blob: 6d01a2a84a1179fc0c72c628032983d7ce370132 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by cdpgen. DO NOT EDIT.
package cdp
import (
// The Accessibility domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Accessibility interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables the accessibility domain.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables the accessibility domain which causes `AXNodeId`s to remain
// consistent between method calls. This turns on accessibility for the
// page, which can impact performance until accessibility is disabled.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetPartialAXTree
// Fetches the accessibility node and partial accessibility tree for
// this DOM node, if it exists.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetPartialAXTree(context.Context, *accessibility.GetPartialAXTreeArgs) (*accessibility.GetPartialAXTreeReply, error)
// Command GetFullAXTree
// Fetches the entire accessibility tree
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetFullAXTree(context.Context) (*accessibility.GetFullAXTreeReply, error)
// The Animation domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Animation interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables animation domain notifications.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables animation domain notifications.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetCurrentTime
// Returns the current time of the an animation.
GetCurrentTime(context.Context, *animation.GetCurrentTimeArgs) (*animation.GetCurrentTimeReply, error)
// Command GetPlaybackRate
// Gets the playback rate of the document timeline.
GetPlaybackRate(context.Context) (*animation.GetPlaybackRateReply, error)
// Command ReleaseAnimations
// Releases a set of animations to no longer be manipulated.
ReleaseAnimations(context.Context, *animation.ReleaseAnimationsArgs) error
// Command ResolveAnimation
// Gets the remote object of the Animation.
ResolveAnimation(context.Context, *animation.ResolveAnimationArgs) (*animation.ResolveAnimationReply, error)
// Command SeekAnimations
// Seek a set of animations to a particular time within each
// animation.
SeekAnimations(context.Context, *animation.SeekAnimationsArgs) error
// Command SetPaused
// Sets the paused state of a set of animations.
SetPaused(context.Context, *animation.SetPausedArgs) error
// Command SetPlaybackRate
// Sets the playback rate of the document timeline.
SetPlaybackRate(context.Context, *animation.SetPlaybackRateArgs) error
// Command SetTiming
// Sets the timing of an animation node.
SetTiming(context.Context, *animation.SetTimingArgs) error
// Event AnimationCanceled
// Event for when an animation has been canceled.
AnimationCanceled(context.Context) (animation.CanceledClient, error)
// Event AnimationCreated
// Event for each animation that has been created.
AnimationCreated(context.Context) (animation.CreatedClient, error)
// Event AnimationStarted
// Event for animation that has been started.
AnimationStarted(context.Context) (animation.StartedClient, error)
// The ApplicationCache domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type ApplicationCache interface {
// Command Enable
// Enables application cache domain notifications.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetApplicationCacheForFrame
// Returns relevant application cache data for the document in given
// frame.
GetApplicationCacheForFrame(context.Context, *applicationcache.GetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs) (*applicationcache.GetApplicationCacheForFrameReply, error)
// Command GetFramesWithManifests
// Returns array of frame identifiers with manifest urls for each
// frame containing a document associated with some application cache.
GetFramesWithManifests(context.Context) (*applicationcache.GetFramesWithManifestsReply, error)
// Command GetManifestForFrame
// Returns manifest URL for document in the given frame.
GetManifestForFrame(context.Context, *applicationcache.GetManifestForFrameArgs) (*applicationcache.GetManifestForFrameReply, error)
// Event ApplicationCacheStatusUpdated
ApplicationCacheStatusUpdated(context.Context) (applicationcache.StatusUpdatedClient, error)
// Event NetworkStateUpdated
NetworkStateUpdated(context.Context) (applicationcache.NetworkStateUpdatedClient, error)
// The Audits domain. Audits domain allows investigation of page violations
// and possible improvements.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Audits interface {
// Command GetEncodedResponse
// Returns the response body and size if it were re-encoded with the
// specified settings. Only applies to images.
GetEncodedResponse(context.Context, *audits.GetEncodedResponseArgs) (*audits.GetEncodedResponseReply, error)
// Command Disable
// Disables issues domain, prevents further issues from being reported
// to the client.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables issues domain, sends the issues collected so far to the
// client by means of the `issueAdded` event.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Event IssueAdded
IssueAdded(context.Context) (audits.IssueAddedClient, error)
// The BackgroundService domain. Defines events for background web platform
// features.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type BackgroundService interface {
// Command StartObserving
// Enables event updates for the service.
StartObserving(context.Context, *backgroundservice.StartObservingArgs) error
// Command StopObserving
// Disables event updates for the service.
StopObserving(context.Context, *backgroundservice.StopObservingArgs) error
// Command SetRecording
// Set the recording state for the service.
SetRecording(context.Context, *backgroundservice.SetRecordingArgs) error
// Command ClearEvents
// Clears all stored data for the service.
ClearEvents(context.Context, *backgroundservice.ClearEventsArgs) error
// Event RecordingStateChanged
// Called when the recording state for the service has been updated.
RecordingStateChanged(context.Context) (backgroundservice.RecordingStateChangedClient, error)
// Event BackgroundServiceEventReceived
// Called with all existing backgroundServiceEvents when enabled, and
// all new events afterwards if enabled and recording.
BackgroundServiceEventReceived(context.Context) (backgroundservice.EventReceivedClient, error)
// The Browser domain. The Browser domain defines methods and events for
// browser managing.
type Browser interface {
// Command SetPermission
// Set permission settings for given origin.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetPermission(context.Context, *browser.SetPermissionArgs) error
// Command GrantPermissions
// Grant specific permissions to the given origin and reject all
// others.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GrantPermissions(context.Context, *browser.GrantPermissionsArgs) error
// Command ResetPermissions
// Reset all permission management for all origins.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ResetPermissions(context.Context, *browser.ResetPermissionsArgs) error
// Command SetDownloadBehavior
// Set the behavior when downloading a file.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetDownloadBehavior(context.Context, *browser.SetDownloadBehaviorArgs) error
// Command Close
// Close browser gracefully.
Close(context.Context) error
// Command Crash
// Crashes browser on the main thread.
// Note: This command is experimental.
Crash(context.Context) error
// Command CrashGPUProcess
// Crashes GPU process.
// Note: This command is experimental.
CrashGPUProcess(context.Context) error
// Command GetVersion
// Returns version information.
GetVersion(context.Context) (*browser.GetVersionReply, error)
// Command GetBrowserCommandLine
// Returns the command line switches for the browser process if, and
// only if --enable-automation is on the commandline.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetBrowserCommandLine(context.Context) (*browser.GetBrowserCommandLineReply, error)
// Command GetHistograms
// Get Chrome histograms.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetHistograms(context.Context, *browser.GetHistogramsArgs) (*browser.GetHistogramsReply, error)
// Command GetHistogram
// Get a Chrome histogram by name.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetHistogram(context.Context, *browser.GetHistogramArgs) (*browser.GetHistogramReply, error)
// Command GetWindowBounds
// Get position and size of the browser window.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetWindowBounds(context.Context, *browser.GetWindowBoundsArgs) (*browser.GetWindowBoundsReply, error)
// Command GetWindowForTarget
// Get the browser window that contains the devtools target.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetWindowForTarget(context.Context, *browser.GetWindowForTargetArgs) (*browser.GetWindowForTargetReply, error)
// Command SetWindowBounds
// Set position and/or size of the browser window.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetWindowBounds(context.Context, *browser.SetWindowBoundsArgs) error
// Command SetDockTile
// Set dock tile details, platform-specific.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetDockTile(context.Context, *browser.SetDockTileArgs) error
// The CSS domain. This domain exposes CSS read/write operations. All CSS
// objects (stylesheets, rules, and styles) have an associated `id` used in
// subsequent operations on the related object. Each object type has a specific
// `id` structure, and those are not interchangeable between objects of
// different kinds. CSS objects can be loaded using the `get*ForNode()` calls
// (which accept a DOM node id). A client can also keep track of stylesheets
// via the `styleSheetAdded`/`styleSheetRemoved` events and subsequently load
// the required stylesheet contents using the `getStyleSheet[Text]()` methods.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type CSS interface {
// Command AddRule
// Inserts a new rule with the given `ruleText` in a stylesheet with
// given `styleSheetId`, at the position specified by `location`.
AddRule(context.Context, *css.AddRuleArgs) (*css.AddRuleReply, error)
// Command CollectClassNames
// Returns all class names from specified stylesheet.
CollectClassNames(context.Context, *css.CollectClassNamesArgs) (*css.CollectClassNamesReply, error)
// Command CreateStyleSheet
// Creates a new special "via-inspector" stylesheet in the frame with
// given `frameId`.
CreateStyleSheet(context.Context, *css.CreateStyleSheetArgs) (*css.CreateStyleSheetReply, error)
// Command Disable
// Disables the CSS agent for the given page.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables the CSS agent for the given page. Clients should not assume
// that the CSS agent has been enabled until the result of this command
// is received.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command ForcePseudoState
// Ensures that the given node will have specified pseudo-classes
// whenever its style is computed by the browser.
ForcePseudoState(context.Context, *css.ForcePseudoStateArgs) error
// Command GetBackgroundColors
GetBackgroundColors(context.Context, *css.GetBackgroundColorsArgs) (*css.GetBackgroundColorsReply, error)
// Command GetComputedStyleForNode
// Returns the computed style for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
GetComputedStyleForNode(context.Context, *css.GetComputedStyleForNodeArgs) (*css.GetComputedStyleForNodeReply, error)
// Command GetInlineStylesForNode
// Returns the styles defined inline (explicitly in the "style"
// attribute and implicitly, using DOM attributes) for a DOM node
// identified by `nodeId`.
GetInlineStylesForNode(context.Context, *css.GetInlineStylesForNodeArgs) (*css.GetInlineStylesForNodeReply, error)
// Command GetMatchedStylesForNode
// Returns requested styles for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
GetMatchedStylesForNode(context.Context, *css.GetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs) (*css.GetMatchedStylesForNodeReply, error)
// Command GetMediaQueries
// Returns all media queries parsed by the rendering engine.
GetMediaQueries(context.Context) (*css.GetMediaQueriesReply, error)
// Command GetPlatformFontsForNode
// Requests information about platform fonts which we used to render
// child TextNodes in the given node.
GetPlatformFontsForNode(context.Context, *css.GetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs) (*css.GetPlatformFontsForNodeReply, error)
// Command GetStyleSheetText
// Returns the current textual content for a stylesheet.
GetStyleSheetText(context.Context, *css.GetStyleSheetTextArgs) (*css.GetStyleSheetTextReply, error)
// Command SetEffectivePropertyValueForNode
// Find a rule with the given active property for the given node and
// set the new value for this property
SetEffectivePropertyValueForNode(context.Context, *css.SetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs) error
// Command SetKeyframeKey
// Modifies the keyframe rule key text.
SetKeyframeKey(context.Context, *css.SetKeyframeKeyArgs) (*css.SetKeyframeKeyReply, error)
// Command SetMediaText
// Modifies the rule selector.
SetMediaText(context.Context, *css.SetMediaTextArgs) (*css.SetMediaTextReply, error)
// Command SetRuleSelector
// Modifies the rule selector.
SetRuleSelector(context.Context, *css.SetRuleSelectorArgs) (*css.SetRuleSelectorReply, error)
// Command SetStyleSheetText
// Sets the new stylesheet text.
SetStyleSheetText(context.Context, *css.SetStyleSheetTextArgs) (*css.SetStyleSheetTextReply, error)
// Command SetStyleTexts
// Applies specified style edits one after another in the given order.
SetStyleTexts(context.Context, *css.SetStyleTextsArgs) (*css.SetStyleTextsReply, error)
// Command StartRuleUsageTracking
// Enables the selector recording.
StartRuleUsageTracking(context.Context) error
// Command StopRuleUsageTracking
// Stop tracking rule usage and return the list of rules that were
// used since last call to `takeCoverageDelta` (or since start of
// coverage instrumentation)
StopRuleUsageTracking(context.Context) (*css.StopRuleUsageTrackingReply, error)
// Command TakeCoverageDelta
// Obtain list of rules that became used since last call to this
// method (or since start of coverage instrumentation)
TakeCoverageDelta(context.Context) (*css.TakeCoverageDeltaReply, error)
// Event FontsUpdated
// Fires whenever a web font is updated. A non-empty font parameter
// indicates a successfully loaded web font
FontsUpdated(context.Context) (css.FontsUpdatedClient, error)
// Event MediaQueryResultChanged
// Fires whenever a MediaQuery result changes (for example, after a
// browser window has been resized.) The current implementation
// considers only viewport-dependent media features.
MediaQueryResultChanged(context.Context) (css.MediaQueryResultChangedClient, error)
// Event StyleSheetAdded
// Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is added.
StyleSheetAdded(context.Context) (css.StyleSheetAddedClient, error)
// Event StyleSheetChanged
// Fired whenever a stylesheet is changed as a result of the client
// operation.
StyleSheetChanged(context.Context) (css.StyleSheetChangedClient, error)
// Event StyleSheetRemoved
// Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is removed.
StyleSheetRemoved(context.Context) (css.StyleSheetRemovedClient, error)
// The CacheStorage domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type CacheStorage interface {
// Command DeleteCache
// Deletes a cache.
DeleteCache(context.Context, *cachestorage.DeleteCacheArgs) error
// Command DeleteEntry
// Deletes a cache entry.
DeleteEntry(context.Context, *cachestorage.DeleteEntryArgs) error
// Command RequestCacheNames
// Requests cache names.
