Merge branch 'master' into patch/typespec-docs
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 26156fb..fbfaf7a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 7789141..0ececa0 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
   - tip
+  - stable
+  allow_failures:
+    - go: tip
-  - go get
-  - go get
-  - go get
   - go get
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 6bf5fad..e272dee 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,65 +1,58 @@
-export GOPATH
 all: test
-	mkdir -p $@
-	for i in $$PWD/* ; do ln -s $$i $@/`basename $$i` ; done
-root: .root/src/$(PKG)
-	rm -rf .root
+	rm -rf bin
 	rm -rf tests/*_easyjson.go
+	rm -rf benchmark/*_easyjson.go
-	go build -i -o .root/bin/easyjson $(PKG)/easyjson
+	go build -i -o ./bin/easyjson ./easyjson
-generate: root build
-	.root/bin/easyjson -stubs \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/snake.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/data.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/omitempty.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/nothing.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/named_type.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/custom_map_key_type.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/embedded_type.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/reference_to_pointer.go \
-		.root/src/$(PKG)/tests/type_declaration.go
+generate: build
+	bin/easyjson -stubs \
+		./tests/snake.go \
+		./tests/data.go \
+		./tests/omitempty.go \
+		./tests/nothing.go \
+		./tests/named_type.go \
+		./tests/custom_map_key_type.go \
+		./tests/embedded_type.go \
+		./tests/reference_to_pointer.go \
+		./tests/html.go \
+		./tests/unknown_fields.go \
+    ./tests/type_declaration.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson -all .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/data.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson -all .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/nothing.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson -all .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/errors.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson -snake_case .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/snake.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson -omit_empty .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/omitempty.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson -build_tags=use_easyjson .root/src/$(PKG)/benchmark/data.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/nested_easy.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/named_type.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/custom_map_key_type.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/embedded_type.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/reference_to_pointer.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson -disallow_unknown_fields .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/disallow_unknown.go
-	.root/bin/easyjson .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/type_declaration.go
+	bin/easyjson -all ./tests/data.go
+	bin/easyjson -all ./tests/nothing.go
+	bin/easyjson -all ./tests/errors.go
+	bin/easyjson -all ./tests/html.go
+	bin/easyjson -snake_case ./tests/snake.go
+	bin/easyjson -omit_empty ./tests/omitempty.go
+	bin/easyjson -build_tags=use_easyjson ./benchmark/data.go
+	bin/easyjson ./tests/nested_easy.go
+	bin/easyjson ./tests/named_type.go
+	bin/easyjson ./tests/custom_map_key_type.go
+	bin/easyjson ./tests/embedded_type.go
+	bin/easyjson ./tests/reference_to_pointer.go
+	bin/easyjson ./tests/key_marshaler_map.go
+	bin/easyjson -disallow_unknown_fields ./tests/disallow_unknown.go
+	bin/easyjson ./tests/unknown_fields.go
+  bin/easyjson ./tests/type_declaration.go
-test: generate root
+test: generate
 	go test \
-		$(PKG)/tests \
-		$(PKG)/jlexer \
-		$(PKG)/gen \
-		$(PKG)/buffer
-	go test -benchmem -tags use_easyjson -bench . $(PKG)/benchmark
-	golint -set_exit_status .root/src/$(PKG)/tests/*_easyjson.go
+		./tests \
+		./jlexer \
+		./gen \
+		./buffer
+	cd benchmark && go test -benchmem -tags use_easyjson -bench .
+	golint -set_exit_status ./tests/*_easyjson.go
-bench-other: generate root
-	@go test -benchmem -bench . $(PKG)/benchmark
-	@go test -benchmem -tags use_ffjson -bench . $(PKG)/benchmark
-	@go test -benchmem -tags use_jsoniter -bench . $(PKG)/benchmark
-	@go test -benchmem -tags use_codec -bench . $(PKG)/benchmark
+bench-other: generate
+	cd benchmark && make
-.PHONY: root clean generate test build
+.PHONY: clean generate test build
diff --git a/ b/
index 7fd7686..95997ae 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 ## Generated Marshaler/Unmarshaler Funcs
 For Go struct types, easyjson generates the funcs `MarshalEasyJSON` /
-`UnmarshalEasyJSON` for marshaling/unmarshaling JSON. In turn, these satisify
+`UnmarshalEasyJSON` for marshaling/unmarshaling JSON. In turn, these satisfy
 the `easyjson.Marshaler` and `easyjson.Unmarshaler` interfaces and when used in
 conjunction with `easyjson.Marshal` / `easyjson.Unmarshal` avoid unnecessary
 reflection / type assertions during marshaling/unmarshaling to/from JSON for Go
@@ -102,17 +102,17 @@
 ## Controlling easyjson Marshaling and Unmarshaling Behavior
 Go types can provide their own `MarshalEasyJSON` and `UnmarshalEasyJSON` funcs
-that satisify the `easyjson.Marshaler` / `easyjson.Unmarshaler` interfaces.
+that satisfy the `easyjson.Marshaler` / `easyjson.Unmarshaler` interfaces.
 These will be used by `easyjson.Marshal` and `easyjson.Unmarshal` when defined
 for a Go type.
-Go types can also satisify the `easyjson.Optional` interface, which allows the
+Go types can also satisfy the `easyjson.Optional` interface, which allows the
 type to define its own `omitempty` logic.
 ## Type Wrappers
 easyjson provides additional type wrappers defined in the `easyjson/opt`
-package. These wrap the standard Go primitives and in turn satisify the
+package. These wrap the standard Go primitives and in turn satisfy the
 easyjson interfaces.
 The `easyjson/opt` type wrappers are useful when needing to distinguish between
@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@
   typically for many uses/protocols the final, marshaled length of the JSON
   needs to be known prior to sending the data. Currently this is not possible
   with easyjson's architecture.
+* easyjson parser and codegen based on reflection, so it won't work on `package main` 
+  files, because they cant be imported by parser.
 ## Benchmarks
@@ -236,7 +239,7 @@
 ### easyjson vs 'ujson' python module
 [ujson]( is using C code for parsing, so it
-is interesting to see how plain golang compares to that. It is imporant to note
+is interesting to see how plain golang compares to that. It is important to note
 that the resulting object for python is slower to access, since the library
 parses JSON object into dictionaries.
diff --git a/benchmark/Makefile b/benchmark/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f82be07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	go test -benchmem -bench .
+	go test -benchmem -tags use_ffjson -bench .
+	go test -benchmem -tags use_jsoniter -bench .
+	go test -benchmem -tags use_codec -bench .
diff --git a/benchmark/data_codec.go b/benchmark/data_codec.go
index d2d83fa..ffb09fc 100644
--- a/benchmark/data_codec.go
+++ b/benchmark/data_codec.go
@@ -1,310 +1,163 @@
-//+build use_codec
-//+build !easyjson_nounsafe
-//+build !appengine
+// +build go1.6
+// +build use_codec
+// +build !easyjson_nounsafe
+// +build !appengine
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+// Code generated by codecgen - DO NOT EDIT.
 package benchmark
 import (
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"runtime"
-	"unsafe"
 	codec1978 ""
+	"runtime"
+	"strconv"
 const (
 	// ----- content types ----
-	codecSelferC_UTF89225 = 1
-	codecSelferC_RAW9225  = 0
+	codecSelferCcUTF82736 = 1
+	codecSelferCcRAW2736  = 255
 	// ----- value types used ----
-	codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 = 10
-	codecSelferValueTypeMap9225   = 9
-	// ----- containerStateValues ----
-	codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225    = 2
-	codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225  = 3
-	codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225    = 4
-	codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225 = 6
-	codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225  = 7
+	codecSelferValueTypeArray2736     = 10
+	codecSelferValueTypeMap2736       = 9
+	codecSelferValueTypeString2736    = 6
+	codecSelferValueTypeInt2736       = 2
+	codecSelferValueTypeUint2736      = 3
+	codecSelferValueTypeFloat2736     = 4
+	codecSelferValueTypeNil2736       = 1
+	codecSelferBitsize2736            = uint8(32 << (^uint(0) >> 63))
+	codecSelferDecContainerLenNil2736 = -2147483648
 var (
-	codecSelferBitsize9225                         = uint8(reflect.TypeOf(uint(0)).Bits())
-	codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225 = errors.New(`only encoded map or array can be decoded into a struct`)
+	errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736 = errors.New(`only encoded map or array can be decoded into a struct`)
-type codecSelferUnsafeString9225 struct {
-	Data uintptr
-	Len  int
+type codecSelfer2736 struct{}
-type codecSelfer9225 struct{}
+func codecSelfer2736False() bool { return false }
 func init() {
-	if codec1978.GenVersion != 5 {
+	if codec1978.GenVersion != 16 {
 		_, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("codecgen version mismatch: current: %v, need %v. Re-generate file: %v",
-			5, codec1978.GenVersion, file)
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	if false { // reference the types, but skip this branch at build/run time
-		var v0 unsafe.Pointer
-		_ = v0
+		ver := strconv.FormatInt(int64(codec1978.GenVersion), 10)
+		panic("codecgen version mismatch: current: 16, need " + ver + ". Re-generate file: " + file)
 func (x *SearchMetadata) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
 	if x == nil {
 	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(9)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeFloat64(float64(x.CompletedIn))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.Count))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.MaxID))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.MaxIDStr))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.NextResults))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Query))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.RefreshURL))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.SinceID))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.SinceIDStr))
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
 		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [9]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(9)
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(9)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`completed_in`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeFloat64(float64(x.CompletedIn))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"count\"")
 			} else {
-				yynn2 = 9
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
+				r.EncodeString(`count`)
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym4
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeFloat64(float64(x.CompletedIn))
-				}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.Count))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`max_id`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.MaxID))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`max_id_str`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.MaxIDStr))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`next_results`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.NextResults))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"query\"")
 			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("completed_in"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeFloat64(float64(x.CompletedIn))
-				}
+				r.EncodeString(`query`)
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym7 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.Count))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("count"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym8 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym8
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.Count))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym10 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym10
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.MaxID))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("max_id"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym11 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym11
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.MaxID))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym13 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym13
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.MaxIDStr))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("max_id_str"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym14 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym14
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.MaxIDStr))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym16 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym16
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.NextResults))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("next_results"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym17 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym17
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.NextResults))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym19 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym19
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Query))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("query"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym20 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym20
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Query))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym22 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym22
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.RefreshURL))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("refresh_url"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym23 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym23
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.RefreshURL))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym25 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym25
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.SinceID))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("since_id"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym26 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym26
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.SinceID))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym28 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym28
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.SinceIDStr))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("since_id_str"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym29 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym29
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.SinceIDStr))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Query))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`refresh_url`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.RefreshURL))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`since_id`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.SinceID))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`since_id_str`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.SinceIDStr))
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
 func (x *SearchMetadata) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = SearchMetadata{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
 		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
 func (x *SearchMetadata) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
 	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
 	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
 		if yyhl3 {
@@ -312,473 +165,246 @@
 		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
 		switch yys3 {
 		case "completed_in":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.CompletedIn = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.CompletedIn
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*float64)(yyv4)) = float64(r.DecodeFloat(false))
-				}
-			}
+			x.CompletedIn = (float64)(r.DecodeFloat64())
 		case "count":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Count = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv6 := &x.Count
-				yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv6)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
+			x.Count = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
 		case "max_id":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.MaxID = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv8 := &x.MaxID
-				yym9 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym9
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv8)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
+			x.MaxID = (int64)(r.DecodeInt64())
 		case "max_id_str":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.MaxIDStr = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv10 := &x.MaxIDStr
-				yym11 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym11
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv10)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
+			x.MaxIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 		case "next_results":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.NextResults = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv12 := &x.NextResults
-				yym13 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym13
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv12)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
+			x.NextResults = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 		case "query":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Query = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv14 := &x.Query
-				yym15 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym15
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv14)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
+			x.Query = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 		case "refresh_url":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.RefreshURL = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv16 := &x.RefreshURL
-				yym17 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym17
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv16)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
+			x.RefreshURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 		case "since_id":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.SinceID = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv18 := &x.SinceID
-				yym19 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym19
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv18)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
+			x.SinceID = (int64)(r.DecodeInt64())
 		case "since_id_str":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.SinceIDStr = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv20 := &x.SinceIDStr
-				yym21 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym21
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv20)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
+			x.SinceIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
 		} // end switch yys3
 	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
 func (x *SearchMetadata) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj22 int
-	var yyb22 bool
-	var yyhl22 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
+	var yyj13 int
+	var yyb13 bool
+	var yyhl13 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.CompletedIn = 0
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.CompletedIn = (float64)(r.DecodeFloat64())
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv23 := &x.CompletedIn
-		yym24 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym24
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*float64)(yyv23)) = float64(r.DecodeFloat(false))
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Count = 0
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Count = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv25 := &x.Count
-		yym26 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym26
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv25)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.MaxID = 0
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.MaxID = (int64)(r.DecodeInt64())
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv27 := &x.MaxID
-		yym28 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym28
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv27)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.MaxIDStr = ""
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.MaxIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv29 := &x.MaxIDStr
-		yym30 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym30
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv29)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.NextResults = ""
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.NextResults = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv31 := &x.NextResults
-		yym32 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym32
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv31)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Query = ""
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Query = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv33 := &x.Query
-		yym34 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym34
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv33)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.RefreshURL = ""
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.RefreshURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv35 := &x.RefreshURL
-		yym36 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym36
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv35)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.SinceID = 0
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.SinceID = (int64)(r.DecodeInt64())
+	yyj13++
+	if yyhl13 {
+		yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 	} else {
-		yyv37 := &x.SinceID
-		yym38 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym38
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv37)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
+		yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-	yyj22++
-	if yyhl22 {
-		yyb22 = yyj22 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb22 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	if yyb13 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.SinceIDStr = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv39 := &x.SinceIDStr
-		yym40 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym40
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv39)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.SinceIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 	for {
-		yyj22++
-		if yyhl22 {
-			yyb22 = yyj22 > l
+		yyj13++
+		if yyhl13 {
+			yyb13 = yyj13 > l
 		} else {
-			yyb22 = r.CheckBreak()
+			yyb13 = z.DecCheckBreak()
-		if yyb22 {
+		if yyb13 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj22-1, "")
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj13-1, "")
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
 func (x *Hashtag) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
 	if x == nil {
 	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Indices == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, e)
+			} // end block: if x.Indices slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Text))
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
 		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [2]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"indices\"")
 			} else {
-				yynn2 = 2
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
+				r.EncodeString(`indices`)
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Indices == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym4
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, false, e)
-					}
-				}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Indices == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
 			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("indices"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Indices == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, false, e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym7 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Text))
-				}
+				z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, e)
+			} // end block: if x.Indices slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"text\"")
 			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("text"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym8 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym8
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Text))
-				}
+				r.EncodeString(`text`)
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Text))
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
 func (x *Hashtag) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = Hashtag{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
 		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
 func (x *Hashtag) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
 	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
 	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
 		if yyhl3 {
@@ -786,5256 +412,26 @@
 		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
 		switch yys3 {
 		case "indices":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Indices = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.Indices
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					z.F.DecSliceIntX(yyv4, false, d)
-				}
-			}
+			z.F.DecSliceIntX(&x.Indices, d)
 		case "text":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Text = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv6 := &x.Text
-				yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv6)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
+			x.Text = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
 		} // end switch yys3
 	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
 func (x *Hashtag) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj8 int
-	var yyb8 bool
-	var yyhl8 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj8++
-	if yyhl8 {
-		yyb8 = yyj8 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb8 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb8 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Indices = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv9 := &x.Indices
-		yym10 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym10
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			z.F.DecSliceIntX(yyv9, false, d)
-		}
-	}
-	yyj8++
-	if yyhl8 {
-		yyb8 = yyj8 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb8 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb8 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Text = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv11 := &x.Text
-		yym12 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym12
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv11)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj8++
-		if yyhl8 {
-			yyb8 = yyj8 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb8 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb8 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj8-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *Entities) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [3]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(3)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 3
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Hashtags == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym4
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceHashtag(([]Hashtag)(x.Hashtags), e)
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("hashtags"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Hashtags == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceHashtag(([]Hashtag)(x.Hashtags), e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Urls == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym7 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym7
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("urls"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Urls == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym8 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym8
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.UserMentions == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym10 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym10
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.UserMentions), e)
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("user_mentions"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.UserMentions == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym11 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym11
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.UserMentions), e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *Entities) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *Entities) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "hashtags":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Hashtags = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.Hashtags
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					h.decSliceHashtag((*[]Hashtag)(yyv4), d)
-				}
-			}
-		case "urls":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Urls = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv6 := &x.Urls
-				yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(yyv6), d)
-				}
-			}
-		case "user_mentions":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.UserMentions = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv8 := &x.UserMentions
-				yym9 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym9
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(yyv8), d)
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *Entities) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj10 int
-	var yyb10 bool
-	var yyhl10 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj10++
-	if yyhl10 {
-		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb10 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Hashtags = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv11 := &x.Hashtags
-		yym12 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym12
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			h.decSliceHashtag((*[]Hashtag)(yyv11), d)
-		}
-	}
-	yyj10++
-	if yyhl10 {
-		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb10 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Urls = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv13 := &x.Urls
-		yym14 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym14
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(yyv13), d)
-		}
-	}
-	yyj10++
-	if yyhl10 {
-		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb10 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.UserMentions = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv15 := &x.UserMentions
-		yym16 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym16
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(yyv15), d)
-		}
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj10++
-		if yyhl10 {
-			yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb10 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj10-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *UserEntityDescription) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [1]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(1)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 1
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Urls == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym4
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("urls"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Urls == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *UserEntityDescription) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *UserEntityDescription) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "urls":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Urls = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.Urls
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(yyv4), d)
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *UserEntityDescription) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj6 int
-	var yyb6 bool
-	var yyhl6 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj6++
-	if yyhl6 {
-		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb6 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Urls = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv7 := &x.Urls
-		yym8 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym8
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(yyv7), d)
-		}
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj6++
-		if yyhl6 {
-			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb6 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *URL) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [3]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(3)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 3
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.ExpandedURL == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy4 := *x.ExpandedURL
-					yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy4))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("expanded_url"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.ExpandedURL == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy6 := *x.ExpandedURL
-					yym7 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym7
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy6))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Indices == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym9 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym9
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, false, e)
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("indices"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Indices == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym10 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym10
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, false, e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym12 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym12
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.URL))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("url"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym13 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym13
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.URL))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *URL) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *URL) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "expanded_url":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.ExpandedURL != nil {
-					x.ExpandedURL = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.ExpandedURL == nil {
-					x.ExpandedURL = new(string)
-				}
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.ExpandedURL)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "indices":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Indices = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv6 := &x.Indices
-				yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					z.F.DecSliceIntX(yyv6, false, d)
-				}
-			}
-		case "url":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.URL = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv8 := &x.URL
-				yym9 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym9
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv8)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *URL) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj10 int
-	var yyb10 bool
-	var yyhl10 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj10++
-	if yyhl10 {
-		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb10 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.ExpandedURL != nil {
-			x.ExpandedURL = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.ExpandedURL == nil {
-			x.ExpandedURL = new(string)
-		}
-		yym12 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym12
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.ExpandedURL)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj10++
-	if yyhl10 {
-		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb10 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Indices = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv13 := &x.Indices
-		yym14 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym14
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			z.F.DecSliceIntX(yyv13, false, d)
-		}
-	}
-	yyj10++
-	if yyhl10 {
-		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb10 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.URL = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv15 := &x.URL
-		yym16 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym16
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv15)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj10++
-		if yyhl10 {
-			yyb10 = yyj10 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb10 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb10 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj10-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *UserEntityURL) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [1]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(1)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 1
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Urls == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym4
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceURL(([]URL)(x.Urls), e)
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("urls"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Urls == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceURL(([]URL)(x.Urls), e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *UserEntityURL) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *UserEntityURL) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "urls":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Urls = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.Urls
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					h.decSliceURL((*[]URL)(yyv4), d)
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *UserEntityURL) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj6 int
-	var yyb6 bool
-	var yyhl6 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj6++
-	if yyhl6 {
-		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb6 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Urls = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv7 := &x.Urls
-		yym8 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym8
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			h.decSliceURL((*[]URL)(yyv7), d)
-		}
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj6++
-		if yyhl6 {
-			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb6 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *UserEntities) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [2]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(2)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 2
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yy4 := &x.Description
-				yy4.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("description"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yy6 := &x.Description
-				yy6.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yy9 := &x.URL
-				yy9.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("url"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yy11 := &x.URL
-				yy11.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *UserEntities) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *UserEntities) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "description":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Description = UserEntityDescription{}
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.Description
-				yyv4.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		case "url":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.URL = UserEntityURL{}
-			} else {
-				yyv5 := &x.URL
-				yyv5.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *UserEntities) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj6 int
-	var yyb6 bool
-	var yyhl6 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj6++
-	if yyhl6 {
-		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb6 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Description = UserEntityDescription{}
-	} else {
-		yyv7 := &x.Description
-		yyv7.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-	}
-	yyj6++
-	if yyhl6 {
-		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb6 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.URL = UserEntityURL{}
-	} else {
-		yyv8 := &x.URL
-		yyv8.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj6++
-		if yyhl6 {
-			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb6 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *User) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [39]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(39)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 39
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym4
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ContributorsEnabled))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("contributors_enabled"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ContributorsEnabled))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym7 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.CreatedAt))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("created_at"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym8 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym8
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.CreatedAt))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym10 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym10
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfile))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("default_profile"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym11 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym11
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfile))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym13 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym13
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfileImage))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("default_profile_image"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym14 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym14
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfileImage))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym16 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym16
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Description))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("description"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym17 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym17
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Description))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yy19 := &x.Entities
-				yy19.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("entities"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yy21 := &x.Entities
-				yy21.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym24 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym24
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FavouritesCount))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("favourites_count"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym25 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym25
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FavouritesCount))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.FollowRequestSent == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy27 := *x.FollowRequestSent
-					yym28 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym28
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy27))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("follow_request_sent"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.FollowRequestSent == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy29 := *x.FollowRequestSent
-					yym30 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym30
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy29))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym32 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym32
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FollowersCount))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("followers_count"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym33 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym33
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FollowersCount))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Following == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy35 := *x.Following
-					yym36 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym36
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy35))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("following"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Following == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy37 := *x.Following
-					yym38 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym38
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy37))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym40 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym40
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FriendsCount))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("friends_count"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym41 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym41
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FriendsCount))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym43 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym43
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.GeoEnabled))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("geo_enabled"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym44 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym44
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.GeoEnabled))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym46 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym46
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("id"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym47 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym47
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym49 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym49
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.IDStr))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("id_str"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym50 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym50
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.IDStr))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym52 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym52
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.IsTranslator))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("is_translator"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym53 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym53
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.IsTranslator))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym55 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym55
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Lang))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("lang"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym56 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym56
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Lang))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym58 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym58
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ListedCount))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("listed_count"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym59 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym59
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ListedCount))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym61 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym61
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Location))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("location"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym62 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym62
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Location))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym64 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym64
