
wasm2js.src = '%s';
wasm2js.onload = loadMainJs;
} else {
// Current browser supports Wasm, proceed with loading the main JS runtime.
''' % (script.inline, shared.JS.get_subresource_location(wasm_target) + '.js')
# when script.inline isn't empty, add required helper functions such as tryParseAsDataURI
if script.inline:
for filename in ('arrayUtils.js', 'base64Utils.js', 'URIUtils.js'):
content = read_and_preprocess(shared.path_from_root('src', filename))
script.inline = content + script.inline
script.inline = 'var ASSERTIONS = %s;\n%s' % (shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS, script.inline)
# inline script for SINGLE_FILE output
if shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
js_contents = script.inline or ''
if script.src:
js_contents += open(js_target).read()
script.src = None
script.inline = js_contents
html_contents = shell.replace('{{{ SCRIPT }}}', script.replacement())
html_contents = tools.line_endings.convert_line_endings(html_contents, '\n', options.output_eol)
with open(target, 'wb') as f:
def minify_html(filename):
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2:
opts = []
# -g1 and greater retain whitespace and comments in source
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL == 0:
opts += ['--collapse-whitespace',
# -g2 and greater do not minify HTML at all
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL <= 1:
opts += ['--decode-entities',
'--minify-css', 'true',
'--minify-js', 'true']
# html-minifier also has the following options, but they look unsafe for use:
# '--remove-optional-tags': removes e.g. <head></head> and <body></body> tags from the page.
# (Breaks at least browser.test_sdl2glshader)
# '--remove-empty-attributes': removes all attributes with whitespace-only values.
# (Breaks at least browser.test_asmfs_hello_file)
# '--remove-empty-elements': removes all elements with empty contents.
# (Breaks at least browser.test_asm_swapping)
logger.debug('minifying HTML file ' + filename)
size_before = os.path.getsize(filename)
start_time = time.time()
shared.check_call(shared.get_npm_cmd('html-minifier-terser') + [filename, '-o', filename] + opts, env=shared.env_with_node_in_path())
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
size_after = os.path.getsize(filename)
delta = size_after - size_before
logger.debug('HTML minification took {:.2f}'.format(elapsed_time) + ' seconds, and shrunk size of ' + filename + ' from ' + str(size_before) + ' to ' + str(size_after) + ' bytes, delta=' + str(delta) + ' ({:+.2f}%)'.format(delta * 100.0 / size_before))
def generate_html(target, options, js_target, target_basename,
wasm_target, memfile):
logger.debug('generating HTML')
if shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME != 'Module' and \
not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME and \
options.shell_path == shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell.html'):
# the minimal runtime shell HTML is designed to support changing the export
# name, but the normal one does not support that currently
exit_with_error('Customizing EXPORT_NAME requires that the HTML be customized to use that name (see')
if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
generate_minimal_runtime_html(target, options, js_target, target_basename)
generate_traditional_runtime_html(target, options, js_target, target_basename,
wasm_target, memfile)
if shared.Settings.MINIFY_HTML and (shared.Settings.OPT_LEVEL >= 1 or shared.Settings.SHRINK_LEVEL >= 1):
def generate_worker_js(target, js_target, target_basename):
# compiler output is embedded as base64
if shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
proxy_worker_filename = shared.JS.get_subresource_location(js_target)
# compiler output goes in .worker.js file
safe_move(js_target, unsuffixed(js_target) + '.worker.js')
worker_target_basename = target_basename + '.worker'
proxy_worker_filename = (shared.Settings.PROXY_TO_WORKER_FILENAME or worker_target_basename) + '.js'
target_contents = worker_js_script(proxy_worker_filename)
open(target, 'w').write(target_contents)
def worker_js_script(proxy_worker_filename):
web_gl_client_src = open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'webGLClient.js')).read()
idb_store_src = open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'IDBStore.js')).read()
proxy_client_src = (
open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'proxyClient.js')).read()
.replace('{{{ filename }}}', proxy_worker_filename)
.replace('{{{ IDBStore.js }}}', idb_store_src)
return web_gl_client_src + '\n' + proxy_client_src
def process_libraries(libs, lib_dirs, temp_files):
libraries = []
consumed = []
# Find library files
for i, lib in libs:
logger.debug('looking for library "%s"', lib)
found = False
for prefix in LIB_PREFIXES:
for suff in suffixes:
name = prefix + lib + suff
for lib_dir in lib_dirs:
path = os.path.join(lib_dir, name)
if os.path.exists(path):
logger.debug('found library "%s" at %s', lib, path)
temp_files.append((i, path))
found = True
if found:
if found:
if not found:
jslibs = building.path_to_system_js_libraries(lib)
if jslibs:
libraries += [(i, jslib) for jslib in jslibs]
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES += libraries
# At this point processing SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES is finished, no more items will be added to it.