RequestCacheNames(context.Context, *cachestorage.RequestCacheNamesArgs) (*cachestorage.RequestCacheNamesReply, error)
// Command RequestCachedResponse
// Fetches cache entry.
RequestCachedResponse(context.Context, *cachestorage.RequestCachedResponseArgs) (*cachestorage.RequestCachedResponseReply, error)
// Command RequestEntries
// Requests data from cache.
RequestEntries(context.Context, *cachestorage.RequestEntriesArgs) (*cachestorage.RequestEntriesReply, error)
// The Cast domain. A domain for interacting with Cast, Presentation API, and
// Remote Playback API functionalities.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Cast interface {
// Command Enable
// Starts observing for sinks that can be used for tab mirroring, and
// if set, sinks compatible with |presentationUrl| as well. When sinks
// are found, a |sinksUpdated| event is fired. Also starts observing
// for issue messages. When an issue is added or removed, an
// |issueUpdated| event is fired.
Enable(context.Context, *cast.EnableArgs) error
// Command Disable
// Stops observing for sinks and issues.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command SetSinkToUse
// Sets a sink to be used when the web page requests the browser to
// choose a sink via Presentation API, Remote Playback API, or Cast
// SDK.
SetSinkToUse(context.Context, *cast.SetSinkToUseArgs) error
// Command StartTabMirroring
// Starts mirroring the tab to the sink.
StartTabMirroring(context.Context, *cast.StartTabMirroringArgs) error
// Command StopCasting
// Stops the active Cast session on the sink.
StopCasting(context.Context, *cast.StopCastingArgs) error
// Event SinksUpdated
// This is fired whenever the list of available sinks changes. A sink
// is a device or a software surface that you can cast to.
SinksUpdated(context.Context) (cast.SinksUpdatedClient, error)
// Event IssueUpdated
// This is fired whenever the outstanding issue/error message changes.
// |issueMessage| is empty if there is no issue.
IssueUpdated(context.Context) (cast.IssueUpdatedClient, error)
// The Console domain.
// Deprecated: This domain is deprecated - use Runtime or Log instead.
type Console interface {
// Command ClearMessages
// Does nothing.
ClearMessages(context.Context) error
// Command Disable
// Disables console domain, prevents further console messages from
// being reported to the client.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the
// client by means of the `messageAdded` notification.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Event MessageAdded
// Issued when new console message is added.
MessageAdded(context.Context) (console.MessageAddedClient, error)
// The DOM domain. This domain exposes DOM read/write operations. Each DOM
// Node is represented with its mirror object that has an `id`. This `id` can
// be used to get additional information on the Node, resolve it into the
// JavaScript object wrapper, etc. It is important that client receives DOM
// events only for the nodes that are known to the client. Backend keeps track
// of the nodes that were sent to the client and never sends the same node
// twice. It is client's responsibility to collect information about the nodes
// that were sent to the client.
// Note that `iframe` owner elements will return corresponding document
// elements as their child nodes.
type DOM interface {
// Command CollectClassNamesFromSubtree
// Collects class names for the node with given id and all of it's
// child nodes.
// Note: This command is experimental.
CollectClassNamesFromSubtree(context.Context, *dom.CollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs) (*dom.CollectClassNamesFromSubtreeReply, error)
// Command CopyTo
// Creates a deep copy of the specified node and places it into the
// target container before the given anchor.
// Note: This command is experimental.
CopyTo(context.Context, *dom.CopyToArgs) (*dom.CopyToReply, error)
// Command DescribeNode
// Describes node given its id, does not require domain to be enabled.
// Does not start tracking any objects, can be used for automation.
DescribeNode(context.Context, *dom.DescribeNodeArgs) (*dom.DescribeNodeReply, error)
// Command ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded
// Scrolls the specified rect of the given node into view if not
// already visible. Note: exactly one between nodeId, backendNodeId and
// objectId should be passed to identify the node.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(context.Context, *dom.ScrollIntoViewIfNeededArgs) error
// Command Disable
// Disables DOM agent for the given page.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command DiscardSearchResults
// Discards search results from the session with the given id.
// `getSearchResults` should no longer be called for that search.
// Note: This command is experimental.
DiscardSearchResults(context.Context, *dom.DiscardSearchResultsArgs) error
// Command Enable
// Enables DOM agent for the given page.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command Focus
// Focuses the given element.
Focus(context.Context, *dom.FocusArgs) error
// Command GetAttributes
// Returns attributes for the specified node.
GetAttributes(context.Context, *dom.GetAttributesArgs) (*dom.GetAttributesReply, error)
// Command GetBoxModel
// Returns boxes for the given node.
GetBoxModel(context.Context, *dom.GetBoxModelArgs) (*dom.GetBoxModelReply, error)
// Command GetContentQuads
// Returns quads that describe node position on the page. This method
// might return multiple quads for inline nodes.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetContentQuads(context.Context, *dom.GetContentQuadsArgs) (*dom.GetContentQuadsReply, error)
// Command GetDocument
// Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the
// caller.
GetDocument(context.Context, *dom.GetDocumentArgs) (*dom.GetDocumentReply, error)
// Command GetFlattenedDocument
// Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the
// caller.
GetFlattenedDocument(context.Context, *dom.GetFlattenedDocumentArgs) (*dom.GetFlattenedDocumentReply, error)
// Command GetNodeForLocation
// Returns node id at given location. Depending on whether DOM domain
// is enabled, nodeId is either returned or not.
GetNodeForLocation(context.Context, *dom.GetNodeForLocationArgs) (*dom.GetNodeForLocationReply, error)
// Command GetOuterHTML
// Returns node's HTML markup.
GetOuterHTML(context.Context, *dom.GetOuterHTMLArgs) (*dom.GetOuterHTMLReply, error)
// Command GetRelayoutBoundary
// Returns the id of the nearest ancestor that is a relayout boundary.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetRelayoutBoundary(context.Context, *dom.GetRelayoutBoundaryArgs) (*dom.GetRelayoutBoundaryReply, error)
// Command GetSearchResults
// Returns search results from given `fromIndex` to given `toIndex`
// from the search with the given identifier.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetSearchResults(context.Context, *dom.GetSearchResultsArgs) (*dom.GetSearchResultsReply, error)
// Command MarkUndoableState
// Marks last undoable state.
// Note: This command is experimental.
MarkUndoableState(context.Context) error
// Command MoveTo
// Moves node into the new container, places it before the given
// anchor.
MoveTo(context.Context, *dom.MoveToArgs) (*dom.MoveToReply, error)
// Command PerformSearch
// Searches for a given string in the DOM tree. Use `getSearchResults`
// to access search results or `cancelSearch` to end this search
// session.
// Note: This command is experimental.
PerformSearch(context.Context, *dom.PerformSearchArgs) (*dom.PerformSearchReply, error)
// Command PushNodeByPathToFrontend
// Requests that the node is sent to the caller given its path. //
// FIXME, use XPath
// Note: This command is experimental.
PushNodeByPathToFrontend(context.Context, *dom.PushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs) (*dom.PushNodeByPathToFrontendReply, error)
// Command PushNodesByBackendIDsToFrontend
// Requests that a batch of nodes is sent to the caller given their
// backend node ids.
// Note: This command is experimental.
PushNodesByBackendIDsToFrontend(context.Context, *dom.PushNodesByBackendIDsToFrontendArgs) (*dom.PushNodesByBackendIDsToFrontendReply, error)
// Command QuerySelector
// Executes `querySelector` on a given node.
QuerySelector(context.Context, *dom.QuerySelectorArgs) (*dom.QuerySelectorReply, error)
// Command QuerySelectorAll
// Executes `querySelectorAll` on a given node.
QuerySelectorAll(context.Context, *dom.QuerySelectorAllArgs) (*dom.QuerySelectorAllReply, error)
// Command Redo
// Re-does the last undone action.
// Note: This command is experimental.
Redo(context.Context) error
// Command RemoveAttribute
// Removes attribute with given name from an element with given id.
RemoveAttribute(context.Context, *dom.RemoveAttributeArgs) error
// Command RemoveNode
// Removes node with given id.
RemoveNode(context.Context, *dom.RemoveNodeArgs) error
// Command RequestChildNodes
// Requests that children of the node with given id are returned to
// the caller in form of `setChildNodes` events where not only
// immediate children are retrieved, but all children down to the
// specified depth.
RequestChildNodes(context.Context, *dom.RequestChildNodesArgs) error
// Command RequestNode
// Requests that the node is sent to the caller given the JavaScript
// node object reference. All nodes that form the path from the node to
// the root are also sent to the client as a series of `setChildNodes`
// notifications.
RequestNode(context.Context, *dom.RequestNodeArgs) (*dom.RequestNodeReply, error)
// Command ResolveNode
// Resolves the JavaScript node object for a given NodeId or
// BackendNodeId.
ResolveNode(context.Context, *dom.ResolveNodeArgs) (*dom.ResolveNodeReply, error)
// Command SetAttributeValue
// Sets attribute for an element with given id.
SetAttributeValue(context.Context, *dom.SetAttributeValueArgs) error
// Command SetAttributesAsText
// Sets attributes on element with given id. This method is useful
// when user edits some existing attribute value and types in several
// attribute name/value pairs.
SetAttributesAsText(context.Context, *dom.SetAttributesAsTextArgs) error
// Command SetFileInputFiles
// Sets files for the given file input element.
SetFileInputFiles(context.Context, *dom.SetFileInputFilesArgs) error
// Command SetNodeStackTracesEnabled
// Sets if stack traces should be captured for Nodes. See
// `Node.getNodeStackTraces`. Default is disabled.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetNodeStackTracesEnabled(context.Context, *dom.SetNodeStackTracesEnabledArgs) error
// Command GetNodeStackTraces
// Gets stack traces associated with a Node. As of now, only provides
// stack trace for Node creation.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetNodeStackTraces(context.Context, *dom.GetNodeStackTracesArgs) (*dom.GetNodeStackTracesReply, error)
// Command GetFileInfo
// Returns file information for the given File wrapper.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetFileInfo(context.Context, *dom.GetFileInfoArgs) (*dom.GetFileInfoReply, error)
// Command SetInspectedNode
// Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see
// Command Line API for more details $x functions).
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetInspectedNode(context.Context, *dom.SetInspectedNodeArgs) error
// Command SetNodeName
// Sets node name for a node with given id.
SetNodeName(context.Context, *dom.SetNodeNameArgs) (*dom.SetNodeNameReply, error)
// Command SetNodeValue
// Sets node value for a node with given id.
SetNodeValue(context.Context, *dom.SetNodeValueArgs) error
// Command SetOuterHTML
// Sets node HTML markup, returns new node id.
SetOuterHTML(context.Context, *dom.SetOuterHTMLArgs) error
// Command Undo
// Undoes the last performed action.
// Note: This command is experimental.
Undo(context.Context) error
// Command GetFrameOwner
// Returns iframe node that owns iframe with the given domain.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetFrameOwner(context.Context, *dom.GetFrameOwnerArgs) (*dom.GetFrameOwnerReply, error)
// Event AttributeModified
// Fired when `Element`'s attribute is modified.
AttributeModified(context.Context) (dom.AttributeModifiedClient, error)
// Event AttributeRemoved
// Fired when `Element`'s attribute is removed.
AttributeRemoved(context.Context) (dom.AttributeRemovedClient, error)
// Event CharacterDataModified
// Mirrors `DOMCharacterDataModified` event.
CharacterDataModified(context.Context) (dom.CharacterDataModifiedClient, error)
// Event ChildNodeCountUpdated
// Fired when `Container`'s child node count has changed.
ChildNodeCountUpdated(context.Context) (dom.ChildNodeCountUpdatedClient, error)
// Event ChildNodeInserted
// Mirrors `DOMNodeInserted` event.
ChildNodeInserted(context.Context) (dom.ChildNodeInsertedClient, error)
// Event ChildNodeRemoved
// Mirrors `DOMNodeRemoved` event.
ChildNodeRemoved(context.Context) (dom.ChildNodeRemovedClient, error)
// Event DistributedNodesUpdated
// Called when distribution is changed.
// Note: This event is experimental.
DistributedNodesUpdated(context.Context) (dom.DistributedNodesUpdatedClient, error)
// Event DocumentUpdated
// Fired when `Document` has been totally updated. Node ids are no
// longer valid.
DocumentUpdated(context.Context) (dom.DocumentUpdatedClient, error)
// Event InlineStyleInvalidated
// Fired when `Element`'s inline style is modified via a CSS property
// modification.
// Note: This event is experimental.
InlineStyleInvalidated(context.Context) (dom.InlineStyleInvalidatedClient, error)
// Event PseudoElementAdded
// Called when a pseudo element is added to an element.
// Note: This event is experimental.
PseudoElementAdded(context.Context) (dom.PseudoElementAddedClient, error)
// Event PseudoElementRemoved
// Called when a pseudo element is removed from an element.
// Note: This event is experimental.
PseudoElementRemoved(context.Context) (dom.PseudoElementRemovedClient, error)
// Event SetChildNodes
// Fired when backend wants to provide client with the missing DOM
// structure. This happens upon most of the calls requesting node ids.
SetChildNodes(context.Context) (dom.SetChildNodesClient, error)
// Event ShadowRootPopped
// Called when shadow root is popped from the element.
// Note: This event is experimental.
ShadowRootPopped(context.Context) (dom.ShadowRootPoppedClient, error)
// Event ShadowRootPushed
// Called when shadow root is pushed into the element.