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Name))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("name"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym65 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym65
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Name))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Notifications == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy67 := *x.Notifications
-					yym68 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym68
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy67))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("notifications"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Notifications == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy69 := *x.Notifications
-					yym70 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym70
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy69))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym72 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym72
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileBackgroundColor))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_background_color"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym73 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym73
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileBackgroundColor))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym75 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym75
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_background_image_url"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym76 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym76
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym78 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym78
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_background_image_url_https"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym79 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym79
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym81 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym81
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileBackgroundTile))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_background_tile"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym82 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym82
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileBackgroundTile))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym84 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym84
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileImageURL))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_image_url"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym85 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym85
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileImageURL))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym87 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym87
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_image_url_https"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym88 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym88
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym90 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym90
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileLinkColor))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_link_color"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym91 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym91
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileLinkColor))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym93 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym93
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_sidebar_border_color"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym94 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym94
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym96 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym96
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileSidebarFillColor))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_sidebar_fill_color"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym97 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym97
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileSidebarFillColor))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym99 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym99
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileTextColor))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_text_color"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym100 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym100
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ProfileTextColor))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym102 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym102
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("profile_use_background_image"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym103 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym103
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym105 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym105
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Protected))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("protected"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym106 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym106
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Protected))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym108 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym108
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ScreenName))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("screen_name"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym109 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym109
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ScreenName))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym111 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym111
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ShowAllInlineMedia))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("show_all_inline_media"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym112 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym112
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ShowAllInlineMedia))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym114 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym114
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.StatusesCount))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("statuses_count"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym115 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym115
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.StatusesCount))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym117 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym117
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.TimeZone))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("time_zone"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym118 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym118
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.TimeZone))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.URL == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy120 := *x.URL
-					yym121 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym121
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy120))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("url"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.URL == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy122 := *x.URL
-					yym123 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym123
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy122))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym125 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym125
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.UtcOffset))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("utc_offset"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym126 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym126
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.UtcOffset))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym128 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym128
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Verified))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("verified"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym129 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym129
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Verified))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *User) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *User) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "contributors_enabled":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ContributorsEnabled = false
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.ContributorsEnabled
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv4)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "created_at":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.CreatedAt = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv6 := &x.CreatedAt
-				yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv6)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "default_profile":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.DefaultProfile = false
-			} else {
-				yyv8 := &x.DefaultProfile
-				yym9 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym9
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv8)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "default_profile_image":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.DefaultProfileImage = false
-			} else {
-				yyv10 := &x.DefaultProfileImage
-				yym11 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym11
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv10)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "description":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Description = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv12 := &x.Description
-				yym13 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym13
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv12)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "entities":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Entities = UserEntities{}
-			} else {
-				yyv14 := &x.Entities
-				yyv14.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		case "favourites_count":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.FavouritesCount = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv15 := &x.FavouritesCount
-				yym16 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym16
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv15)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "follow_request_sent":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.FollowRequestSent != nil {
-					x.FollowRequestSent = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.FollowRequestSent == nil {
-					x.FollowRequestSent = new(string)
-				}
-				yym18 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym18
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.FollowRequestSent)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "followers_count":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.FollowersCount = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv19 := &x.FollowersCount
-				yym20 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym20
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv19)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "following":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.Following != nil {
-					x.Following = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.Following == nil {
-					x.Following = new(string)
-				}
-				yym22 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym22
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.Following)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "friends_count":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.FriendsCount = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv23 := &x.FriendsCount
-				yym24 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym24
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv23)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "geo_enabled":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.GeoEnabled = false
-			} else {
-				yyv25 := &x.GeoEnabled
-				yym26 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym26
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv25)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "id":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ID = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv27 := &x.ID
-				yym28 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym28
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv27)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "id_str":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.IDStr = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv29 := &x.IDStr
-				yym30 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym30
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv29)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "is_translator":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.IsTranslator = false
-			} else {
-				yyv31 := &x.IsTranslator
-				yym32 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym32
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv31)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "lang":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Lang = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv33 := &x.Lang
-				yym34 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym34
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv33)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "listed_count":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ListedCount = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv35 := &x.ListedCount
-				yym36 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym36
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv35)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "location":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Location = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv37 := &x.Location
-				yym38 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym38
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv37)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "name":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Name = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv39 := &x.Name
-				yym40 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym40
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv39)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "notifications":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.Notifications != nil {
-					x.Notifications = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.Notifications == nil {
-					x.Notifications = new(string)
-				}
-				yym42 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym42
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.Notifications)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_background_color":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileBackgroundColor = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv43 := &x.ProfileBackgroundColor
-				yym44 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym44
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv43)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_background_image_url":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv45 := &x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL
-				yym46 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym46
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv45)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_background_image_url_https":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv47 := &x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
-				yym48 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym48
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv47)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_background_tile":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileBackgroundTile = false
-			} else {
-				yyv49 := &x.ProfileBackgroundTile
-				yym50 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym50
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv49)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_image_url":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileImageURL = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv51 := &x.ProfileImageURL
-				yym52 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym52
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv51)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_image_url_https":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv53 := &x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS
-				yym54 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym54
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv53)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_link_color":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileLinkColor = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv55 := &x.ProfileLinkColor
-				yym56 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym56
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv55)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_sidebar_border_color":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv57 := &x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor
-				yym58 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym58
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv57)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_sidebar_fill_color":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileSidebarFillColor = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv59 := &x.ProfileSidebarFillColor
-				yym60 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym60
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv59)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_text_color":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileTextColor = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv61 := &x.ProfileTextColor
-				yym62 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym62
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv61)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "profile_use_background_image":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = false
-			} else {
-				yyv63 := &x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage
-				yym64 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym64
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv63)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "protected":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Protected = false
-			} else {
-				yyv65 := &x.Protected
-				yym66 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym66
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv65)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "screen_name":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ScreenName = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv67 := &x.ScreenName
-				yym68 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym68
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv67)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "show_all_inline_media":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ShowAllInlineMedia = false
-			} else {
-				yyv69 := &x.ShowAllInlineMedia
-				yym70 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym70
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv69)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "statuses_count":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.StatusesCount = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv71 := &x.StatusesCount
-				yym72 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym72
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv71)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "time_zone":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.TimeZone = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv73 := &x.TimeZone
-				yym74 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym74
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv73)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "url":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.URL != nil {
-					x.URL = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.URL == nil {
-					x.URL = new(string)
-				}
-				yym76 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym76
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.URL)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "utc_offset":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.UtcOffset = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv77 := &x.UtcOffset
-				yym78 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym78
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv77)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "verified":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Verified = false
-			} else {
-				yyv79 := &x.Verified
-				yym80 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym80
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv79)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *User) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj81 int
-	var yyb81 bool
-	var yyhl81 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ContributorsEnabled = false
-	} else {
-		yyv82 := &x.ContributorsEnabled
-		yym83 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym83
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv82)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.CreatedAt = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv84 := &x.CreatedAt
-		yym85 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym85
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv84)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.DefaultProfile = false
-	} else {
-		yyv86 := &x.DefaultProfile
-		yym87 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym87
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv86)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.DefaultProfileImage = false
-	} else {
-		yyv88 := &x.DefaultProfileImage
-		yym89 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym89
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv88)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Description = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv90 := &x.Description
-		yym91 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym91
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv90)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Entities = UserEntities{}
-	} else {
-		yyv92 := &x.Entities
-		yyv92.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.FavouritesCount = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv93 := &x.FavouritesCount
-		yym94 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym94
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv93)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.FollowRequestSent != nil {
-			x.FollowRequestSent = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.FollowRequestSent == nil {
-			x.FollowRequestSent = new(string)
-		}
-		yym96 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym96
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.FollowRequestSent)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.FollowersCount = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv97 := &x.FollowersCount
-		yym98 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym98
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv97)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.Following != nil {
-			x.Following = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.Following == nil {
-			x.Following = new(string)
-		}
-		yym100 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym100
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.Following)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.FriendsCount = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv101 := &x.FriendsCount
-		yym102 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym102
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv101)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.GeoEnabled = false
-	} else {
-		yyv103 := &x.GeoEnabled
-		yym104 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym104
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv103)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ID = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv105 := &x.ID
-		yym106 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym106
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv105)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.IDStr = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv107 := &x.IDStr
-		yym108 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym108
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv107)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.IsTranslator = false
-	} else {
-		yyv109 := &x.IsTranslator
-		yym110 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym110
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv109)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Lang = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv111 := &x.Lang
-		yym112 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym112
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv111)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ListedCount = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv113 := &x.ListedCount
-		yym114 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym114
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv113)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Location = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv115 := &x.Location
-		yym116 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym116
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv115)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Name = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv117 := &x.Name
-		yym118 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym118
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv117)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.Notifications != nil {
-			x.Notifications = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.Notifications == nil {
-			x.Notifications = new(string)
-		}
-		yym120 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym120
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.Notifications)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileBackgroundColor = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv121 := &x.ProfileBackgroundColor
-		yym122 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym122
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv121)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv123 := &x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL
-		yym124 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym124
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv123)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv125 := &x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
-		yym126 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym126
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv125)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileBackgroundTile = false
-	} else {
-		yyv127 := &x.ProfileBackgroundTile
-		yym128 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym128
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv127)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileImageURL = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv129 := &x.ProfileImageURL
-		yym130 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym130
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv129)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv131 := &x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS
-		yym132 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym132
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv131)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileLinkColor = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv133 := &x.ProfileLinkColor
-		yym134 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym134
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv133)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv135 := &x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor
-		yym136 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym136
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv135)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileSidebarFillColor = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv137 := &x.ProfileSidebarFillColor
-		yym138 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym138
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv137)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileTextColor = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv139 := &x.ProfileTextColor
-		yym140 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym140
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv139)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = false
-	} else {
-		yyv141 := &x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage
-		yym142 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym142
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv141)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Protected = false
-	} else {
-		yyv143 := &x.Protected
-		yym144 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym144
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv143)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ScreenName = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv145 := &x.ScreenName
-		yym146 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym146
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv145)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ShowAllInlineMedia = false
-	} else {
-		yyv147 := &x.ShowAllInlineMedia
-		yym148 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym148
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv147)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.StatusesCount = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv149 := &x.StatusesCount
-		yym150 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym150
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv149)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.TimeZone = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv151 := &x.TimeZone
-		yym152 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym152
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv151)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.URL != nil {
-			x.URL = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.URL == nil {
-			x.URL = new(string)
-		}
-		yym154 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym154
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.URL)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.UtcOffset = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv155 := &x.UtcOffset
-		yym156 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym156
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv155)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj81++
-	if yyhl81 {
-		yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb81 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Verified = false
-	} else {
-		yyv157 := &x.Verified
-		yym158 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym158
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv157)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj81++
-		if yyhl81 {
-			yyb81 = yyj81 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb81 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb81 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj81-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *StatusMetadata) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [2]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(2)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 2
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym4
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.IsoLanguageCode))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("iso_language_code"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.IsoLanguageCode))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym7 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ResultType))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("result_type"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym8 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym8
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.ResultType))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *StatusMetadata) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *StatusMetadata) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "iso_language_code":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.IsoLanguageCode = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.IsoLanguageCode
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv4)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "result_type":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ResultType = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv6 := &x.ResultType
-				yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv6)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *StatusMetadata) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj8 int
-	var yyb8 bool
-	var yyhl8 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj8++
-	if yyhl8 {
-		yyb8 = yyj8 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb8 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb8 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.IsoLanguageCode = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv9 := &x.IsoLanguageCode
-		yym10 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym10
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv9)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj8++
-	if yyhl8 {
-		yyb8 = yyj8 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb8 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb8 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ResultType = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv11 := &x.ResultType
-		yym12 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym12
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv11)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj8++
-		if yyhl8 {
-			yyb8 = yyj8 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb8 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb8 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj8-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *Status) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [21]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(21)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 21
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Contributors == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy4 := *x.Contributors
-					yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy4))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("contributors"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Contributors == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy6 := *x.Contributors
-					yym7 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym7
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy6))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Coordinates == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy9 := *x.Coordinates
-					yym10 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym10
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy9))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("coordinates"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Coordinates == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy11 := *x.Coordinates
-					yym12 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym12
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy11))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym14 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym14
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.CreatedAt))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("created_at"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym15 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym15
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.CreatedAt))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yy17 := &x.Entities
-				yy17.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("entities"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yy19 := &x.Entities
-				yy19.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym22 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym22
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Favorited))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("favorited"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym23 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym23
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Favorited))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Geo == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy25 := *x.Geo
-					yym26 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym26
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy25))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("geo"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Geo == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy27 := *x.Geo
-					yym28 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym28
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy27))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym30 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym30
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("id"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym31 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym31
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym33 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym33
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.IDStr))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("id_str"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym34 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym34
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.IDStr))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.InReplyToScreenName == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy36 := *x.InReplyToScreenName
-					yym37 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym37
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy36))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("in_reply_to_screen_name"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.InReplyToScreenName == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy38 := *x.InReplyToScreenName
-					yym39 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym39
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy38))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.InReplyToStatusID == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy41 := *x.InReplyToStatusID
-					yym42 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym42
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy41))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("in_reply_to_status_id"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.InReplyToStatusID == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy43 := *x.InReplyToStatusID
-					yym44 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym44
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy43))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy46 := *x.InReplyToStatusIDStr
-					yym47 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym47
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy46))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("in_reply_to_status_id_str"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy48 := *x.InReplyToStatusIDStr
-					yym49 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym49
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy48))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.InReplyToUserID == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy51 := *x.InReplyToUserID
-					yym52 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym52
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy51))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("in_reply_to_user_id"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.InReplyToUserID == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy53 := *x.InReplyToUserID
-					yym54 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym54
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy53))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.InReplyToUserIDStr == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy56 := *x.InReplyToUserIDStr
-					yym57 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym57
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy56))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("in_reply_to_user_id_str"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.InReplyToUserIDStr == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy58 := *x.InReplyToUserIDStr
-					yym59 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym59
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy58))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yy61 := &x.Metadata
-				yy61.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("metadata"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yy63 := &x.Metadata
-				yy63.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Place == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy66 := *x.Place
-					yym67 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym67
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy66))
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("place"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Place == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yy68 := *x.Place
-					yym69 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym69
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy68))
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym71 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym71
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.RetweetCount))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("retweet_count"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym72 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym72
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeInt(int64(x.RetweetCount))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym74 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym74
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Retweeted))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("retweeted"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym75 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym75
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Retweeted))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym77 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym77
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Source))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("source"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym78 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym78
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Source))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym80 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym80
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Text))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("text"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym81 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym81
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(x.Text))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yym83 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym83
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Truncated))
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("truncated"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yym84 := z.EncBinary()
-				_ = yym84
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Truncated))
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yy86 := &x.User
-				yy86.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("user"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yy88 := &x.User
-				yy88.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *Status) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *Status) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "contributors":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.Contributors != nil {
-					x.Contributors = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.Contributors == nil {
-					x.Contributors = new(string)
-				}
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.Contributors)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "coordinates":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.Coordinates != nil {
-					x.Coordinates = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.Coordinates == nil {
-					x.Coordinates = new(string)
-				}
-				yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym7
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.Coordinates)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "created_at":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.CreatedAt = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv8 := &x.CreatedAt
-				yym9 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym9
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv8)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "entities":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Entities = Entities{}
-			} else {
-				yyv10 := &x.Entities
-				yyv10.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		case "favorited":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Favorited = false
-			} else {
-				yyv11 := &x.Favorited
-				yym12 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym12
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv11)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "geo":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.Geo != nil {
-					x.Geo = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.Geo == nil {
-					x.Geo = new(string)
-				}
-				yym14 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym14
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.Geo)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "id":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.ID = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv15 := &x.ID
-				yym16 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym16
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int64)(yyv15)) = int64(r.DecodeInt(64))
-				}
-			}
-		case "id_str":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.IDStr = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv17 := &x.IDStr
-				yym18 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym18
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv17)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "in_reply_to_screen_name":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.InReplyToScreenName != nil {
-					x.InReplyToScreenName = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.InReplyToScreenName == nil {
-					x.InReplyToScreenName = new(string)
-				}
-				yym20 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym20
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.InReplyToScreenName)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "in_reply_to_status_id":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.InReplyToStatusID != nil {
-					x.InReplyToStatusID = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.InReplyToStatusID == nil {
-					x.InReplyToStatusID = new(string)
-				}
-				yym22 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym22
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.InReplyToStatusID)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "in_reply_to_status_id_str":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr != nil {
-					x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr == nil {
-					x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = new(string)
-				}
-				yym24 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym24
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.InReplyToStatusIDStr)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "in_reply_to_user_id":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.InReplyToUserID != nil {
-					x.InReplyToUserID = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.InReplyToUserID == nil {
-					x.InReplyToUserID = new(string)
-				}
-				yym26 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym26
