blob: d3a82fc24f88a0d4d7adf993776aa04596f589ca [file] [log] [blame]
/* mz_os.h -- System functions
Version 2.7.5, November 13, 2018
part of the MiniZip project
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Nathan Moinvaziri
This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib.
See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license.
#ifndef MZ_OS_H
#define MZ_OS_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#elif defined(unix)
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#ifdef HAVE_LZMA
#elif HAVE_AES
#elif HAVE_BZIP2
#if defined(_WIN32)
struct dirent {
char d_name[256];
typedef void* DIR;
#include <dirent.h>
// Shared functions
int32_t mz_path_combine(char *path, const char *join, int32_t max_path);
// Combines two paths
int32_t mz_path_compare_wc(const char *path, const char *wildcard, uint8_t ignore_case);
// Compare two paths with wildcard
int32_t mz_path_resolve(const char *path, char *target, int32_t max_target);
// Resolves path
int32_t mz_path_remove_filename(char *path);
// Remove the filename from a path
int32_t mz_path_get_filename(const char *path, const char **filename);
// Get the filename from a path
int32_t mz_dir_make(const char *path);
// Creates a directory recursively
int32_t mz_file_get_crc(const char *path, uint32_t *result_crc);
// Gets the crc32 hash of a file
// Platform specific functions
wchar_t *mz_os_unicode_string_create(const char *string, int32_t encoding);
// Create unicode string from a utf8 string
void mz_os_unicode_string_delete(wchar_t **string);
// Delete a unicode string that was created
uint8_t *mz_os_utf8_string_create(const char *string, int32_t encoding);
// Create a utf8 string from a string with another encoding
void mz_os_utf8_string_delete(uint8_t **string);
// Delete a utf8 string that was created
int32_t mz_os_rand(uint8_t *buf, int32_t size);
// Random number generator (not cryptographically secure)
int32_t mz_os_rename(const char *source_path, const char *target_path);
// Rename a file
int32_t mz_os_delete(const char *path);
// Delete an existing file
int32_t mz_os_file_exists(const char *path);
// Check to see if a file exists
int64_t mz_os_get_file_size(const char *path);
// Gets the length of a file
int32_t mz_os_get_file_date(const char *path, time_t *modified_date, time_t *accessed_date, time_t *creation_date);
// Gets a file's modified, access, and creation dates if supported
int32_t mz_os_set_file_date(const char *path, time_t modified_date, time_t accessed_date, time_t creation_date);
// Sets a file's modified, access, and creation dates if supported
int32_t mz_os_get_file_attribs(const char *path, uint32_t *attributes);
// Gets a file's attributes
int32_t mz_os_set_file_attribs(const char *path, uint32_t attributes);
// Sets a file's attributes
int32_t mz_os_make_dir(const char *path);
// Recursively creates a directory
DIR* mz_os_open_dir(const char *path);
// Opens a directory for listing
dirent* mz_os_read_dir(DIR *dir);
// Reads a directory listing entry
int32_t mz_os_close_dir(DIR *dir);
// Closes a directory that has been opened for listing
int32_t mz_os_is_dir(const char *path);
// Checks to see if path is a directory
uint64_t mz_os_ms_time(void);
// Gets the time in milliseconds
#ifdef __cplusplus