// Note: This event is experimental.
ShadowRootPushed(context.Context) (dom.ShadowRootPushedClient, error)
// The DOMDebugger domain. DOM debugging allows setting breakpoints on
// particular DOM operations and events. JavaScript execution will stop on
// these operations as if there was a regular breakpoint set.
type DOMDebugger interface {
// Command GetEventListeners
// Returns event listeners of the given object.
GetEventListeners(context.Context, *domdebugger.GetEventListenersArgs) (*domdebugger.GetEventListenersReply, error)
// Command RemoveDOMBreakpoint
// Removes DOM breakpoint that was set using `setDOMBreakpoint`.
RemoveDOMBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.RemoveDOMBreakpointArgs) error
// Command RemoveEventListenerBreakpoint
// Removes breakpoint on particular DOM event.
RemoveEventListenerBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.RemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs) error
// Command RemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint
// Removes breakpoint on particular native event.
// Note: This command is experimental.
RemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.RemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs) error
// Command RemoveXHRBreakpoint
// Removes breakpoint from XMLHttpRequest.
RemoveXHRBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.RemoveXHRBreakpointArgs) error
// Command SetDOMBreakpoint
// Sets breakpoint on particular operation with DOM.
SetDOMBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.SetDOMBreakpointArgs) error
// Command SetEventListenerBreakpoint
// Sets breakpoint on particular DOM event.
SetEventListenerBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.SetEventListenerBreakpointArgs) error
// Command SetInstrumentationBreakpoint
// Sets breakpoint on particular native event.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetInstrumentationBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.SetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs) error
// Command SetXHRBreakpoint
// Sets breakpoint on XMLHttpRequest.
SetXHRBreakpoint(context.Context, *domdebugger.SetXHRBreakpointArgs) error
// The DOMSnapshot domain. This domain facilitates obtaining document
// snapshots with DOM, layout, and style information.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type DOMSnapshot interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetSnapshot
// Deprecated: Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM
// tree of the root node (including iframes, template contents, and
// imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and
// white-listed computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in
// the returned DOM tree is flattened.
GetSnapshot(context.Context, *domsnapshot.GetSnapshotArgs) (*domsnapshot.GetSnapshotReply, error)
// Command CaptureSnapshot
// Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the
// root node (including iframes, template contents, and imported
// documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and white-listed
// computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in the returned
// DOM tree is flattened.
CaptureSnapshot(context.Context, *domsnapshot.CaptureSnapshotArgs) (*domsnapshot.CaptureSnapshotReply, error)
// The DOMStorage domain. Query and modify DOM storage.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type DOMStorage interface {
// Command Clear
Clear(context.Context, *domstorage.ClearArgs) error
// Command Disable
// Disables storage tracking, prevents storage events from being sent
// to the client.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables storage tracking, storage events will now be delivered to
// the client.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetDOMStorageItems
GetDOMStorageItems(context.Context, *domstorage.GetDOMStorageItemsArgs) (*domstorage.GetDOMStorageItemsReply, error)
// Command RemoveDOMStorageItem
RemoveDOMStorageItem(context.Context, *domstorage.RemoveDOMStorageItemArgs) error
// Command SetDOMStorageItem
SetDOMStorageItem(context.Context, *domstorage.SetDOMStorageItemArgs) error
// Event DOMStorageItemAdded
DOMStorageItemAdded(context.Context) (domstorage.ItemAddedClient, error)
// Event DOMStorageItemRemoved
DOMStorageItemRemoved(context.Context) (domstorage.ItemRemovedClient, error)
// Event DOMStorageItemUpdated
DOMStorageItemUpdated(context.Context) (domstorage.ItemUpdatedClient, error)
// Event DOMStorageItemsCleared
DOMStorageItemsCleared(context.Context) (domstorage.ItemsClearedClient, error)
// The Database domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Database interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables database tracking, prevents database events from being
// sent to the client.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables database tracking, database events will now be delivered to
// the client.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command ExecuteSQL
ExecuteSQL(context.Context, *database.ExecuteSQLArgs) (*database.ExecuteSQLReply, error)
// Command GetDatabaseTableNames
GetDatabaseTableNames(context.Context, *database.GetDatabaseTableNamesArgs) (*database.GetDatabaseTableNamesReply, error)
// Event AddDatabase
AddDatabase(context.Context) (database.AddDatabaseClient, error)
// The Debugger domain. Debugger domain exposes JavaScript debugging
// capabilities. It allows setting and removing breakpoints, stepping through
// execution, exploring stack traces, etc.
type Debugger interface {
// Command ContinueToLocation
// Continues execution until specific location is reached.
ContinueToLocation(context.Context, *debugger.ContinueToLocationArgs) error
// Command Disable
// Disables debugger for given page.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables debugger for the given page. Clients should not assume that
// the debugging has been enabled until the result for this command is
// received.
Enable(context.Context, *debugger.EnableArgs) (*debugger.EnableReply, error)
// Command EvaluateOnCallFrame
// Evaluates expression on a given call frame.
EvaluateOnCallFrame(context.Context, *debugger.EvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) (*debugger.EvaluateOnCallFrameReply, error)
// Command ExecuteWasmEvaluator
// Execute a Wasm Evaluator module on a given call frame.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ExecuteWasmEvaluator(context.Context, *debugger.ExecuteWasmEvaluatorArgs) (*debugger.ExecuteWasmEvaluatorReply, error)
// Command GetPossibleBreakpoints
// Returns possible locations for breakpoint. scriptId in start and
// end range locations should be the same.
GetPossibleBreakpoints(context.Context, *debugger.GetPossibleBreakpointsArgs) (*debugger.GetPossibleBreakpointsReply, error)
// Command GetScriptSource
// Returns source for the script with given id.
GetScriptSource(context.Context, *debugger.GetScriptSourceArgs) (*debugger.GetScriptSourceReply, error)
// Command GetWasmBytecode
// Deprecated: This command is deprecated. Use getScriptSource
// instead.
GetWasmBytecode(context.Context, *debugger.GetWasmBytecodeArgs) (*debugger.GetWasmBytecodeReply, error)
// Command GetStackTrace
// Returns stack trace with given `stackTraceId`.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetStackTrace(context.Context, *debugger.GetStackTraceArgs) (*debugger.GetStackTraceReply, error)
// Command Pause
// Stops on the next JavaScript statement.
Pause(context.Context) error
// Command PauseOnAsyncCall
// Deprecated: This command is deprecated.
// Note: This command is experimental.
PauseOnAsyncCall(context.Context, *debugger.PauseOnAsyncCallArgs) error
// Command RemoveBreakpoint
// Removes JavaScript breakpoint.
RemoveBreakpoint(context.Context, *debugger.RemoveBreakpointArgs) error
// Command RestartFrame
// Restarts particular call frame from the beginning.
RestartFrame(context.Context, *debugger.RestartFrameArgs) (*debugger.RestartFrameReply, error)
// Command Resume
// Resumes JavaScript execution.
Resume(context.Context, *debugger.ResumeArgs) error
// Command SearchInContent
// Searches for given string in script content.
SearchInContent(context.Context, *debugger.SearchInContentArgs) (*debugger.SearchInContentReply, error)
// Command SetAsyncCallStackDepth
// Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.
SetAsyncCallStackDepth(context.Context, *debugger.SetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs) error
// Command SetBlackboxPatterns
// Replace previous blackbox patterns with passed ones. Forces backend
// to skip stepping/pausing in scripts with url matching one of the
// patterns. VM will try to leave blackboxed script by performing 'step
// in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetBlackboxPatterns(context.Context, *debugger.SetBlackboxPatternsArgs) error
// Command SetBlackboxedRanges
// Makes backend skip steps in the script in blackboxed ranges. VM
// will try leave blacklisted scripts by performing 'step in' several
// times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful. Positions
// array contains positions where blackbox state is changed. First
// interval isn't blackboxed. Array should be sorted.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetBlackboxedRanges(context.Context, *debugger.SetBlackboxedRangesArgs) error
// Command SetBreakpoint
// Sets JavaScript breakpoint at a given location.
SetBreakpoint(context.Context, *debugger.SetBreakpointArgs) (*debugger.SetBreakpointReply, error)
// Command SetInstrumentationBreakpoint
// Sets instrumentation breakpoint.
SetInstrumentationBreakpoint(context.Context, *debugger.SetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs) (*debugger.SetInstrumentationBreakpointReply, error)
// Command SetBreakpointByURL
// Sets JavaScript breakpoint at given location specified either by
// URL or URL regex. Once this command is issued, all existing parsed
// scripts will have breakpoints resolved and returned in `locations`
// property. Further matching script parsing will result in subsequent
// `breakpointResolved` events issued. This logical breakpoint will
// survive page reloads.
SetBreakpointByURL(context.Context, *debugger.SetBreakpointByURLArgs) (*debugger.SetBreakpointByURLReply, error)
// Command SetBreakpointOnFunctionCall
// Sets JavaScript breakpoint before each call to the given function.
// If another function was created from the same source as a given one,
// calling it will also trigger the breakpoint.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetBreakpointOnFunctionCall(context.Context, *debugger.SetBreakpointOnFunctionCallArgs) (*debugger.SetBreakpointOnFunctionCallReply, error)
// Command SetBreakpointsActive
// Activates / deactivates all breakpoints on the page.
SetBreakpointsActive(context.Context, *debugger.SetBreakpointsActiveArgs) error
// Command SetPauseOnExceptions
// Defines pause on exceptions state. Can be set to stop on all
// exceptions, uncaught exceptions or no exceptions. Initial pause on
// exceptions state is `none`.
SetPauseOnExceptions(context.Context, *debugger.SetPauseOnExceptionsArgs) error
// Command SetReturnValue
// Changes return value in top frame. Available only at return break
// position.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetReturnValue(context.Context, *debugger.SetReturnValueArgs) error
// Command SetScriptSource
// Edits JavaScript source live.
SetScriptSource(context.Context, *debugger.SetScriptSourceArgs) (*debugger.SetScriptSourceReply, error)
// Command SetSkipAllPauses
// Makes page not interrupt on any pauses (breakpoint, exception, dom
// exception etc).
SetSkipAllPauses(context.Context, *debugger.SetSkipAllPausesArgs) error
// Command SetVariableValue
// Changes value of variable in a callframe. Object-based scopes are
// not supported and must be mutated manually.
SetVariableValue(context.Context, *debugger.SetVariableValueArgs) error
// Command StepInto
// Steps into the function call.
StepInto(context.Context, *debugger.StepIntoArgs) error
// Command StepOut
// Steps out of the function call.
StepOut(context.Context) error
// Command StepOver
// Steps over the statement.
StepOver(context.Context) error
// Event BreakpointResolved
// Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.
BreakpointResolved(context.Context) (debugger.BreakpointResolvedClient, error)
// Event Paused
// Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception
// or any other stop criteria.
Paused(context.Context) (debugger.PausedClient, error)
// Event Resumed
// Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.
Resumed(context.Context) (debugger.ResumedClient, error)
// Event ScriptFailedToParse
// Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.
ScriptFailedToParse(context.Context) (debugger.ScriptFailedToParseClient, error)
// Event ScriptParsed
// Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired
// for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.
ScriptParsed(context.Context) (debugger.ScriptParsedClient, error)
// The DeviceOrientation domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type DeviceOrientation interface {
// Command ClearDeviceOrientationOverride
// Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
ClearDeviceOrientationOverride(context.Context) error
// Command SetDeviceOrientationOverride
// Overrides the Device Orientation.
SetDeviceOrientationOverride(context.Context, *deviceorientation.SetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs) error
// The Emulation domain. This domain emulates different environments for the
// page.
type Emulation interface {
// Command CanEmulate
// Tells whether emulation is supported.
CanEmulate(context.Context) (*emulation.CanEmulateReply, error)
// Command ClearDeviceMetricsOverride
// Clears the overridden device metrics.
ClearDeviceMetricsOverride(context.Context) error
// Command ClearGeolocationOverride
// Clears the overridden Geolocation Position and Error.
ClearGeolocationOverride(context.Context) error
// Command ResetPageScaleFactor
// Requests that page scale factor is reset to initial values.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ResetPageScaleFactor(context.Context) error
// Command SetFocusEmulationEnabled
// Enables or disables simulating a focused and active page.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetFocusEmulationEnabled(context.Context, *emulation.SetFocusEmulationEnabledArgs) error
// Command SetCPUThrottlingRate
// Enables CPU throttling to emulate slow CPUs.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetCPUThrottlingRate(context.Context, *emulation.SetCPUThrottlingRateArgs) error
// Command SetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride
// Sets or clears an override of the default background color of the
// frame. This override is used if the content does not specify one.
SetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride(context.Context, *emulation.SetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs) error
// Command SetDeviceMetricsOverride
// Overrides the values of device screen dimensions
// (window.screen.width, window.screen.height, window.innerWidth,
// window.innerHeight, and "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS
// media query results).
SetDeviceMetricsOverride(context.Context, *emulation.SetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) error
// Command SetScrollbarsHidden
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetScrollbarsHidden(context.Context, *emulation.SetScrollbarsHiddenArgs) error
// Command SetDocumentCookieDisabled
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetDocumentCookieDisabled(context.Context, *emulation.SetDocumentCookieDisabledArgs) error
// Command SetEmitTouchEventsForMouse
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetEmitTouchEventsForMouse(context.Context, *emulation.SetEmitTouchEventsForMouseArgs) error
// Command SetEmulatedMedia
// Emulates the given media type or media feature for CSS media
// queries.