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.InReplyToUserID)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "in_reply_to_user_id_str":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.InReplyToUserIDStr != nil {
-					x.InReplyToUserIDStr = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.InReplyToUserIDStr == nil {
-					x.InReplyToUserIDStr = new(string)
-				}
-				yym28 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym28
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.InReplyToUserIDStr)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "metadata":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Metadata = StatusMetadata{}
-			} else {
-				yyv29 := &x.Metadata
-				yyv29.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		case "place":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if x.Place != nil {
-					x.Place = nil
-				}
-			} else {
-				if x.Place == nil {
-					x.Place = new(string)
-				}
-				yym31 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym31
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(x.Place)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "retweet_count":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.RetweetCount = 0
-			} else {
-				yyv32 := &x.RetweetCount
-				yym33 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym33
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*int)(yyv32)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-				}
-			}
-		case "retweeted":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Retweeted = false
-			} else {
-				yyv34 := &x.Retweeted
-				yym35 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym35
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv34)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "source":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Source = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv36 := &x.Source
-				yym37 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym37
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv36)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "text":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Text = ""
-			} else {
-				yyv38 := &x.Text
-				yym39 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym39
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyv38)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		case "truncated":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Truncated = false
-			} else {
-				yyv40 := &x.Truncated
-				yym41 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym41
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*bool)(yyv40)) = r.DecodeBool()
-				}
-			}
-		case "user":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.User = User{}
-			} else {
-				yyv42 := &x.User
-				yyv42.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *Status) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yyj43 int
-	var yyb43 bool
-	var yyhl43 bool = l >= 0
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.Contributors != nil {
-			x.Contributors = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.Contributors == nil {
-			x.Contributors = new(string)
-		}
-		yym45 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym45
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.Contributors)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.Coordinates != nil {
-			x.Coordinates = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.Coordinates == nil {
-			x.Coordinates = new(string)
-		}
-		yym47 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym47
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.Coordinates)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.CreatedAt = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv48 := &x.CreatedAt
-		yym49 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym49
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv48)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Entities = Entities{}
-	} else {
-		yyv50 := &x.Entities
-		yyv50.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Favorited = false
-	} else {
-		yyv51 := &x.Favorited
-		yym52 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym52
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv51)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.Geo != nil {
-			x.Geo = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.Geo == nil {
-			x.Geo = new(string)
-		}
-		yym54 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym54
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.Geo)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.ID = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv55 := &x.ID
-		yym56 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym56
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int64)(yyv55)) = int64(r.DecodeInt(64))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.IDStr = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv57 := &x.IDStr
-		yym58 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym58
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv57)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.InReplyToScreenName != nil {
-			x.InReplyToScreenName = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.InReplyToScreenName == nil {
-			x.InReplyToScreenName = new(string)
-		}
-		yym60 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym60
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.InReplyToScreenName)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.InReplyToStatusID != nil {
-			x.InReplyToStatusID = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.InReplyToStatusID == nil {
-			x.InReplyToStatusID = new(string)
-		}
-		yym62 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym62
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.InReplyToStatusID)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr != nil {
-			x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr == nil {
-			x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = new(string)
-		}
-		yym64 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym64
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.InReplyToStatusIDStr)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.InReplyToUserID != nil {
-			x.InReplyToUserID = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.InReplyToUserID == nil {
-			x.InReplyToUserID = new(string)
-		}
-		yym66 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym66
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.InReplyToUserID)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.InReplyToUserIDStr != nil {
-			x.InReplyToUserIDStr = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.InReplyToUserIDStr == nil {
-			x.InReplyToUserIDStr = new(string)
-		}
-		yym68 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym68
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.InReplyToUserIDStr)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Metadata = StatusMetadata{}
-	} else {
-		yyv69 := &x.Metadata
-		yyv69.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		if x.Place != nil {
-			x.Place = nil
-		}
-	} else {
-		if x.Place == nil {
-			x.Place = new(string)
-		}
-		yym71 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym71
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(x.Place)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.RetweetCount = 0
-	} else {
-		yyv72 := &x.RetweetCount
-		yym73 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym73
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*int)(yyv72)) = int(r.DecodeInt(codecSelferBitsize9225))
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Retweeted = false
-	} else {
-		yyv74 := &x.Retweeted
-		yym75 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym75
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv74)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Source = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv76 := &x.Source
-		yym77 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym77
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv76)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Text = ""
-	} else {
-		yyv78 := &x.Text
-		yym79 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym79
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*string)(yyv78)) = r.DecodeString()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Truncated = false
-	} else {
-		yyv80 := &x.Truncated
-		yym81 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym81
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			*((*bool)(yyv80)) = r.DecodeBool()
-		}
-	}
-	yyj43++
-	if yyhl43 {
-		yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-	} else {
-		yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-	}
-	if yyb43 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-		return
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.User = User{}
-	} else {
-		yyv82 := &x.User
-		yyv82.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-	}
-	for {
-		yyj43++
-		if yyhl43 {
-			yyb43 = yyj43 > l
-		} else {
-			yyb43 = r.CheckBreak()
-		}
-		if yyb43 {
-			break
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj43-1, "")
-	}
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *LargeStruct) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	if x == nil {
-		r.EncodeNil()
-	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
-		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [2]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(2)
-			} else {
-				yynn2 = 2
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				yy4 := &x.SearchMetadata
-				yy4.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("search_metadata"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				yy6 := &x.SearchMetadata
-				yy6.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Statuses == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym9 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym9
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceStatus(([]Status)(x.Statuses), e)
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("statuses"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Statuses == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym10 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym10
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceStatus(([]Status)(x.Statuses), e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func (x *LargeStruct) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
-	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
-	}
-func (x *LargeStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
-	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
-	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
-	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
-	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
-		if yyhl3 {
-			if yyj3 >= l {
-				break
-			}
-		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-		switch yys3 {
-		case "search_metadata":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.SearchMetadata = SearchMetadata{}
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.SearchMetadata
-				yyv4.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		case "statuses":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Statuses = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv5 := &x.Statuses
-				yym6 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym6
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					h.decSliceStatus((*[]Status)(yyv5), d)
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
-		} // end switch yys3
-	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *LargeStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
 	var yyj7 int
@@ -6045,159 +441,141 @@
 	if yyhl7 {
 		yyb7 = yyj7 > l
 	} else {
-		yyb7 = r.CheckBreak()
+		yyb7 = z.DecCheckBreak()
 	if yyb7 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.SearchMetadata = SearchMetadata{}
-	} else {
-		yyv8 := &x.SearchMetadata
-		yyv8.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	z.F.DecSliceIntX(&x.Indices, d)
 	if yyhl7 {
 		yyb7 = yyj7 > l
 	} else {
-		yyb7 = r.CheckBreak()
+		yyb7 = z.DecCheckBreak()
 	if yyb7 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Statuses = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv9 := &x.Statuses
-		yym10 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym10
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			h.decSliceStatus((*[]Status)(yyv9), d)
-		}
-	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Text = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
 	for {
 		if yyhl7 {
 			yyb7 = yyj7 > l
 		} else {
-			yyb7 = r.CheckBreak()
+			yyb7 = z.DecCheckBreak()
 		if yyb7 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
 		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj7-1, "")
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x *XLStruct) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x *Entities) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
 	if x == nil {
 	} else {
-		yym1 := z.EncBinary()
-		_ = yym1
-		if false {
-		} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.EncExt(x) {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(3)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Hashtags == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSliceHashtag(([]Hashtag)(x.Hashtags), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Hashtags slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Urls == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Urls slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.UserMentions == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.UserMentions), e)
+			} // end block: if x.UserMentions slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
 		} else {
-			yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
-			yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
-			var yyq2 [1]bool
-			_, _, _ = yysep2, yyq2, yy2arr2
-			const yyr2 bool = false
-			var yynn2 int
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				r.EncodeArrayStart(1)
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(3)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"hashtags\"")
 			} else {
-				yynn2 = 1
-				for _, b := range yyq2 {
-					if b {
-						yynn2++
-					}
-				}
-				r.EncodeMapStart(yynn2)
-				yynn2 = 0
+				r.EncodeString(`hashtags`)
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-				if x.Data == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym4 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym4
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceLargeStruct(([]LargeStruct)(x.Data), e)
-					}
-				}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Hashtags == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
 			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string("Data"))
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
-				if x.Data == nil {
-					r.EncodeNil()
-				} else {
-					yym5 := z.EncBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						h.encSliceLargeStruct(([]LargeStruct)(x.Data), e)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+				h.encSliceHashtag(([]Hashtag)(x.Hashtags), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Hashtags slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"urls\"")
 			} else {
-				z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
+				r.EncodeString(`urls`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Urls == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Urls slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`user_mentions`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.UserMentions == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.UserMentions), e)
+			} // end block: if x.UserMentions slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
-func (x *XLStruct) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x *Entities) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	yym1 := z.DecBinary()
-	_ = yym1
-	if false {
-	} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(x) {
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = Entities{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
 	} else {
-		yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
-		if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadMapStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray9225 {
-			yyl2 := r.ReadArrayStart()
-			if yyl2 == 0 {
-				z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-			} else {
-				x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
-			}
-		} else {
-			panic(codecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStructErr9225)
-		}
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
-func (x *XLStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x *Entities) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	var yys3Slc = z.DecScratchBuffer() // default slice to decode into
-	_ = yys3Slc
 	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
 	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
 		if yyhl3 {
@@ -6205,37 +583,177 @@
 		} else {
-			if r.CheckBreak() {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey9225)
-		yys3Slc = r.DecodeBytes(yys3Slc, true, true)
-		yys3SlcHdr := codecSelferUnsafeString9225{uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3Slc[0])), len(yys3Slc)}
-		yys3 := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&yys3SlcHdr))
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue9225)
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
 		switch yys3 {
-		case "Data":
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				x.Data = nil
-			} else {
-				yyv4 := &x.Data
-				yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym5
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					h.decSliceLargeStruct((*[]LargeStruct)(yyv4), d)
-				}
-			}
+		case "hashtags":
+			h.decSliceHashtag((*[]Hashtag)(&x.Hashtags), d)
+		case "urls":
+			h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(&x.Urls), d)
+		case "user_mentions":
+			h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(&x.UserMentions), d)
 			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
 		} // end switch yys3
 	} // end for yyj3
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd9225)
-func (x *XLStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x *Entities) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj10 int
+	var yyb10 bool
+	var yyhl10 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj10++
+	if yyhl10 {
+		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb10 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb10 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	h.decSliceHashtag((*[]Hashtag)(&x.Hashtags), d)
+	yyj10++
+	if yyhl10 {
+		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb10 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb10 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(&x.Urls), d)
+	yyj10++
+	if yyhl10 {
+		yyb10 = yyj10 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb10 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb10 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(&x.UserMentions), d)
+	for {
+		yyj10++
+		if yyhl10 {
+			yyb10 = yyj10 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb10 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb10 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj10-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *UserEntityDescription) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(1)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Urls == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Urls slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(1)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"urls\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`urls`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Urls == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSlicePtrtostring(([]*string)(x.Urls), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Urls slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *UserEntityDescription) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = UserEntityDescription{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *UserEntityDescription) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "urls":
+			h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(&x.Urls), d)
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *UserEntityDescription) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
 	var yyj6 int
@@ -6245,55 +763,2802 @@
 	if yyhl6 {
 		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
 	} else {
-		yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
+		yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
 	if yyb6 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
-	if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-		x.Data = nil
-	} else {
-		yyv7 := &x.Data
-		yym8 := z.DecBinary()
-		_ = yym8
-		if false {
-		} else {
-			h.decSliceLargeStruct((*[]LargeStruct)(yyv7), d)
-		}
-	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	h.decSlicePtrtostring((*[]*string)(&x.Urls), d)
 	for {
 		if yyhl6 {
 			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
 		} else {
-			yyb6 = r.CheckBreak()
+			yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
 		if yyb6 {
-		z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
 		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
-	z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
-func (x codecSelfer9225) encSliceHashtag(v []Hashtag, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x *URL) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	r.EncodeArrayStart(len(v))
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		var yyn3 bool = x.ExpandedURL == nil
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(3)
+			if yyn3 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy6 := *x.ExpandedURL
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy6))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Indices == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, e)
+			} // end block: if x.Indices slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.URL))
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(3)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`expanded_url`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn3 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy10 := *x.ExpandedURL
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy10))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"indices\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`indices`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Indices == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.F.EncSliceIntV(x.Indices, e)
+			} // end block: if x.Indices slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"url\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`url`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.URL))
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *URL) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = URL{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *URL) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "expanded_url":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.ExpandedURL != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.ExpandedURL = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.ExpandedURL == nil {
+					x.ExpandedURL = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.ExpandedURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "indices":
+			z.F.DecSliceIntX(&x.Indices, d)
+		case "url":
+			x.URL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *URL) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj9 int
+	var yyb9 bool
+	var yyhl9 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj9++
+	if yyhl9 {
+		yyb9 = yyj9 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb9 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb9 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.ExpandedURL != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.ExpandedURL = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.ExpandedURL == nil {
+			x.ExpandedURL = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.ExpandedURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj9++
+	if yyhl9 {
+		yyb9 = yyj9 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb9 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb9 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	z.F.DecSliceIntX(&x.Indices, d)
+	yyj9++
+	if yyhl9 {
+		yyb9 = yyj9 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb9 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb9 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.URL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	for {
+		yyj9++
+		if yyhl9 {
+			yyb9 = yyj9 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb9 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb9 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj9-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *UserEntityURL) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(1)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Urls == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSliceURL(([]URL)(x.Urls), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Urls slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(1)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"urls\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`urls`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Urls == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSliceURL(([]URL)(x.Urls), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Urls slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *UserEntityURL) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = UserEntityURL{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *UserEntityURL) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "urls":
+			h.decSliceURL((*[]URL)(&x.Urls), d)
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *UserEntityURL) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj6 int
+	var yyb6 bool
+	var yyhl6 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj6++
+	if yyhl6 {
+		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb6 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	h.decSliceURL((*[]URL)(&x.Urls), d)
+	for {
+		yyj6++
+		if yyhl6 {
+			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb6 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *UserEntities) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			yy5 := &x.Description
+			yy5.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			yy7 := &x.URL
+			yy7.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"description\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`description`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			yy9 := &x.Description
+			yy9.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"url\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`url`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			yy11 := &x.URL
+			yy11.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *UserEntities) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = UserEntities{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *UserEntities) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "description":
+			x.Description.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		case "url":
+			x.URL.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *UserEntities) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj6 int
+	var yyb6 bool
+	var yyhl6 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj6++
+	if yyhl6 {
+		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb6 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Description.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+	yyj6++
+	if yyhl6 {
+		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb6 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.URL.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+	for {
+		yyj6++
+		if yyhl6 {
+			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb6 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *User) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		var yyn10 bool = x.FollowRequestSent == nil
+		var yyn12 bool = x.Following == nil
+		var yyn22 bool = x.Notifications == nil
+		var yyn39 bool = x.URL == nil
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(39)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ContributorsEnabled))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.CreatedAt))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfile))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfileImage))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Description))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			yy47 := &x.Entities
+			yy47.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FavouritesCount))
+			if yyn10 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy50 := *x.FollowRequestSent
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy50))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FollowersCount))
+			if yyn12 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy53 := *x.Following
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy53))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FriendsCount))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.GeoEnabled))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.IDStr))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.IsTranslator))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Lang))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ListedCount))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Location))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Name))
+			if yyn22 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy64 := *x.Notifications
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy64))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileBackgroundColor))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileBackgroundTile))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileImageURL))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileLinkColor))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileSidebarFillColor))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileTextColor))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Protected))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ScreenName))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ShowAllInlineMedia))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.StatusesCount))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.TimeZone))
+			if yyn39 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy82 := *x.URL
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy82))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.UtcOffset))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Verified))
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(39)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`contributors_enabled`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ContributorsEnabled))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`created_at`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.CreatedAt))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`default_profile`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfile))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`default_profile_image`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.DefaultProfileImage))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"description\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`description`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Description))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"entities\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`entities`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			yy91 := &x.Entities
+			yy91.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`favourites_count`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FavouritesCount))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`follow_request_sent`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn10 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy94 := *x.FollowRequestSent
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy94))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`followers_count`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FollowersCount))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"following\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`following`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn12 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy97 := *x.Following
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy97))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`friends_count`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.FriendsCount))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`geo_enabled`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.GeoEnabled))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"id\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`id`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`id_str`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.IDStr))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`is_translator`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.IsTranslator))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"lang\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`lang`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Lang))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`listed_count`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ListedCount))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"location\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`location`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Location))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"name\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`name`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Name))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"notifications\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`notifications`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn22 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy108 := *x.Notifications
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy108))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_background_color`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileBackgroundColor))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_background_image_url`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_background_image_url_https`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_background_tile`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileBackgroundTile))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_image_url`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileImageURL))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_image_url_https`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_link_color`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileLinkColor))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_sidebar_border_color`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_sidebar_fill_color`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileSidebarFillColor))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_text_color`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ProfileTextColor))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`profile_use_background_image`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"protected\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`protected`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Protected))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`screen_name`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ScreenName))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`show_all_inline_media`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.ShowAllInlineMedia))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`statuses_count`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.StatusesCount))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`time_zone`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.TimeZone))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"url\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`url`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn39 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy126 := *x.URL
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy126))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`utc_offset`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.UtcOffset))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"verified\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`verified`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Verified))
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *User) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = User{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *User) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "contributors_enabled":
+			x.ContributorsEnabled = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "created_at":
+			x.CreatedAt = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "default_profile":
+			x.DefaultProfile = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "default_profile_image":
+			x.DefaultProfileImage = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "description":
+			x.Description = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "entities":
+			x.Entities.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		case "favourites_count":
+			x.FavouritesCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "follow_request_sent":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.FollowRequestSent != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.FollowRequestSent = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.FollowRequestSent == nil {
+					x.FollowRequestSent = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.FollowRequestSent = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "followers_count":
+			x.FollowersCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "following":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.Following != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.Following = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.Following == nil {
+					x.Following = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.Following = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "friends_count":
+			x.FriendsCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "geo_enabled":
+			x.GeoEnabled = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "id":
+			x.ID = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "id_str":
+			x.IDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "is_translator":
+			x.IsTranslator = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "lang":
+			x.Lang = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "listed_count":
+			x.ListedCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "location":
+			x.Location = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "name":
+			x.Name = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "notifications":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.Notifications != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.Notifications = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.Notifications == nil {
+					x.Notifications = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.Notifications = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "profile_background_color":
+			x.ProfileBackgroundColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_background_image_url":
+			x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_background_image_url_https":
+			x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_background_tile":
+			x.ProfileBackgroundTile = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "profile_image_url":
+			x.ProfileImageURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_image_url_https":
+			x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_link_color":
+			x.ProfileLinkColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_sidebar_border_color":
+			x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_sidebar_fill_color":
+			x.ProfileSidebarFillColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_text_color":
+			x.ProfileTextColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "profile_use_background_image":
+			x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "protected":
+			x.Protected = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "screen_name":
+			x.ScreenName = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "show_all_inline_media":
+			x.ShowAllInlineMedia = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "statuses_count":
+			x.StatusesCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "time_zone":
+			x.TimeZone = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "url":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.URL != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.URL = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.URL == nil {
+					x.URL = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.URL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "utc_offset":
+			x.UtcOffset = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "verified":
+			x.Verified = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *User) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj47 int
+	var yyb47 bool
+	var yyhl47 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ContributorsEnabled = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.CreatedAt = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.DefaultProfile = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.DefaultProfileImage = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Description = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Entities.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.FavouritesCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.FollowRequestSent != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.FollowRequestSent = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.FollowRequestSent == nil {
+			x.FollowRequestSent = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.FollowRequestSent = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.FollowersCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.Following != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.Following = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.Following == nil {
+			x.Following = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.Following = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.FriendsCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.GeoEnabled = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ID = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.IDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.IsTranslator = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Lang = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ListedCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Location = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Name = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.Notifications != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.Notifications = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.Notifications == nil {
+			x.Notifications = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.Notifications = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileBackgroundColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileBackgroundImageURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileBackgroundTile = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileImageURL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileImageURLHTTPS = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileLinkColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileSidebarFillColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileTextColor = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Protected = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ScreenName = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ShowAllInlineMedia = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.StatusesCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.TimeZone = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.URL != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.URL = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.URL == nil {
+			x.URL = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.URL = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.UtcOffset = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj47++
+	if yyhl47 {
+		yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb47 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Verified = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	for {
+		yyj47++
+		if yyhl47 {
+			yyb47 = yyj47 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb47 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb47 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj47-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *StatusMetadata) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.IsoLanguageCode))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ResultType))
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`iso_language_code`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.IsoLanguageCode))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`result_type`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.ResultType))
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *StatusMetadata) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = StatusMetadata{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *StatusMetadata) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "iso_language_code":
+			x.IsoLanguageCode = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "result_type":
+			x.ResultType = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *StatusMetadata) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj6 int
+	var yyb6 bool
+	var yyhl6 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj6++
+	if yyhl6 {
+		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb6 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.IsoLanguageCode = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj6++
+	if yyhl6 {
+		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb6 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ResultType = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	for {
+		yyj6++
+		if yyhl6 {
+			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb6 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *Status) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		var yyn3 bool = x.Contributors == nil
+		var yyn4 bool = x.Coordinates == nil
+		var yyn8 bool = x.Geo == nil
+		var yyn11 bool = x.InReplyToScreenName == nil
+		var yyn12 bool = x.InReplyToStatusID == nil
+		var yyn13 bool = x.InReplyToStatusIDStr == nil
+		var yyn14 bool = x.InReplyToUserID == nil
+		var yyn15 bool = x.InReplyToUserIDStr == nil
+		var yyn17 bool = x.Place == nil
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(21)
+			if yyn3 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy24 := *x.Contributors
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy24))
+			}
+			if yyn4 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy26 := *x.Coordinates
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy26))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.CreatedAt))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			yy29 := &x.Entities
+			yy29.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Favorited))
+			if yyn8 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy32 := *x.Geo
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy32))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.IDStr))
+			if yyn11 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy36 := *x.InReplyToScreenName
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy36))
+			}
+			if yyn12 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy38 := *x.InReplyToStatusID
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy38))
+			}
+			if yyn13 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy40 := *x.InReplyToStatusIDStr
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy40))
+			}
+			if yyn14 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy42 := *x.InReplyToUserID
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy42))
+			}
+			if yyn15 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy44 := *x.InReplyToUserIDStr
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy44))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			yy46 := &x.Metadata
+			yy46.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			if yyn17 {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+				yy48 := *x.Place
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy48))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.RetweetCount))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Retweeted))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Source))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Text))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Truncated))
