blob: 8fd3d06dea9983928aad46a9e83e6fe02a8555d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Marc-Antoine Ruel. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package internal implements panicparse
// It is mostly useful on servers will large number of identical goroutines,
// making the crash dump harder to read than strictly necessary.
// Colors:
// - Magenta: first goroutine to be listed.
// - Yellow: main package.
// - Green: standard library.
// - Red: other packages.
// Bright colors are used for exported symbols.
package internal
import (
// resetFG is similar to ansi.Reset except that it doesn't reset the
// background color, only the foreground color and the style.
// That much for the "ansi" abstraction layer...
const resetFG = ansi.DefaultFG + "\033[m"
// defaultPalette is the default recommended palette.
var defaultPalette = Palette{
EOLReset: resetFG,
RoutineFirst: ansi.ColorCode("magenta+b"),
CreatedBy: ansi.LightBlack,
Race: ansi.LightRed,
Package: ansi.ColorCode("default+b"),
SrcFile: resetFG,
FuncMain: ansi.ColorCode("yellow+b"),
FuncLocationUnknown: ansi.White,
FuncLocationUnknownExported: ansi.ColorCode("white+b"),
FuncGoMod: ansi.Red,
FuncGoModExported: ansi.ColorCode("red+b"),
FuncGOPATH: ansi.Cyan,
FuncGOPATHExported: ansi.ColorCode("cyan+b"),
FuncGoPkg: ansi.Blue,
FuncGoPkgExported: ansi.ColorCode("blue+b"),
FuncStdLib: ansi.Green,
FuncStdLibExported: ansi.ColorCode("green+b"),
Arguments: resetFG,
func writeBucketsToConsole(out io.Writer, p *Palette, a *stack.Aggregated, pf pathFormat, needsEnv bool, filter, match *regexp.Regexp) error {
if needsEnv {
_, _ = io.WriteString(out, "\nTo see all goroutines, visit\n\n")
srcLen, pkgLen := calcBucketsLengths(a, pf)
multi := len(a.Buckets) > 1
for _, e := range a.Buckets {
header := p.BucketHeader(e, pf, multi)
if filter != nil && filter.MatchString(header) {
if match != nil && !match.MatchString(header) {
_, _ = io.WriteString(out, header)
_, _ = io.WriteString(out, p.StackLines(&e.Signature, srcLen, pkgLen, pf))
return nil
func writeGoroutinesToConsole(out io.Writer, p *Palette, s *stack.Snapshot, pf pathFormat, needsEnv bool, filter, match *regexp.Regexp) error {
if needsEnv {
_, _ = io.WriteString(out, "\nTo see all goroutines, visit\n\n")
srcLen, pkgLen := calcGoroutinesLengths(s, pf)
multi := len(s.Goroutines) > 1
for _, e := range s.Goroutines {
header := p.GoroutineHeader(e, pf, multi)
if filter != nil && filter.MatchString(header) {
if match != nil && !match.MatchString(header) {
_, _ = io.WriteString(out, header)
_, _ = io.WriteString(out, p.StackLines(&e.Signature, srcLen, pkgLen, pf))
return nil
type toHTMLer interface {
ToHTML(io.Writer, template.HTML) error
func toHTML(h toHTMLer, p string, needsEnv bool) error {
f, err := os.Create(p)
if err != nil {
return err
var footer template.HTML
if needsEnv {
footer = "To see all goroutines, visit <a href=></a>"
err = h.ToHTML(f, footer)
if err2 := f.Close(); err == nil {
err = err2
return err
func processInner(out io.Writer, p *Palette, s stack.Similarity, pf pathFormat, html string, filter, match *regexp.Regexp, c *stack.Snapshot, first bool) error {
log.Printf("GOROOT=%s", c.RemoteGOROOT)
log.Printf("GOPATH=%s", c.RemoteGOPATHs)
needsEnv := len(c.Goroutines) == 1 && showBanner()
// Bucketing should only be done if no data race was detected.
if !c.IsRace() {
a := c.Aggregate(s)
if html == "" {
return writeBucketsToConsole(out, p, a, pf, needsEnv, filter, match)
return toHTML(a, html, needsEnv)
// It's a data race.
if html == "" {
return writeGoroutinesToConsole(out, p, c, pf, needsEnv, filter, match)
return toHTML(c, html, needsEnv)
// process copies stdin to stdout and processes any "panic: " line found.