SetEmulatedMedia(context.Context, *emulation.SetEmulatedMediaArgs) error
// Command SetEmulatedVisionDeficiency
// Emulates the given vision deficiency.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetEmulatedVisionDeficiency(context.Context, *emulation.SetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyArgs) error
// Command SetGeolocationOverride
// Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the
// parameters emulates position unavailable.
SetGeolocationOverride(context.Context, *emulation.SetGeolocationOverrideArgs) error
// Command SetNavigatorOverrides
// Deprecated: Overrides value returned by the javascript navigator
// object.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetNavigatorOverrides(context.Context, *emulation.SetNavigatorOverridesArgs) error
// Command SetPageScaleFactor
// Sets a specified page scale factor.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetPageScaleFactor(context.Context, *emulation.SetPageScaleFactorArgs) error
// Command SetScriptExecutionDisabled
// Switches script execution in the page.
SetScriptExecutionDisabled(context.Context, *emulation.SetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs) error
// Command SetTouchEmulationEnabled
// Enables touch on platforms which do not support them.
SetTouchEmulationEnabled(context.Context, *emulation.SetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs) error
// Command SetVirtualTimePolicy
// Turns on virtual time for all frames (replacing real-time with a
// synthetic time source) and sets the current virtual time policy.
// Note this supersedes any previous time budget.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetVirtualTimePolicy(context.Context, *emulation.SetVirtualTimePolicyArgs) (*emulation.SetVirtualTimePolicyReply, error)
// Command SetLocaleOverride
// Overrides default host system locale with the specified one.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetLocaleOverride(context.Context, *emulation.SetLocaleOverrideArgs) error
// Command SetTimezoneOverride
// Overrides default host system timezone with the specified one.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetTimezoneOverride(context.Context, *emulation.SetTimezoneOverrideArgs) error
// Command SetVisibleSize
// Deprecated: Resizes the frame/viewport of the page. Note that this
// does not affect the frame's container (e.g. browser window). Can be
// used to produce screenshots of the specified size. Not supported on
// Android.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetVisibleSize(context.Context, *emulation.SetVisibleSizeArgs) error
// Command SetUserAgentOverride
// Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
SetUserAgentOverride(context.Context, *emulation.SetUserAgentOverrideArgs) error
// Event VirtualTimeBudgetExpired
// Notification sent after the virtual time budget for the current
// VirtualTimePolicy has run out.
// Note: This event is experimental.
VirtualTimeBudgetExpired(context.Context) (emulation.VirtualTimeBudgetExpiredClient, error)
// The Fetch domain. A domain for letting clients substitute browser's network
// layer with client code.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Fetch interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables the fetch domain.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables issuing of requestPaused events. A request will be paused
// until client calls one of failRequest, fulfillRequest or
// continueRequest/continueWithAuth.
Enable(context.Context, *fetch.EnableArgs) error
// Command FailRequest
// Causes the request to fail with specified reason.
FailRequest(context.Context, *fetch.FailRequestArgs) error
// Command FulfillRequest
// Provides response to the request.
FulfillRequest(context.Context, *fetch.FulfillRequestArgs) error
// Command ContinueRequest
// Continues the request, optionally modifying some of its parameters.
ContinueRequest(context.Context, *fetch.ContinueRequestArgs) error
// Command ContinueWithAuth
// Continues a request supplying authChallengeResponse following
// authRequired event.
ContinueWithAuth(context.Context, *fetch.ContinueWithAuthArgs) error
// Command GetResponseBody
// Causes the body of the response to be received from the server and
// returned as a single string. May only be issued for a request that
// is paused in the Response stage and is mutually exclusive with
// takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream. Calling other methods that
// affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received
// results in an undefined behavior.
GetResponseBody(context.Context, *fetch.GetResponseBodyArgs) (*fetch.GetResponseBodyReply, error)
// Command TakeResponseBodyAsStream
// Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. The
// request must be paused in the HeadersReceived stage. Note that after
// this command the request can't be continued as is -- client either
// needs to cancel it or to provide the response body. The stream only
// supports sequential read, will fail if the position is
// specified. This method is mutually exclusive with getResponseBody.
// Calling other methods that affect the request or disabling fetch
// domain before body is received results in an undefined behavior.
TakeResponseBodyAsStream(context.Context, *fetch.TakeResponseBodyAsStreamArgs) (*fetch.TakeResponseBodyAsStreamReply, error)
// Event RequestPaused
// Issued when the domain is enabled and the request URL matches the
// specified filter. The request is paused until the client responds
// with one of continueRequest, failRequest or fulfillRequest. The
// stage of the request can be determined by presence of
// responseErrorReason and responseStatusCode -- the request is at the
// response stage if either of these fields is present and in the
// request stage otherwise.
RequestPaused(context.Context) (fetch.RequestPausedClient, error)
// Event AuthRequired
// Issued when the domain is enabled with handleAuthRequests set to
// true. The request is paused until client responds with
// continueWithAuth.
AuthRequired(context.Context) (fetch.AuthRequiredClient, error)
// The HeadlessExperimental domain. This domain provides experimental commands
// only supported in headless mode.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type HeadlessExperimental interface {
// Command BeginFrame
// Sends a BeginFrame to the target and returns when the frame was
// completed. Optionally captures a screenshot from the resulting
// frame. Requires that the target was created with enabled
// BeginFrameControl. Designed for use with
// --run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw, see also
// for more background.
BeginFrame(context.Context, *headlessexperimental.BeginFrameArgs) (*headlessexperimental.BeginFrameReply, error)
// Command Disable
// Disables headless events for the target.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables headless events for the target.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Event NeedsBeginFramesChanged
// Deprecated: Issued when the target starts or stops needing
// BeginFrames. Deprecated. Issue beginFrame unconditionally instead
// and use result from beginFrame to detect whether the frames were
// suppressed.
NeedsBeginFramesChanged(context.Context) (headlessexperimental.NeedsBeginFramesChangedClient, error)
// The HeapProfiler domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type HeapProfiler interface {
// Command AddInspectedHeapObject
// Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see
// Command Line API for more details $x functions).
AddInspectedHeapObject(context.Context, *heapprofiler.AddInspectedHeapObjectArgs) error
// Command CollectGarbage
CollectGarbage(context.Context) error
// Command Disable
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetHeapObjectID
GetHeapObjectID(context.Context, *heapprofiler.GetHeapObjectIDArgs) (*heapprofiler.GetHeapObjectIDReply, error)
// Command GetObjectByHeapObjectID
GetObjectByHeapObjectID(context.Context, *heapprofiler.GetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs) (*heapprofiler.GetObjectByHeapObjectIDReply, error)
// Command GetSamplingProfile
GetSamplingProfile(context.Context) (*heapprofiler.GetSamplingProfileReply, error)
// Command StartSampling
StartSampling(context.Context, *heapprofiler.StartSamplingArgs) error
// Command StartTrackingHeapObjects
StartTrackingHeapObjects(context.Context, *heapprofiler.StartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs) error
// Command StopSampling
StopSampling(context.Context) (*heapprofiler.StopSamplingReply, error)
// Command StopTrackingHeapObjects
StopTrackingHeapObjects(context.Context, *heapprofiler.StopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs) error
// Command TakeHeapSnapshot
TakeHeapSnapshot(context.Context, *heapprofiler.TakeHeapSnapshotArgs) error
// Event AddHeapSnapshotChunk
AddHeapSnapshotChunk(context.Context) (heapprofiler.AddHeapSnapshotChunkClient, error)
// Event HeapStatsUpdate
// If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send
// update for one or more fragments
HeapStatsUpdate(context.Context) (heapprofiler.HeapStatsUpdateClient, error)
// Event LastSeenObjectID
// If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly
// sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding
// timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one
// or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new
// lastSeenObjectId event.
LastSeenObjectID(context.Context) (heapprofiler.LastSeenObjectIDClient, error)
// Event ReportHeapSnapshotProgress
ReportHeapSnapshotProgress(context.Context) (heapprofiler.ReportHeapSnapshotProgressClient, error)
// Event ResetProfiles
ResetProfiles(context.Context) (heapprofiler.ResetProfilesClient, error)
// The IO domain. Input/Output operations for streams produced by DevTools.
type IO interface {
// Command Close
// Close the stream, discard any temporary backing storage.
Close(context.Context, *io.CloseArgs) error
// Command Read
// Read a chunk of the stream
Read(context.Context, *io.ReadArgs) (*io.ReadReply, error)
// Command ResolveBlob
// Return UUID of Blob object specified by a remote object id.
ResolveBlob(context.Context, *io.ResolveBlobArgs) (*io.ResolveBlobReply, error)
// The IndexedDB domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type IndexedDB interface {
// Command ClearObjectStore
// Clears all entries from an object store.
ClearObjectStore(context.Context, *indexeddb.ClearObjectStoreArgs) error
// Command DeleteDatabase
// Deletes a database.
DeleteDatabase(context.Context, *indexeddb.DeleteDatabaseArgs) error
// Command DeleteObjectStoreEntries
// Delete a range of entries from an object store
DeleteObjectStoreEntries(context.Context, *indexeddb.DeleteObjectStoreEntriesArgs) error
// Command Disable
// Disables events from backend.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables events from backend.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command RequestData
// Requests data from object store or index.
RequestData(context.Context, *indexeddb.RequestDataArgs) (*indexeddb.RequestDataReply, error)
// Command GetMetadata
// Gets metadata of an object store
GetMetadata(context.Context, *indexeddb.GetMetadataArgs) (*indexeddb.GetMetadataReply, error)
// Command RequestDatabase
// Requests database with given name in given frame.
RequestDatabase(context.Context, *indexeddb.RequestDatabaseArgs) (*indexeddb.RequestDatabaseReply, error)
// Command RequestDatabaseNames
// Requests database names for given security origin.
RequestDatabaseNames(context.Context, *indexeddb.RequestDatabaseNamesArgs) (*indexeddb.RequestDatabaseNamesReply, error)
// The Input domain.
type Input interface {
// Command DispatchKeyEvent
// Dispatches a key event to the page.
DispatchKeyEvent(context.Context, *input.DispatchKeyEventArgs) error
// Command InsertText
// This method emulates inserting text that doesn't come from a key
// press, for example an emoji keyboard or an IME.
// Note: This command is experimental.
InsertText(context.Context, *input.InsertTextArgs) error
// Command DispatchMouseEvent
// Dispatches a mouse event to the page.
DispatchMouseEvent(context.Context, *input.DispatchMouseEventArgs) error
// Command DispatchTouchEvent
// Dispatches a touch event to the page.
DispatchTouchEvent(context.Context, *input.DispatchTouchEventArgs) error
// Command EmulateTouchFromMouseEvent
// Emulates touch event from the mouse event parameters.
// Note: This command is experimental.
EmulateTouchFromMouseEvent(context.Context, *input.EmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) error
// Command SetIgnoreInputEvents
// Ignores input events (useful while auditing page).
SetIgnoreInputEvents(context.Context, *input.SetIgnoreInputEventsArgs) error
// Command SynthesizePinchGesture
// Synthesizes a pinch gesture over a time period by issuing
// appropriate touch events.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SynthesizePinchGesture(context.Context, *input.SynthesizePinchGestureArgs) error
// Command SynthesizeScrollGesture
// Synthesizes a scroll gesture over a time period by issuing
// appropriate touch events.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SynthesizeScrollGesture(context.Context, *input.SynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) error
// Command SynthesizeTapGesture
// Synthesizes a tap gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate
// touch events.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SynthesizeTapGesture(context.Context, *input.SynthesizeTapGestureArgs) error
// The Inspector domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Inspector interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables inspector domain notifications.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables inspector domain notifications.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Event Detached
// Fired when remote debugging connection is about to be terminated.
// Contains detach reason.
Detached(context.Context) (inspector.DetachedClient, error)
// Event TargetCrashed
// Fired when debugging target has crashed
TargetCrashed(context.Context) (inspector.TargetCrashedClient, error)
// Event TargetReloadedAfterCrash
// Fired when debugging target has reloaded after crash
TargetReloadedAfterCrash(context.Context) (inspector.TargetReloadedAfterCrashClient, error)
// The LayerTree domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type LayerTree interface {
// Command CompositingReasons
// Provides the reasons why the given layer was composited.
CompositingReasons(context.Context, *layertree.CompositingReasonsArgs) (*layertree.CompositingReasonsReply, error)
// Command Disable
// Disables compositing tree inspection.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables compositing tree inspection.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command LoadSnapshot
// Returns the snapshot identifier.
LoadSnapshot(context.Context, *layertree.LoadSnapshotArgs) (*layertree.LoadSnapshotReply, error)
// Command MakeSnapshot
// Returns the layer snapshot identifier.
MakeSnapshot(context.Context, *layertree.MakeSnapshotArgs) (*layertree.MakeSnapshotReply, error)
// Command ProfileSnapshot
ProfileSnapshot(context.Context, *layertree.ProfileSnapshotArgs) (*layertree.ProfileSnapshotReply, error)
// Command ReleaseSnapshot
// Releases layer snapshot captured by the back-end.
ReleaseSnapshot(context.Context, *layertree.ReleaseSnapshotArgs) error
// Command ReplaySnapshot
// Replays the layer snapshot and returns the resulting bitmap.