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			yy55 := &x.User
+			yy55.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(21)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"contributors\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`contributors`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn3 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy57 := *x.Contributors
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy57))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"coordinates\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`coordinates`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn4 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy59 := *x.Coordinates
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy59))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`created_at`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.CreatedAt))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"entities\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`entities`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			yy62 := &x.Entities
+			yy62.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"favorited\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`favorited`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Favorited))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"geo\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`geo`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn8 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy65 := *x.Geo
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy65))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"id\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`id`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.ID))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`id_str`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.IDStr))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`in_reply_to_screen_name`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn11 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy69 := *x.InReplyToScreenName
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy69))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`in_reply_to_status_id`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn12 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy71 := *x.InReplyToStatusID
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy71))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`in_reply_to_status_id_str`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn13 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy73 := *x.InReplyToStatusIDStr
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy73))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`in_reply_to_user_id`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn14 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy75 := *x.InReplyToUserID
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy75))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`in_reply_to_user_id_str`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn15 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy77 := *x.InReplyToUserIDStr
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy77))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"metadata\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`metadata`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			yy79 := &x.Metadata
+			yy79.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"place\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`place`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if yyn17 {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				yy81 := *x.Place
+				r.EncodeString(string(yy81))
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`retweet_count`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeInt(int64(x.RetweetCount))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"retweeted\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`retweeted`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Retweeted))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"source\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`source`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Source))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"text\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`text`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeString(string(x.Text))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"truncated\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`truncated`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			r.EncodeBool(bool(x.Truncated))
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"user\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`user`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			yy88 := &x.User
+			yy88.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *Status) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = Status{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *Status) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "contributors":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.Contributors != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.Contributors = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.Contributors == nil {
+					x.Contributors = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.Contributors = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "coordinates":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.Coordinates != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.Coordinates = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.Coordinates == nil {
+					x.Coordinates = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.Coordinates = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "created_at":
+			x.CreatedAt = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "entities":
+			x.Entities.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		case "favorited":
+			x.Favorited = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "geo":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.Geo != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.Geo = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.Geo == nil {
+					x.Geo = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.Geo = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "id":
+			x.ID = (int64)(r.DecodeInt64())
+		case "id_str":
+			x.IDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "in_reply_to_screen_name":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.InReplyToScreenName != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.InReplyToScreenName = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.InReplyToScreenName == nil {
+					x.InReplyToScreenName = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.InReplyToScreenName = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "in_reply_to_status_id":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.InReplyToStatusID != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.InReplyToStatusID = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.InReplyToStatusID == nil {
+					x.InReplyToStatusID = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.InReplyToStatusID = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "in_reply_to_status_id_str":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr == nil {
+					x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "in_reply_to_user_id":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.InReplyToUserID != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.InReplyToUserID = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.InReplyToUserID == nil {
+					x.InReplyToUserID = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.InReplyToUserID = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "in_reply_to_user_id_str":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.InReplyToUserIDStr != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.InReplyToUserIDStr = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.InReplyToUserIDStr == nil {
+					x.InReplyToUserIDStr = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.InReplyToUserIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "metadata":
+			x.Metadata.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		case "place":
+			if r.TryNil() {
+				if x.Place != nil { // remove the if-true
+					x.Place = nil
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x.Place == nil {
+					x.Place = new(string)
+				}
+				*x.Place = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+			}
+		case "retweet_count":
+			x.RetweetCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+		case "retweeted":
+			x.Retweeted = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "source":
+			x.Source = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "text":
+			x.Text = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+		case "truncated":
+			x.Truncated = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+		case "user":
+			x.User.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *Status) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj34 int
+	var yyb34 bool
+	var yyhl34 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.Contributors != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.Contributors = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.Contributors == nil {
+			x.Contributors = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.Contributors = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.Coordinates != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.Coordinates = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.Coordinates == nil {
+			x.Coordinates = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.Coordinates = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.CreatedAt = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Entities.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Favorited = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.Geo != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.Geo = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.Geo == nil {
+			x.Geo = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.Geo = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.ID = (int64)(r.DecodeInt64())
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.IDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.InReplyToScreenName != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.InReplyToScreenName = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.InReplyToScreenName == nil {
+			x.InReplyToScreenName = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.InReplyToScreenName = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.InReplyToStatusID != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.InReplyToStatusID = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.InReplyToStatusID == nil {
+			x.InReplyToStatusID = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.InReplyToStatusID = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.InReplyToStatusIDStr == nil {
+			x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.InReplyToStatusIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.InReplyToUserID != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.InReplyToUserID = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.InReplyToUserID == nil {
+			x.InReplyToUserID = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.InReplyToUserID = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.InReplyToUserIDStr != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.InReplyToUserIDStr = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.InReplyToUserIDStr == nil {
+			x.InReplyToUserIDStr = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.InReplyToUserIDStr = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Metadata.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	if r.TryNil() {
+		if x.Place != nil { // remove the if-true
+			x.Place = nil
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x.Place == nil {
+			x.Place = new(string)
+		}
+		*x.Place = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	}
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.RetweetCount = (int)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize2736))
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Retweeted = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Source = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Text = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.Truncated = (bool)(r.DecodeBool())
+	yyj34++
+	if yyhl34 {
+		yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb34 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.User.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+	for {
+		yyj34++
+		if yyhl34 {
+			yyb34 = yyj34 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb34 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb34 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj34-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *LargeStruct) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			yy5 := &x.SearchMetadata
+			yy5.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Statuses == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSliceStatus(([]Status)(x.Statuses), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Statuses slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(2)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			r.EncodeString(`search_metadata`)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			yy8 := &x.SearchMetadata
+			yy8.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"statuses\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`statuses`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Statuses == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSliceStatus(([]Status)(x.Statuses), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Statuses slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *LargeStruct) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = LargeStruct{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *LargeStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "search_metadata":
+			x.SearchMetadata.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		case "statuses":
+			h.decSliceStatus((*[]Status)(&x.Statuses), d)
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *LargeStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj7 int
+	var yyb7 bool
+	var yyhl7 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj7++
+	if yyhl7 {
+		yyb7 = yyj7 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb7 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb7 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	x.SearchMetadata.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+	yyj7++
+	if yyhl7 {
+		yyb7 = yyj7 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb7 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb7 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	h.decSliceStatus((*[]Status)(&x.Statuses), d)
+	for {
+		yyj7++
+		if yyhl7 {
+			yyb7 = yyj7 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb7 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb7 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj7-1, "")
+	}
+func (x *XLStruct) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if x == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		yysep2 := !z.EncBinary()
+		yy2arr2 := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray
+		_, _ = yysep2, yy2arr2
+		const yyr2 bool = false // struct tag has 'toArray'
+		if yyr2 || yy2arr2 {
+			z.EncWriteArrayStart(1)
+			z.EncWriteArrayElem()
+			if x.Data == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSliceLargeStruct(([]LargeStruct)(x.Data), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Data slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
+		} else {
+			z.EncWriteMapStart(1)
+			z.EncWriteMapElemKey()
+			if z.IsJSONHandle() {
+				z.WriteStr("\"Data\"")
+			} else {
+				r.EncodeString(`Data`)
+			}
+			z.EncWriteMapElemValue()
+			if x.Data == nil {
+				r.EncodeNil()
+			} else {
+				h.encSliceLargeStruct(([]LargeStruct)(x.Data), e)
+			} // end block: if x.Data slice == nil
+			z.EncWriteMapEnd()
+		}
+	}
+func (x *XLStruct) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	yyct2 := r.ContainerType()
+	if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeNil2736 {
+		*(x) = XLStruct{}
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeMap2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadMapStart()
+		if yyl2 == 0 {
+		} else {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapEnd()
+	} else if yyct2 == codecSelferValueTypeArray2736 {
+		yyl2 := z.DecReadArrayStart()
+		if yyl2 != 0 {
+			x.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(yyl2, d)
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct2736)
+	}
+func (x *XLStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyhl3 bool = l >= 0
+	for yyj3 := 0; ; yyj3++ {
+		if yyhl3 {
+			if yyj3 >= l {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if z.DecCheckBreak() {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		z.DecReadMapElemKey()
+		yys3 := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+		z.DecReadMapElemValue()
+		switch yys3 {
+		case "Data":
+			h.decSliceLargeStruct((*[]LargeStruct)(&x.Data), d)
+		default:
+			z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, yys3)
+		} // end switch yys3
+	} // end for yyj3
+func (x *XLStruct) codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	var yyj6 int
+	var yyb6 bool
+	var yyhl6 bool = l >= 0
+	yyj6++
+	if yyhl6 {
+		yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+	} else {
+		yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+	}
+	if yyb6 {
+		z.DecReadArrayEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	z.DecReadArrayElem()
+	h.decSliceLargeStruct((*[]LargeStruct)(&x.Data), d)
+	for {
+		yyj6++
+		if yyhl6 {
+			yyb6 = yyj6 > l
+		} else {
+			yyb6 = z.DecCheckBreak()
+		}
+		if yyb6 {
+			break
+		}
+		z.DecReadArrayElem()
+		z.DecStructFieldNotFound(yyj6-1, "")
+	}
+func (x codecSelfer2736) encSliceHashtag(v []Hashtag, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
+	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
+	_, _, _ = h, z, r
+	if v == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	z.EncWriteArrayStart(len(v))
 	for _, yyv1 := range v {
-		z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
+		z.EncWriteArrayElem()
 		yy2 := &yyv1
-	z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
-func (x codecSelfer9225) decSliceHashtag(v *[]Hashtag, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) decSliceHashtag(v *[]Hashtag, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
@@ -6301,7 +3566,12 @@
 	yyh1, yyl1 := z.DecSliceHelperStart()
 	var yyc1 bool
 	_ = yyc1
-	if yyl1 == 0 {
+	if yyh1.IsNil {
+		if yyv1 != nil {
+			yyv1 = nil
+			yyc1 = true
+		}
+	} else if yyl1 == 0 {
 		if yyv1 == nil {
 			yyv1 = []Hashtag{}
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6309,86 +3579,52 @@
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:0]
 			yyc1 = true
-	} else if yyl1 > 0 {
-		var yyrr1, yyrl1 int
-		var yyrt1 bool
-		_, _ = yyrl1, yyrt1
-		yyrr1 = yyl1 // len(yyv1)
-		if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
-			yyrg1 := len(yyv1) > 0
-			yyv21 := yyv1
-			yyrl1, yyrt1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 40)
-			if yyrt1 {
+	} else {
+		yyhl1 := yyl1 > 0
+		var yyrl1 int
+		_ = yyrl1
+		if yyhl1 {
+			if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
+				yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 40)
 				if yyrl1 <= cap(yyv1) {
 					yyv1 = yyv1[:yyrl1]
 				} else {
 					yyv1 = make([]Hashtag, yyrl1)
-			} else {
-				yyv1 = make([]Hashtag, yyrl1)
+				yyc1 = true
+			} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
+				yyc1 = true
-			yyc1 = true
-			yyrr1 = len(yyv1)
-			if yyrg1 {
-				copy(yyv1, yyv21)
-			}
-		} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
-			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
-			yyc1 = true
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; yyj1 < yyrr1; yyj1++ {
-			yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				yyv1[yyj1] = Hashtag{}
-			} else {
-				yyv2 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-				yyv2.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		}
-		if yyrt1 {
-			for ; yyj1 < yyl1; yyj1++ {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, Hashtag{})
-				yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = Hashtag{}
+		var yyj1 int
+		for yyj1 = 0; (yyhl1 && yyj1 < yyl1) || !(yyhl1 || z.DecCheckBreak()); yyj1++ { // bounds-check-elimination
+			if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
+				if yyhl1 {
+					yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 40)
 				} else {
-					yyv3 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv3.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+					yyrl1 = 8
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; !r.CheckBreak(); yyj1++ {
-			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, Hashtag{}) // var yyz1 Hashtag
+				yyv1 = make([]Hashtag, yyrl1)
 				yyc1 = true
-			if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = Hashtag{}
-				} else {
-					yyv4 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv4.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.DecSwallow()
+			var yydb1 bool
+			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = append(yyv1, Hashtag{})
+				yyc1 = true
+			if yydb1 {
+				z.DecSwallow()
+			} else {
+				yyv1[yyj1].CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+			}
 		if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyj1]
 			yyc1 = true
 		} else if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
-			yyv1 = []Hashtag{}
+			yyv1 = make([]Hashtag, 0)
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6398,30 +3634,29 @@
-func (x codecSelfer9225) encSlicePtrtostring(v []*string, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) encSlicePtrtostring(v []*string, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	r.EncodeArrayStart(len(v))
+	if v == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	z.EncWriteArrayStart(len(v))
 	for _, yyv1 := range v {
-		z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
+		z.EncWriteArrayElem()
 		if yyv1 == nil {
 		} else {
 			yy2 := *yyv1
-			yym3 := z.EncBinary()
-			_ = yym3
-			if false {
-			} else {
-				r.EncodeString(codecSelferC_UTF89225, string(yy2))
-			}
+			r.EncodeString(string(yy2))
-	z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
-func (x codecSelfer9225) decSlicePtrtostring(v *[]*string, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) decSlicePtrtostring(v *[]*string, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
@@ -6429,7 +3664,12 @@
 	yyh1, yyl1 := z.DecSliceHelperStart()
 	var yyc1 bool
 	_ = yyc1
-	if yyl1 == 0 {
+	if yyh1.IsNil {
+		if yyv1 != nil {
+			yyv1 = nil
+			yyc1 = true
+		}
+	} else if yyl1 == 0 {
 		if yyv1 == nil {
 			yyv1 = []*string{}
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6437,116 +3677,59 @@
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:0]
 			yyc1 = true
-	} else if yyl1 > 0 {
-		var yyrr1, yyrl1 int
-		var yyrt1 bool
-		_, _ = yyrl1, yyrt1
-		yyrr1 = yyl1 // len(yyv1)
-		if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
-			yyrg1 := len(yyv1) > 0
-			yyv21 := yyv1
-			yyrl1, yyrt1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 8)
-			if yyrt1 {
+	} else {
+		yyhl1 := yyl1 > 0
+		var yyrl1 int
+		_ = yyrl1
+		if yyhl1 {
+			if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
+				yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 8)
 				if yyrl1 <= cap(yyv1) {
 					yyv1 = yyv1[:yyrl1]
 				} else {
 					yyv1 = make([]*string, yyrl1)
-			} else {
+				yyc1 = true
+			} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
+				yyc1 = true
+			}
+		}
+		var yyj1 int
+		for yyj1 = 0; (yyhl1 && yyj1 < yyl1) || !(yyhl1 || z.DecCheckBreak()); yyj1++ { // bounds-check-elimination
+			if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
+				if yyhl1 {
+					yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 8)
+				} else {
+					yyrl1 = 8
+				}
 				yyv1 = make([]*string, yyrl1)
-			}
-			yyc1 = true
-			yyrr1 = len(yyv1)
-			if yyrg1 {
-				copy(yyv1, yyv21)
-			}
-		} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
-			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
-			yyc1 = true
-		}
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; yyj1 < yyrr1; yyj1++ {
-			yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				if yyv1[yyj1] != nil {
-					*yyv1[yyj1] = ""
-				}
-			} else {
-				if yyv1[yyj1] == nil {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = new(string)
-				}
-				yyw2 := yyv1[yyj1]
-				yym3 := z.DecBinary()
-				_ = yym3
-				if false {
-				} else {
-					*((*string)(yyw2)) = r.DecodeString()
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if yyrt1 {
-			for ; yyj1 < yyl1; yyj1++ {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, nil)
-				yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					if yyv1[yyj1] != nil {
-						*yyv1[yyj1] = ""
-					}
-				} else {
-					if yyv1[yyj1] == nil {
-						yyv1[yyj1] = new(string)
-					}
-					yyw4 := yyv1[yyj1]
-					yym5 := z.DecBinary()
-					_ = yym5
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						*((*string)(yyw4)) = r.DecodeString()
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; !r.CheckBreak(); yyj1++ {
-			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, nil) // var yyz1 *string
 				yyc1 = true
-			if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					if yyv1[yyj1] != nil {
-						*yyv1[yyj1] = ""
-					}
+			var yydb1 bool
+			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = append(yyv1, nil)
+				yyc1 = true
+			}
+			if yydb1 {
+				z.DecSwallow()
+			} else {
+				if r.TryNil() {
+					yyv1[yyj1] = nil
 				} else {
 					if yyv1[yyj1] == nil {
 						yyv1[yyj1] = new(string)
-					yyw6 := yyv1[yyj1]
-					yym7 := z.DecBinary()
-					_ = yym7
-					if false {
-					} else {
-						*((*string)(yyw6)) = r.DecodeString()
-					}
+					*yyv1[yyj1] = (string)(string(r.DecodeStringAsBytes()))
-			} else {
-				z.DecSwallow()
 		if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyj1]
 			yyc1 = true
 		} else if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
-			yyv1 = []*string{}
+			yyv1 = make([]*string, 0)
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6556,21 +3739,25 @@
-func (x codecSelfer9225) encSliceURL(v []URL, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) encSliceURL(v []URL, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	r.EncodeArrayStart(len(v))
+	if v == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	z.EncWriteArrayStart(len(v))
 	for _, yyv1 := range v {
-		z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
+		z.EncWriteArrayElem()
 		yy2 := &yyv1
-	z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
-func (x codecSelfer9225) decSliceURL(v *[]URL, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) decSliceURL(v *[]URL, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
@@ -6578,7 +3765,12 @@
 	yyh1, yyl1 := z.DecSliceHelperStart()
 	var yyc1 bool
 	_ = yyc1
-	if yyl1 == 0 {
+	if yyh1.IsNil {
+		if yyv1 != nil {
+			yyv1 = nil
+			yyc1 = true
+		}
+	} else if yyl1 == 0 {
 		if yyv1 == nil {
 			yyv1 = []URL{}
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6586,86 +3778,52 @@
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:0]
 			yyc1 = true
-	} else if yyl1 > 0 {
-		var yyrr1, yyrl1 int
-		var yyrt1 bool
-		_, _ = yyrl1, yyrt1
-		yyrr1 = yyl1 // len(yyv1)
-		if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
-			yyrg1 := len(yyv1) > 0
-			yyv21 := yyv1
-			yyrl1, yyrt1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 48)
-			if yyrt1 {
+	} else {
+		yyhl1 := yyl1 > 0
+		var yyrl1 int
+		_ = yyrl1
+		if yyhl1 {
+			if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
+				yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 48)
 				if yyrl1 <= cap(yyv1) {
 					yyv1 = yyv1[:yyrl1]
 				} else {
 					yyv1 = make([]URL, yyrl1)
-			} else {
-				yyv1 = make([]URL, yyrl1)
+				yyc1 = true
+			} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
+				yyc1 = true
-			yyc1 = true
-			yyrr1 = len(yyv1)
-			if yyrg1 {
-				copy(yyv1, yyv21)
-			}
-		} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
-			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
-			yyc1 = true
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; yyj1 < yyrr1; yyj1++ {
-			yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				yyv1[yyj1] = URL{}
-			} else {
-				yyv2 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-				yyv2.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		}
-		if yyrt1 {
-			for ; yyj1 < yyl1; yyj1++ {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, URL{})
-				yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = URL{}
+		var yyj1 int
+		for yyj1 = 0; (yyhl1 && yyj1 < yyl1) || !(yyhl1 || z.DecCheckBreak()); yyj1++ { // bounds-check-elimination
+			if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
+				if yyhl1 {
+					yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 48)
 				} else {
-					yyv3 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv3.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+					yyrl1 = 8
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; !r.CheckBreak(); yyj1++ {
-			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, URL{}) // var yyz1 URL
+				yyv1 = make([]URL, yyrl1)
 				yyc1 = true
-			if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = URL{}
-				} else {
-					yyv4 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv4.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.DecSwallow()
+			var yydb1 bool
+			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = append(yyv1, URL{})
+				yyc1 = true
+			if yydb1 {
+				z.DecSwallow()
+			} else {
+				yyv1[yyj1].CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+			}
 		if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyj1]
 			yyc1 = true
 		} else if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
-			yyv1 = []URL{}
+			yyv1 = make([]URL, 0)
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6675,21 +3833,25 @@
-func (x codecSelfer9225) encSliceStatus(v []Status, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) encSliceStatus(v []Status, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	r.EncodeArrayStart(len(v))
+	if v == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	z.EncWriteArrayStart(len(v))
 	for _, yyv1 := range v {
-		z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
+		z.EncWriteArrayElem()
 		yy2 := &yyv1
-	z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
-func (x codecSelfer9225) decSliceStatus(v *[]Status, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) decSliceStatus(v *[]Status, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
@@ -6697,7 +3859,12 @@
 	yyh1, yyl1 := z.DecSliceHelperStart()
 	var yyc1 bool
 	_ = yyc1
-	if yyl1 == 0 {
+	if yyh1.IsNil {
+		if yyv1 != nil {
+			yyv1 = nil
+			yyc1 = true
+		}
+	} else if yyl1 == 0 {
 		if yyv1 == nil {
 			yyv1 = []Status{}
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6705,86 +3872,52 @@
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:0]
 			yyc1 = true
-	} else if yyl1 > 0 {
-		var yyrr1, yyrl1 int
-		var yyrt1 bool
-		_, _ = yyrl1, yyrt1
-		yyrr1 = yyl1 // len(yyv1)
-		if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
-			yyrg1 := len(yyv1) > 0
-			yyv21 := yyv1
-			yyrl1, yyrt1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 752)
-			if yyrt1 {
+	} else {
+		yyhl1 := yyl1 > 0
+		var yyrl1 int
+		_ = yyrl1
+		if yyhl1 {
+			if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
+				yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 752)
 				if yyrl1 <= cap(yyv1) {
 					yyv1 = yyv1[:yyrl1]
 				} else {
 					yyv1 = make([]Status, yyrl1)
-			} else {
-				yyv1 = make([]Status, yyrl1)
+				yyc1 = true
+			} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
+				yyc1 = true
-			yyc1 = true
-			yyrr1 = len(yyv1)
-			if yyrg1 {
-				copy(yyv1, yyv21)
-			}
-		} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
-			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
-			yyc1 = true
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; yyj1 < yyrr1; yyj1++ {
-			yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				yyv1[yyj1] = Status{}
-			} else {
-				yyv2 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-				yyv2.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		}
-		if yyrt1 {
-			for ; yyj1 < yyl1; yyj1++ {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, Status{})
-				yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = Status{}
+		var yyj1 int
+		for yyj1 = 0; (yyhl1 && yyj1 < yyl1) || !(yyhl1 || z.DecCheckBreak()); yyj1++ { // bounds-check-elimination
+			if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
+				if yyhl1 {
+					yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 752)
 				} else {
-					yyv3 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv3.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+					yyrl1 = 8
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; !r.CheckBreak(); yyj1++ {
-			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, Status{}) // var yyz1 Status
+				yyv1 = make([]Status, yyrl1)
 				yyc1 = true
-			if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = Status{}
-				} else {
-					yyv4 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv4.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.DecSwallow()
+			var yydb1 bool
+			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = append(yyv1, Status{})
+				yyc1 = true
+			if yydb1 {
+				z.DecSwallow()
+			} else {
+				yyv1[yyj1].CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+			}
 		if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyj1]
 			yyc1 = true
 		} else if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
-			yyv1 = []Status{}
+			yyv1 = make([]Status, 0)
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6794,21 +3927,25 @@
-func (x codecSelfer9225) encSliceLargeStruct(v []LargeStruct, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) encSliceLargeStruct(v []LargeStruct, e *codec1978.Encoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperEncoder(e)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
-	r.EncodeArrayStart(len(v))
+	if v == nil {
+		r.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	z.EncWriteArrayStart(len(v))
 	for _, yyv1 := range v {
-		z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayElem9225)
+		z.EncWriteArrayElem()
 		yy2 := &yyv1
-	z.EncSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerArrayEnd9225)
+	z.EncWriteArrayEnd()
-func (x codecSelfer9225) decSliceLargeStruct(v *[]LargeStruct, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
-	var h codecSelfer9225
+func (x codecSelfer2736) decSliceLargeStruct(v *[]LargeStruct, d *codec1978.Decoder) {
+	var h codecSelfer2736
 	z, r := codec1978.GenHelperDecoder(d)
 	_, _, _ = h, z, r
@@ -6816,7 +3953,12 @@
 	yyh1, yyl1 := z.DecSliceHelperStart()
 	var yyc1 bool
 	_ = yyc1
-	if yyl1 == 0 {
+	if yyh1.IsNil {
+		if yyv1 != nil {
+			yyv1 = nil
+			yyc1 = true
+		}
+	} else if yyl1 == 0 {
 		if yyv1 == nil {
 			yyv1 = []LargeStruct{}
 			yyc1 = true
@@ -6824,86 +3966,52 @@
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:0]
 			yyc1 = true
-	} else if yyl1 > 0 {
-		var yyrr1, yyrl1 int
-		var yyrt1 bool
-		_, _ = yyrl1, yyrt1
-		yyrr1 = yyl1 // len(yyv1)
-		if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
-			yyrg1 := len(yyv1) > 0
-			yyv21 := yyv1
-			yyrl1, yyrt1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 136)
-			if yyrt1 {
+	} else {
+		yyhl1 := yyl1 > 0
+		var yyrl1 int
+		_ = yyrl1
+		if yyhl1 {
+			if yyl1 > cap(yyv1) {
+				yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 136)
 				if yyrl1 <= cap(yyv1) {
 					yyv1 = yyv1[:yyrl1]
 				} else {
 					yyv1 = make([]LargeStruct, yyrl1)
-			} else {
-				yyv1 = make([]LargeStruct, yyrl1)
+				yyc1 = true
+			} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
+				yyc1 = true
-			yyc1 = true
-			yyrr1 = len(yyv1)
-			if yyrg1 {
-				copy(yyv1, yyv21)
-			}
-		} else if yyl1 != len(yyv1) {
-			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyl1]
-			yyc1 = true
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; yyj1 < yyrr1; yyj1++ {
-			yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-			if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-				yyv1[yyj1] = LargeStruct{}
-			} else {
-				yyv2 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-				yyv2.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-			}
-		}
-		if yyrt1 {
-			for ; yyj1 < yyl1; yyj1++ {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, LargeStruct{})
-				yyh1.ElemContainerState(yyj1)
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = LargeStruct{}
+		var yyj1 int
+		for yyj1 = 0; (yyhl1 && yyj1 < yyl1) || !(yyhl1 || z.DecCheckBreak()); yyj1++ { // bounds-check-elimination
+			if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
+				if yyhl1 {
+					yyrl1 = z.DecInferLen(yyl1, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, 136)
 				} else {
-					yyv3 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv3.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+					yyrl1 = 8
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		yyj1 := 0
-		for ; !r.CheckBreak(); yyj1++ {
-			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
-				yyv1 = append(yyv1, LargeStruct{}) // var yyz1 LargeStruct
+				yyv1 = make([]LargeStruct, yyrl1)
 				yyc1 = true
-			if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
-				if r.TryDecodeAsNil() {
-					yyv1[yyj1] = LargeStruct{}
-				} else {
-					yyv4 := &yyv1[yyj1]
-					yyv4.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
-				}
-			} else {
-				z.DecSwallow()
+			var yydb1 bool
+			if yyj1 >= len(yyv1) {
+				yyv1 = append(yyv1, LargeStruct{})
+				yyc1 = true
+			if yydb1 {
+				z.DecSwallow()
+			} else {
+				yyv1[yyj1].CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+			}
 		if yyj1 < len(yyv1) {
 			yyv1 = yyv1[:yyj1]
 			yyc1 = true
 		} else if yyj1 == 0 && yyv1 == nil {
-			yyv1 = []LargeStruct{}
+			yyv1 = make([]LargeStruct, 0)
 			yyc1 = true
diff --git a/benchmark/data_ffjson.go b/benchmark/data_ffjson.go
index 9f000d3..ae091da 100644
--- a/benchmark/data_ffjson.go
+++ b/benchmark/data_ffjson.go
@@ -14,20 +14,23 @@
 	fflib ""
-func (mj *Entities) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *Entities) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *Entities) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *Entities) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -36,9 +39,9 @@
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	if mj.Hashtags != nil {
+	if j.Hashtags != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Hashtags {
+		for i, v := range j.Hashtags {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -57,9 +60,9 @@
-	if mj.Urls != nil {
+	if j.Urls != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Urls {
+		for i, v := range j.Urls {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -74,9 +77,9 @@
-	if mj.UserMentions != nil {
+	if j.UserMentions != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.UserMentions {
+		for i, v := range j.UserMentions {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -95,30 +98,32 @@
 const (
-	ffj_t_Entitiesbase = iota
-	ffj_t_Entitiesno_such_key
+	ffjtEntitiesbase = iota
+	ffjtEntitiesnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_Entities_Hashtags
+	ffjtEntitiesHashtags
-	ffj_t_Entities_Urls
+	ffjtEntitiesUrls
-	ffj_t_Entities_UserMentions
+	ffjtEntitiesUserMentions
-var ffj_key_Entities_Hashtags = []byte("hashtags")
+var ffjKeyEntitiesHashtags = []byte("hashtags")
-var ffj_key_Entities_Urls = []byte("urls")
+var ffjKeyEntitiesUrls = []byte("urls")
-var ffj_key_Entities_UserMentions = []byte("user_mentions")
+var ffjKeyEntitiesUserMentions = []byte("user_mentions")
-func (uj *Entities) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *Entities) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *Entities) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_Entitiesbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *Entities) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtEntitiesbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -164,7 +169,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Entitiesno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtEntitiesnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -172,46 +177,46 @@
 				case 'h':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Entities_Hashtags, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Entities_Hashtags
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyEntitiesHashtags, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtEntitiesHashtags
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'u':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Entities_Urls, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Entities_Urls
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyEntitiesUrls, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtEntitiesUrls
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Entities_UserMentions, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Entities_UserMentions
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyEntitiesUserMentions, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtEntitiesUserMentions
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Entities_UserMentions, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Entities_UserMentions
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyEntitiesUserMentions, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtEntitiesUserMentions
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Entities_Urls, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Entities_Urls
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyEntitiesUrls, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtEntitiesUrls
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Entities_Hashtags, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Entities_Hashtags
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyEntitiesHashtags, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtEntitiesHashtags
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Entitiesno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtEntitiesnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -228,16 +233,16 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_Entities_Hashtags:
+				case ffjtEntitiesHashtags:
 					goto handle_Hashtags
-				case ffj_t_Entities_Urls:
+				case ffjtEntitiesUrls:
 					goto handle_Urls
-				case ffj_t_Entities_UserMentions:
+				case ffjtEntitiesUserMentions:
 					goto handle_UserMentions
-				case ffj_t_Entitiesno_such_key:
+				case ffjtEntitiesnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -253,7 +258,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Hashtags type=[]benchmark.Hashtag kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Hashtags type=[]benchmark.Hashtag kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -264,16 +269,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Hashtags = nil
+			j.Hashtags = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Hashtags = make([]Hashtag, 0)
+			j.Hashtags = []Hashtag{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Hashtags Hashtag
+				var tmpJHashtags Hashtag
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -294,23 +299,23 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Hashtags type=benchmark.Hashtag kind=struct quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJHashtags type=benchmark.Hashtag kind=struct quoted=false*/
 					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-						state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-						goto mainparse
-					}
+					} else {
-					err = tmp_uj__Hashtags.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-					if err != nil {
-						return err
+						err = tmpJHashtags.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+						if err != nil {
+							return err
+						}
 					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-				uj.Hashtags = append(uj.Hashtags, tmp_uj__Hashtags)
+				j.Hashtags = append(j.Hashtags, tmpJHashtags)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -321,7 +326,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Urls type=[]*string kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Urls type=[]*string kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -332,16 +337,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Urls = nil
+			j.Urls = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Urls = make([]*string, 0)
+			j.Urls = []*string{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Urls *string
+				var tmpJUrls *string
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -362,18 +367,18 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Urls type=*string kind=ptr quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJUrls type=*string kind=ptr quoted=false*/
 					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-						tmp_uj__Urls = nil
+						tmpJUrls = nil
 					} else {
-						if tmp_uj__Urls == nil {
-							tmp_uj__Urls = new(string)
+						if tmpJUrls == nil {
+							tmpJUrls = new(string)
-						/* handler: tmp_uj__Urls type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+						/* handler: tmpJUrls type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -385,7 +390,7 @@
 							if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-								tmp_uj__Urls = nil
+								tmpJUrls = nil
 							} else {
@@ -393,7 +398,7 @@
 								outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 								tval = string(string(outBuf))
-								tmp_uj__Urls = &tval
+								tmpJUrls = &tval
@@ -401,7 +406,8 @@
-				uj.Urls = append(uj.Urls, tmp_uj__Urls)
+				j.Urls = append(j.Urls, tmpJUrls)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -412,7 +418,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.UserMentions type=[]*string kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.UserMentions type=[]*string kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -423,16 +429,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.UserMentions = nil
+			j.UserMentions = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.UserMentions = make([]*string, 0)
+			j.UserMentions = []*string{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__UserMentions *string
+				var tmpJUserMentions *string
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -453,18 +459,18 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__UserMentions type=*string kind=ptr quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJUserMentions type=*string kind=ptr quoted=false*/
 					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-						tmp_uj__UserMentions = nil
+						tmpJUserMentions = nil
 					} else {
-						if tmp_uj__UserMentions == nil {
-							tmp_uj__UserMentions = new(string)
+						if tmpJUserMentions == nil {
+							tmpJUserMentions = new(string)
-						/* handler: tmp_uj__UserMentions type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+						/* handler: tmpJUserMentions type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -476,7 +482,7 @@
 							if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-								tmp_uj__UserMentions = nil
+								tmpJUserMentions = nil
 							} else {
@@ -484,7 +490,7 @@
 								outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 								tval = string(string(outBuf))
-								tmp_uj__UserMentions = &tval
+								tmpJUserMentions = &tval
@@ -492,7 +498,8 @@
-				uj.UserMentions = append(uj.UserMentions, tmp_uj__UserMentions)
+				j.UserMentions = append(j.UserMentions, tmpJUserMentions)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -515,23 +522,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *Hashtag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *Hashtag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *Hashtag) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *Hashtag) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -540,9 +551,9 @@
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	if mj.Indices != nil {
+	if j.Indices != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Indices {
+		for i, v := range j.Indices {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -553,32 +564,34 @@
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Text))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Text))
 	return nil
 const (
-	ffj_t_Hashtagbase = iota
-	ffj_t_Hashtagno_such_key
+	ffjtHashtagbase = iota
+	ffjtHashtagnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_Hashtag_Indices
+	ffjtHashtagIndices
-	ffj_t_Hashtag_Text
+	ffjtHashtagText
-var ffj_key_Hashtag_Indices = []byte("indices")
+var ffjKeyHashtagIndices = []byte("indices")
-var ffj_key_Hashtag_Text = []byte("text")
+var ffjKeyHashtagText = []byte("text")
