blob: dba2dc9c8e9084aaaf3ee40d883fa660d00ae440 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""GViz connector code for"""
import logging
from components import stats_framework
from components import utils
from gviz import gviz_api
### Public API.
def process_tqx(tqx):
"""Processes the tqx gviz arguments."""
kwargs = {}
for arg in tqx.split(';'):
if ':' not in arg:
key, value = arg.split(':', 1)
if key == 'out':
if value != 'json':
raise ValueError('Unsupported \'out\' argument')
elif key == 'reqId':
kwargs['req_id'] = value
elif key == 'responseHandler':
kwargs['response_handler'] = value
elif key == 'tq':
# TODO(maruel): Implement.
raise ValueError('Unsupported flag tq=%s' % value)
logging.warning('Unknown query parameter %s', arg)
return kwargs
def get_description_key(resolution):
"""Returns GVIZ description key for the specific resolution."""
if resolution == 'days':
# It permits Google Viz to properly list days instead of midnight every day.
return {'key': ('date', 'Day')}
elif resolution in ('hours', 'minutes'):
return {'key': ('datetime', 'Time')}
raise ValueError('Unexpected resolution')
def get_json(request, response, handler, resolution, description, order):
"""Returns the statistic data as a Google Visualization compatible reply.
The return can be either JSON or JSONP, depending if the header
'X-DataSource-Auth' is set in the request.
Note that this is not real JSON, as explained in
Exposes the data in the format described at
- request: A webapp2.Request.
- response: A webapp2.Response.
- handler: A StatisticsFramework.
- resolution: One of 'days', 'hours' or 'minutes'.
- description: Dict describing the columns.
- order: List describing the order to use for the columns.
ValueError if a 400 should be returned.
tqx_args = process_tqx(request.params.get('tqx', ''))
duration = utils.get_request_as_int(request, 'duration', 120, 1, 256)
now = utils.get_request_as_datetime(request, 'now')
table = stats_framework.get_stats(handler, resolution, now, duration, True)
return get_json_raw(request, response, table, description, order, tqx_args)
def get_json_raw(request, response, table, description, order, tqx_args):
"""Returns the statistic data as a Google Visualization compatible reply.
The return can be either JSON or JSONP, depending if the header
'X-DataSource-Auth' is set in the request.
Note that this is not real JSON, as explained in
Exposes the data in the format described at
- request: A webapp2.Request.
- response: A webapp2.Response.
- table: Raw data ready to be sent back.
- description: Dict describing the columns.
- order: List describing the order to use for the columns.
- tqx_args: Dict of flags used in the tqx query parameter.
ValueError if a 400 should be returned.
if request.headers.get('X-DataSource-Auth'):
# Client requested JSON.
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# TODO(maruel): This manual packaging is annoying, figure out a way to
# make this cleaner.
# pylint: disable=W0212
response_obj = {
'reqId': str(tqx_args.get('req_id', 0)),
'status': 'ok',
'table': gviz_api.DataTable(description, table)._ToJSonObj(
'version': '0.6',
encoder = gviz_api.DataTableJSONEncoder()
# Client requested JSONP.
response.headers['Content-Type'] = (
'application/javascript; charset=utf-8')
gviz_api.DataTable(description, table).ToJSonResponse(
columns_order=order, **tqx_args))