blob: 5e1d6dc0ae36c21fd9d92fd6dfd51a41757c2b2a [file] [log] [blame]
package gkvlite
import (
// A persistable item.
type Item struct {
Transient unsafe.Pointer // For any ephemeral data; atomic CAS recommended.
Key, Val []byte // Val may be nil if not fetched into memory yet.
Priority int32 // Use rand.Int31() for probabilistic balancing.
// A persistable item and its persistence location.
type itemLoc struct {
loc unsafe.Pointer // *ploc - can be nil if item is dirty (not yet persisted).
item unsafe.Pointer // *Item - can be nil if item is not fetched into memory yet.
var empty_itemLoc = &itemLoc{}
// Number of Key bytes plus number of Val bytes.
func (i *Item) NumBytes(c *Collection) int {
return len(i.Key) + i.NumValBytes(c)
func (i *Item) NumValBytes(c *Collection) int {
if != nil {
return, i)
return len(i.Val)
func (i *Item) Copy() *Item {
return &Item{
Key: i.Key,
Val: i.Val,
Priority: i.Priority,
Transient: i.Transient,
func (i *itemLoc) Loc() *ploc {
return (*ploc)(atomic.LoadPointer(&i.loc))
func (i *itemLoc) Item() *Item {
return (*Item)(atomic.LoadPointer(&i.item))
func (i *itemLoc) Copy(src *itemLoc) {
if src == nil {
atomic.StorePointer(&i.loc, unsafe.Pointer(src.Loc()))
atomic.StorePointer(&i.item, unsafe.Pointer(src.Item()))
func (i *itemLoc) write(c *Collection) (err error) {
if i.Loc().isEmpty() {
iItem := i.Item()
if iItem == nil {
return errors.New("itemLoc.write with nil item")
if != nil {
iItem, err =, iItem)
if err != nil {
return err
offset := atomic.LoadInt64(&
hlength := 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + len(iItem.Key)
vlength := iItem.NumValBytes(c)
ilength := hlength + vlength
b := make([]byte, hlength)
pos := 0
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[pos:pos+4], uint32(ilength))
pos += 4
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[pos:pos+2], uint16(len(iItem.Key)))
pos += 2
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[pos:pos+4], uint32(vlength))
pos += 4
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[pos:pos+4], uint32(iItem.Priority))
pos += 4
pos += copy(b[pos:], iItem.Key)
if pos != hlength {
return fmt.Errorf("itemLoc.write() pos: %v didn't match hlength: %v",
pos, hlength)
if _, err :=, offset); err != nil {
return err
err :=, iItem,, offset+int64(pos))
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreInt64(&, offset+int64(ilength))
unsafe.Pointer(&ploc{Offset: offset, Length: uint32(ilength)}))
return nil
func (iloc *itemLoc) read(c *Collection, withValue bool) (i *Item, err error) {
if iloc == nil {
return nil, nil
i = iloc.Item()
if i == nil || (i.Val == nil && withValue) {
loc := iloc.Loc()
if loc.isEmpty() {
return nil, nil
hdrLength := 4 + 2 + 4 + 4
if loc.Length < uint32(hdrLength) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected item loc.Length: %v < %v",
loc.Length, hdrLength)
b := make([]byte, hdrLength)
if _, err :=, loc.Offset); err != nil {
return nil, err
i = &Item{}
pos := 0
length := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[pos : pos+4])
pos += 4
keyLength := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[pos : pos+2])
pos += 2
valLength := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[pos : pos+4])
pos += 4
i.Priority = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[pos : pos+4]))
pos += 4
if length != uint32(hdrLength)+uint32(keyLength)+valLength {
return nil, errors.New("mismatched itemLoc lengths")
if pos != hdrLength {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read pos != hdrLength, %v != %v", pos, hdrLength)
i.Key = make([]byte, keyLength)
if _, err :=,
loc.Offset+int64(hdrLength)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if withValue {
err :=, i,,
loc.Offset+int64(hdrLength)+int64(keyLength), valLength)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if != nil {
i, err =, i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
atomic.StorePointer(&iloc.item, unsafe.Pointer(i))
return i, nil