ReplaySnapshot(context.Context, *layertree.ReplaySnapshotArgs) (*layertree.ReplaySnapshotReply, error)
// Command SnapshotCommandLog
// Replays the layer snapshot and returns canvas log.
SnapshotCommandLog(context.Context, *layertree.SnapshotCommandLogArgs) (*layertree.SnapshotCommandLogReply, error)
// Event LayerPainted
LayerPainted(context.Context) (layertree.LayerPaintedClient, error)
// Event LayerTreeDidChange
LayerTreeDidChange(context.Context) (layertree.DidChangeClient, error)
// The Log domain. Provides access to log entries.
type Log interface {
// Command Clear
// Clears the log.
Clear(context.Context) error
// Command Disable
// Disables log domain, prevents further log entries from being
// reported to the client.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables log domain, sends the entries collected so far to the
// client by means of the `entryAdded` notification.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command StartViolationsReport
// start violation reporting.
StartViolationsReport(context.Context, *log.StartViolationsReportArgs) error
// Command StopViolationsReport
// Stop violation reporting.
StopViolationsReport(context.Context) error
// Event EntryAdded
// Issued when new message was logged.
EntryAdded(context.Context) (log.EntryAddedClient, error)
// The Media domain. This domain allows detailed inspection of media elements
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Media interface {
// Command Enable
// Enables the Media domain
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command Disable
// Disables the Media domain.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Event PlayerPropertiesChanged
// This can be called multiple times, and can be used to set /
// override / remove player properties. A null propValue indicates
// removal.
PlayerPropertiesChanged(context.Context) (media.PlayerPropertiesChangedClient, error)
// Event PlayerEventsAdded
// Send events as a list, allowing them to be batched on the browser
// for less congestion. If batched, events must ALWAYS be in
// chronological order.
PlayerEventsAdded(context.Context) (media.PlayerEventsAddedClient, error)
// Event PlayerMessagesLogged
// Send a list of any messages that need to be delivered.
PlayerMessagesLogged(context.Context) (media.PlayerMessagesLoggedClient, error)
// Event PlayerErrorsRaised
// Send a list of any errors that need to be delivered.
PlayerErrorsRaised(context.Context) (media.PlayerErrorsRaisedClient, error)
// Event PlayersCreated
// Called whenever a player is created, or when a new agent joins and
// receives a list of active players. If an agent is restored, it will
// receive the full list of player ids and all events again.
PlayersCreated(context.Context) (media.PlayersCreatedClient, error)
// The Memory domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Memory interface {
// Command GetDOMCounters
GetDOMCounters(context.Context) (*memory.GetDOMCountersReply, error)
// Command PrepareForLeakDetection
PrepareForLeakDetection(context.Context) error
// Command ForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory
// Simulate OomIntervention by purging V8 memory.
ForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory(context.Context) error
// Command SetPressureNotificationsSuppressed
// Enable/disable suppressing memory pressure notifications in all
// processes.
SetPressureNotificationsSuppressed(context.Context, *memory.SetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs) error
// Command SimulatePressureNotification
// Simulate a memory pressure notification in all processes.
SimulatePressureNotification(context.Context, *memory.SimulatePressureNotificationArgs) error
// Command StartSampling
// Start collecting native memory profile.
StartSampling(context.Context, *memory.StartSamplingArgs) error
// Command StopSampling
// Stop collecting native memory profile.
StopSampling(context.Context) error
// Command GetAllTimeSamplingProfile
// Retrieve native memory allocations profile collected since renderer
// process startup.
GetAllTimeSamplingProfile(context.Context) (*memory.GetAllTimeSamplingProfileReply, error)
// Command GetBrowserSamplingProfile
// Retrieve native memory allocations profile collected since browser
// process startup.
GetBrowserSamplingProfile(context.Context) (*memory.GetBrowserSamplingProfileReply, error)
// Command GetSamplingProfile
// Retrieve native memory allocations profile collected since last
// `startSampling` call.
GetSamplingProfile(context.Context) (*memory.GetSamplingProfileReply, error)
// The Network domain. Network domain allows tracking network activities of
// the page. It exposes information about http, file, data and other requests
// and responses, their headers, bodies, timing, etc.
type Network interface {
// Command CanClearBrowserCache
// Deprecated: Tells whether clearing browser cache is supported.
CanClearBrowserCache(context.Context) (*network.CanClearBrowserCacheReply, error)
// Command CanClearBrowserCookies
// Deprecated: Tells whether clearing browser cookies is supported.
CanClearBrowserCookies(context.Context) (*network.CanClearBrowserCookiesReply, error)
// Command CanEmulateNetworkConditions
// Deprecated: Tells whether emulation of network conditions is
// supported.
CanEmulateNetworkConditions(context.Context) (*network.CanEmulateNetworkConditionsReply, error)
// Command ClearBrowserCache
// Clears browser cache.
ClearBrowserCache(context.Context) error
// Command ClearBrowserCookies
// Clears browser cookies.
ClearBrowserCookies(context.Context) error
// Command ContinueInterceptedRequest
// Deprecated: Response to Network.requestIntercepted which either
// modifies the request to continue with any modifications, or blocks
// it, or completes it with the provided response bytes. If a network
// fetch occurs as a result which encounters a redirect an additional
// Network.requestIntercepted event will be sent with the same
// InterceptionId. use Fetch.continueRequest,
// Fetch.fulfillRequest and Fetch.failRequest instead.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ContinueInterceptedRequest(context.Context, *network.ContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) error
// Command DeleteCookies
// Deletes browser cookies with matching name and url or domain/path
// pair.
DeleteCookies(context.Context, *network.DeleteCookiesArgs) error
// Command Disable
// Disables network tracking, prevents network events from being sent
// to the client.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command EmulateNetworkConditions
// Activates emulation of network conditions.
EmulateNetworkConditions(context.Context, *network.EmulateNetworkConditionsArgs) error
// Command Enable
// Enables network tracking, network events will now be delivered to
// the client.
Enable(context.Context, *network.EnableArgs) error
// Command GetAllCookies
// Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will
// return detailed cookie information in the `cookies` field.
GetAllCookies(context.Context) (*network.GetAllCookiesReply, error)
// Command GetCertificate
// Returns the DER-encoded certificate.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetCertificate(context.Context, *network.GetCertificateArgs) (*network.GetCertificateReply, error)
// Command GetCookies
// Returns all browser cookies for the current URL. Depending on the
// backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the
// `cookies` field.
GetCookies(context.Context, *network.GetCookiesArgs) (*network.GetCookiesReply, error)
// Command GetResponseBody
// Returns content served for the given request.
GetResponseBody(context.Context, *network.GetResponseBodyArgs) (*network.GetResponseBodyReply, error)
// Command GetRequestPostData
// Returns post data sent with the request. Returns an error when no
// data was sent with the request.
GetRequestPostData(context.Context, *network.GetRequestPostDataArgs) (*network.GetRequestPostDataReply, error)
// Command GetResponseBodyForInterception
// Returns content served for the given currently intercepted request.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetResponseBodyForInterception(context.Context, *network.GetResponseBodyForInterceptionArgs) (*network.GetResponseBodyForInterceptionReply, error)
// Command TakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream
// Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. Note
// that after this command, the intercepted request can't be continued
// as is -- you either need to cancel it or to provide the response
// body. The stream only supports sequential read, will fail if
// the position is specified.
// Note: This command is experimental.
TakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream(context.Context, *network.TakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamArgs) (*network.TakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamReply, error)
// Command ReplayXHR
// This method sends a new XMLHttpRequest which is identical to the
// original one. The following parameters should be identical: method,
// url, async, request body, extra headers, withCredentials attribute,
// user, password.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ReplayXHR(context.Context, *network.ReplayXHRArgs) error
// Command SearchInResponseBody
// Searches for given string in response content.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SearchInResponseBody(context.Context, *network.SearchInResponseBodyArgs) (*network.SearchInResponseBodyReply, error)
// Command SetBlockedURLs
// Blocks URLs from loading.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetBlockedURLs(context.Context, *network.SetBlockedURLsArgs) error
// Command SetBypassServiceWorker
// Toggles ignoring of service worker for each request.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetBypassServiceWorker(context.Context, *network.SetBypassServiceWorkerArgs) error
// Command SetCacheDisabled
// Toggles ignoring cache for each request. If `true`, cache will not
// be used.
SetCacheDisabled(context.Context, *network.SetCacheDisabledArgs) error
// Command SetCookie
// Sets a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite equivalent
// cookies if they exist.
SetCookie(context.Context, *network.SetCookieArgs) (*network.SetCookieReply, error)
// Command SetCookies
// Sets given cookies.
SetCookies(context.Context, *network.SetCookiesArgs) error
// Command SetDataSizeLimitsForTest
// For testing.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetDataSizeLimitsForTest(context.Context, *network.SetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs) error
// Command SetExtraHTTPHeaders
// Specifies whether to always send extra HTTP headers with the
// requests from this page.
SetExtraHTTPHeaders(context.Context, *network.SetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs) error
// Command SetRequestInterception
// Deprecated: Sets the requests to intercept that match the provided
// patterns and optionally resource types. please use
// Fetch.enable instead.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetRequestInterception(context.Context, *network.SetRequestInterceptionArgs) error
// Event DataReceived
// Fired when data chunk was received over the network.
DataReceived(context.Context) (network.DataReceivedClient, error)
// Event EventSourceMessageReceived
// Fired when EventSource message is received.
EventSourceMessageReceived(context.Context) (network.EventSourceMessageReceivedClient, error)
// Event LoadingFailed
// Fired when HTTP request has failed to load.
LoadingFailed(context.Context) (network.LoadingFailedClient, error)
// Event LoadingFinished
// Fired when HTTP request has finished loading.
LoadingFinished(context.Context) (network.LoadingFinishedClient, error)
// Event RequestIntercepted
// Deprecated: Details of an intercepted HTTP request, which must be
// either allowed, blocked, modified or mocked. use
// Fetch.requestPaused instead.
// Note: This event is experimental.
RequestIntercepted(context.Context) (network.RequestInterceptedClient, error)
// Event RequestServedFromCache
// Fired if request ended up loading from cache.
RequestServedFromCache(context.Context) (network.RequestServedFromCacheClient, error)
// Event RequestWillBeSent
// Fired when page is about to send HTTP request.
RequestWillBeSent(context.Context) (network.RequestWillBeSentClient, error)
// Event ResourceChangedPriority
// Fired when resource loading priority is changed
// Note: This event is experimental.
ResourceChangedPriority(context.Context) (network.ResourceChangedPriorityClient, error)
// Event SignedExchangeReceived
// Fired when a signed exchange was received over the network
// Note: This event is experimental.
SignedExchangeReceived(context.Context) (network.SignedExchangeReceivedClient, error)
// Event ResponseReceived
// Fired when HTTP response is available.
ResponseReceived(context.Context) (network.ResponseReceivedClient, error)
// Event WebSocketClosed
// Fired when WebSocket is closed.
WebSocketClosed(context.Context) (network.WebSocketClosedClient, error)
// Event WebSocketCreated
// Fired upon WebSocket creation.
WebSocketCreated(context.Context) (network.WebSocketCreatedClient, error)
// Event WebSocketFrameError
// Fired when WebSocket message error occurs.
WebSocketFrameError(context.Context) (network.WebSocketFrameErrorClient, error)
// Event WebSocketFrameReceived
// Fired when WebSocket message is received.
WebSocketFrameReceived(context.Context) (network.WebSocketFrameReceivedClient, error)
// Event WebSocketFrameSent
// Fired when WebSocket message is sent.
WebSocketFrameSent(context.Context) (network.WebSocketFrameSentClient, error)
// Event WebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived
// Fired when WebSocket handshake response becomes available.
WebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived(context.Context) (network.WebSocketHandshakeResponseReceivedClient, error)
// Event WebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest
// Fired when WebSocket is about to initiate handshake.
WebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest(context.Context) (network.WebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequestClient, error)
// Event RequestWillBeSentExtraInfo
// Fired when additional information about a requestWillBeSent event
// is available from the network stack. Not every requestWillBeSent
// event will have an additional requestWillBeSentExtraInfo fired for
// it, and there is no guarantee whether requestWillBeSent or
// requestWillBeSentExtraInfo will be fired first for the same request.
// Note: This event is experimental.
RequestWillBeSentExtraInfo(context.Context) (network.RequestWillBeSentExtraInfoClient, error)
// Event ResponseReceivedExtraInfo
// Fired when additional information about a responseReceived event is
// available from the network stack. Not every responseReceived event
// will have an additional responseReceivedExtraInfo for it, and
// responseReceivedExtraInfo may be fired before or after
// responseReceived.
// Note: This event is experimental.
ResponseReceivedExtraInfo(context.Context) (network.ResponseReceivedExtraInfoClient, error)
// The Overlay domain. This domain provides various functionality related to
// drawing atop the inspected page.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Overlay interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables domain notifications.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables domain notifications.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetHighlightObjectForTest
// For testing.
GetHighlightObjectForTest(context.Context, *overlay.GetHighlightObjectForTestArgs) (*overlay.GetHighlightObjectForTestReply, error)
// Command HideHighlight
// Hides any highlight.
HideHighlight(context.Context) error
// Command HighlightFrame
// Highlights owner element of the frame with given id.
HighlightFrame(context.Context, *overlay.HighlightFrameArgs) error
// Command HighlightNode
// Highlights DOM node with given id or with the given JavaScript
// object wrapper. Either nodeId or objectId must be specified.
