blob: 1765301628df9d82108d8348b1a0abea573622bf [file] [log] [blame]
language: objective-c
sudo: false
# Only do a shallow clone of our Git repo.
depth: 3
# Only fire off builds for specific branches.
- develop
- stable
- /^feature-.*$/
- release-candidate
xcode_project: MDFInternationalization.xcodeproj
xcode_scheme: MDFInternationalizationTests
- osx_image: xcode9
# The iPhone X was chosen because it is a device with a strange screen size and
# the 'notch'.
# OS 11.0 was chosen as the latest generally available iOS version.
env: DESTINATION="platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone X,OS=11.0" SDK="iphonesimulator11.0"
- osx_image: xcode9
# The iPhone 7 Plus was chosen because it is a device with a 3x screen and also changes
# its size category trait on rotation.
# OS 10.3.1 was chosen to represent iOS 10.
env: DESTINATION="platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7 Plus,OS=10.3.1" SDK="iphonesimulator11.0"
- osx_image: xcode8.3
# The iPad Pro 12.9 was chosen because it is the largest resolution we can test on.
# OS 9.3 was chosen to round out the range of iOS versions we are testing on.
env: DESTINATION="platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPad Pro (12.9-inch),OS=9.3" SDK="iphonesimulator10.3"
- osx_image: xcode8.3
# The iPhone 5 was chosen because it is a 32-bit device.
# OS 8.1 was chosen because it is the earliest iOS offered here.
env: DESTINATION="platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5,OS=8.1" SDK="iphonesimulator10.3"
# Test Execution
# TODO Enable set -euo pipefail
- env
- set -o pipefail
- echo xcodebuild -project "$TRAVIS_XCODE_PROJECT" -scheme "$TRAVIS_XCODE_SCHEME" -sdk "$SDK" -destination "$DESTINATION" test
- xcodebuild -project "$TRAVIS_XCODE_PROJECT" -scheme "$TRAVIS_XCODE_SCHEME" -sdk "$SDK" -destination "$DESTINATION" test | xcpretty