blob: dd56cd1ea1926916e3ffbd6c3be225656aa4f61a [file] [log] [blame]
//===- VectorOps.h - MLIR Vector Dialect Operations -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the Vector dialect.
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/VectorInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/ViewLikeInterface.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
// Pull in all enum type definitions and utility function declarations.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/"
namespace mlir {
class MLIRContext;
class RewritePatternSet;
using OwningRewritePatternList = RewritePatternSet;
namespace vector {
class VectorDialect;
namespace detail {
struct BitmaskEnumStorage;
} // namespace detail
/// Enum to control the lowering of `vector.contract` operations.
enum class VectorContractLowering {
/// Progressively lower to finer grained `vector.contract` and dot-products.
Dot = 0,
/// Lower to `vector.matrix_multiply`, maps 1-1 to LLVM matrix intrinsics.
Matmul = 1,
/// Lower to `vector.outerproduct`.
OuterProduct = 2,
/// Enum to control the lowering of `vector.multi_reduction` operations.
enum class VectorMultiReductionLowering {
/// Lower multi_reduction into outer-reduction and inner-parallel ops.
InnerParallel = 0,
/// Lower multi_reduction into outer-parallel and inner-reduction ops.
InnerReduction = 1,
/// Enum to control the lowering of `vector.transpose` operations.
enum class VectorTransposeLowering {
/// Lower transpose into element-wise extract and inserts.
EltWise = 0,
/// Lower 2-D transpose to `vector.flat_transpose`, maps 1-1 to LLVM matrix
/// intrinsics.
Flat = 1,
/// Enum to control the splitting of `vector.transfer` operations into
/// in-bounds and out-of-bounds variants.
enum class VectorTransferSplit {
/// Do not split vector transfer operations.
None = 0,
/// Split using in-bounds + out-of-bounds vector.transfer operations.
VectorTransfer = 1,
/// Split using an in-bounds vector.transfer + linalg.fill + linalg.copy
/// operations.
LinalgCopy = 2,
/// Do not split vector transfer operation but instead mark it as "in-bounds".
ForceInBounds = 3
/// Structure to control the behavior of vector transform patterns.
struct VectorTransformsOptions {
/// Option to control the lowering of vector.contract.
VectorContractLowering vectorContractLowering = VectorContractLowering::Dot;
VectorTransformsOptions &
setVectorTransformsOptions(VectorContractLowering opt) {
vectorContractLowering = opt;
return *this;
/// Option to control the lowering of vector.multi_reduction.
VectorMultiReductionLowering vectorMultiReductionLowering =
VectorTransformsOptions &
setVectorMultiReductionLowering(VectorMultiReductionLowering opt) {
vectorMultiReductionLowering = opt;
return *this;
/// Option to control the lowering of vector.transpose.
VectorTransposeLowering vectorTransposeLowering =
VectorTransformsOptions &
setVectorTransposeLowering(VectorTransposeLowering opt) {
vectorTransposeLowering = opt;
return *this;
/// Option to control the splitting of vector transfers.
VectorTransferSplit vectorTransferSplit = VectorTransferSplit::None;
VectorTransformsOptions &setVectorTransferSplit(VectorTransferSplit opt) {
vectorTransferSplit = opt;
return *this;
/// Return whether `srcType` can be broadcast to `dstVectorType` under the
/// semantics of the `vector.broadcast` op.
enum class BroadcastableToResult {
Success = 0,
SourceRankHigher = 1,
DimensionMismatch = 2,
SourceTypeNotAVector = 3
isBroadcastableTo(Type srcType, VectorType dstVectorType,
std::pair<int, int> *mismatchingDims = nullptr);
/// Collect a set of vector-to-vector canonicalization patterns.
void populateVectorToVectorCanonicalizationPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// Collect a set of leading one dimension removal patterns.
/// These patterns insert vector.shape_cast to remove leading one dimensions
/// to expose more canonical forms of read/write/insert/extract operations.
/// With them, there are more chances that we can cancel out extract-insert
/// pairs or forward write-read pairs.
void populateCastAwayVectorLeadingOneDimPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// Collect a set of patterns that bubble up/down bitcast ops.
/// These patterns move vector.bitcast ops to be before insert ops or after
/// extract ops where suitable. With them, bitcast will happen on smaller
/// vectors and there are more chances to share extract/insert ops.
void populateBubbleVectorBitCastOpPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// Collect a set of transfer read/write lowering patterns.