-func (uj *Hashtag) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *Hashtag) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *Hashtag) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_Hashtagbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *Hashtag) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtHashtagbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -624,7 +637,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Hashtagno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtHashtagnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -632,35 +645,35 @@
 				case 'i':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Hashtag_Indices, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Hashtag_Indices
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyHashtagIndices, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtHashtagIndices
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 't':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Hashtag_Text, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Hashtag_Text
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyHashtagText, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtHashtagText
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Hashtag_Text, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Hashtag_Text
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyHashtagText, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtHashtagText
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Hashtag_Indices, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Hashtag_Indices
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyHashtagIndices, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtHashtagIndices
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Hashtagno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtHashtagnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -677,13 +690,13 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_Hashtag_Indices:
+				case ffjtHashtagIndices:
 					goto handle_Indices
-				case ffj_t_Hashtag_Text:
+				case ffjtHashtagText:
 					goto handle_Text
-				case ffj_t_Hashtagno_such_key:
+				case ffjtHashtagnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -699,7 +712,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Indices type=[]int kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Indices type=[]int kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -710,16 +723,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Indices = nil
+			j.Indices = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Indices = make([]int, 0)
+			j.Indices = []int{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Indices int
+				var tmpJIndices int
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -740,7 +753,7 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Indices type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJIndices type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 					if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -760,12 +773,13 @@
 							return fs.WrapErr(err)
-						tmp_uj__Indices = int(tval)
+						tmpJIndices = int(tval)
-				uj.Indices = append(uj.Indices, tmp_uj__Indices)
+				j.Indices = append(j.Indices, tmpJIndices)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -776,7 +790,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Text type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Text type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -792,7 +806,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Text = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Text = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -814,23 +828,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *LargeStruct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *LargeStruct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *LargeStruct) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *LargeStruct) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -842,16 +860,16 @@
-		err = mj.SearchMetadata.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
+		err = j.SearchMetadata.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
-	if mj.Statuses != nil {
+	if j.Statuses != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Statuses {
+		for i, v := range j.Statuses {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -874,26 +892,28 @@
 const (
-	ffj_t_LargeStructbase = iota
-	ffj_t_LargeStructno_such_key
+	ffjtLargeStructbase = iota
+	ffjtLargeStructnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_LargeStruct_SearchMetadata
+	ffjtLargeStructSearchMetadata
-	ffj_t_LargeStruct_Statuses
+	ffjtLargeStructStatuses
-var ffj_key_LargeStruct_SearchMetadata = []byte("search_metadata")
+var ffjKeyLargeStructSearchMetadata = []byte("search_metadata")
-var ffj_key_LargeStruct_Statuses = []byte("statuses")
+var ffjKeyLargeStructStatuses = []byte("statuses")
-func (uj *LargeStruct) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *LargeStruct) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *LargeStruct) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_LargeStructbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *LargeStruct) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtLargeStructbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -939,7 +959,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_LargeStructno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtLargeStructnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -947,32 +967,32 @@
 				case 's':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_LargeStruct_SearchMetadata, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_LargeStruct_SearchMetadata
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyLargeStructSearchMetadata, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtLargeStructSearchMetadata
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_LargeStruct_Statuses, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_LargeStruct_Statuses
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyLargeStructStatuses, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtLargeStructStatuses
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_LargeStruct_Statuses, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_LargeStruct_Statuses
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyLargeStructStatuses, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtLargeStructStatuses
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_LargeStruct_SearchMetadata, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_LargeStruct_SearchMetadata
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyLargeStructSearchMetadata, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtLargeStructSearchMetadata
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_LargeStructno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtLargeStructnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -989,13 +1009,13 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_LargeStruct_SearchMetadata:
+				case ffjtLargeStructSearchMetadata:
 					goto handle_SearchMetadata
-				case ffj_t_LargeStruct_Statuses:
+				case ffjtLargeStructStatuses:
 					goto handle_Statuses
-				case ffj_t_LargeStructno_such_key:
+				case ffjtLargeStructnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -1011,18 +1031,17 @@
-	/* handler: uj.SearchMetadata type=benchmark.SearchMetadata kind=struct quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.SearchMetadata type=benchmark.SearchMetadata kind=struct quoted=false*/
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-			goto mainparse
-		}
+		} else {
-		err = uj.SearchMetadata.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
+			err = j.SearchMetadata.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
 		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
@@ -1032,7 +1051,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Statuses type=[]benchmark.Status kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Statuses type=[]benchmark.Status kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -1043,16 +1062,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Statuses = nil
+			j.Statuses = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Statuses = make([]Status, 0)
+			j.Statuses = []Status{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Statuses Status
+				var tmpJStatuses Status
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -1073,23 +1092,23 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Statuses type=benchmark.Status kind=struct quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJStatuses type=benchmark.Status kind=struct quoted=false*/
 					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-						state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-						goto mainparse
-					}
+					} else {
-					err = tmp_uj__Statuses.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-					if err != nil {
-						return err
+						err = tmpJStatuses.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+						if err != nil {
+							return err
+						}
 					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-				uj.Statuses = append(uj.Statuses, tmp_uj__Statuses)
+				j.Statuses = append(j.Statuses, tmpJStatuses)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -1112,23 +1131,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *SearchMetadata) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *SearchMetadata) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *SearchMetadata) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *SearchMetadata) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -1137,76 +1160,78 @@
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	fflib.AppendFloat(buf, float64(mj.CompletedIn), 'g', -1, 64)
+	fflib.AppendFloat(buf, float64(j.CompletedIn), 'g', -1, 64)
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.Count), 10, mj.Count < 0)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.Count), 10, j.Count < 0)
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.MaxID), 10, mj.MaxID < 0)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.MaxID), 10, j.MaxID < 0)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.MaxIDStr))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.MaxIDStr))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.NextResults))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.NextResults))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Query))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Query))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.RefreshURL))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.RefreshURL))
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.SinceID), 10, mj.SinceID < 0)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.SinceID), 10, j.SinceID < 0)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.SinceIDStr))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.SinceIDStr))
 	return nil
 const (
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadatabase = iota
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadatano_such_key
+	ffjtSearchMetadatabase = iota
+	ffjtSearchMetadatanosuchkey
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_CompletedIn
+	ffjtSearchMetadataCompletedIn
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Count
+	ffjtSearchMetadataCount
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxID
+	ffjtSearchMetadataMaxID
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxIDStr
+	ffjtSearchMetadataMaxIDStr
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_NextResults
+	ffjtSearchMetadataNextResults
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Query
+	ffjtSearchMetadataQuery
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_RefreshURL
+	ffjtSearchMetadataRefreshURL
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceID
+	ffjtSearchMetadataSinceID
-	ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceIDStr
+	ffjtSearchMetadataSinceIDStr
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_CompletedIn = []byte("completed_in")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataCompletedIn = []byte("completed_in")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_Count = []byte("count")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataCount = []byte("count")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_MaxID = []byte("max_id")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataMaxID = []byte("max_id")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_MaxIDStr = []byte("max_id_str")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataMaxIDStr = []byte("max_id_str")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_NextResults = []byte("next_results")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataNextResults = []byte("next_results")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_Query = []byte("query")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataQuery = []byte("query")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_RefreshURL = []byte("refresh_url")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataRefreshURL = []byte("refresh_url")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_SinceID = []byte("since_id")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataSinceID = []byte("since_id")
-var ffj_key_SearchMetadata_SinceIDStr = []byte("since_id_str")
+var ffjKeySearchMetadataSinceIDStr = []byte("since_id_str")
-func (uj *SearchMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *SearchMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *SearchMetadata) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_SearchMetadatabase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *SearchMetadata) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtSearchMetadatabase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -1252,7 +1277,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadatano_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadatanosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -1260,124 +1285,124 @@
 				case 'c':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_CompletedIn, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_CompletedIn
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataCompletedIn, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataCompletedIn
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_Count, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Count
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataCount, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataCount
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'm':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_MaxID, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxID
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataMaxID, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataMaxID
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_MaxIDStr, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxIDStr
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataMaxIDStr, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataMaxIDStr
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'n':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_NextResults, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_NextResults
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataNextResults, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataNextResults
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'q':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_Query, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Query
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataQuery, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataQuery
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'r':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_RefreshURL, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_RefreshURL
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataRefreshURL, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataRefreshURL
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 's':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_SinceID, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceID
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataSinceID, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataSinceID
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_SinceIDStr, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceIDStr
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeySearchMetadataSinceIDStr, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataSinceIDStr
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_SinceIDStr, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceIDStr
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeySearchMetadataSinceIDStr, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataSinceIDStr
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_SinceID, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceID
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeySearchMetadataSinceID, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataSinceID
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_RefreshURL, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_RefreshURL
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeySearchMetadataRefreshURL, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataRefreshURL
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_Query, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Query
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeySearchMetadataQuery, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataQuery
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_NextResults, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_NextResults
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeySearchMetadataNextResults, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataNextResults
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_MaxIDStr, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxIDStr
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeySearchMetadataMaxIDStr, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataMaxIDStr
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_MaxID, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxID
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeySearchMetadataMaxID, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataMaxID
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_Count, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Count
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeySearchMetadataCount, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataCount
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_SearchMetadata_CompletedIn, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadata_CompletedIn
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeySearchMetadataCompletedIn, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadataCompletedIn
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_SearchMetadatano_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtSearchMetadatanosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -1394,34 +1419,34 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_CompletedIn:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataCompletedIn:
 					goto handle_CompletedIn
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Count:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataCount:
 					goto handle_Count
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxID:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataMaxID:
 					goto handle_MaxID
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_MaxIDStr:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataMaxIDStr:
 					goto handle_MaxIDStr
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_NextResults:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataNextResults:
 					goto handle_NextResults
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_Query:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataQuery:
 					goto handle_Query
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_RefreshURL:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataRefreshURL:
 					goto handle_RefreshURL
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceID:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataSinceID:
 					goto handle_SinceID
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadata_SinceIDStr:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadataSinceIDStr:
 					goto handle_SinceIDStr
-				case ffj_t_SearchMetadatano_such_key:
+				case ffjtSearchMetadatanosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -1437,7 +1462,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.CompletedIn type=float64 kind=float64 quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.CompletedIn type=float64 kind=float64 quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_double && tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -1457,7 +1482,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.CompletedIn = float64(tval)
+			j.CompletedIn = float64(tval)
@@ -1467,7 +1492,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Count type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Count type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -1487,7 +1512,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.Count = int(tval)
+			j.Count = int(tval)
@@ -1497,1030 +1522,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.MaxID type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
-	{
-		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-			return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for int", tok))
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			tval, err := fflib.ParseInt(fs.Output.Bytes(), 10, 64)
-			if err != nil {
-				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			}
-			uj.MaxID = int(tval)
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.MaxIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.MaxIDStr = string(string(outBuf))
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.NextResults type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.NextResults = string(string(outBuf))
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.Query type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Query = string(string(outBuf))
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.RefreshURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.RefreshURL = string(string(outBuf))
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.SinceID type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
-	{
-		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-			return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for int", tok))
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			tval, err := fflib.ParseInt(fs.Output.Bytes(), 10, 64)
-			if err != nil {
-				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			}
-			uj.SinceID = int(tval)
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.SinceIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.SinceIDStr = string(string(outBuf))
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted value token, but got token: %v", tok))
-	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("ffjson: wanted token: %v, but got token: %v output=%s", wantedTok, tok, fs.Output.String()))
-	if fs.BigError != nil {
-		return fs.WrapErr(fs.BigError)
-	}
-	err = fs.Error.ToError()
-	if err != nil {
-		return fs.WrapErr(err)
-	}
-	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
-	return nil
-func (mj *Status) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
-		buf.WriteString("null")
-		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	}
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *Status) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
-		buf.WriteString("null")
-		return nil
-	}
-	var err error
-	var obj []byte
-	_ = obj
-	_ = err
-	if mj.Contributors != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`{"contributors":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.Contributors))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`{"contributors":null`)
-	}
-	if mj.Coordinates != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"coordinates":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.Coordinates))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"coordinates":null`)
-	}
-	buf.WriteString(`,"created_at":`)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.CreatedAt))
-	buf.WriteString(`,"entities":`)
-	{
-		err = mj.Entities.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	if mj.Favorited {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"favorited":true`)
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"favorited":false`)
-	}
-	if mj.Geo != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"geo":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.Geo))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"geo":null`)
-	}
-	buf.WriteString(`,"id":`)
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.ID), 10, mj.ID < 0)
-	buf.WriteString(`,"id_str":`)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.IDStr))
-	if mj.InReplyToScreenName != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_screen_name":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.InReplyToScreenName))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null`)
-	}
-	if mj.InReplyToStatusID != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.InReplyToStatusID))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id":null`)
-	}
-	if mj.InReplyToStatusIDStr != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.InReplyToStatusIDStr))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null`)
-	}
-	if mj.InReplyToUserID != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.InReplyToUserID))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id":null`)
-	}
-	if mj.InReplyToUserIDStr != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.InReplyToUserIDStr))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null`)
-	}
-	buf.WriteString(`,"metadata":`)
-	{
-		err = mj.Metadata.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	if mj.Place != nil {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"place":`)
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.Place))
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"place":null`)
-	}
-	buf.WriteString(`,"retweet_count":`)
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.RetweetCount), 10, mj.RetweetCount < 0)
-	if mj.Retweeted {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"retweeted":true`)
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"retweeted":false`)
-	}
-	buf.WriteString(`,"source":`)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Source))
-	buf.WriteString(`,"text":`)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Text))
-	if mj.Truncated {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"truncated":true`)
-	} else {
-		buf.WriteString(`,"truncated":false`)
-	}
-	buf.WriteString(`,"user":`)
-	{
-		err = mj.User.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	buf.WriteByte('}')
-	return nil
-const (
-	ffj_t_Statusbase = iota
-	ffj_t_Statusno_such_key
-	ffj_t_Status_Contributors
-	ffj_t_Status_Coordinates
-	ffj_t_Status_CreatedAt
-	ffj_t_Status_Entities
-	ffj_t_Status_Favorited
-	ffj_t_Status_Geo
-	ffj_t_Status_ID
-	ffj_t_Status_IDStr
-	ffj_t_Status_InReplyToScreenName
-	ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusID
-	ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusIDStr
-	ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserID
-	ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserIDStr
-	ffj_t_Status_Metadata
-	ffj_t_Status_Place
-	ffj_t_Status_RetweetCount
-	ffj_t_Status_Retweeted
-	ffj_t_Status_Source
-	ffj_t_Status_Text
-	ffj_t_Status_Truncated
-	ffj_t_Status_User
-var ffj_key_Status_Contributors = []byte("contributors")
-var ffj_key_Status_Coordinates = []byte("coordinates")
-var ffj_key_Status_CreatedAt = []byte("created_at")
-var ffj_key_Status_Entities = []byte("entities")
-var ffj_key_Status_Favorited = []byte("favorited")
-var ffj_key_Status_Geo = []byte("geo")
-var ffj_key_Status_ID = []byte("id")
-var ffj_key_Status_IDStr = []byte("id_str")
-var ffj_key_Status_InReplyToScreenName = []byte("in_reply_to_screen_name")
-var ffj_key_Status_InReplyToStatusID = []byte("in_reply_to_status_id")
-var ffj_key_Status_InReplyToStatusIDStr = []byte("in_reply_to_status_id_str")
-var ffj_key_Status_InReplyToUserID = []byte("in_reply_to_user_id")
-var ffj_key_Status_InReplyToUserIDStr = []byte("in_reply_to_user_id_str")
-var ffj_key_Status_Metadata = []byte("metadata")
-var ffj_key_Status_Place = []byte("place")
-var ffj_key_Status_RetweetCount = []byte("retweet_count")
-var ffj_key_Status_Retweeted = []byte("retweeted")
-var ffj_key_Status_Source = []byte("source")
-var ffj_key_Status_Text = []byte("text")
-var ffj_key_Status_Truncated = []byte("truncated")
-var ffj_key_Status_User = []byte("user")
-func (uj *Status) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
-	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *Status) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_Statusbase
-	_ = currentKey
-	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
-	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
-	for {
-		tok = fs.Scan()
-		//	println(fmt.Sprintf("debug: tok: %v  state: %v", tok, state))
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
-			goto tokerror
-		}
-		switch state {
-		case fflib.FFParse_map_start:
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_left_bracket {
-				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_left_bracket
-				goto wrongtokenerror
-			}
-			state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
-			continue
-		case fflib.FFParse_after_value:
-			if tok == fflib.FFTok_comma {
-				state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
-			} else if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
-				goto done
-			} else {
-				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_comma
-				goto wrongtokenerror
-			}
-		case fflib.FFParse_want_key:
-			// json {} ended. goto exit. woo.
-			if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
-				goto done
-			}
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string {
-				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_string
-				goto wrongtokenerror
-			}
-			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			if len(kn) <= 0 {
-				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Statusno_such_key
-				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-				goto mainparse
-			} else {
-				switch kn[0] {
-				case 'c':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Contributors, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Contributors
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Coordinates, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Coordinates
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_CreatedAt, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_CreatedAt
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'e':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Entities, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Entities
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'f':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Favorited, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Favorited
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'g':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Geo, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Geo
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'i':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_ID, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_ID
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_IDStr, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_IDStr
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToScreenName, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToScreenName
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToStatusID, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusID
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToStatusIDStr, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusIDStr
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToUserID, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserID
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToUserIDStr, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserIDStr
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'm':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Metadata, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Metadata
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'p':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Place, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Place
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'r':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_RetweetCount, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_RetweetCount
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Retweeted, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Retweeted
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 's':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Source, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Source
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 't':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Text, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Text
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_Truncated, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Truncated
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				case 'u':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_Status_User, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_Status_User
-						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-						goto mainparse
-					}
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_User, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_User
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_Truncated, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Truncated
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_Text, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Text
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_Source, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Source
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_Retweeted, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Retweeted
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_RetweetCount, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_RetweetCount
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_Place, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Place
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_Metadata, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Metadata
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToUserIDStr, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserIDStr
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToUserID, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserID
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToStatusIDStr, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusIDStr
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToStatusID, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusID
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_InReplyToScreenName, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_InReplyToScreenName
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_IDStr, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_IDStr
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_ID, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_ID
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_Geo, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Geo
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_Favorited, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Favorited
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_Entities, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Entities
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_Status_CreatedAt, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_CreatedAt
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_Coordinates, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Coordinates
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_Status_Contributors, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_Status_Contributors
-					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Statusno_such_key
-				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
-				goto mainparse
-			}
-		case fflib.FFParse_want_colon:
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_colon {
-				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_colon
-				goto wrongtokenerror
-			}
-			state = fflib.FFParse_want_value
-			continue
-		case fflib.FFParse_want_value:
-			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_Status_Contributors:
-					goto handle_Contributors
-				case ffj_t_Status_Coordinates:
-					goto handle_Coordinates
-				case ffj_t_Status_CreatedAt:
-					goto handle_CreatedAt
-				case ffj_t_Status_Entities:
-					goto handle_Entities
-				case ffj_t_Status_Favorited:
-					goto handle_Favorited
-				case ffj_t_Status_Geo:
-					goto handle_Geo
-				case ffj_t_Status_ID:
-					goto handle_ID
-				case ffj_t_Status_IDStr:
-					goto handle_IDStr
-				case ffj_t_Status_InReplyToScreenName:
-					goto handle_InReplyToScreenName
-				case ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusID:
-					goto handle_InReplyToStatusID
-				case ffj_t_Status_InReplyToStatusIDStr:
-					goto handle_InReplyToStatusIDStr
-				case ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserID:
-					goto handle_InReplyToUserID
-				case ffj_t_Status_InReplyToUserIDStr:
-					goto handle_InReplyToUserIDStr
-				case ffj_t_Status_Metadata:
-					goto handle_Metadata
-				case ffj_t_Status_Place:
-					goto handle_Place
-				case ffj_t_Status_RetweetCount:
-					goto handle_RetweetCount
-				case ffj_t_Status_Retweeted:
-					goto handle_Retweeted
-				case ffj_t_Status_Source:
-					goto handle_Source
-				case ffj_t_Status_Text:
-					goto handle_Text
-				case ffj_t_Status_Truncated:
-					goto handle_Truncated
-				case ffj_t_Status_User:
-					goto handle_User
-				case ffj_t_Statusno_such_key:
-					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
-					if err != nil {
-						return fs.WrapErr(err)
-					}
-					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-					goto mainparse
-				}
-			} else {
-				goto wantedvalue
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* handler: uj.Contributors type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Contributors = nil
-		} else {
-			var tval string
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.Contributors = &tval
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.Coordinates type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Coordinates = nil
-		} else {
-			var tval string
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.Coordinates = &tval
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.CreatedAt type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.CreatedAt = string(string(outBuf))
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.Entities type=benchmark.Entities kind=struct quoted=false*/
-	{
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-			goto mainparse
-		}
-		err = uj.Entities.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.Favorited type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
-	{
-		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-			return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for bool", tok))
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-		} else {
-			tmpb := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Favorited = true
-			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Favorited = false
-			} else {
-				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
-				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.Geo type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
-	{
-		{
-			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
-				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
-			}
-		}
-		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Geo = nil
-		} else {
-			var tval string
-			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.Geo = &tval
-		}
-	}
-	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-	goto mainparse
-	/* handler: uj.ID type=int64 kind=int64 quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.MaxID type=int64 kind=int64 quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -2540,7 +1542,1035 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.ID = int64(tval)
+			j.MaxID = int64(tval)
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.MaxIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			j.MaxIDStr = string(string(outBuf))
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.NextResults type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			j.NextResults = string(string(outBuf))
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.Query type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			j.Query = string(string(outBuf))
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.RefreshURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			j.RefreshURL = string(string(outBuf))
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.SinceID type=int64 kind=int64 quoted=false*/
+	{
+		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+			return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for int64", tok))
+		}
+	}
+	{
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			tval, err := fflib.ParseInt(fs.Output.Bytes(), 10, 64)
+			if err != nil {
+				return fs.WrapErr(err)
+			}
+			j.SinceID = int64(tval)
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.SinceIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			j.SinceIDStr = string(string(outBuf))
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted value token, but got token: %v", tok))
+	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("ffjson: wanted token: %v, but got token: %v output=%s", wantedTok, tok, fs.Output.String()))
+	if fs.BigError != nil {
+		return fs.WrapErr(fs.BigError)
+	}
+	err = fs.Error.ToError()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fs.WrapErr(err)
+	}
+	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
+	return nil
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *Status) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	var buf fflib.Buffer
+	if j == nil {
+		buf.WriteString("null")
+		return buf.Bytes(), nil
+	}
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return buf.Bytes(), nil
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *Status) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
+		buf.WriteString("null")
+		return nil
+	}
+	var err error
+	var obj []byte
+	_ = obj
+	_ = err
+	if j.Contributors != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`{"contributors":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.Contributors))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`{"contributors":null`)
+	}
+	if j.Coordinates != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"coordinates":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.Coordinates))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"coordinates":null`)
+	}
+	buf.WriteString(`,"created_at":`)
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.CreatedAt))
+	buf.WriteString(`,"entities":`)
+	{
+		err = j.Entities.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if j.Favorited {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"favorited":true`)
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"favorited":false`)
+	}
+	if j.Geo != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"geo":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.Geo))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"geo":null`)
+	}
+	buf.WriteString(`,"id":`)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.ID), 10, j.ID < 0)
+	buf.WriteString(`,"id_str":`)
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.IDStr))
+	if j.InReplyToScreenName != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_screen_name":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.InReplyToScreenName))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null`)
+	}
+	if j.InReplyToStatusID != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.InReplyToStatusID))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id":null`)
+	}
+	if j.InReplyToStatusIDStr != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.InReplyToStatusIDStr))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null`)
+	}
+	if j.InReplyToUserID != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.InReplyToUserID))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id":null`)
+	}
+	if j.InReplyToUserIDStr != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.InReplyToUserIDStr))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null`)
+	}
+	buf.WriteString(`,"metadata":`)
+	{
+		err = j.Metadata.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if j.Place != nil {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"place":`)
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.Place))
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"place":null`)
+	}
+	buf.WriteString(`,"retweet_count":`)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.RetweetCount), 10, j.RetweetCount < 0)
+	if j.Retweeted {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"retweeted":true`)
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"retweeted":false`)
+	}
+	buf.WriteString(`,"source":`)
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Source))
+	buf.WriteString(`,"text":`)
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Text))
+	if j.Truncated {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"truncated":true`)
+	} else {
+		buf.WriteString(`,"truncated":false`)
+	}
+	buf.WriteString(`,"user":`)
+	{
+		err = j.User.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	buf.WriteByte('}')
+	return nil
+const (
+	ffjtStatusbase = iota
+	ffjtStatusnosuchkey
+	ffjtStatusContributors
+	ffjtStatusCoordinates
+	ffjtStatusCreatedAt
+	ffjtStatusEntities
+	ffjtStatusFavorited
+	ffjtStatusGeo
+	ffjtStatusID
+	ffjtStatusIDStr
+	ffjtStatusInReplyToScreenName
+	ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusID
+	ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusIDStr
+	ffjtStatusInReplyToUserID
+	ffjtStatusInReplyToUserIDStr
+	ffjtStatusMetadata
+	ffjtStatusPlace
+	ffjtStatusRetweetCount
+	ffjtStatusRetweeted
+	ffjtStatusSource
+	ffjtStatusText
+	ffjtStatusTruncated
+	ffjtStatusUser
+var ffjKeyStatusContributors = []byte("contributors")
+var ffjKeyStatusCoordinates = []byte("coordinates")
+var ffjKeyStatusCreatedAt = []byte("created_at")
+var ffjKeyStatusEntities = []byte("entities")
+var ffjKeyStatusFavorited = []byte("favorited")
+var ffjKeyStatusGeo = []byte("geo")
+var ffjKeyStatusID = []byte("id")
+var ffjKeyStatusIDStr = []byte("id_str")
+var ffjKeyStatusInReplyToScreenName = []byte("in_reply_to_screen_name")
+var ffjKeyStatusInReplyToStatusID = []byte("in_reply_to_status_id")
+var ffjKeyStatusInReplyToStatusIDStr = []byte("in_reply_to_status_id_str")
+var ffjKeyStatusInReplyToUserID = []byte("in_reply_to_user_id")
+var ffjKeyStatusInReplyToUserIDStr = []byte("in_reply_to_user_id_str")
+var ffjKeyStatusMetadata = []byte("metadata")
+var ffjKeyStatusPlace = []byte("place")
+var ffjKeyStatusRetweetCount = []byte("retweet_count")
+var ffjKeyStatusRetweeted = []byte("retweeted")
+var ffjKeyStatusSource = []byte("source")
+var ffjKeyStatusText = []byte("text")
+var ffjKeyStatusTruncated = []byte("truncated")
+var ffjKeyStatusUser = []byte("user")
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *Status) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *Status) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtStatusbase
+	_ = currentKey
+	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
+	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
+	for {
+		tok = fs.Scan()
+		//	println(fmt.Sprintf("debug: tok: %v  state: %v", tok, state))
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
+			goto tokerror
+		}
+		switch state {
+		case fflib.FFParse_map_start:
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_left_bracket {
+				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_left_bracket
+				goto wrongtokenerror
+			}
+			state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
+			continue
+		case fflib.FFParse_after_value:
+			if tok == fflib.FFTok_comma {
+				state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
+			} else if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
+				goto done
+			} else {
+				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_comma
+				goto wrongtokenerror
+			}
+		case fflib.FFParse_want_key:
+			// json {} ended. goto exit. woo.
+			if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
+				goto done
+			}
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string {
+				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_string
+				goto wrongtokenerror
+			}
+			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			if len(kn) <= 0 {
+				// "" case. hrm.