// If html is used, a stack trace is written to this file instead.
func process(in io.Reader, out io.Writer, p *Palette, s stack.Similarity, pf pathFormat, parse, rebase bool, html string, filter, match *regexp.Regexp) error {
opts := stack.DefaultOpts()
if !rebase {
opts.GuessPaths = false
opts.AnalyzeSources = false
if !parse {
opts.AnalyzeSources = false
for first := true; ; first = false {
c, suffix, err := stack.ScanSnapshot(in, out, opts)
if c != nil {
// Process it even if an error occurred.
if err1 := processInner(out, p, s, pf, html, filter, match, c, first); err == nil {
err = err1
if err == nil {
// This means the whole buffer was not read, loop again.
in = io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(suffix), in)
if len(suffix) != 0 {
if _, err1 := out.Write(suffix); err == nil {
err = err1
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
// Parts of the input will be lost.
return err
func showBanner() bool {
if !showGOTRACEBACKBanner {
return false
gtb := os.Getenv("GOTRACEBACK")
return gtb == "" || gtb == "single"
// Main is implemented here so both 'pp' and 'panicparse' executables can be
// compiled. This is to work around the Perl Package manager 'pp' that is
// preinstalled on some OSes.
func Main() error {
aggressive := flag.Bool("aggressive", false, "Aggressive deduplication including non pointers")
parse := flag.Bool("parse", true, "Parses source files to deduct types; use -parse=false to work around bugs in source parser")
rebase := flag.Bool("rebase", true, "Guess GOROOT and GOPATH")
verboseFlag := flag.Bool("v", false, "Enables verbose logging output")
filterFlag := flag.String("f", "", "Regexp to filter out headers that match, ex: -f 'IO wait|syscall'")
matchFlag := flag.String("m", "", "Regexp to filter by only headers that match, ex: -m 'semacquire'")
// Console only.
fullPathArg := flag.Bool("full-path", false, "Print full sources path")
relPathArg := flag.Bool("rel-path", false, "Print sources path relative to GOROOT or GOPATH; implies -rebase")
noColor := flag.Bool("no-color", !isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) || os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb", "Disable coloring")
forceColor := flag.Bool("force-color", false, "Forcibly enable coloring when with stdout is redirected")
// HTML only.
html := flag.String("html", "", "Output an HTML file")
var out io.Writer = os.Stdout
p := &defaultPalette
flag.CommandLine.Usage = func() {
out = os.Stderr
if *noColor && !*forceColor {
p = &Palette{}
} else {
out = colorable.NewColorableStderr()
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\nLegend:\n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, " Type Exported Private\n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, " main %smain.Foo()%s\n",
p.funcColor(stack.LocationUnknown, true, false), p.EOLReset,
p.funcColor(stack.LocationUnknown, true, true), p.EOLReset)
fmt.Fprintf(out, " <unknown> %spkg.Foo()%s\n",
p.funcColor(stack.LocationUnknown, false, false), p.EOLReset,
p.funcColor(stack.LocationUnknown, false, true), p.EOLReset)
fmt.Fprintf(out, " go.mod %spkg.Foo()%s\n",
p.funcColor(stack.GoMod, false, false), p.EOLReset,
p.funcColor(stack.GoMod, false, true), p.EOLReset)
fmt.Fprintf(out, " $GOPATH/src %spkg.Foo()%s\n",
p.funcColor(stack.GOPATH, false, false), p.EOLReset,
p.funcColor(stack.GOPATH, false, true), p.EOLReset)
fmt.Fprintf(out, " $GOPATH/pkg/mod %spkg.Foo()%s\n",
p.funcColor(stack.GoPkg, false, false), p.EOLReset,
p.funcColor(stack.GoPkg, false, true), p.EOLReset)
fmt.Fprintf(out, " $GOROOT/src %spkg.Foo()%s %spkg.Foo()%s\n",
p.funcColor(stack.Stdlib, false, false), p.EOLReset,
p.funcColor(stack.Stdlib, false, true), p.EOLReset)
if !*verboseFlag {
var err error
var filter *regexp.Regexp
if *filterFlag != "" {
if filter, err = regexp.Compile(*filterFlag); err != nil {
return err
var match *regexp.Regexp
if *matchFlag != "" {
if match, err = regexp.Compile(*matchFlag); err != nil {
return err
s := stack.AnyPointer
if *aggressive {
s = stack.AnyValue
if *html == "" {
if *noColor && !*forceColor {
p = &Palette{}
} else {
out = colorable.NewColorableStdout()
var in *os.File
switch flag.NArg() {
case 0:
in = os.Stdin
// Explicitly silence SIGQUIT, as it is useful to gather the stack dump
// from the piped command.
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
go func() {
for {
signal.Notify(signals, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGQUIT)
case 1:
// Do not handle SIGQUIT when passed a file to process.
name := flag.Arg(0)
if in, err = os.Open(name); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("did you mean to specify a valid stack dump file name? "+wrap, err)
defer in.Close()
return errors.New("pipe from stdin or specify a single file")
pf := basePath
if *fullPathArg {
if *relPathArg {
return errors.New("can't use both -full-path and -rel-path")
pf = fullPath
} else if *relPathArg {
pf = relPath
*rebase = true
return process(in, out, p, s, pf, *parse, *rebase, *html, filter, match)