HighlightNode(context.Context, *overlay.HighlightNodeArgs) error
// Command HighlightQuad
// Highlights given quad. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the
// main frame viewport.
HighlightQuad(context.Context, *overlay.HighlightQuadArgs) error
// Command HighlightRect
// Highlights given rectangle. Coordinates are absolute with respect
// to the main frame viewport.
HighlightRect(context.Context, *overlay.HighlightRectArgs) error
// Command SetInspectMode
// Enters the 'inspect' mode. In this mode, elements that user is
// hovering over are highlighted. Backend then generates
// 'inspectNodeRequested' event upon element selection.
SetInspectMode(context.Context, *overlay.SetInspectModeArgs) error
// Command SetShowAdHighlights
// Highlights owner element of all frames detected to be ads.
SetShowAdHighlights(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowAdHighlightsArgs) error
// Command SetPausedInDebuggerMessage
SetPausedInDebuggerMessage(context.Context, *overlay.SetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs) error
// Command SetShowDebugBorders
// Requests that backend shows debug borders on layers
SetShowDebugBorders(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowDebugBordersArgs) error
// Command SetShowFPSCounter
// Requests that backend shows the FPS counter
SetShowFPSCounter(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowFPSCounterArgs) error
// Command SetShowPaintRects
// Requests that backend shows paint rectangles
SetShowPaintRects(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowPaintRectsArgs) error
// Command SetShowLayoutShiftRegions
// Requests that backend shows layout shift regions
SetShowLayoutShiftRegions(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowLayoutShiftRegionsArgs) error
// Command SetShowScrollBottleneckRects
// Requests that backend shows scroll bottleneck rects
SetShowScrollBottleneckRects(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs) error
// Command SetShowHitTestBorders
// Requests that backend shows hit-test borders on layers
SetShowHitTestBorders(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowHitTestBordersArgs) error
// Command SetShowViewportSizeOnResize
// Paints viewport size upon main frame resize.
SetShowViewportSizeOnResize(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs) error
// Command SetShowHinge
// Add a dual screen device hinge
SetShowHinge(context.Context, *overlay.SetShowHingeArgs) error
// Event InspectNodeRequested
// Fired when the node should be inspected. This happens after call to
// `setInspectMode` or when user manually inspects an element.
InspectNodeRequested(context.Context) (overlay.InspectNodeRequestedClient, error)
// Event NodeHighlightRequested
// Fired when the node should be highlighted. This happens after call
// to `setInspectMode`.
NodeHighlightRequested(context.Context) (overlay.NodeHighlightRequestedClient, error)
// Event ScreenshotRequested
// Fired when user asks to capture screenshot of some area on the
// page.
ScreenshotRequested(context.Context) (overlay.ScreenshotRequestedClient, error)
// Event InspectModeCanceled
// Fired when user cancels the inspect mode.
InspectModeCanceled(context.Context) (overlay.InspectModeCanceledClient, error)
// The Page domain. Actions and events related to the inspected page belong to
// the page domain.
type Page interface {
// Command AddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad
// Deprecated: Please use addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
// instead.
// Note: This command is experimental.
AddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad(context.Context, *page.AddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs) (*page.AddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReply, error)
// Command AddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
// Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading
// frame's scripts).
AddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument(context.Context, *page.AddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentArgs) (*page.AddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentReply, error)
// Command BringToFront
// Brings page to front (activates tab).
BringToFront(context.Context) error
// Command CaptureScreenshot
// Capture page screenshot.
CaptureScreenshot(context.Context, *page.CaptureScreenshotArgs) (*page.CaptureScreenshotReply, error)
// Command CaptureSnapshot
// Returns a snapshot of the page as a string. For MHTML format, the
// serialization includes iframes, shadow DOM, external resources, and
// element-inline styles.
// Note: This command is experimental.
CaptureSnapshot(context.Context, *page.CaptureSnapshotArgs) (*page.CaptureSnapshotReply, error)
// Command CreateIsolatedWorld
// Creates an isolated world for the given frame.
CreateIsolatedWorld(context.Context, *page.CreateIsolatedWorldArgs) (*page.CreateIsolatedWorldReply, error)
// Command Disable
// Disables page domain notifications.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables page domain notifications.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetAppManifest
GetAppManifest(context.Context) (*page.GetAppManifestReply, error)
// Command GetInstallabilityErrors
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetInstallabilityErrors(context.Context) (*page.GetInstallabilityErrorsReply, error)
// Command GetManifestIcons
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetManifestIcons(context.Context) (*page.GetManifestIconsReply, error)
// Command GetFrameTree
// Returns present frame tree structure.
GetFrameTree(context.Context) (*page.GetFrameTreeReply, error)
// Command GetLayoutMetrics
// Returns metrics relating to the layouting of the page, such as
// viewport bounds/scale.
GetLayoutMetrics(context.Context) (*page.GetLayoutMetricsReply, error)
// Command GetNavigationHistory
// Returns navigation history for the current page.
GetNavigationHistory(context.Context) (*page.GetNavigationHistoryReply, error)
// Command ResetNavigationHistory
// Resets navigation history for the current page.
ResetNavigationHistory(context.Context) error
// Command GetResourceContent
// Returns content of the given resource.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetResourceContent(context.Context, *page.GetResourceContentArgs) (*page.GetResourceContentReply, error)
// Command GetResourceTree
// Returns present frame / resource tree structure.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetResourceTree(context.Context) (*page.GetResourceTreeReply, error)
// Command HandleJavaScriptDialog
// Accepts or dismisses a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm,
// prompt, or onbeforeunload).
HandleJavaScriptDialog(context.Context, *page.HandleJavaScriptDialogArgs) error
// Command Navigate
// Navigates current page to the given URL.
Navigate(context.Context, *page.NavigateArgs) (*page.NavigateReply, error)
// Command NavigateToHistoryEntry
// Navigates current page to the given history entry.
NavigateToHistoryEntry(context.Context, *page.NavigateToHistoryEntryArgs) error
// Command PrintToPDF
// Print page as PDF.
PrintToPDF(context.Context, *page.PrintToPDFArgs) (*page.PrintToPDFReply, error)
// Command Reload
// Reloads given page optionally ignoring the cache.
Reload(context.Context, *page.ReloadArgs) error
// Command RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad
// Deprecated: Please use
// removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.
// Note: This command is experimental.
RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad(context.Context, *page.RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs) error
// Command RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
// Removes given script from the list.
RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument(context.Context, *page.RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentArgs) error
// Command ScreencastFrameAck
// Acknowledges that a screencast frame has been received by the
// frontend.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ScreencastFrameAck(context.Context, *page.ScreencastFrameAckArgs) error
// Command SearchInResource
// Searches for given string in resource content.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SearchInResource(context.Context, *page.SearchInResourceArgs) (*page.SearchInResourceReply, error)
// Command SetAdBlockingEnabled
// Enable Chrome's experimental ad filter on all sites.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetAdBlockingEnabled(context.Context, *page.SetAdBlockingEnabledArgs) error
// Command SetBypassCSP
// Enable page Content Security Policy by-passing.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetBypassCSP(context.Context, *page.SetBypassCSPArgs) error
// Command SetFontFamilies
// Set generic font families.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetFontFamilies(context.Context, *page.SetFontFamiliesArgs) error
// Command SetFontSizes
// Set default font sizes.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetFontSizes(context.Context, *page.SetFontSizesArgs) error
// Command SetDocumentContent
// Sets given markup as the document's HTML.
SetDocumentContent(context.Context, *page.SetDocumentContentArgs) error
// Command SetDownloadBehavior
// Deprecated: Set the behavior when downloading a file.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetDownloadBehavior(context.Context, *page.SetDownloadBehaviorArgs) error
// Command SetLifecycleEventsEnabled
// Controls whether page will emit lifecycle events.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetLifecycleEventsEnabled(context.Context, *page.SetLifecycleEventsEnabledArgs) error
// Command StartScreencast
// Starts sending each frame using the `screencastFrame` event.
// Note: This command is experimental.
StartScreencast(context.Context, *page.StartScreencastArgs) error
// Command StopLoading
// Force the page stop all navigations and pending resource fetches.
StopLoading(context.Context) error
// Command Crash
// Crashes renderer on the IO thread, generates minidumps.
// Note: This command is experimental.
Crash(context.Context) error
// Command Close
// Tries to close page, running its beforeunload hooks, if any.
// Note: This command is experimental.
Close(context.Context) error
// Command SetWebLifecycleState
// Tries to update the web lifecycle state of the page. It will
// transition the page to the given state according to:
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetWebLifecycleState(context.Context, *page.SetWebLifecycleStateArgs) error
// Command StopScreencast
// Stops sending each frame in the `screencastFrame`.
// Note: This command is experimental.
StopScreencast(context.Context) error
// Command SetProduceCompilationCache
// Forces compilation cache to be generated for every subresource
// script.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetProduceCompilationCache(context.Context, *page.SetProduceCompilationCacheArgs) error
// Command AddCompilationCache
// Seeds compilation cache for given url. Compilation cache does not
// survive cross-process navigation.
// Note: This command is experimental.
AddCompilationCache(context.Context, *page.AddCompilationCacheArgs) error
// Command ClearCompilationCache
// Clears seeded compilation cache.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ClearCompilationCache(context.Context) error
// Command GenerateTestReport
// Generates a report for testing.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GenerateTestReport(context.Context, *page.GenerateTestReportArgs) error
// Command WaitForDebugger
// Pauses page execution. Can be resumed using generic
// Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger.
// Note: This command is experimental.
WaitForDebugger(context.Context) error
// Command SetInterceptFileChooserDialog
// Intercept file chooser requests and transfer control to protocol
// clients. When file chooser interception is enabled, native file
// chooser dialog is not shown. Instead, a protocol event
// `Page.fileChooserOpened` is emitted.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetInterceptFileChooserDialog(context.Context, *page.SetInterceptFileChooserDialogArgs) error
// Event DOMContentEventFired
DOMContentEventFired(context.Context) (page.DOMContentEventFiredClient, error)
// Event FileChooserOpened
// Emitted only when `page.interceptFileChooser` is enabled.
FileChooserOpened(context.Context) (page.FileChooserOpenedClient, error)
// Event FrameAttached
// Fired when frame has been attached to its parent.
FrameAttached(context.Context) (page.FrameAttachedClient, error)
// Event FrameClearedScheduledNavigation
// Deprecated: Fired when frame no longer has a scheduled navigation.
FrameClearedScheduledNavigation(context.Context) (page.FrameClearedScheduledNavigationClient, error)
// Event FrameDetached
// Fired when frame has been detached from its parent.
FrameDetached(context.Context) (page.FrameDetachedClient, error)
// Event FrameNavigated
// Fired once navigation of the frame has completed. Frame is now
// associated with the new loader.
FrameNavigated(context.Context) (page.FrameNavigatedClient, error)
// Event FrameResized
// Note: This event is experimental.
FrameResized(context.Context) (page.FrameResizedClient, error)
// Event FrameRequestedNavigation
// Fired when a renderer-initiated navigation is requested. Navigation
// may still be canceled after the event is issued.
// Note: This event is experimental.
FrameRequestedNavigation(context.Context) (page.FrameRequestedNavigationClient, error)
// Event FrameScheduledNavigation
// Deprecated: Fired when frame schedules a potential navigation.
FrameScheduledNavigation(context.Context) (page.FrameScheduledNavigationClient, error)
// Event FrameStartedLoading
// Fired when frame has started loading.
// Note: This event is experimental.
FrameStartedLoading(context.Context) (page.FrameStartedLoadingClient, error)
// Event FrameStoppedLoading
// Fired when frame has stopped loading.
// Note: This event is experimental.
FrameStoppedLoading(context.Context) (page.FrameStoppedLoadingClient, error)
// Event DownloadWillBegin
// Fired when page is about to start a download.
// Note: This event is experimental.
DownloadWillBegin(context.Context) (page.DownloadWillBeginClient, error)
// Event DownloadProgress
// Fired when download makes progress. Last call has |done| == true.
// Note: This event is experimental.
DownloadProgress(context.Context) (page.DownloadProgressClient, error)
// Event InterstitialHidden
// Fired when interstitial page was hidden
InterstitialHidden(context.Context) (page.InterstitialHiddenClient, error)
// Event InterstitialShown
// Fired when interstitial page was shown
InterstitialShown(context.Context) (page.InterstitialShownClient, error)
// Event JavascriptDialogClosed
// Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt,
// or onbeforeunload) has been closed.
JavascriptDialogClosed(context.Context) (page.JavascriptDialogClosedClient, error)
// Event JavascriptDialogOpening
// Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt,
// or onbeforeunload) is about to open.
JavascriptDialogOpening(context.Context) (page.JavascriptDialogOpeningClient, error)
// Event LifecycleEvent
// Fired for top level page lifecycle events such as navigation, load,
// paint, etc.
LifecycleEvent(context.Context) (page.LifecycleEventClient, error)
// Event LoadEventFired
LoadEventFired(context.Context) (page.LoadEventFiredClient, error)
// Event NavigatedWithinDocument
// Fired when same-document navigation happens, e.g. due to history
// API usage or anchor navigation.
// Note: This event is experimental.
NavigatedWithinDocument(context.Context) (page.NavigatedWithinDocumentClient, error)
// Event ScreencastFrame
// Compressed image data requested by the `startScreencast`.
// Note: This event is experimental.