+				currentKey = ffjtStatusnosuchkey
+				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+				goto mainparse
+			} else {
+				switch kn[0] {
+				case 'c':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusContributors, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusContributors
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusCoordinates, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusCoordinates
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusCreatedAt, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusCreatedAt
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'e':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusEntities, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusEntities
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'f':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusFavorited, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusFavorited
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'g':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusGeo, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusGeo
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'i':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusID, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusID
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusIDStr, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusIDStr
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToScreenName, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToScreenName
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToStatusID, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusID
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToStatusIDStr, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusIDStr
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToUserID, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToUserID
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToUserIDStr, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToUserIDStr
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'm':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusMetadata, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadata
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'p':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusPlace, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusPlace
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'r':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusRetweetCount, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusRetweetCount
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusRetweeted, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusRetweeted
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 's':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusSource, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusSource
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 't':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusText, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusText
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusTruncated, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusTruncated
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				case 'u':
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusUser, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusUser
+						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+						goto mainparse
+					}
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusUser, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusUser
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusTruncated, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusTruncated
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusText, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusText
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusSource, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusSource
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusRetweeted, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusRetweeted
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusRetweetCount, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusRetweetCount
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusPlace, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusPlace
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusMetadata, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadata
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToUserIDStr, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToUserIDStr
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToUserID, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToUserID
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToStatusIDStr, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusIDStr
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToStatusID, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusID
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusInReplyToScreenName, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusInReplyToScreenName
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusIDStr, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusIDStr
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusID, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusID
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusGeo, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusGeo
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusFavorited, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusFavorited
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusEntities, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusEntities
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyStatusCreatedAt, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusCreatedAt
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusCoordinates, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusCoordinates
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusContributors, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusContributors
+					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+				currentKey = ffjtStatusnosuchkey
+				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
+				goto mainparse
+			}
+		case fflib.FFParse_want_colon:
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_colon {
+				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_colon
+				goto wrongtokenerror
+			}
+			state = fflib.FFParse_want_value
+			continue
+		case fflib.FFParse_want_value:
+			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+				switch currentKey {
+				case ffjtStatusContributors:
+					goto handle_Contributors
+				case ffjtStatusCoordinates:
+					goto handle_Coordinates
+				case ffjtStatusCreatedAt:
+					goto handle_CreatedAt
+				case ffjtStatusEntities:
+					goto handle_Entities
+				case ffjtStatusFavorited:
+					goto handle_Favorited
+				case ffjtStatusGeo:
+					goto handle_Geo
+				case ffjtStatusID:
+					goto handle_ID
+				case ffjtStatusIDStr:
+					goto handle_IDStr
+				case ffjtStatusInReplyToScreenName:
+					goto handle_InReplyToScreenName
+				case ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusID:
+					goto handle_InReplyToStatusID
+				case ffjtStatusInReplyToStatusIDStr:
+					goto handle_InReplyToStatusIDStr
+				case ffjtStatusInReplyToUserID:
+					goto handle_InReplyToUserID
+				case ffjtStatusInReplyToUserIDStr:
+					goto handle_InReplyToUserIDStr
+				case ffjtStatusMetadata:
+					goto handle_Metadata
+				case ffjtStatusPlace:
+					goto handle_Place
+				case ffjtStatusRetweetCount:
+					goto handle_RetweetCount
+				case ffjtStatusRetweeted:
+					goto handle_Retweeted
+				case ffjtStatusSource:
+					goto handle_Source
+				case ffjtStatusText:
+					goto handle_Text
+				case ffjtStatusTruncated:
+					goto handle_Truncated
+				case ffjtStatusUser:
+					goto handle_User
+				case ffjtStatusnosuchkey:
+					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
+					if err != nil {
+						return fs.WrapErr(err)
+					}
+					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+					goto mainparse
+				}
+			} else {
+				goto wantedvalue
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* handler: j.Contributors type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+			j.Contributors = nil
+		} else {
+			var tval string
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			tval = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Contributors = &tval
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.Coordinates type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+			j.Coordinates = nil
+		} else {
+			var tval string
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			tval = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Coordinates = &tval
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.CreatedAt type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			j.CreatedAt = string(string(outBuf))
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.Entities type=benchmark.Entities kind=struct quoted=false*/
+	{
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			err = j.Entities.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.Favorited type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	{
+		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+			return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for bool", tok))
+		}
+	}
+	{
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			tmpb := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
+				j.Favorited = true
+			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
+				j.Favorited = false
+			} else {
+				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
+				return fs.WrapErr(err)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.Geo type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	{
+		{
+			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
+			}
+		}
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+			j.Geo = nil
+		} else {
+			var tval string
+			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
+			tval = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Geo = &tval
+		}
+	}
+	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
+	goto mainparse
+	/* handler: j.ID type=int64 kind=int64 quoted=false*/
+	{
+		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
+			return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for int64", tok))
+		}
+	}
+	{
+		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
+		} else {
+			tval, err := fflib.ParseInt(fs.Output.Bytes(), 10, 64)
+			if err != nil {
+				return fs.WrapErr(err)
+			}
+			j.ID = int64(tval)
@@ -2550,7 +2580,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.IDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.IDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2566,7 +2596,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.IDStr = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.IDStr = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -2576,7 +2606,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.InReplyToScreenName type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.InReplyToScreenName type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2588,7 +2618,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.InReplyToScreenName = nil
+			j.InReplyToScreenName = nil
 		} else {
@@ -2596,7 +2626,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.InReplyToScreenName = &tval
+			j.InReplyToScreenName = &tval
@@ -2606,7 +2636,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.InReplyToStatusID type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.InReplyToStatusID type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2618,7 +2648,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.InReplyToStatusID = nil
+			j.InReplyToStatusID = nil
 		} else {
@@ -2626,7 +2656,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.InReplyToStatusID = &tval
+			j.InReplyToStatusID = &tval
@@ -2636,7 +2666,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.InReplyToStatusIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.InReplyToStatusIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2648,7 +2678,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.InReplyToStatusIDStr = nil
+			j.InReplyToStatusIDStr = nil
 		} else {
@@ -2656,7 +2686,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.InReplyToStatusIDStr = &tval
+			j.InReplyToStatusIDStr = &tval
@@ -2666,7 +2696,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.InReplyToUserID type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.InReplyToUserID type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2678,7 +2708,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.InReplyToUserID = nil
+			j.InReplyToUserID = nil
 		} else {
@@ -2686,7 +2716,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.InReplyToUserID = &tval
+			j.InReplyToUserID = &tval
@@ -2696,7 +2726,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.InReplyToUserIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.InReplyToUserIDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2708,7 +2738,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.InReplyToUserIDStr = nil
+			j.InReplyToUserIDStr = nil
 		} else {
@@ -2716,7 +2746,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.InReplyToUserIDStr = &tval
+			j.InReplyToUserIDStr = &tval
@@ -2726,18 +2756,17 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Metadata type=benchmark.StatusMetadata kind=struct quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Metadata type=benchmark.StatusMetadata kind=struct quoted=false*/
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-			goto mainparse
-		}
+		} else {
-		err = uj.Metadata.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
+			err = j.Metadata.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
 		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
@@ -2747,7 +2776,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Place type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Place type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2759,7 +2788,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Place = nil
+			j.Place = nil
 		} else {
@@ -2767,7 +2796,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.Place = &tval
+			j.Place = &tval
@@ -2777,7 +2806,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.RetweetCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.RetweetCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -2797,7 +2826,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.RetweetCount = int(tval)
+			j.RetweetCount = int(tval)
@@ -2807,7 +2836,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Retweeted type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Retweeted type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -2823,11 +2852,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Retweeted = true
+				j.Retweeted = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Retweeted = false
+				j.Retweeted = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -2842,7 +2871,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Source type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Source type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2858,7 +2887,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Source = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Source = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -2868,7 +2897,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Text type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Text type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -2884,7 +2913,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Text = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Text = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -2894,7 +2923,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Truncated type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Truncated type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -2910,11 +2939,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Truncated = true
+				j.Truncated = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Truncated = false
+				j.Truncated = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -2929,18 +2958,17 @@
-	/* handler: uj.User type=benchmark.User kind=struct quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.User type=benchmark.User kind=struct quoted=false*/
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-			goto mainparse
-		}
+		} else {
-		err = uj.User.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
+			err = j.User.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
 		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
@@ -2962,23 +2990,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *StatusMetadata) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *StatusMetadata) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *StatusMetadata) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *StatusMetadata) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -2987,34 +3019,36 @@
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.IsoLanguageCode))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.IsoLanguageCode))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ResultType))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ResultType))
 	return nil
 const (
-	ffj_t_StatusMetadatabase = iota
-	ffj_t_StatusMetadatano_such_key
+	ffjtStatusMetadatabase = iota
+	ffjtStatusMetadatanosuchkey
-	ffj_t_StatusMetadata_IsoLanguageCode
+	ffjtStatusMetadataIsoLanguageCode
-	ffj_t_StatusMetadata_ResultType
+	ffjtStatusMetadataResultType
-var ffj_key_StatusMetadata_IsoLanguageCode = []byte("iso_language_code")
+var ffjKeyStatusMetadataIsoLanguageCode = []byte("iso_language_code")
-var ffj_key_StatusMetadata_ResultType = []byte("result_type")
+var ffjKeyStatusMetadataResultType = []byte("result_type")
-func (uj *StatusMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *StatusMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *StatusMetadata) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_StatusMetadatabase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *StatusMetadata) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtStatusMetadatabase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -3060,7 +3094,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_StatusMetadatano_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadatanosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -3068,35 +3102,35 @@
 				case 'i':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_StatusMetadata_IsoLanguageCode, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_StatusMetadata_IsoLanguageCode
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusMetadataIsoLanguageCode, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadataIsoLanguageCode
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'r':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_StatusMetadata_ResultType, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_StatusMetadata_ResultType
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyStatusMetadataResultType, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadataResultType
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_StatusMetadata_ResultType, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_StatusMetadata_ResultType
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusMetadataResultType, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadataResultType
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_StatusMetadata_IsoLanguageCode, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_StatusMetadata_IsoLanguageCode
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyStatusMetadataIsoLanguageCode, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadataIsoLanguageCode
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_StatusMetadatano_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtStatusMetadatanosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -3113,13 +3147,13 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_StatusMetadata_IsoLanguageCode:
+				case ffjtStatusMetadataIsoLanguageCode:
 					goto handle_IsoLanguageCode
-				case ffj_t_StatusMetadata_ResultType:
+				case ffjtStatusMetadataResultType:
 					goto handle_ResultType
-				case ffj_t_StatusMetadatano_such_key:
+				case ffjtStatusMetadatanosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -3135,7 +3169,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.IsoLanguageCode type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.IsoLanguageCode type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -3151,7 +3185,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.IsoLanguageCode = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.IsoLanguageCode = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -3161,7 +3195,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ResultType type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ResultType type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -3177,7 +3211,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ResultType = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ResultType = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -3199,23 +3233,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *URL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *URL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *URL) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *URL) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -3223,16 +3261,16 @@
 	var obj []byte
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	if mj.ExpandedURL != nil {
+	if j.ExpandedURL != nil {
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.ExpandedURL))
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.ExpandedURL))
 	} else {
-	if mj.Indices != nil {
+	if j.Indices != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Indices {
+		for i, v := range j.Indices {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -3243,36 +3281,38 @@
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.URL))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.URL))
 	return nil
 const (
-	ffj_t_URLbase = iota
-	ffj_t_URLno_such_key
+	ffjtURLbase = iota
+	ffjtURLnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_URL_ExpandedURL
+	ffjtURLExpandedURL
-	ffj_t_URL_Indices
+	ffjtURLIndices
-	ffj_t_URL_URL
+	ffjtURLURL
-var ffj_key_URL_ExpandedURL = []byte("expanded_url")
+var ffjKeyURLExpandedURL = []byte("expanded_url")
-var ffj_key_URL_Indices = []byte("indices")
+var ffjKeyURLIndices = []byte("indices")
-var ffj_key_URL_URL = []byte("url")
+var ffjKeyURLURL = []byte("url")
-func (uj *URL) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *URL) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *URL) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_URLbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *URL) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtURLbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -3318,7 +3358,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_URLno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtURLnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -3326,49 +3366,49 @@
 				case 'e':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_URL_ExpandedURL, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_URL_ExpandedURL
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyURLExpandedURL, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtURLExpandedURL
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'i':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_URL_Indices, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_URL_Indices
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyURLIndices, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtURLIndices
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'u':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_URL_URL, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_URL_URL
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyURLURL, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtURLURL
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_URL_URL, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_URL_URL
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyURLURL, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtURLURL
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_URL_Indices, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_URL_Indices
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyURLIndices, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtURLIndices
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_URL_ExpandedURL, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_URL_ExpandedURL
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyURLExpandedURL, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtURLExpandedURL
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_URLno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtURLnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -3385,16 +3425,16 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_URL_ExpandedURL:
+				case ffjtURLExpandedURL:
 					goto handle_ExpandedURL
-				case ffj_t_URL_Indices:
+				case ffjtURLIndices:
 					goto handle_Indices
-				case ffj_t_URL_URL:
+				case ffjtURLURL:
 					goto handle_URL
-				case ffj_t_URLno_such_key:
+				case ffjtURLnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -3410,7 +3450,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ExpandedURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ExpandedURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -3422,7 +3462,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.ExpandedURL = nil
+			j.ExpandedURL = nil
 		} else {
@@ -3430,7 +3470,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.ExpandedURL = &tval
+			j.ExpandedURL = &tval
@@ -3440,7 +3480,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Indices type=[]int kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Indices type=[]int kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -3451,16 +3491,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Indices = nil
+			j.Indices = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Indices = make([]int, 0)
+			j.Indices = []int{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Indices int
+				var tmpJIndices int
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -3481,7 +3521,7 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Indices type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJIndices type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 					if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -3501,12 +3541,13 @@
 							return fs.WrapErr(err)
-						tmp_uj__Indices = int(tval)
+						tmpJIndices = int(tval)
-				uj.Indices = append(uj.Indices, tmp_uj__Indices)
+				j.Indices = append(j.Indices, tmpJIndices)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -3517,7 +3558,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.URL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.URL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -3533,7 +3574,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.URL = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.URL = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -3555,23 +3596,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *User) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *User) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -3579,134 +3624,134 @@
 	var obj []byte
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	if mj.ContributorsEnabled {
+	if j.ContributorsEnabled {
 	} else {
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.CreatedAt))
-	if mj.DefaultProfile {
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.CreatedAt))
+	if j.DefaultProfile {
 	} else {
-	if mj.DefaultProfileImage {
+	if j.DefaultProfileImage {
 	} else {
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Description))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Description))
-		err = mj.Entities.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
+		err = j.Entities.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.FavouritesCount), 10, mj.FavouritesCount < 0)
-	if mj.FollowRequestSent != nil {
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.FavouritesCount), 10, j.FavouritesCount < 0)
+	if j.FollowRequestSent != nil {
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.FollowRequestSent))
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.FollowRequestSent))
 	} else {
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.FollowersCount), 10, mj.FollowersCount < 0)
-	if mj.Following != nil {
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.FollowersCount), 10, j.FollowersCount < 0)
+	if j.Following != nil {
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.Following))
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.Following))
 	} else {
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.FriendsCount), 10, mj.FriendsCount < 0)
-	if mj.GeoEnabled {
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.FriendsCount), 10, j.FriendsCount < 0)
+	if j.GeoEnabled {
 	} else {
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.ID), 10, mj.ID < 0)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.ID), 10, j.ID < 0)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.IDStr))
-	if mj.IsTranslator {
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.IDStr))
+	if j.IsTranslator {
 	} else {
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Lang))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Lang))
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.ListedCount), 10, mj.ListedCount < 0)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.ListedCount), 10, j.ListedCount < 0)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Location))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Location))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.Name))
-	if mj.Notifications != nil {
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Name))
+	if j.Notifications != nil {
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.Notifications))
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.Notifications))
 	} else {
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileBackgroundColor))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileBackgroundColor))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileBackgroundImageURL))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileBackgroundImageURL))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS))
-	if mj.ProfileBackgroundTile {
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS))
+	if j.ProfileBackgroundTile {
 	} else {
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileImageURL))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileImageURL))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileImageURLHTTPS))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileImageURLHTTPS))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileLinkColor))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileLinkColor))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileSidebarBorderColor))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileSidebarBorderColor))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileSidebarFillColor))
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileSidebarFillColor))
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ProfileTextColor))
-	if mj.ProfileUseBackgroundImage {
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ProfileTextColor))
+	if j.ProfileUseBackgroundImage {
 	} else {
-	if mj.Protected {
+	if j.Protected {
 	} else {
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.ScreenName))
-	if mj.ShowAllInlineMedia {
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ScreenName))
+	if j.ShowAllInlineMedia {
 	} else {
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.StatusesCount), 10, mj.StatusesCount < 0)
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.StatusesCount), 10, j.StatusesCount < 0)
-	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(mj.TimeZone))
-	if mj.URL != nil {
+	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.TimeZone))
+	if j.URL != nil {
-		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*mj.URL))
+		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(*j.URL))
 	} else {
-	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(mj.UtcOffset), 10, mj.UtcOffset < 0)
-	if mj.Verified {
+	fflib.FormatBits2(buf, uint64(j.UtcOffset), 10, j.UtcOffset < 0)
+	if j.Verified {
 	} else {
@@ -3716,174 +3761,176 @@
 const (
-	ffj_t_Userbase = iota
-	ffj_t_Userno_such_key
+	ffjtUserbase = iota
+	ffjtUsernosuchkey
-	ffj_t_User_ContributorsEnabled
+	ffjtUserContributorsEnabled
-	ffj_t_User_CreatedAt
+	ffjtUserCreatedAt
-	ffj_t_User_DefaultProfile
+	ffjtUserDefaultProfile
-	ffj_t_User_DefaultProfileImage
+	ffjtUserDefaultProfileImage
-	ffj_t_User_Description
+	ffjtUserDescription
-	ffj_t_User_Entities
+	ffjtUserEntities
-	ffj_t_User_FavouritesCount
+	ffjtUserFavouritesCount
-	ffj_t_User_FollowRequestSent
+	ffjtUserFollowRequestSent
-	ffj_t_User_FollowersCount
+	ffjtUserFollowersCount
-	ffj_t_User_Following
+	ffjtUserFollowing
-	ffj_t_User_FriendsCount
+	ffjtUserFriendsCount
-	ffj_t_User_GeoEnabled
+	ffjtUserGeoEnabled
-	ffj_t_User_ID
+	ffjtUserID
-	ffj_t_User_IDStr
+	ffjtUserIDStr
-	ffj_t_User_IsTranslator
+	ffjtUserIsTranslator
-	ffj_t_User_Lang
+	ffjtUserLang
-	ffj_t_User_ListedCount
+	ffjtUserListedCount
-	ffj_t_User_Location
+	ffjtUserLocation
-	ffj_t_User_Name
+	ffjtUserName
-	ffj_t_User_Notifications
+	ffjtUserNotifications
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundColor
+	ffjtUserProfileBackgroundColor
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURL
+	ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURL
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
+	ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundTile
+	ffjtUserProfileBackgroundTile
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURL
+	ffjtUserProfileImageURL
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURLHTTPS
+	ffjtUserProfileImageURLHTTPS
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileLinkColor
+	ffjtUserProfileLinkColor
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarBorderColor
+	ffjtUserProfileSidebarBorderColor
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarFillColor
+	ffjtUserProfileSidebarFillColor
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileTextColor
+	ffjtUserProfileTextColor
-	ffj_t_User_ProfileUseBackgroundImage
+	ffjtUserProfileUseBackgroundImage
-	ffj_t_User_Protected
+	ffjtUserProtected
-	ffj_t_User_ScreenName
+	ffjtUserScreenName
-	ffj_t_User_ShowAllInlineMedia
+	ffjtUserShowAllInlineMedia
-	ffj_t_User_StatusesCount
+	ffjtUserStatusesCount
-	ffj_t_User_TimeZone
+	ffjtUserTimeZone
-	ffj_t_User_URL
+	ffjtUserURL
-	ffj_t_User_UtcOffset
+	ffjtUserUtcOffset
-	ffj_t_User_Verified
+	ffjtUserVerified
-var ffj_key_User_ContributorsEnabled = []byte("contributors_enabled")
+var ffjKeyUserContributorsEnabled = []byte("contributors_enabled")
-var ffj_key_User_CreatedAt = []byte("created_at")
+var ffjKeyUserCreatedAt = []byte("created_at")
-var ffj_key_User_DefaultProfile = []byte("default_profile")
+var ffjKeyUserDefaultProfile = []byte("default_profile")
-var ffj_key_User_DefaultProfileImage = []byte("default_profile_image")
+var ffjKeyUserDefaultProfileImage = []byte("default_profile_image")
-var ffj_key_User_Description = []byte("description")
+var ffjKeyUserDescription = []byte("description")
-var ffj_key_User_Entities = []byte("entities")
+var ffjKeyUserEntities = []byte("entities")
-var ffj_key_User_FavouritesCount = []byte("favourites_count")
+var ffjKeyUserFavouritesCount = []byte("favourites_count")
-var ffj_key_User_FollowRequestSent = []byte("follow_request_sent")
+var ffjKeyUserFollowRequestSent = []byte("follow_request_sent")
-var ffj_key_User_FollowersCount = []byte("followers_count")
+var ffjKeyUserFollowersCount = []byte("followers_count")
-var ffj_key_User_Following = []byte("following")
+var ffjKeyUserFollowing = []byte("following")
-var ffj_key_User_FriendsCount = []byte("friends_count")
+var ffjKeyUserFriendsCount = []byte("friends_count")
-var ffj_key_User_GeoEnabled = []byte("geo_enabled")
+var ffjKeyUserGeoEnabled = []byte("geo_enabled")
-var ffj_key_User_ID = []byte("id")
+var ffjKeyUserID = []byte("id")
-var ffj_key_User_IDStr = []byte("id_str")
+var ffjKeyUserIDStr = []byte("id_str")
-var ffj_key_User_IsTranslator = []byte("is_translator")
+var ffjKeyUserIsTranslator = []byte("is_translator")
-var ffj_key_User_Lang = []byte("lang")
+var ffjKeyUserLang = []byte("lang")
-var ffj_key_User_ListedCount = []byte("listed_count")
+var ffjKeyUserListedCount = []byte("listed_count")
-var ffj_key_User_Location = []byte("location")
+var ffjKeyUserLocation = []byte("location")
-var ffj_key_User_Name = []byte("name")
+var ffjKeyUserName = []byte("name")
-var ffj_key_User_Notifications = []byte("notifications")
+var ffjKeyUserNotifications = []byte("notifications")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundColor = []byte("profile_background_color")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundColor = []byte("profile_background_color")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURL = []byte("profile_background_image_url")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundImageURL = []byte("profile_background_image_url")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = []byte("profile_background_image_url_https")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = []byte("profile_background_image_url_https")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundTile = []byte("profile_background_tile")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundTile = []byte("profile_background_tile")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileImageURL = []byte("profile_image_url")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileImageURL = []byte("profile_image_url")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileImageURLHTTPS = []byte("profile_image_url_https")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileImageURLHTTPS = []byte("profile_image_url_https")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileLinkColor = []byte("profile_link_color")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileLinkColor = []byte("profile_link_color")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileSidebarBorderColor = []byte("profile_sidebar_border_color")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileSidebarBorderColor = []byte("profile_sidebar_border_color")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileSidebarFillColor = []byte("profile_sidebar_fill_color")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileSidebarFillColor = []byte("profile_sidebar_fill_color")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileTextColor = []byte("profile_text_color")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileTextColor = []byte("profile_text_color")
-var ffj_key_User_ProfileUseBackgroundImage = []byte("profile_use_background_image")
+var ffjKeyUserProfileUseBackgroundImage = []byte("profile_use_background_image")
-var ffj_key_User_Protected = []byte("protected")
+var ffjKeyUserProtected = []byte("protected")
-var ffj_key_User_ScreenName = []byte("screen_name")
+var ffjKeyUserScreenName = []byte("screen_name")
-var ffj_key_User_ShowAllInlineMedia = []byte("show_all_inline_media")
+var ffjKeyUserShowAllInlineMedia = []byte("show_all_inline_media")
-var ffj_key_User_StatusesCount = []byte("statuses_count")
+var ffjKeyUserStatusesCount = []byte("statuses_count")
-var ffj_key_User_TimeZone = []byte("time_zone")
+var ffjKeyUserTimeZone = []byte("time_zone")
-var ffj_key_User_URL = []byte("url")
+var ffjKeyUserURL = []byte("url")
-var ffj_key_User_UtcOffset = []byte("utc_offset")
+var ffjKeyUserUtcOffset = []byte("utc_offset")
-var ffj_key_User_Verified = []byte("verified")
+var ffjKeyUserVerified = []byte("verified")
-func (uj *User) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *User) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *User) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_Userbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *User) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtUserbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -3929,7 +3976,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Userno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUsernosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -3937,475 +3984,475 @@
 				case 'c':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ContributorsEnabled, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ContributorsEnabled
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserContributorsEnabled, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserContributorsEnabled
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_CreatedAt, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_CreatedAt
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserCreatedAt, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserCreatedAt
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'd':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_DefaultProfile, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_DefaultProfile
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserDefaultProfile, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserDefaultProfile
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_DefaultProfileImage, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_DefaultProfileImage
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserDefaultProfileImage, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserDefaultProfileImage
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Description, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Description
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserDescription, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserDescription
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'e':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Entities, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Entities
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserEntities, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserEntities
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'f':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_FavouritesCount, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_FavouritesCount
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserFavouritesCount, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserFavouritesCount
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_FollowRequestSent, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_FollowRequestSent
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserFollowRequestSent, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserFollowRequestSent
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_FollowersCount, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_FollowersCount
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserFollowersCount, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserFollowersCount
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Following, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Following
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserFollowing, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserFollowing
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_FriendsCount, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_FriendsCount
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserFriendsCount, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserFriendsCount
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'g':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_GeoEnabled, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_GeoEnabled
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserGeoEnabled, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserGeoEnabled
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'i':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ID, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ID
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserID, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserID
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_IDStr, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_IDStr
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserIDStr, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserIDStr
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_IsTranslator, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_IsTranslator
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserIsTranslator, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserIsTranslator
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'l':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Lang, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Lang
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserLang, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserLang
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ListedCount, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ListedCount
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserListedCount, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserListedCount
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Location, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Location
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserLocation, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserLocation
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'n':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Name, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Name
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserName, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserName
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Notifications, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Notifications
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserNotifications, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserNotifications
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'p':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundColor, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundColor
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundColor, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundColor
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURL, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURL
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundImageURL, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURL
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundTile, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundTile
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundTile, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundTile
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileImageURL, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURL
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileImageURL, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileImageURL
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURLHTTPS
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileImageURLHTTPS
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileLinkColor, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileLinkColor
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileLinkColor, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileLinkColor
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileSidebarBorderColor, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarBorderColor
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileSidebarBorderColor, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileSidebarBorderColor
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileSidebarFillColor, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarFillColor
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileSidebarFillColor, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileSidebarFillColor
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileTextColor, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileTextColor
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileTextColor, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileTextColor
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ProfileUseBackgroundImage, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileUseBackgroundImage
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProfileUseBackgroundImage, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProfileUseBackgroundImage
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Protected, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Protected
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserProtected, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserProtected
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 's':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ScreenName, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ScreenName
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserScreenName, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserScreenName
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_ShowAllInlineMedia, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_ShowAllInlineMedia
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserShowAllInlineMedia, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserShowAllInlineMedia
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_StatusesCount, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_StatusesCount
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserStatusesCount, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserStatusesCount
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 't':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_TimeZone, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_TimeZone
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserTimeZone, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserTimeZone
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'u':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_URL, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_URL
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserURL, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserURL
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-					} else if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_UtcOffset, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_UtcOffset
+					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserUtcOffset, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserUtcOffset
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'v':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_User_Verified, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_User_Verified
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserVerified, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserVerified
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_Verified, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Verified
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserVerified, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserVerified
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_UtcOffset, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_UtcOffset
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserUtcOffset, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserUtcOffset
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_URL, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_URL
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserURL, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserURL
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_User_TimeZone, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_TimeZone
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyUserTimeZone, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserTimeZone
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_StatusesCount, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_StatusesCount