# Sort the input list from (order, lib_name) pairs to a flat array in the right order.
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.sort(key=lambda lib: lib[0])
shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES = [lib[1] for lib in shared.Settings.SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES]
return consumed
class ScriptSource(object):
def __init__(self):
self.src = None # if set, we have a script to load with a src attribute
self.inline = None # if set, we have the contents of a script to write inline in a script
def un_src(self):
"""Use this if you want to modify the script and need it to be inline."""
if self.src is None:
self.inline = '''
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "%s";
''' % self.src
self.src = None
def replacement(self):
"""Returns the script tag to replace the {{{ SCRIPT }}} tag in the target"""
assert (self.src or self.inline) and not (self.src and self.inline)
if self.src:
return '<script async type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>' % quote(self.src)
return '<script>\n%s\n</script>' % self.inline
def is_valid_abspath(options, path_name):
# Any path that is underneath the emscripten repository root must be ok.
if shared.path_from_root().replace('\\', '/') in path_name.replace('\\', '/'):
return True
def in_directory(root, child):
# make both path absolute
root = os.path.realpath(root)
child = os.path.realpath(child)
# return true, if the common prefix of both is equal to directory
# e.g. /a/b/c/d.rst and directory is /a/b, the common prefix is /a/b
return os.path.commonprefix([root, child]) == root
for valid_abspath in options.valid_abspaths:
if in_directory(valid_abspath, path_name):
return True
return False
def parse_value(text):
if not text:
return text
# Note that using response files can introduce whitespace, if the file
# has a newline at the end. For that reason, we rstrip() in relevant
# places here.
def parse_string_value(text):
first = text[0]
if first == "'" or first == '"':
text = text.rstrip()
assert text[-1] == text[0] and len(text) > 1, 'unclosed opened quoted string. expected final character to be "%s" and length to be greater than 1 in "%s"' % (text[0], text)
return text[1:-1]
return text
def parse_string_list_members(text):
sep = ','
values = text.split(sep)
result = []
index = 0
while True:
current = values[index].lstrip() # Cannot safely rstrip for cases like: "HERE-> ,"
if not len(current):
exit_with_error('string array should not contain an empty value')
first = current[0]
if not(first == "'" or first == '"'):
start = index
while True: # Continue until closing quote found
if index >= len(values):
exit_with_error("unclosed quoted string. expected final character to be '%s' in '%s'" % (first, values[start]))
new = values[index].rstrip()
if new and new[-1] == first:
if start == index:
result.append((current + sep + new)[1:-1])
current += sep + values[index]
index += 1
index += 1
if index >= len(values):
return result
def parse_string_list(text):
text = text.rstrip()
if text[-1] != ']':
exit_with_error('unclosed opened string list. expected final character to be "]" in "%s"' % (text))
inner = text[1:-1]
if inner.strip() == "":
return []
return parse_string_list_members(inner)
if text[0] == '[':
# if json parsing fails, we fall back to our own parser, which can handle a few
# simpler syntaxes
return json.loads(text)
except ValueError:
return parse_string_list(text)
return int(text)
except ValueError:
return parse_string_value(text)
def validate_arg_level(level_string, max_level, err_msg, clamp=False):
level = int(level_string)
except ValueError:
raise Exception(err_msg)
if clamp:
if level > max_level:
logger.warning("optimization level '-O" + level_string + "' is not supported; using '-O" + str(max_level) + "' instead")
level = max_level
if not 0 <= level <= max_level:
raise Exception(err_msg)
return level
def is_int(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt: