stack: move parsing constants

There was in stack.go, but used in context.go, so move them there.

No functional change.
diff --git a/stack/context.go b/stack/context.go
index fbc5933..49b5ac2 100644
--- a/stack/context.go
+++ b/stack/context.go
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+	"regexp"
@@ -83,6 +84,42 @@
 // Private stuff.
+const lockedToThread = "locked to thread"
+// These are effectively constants.
+var (
+	// TODO(maruel): Handle corrupted stack cases:
+	// - missed stack barrier
+	// - found next stack barrier at 0x123; expected
+	// - runtime: unexpected return pc for FUNC_NAME called from 0x123
+	reRoutineHeader = regexp.MustCompile("^goroutine (\\d+) \\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\:\r?\n$")
+	reMinutes       = regexp.MustCompile("^(\\d+) minutes$")
+	reUnavail       = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:\t| +)goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable")
+	// See gentraceback() in src/runtime/traceback.go for more information.
+	// - Sometimes the source file comes up as "<autogenerated>". It is the
+	//   compiler than generated these, not the runtime.
+	// - The tab may be replaced with spaces when a user copy-paste it, handle
+	//   this transparently.
+	// - "runtime.gopanic" is explicitly replaced with "panic" by gentraceback().
+	// - The +0x123 byte offset is printed when frame.pc > _func.entry. _func is
+	//   generated by the linker.
+	// - The +0x123 byte offset is not included with generated code, e.g. unnamed
+	//   functions "func·006()" which is generally go func() { ... }()
+	//   statements. Since the _func is generated at runtime, it's probably why
+	//   _func.entry is not set.
+	// - C calls may have fp=0x123 sp=0x123 appended. I think it normally happens
+	//   when a signal is not correctly handled. It is printed with m.throwing>0.
+	//   These are discarded.
+	// - For cgo, the source file may be "??".
+	reFile = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:\t| +)(\\?\\?|\\<autogenerated\\>|.+\\.(?:c|go|s))\\:(\\d+)(?:| \\+0x[0-9a-f]+)(?:| fp=0x[0-9a-f]+ sp=0x[0-9a-f]+)\r?\n$")
+	// Sadly, it doesn't note the goroutine number so we could cascade them per
+	// parenthood.
+	reCreated = regexp.MustCompile("^created by (.+)\r?\n$")
+	reFunc    = regexp.MustCompile("^(.+)\\((.*)\\)\r?\n$")
+	reElided  = regexp.MustCompile("^\\.\\.\\.additional frames elided\\.\\.\\.\r?\n$")
 func parseDump(r io.Reader, out io.Writer) ([]*Goroutine, error) {
 	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
diff --git a/stack/stack.go b/stack/stack.go
index 0e27466..cc684ba 100644
--- a/stack/stack.go
+++ b/stack/stack.go
@@ -14,49 +14,12 @@
-	"regexp"
-const lockedToThread = "locked to thread"
-// These are effectively constants.
-var (
-	// TODO(maruel): Handle corrupted stack cases:
-	// - missed stack barrier
-	// - found next stack barrier at 0x123; expected
-	// - runtime: unexpected return pc for FUNC_NAME called from 0x123
-	reRoutineHeader = regexp.MustCompile("^goroutine (\\d+) \\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\:\r?\n$")
-	reMinutes       = regexp.MustCompile("^(\\d+) minutes$")
-	reUnavail       = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:\t| +)goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable")
-	// See gentraceback() in src/runtime/traceback.go for more information.
-	// - Sometimes the source file comes up as "<autogenerated>". It is the
-	//   compiler than generated these, not the runtime.
-	// - The tab may be replaced with spaces when a user copy-paste it, handle
-	//   this transparently.
-	// - "runtime.gopanic" is explicitly replaced with "panic" by gentraceback().
-	// - The +0x123 byte offset is printed when frame.pc > _func.entry. _func is
-	//   generated by the linker.
-	// - The +0x123 byte offset is not included with generated code, e.g. unnamed
-	//   functions "func·006()" which is generally go func() { ... }()
-	//   statements. Since the _func is generated at runtime, it's probably why
-	//   _func.entry is not set.
-	// - C calls may have fp=0x123 sp=0x123 appended. I think it normally happens
-	//   when a signal is not correctly handled. It is printed with m.throwing>0.
-	//   These are discarded.
-	// - For cgo, the source file may be "??".
-	reFile = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:\t| +)(\\?\\?|\\<autogenerated\\>|.+\\.(?:c|go|s))\\:(\\d+)(?:| \\+0x[0-9a-f]+)(?:| fp=0x[0-9a-f]+ sp=0x[0-9a-f]+)\r?\n$")
-	// Sadly, it doesn't note the goroutine number so we could cascade them per
-	// parenthood.
-	reCreated = regexp.MustCompile("^created by (.+)\r?\n$")
-	reFunc    = regexp.MustCompile("^(.+)\\((.*)\\)\r?\n$")
-	reElided  = regexp.MustCompile("^\\.\\.\\.additional frames elided\\.\\.\\.\r?\n$")
 // Func is a function call.
 // Go stack traces print a mangled function call, this wrapper unmangle the