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserStatusesCount, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserStatusesCount
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ShowAllInlineMedia, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ShowAllInlineMedia
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserShowAllInlineMedia, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserShowAllInlineMedia
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ScreenName, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ScreenName
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserScreenName, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserScreenName
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_Protected, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Protected
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserProtected, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProtected
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileUseBackgroundImage, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileUseBackgroundImage
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileUseBackgroundImage, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileUseBackgroundImage
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_User_ProfileTextColor, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileTextColor
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyUserProfileTextColor, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileTextColor
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileSidebarFillColor, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarFillColor
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileSidebarFillColor, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileSidebarFillColor
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileSidebarBorderColor, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarBorderColor
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileSidebarBorderColor, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileSidebarBorderColor
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileLinkColor, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileLinkColor
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileLinkColor, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileLinkColor
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURLHTTPS
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileImageURLHTTPS
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_User_ProfileImageURL, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURL
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyUserProfileImageURL, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileImageURL
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundTile, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundTile
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundTile, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundTile
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURL, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURL
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundImageURL, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURL
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ProfileBackgroundColor, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundColor
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserProfileBackgroundColor, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserProfileBackgroundColor
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_Notifications, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Notifications
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserNotifications, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserNotifications
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_Name, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Name
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserName, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserName
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_Location, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Location
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserLocation, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserLocation
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ListedCount, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ListedCount
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserListedCount, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserListedCount
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_Lang, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Lang
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserLang, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserLang
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_IsTranslator, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_IsTranslator
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserIsTranslator, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserIsTranslator
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_IDStr, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_IDStr
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserIDStr, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserIDStr
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_ID, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ID
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserID, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserID
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_User_GeoEnabled, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_GeoEnabled
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyUserGeoEnabled, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserGeoEnabled
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_FriendsCount, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_FriendsCount
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserFriendsCount, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserFriendsCount
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_User_Following, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Following
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserFollowing, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserFollowing
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_FollowersCount, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_FollowersCount
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserFollowersCount, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserFollowersCount
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_FollowRequestSent, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_FollowRequestSent
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserFollowRequestSent, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserFollowRequestSent
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_FavouritesCount, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_FavouritesCount
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserFavouritesCount, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserFavouritesCount
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_Entities, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Entities
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserEntities, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserEntities
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_Description, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_Description
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserDescription, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserDescription
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_User_DefaultProfileImage, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_DefaultProfileImage
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyUserDefaultProfileImage, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserDefaultProfileImage
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_User_DefaultProfile, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_DefaultProfile
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyUserDefaultProfile, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserDefaultProfile
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffj_key_User_CreatedAt, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_CreatedAt
+				if fflib.AsciiEqualFold(ffjKeyUserCreatedAt, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserCreatedAt
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_User_ContributorsEnabled, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_User_ContributorsEnabled
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserContributorsEnabled, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserContributorsEnabled
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_Userno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUsernosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -4422,124 +4469,124 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_User_ContributorsEnabled:
+				case ffjtUserContributorsEnabled:
 					goto handle_ContributorsEnabled
-				case ffj_t_User_CreatedAt:
+				case ffjtUserCreatedAt:
 					goto handle_CreatedAt
-				case ffj_t_User_DefaultProfile:
+				case ffjtUserDefaultProfile:
 					goto handle_DefaultProfile
-				case ffj_t_User_DefaultProfileImage:
+				case ffjtUserDefaultProfileImage:
 					goto handle_DefaultProfileImage
-				case ffj_t_User_Description:
+				case ffjtUserDescription:
 					goto handle_Description
-				case ffj_t_User_Entities:
+				case ffjtUserEntities:
 					goto handle_Entities
-				case ffj_t_User_FavouritesCount:
+				case ffjtUserFavouritesCount:
 					goto handle_FavouritesCount
-				case ffj_t_User_FollowRequestSent:
+				case ffjtUserFollowRequestSent:
 					goto handle_FollowRequestSent
-				case ffj_t_User_FollowersCount:
+				case ffjtUserFollowersCount:
 					goto handle_FollowersCount
-				case ffj_t_User_Following:
+				case ffjtUserFollowing:
 					goto handle_Following
-				case ffj_t_User_FriendsCount:
+				case ffjtUserFriendsCount:
 					goto handle_FriendsCount
-				case ffj_t_User_GeoEnabled:
+				case ffjtUserGeoEnabled:
 					goto handle_GeoEnabled
-				case ffj_t_User_ID:
+				case ffjtUserID:
 					goto handle_ID
-				case ffj_t_User_IDStr:
+				case ffjtUserIDStr:
 					goto handle_IDStr
-				case ffj_t_User_IsTranslator:
+				case ffjtUserIsTranslator:
 					goto handle_IsTranslator
-				case ffj_t_User_Lang:
+				case ffjtUserLang:
 					goto handle_Lang
-				case ffj_t_User_ListedCount:
+				case ffjtUserListedCount:
 					goto handle_ListedCount
-				case ffj_t_User_Location:
+				case ffjtUserLocation:
 					goto handle_Location
-				case ffj_t_User_Name:
+				case ffjtUserName:
 					goto handle_Name
-				case ffj_t_User_Notifications:
+				case ffjtUserNotifications:
 					goto handle_Notifications
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundColor:
+				case ffjtUserProfileBackgroundColor:
 					goto handle_ProfileBackgroundColor
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURL:
+				case ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURL:
 					goto handle_ProfileBackgroundImageURL
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS:
+				case ffjtUserProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS:
 					goto handle_ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileBackgroundTile:
+				case ffjtUserProfileBackgroundTile:
 					goto handle_ProfileBackgroundTile
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURL:
+				case ffjtUserProfileImageURL:
 					goto handle_ProfileImageURL
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileImageURLHTTPS:
+				case ffjtUserProfileImageURLHTTPS:
 					goto handle_ProfileImageURLHTTPS
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileLinkColor:
+				case ffjtUserProfileLinkColor:
 					goto handle_ProfileLinkColor
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarBorderColor:
+				case ffjtUserProfileSidebarBorderColor:
 					goto handle_ProfileSidebarBorderColor
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileSidebarFillColor:
+				case ffjtUserProfileSidebarFillColor:
 					goto handle_ProfileSidebarFillColor
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileTextColor:
+				case ffjtUserProfileTextColor:
 					goto handle_ProfileTextColor
-				case ffj_t_User_ProfileUseBackgroundImage:
+				case ffjtUserProfileUseBackgroundImage:
 					goto handle_ProfileUseBackgroundImage
-				case ffj_t_User_Protected:
+				case ffjtUserProtected:
 					goto handle_Protected
-				case ffj_t_User_ScreenName:
+				case ffjtUserScreenName:
 					goto handle_ScreenName
-				case ffj_t_User_ShowAllInlineMedia:
+				case ffjtUserShowAllInlineMedia:
 					goto handle_ShowAllInlineMedia
-				case ffj_t_User_StatusesCount:
+				case ffjtUserStatusesCount:
 					goto handle_StatusesCount
-				case ffj_t_User_TimeZone:
+				case ffjtUserTimeZone:
 					goto handle_TimeZone
-				case ffj_t_User_URL:
+				case ffjtUserURL:
 					goto handle_URL
-				case ffj_t_User_UtcOffset:
+				case ffjtUserUtcOffset:
 					goto handle_UtcOffset
-				case ffj_t_User_Verified:
+				case ffjtUserVerified:
 					goto handle_Verified
-				case ffj_t_Userno_such_key:
+				case ffjtUsernosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -4555,7 +4602,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ContributorsEnabled type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ContributorsEnabled type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4571,11 +4618,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ContributorsEnabled = true
+				j.ContributorsEnabled = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ContributorsEnabled = false
+				j.ContributorsEnabled = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -4590,7 +4637,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.CreatedAt type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.CreatedAt type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -4606,7 +4653,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.CreatedAt = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.CreatedAt = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -4616,7 +4663,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.DefaultProfile type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.DefaultProfile type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4632,11 +4679,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.DefaultProfile = true
+				j.DefaultProfile = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.DefaultProfile = false
+				j.DefaultProfile = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -4651,7 +4698,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.DefaultProfileImage type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.DefaultProfileImage type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4667,11 +4714,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.DefaultProfileImage = true
+				j.DefaultProfileImage = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.DefaultProfileImage = false
+				j.DefaultProfileImage = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -4686,7 +4733,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Description type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Description type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -4702,7 +4749,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Description = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Description = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -4712,18 +4759,17 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Entities type=benchmark.UserEntities kind=struct quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Entities type=benchmark.UserEntities kind=struct quoted=false*/
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-			goto mainparse
-		}
+		} else {
-		err = uj.Entities.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
+			err = j.Entities.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
 		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
@@ -4733,7 +4779,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.FavouritesCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.FavouritesCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4753,7 +4799,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.FavouritesCount = int(tval)
+			j.FavouritesCount = int(tval)
@@ -4763,7 +4809,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.FollowRequestSent type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.FollowRequestSent type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -4775,7 +4821,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.FollowRequestSent = nil
+			j.FollowRequestSent = nil
 		} else {
@@ -4783,7 +4829,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.FollowRequestSent = &tval
+			j.FollowRequestSent = &tval
@@ -4793,7 +4839,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.FollowersCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.FollowersCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4813,7 +4859,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.FollowersCount = int(tval)
+			j.FollowersCount = int(tval)
@@ -4823,7 +4869,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Following type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Following type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -4835,7 +4881,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Following = nil
+			j.Following = nil
 		} else {
@@ -4843,7 +4889,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.Following = &tval
+			j.Following = &tval
@@ -4853,7 +4899,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.FriendsCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.FriendsCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4873,7 +4919,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.FriendsCount = int(tval)
+			j.FriendsCount = int(tval)
@@ -4883,7 +4929,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.GeoEnabled type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.GeoEnabled type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4899,11 +4945,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.GeoEnabled = true
+				j.GeoEnabled = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.GeoEnabled = false
+				j.GeoEnabled = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -4918,7 +4964,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ID type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ID type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4938,7 +4984,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.ID = int(tval)
+			j.ID = int(tval)
@@ -4948,7 +4994,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.IDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.IDStr type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -4964,7 +5010,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.IDStr = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.IDStr = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -4974,7 +5020,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.IsTranslator type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.IsTranslator type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -4990,11 +5036,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.IsTranslator = true
+				j.IsTranslator = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.IsTranslator = false
+				j.IsTranslator = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -5009,7 +5055,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Lang type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Lang type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5025,7 +5071,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Lang = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Lang = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5035,7 +5081,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ListedCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ListedCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5055,7 +5101,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.ListedCount = int(tval)
+			j.ListedCount = int(tval)
@@ -5065,7 +5111,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Location type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Location type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5081,7 +5127,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Location = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Location = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5091,7 +5137,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Name type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Name type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5107,7 +5153,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.Name = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.Name = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5117,7 +5163,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Notifications type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Notifications type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5129,7 +5175,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Notifications = nil
+			j.Notifications = nil
 		} else {
@@ -5137,7 +5183,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.Notifications = &tval
+			j.Notifications = &tval
@@ -5147,7 +5193,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileBackgroundColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileBackgroundColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5163,7 +5209,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileBackgroundColor = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileBackgroundColor = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5173,7 +5219,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileBackgroundImageURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileBackgroundImageURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5189,7 +5235,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileBackgroundImageURL = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileBackgroundImageURL = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5199,7 +5245,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5215,7 +5261,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileBackgroundImageURLHTTPS = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5225,7 +5271,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileBackgroundTile type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileBackgroundTile type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5241,11 +5287,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ProfileBackgroundTile = true
+				j.ProfileBackgroundTile = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ProfileBackgroundTile = false
+				j.ProfileBackgroundTile = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -5260,7 +5306,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileImageURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileImageURL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5276,7 +5322,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileImageURL = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileImageURL = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5286,7 +5332,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileImageURLHTTPS type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileImageURLHTTPS type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5302,7 +5348,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileImageURLHTTPS = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileImageURLHTTPS = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5312,7 +5358,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileLinkColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileLinkColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5328,7 +5374,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileLinkColor = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileLinkColor = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5338,7 +5384,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileSidebarBorderColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileSidebarBorderColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5354,7 +5400,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5364,7 +5410,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileSidebarFillColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileSidebarFillColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5380,7 +5426,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileSidebarFillColor = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileSidebarFillColor = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5390,7 +5436,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileTextColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileTextColor type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5406,7 +5452,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ProfileTextColor = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ProfileTextColor = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5416,7 +5462,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ProfileUseBackgroundImage type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ProfileUseBackgroundImage type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5432,11 +5478,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = true
+				j.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = false
+				j.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -5451,7 +5497,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Protected type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Protected type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5467,11 +5513,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Protected = true
+				j.Protected = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Protected = false
+				j.Protected = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -5486,7 +5532,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ScreenName type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ScreenName type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5502,7 +5548,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.ScreenName = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.ScreenName = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5512,7 +5558,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.ShowAllInlineMedia type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.ShowAllInlineMedia type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5528,11 +5574,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ShowAllInlineMedia = true
+				j.ShowAllInlineMedia = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.ShowAllInlineMedia = false
+				j.ShowAllInlineMedia = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -5547,7 +5593,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.StatusesCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.StatusesCount type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5567,7 +5613,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.StatusesCount = int(tval)
+			j.StatusesCount = int(tval)
@@ -5577,7 +5623,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.TimeZone type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.TimeZone type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5593,7 +5639,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
-			uj.TimeZone = string(string(outBuf))
+			j.TimeZone = string(string(outBuf))
@@ -5603,7 +5649,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.URL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.URL type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -5615,7 +5661,7 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.URL = nil
+			j.URL = nil
 		} else {
@@ -5623,7 +5669,7 @@
 			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			tval = string(string(outBuf))
-			uj.URL = &tval
+			j.URL = &tval
@@ -5633,7 +5679,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.UtcOffset type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.UtcOffset type=int kind=int quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_integer && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5653,7 +5699,7 @@
 				return fs.WrapErr(err)
-			uj.UtcOffset = int(tval)
+			j.UtcOffset = int(tval)
@@ -5663,7 +5709,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Verified type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Verified type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/
 		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
@@ -5679,11 +5725,11 @@
 			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Verified = true
+				j.Verified = true
 			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {
-				uj.Verified = false
+				j.Verified = false
 			} else {
 				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
@@ -5710,23 +5756,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *UserEntities) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *UserEntities) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *UserEntities) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *UserEntities) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -5738,7 +5788,7 @@
-		err = mj.Description.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
+		err = j.Description.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
@@ -5748,7 +5798,7 @@
-		err = mj.URL.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
+		err = j.URL.MarshalJSONBuf(buf)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
@@ -5759,26 +5809,28 @@
 const (
-	ffj_t_UserEntitiesbase = iota
-	ffj_t_UserEntitiesno_such_key
+	ffjtUserEntitiesbase = iota
+	ffjtUserEntitiesnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_UserEntities_Description
+	ffjtUserEntitiesDescription
-	ffj_t_UserEntities_URL
+	ffjtUserEntitiesURL
-var ffj_key_UserEntities_Description = []byte("description")
+var ffjKeyUserEntitiesDescription = []byte("description")
-var ffj_key_UserEntities_URL = []byte("url")
+var ffjKeyUserEntitiesURL = []byte("url")
-func (uj *UserEntities) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *UserEntities) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *UserEntities) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_UserEntitiesbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *UserEntities) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtUserEntitiesbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -5824,7 +5876,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntitiesno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUserEntitiesnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -5832,35 +5884,35 @@
 				case 'd':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_UserEntities_Description, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntities_Description
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserEntitiesDescription, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserEntitiesDescription
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
 				case 'u':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_UserEntities_URL, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntities_URL
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserEntitiesURL, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserEntitiesURL
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_UserEntities_URL, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntities_URL
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyUserEntitiesURL, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserEntitiesURL
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_UserEntities_Description, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntities_Description
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserEntitiesDescription, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserEntitiesDescription
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntitiesno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUserEntitiesnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -5877,13 +5929,13 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_UserEntities_Description:
+				case ffjtUserEntitiesDescription:
 					goto handle_Description
-				case ffj_t_UserEntities_URL:
+				case ffjtUserEntitiesURL:
 					goto handle_URL
-				case ffj_t_UserEntitiesno_such_key:
+				case ffjtUserEntitiesnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -5899,18 +5951,17 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Description type=benchmark.UserEntityDescription kind=struct quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Description type=benchmark.UserEntityDescription kind=struct quoted=false*/
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-			goto mainparse
-		}
+		} else {
-		err = uj.Description.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
+			err = j.Description.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
 		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
@@ -5920,18 +5971,17 @@
-	/* handler: uj.URL type=benchmark.UserEntityURL kind=struct quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.URL type=benchmark.UserEntityURL kind=struct quoted=false*/
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-			goto mainparse
-		}
+		} else {
-		err = uj.URL.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
+			err = j.URL.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
 		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
@@ -5953,23 +6003,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *UserEntityDescription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *UserEntityDescription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *UserEntityDescription) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *UserEntityDescription) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -5978,9 +6032,9 @@
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	if mj.Urls != nil {
+	if j.Urls != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Urls {
+		for i, v := range j.Urls {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -5999,22 +6053,24 @@
 const (
-	ffj_t_UserEntityDescriptionbase = iota
-	ffj_t_UserEntityDescriptionno_such_key
+	ffjtUserEntityDescriptionbase = iota
+	ffjtUserEntityDescriptionnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_UserEntityDescription_Urls
+	ffjtUserEntityDescriptionUrls
-var ffj_key_UserEntityDescription_Urls = []byte("urls")
+var ffjKeyUserEntityDescriptionUrls = []byte("urls")
-func (uj *UserEntityDescription) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *UserEntityDescription) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *UserEntityDescription) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_UserEntityDescriptionbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *UserEntityDescription) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtUserEntityDescriptionbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -6060,7 +6116,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityDescriptionno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUserEntityDescriptionnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -6068,21 +6124,21 @@
 				case 'u':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_UserEntityDescription_Urls, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityDescription_Urls
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserEntityDescriptionUrls, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserEntityDescriptionUrls
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_UserEntityDescription_Urls, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityDescription_Urls
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserEntityDescriptionUrls, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserEntityDescriptionUrls
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityDescriptionno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUserEntityDescriptionnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -6099,10 +6155,10 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_UserEntityDescription_Urls:
+				case ffjtUserEntityDescriptionUrls:
 					goto handle_Urls
-				case ffj_t_UserEntityDescriptionno_such_key:
+				case ffjtUserEntityDescriptionnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -6118,7 +6174,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Urls type=[]*string kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Urls type=[]*string kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -6129,16 +6185,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Urls = nil
+			j.Urls = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Urls = make([]*string, 0)
+			j.Urls = []*string{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Urls *string
+				var tmpJUrls *string
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -6159,18 +6215,18 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Urls type=*string kind=ptr quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJUrls type=*string kind=ptr quoted=false*/
 					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-						tmp_uj__Urls = nil
+						tmpJUrls = nil
 					} else {
-						if tmp_uj__Urls == nil {
-							tmp_uj__Urls = new(string)
+						if tmpJUrls == nil {
+							tmpJUrls = new(string)
-						/* handler: tmp_uj__Urls type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
+						/* handler: tmpJUrls type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
@@ -6182,7 +6238,7 @@
 							if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-								tmp_uj__Urls = nil
+								tmpJUrls = nil
 							} else {
@@ -6190,7 +6246,7 @@
 								outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
 								tval = string(string(outBuf))
-								tmp_uj__Urls = &tval
+								tmpJUrls = &tval
@@ -6198,7 +6254,8 @@
-				uj.Urls = append(uj.Urls, tmp_uj__Urls)
+				j.Urls = append(j.Urls, tmpJUrls)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -6221,23 +6278,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *UserEntityURL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *UserEntityURL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *UserEntityURL) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *UserEntityURL) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -6246,9 +6307,9 @@
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	if mj.Urls != nil {
+	if j.Urls != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Urls {
+		for i, v := range j.Urls {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -6271,22 +6332,24 @@
 const (
-	ffj_t_UserEntityURLbase = iota
-	ffj_t_UserEntityURLno_such_key
+	ffjtUserEntityURLbase = iota
+	ffjtUserEntityURLnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_UserEntityURL_Urls
+	ffjtUserEntityURLUrls
-var ffj_key_UserEntityURL_Urls = []byte("urls")
+var ffjKeyUserEntityURLUrls = []byte("urls")
-func (uj *UserEntityURL) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *UserEntityURL) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *UserEntityURL) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_UserEntityURLbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *UserEntityURL) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtUserEntityURLbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -6332,7 +6395,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityURLno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUserEntityURLnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -6340,21 +6403,21 @@
 				case 'u':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_UserEntityURL_Urls, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityURL_Urls
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyUserEntityURLUrls, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtUserEntityURLUrls
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_UserEntityURL_Urls, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityURL_Urls
+				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyUserEntityURLUrls, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtUserEntityURLUrls
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_UserEntityURLno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtUserEntityURLnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -6371,10 +6434,10 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_UserEntityURL_Urls:
+				case ffjtUserEntityURLUrls:
 					goto handle_Urls
-				case ffj_t_UserEntityURLno_such_key:
+				case ffjtUserEntityURLnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -6390,7 +6453,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Urls type=[]benchmark.URL kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Urls type=[]benchmark.URL kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -6401,16 +6464,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Urls = nil
+			j.Urls = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Urls = make([]URL, 0)
+			j.Urls = []URL{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Urls URL
+				var tmpJUrls URL
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -6431,23 +6494,23 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Urls type=benchmark.URL kind=struct quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJUrls type=benchmark.URL kind=struct quoted=false*/
 					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-						state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-						goto mainparse
-					}
+					} else {
-					err = tmp_uj__Urls.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-					if err != nil {
-						return err
+						err = tmpJUrls.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+						if err != nil {
+							return err
+						}
 					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-				uj.Urls = append(uj.Urls, tmp_uj__Urls)
+				j.Urls = append(j.Urls, tmpJUrls)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -6470,23 +6533,27 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
-func (mj *XLStruct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
+func (j *XLStruct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var buf fflib.Buffer
-	if mj == nil {
+	if j == nil {
 		return buf.Bytes(), nil
-	err := mj.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
+	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (mj *XLStruct) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
-	if mj == nil {
+// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
+func (j *XLStruct) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
+	if j == nil {
 		return nil
@@ -6495,9 +6562,9 @@
 	_ = obj
 	_ = err
-	if mj.Data != nil {
+	if j.Data != nil {
-		for i, v := range mj.Data {
+		for i, v := range j.Data {
 			if i != 0 {
@@ -6520,22 +6587,24 @@
 const (
-	ffj_t_XLStructbase = iota
-	ffj_t_XLStructno_such_key
+	ffjtXLStructbase = iota
+	ffjtXLStructnosuchkey
-	ffj_t_XLStruct_Data
+	ffjtXLStructData
-var ffj_key_XLStruct_Data = []byte("Data")
+var ffjKeyXLStructData = []byte("Data")
-func (uj *XLStruct) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
+// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
+func (j *XLStruct) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
 	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
-	return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
+	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
-func (uj *XLStruct) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
-	var err error = nil
-	currentKey := ffj_t_XLStructbase
+// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
+func (j *XLStruct) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
+	var err error
+	currentKey := ffjtXLStructbase
 	_ = currentKey
 	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
 	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
@@ -6581,7 +6650,7 @@
 			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
 			if len(kn) <= 0 {
 				// "" case. hrm.
-				currentKey = ffj_t_XLStructno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtXLStructnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
 			} else {
@@ -6589,21 +6658,21 @@
 				case 'D':
-					if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_XLStruct_Data, kn) {
-						currentKey = ffj_t_XLStruct_Data
+					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyXLStructData, kn) {
+						currentKey = ffjtXLStructData
 						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 						goto mainparse
-				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_XLStruct_Data, kn) {
-					currentKey = ffj_t_XLStruct_Data
+				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyXLStructData, kn) {
+					currentKey = ffjtXLStructData
 					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 					goto mainparse
-				currentKey = ffj_t_XLStructno_such_key
+				currentKey = ffjtXLStructnosuchkey
 				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
 				goto mainparse
@@ -6620,10 +6689,10 @@
 			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
 				switch currentKey {
-				case ffj_t_XLStruct_Data:
+				case ffjtXLStructData:
 					goto handle_Data
-				case ffj_t_XLStructno_such_key:
+				case ffjtXLStructnosuchkey:
 					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
 					if err != nil {
 						return fs.WrapErr(err)
@@ -6639,7 +6708,7 @@
-	/* handler: uj.Data type=[]benchmark.LargeStruct kind=slice quoted=false*/
+	/* handler: j.Data type=[]benchmark.LargeStruct kind=slice quoted=false*/
@@ -6650,16 +6719,16 @@
 		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-			uj.Data = nil
+			j.Data = nil
 		} else {
-			uj.Data = make([]LargeStruct, 0)
+			j.Data = []LargeStruct{}
 			wantVal := true
 			for {
-				var tmp_uj__Data LargeStruct
+				var tmpJData LargeStruct
 				tok = fs.Scan()
 				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
@@ -6680,23 +6749,23 @@
 					wantVal = true
-				/* handler: tmp_uj__Data type=benchmark.LargeStruct kind=struct quoted=false*/
+				/* handler: tmpJData type=benchmark.LargeStruct kind=struct quoted=false*/
 					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
-						state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-						goto mainparse
-					}
+					} else {
-					err = tmp_uj__Data.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
-					if err != nil {
-						return err
+						err = tmpJData.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_want_key)
+						if err != nil {
+							return err
+						}
 					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
-				uj.Data = append(uj.Data, tmp_uj__Data)
+				j.Data = append(j.Data, tmpJData)
 				wantVal = false
@@ -6719,5 +6788,6 @@
 	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
 	return nil
diff --git a/benchmark/go.mod b/benchmark/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014be9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+go 1.12
+require (
+ v1.1.7
+ v0.0.0
+ v0.0.0-20190813045741-dac163c6c0a9
+ v1.1.7
+ v1.1.7
+ v0.0.0-20190829051458-42f498d34c4d // indirect
+replace => ../
diff --git a/benchmark/go.sum b/benchmark/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24d8af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:dBl0BpW6vV/+mYPU4Po3pmUjxk6FQPldtuIdl/M65Eg= v1.1.7 h1:KfgG9LzI+pYjr4xvmz/5H4FXjokeP+rlHLhv3iH62Fo= v1.1.7/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4= v0.0.0-20180228061459-e0a39a4cb421 h1:ZqeYNhU3OHLH3mGKHDcjJRFFRrJa6eAM5H+CtDdOsPc= v0.0.0-20180228061459-e0a39a4cb421/go.mod h1:6dJC0mAP4ikYIbvyc7fijjWJddQyLn8Ig3JB5CqoB9Q= v0.0.0-20180701023420-4b7aa43c6742 h1:Esafd1046DLDQ0W1YjYsBW+p8U2u7vzgW2SQVmlNazg= v0.0.0-20180701023420-4b7aa43c6742/go.mod h1:bx2lNnkwVCuqBIxFjflWJWanXIb3RllmbCylyMrvgv0= v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= v0.0.0-20190813045741-dac163c6c0a9 h1:kyf9snWXHvQc+yxE9imhdI8YAm4oKeZISlaAR+x73zs= v0.0.0-20190813045741-dac163c6c0a9/go.mod h1:YARuvh7BUWHNhzDq2OM5tzR2RiCcN2D7sapiKyCel/M= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= v1.3.0 h1:TivCn/peBQ7UY8ooIcPgZFpTNSz0Q2U6UrFlUfqbe0Q= v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= v1.1.7 h1:/68gy2h+1mWMrwZFeD1kQialdSzAb432dtpeJ42ovdo= v1.1.7/go.mod h1:kZn38zHttfInRq0xu/PH0az30d+z6vm202qpg1oXVMw= v1.1.7 h1:2SvQaVZ1ouYrrKKwoSk2pzd4A9evlKJb9oTL+OaLUSs= v1.1.7/go.mod h1:Ax+UKWsSmolVDwsd+7N3ZtXu+yMGCf907BLYF3GoBXY= v1.1.7 h1:6BU4y9NIgvVMNetSGxkH9lOOa2UB5b8sCHC6+8m5lVc= v1.1.7/go.mod h1:FMgcDIjFRtjQPUVM3GN592ic8epl2qsvfNPhezMgP8Y= v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w= v0.0.0-20190620200207-3b0461eec859/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLLGU+0bjPO0LkuOLi4/5GtJWs/s= v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= v0.0.0-20190829051458-42f498d34c4d h1:yqT69RdmShXXRtsT9jS6Iy0FFLWGLCe3IqGE0vsP0m4= v0.0.0-20190829051458-42f498d34c4d/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo= v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
diff --git a/benchmark/tools.go b/benchmark/tools.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c8dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/tools.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//+build tools
+// Package tools tracks dependencies on binaries not otherwise referenced in the codebase.
+package tools
+import (
+	_ ""
diff --git a/bootstrap/bootstrap.go b/bootstrap/bootstrap.go
index a461bf1..134244b 100644
--- a/bootstrap/bootstrap.go
+++ b/bootstrap/bootstrap.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import (
+	"go/format"
@@ -176,18 +177,21 @@
 	if err = cmd.Run(); err != nil {
 		return err
-	if !g.NoFormat {
-		cmd = exec.Command("gofmt", "-w", f.Name())
-		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
-		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
-		if err = cmd.Run(); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
+	// move unformatted file to out path
+	if g.NoFormat {
+		return os.Rename(f.Name(), g.OutName)
-	return os.Rename(f.Name(), g.OutName)
+	// format file and write to out path
+	in, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f.Name())
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	out, err := format.Source(in)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return ioutil.WriteFile(g.OutName, out, 0644)
diff --git a/buffer/pool.go b/buffer/pool.go
index 07fb4bc..598a54a 100644
--- a/buffer/pool.go
+++ b/buffer/pool.go
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import (
+	"net"
@@ -52,14 +53,12 @@
 // getBuf gets a chunk from reuse pool or creates a new one if reuse failed.
 func getBuf(size int) []byte {
-	if size < config.PooledSize {
-		return make([]byte, 0, size)
-	}
-	if c := buffers[size]; c != nil {
-		v := c.Get()
-		if v != nil {
-			return v.([]byte)
+	if size >= config.PooledSize {
+		if c := buffers[size]; c != nil {
+			v := c.Get()
+			if v != nil {
+				return v.([]byte)
+			}
 	return make([]byte, 0, size)
@@ -78,9 +77,12 @@
 // EnsureSpace makes sure that the current chunk contains at least s free bytes,
 // possibly creating a new chunk.
 func (b *Buffer) EnsureSpace(s int) {
-	if cap(b.Buf)-len(b.Buf) >= s {
-		return
+	if cap(b.Buf)-len(b.Buf) < s {
+		b.ensureSpaceSlow(s)
+func (b *Buffer) ensureSpaceSlow(s int) {
 	l := len(b.Buf)
 	if l > 0 {
 		if cap(b.toPool) != cap(b.Buf) {
@@ -105,18 +107,22 @@
 // AppendByte appends a single byte to buffer.
 func (b *Buffer) AppendByte(data byte) {
-	if cap(b.Buf) == len(b.Buf) { // EnsureSpace won't be inlined.
-		b.EnsureSpace(1)
-	}
+	b.EnsureSpace(1)
 	b.Buf = append(b.Buf, data)
 // AppendBytes appends a byte slice to buffer.
 func (b *Buffer) AppendBytes(data []byte) {
+	if len(data) <= cap(b.Buf)-len(b.Buf) {
+		b.Buf = append(b.Buf, data...) // fast path
+	} else {
+		b.appendBytesSlow(data)
+	}
+func (b *Buffer) appendBytesSlow(data []byte) {
 	for len(data) > 0 {
-		if cap(b.Buf) == len(b.Buf) { // EnsureSpace won't be inlined.
-			b.EnsureSpace(1)
-		}
+		b.EnsureSpace(1)
 		sz := cap(b.Buf) - len(b.Buf)
 		if sz > len(data) {
@@ -128,12 +134,18 @@
-// AppendBytes appends a string to buffer.
+// AppendString appends a string to buffer.
 func (b *Buffer) AppendString(data string) {
+	if len(data) <= cap(b.Buf)-len(b.Buf) {
+		b.Buf = append(b.Buf, data...) // fast path
+	} else {
+		b.appendStringSlow(data)
+	}
+func (b *Buffer) appendStringSlow(data string) {
 	for len(data) > 0 {
-		if cap(b.Buf) == len(b.Buf) { // EnsureSpace won't be inlined.