ScreencastFrame(context.Context) (page.ScreencastFrameClient, error)
// Event ScreencastVisibilityChanged
// Fired when the page with currently enabled screencast was shown or
// hidden `.
// Note: This event is experimental.
ScreencastVisibilityChanged(context.Context) (page.ScreencastVisibilityChangedClient, error)
// Event WindowOpen
// Fired when a new window is going to be opened, via,
// link click, form submission, etc.
WindowOpen(context.Context) (page.WindowOpenClient, error)
// Event CompilationCacheProduced
// Issued for every compilation cache generated. Is only available if
// Page.setGenerateCompilationCache is enabled.
// Note: This event is experimental.
CompilationCacheProduced(context.Context) (page.CompilationCacheProducedClient, error)
// The Performance domain.
type Performance interface {
// Command Disable
// Disable collecting and reporting metrics.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enable collecting and reporting metrics.
Enable(context.Context, *performance.EnableArgs) error
// Command SetTimeDomain
// Deprecated: Sets time domain to use for collecting and reporting
// duration metrics. Note that this must be called before enabling
// metrics collection. Calling this method while metrics collection is
// enabled returns an error.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetTimeDomain(context.Context, *performance.SetTimeDomainArgs) error
// Command GetMetrics
// Retrieve current values of run-time metrics.
GetMetrics(context.Context) (*performance.GetMetricsReply, error)
// Event Metrics
// Current values of the metrics.
Metrics(context.Context) (performance.MetricsClient, error)
// The Profiler domain.
type Profiler interface {
// Command Disable
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command GetBestEffortCoverage
// Collect coverage data for the current isolate. The coverage data
// may be incomplete due to garbage collection.
GetBestEffortCoverage(context.Context) (*profiler.GetBestEffortCoverageReply, error)
// Command SetSamplingInterval
// Changes CPU profiler sampling interval. Must be called before CPU
// profiles recording started.
SetSamplingInterval(context.Context, *profiler.SetSamplingIntervalArgs) error
// Command Start
Start(context.Context) error
// Command StartPreciseCoverage
// Enable precise code coverage. Coverage data for JavaScript executed
// before enabling precise code coverage may be incomplete. Enabling
// prevents running optimized code and resets execution counters.
StartPreciseCoverage(context.Context, *profiler.StartPreciseCoverageArgs) (*profiler.StartPreciseCoverageReply, error)
// Command StartTypeProfile
// Enable type profile.
// Note: This command is experimental.
StartTypeProfile(context.Context) error
// Command Stop
Stop(context.Context) (*profiler.StopReply, error)
// Command StopPreciseCoverage
// Disable precise code coverage. Disabling releases unnecessary
// execution count records and allows executing optimized code.
StopPreciseCoverage(context.Context) error
// Command StopTypeProfile
// Disable type profile. Disabling releases type profile data
// collected so far.
// Note: This command is experimental.
StopTypeProfile(context.Context) error
// Command TakePreciseCoverage
// Collect coverage data for the current isolate, and resets execution
// counters. Precise code coverage needs to have started.
TakePreciseCoverage(context.Context) (*profiler.TakePreciseCoverageReply, error)
// Command TakeTypeProfile
// Collect type profile.
// Note: This command is experimental.
TakeTypeProfile(context.Context) (*profiler.TakeTypeProfileReply, error)
// Command EnableRuntimeCallStats
// Enable run time call stats collection.
// Note: This command is experimental.
EnableRuntimeCallStats(context.Context) error
// Command DisableRuntimeCallStats
// Disable run time call stats collection.
// Note: This command is experimental.
DisableRuntimeCallStats(context.Context) error
// Command GetRuntimeCallStats
// Retrieve run time call stats.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetRuntimeCallStats(context.Context) (*profiler.GetRuntimeCallStatsReply, error)
// Event ConsoleProfileFinished
ConsoleProfileFinished(context.Context) (profiler.ConsoleProfileFinishedClient, error)
// Event ConsoleProfileStarted
// Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile()
// call.
ConsoleProfileStarted(context.Context) (profiler.ConsoleProfileStartedClient, error)
// Event PreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate
// Reports coverage delta since the last poll (either from an event
// like this, or from `takePreciseCoverage` for the current isolate.
// May only be sent if precise code coverage has been started. This
// event can be trigged by the embedder to, for example, trigger
// collection of coverage data immediately at a certain point in time.
// Note: This event is experimental.
PreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate(context.Context) (profiler.PreciseCoverageDeltaUpdateClient, error)
// The Runtime domain. Runtime domain exposes JavaScript runtime by means of
// remote evaluation and mirror objects. Evaluation results are returned as
// mirror object that expose object type, string representation and unique
// identifier that can be used for further object reference. Original objects
// are maintained in memory unless they are either explicitly released or are
// released along with the other objects in their object group.
type Runtime interface {
// Command AwaitPromise
// Add handler to promise with given promise object id.
AwaitPromise(context.Context, *runtime.AwaitPromiseArgs) (*runtime.AwaitPromiseReply, error)
// Command CallFunctionOn
// Calls function with given declaration on the given object. Object
// group of the result is inherited from the target object.
CallFunctionOn(context.Context, *runtime.CallFunctionOnArgs) (*runtime.CallFunctionOnReply, error)
// Command CompileScript
// Compiles expression.
CompileScript(context.Context, *runtime.CompileScriptArgs) (*runtime.CompileScriptReply, error)
// Command Disable
// Disables reporting of execution contexts creation.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command DiscardConsoleEntries
// Discards collected exceptions and console API calls.
DiscardConsoleEntries(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables reporting of execution contexts creation by means of
// `executionContextCreated` event. When the reporting gets enabled the
// event will be sent immediately for each existing execution context.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command Evaluate
// Evaluates expression on global object.
Evaluate(context.Context, *runtime.EvaluateArgs) (*runtime.EvaluateReply, error)
// Command GetIsolateID
// Returns the isolate id.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetIsolateID(context.Context) (*runtime.GetIsolateIDReply, error)
// Command GetHeapUsage
// Returns the JavaScript heap usage. It is the total usage of the
// corresponding isolate not scoped to a particular Runtime.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetHeapUsage(context.Context) (*runtime.GetHeapUsageReply, error)
// Command GetProperties
// Returns properties of a given object. Object group of the result is
// inherited from the target object.
GetProperties(context.Context, *runtime.GetPropertiesArgs) (*runtime.GetPropertiesReply, error)
// Command GlobalLexicalScopeNames
// Returns all let, const and class variables from global scope.
GlobalLexicalScopeNames(context.Context, *runtime.GlobalLexicalScopeNamesArgs) (*runtime.GlobalLexicalScopeNamesReply, error)
// Command QueryObjects
QueryObjects(context.Context, *runtime.QueryObjectsArgs) (*runtime.QueryObjectsReply, error)
// Command ReleaseObject
// Releases remote object with given id.
ReleaseObject(context.Context, *runtime.ReleaseObjectArgs) error
// Command ReleaseObjectGroup
// Releases all remote objects that belong to a given group.
ReleaseObjectGroup(context.Context, *runtime.ReleaseObjectGroupArgs) error
// Command RunIfWaitingForDebugger
// Tells inspected instance to run if it was waiting for debugger to
// attach.
RunIfWaitingForDebugger(context.Context) error
// Command RunScript
// Runs script with given id in a given context.
RunScript(context.Context, *runtime.RunScriptArgs) (*runtime.RunScriptReply, error)
// Command SetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled(context.Context, *runtime.SetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs) error
// Command SetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture(context.Context, *runtime.SetMaxCallStackSizeToCaptureArgs) error
// Command TerminateExecution
// Terminate current or next JavaScript execution. Will cancel the
// termination when the outer-most script execution ends.
// Note: This command is experimental.
TerminateExecution(context.Context) error
// Command AddBinding
// If executionContextId is empty, adds binding with the given name on
// the global objects of all inspected contexts, including those
// created later, bindings survive reloads. If executionContextId is
// specified, adds binding only on global object of given execution
// context. Binding function takes exactly one argument, this argument
// should be string, in case of any other input, function throws an
// exception. Each binding function call produces Runtime.bindingCalled
// notification.
// Note: This command is experimental.
AddBinding(context.Context, *runtime.AddBindingArgs) error
// Command RemoveBinding
// This method does not remove binding function from global object but
// unsubscribes current runtime agent from Runtime.bindingCalled
// notifications.
// Note: This command is experimental.
RemoveBinding(context.Context, *runtime.RemoveBindingArgs) error
// Event BindingCalled
// Notification is issued every time when binding is called.
// Note: This event is experimental.
BindingCalled(context.Context) (runtime.BindingCalledClient, error)
// Event ConsoleAPICalled
// Issued when console API was called.
ConsoleAPICalled(context.Context) (runtime.ConsoleAPICalledClient, error)
// Event ExceptionRevoked
// Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.
ExceptionRevoked(context.Context) (runtime.ExceptionRevokedClient, error)
// Event ExceptionThrown
// Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.
ExceptionThrown(context.Context) (runtime.ExceptionThrownClient, error)
// Event ExecutionContextCreated
// Issued when new execution context is created.
ExecutionContextCreated(context.Context) (runtime.ExecutionContextCreatedClient, error)
// Event ExecutionContextDestroyed
// Issued when execution context is destroyed.
ExecutionContextDestroyed(context.Context) (runtime.ExecutionContextDestroyedClient, error)
// Event ExecutionContextsCleared
// Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser
ExecutionContextsCleared(context.Context) (runtime.ExecutionContextsClearedClient, error)
// Event InspectRequested
// Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of
// inspect() command line API call).
InspectRequested(context.Context) (runtime.InspectRequestedClient, error)
// The Schema domain.
// Deprecated: This domain is deprecated.
type Schema interface {
// Command GetDomains
// Returns supported domains.
GetDomains(context.Context) (*schema.GetDomainsReply, error)
// The Security domain. Security
type Security interface {
// Command Disable
// Disables tracking security state changes.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command Enable
// Enables tracking security state changes.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command SetIgnoreCertificateErrors
// Enable/disable whether all certificate errors should be ignored.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetIgnoreCertificateErrors(context.Context, *security.SetIgnoreCertificateErrorsArgs) error
// Command HandleCertificateError
// Deprecated: Handles a certificate error that fired a
// certificateError event.
HandleCertificateError(context.Context, *security.HandleCertificateErrorArgs) error
// Command SetOverrideCertificateErrors
// Deprecated: Enable/disable overriding certificate errors. If
// enabled, all certificate error events need to be handled by the
// DevTools client and should be answered with `handleCertificateError`
// commands.
SetOverrideCertificateErrors(context.Context, *security.SetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs) error
// Event CertificateError
// Deprecated: There is a certificate error. If overriding certificate
// errors is enabled, then it should be handled with the
// `handleCertificateError` command. Note: this event does not fire if
// the certificate error has been allowed internally. Only one client
// per target should override certificate errors at the same time.
CertificateError(context.Context) (security.CertificateErrorClient, error)
// Event VisibleSecurityStateChanged
// The security state of the page changed.
// Note: This event is experimental.
VisibleSecurityStateChanged(context.Context) (security.VisibleSecurityStateChangedClient, error)
// Event SecurityStateChanged
// The security state of the page changed.
SecurityStateChanged(context.Context) (security.StateChangedClient, error)
// The ServiceWorker domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type ServiceWorker interface {
// Command DeliverPushMessage
DeliverPushMessage(context.Context, *serviceworker.DeliverPushMessageArgs) error
// Command Disable
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command DispatchSyncEvent
DispatchSyncEvent(context.Context, *serviceworker.DispatchSyncEventArgs) error
// Command DispatchPeriodicSyncEvent
DispatchPeriodicSyncEvent(context.Context, *serviceworker.DispatchPeriodicSyncEventArgs) error
// Command Enable
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command InspectWorker
InspectWorker(context.Context, *serviceworker.InspectWorkerArgs) error
// Command SetForceUpdateOnPageLoad
SetForceUpdateOnPageLoad(context.Context, *serviceworker.SetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs) error
// Command SkipWaiting
SkipWaiting(context.Context, *serviceworker.SkipWaitingArgs) error
// Command StartWorker
StartWorker(context.Context, *serviceworker.StartWorkerArgs) error
// Command StopAllWorkers
StopAllWorkers(context.Context) error
// Command StopWorker
StopWorker(context.Context, *serviceworker.StopWorkerArgs) error
// Command Unregister
Unregister(context.Context, *serviceworker.UnregisterArgs) error
// Command UpdateRegistration
UpdateRegistration(context.Context, *serviceworker.UpdateRegistrationArgs) error
// Event WorkerErrorReported
WorkerErrorReported(context.Context) (serviceworker.WorkerErrorReportedClient, error)
// Event WorkerRegistrationUpdated
WorkerRegistrationUpdated(context.Context) (serviceworker.WorkerRegistrationUpdatedClient, error)
// Event WorkerVersionUpdated
WorkerVersionUpdated(context.Context) (serviceworker.WorkerVersionUpdatedClient, error)
// The Storage domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Storage interface {
// Command ClearDataForOrigin
// Clears storage for origin.
ClearDataForOrigin(context.Context, *storage.ClearDataForOriginArgs) error
// Command GetCookies
// Returns all browser cookies.
GetCookies(context.Context, *storage.GetCookiesArgs) (*storage.GetCookiesReply, error)
// Command SetCookies
// Sets given cookies.