/// These patterns lower transfer ops to simpler ops like `vector.load`,
/// `` and `vector.broadcast`. Only transfers with a transfer rank
/// of a most `maxTransferRank` are lowered. This is useful when combined with
/// VectorToSCF, which reduces the rank of vector transfer ops.
void populateVectorTransferLoweringPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns,
llvm::Optional<unsigned> maxTransferRank = llvm::None);
/// Collect a set of transfer read/write lowering patterns that simplify the
/// permutation map (e.g., converting it to a minor identity map) by inserting
/// broadcasts and transposes.
void populateVectorTransferPermutationMapLoweringPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// These patterns materialize masks for various vector ops such as transfers.
void populateVectorMaskMaterializationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
bool enableIndexOptimizations);
/// Collect a set of patterns to convert vector.multi_reduction op into
/// a sequence of vector.reduction ops. The patterns comprise:
/// - InnerOuterDimReductionConversion: rewrites vector.multi_reduction such
/// that all reduction dimensions are either innermost or outermost, by adding
/// the proper vector.transpose operations.
/// - ReduceMultiDimReductionRank: once in innermost or outermost reduction
/// form, rewrites n-D vector.multi_reduction into 2-D vector.multi_reduction,
/// by introducing vector.shape_cast ops to collapse + multi-reduce + expand
/// back.
/// - TwoDimMultiReductionToElementWise: once in 2-D vector.multi_reduction
/// form, with an **outermost** reduction dimension, unroll the outer dimension
/// to obtain a sequence of 1-D vector ops. This also has an opportunity for
/// tree-reduction (in the future).
/// - TwoDimMultiReductionToReduction: once in 2-D vector.multi_reduction form,
/// with an **innermost** reduction dimension, unroll the outer dimension to
/// obtain a sequence of extract + vector.reduction + insert. This can further
/// lower to horizontal reduction ops.
/// - OneDimMultiReductionToTwoDim: for cases that reduce to 1-D vector<k>
/// reduction (and are thus missing either a parallel or a reduction), we lift
/// them back up to 2-D with a simple vector.shape_cast to vector<1xk> so that
/// the other patterns can kick in, thus fully exiting out of the
/// vector.multi_reduction abstraction.
void populateVectorMultiReductionLoweringPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns,
VectorMultiReductionLowering options =
/// Collect a set of patterns to propagate insert_map/extract_map in the ssa
/// chain.
void populatePropagateVectorDistributionPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// An attribute that specifies the combining function for `vector.contract`,
/// and `vector.reduction`.
class CombiningKindAttr
: public Attribute::AttrBase<CombiningKindAttr, Attribute,
detail::BitmaskEnumStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static CombiningKindAttr get(CombiningKind kind, MLIRContext *context);
CombiningKind getKind() const;
void print(DialectAsmPrinter &p) const;
static Attribute parse(DialectAsmParser &parser);
/// Collects patterns to progressively lower vector.broadcast ops on high-D
/// vectors to low-D vector ops.
void populateVectorBroadcastLoweringPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// Collects patterns to progressively lower vector contraction ops on high-D
/// into low-D reduction and product ops.
void populateVectorContractLoweringPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns,
VectorTransformsOptions options = VectorTransformsOptions());
/// Collects patterns to progressively lower vector mask ops into elementary
/// selection and insertion ops.
void populateVectorMaskOpLoweringPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// Collects patterns to progressively lower vector.shape_cast ops on high-D
/// vectors into 1-D/2-D vector ops by generating data movement extract/insert
/// ops.
void populateVectorShapeCastLoweringPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// Insert TransposeLowering patterns into extraction/insertion.
void populateVectorTransposeLoweringPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns,
VectorTransformsOptions options = VectorTransformsOptions());
/// Collect patterns to convert reduction op to vector.contract and fold
/// transpose/broadcast ops into the contract.
void populateVetorReductionToContractPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns);
/// Returns the integer type required for subscripts in the vector dialect.
IntegerType getVectorSubscriptType(Builder &builder);
/// Returns an integer array attribute containing the given values using
/// the integer type required for subscripts in the vector dialect.
ArrayAttr getVectorSubscriptAttr(Builder &b, ArrayRef<int64_t> values);
/// Returns the value obtained by reducing the vector into a scalar using the
/// operation kind associated with a binary AtomicRMWKind op.
Value getVectorReductionOp(AtomicRMWKind op, OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
Value vector);
/// Return true if the last dimension of the MemRefType has unit stride. Also
/// return true for memrefs with no strides.
bool isLastMemrefDimUnitStride(MemRefType type);
namespace impl {
/// Build the default minor identity map suitable for a vector transfer. This
/// also handles the case memref<... x vector<...>> -> vector<...> in which the
/// rank of the identity map must take the vector element type into account.
AffineMap getTransferMinorIdentityMap(ShapedType shapedType,
VectorType vectorType);
} // namespace impl
} // end namespace vector
} // end namespace mlir
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/"