-			b.EnsureSpace(1)
-		}
+		b.EnsureSpace(1)
 		sz := cap(b.Buf) - len(b.Buf)
 		if sz > len(data) {
@@ -156,18 +168,14 @@
 // DumpTo outputs the contents of a buffer to a writer and resets the buffer.
 func (b *Buffer) DumpTo(w io.Writer) (written int, err error) {
-	var n int
-	for _, buf := range b.bufs {
-		if err == nil {
-			n, err = w.Write(buf)
-			written += n
-		}
-		putBuf(buf)
+	bufs := net.Buffers(b.bufs)
+	if len(b.Buf) > 0 {
+		bufs = append(bufs, b.Buf)
+	n, err := bufs.WriteTo(w)
-	if err == nil {
-		n, err = w.Write(b.Buf)
-		written += n
+	for _, buf := range b.bufs {
+		putBuf(buf)
@@ -175,7 +183,7 @@
 	b.Buf = nil
 	b.toPool = nil
-	return
+	return int(n), err
 // BuildBytes creates a single byte slice with all the contents of the buffer. Data is
@@ -192,7 +200,7 @@
 	var ret []byte
 	size := b.Size()
-	// If we got a buffer as argument and it is big enought, reuse it.
+	// If we got a buffer as argument and it is big enough, reuse it.
 	if len(reuse) == 1 && cap(reuse[0]) >= size {
 		ret = reuse[0][:0]
 	} else {
diff --git a/buffer/pool_test.go b/buffer/pool_test.go
index 680623a..1f321d3 100644
--- a/buffer/pool_test.go
+++ b/buffer/pool_test.go
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 	s := "test"
 	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
-		b.AppendBytes([]byte(s))
+		b.AppendString(s)
 		want = append(want, s...)
diff --git a/gen/decoder.go b/gen/decoder.go
index 02a3dfa..44e1cb9 100644
--- a/gen/decoder.go
+++ b/gen/decoder.go
@@ -94,6 +94,16 @@
+func hasUnknownsUnmarshaler(t reflect.Type) bool {
+	t = reflect.PtrTo(t)
+	return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*easyjson.UnknownsUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem())
+func hasUnknownsMarshaler(t reflect.Type) bool {
+	t = reflect.PtrTo(t)
+	return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*easyjson.UnknownsMarshaler)(nil)).Elem())
 // genTypeDecoderNoCheck generates decoding code for the type t.
 func (g *Generator) genTypeDecoderNoCheck(t reflect.Type, out string, tags fieldTags, indent int) error {
 	ws := strings.Repeat("  ", indent)
@@ -124,9 +134,9 @@
 		} else {
-			capacity := minSliceBytes / elem.Size()
-			if capacity == 0 {
-				capacity = 1
+			capacity := 1
+			if elem.Size() > 0 {
+				capacity = minSliceBytes / int(elem.Size())
 			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {")
@@ -228,19 +238,30 @@
 		} // else assume the caller knows what they are doing and that the custom unmarshaler performs the translation from string or integer keys to the key type
 		elem := t.Elem()
 		tmpVar := g.uniqueVarName()
+		keepEmpty := tags.required || tags.noOmitEmpty || (!g.omitEmpty && !tags.omitEmpty)
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {")
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  in.Skip()")
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {")
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  in.Delim('{')")
-		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  if !in.IsDelim('}') {")
+		if !keepEmpty {
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  if !in.IsDelim('}') {")
+		}
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  "+out+" = make("+g.getType(t)+")")
-		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  } else {")
-		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  "+out+" = nil")
-		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  }")
+		if !keepEmpty {
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  } else {")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  "+out+" = nil")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  }")
+		}
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  for !in.IsDelim('}') {")
-		if keyDec != "" {
+		// NOTE: extra check for TextUnmarshaler. It overrides default methods.
+		if reflect.PtrTo(key).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) {
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"    var key "+g.getType(key))
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if data := in.UnsafeBytes(); in.Ok() {")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  in.AddError(key.UnmarshalText(data) )")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}")
+		} else if keyDec != "" {
 			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"    key := "+g.getType(key)+"("+keyDec+")")
 		} else {
 			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"    var key "+g.getType(key))
@@ -474,6 +495,8 @@
           Reason: "unknown field",
           Data: key,
+	} else if hasUnknownsUnmarshaler(t) {
+		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      out.UnmarshalUnknown(in, key)")
 	} else {
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      in.SkipRecursive()")
diff --git a/gen/encoder.go b/gen/encoder.go
index b2be743..6274d4f 100644
--- a/gen/encoder.go
+++ b/gen/encoder.go
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@
 	if enc := primitiveStringEncoders[t.Kind()]; enc != "" && tags.asString {
 		fmt.Fprintf(g.out, ws+enc+"\n", in)
 		return nil
-	} else if enc := primitiveEncoders[t.Kind()]; enc != "" {
+	}
+	if enc := primitiveEncoders[t.Kind()]; enc != "" {
 		fmt.Fprintf(g.out, ws+enc+"\n", in)
 		return nil
@@ -223,7 +225,11 @@
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  "+tmpVar+"First := true")
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"  for "+tmpVar+"Name, "+tmpVar+"Value := range "+in+" {")
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"    if "+tmpVar+"First { "+tmpVar+"First = false } else { out.RawByte(',') }")
-		if keyEnc != "" {
+		// NOTE: extra check for TextMarshaler. It overrides default methods.
+		if reflect.PtrTo(key).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) {
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"    "+fmt.Sprintf("out.RawText(("+tmpVar+"Name).MarshalText()"+")"))
+		} else if keyEnc != "" {
 			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"    "+fmt.Sprintf(keyEnc, tmpVar+"Name"))
 		} else {
 			if err := g.genTypeEncoder(key, tmpVar+"Name", tags, indent+2, false); err != nil {
@@ -286,32 +292,50 @@
-func (g *Generator) genStructFieldEncoder(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) error {
+func (g *Generator) genStructFieldEncoder(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField, first, firstCondition bool) (bool, error) {
 	jsonName := g.fieldNamer.GetJSONFieldName(t, f)
 	tags := parseFieldTags(f)
 	if tags.omit {
-		return nil
+		return firstCondition, nil
+	toggleFirstCondition := firstCondition
 	noOmitEmpty := (!tags.omitEmpty && !g.omitEmpty) || tags.noOmitEmpty
 	if noOmitEmpty {
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "  {")
+		toggleFirstCondition = false
 	} else {
 		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "  if", g.notEmptyCheck(f.Type, "in."+f.Name), "{")
+		// can be any in runtime, so toggleFirstCondition stay as is
-	fmt.Fprintf(g.out, "    const prefix string = %q\n", ","+strconv.Quote(jsonName)+":")
-	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "    if first {")
-	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      first = false")
-	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      out.RawString(prefix[1:])")
-	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "    } else {")
-	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      out.RawString(prefix)")
-	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "    }")
+	if firstCondition {
+		fmt.Fprintf(g.out, "    const prefix string = %q\n", ","+strconv.Quote(jsonName)+":")
+		if first {
+			if !noOmitEmpty {
+				fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      first = false")
+			}
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      out.RawString(prefix[1:])")
+		} else {
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "    if first {")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      first = false")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      out.RawString(prefix[1:])")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "    } else {")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "      out.RawString(prefix)")
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "    }")
+		}
+	} else {
+		fmt.Fprintf(g.out, "    const prefix string = %q\n", ","+strconv.Quote(jsonName)+":")
+		fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "    out.RawString(prefix)")
+	}
 	if err := g.genTypeEncoder(f.Type, "in."+f.Name, tags, 2, !noOmitEmpty); err != nil {
-		return err
+		return toggleFirstCondition, err
 	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "  }")
-	return nil
+	return toggleFirstCondition, nil
 func (g *Generator) genEncoder(t reflect.Type) error {
@@ -359,12 +383,24 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("cannot generate encoder for %v: %v", t, err)
-	for _, f := range fs {
-		if err := g.genStructFieldEncoder(t, f); err != nil {
+	firstCondition := true
+	for i, f := range fs {
+		firstCondition, err = g.genStructFieldEncoder(t, f, i == 0, firstCondition)
+		if err != nil {
 			return err
+	if hasUnknownsMarshaler(t) {
+		if !firstCondition {
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "  in.MarshalUnknowns(out, false)")
+		} else {
+			fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "  in.MarshalUnknowns(out, first)")
+		}
+	}
 	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "  out.RawByte('}')")
 	fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "}")
diff --git a/gen/generator.go b/gen/generator.go
index 13c54c4..4a8f5a8 100644
--- a/gen/generator.go
+++ b/gen/generator.go
@@ -156,8 +156,9 @@
 	fmt.Println("package ", g.pkgName)
-	byAlias := map[string]string{}
-	var aliases []string
+	byAlias := make(map[string]string, len(g.imports))
+	aliases := make([]string, 0, len(g.imports))
 	for path, alias := range g.imports {
 		aliases = append(aliases, alias)
 		byAlias[alias] = path
@@ -388,9 +389,9 @@
 	jsonName := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("json"), ",")[0]
 	if jsonName != "" {
 		return jsonName
-	} else {
-		return f.Name
+	return f.Name
 // LowerCamelCaseFieldNamer
@@ -454,9 +455,9 @@
 	jsonName := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("json"), ",")[0]
 	if jsonName != "" {
 		return jsonName
-	} else {
-		return lowerFirst(f.Name)
+	return lowerFirst(f.Name)
 // SnakeCaseFieldNamer implements CamelCase to snake_case conversion for fields names.
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc4a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+go 1.12
diff --git a/helpers.go b/helpers.go
index b86b87d..04ac635 100644
--- a/helpers.go
+++ b/helpers.go
@@ -26,6 +26,16 @@
 	IsDefined() bool
+// UnknownsUnmarshaler provides a method to unmarshal unknown struct fileds and save them as you want
+type UnknownsUnmarshaler interface {
+	UnmarshalUnknown(in *jlexer.Lexer, key string)
+// UnknownsMarshaler provides a method to write additional struct fields
+type UnknownsMarshaler interface {
+	MarshalUnknowns(w *jwriter.Writer, first bool)
 // Marshal returns data as a single byte slice. Method is suboptimal as the data is likely to be copied
 // from a chain of smaller chunks.
 func Marshal(v Marshaler) ([]byte, error) {
diff --git a/jlexer/lexer.go b/jlexer/lexer.go
index ef64075..ddd376b 100644
--- a/jlexer/lexer.go
+++ b/jlexer/lexer.go
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
 	} else if r.token.delimValue == '[' {
-		var ret []interface{}
+		ret := []interface{}{}
 		for !r.IsDelim(']') {
 			ret = append(ret, r.Interface())
diff --git a/jlexer/lexer_test.go b/jlexer/lexer_test.go
index 3149ce4..fcf9780 100644
--- a/jlexer/lexer_test.go
+++ b/jlexer/lexer_test.go
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 		{toParse: "5", want: float64(5)},
 		{toParse: `{}`, want: map[string]interface{}{}},
-		{toParse: `[]`, want: []interface{}(nil)},
+		{toParse: `[]`, want: []interface{}{}},
 		{toParse: `{"a": "b"}`, want: map[string]interface{}{"a": "b"}},
 		{toParse: `[5]`, want: []interface{}{float64(5)}},
diff --git a/jwriter/writer.go b/jwriter/writer.go
index b9ed7cc..2c5b201 100644
--- a/jwriter/writer.go
+++ b/jwriter/writer.go
@@ -270,16 +270,25 @@
 const chars = "0123456789abcdef"
-func isNotEscapedSingleChar(c byte, escapeHTML bool) bool {
-	// Note: might make sense to use a table if there are more chars to escape. With 4 chars
-	// it benchmarks the same.
-	if escapeHTML {
-		return c != '<' && c != '>' && c != '&' && c != '\\' && c != '"' && c >= 0x20 && c < utf8.RuneSelf
-	} else {
-		return c != '\\' && c != '"' && c >= 0x20 && c < utf8.RuneSelf
+func getTable(falseValues [128]bool {
+	table := [128]bool{}
+	for i := 0; i < 128; i++ {
+		table[i] = true
+	for _, v := range falseValues {
+		table[v] = false
+	}
+	return table
+var (
+	htmlEscapeTable   = getTable(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, '"', '&', '<', '>', '\\')
+	htmlNoEscapeTable = getTable(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, '"', '\\')
 func (w *Writer) String(s string) {
@@ -288,15 +297,21 @@
 	p := 0 // last non-escape symbol
+	escapeTable := &htmlEscapeTable
+	if w.NoEscapeHTML {
+		escapeTable = &htmlNoEscapeTable
+	}
 	for i := 0; i < len(s); {
 		c := s[i]
-		if isNotEscapedSingleChar(c, !w.NoEscapeHTML) {
-			// single-width character, no escaping is required
-			i++
-			continue
-		} else if c < utf8.RuneSelf {
-			// single-with character, need to escape
+		if c < utf8.RuneSelf {
+			if escapeTable[c] {
+				// single-width character, no escaping is required
+				i++
+				continue
+			}
 			switch c {
 			case '\t':
diff --git a/parser/modulepath.go b/parser/modulepath.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f8e7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/modulepath.go
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package parser
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"strconv"
+// Content of this file was copied from the package
+// Under the BSD-3-Clause licence:
+Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+   * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
+var (
+	slashSlash = []byte("//")
+	moduleStr  = []byte("module")
+// modulePath returns the module path from the gomod file text.
+// If it cannot find a module path, it returns an empty string.
+// It is tolerant of unrelated problems in the go.mod file.
+func modulePath(mod []byte) string {
+	for len(mod) > 0 {
+		line := mod
+		mod = nil
+		if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\n'); i >= 0 {
+			line, mod = line[:i], line[i+1:]
+		}
+		if i := bytes.Index(line, slashSlash); i >= 0 {
+			line = line[:i]
+		}
+		line = bytes.TrimSpace(line)
+		if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, moduleStr) {
+			continue
+		}
+		line = line[len(moduleStr):]
+		n := len(line)
+		line = bytes.TrimSpace(line)
+		if len(line) == n || len(line) == 0 {
+			continue
+		}
+		if line[0] == '"' || line[0] == '`' {
+			p, err := strconv.Unquote(string(line))
+			if err != nil {
+				return "" // malformed quoted string or multiline module path
+			}
+			return p
+		}
+		return string(line)
+	}
+	return "" // missing module path
diff --git a/parser/parser.go b/parser/parser.go
index acfdd26..1aa42d7 100644
--- a/parser/parser.go
+++ b/parser/parser.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+	"os"
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
 	fset := token.NewFileSet()
 	if isDir {
-		packages, err := parser.ParseDir(fset, fname, nil, parser.ParseComments)
+		packages, err := parser.ParseDir(fset, fname, excludeTestFiles, parser.ParseComments)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
@@ -108,3 +109,7 @@
 	output, err := exec.Command("go", "env", "GOPATH").Output()
 	return string(bytes.TrimSpace(output)), err
+func excludeTestFiles(fi os.FileInfo) bool {
+	return !strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), "_test.go")
diff --git a/parser/pkgpath.go b/parser/pkgpath.go
index 155d168..f5c28a1 100644
--- a/parser/pkgpath.go
+++ b/parser/pkgpath.go
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
-	"strconv"
@@ -90,55 +89,32 @@
 	return path.Clean(rel), nil
-var (
-	modulePrefix          = []byte("\nmodule ")
-	pkgPathFromGoModCache = make(map[string]string)
+var pkgPathFromGoModCache = struct {
+	paths map[string]string
+	sync.RWMutex
+	paths: make(map[string]string),
 func getModulePath(goModPath string) string {
-	pkgPath, ok := pkgPathFromGoModCache[goModPath]
+	pkgPathFromGoModCache.RLock()
+	pkgPath, ok := pkgPathFromGoModCache.paths[goModPath]
+	pkgPathFromGoModCache.RUnlock()
 	if ok {
 		return pkgPath
 	defer func() {
-		pkgPathFromGoModCache[goModPath] = pkgPath
+		pkgPathFromGoModCache.Lock()
+		pkgPathFromGoModCache.paths[goModPath] = pkgPath
+		pkgPathFromGoModCache.Unlock()
 	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(goModPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return ""
-	var i int
-	if bytes.HasPrefix(data, modulePrefix[1:]) {
-		i = 0
-	} else {
-		i = bytes.Index(data, modulePrefix)
-		if i < 0 {
-			return ""
-		}
-		i++
-	}
-	line := data[i:]
-	// Cut line at \n, drop trailing \r if present.
-	if j := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\n'); j >= 0 {
-		line = line[:j]
-	}
-	if line[len(line)-1] == '\r' {
-		line = line[:len(line)-1]
-	}
-	line = line[len("module "):]
-	// If quoted, unquote.
-	pkgPath = strings.TrimSpace(string(line))
-	if pkgPath != "" && pkgPath[0] == '"' {
-		s, err := strconv.Unquote(pkgPath)
-		if err != nil {
-			return ""
-		}
-		pkgPath = s
-	}
+	pkgPath = modulePath(data)
 	return pkgPath
@@ -154,7 +130,8 @@
 	for _, p := range strings.Split(gopath, string(filepath.ListSeparator)) {
 		prefix := filepath.Join(p, "src") + string(filepath.Separator)
-		if rel := strings.TrimPrefix(fname, prefix); rel != fname {
+		rel, err := filepath.Rel(prefix, fname)
+		if err == nil && !strings.HasPrefix(rel, ".."+string(filepath.Separator)) {
 			if !isDir {
 				return path.Dir(filePathToPackagePath(rel)), nil
 			} else {
@@ -163,7 +140,7 @@
-	return "", fmt.Errorf("file '%v' is not in GOPATH", fname)
+	return "", fmt.Errorf("file '%v' is not in GOPATH '%v'", fname, gopath)
 func filePathToPackagePath(path string) string {
diff --git a/parser/pkgpath_test.go b/parser/pkgpath_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..740f3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/pkgpath_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package parser
+import "testing"
+func Test_getModulePath(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := map[string]struct {
+		goModPath string
+		want      string
+	}{
+		"valid go.mod without comments and deps": {
+			goModPath: "./testdata/default.go.mod",
+			want:      "",
+		},
+		"valid go.mod with comments and without deps": {
+			goModPath: "./testdata/comments.go.mod",
+			want:      "",
+		},
+		"valid go.mod with comments and deps": {
+			goModPath: "./testdata/comments_deps.go.mod",
+			want:      "",
+		},
+		"actual easyjson go.mod": {
+			goModPath: "../go.mod",
+			want:      "",
+		},
+		"invalid go.mod with missing module": {
+			goModPath: "./testdata/missing_module.go",
+			want:      "",
+		},
+	}
+	for name := range tests {
+		tt := tests[name]
+		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			if got := getModulePath(tt.goModPath); got != tt.want {
+				t.Errorf("getModulePath() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
+			}
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/parser/testdata/comments.go.mod b/parser/testdata/comments.go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42beb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/testdata/comments.go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+// first-line comment which should bresk anything
+module // end-line comment which should not break anything
+go 1.13
diff --git a/parser/testdata/comments_deps.go.mod b/parser/testdata/comments_deps.go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e2ea62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/testdata/comments_deps.go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// first-line comment which should bresk anything
+module // end-line comment which should not break anything
+go 1.13
+require (
+ v0.7.0
diff --git a/parser/testdata/default.go.mod b/parser/testdata/default.go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f4317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/testdata/default.go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+go 1.13
diff --git a/parser/testdata/missing_module.go.mod b/parser/testdata/missing_module.go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0332f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/testdata/missing_module.go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+go 1.13
+require (
+ v0.7.0
diff --git a/tests/basic_test.go b/tests/basic_test.go
index 958c0a8..004d278 100644
--- a/tests/basic_test.go
+++ b/tests/basic_test.go
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 	{&intArrayStructValue, intArrayStructValueString},
 	{&myUInt8SliceValue, myUInt8SliceString},
 	{&myUInt8ArrayValue, myUInt8ArrayString},
+	{&mapWithEncodingMarshaler, mapWithEncodingMarshalerString},
 	{&myGenDeclaredValue, myGenDeclaredString},
 	{&myGenDeclaredWithCommentValue, myGenDeclaredWithCommentString},
 	{&myTypeDeclaredValue, myTypeDeclaredString},
diff --git a/tests/data.go b/tests/data.go
index 6ae90a0..5e6c610 100644
--- a/tests/data.go
+++ b/tests/data.go
@@ -678,6 +678,12 @@
 	Lastname  string `json:"last_name"`
+type RequiredOptionalMap struct {
+	ReqMap         map[int]string `json:"req_map,required"`
+	OmitEmptyMap   map[int]string `json:"oe_map,omitempty"`
+	NoOmitEmptyMap map[int]string `json:"noe_map,!omitempty"`
 type EncodingFlagsTestMap struct {
 	F map[string]string
diff --git a/tests/html.go b/tests/html.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575e760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/html.go
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package tests
+type Struct struct {
+	Test string
diff --git a/tests/html_test.go b/tests/html_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b579936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/html_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package tests
+import (
+	"testing"
+	""
+func TestHTML(t *testing.T) {
+	s := Struct{
+		Test: "<b>test</b>",
+	}
+	j := jwriter.Writer{
+		NoEscapeHTML: false,
+	}
+	s.MarshalEasyJSON(&j)
+	data, _ := j.BuildBytes()
+	if string(data) != `{"Test":"\u003cb\u003etest\u003c/b\u003e"}` {
+		t.Fatal("EscapeHTML error:", string(data))
+	}
+	j.NoEscapeHTML = true
+	s.MarshalEasyJSON(&j)
+	data, _ = j.BuildBytes()
+	if string(data) != `{"Test":"<b>test</b>"}` {
+		t.Fatal("NoEscapeHTML error:", string(data))
+	}
diff --git a/tests/key_marshaler_map.go b/tests/key_marshaler_map.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e10421a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/key_marshaler_map.go
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package tests
+type KeyWithEncodingMarshaler int
+func (f KeyWithEncodingMarshaler) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
+	return []byte("hello"), nil
+func (f *KeyWithEncodingMarshaler) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
+	if string(text) == "hello" {
+		*f = 5
+	}
+	return nil
+type KeyWithEncodingMarshalers map[KeyWithEncodingMarshaler]string
+var mapWithEncodingMarshaler KeyWithEncodingMarshalers = KeyWithEncodingMarshalers{5: "hello"}
+var mapWithEncodingMarshalerString = `{"hello":"hello"}`
diff --git a/tests/required_test.go b/tests/required_test.go
index 8cc743d..36a37c8 100644
--- a/tests/required_test.go
+++ b/tests/required_test.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import (
+	"reflect"
@@ -26,3 +27,25 @@
+func TestRequiredOptionalMap(t *testing.T) {
+	baseJson := `{"req_map":{}, "oe_map":{}, "noe_map":{}, "oe_slice":[]}`
+	wantDecoding := RequiredOptionalMap{MapIntString{}, nil, MapIntString{}}
+	var v RequiredOptionalMap
+	if err := v.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(baseJson)); err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("%s. UnmarshalJSON didn't expect error: %v", baseJson, err)
+	}
+	if !reflect.DeepEqual(v, wantDecoding) {
+		t.Errorf("%s. UnmarshalJSON expected to gen: %v. got: %v", baseJson, wantDecoding, v)
+	}
+	baseStruct := RequiredOptionalMap{MapIntString{}, MapIntString{}, MapIntString{}}
+	wantJson := `{"req_map":{},"noe_map":{}}`
+	data, err := baseStruct.MarshalJSON()
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("MarshalJSON didn't expect error: %v on %v", err, data)
+	} else if string(data) != wantJson {
+		t.Errorf("%v. MarshalJSON wanted: %s got %s", baseStruct, wantJson, string(data))
+	}
diff --git a/tests/unknown_fields.go b/tests/unknown_fields.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d1b089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unknown_fields.go
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package tests
+import ""
+type StructWithUnknownsProxy struct {
+	easyjson.UnknownFieldsProxy
+	Field1 string
+type StructWithUnknownsProxyWithOmitempty struct {
+	easyjson.UnknownFieldsProxy
+	Field1 string `json:",omitempty"`
diff --git a/tests/unknown_fields_test.go b/tests/unknown_fields_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd1114f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unknown_fields_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package tests
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"testing"
+func TestUnknownFieldsProxy(t *testing.T) {
+	baseJson := `{"Field1":"123","Field2":"321"}`
+	s := StructWithUnknownsProxy{}
+	err := s.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(baseJson))
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("UnmarshalJSON didn't expect error: %v", err)
+	}
+	if s.Field1 != "123" {
+		t.Errorf("UnmarshalJSON expected to parse Field1 as \"123\". got: %v", s.Field1)
+	}
+	data, err := s.MarshalJSON()
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("MarshalJSON didn't expect error: %v", err)
+	}
+	if !reflect.DeepEqual(baseJson, string(data)) {
+		t.Errorf("MarshalJSON expected to gen: %v. got: %v", baseJson, string(data))
+	}
+func TestUnknownFieldsProxyWithOmitempty(t *testing.T) {
+	baseJson := `{"Field1":"123","Field2":"321"}`
+	s := StructWithUnknownsProxyWithOmitempty{}
+	err := s.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(baseJson))
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("UnmarshalJSON didn't expect error: %v", err)
+	}
+	if s.Field1 != "123" {
+		t.Errorf("UnmarshalJSON expected to parse Field1 as \"123\". got: %v", s.Field1)
+	}
+	data, err := s.MarshalJSON()
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("MarshalJSON didn't expect error: %v", err)
+	}
+	if !reflect.DeepEqual(baseJson, string(data)) {
+		t.Errorf("MarshalJSON expected to gen: %v. got: %v", baseJson, string(data))
+	}
diff --git a/unknown_fields.go b/unknown_fields.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55538ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unknown_fields.go
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package easyjson
+import (
+	jlexer ""
+	""
+// UnknownFieldsProxy implemets UnknownsUnmarshaler and UnknownsMarshaler
+// use it as embedded field in your structure to parse and then serialize unknown struct fields
+type UnknownFieldsProxy struct {
+	unknownFields map[string][]byte
+func (s *UnknownFieldsProxy) UnmarshalUnknown(in *jlexer.Lexer, key string) {
+	if s.unknownFields == nil {
+		s.unknownFields = make(map[string][]byte, 1)
+	}
+	s.unknownFields[key] = in.Raw()
+func (s UnknownFieldsProxy) MarshalUnknowns(out *jwriter.Writer, first bool) {
+	for key, val := range s.unknownFields {
+		if first {
+			first = false
+		} else {
+			out.RawByte(',')
+		}
+		out.String(string(key))
+		out.RawByte(':')
+		out.Raw(val, nil)
+	}