SetCookies(context.Context, *storage.SetCookiesArgs) error
// Command ClearCookies
// Clears cookies.
ClearCookies(context.Context, *storage.ClearCookiesArgs) error
// Command GetUsageAndQuota
// Returns usage and quota in bytes.
GetUsageAndQuota(context.Context, *storage.GetUsageAndQuotaArgs) (*storage.GetUsageAndQuotaReply, error)
// Command TrackCacheStorageForOrigin
// Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its cache
// storage list.
TrackCacheStorageForOrigin(context.Context, *storage.TrackCacheStorageForOriginArgs) error
// Command TrackIndexedDBForOrigin
// Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its
// IndexedDB.
TrackIndexedDBForOrigin(context.Context, *storage.TrackIndexedDBForOriginArgs) error
// Command UntrackCacheStorageForOrigin
// Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for cache storage.
UntrackCacheStorageForOrigin(context.Context, *storage.UntrackCacheStorageForOriginArgs) error
// Command UntrackIndexedDBForOrigin
// Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for IndexedDB.
UntrackIndexedDBForOrigin(context.Context, *storage.UntrackIndexedDBForOriginArgs) error
// Event CacheStorageContentUpdated
// A cache's contents have been modified.
CacheStorageContentUpdated(context.Context) (storage.CacheStorageContentUpdatedClient, error)
// Event CacheStorageListUpdated
// A cache has been added/deleted.
CacheStorageListUpdated(context.Context) (storage.CacheStorageListUpdatedClient, error)
// Event IndexedDBContentUpdated
// The origin's IndexedDB object store has been modified.
IndexedDBContentUpdated(context.Context) (storage.IndexedDBContentUpdatedClient, error)
// Event IndexedDBListUpdated
// The origin's IndexedDB database list has been modified.
IndexedDBListUpdated(context.Context) (storage.IndexedDBListUpdatedClient, error)
// The SystemInfo domain. The SystemInfo domain defines methods and events for
// querying low-level system information.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type SystemInfo interface {
// Command GetInfo
// Returns information about the system.
GetInfo(context.Context) (*systeminfo.GetInfoReply, error)
// Command GetProcessInfo
// Returns information about all running processes.
GetProcessInfo(context.Context) (*systeminfo.GetProcessInfoReply, error)
// The Target domain. Supports additional targets discovery and allows to
// attach to them.
type Target interface {
// Command ActivateTarget
// Activates (focuses) the target.
ActivateTarget(context.Context, *target.ActivateTargetArgs) error
// Command AttachToTarget
// Attaches to the target with given id.
AttachToTarget(context.Context, *target.AttachToTargetArgs) (*target.AttachToTargetReply, error)
// Command AttachToBrowserTarget
// Attaches to the browser target, only uses flat sessionId mode.
// Note: This command is experimental.
AttachToBrowserTarget(context.Context) (*target.AttachToBrowserTargetReply, error)
// Command CloseTarget
// Closes the target. If the target is a page that gets closed too.
CloseTarget(context.Context, *target.CloseTargetArgs) (*target.CloseTargetReply, error)
// Command ExposeDevToolsProtocol
// Inject object to the target's main frame that provides a
// communication channel with browser target.
// Injected object will be available as `window[bindingName]`.
// The object has the follwing API: - `binding.send(json)` - a method
// to send messages over the remote debugging protocol -
// `binding.onmessage = json => handleMessage(json)` - a callback that
// will be called for the protocol notifications and command responses.
// Note: This command is experimental.
ExposeDevToolsProtocol(context.Context, *target.ExposeDevToolsProtocolArgs) error
// Command CreateBrowserContext
// Creates a new empty BrowserContext. Similar to an incognito profile
// but you can have more than one.
// Note: This command is experimental.
CreateBrowserContext(context.Context, *target.CreateBrowserContextArgs) (*target.CreateBrowserContextReply, error)
// Command GetBrowserContexts
// Returns all browser contexts created with
// `Target.createBrowserContext` method.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetBrowserContexts(context.Context) (*target.GetBrowserContextsReply, error)
// Command CreateTarget
// Creates a new page.
CreateTarget(context.Context, *target.CreateTargetArgs) (*target.CreateTargetReply, error)
// Command DetachFromTarget
// Detaches session with given id.
DetachFromTarget(context.Context, *target.DetachFromTargetArgs) error
// Command DisposeBrowserContext
// Deletes a BrowserContext. All the belonging pages will be closed
// without calling their beforeunload hooks.
// Note: This command is experimental.
DisposeBrowserContext(context.Context, *target.DisposeBrowserContextArgs) error
// Command GetTargetInfo
// Returns information about a target.
// Note: This command is experimental.
GetTargetInfo(context.Context, *target.GetTargetInfoArgs) (*target.GetTargetInfoReply, error)
// Command GetTargets
// Retrieves a list of available targets.
GetTargets(context.Context) (*target.GetTargetsReply, error)
// Command SendMessageToTarget
// Deprecated: Sends protocol message over session with given id.
// Consider using flat mode instead; see commands attachToTarget,
// setAutoAttach, and
SendMessageToTarget(context.Context, *target.SendMessageToTargetArgs) error
// Command SetAutoAttach
// Controls whether to automatically attach to new targets which are
// considered to be related to this one. When turned on, attaches to
// all existing related targets as well. When turned off, automatically
// detaches from all currently attached targets.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetAutoAttach(context.Context, *target.SetAutoAttachArgs) error
// Command SetDiscoverTargets
// Controls whether to discover available targets and notify via
// `targetCreated/targetInfoChanged/targetDestroyed` events.
SetDiscoverTargets(context.Context, *target.SetDiscoverTargetsArgs) error
// Command SetRemoteLocations
// Enables target discovery for the specified locations, when
// `setDiscoverTargets` was set to `true`.
// Note: This command is experimental.
SetRemoteLocations(context.Context, *target.SetRemoteLocationsArgs) error
// Event AttachedToTarget
// Issued when attached to target because of auto-attach or
// `attachToTarget` command.
// Note: This event is experimental.
AttachedToTarget(context.Context) (target.AttachedToTargetClient, error)
// Event DetachedFromTarget
// Issued when detached from target for any reason (including
// `detachFromTarget` command). Can be issued multiple times per target
// if multiple sessions have been attached to it.
// Note: This event is experimental.
DetachedFromTarget(context.Context) (target.DetachedFromTargetClient, error)
// Event ReceivedMessageFromTarget
// Notifies about a new protocol message received from the session (as
// reported in `attachedToTarget` event).
ReceivedMessageFromTarget(context.Context) (target.ReceivedMessageFromTargetClient, error)
// Event TargetCreated
// Issued when a possible inspection target is created.
TargetCreated(context.Context) (target.CreatedClient, error)
// Event TargetDestroyed
// Issued when a target is destroyed.
TargetDestroyed(context.Context) (target.DestroyedClient, error)
// Event TargetCrashed
// Issued when a target has crashed.
TargetCrashed(context.Context) (target.CrashedClient, error)
// Event TargetInfoChanged
// Issued when some information about a target has changed. This only
// happens between `targetCreated` and `targetDestroyed`.
TargetInfoChanged(context.Context) (target.InfoChangedClient, error)
// The Tethering domain. The Tethering domain defines methods and events for
// browser port binding.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Tethering interface {
// Command Bind
// Request browser port binding.
Bind(context.Context, *tethering.BindArgs) error
// Command Unbind
// Request browser port unbinding.
Unbind(context.Context, *tethering.UnbindArgs) error
// Event Accepted
// Informs that port was successfully bound and got a specified
// connection id.
Accepted(context.Context) (tethering.AcceptedClient, error)
// The Tracing domain.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type Tracing interface {
// Command End
// Stop trace events collection.
End(context.Context) error
// Command GetCategories
// Gets supported tracing categories.
GetCategories(context.Context) (*tracing.GetCategoriesReply, error)
// Command RecordClockSyncMarker
// Record a clock sync marker in the trace.
RecordClockSyncMarker(context.Context, *tracing.RecordClockSyncMarkerArgs) error
// Command RequestMemoryDump
// Request a global memory dump.
RequestMemoryDump(context.Context, *tracing.RequestMemoryDumpArgs) (*tracing.RequestMemoryDumpReply, error)
// Command Start
// Start trace events collection.
Start(context.Context, *tracing.StartArgs) error
// Event BufferUsage
BufferUsage(context.Context) (tracing.BufferUsageClient, error)
// Event DataCollected
// Contains an bucket of collected trace events. When tracing is
// stopped collected events will be send as a sequence of dataCollected
// events followed by tracingComplete event.
DataCollected(context.Context) (tracing.DataCollectedClient, error)
// Event TracingComplete
// Signals that tracing is stopped and there is no trace buffers
// pending flush, all data were delivered via dataCollected events.
TracingComplete(context.Context) (tracing.CompleteClient, error)
// The WebAudio domain. This domain allows inspection of Web Audio API.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type WebAudio interface {
// Command Enable
// Enables the WebAudio domain and starts sending context lifetime
// events.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command Disable
// Disables the WebAudio domain.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command GetRealtimeData
// Fetch the realtime data from the registered contexts.
GetRealtimeData(context.Context, *webaudio.GetRealtimeDataArgs) (*webaudio.GetRealtimeDataReply, error)
// Event ContextCreated
// Notifies that a new BaseAudioContext has been created.
ContextCreated(context.Context) (webaudio.ContextCreatedClient, error)
// Event ContextWillBeDestroyed
// Notifies that an existing BaseAudioContext will be destroyed.
ContextWillBeDestroyed(context.Context) (webaudio.ContextWillBeDestroyedClient, error)
// Event ContextChanged
// Notifies that existing BaseAudioContext has changed some properties
// (id stays the same)..
ContextChanged(context.Context) (webaudio.ContextChangedClient, error)
// Event AudioListenerCreated
// Notifies that the construction of an AudioListener has finished.
AudioListenerCreated(context.Context) (webaudio.AudioListenerCreatedClient, error)
// Event AudioListenerWillBeDestroyed
// Notifies that a new AudioListener has been created.
AudioListenerWillBeDestroyed(context.Context) (webaudio.AudioListenerWillBeDestroyedClient, error)
// Event AudioNodeCreated
// Notifies that a new AudioNode has been created.
AudioNodeCreated(context.Context) (webaudio.AudioNodeCreatedClient, error)
// Event AudioNodeWillBeDestroyed
// Notifies that an existing AudioNode has been destroyed.
AudioNodeWillBeDestroyed(context.Context) (webaudio.AudioNodeWillBeDestroyedClient, error)
// Event AudioParamCreated
// Notifies that a new AudioParam has been created.
AudioParamCreated(context.Context) (webaudio.AudioParamCreatedClient, error)
// Event AudioParamWillBeDestroyed
// Notifies that an existing AudioParam has been destroyed.
AudioParamWillBeDestroyed(context.Context) (webaudio.AudioParamWillBeDestroyedClient, error)
// Event NodesConnected
// Notifies that two AudioNodes are connected.
NodesConnected(context.Context) (webaudio.NodesConnectedClient, error)
// Event NodesDisconnected
// Notifies that AudioNodes are disconnected. The destination can be
// null, and it means all the outgoing connections from the source are
// disconnected.
NodesDisconnected(context.Context) (webaudio.NodesDisconnectedClient, error)
// Event NodeParamConnected
// Notifies that an AudioNode is connected to an AudioParam.
NodeParamConnected(context.Context) (webaudio.NodeParamConnectedClient, error)
// Event NodeParamDisconnected
// Notifies that an AudioNode is disconnected to an AudioParam.
NodeParamDisconnected(context.Context) (webaudio.NodeParamDisconnectedClient, error)
// The WebAuthn domain. This domain allows configuring virtual authenticators
// to test the WebAuthn API.
// Note: This domain is experimental.
type WebAuthn interface {
// Command Enable
// Enable the WebAuthn domain and start intercepting credential
// storage and retrieval with a virtual authenticator.
Enable(context.Context) error
// Command Disable
// Disable the WebAuthn domain.
Disable(context.Context) error
// Command AddVirtualAuthenticator
// Creates and adds a virtual authenticator.
AddVirtualAuthenticator(context.Context, *webauthn.AddVirtualAuthenticatorArgs) (*webauthn.AddVirtualAuthenticatorReply, error)
// Command RemoveVirtualAuthenticator
// Removes the given authenticator.
RemoveVirtualAuthenticator(context.Context, *webauthn.RemoveVirtualAuthenticatorArgs) error
// Command AddCredential
// Adds the credential to the specified authenticator.
AddCredential(context.Context, *webauthn.AddCredentialArgs) error
// Command GetCredential
// Returns a single credential stored in the given virtual
// authenticator that matches the credential ID.
GetCredential(context.Context, *webauthn.GetCredentialArgs) (*webauthn.GetCredentialReply, error)
// Command GetCredentials
// Returns all the credentials stored in the given virtual
// authenticator.
GetCredentials(context.Context, *webauthn.GetCredentialsArgs) (*webauthn.GetCredentialsReply, error)
// Command RemoveCredential
// Removes a credential from the authenticator.
RemoveCredential(context.Context, *webauthn.RemoveCredentialArgs) error
// Command ClearCredentials
// Clears all the credentials from the specified device.
ClearCredentials(context.Context, *webauthn.ClearCredentialsArgs) error
// Command SetUserVerified
// Sets whether User Verification succeeds or fails for an
// authenticator. The default is true.
SetUserVerified(context.Context, *webauthn.SetUserVerifiedArgs) error