blob: 2c729bcff29116d9f3b4edd60127c10290ddee1b [file] [log] [blame]
/* mz_zip.h -- Zip manipulation
Version 2.7.5, November 13, 2018
part of the MiniZip project
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Nathan Moinvaziri
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson
Modifications for Zip64 support
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant
This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib.
See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license.
#ifndef MZ_ZIP_H
#define MZ_ZIP_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mz_strm.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct mz_zip_file_s
uint16_t version_madeby; // version made by
uint16_t version_needed; // version needed to extract
uint16_t flag; // general purpose bit flag
uint16_t compression_method; // compression method
time_t modified_date; // last modified date in unix time
time_t accessed_date; // last accessed date in unix time
time_t creation_date; // creation date in unix time
uint32_t crc; // crc-32
int64_t compressed_size; // compressed size
int64_t uncompressed_size; // uncompressed size
uint16_t filename_size; // filename length
uint16_t extrafield_size; // extra field length
uint16_t comment_size; // file comment length
uint32_t disk_number; // disk number start
int64_t disk_offset; // relative offset of local header
uint16_t internal_fa; // internal file attributes
uint32_t external_fa; // external file attributes
uint16_t zip64; // zip64 extension mode
#ifdef HAVE_AES
uint16_t aes_version; // winzip aes extension if not 0
uint8_t aes_encryption_mode; // winzip aes encryption mode
const char *filename; // filename utf8 null-terminated string
const uint8_t *extrafield; // extrafield data
const char *comment; // comment utf8 null-terminated string
} mz_zip_file, mz_zip_entry;
typedef int32_t (*mz_zip_locate_entry_cb)(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info);
void * mz_zip_create(void **handle);
// Create zip instance for opening
void mz_zip_delete(void **handle);
// Delete zip object
int32_t mz_zip_open(void *handle, void *stream, int32_t mode);
// Create a zip file, no delete file in zip functionality
int32_t mz_zip_close(void *handle);
// Close the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_get_comment(void *handle, const char **comment);
// Get a pointer to the global comment
int32_t mz_zip_set_comment(void *handle, const char *comment);
// Set the global comment used for writing zip file
int32_t mz_zip_get_version_madeby(void *handle, uint16_t *version_madeby);
// Get the version made by
int32_t mz_zip_set_version_madeby(void *handle, uint16_t version_madeby);
// Set the version made by used for writing zip file
int32_t mz_zip_set_recover(void *handle, uint8_t recover);
// Set the ability to recover the central dir by reading local file headers
int32_t mz_zip_get_stream(void *handle, void **stream);
// Get a pointer to the stream used to open
int32_t mz_zip_set_cd_start_pos(void *handle, int64_t cd_start_pos);
// Sets the start position to use for reading the central dir
int32_t mz_zip_get_cd_mem_stream(void *handle, void **cd_mem_stream);
// Get a pointer to the stream used to store the central dir in memory
int32_t mz_zip_entry_write_open(void *handle, const mz_zip_file *file_info,
int16_t compress_level, uint8_t raw, const char *password);
// Open for writing the current file in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_entry_write(void *handle, const void *buf, int32_t len);
// Write bytes from the current file in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_entry_is_open(void *handle);
// Check to see if entry is open for read/write
int32_t mz_zip_entry_is_dir(void *handle);
// Checks to see if the entry is a directory
int32_t mz_zip_entry_read_open(void *handle, uint8_t raw, const char *password);
// Open for reading the current file in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_entry_read(void *handle, void *buf, int32_t len);
// Read bytes from the current file in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_entry_get_info(void *handle, mz_zip_file **file_info);
// Get info about the current file, only valid while current entry is open
int32_t mz_zip_entry_get_local_info(void *handle, mz_zip_file **local_file_info);
// Get local info about the current file, only valid while current entry is being read
int32_t mz_zip_entry_set_extrafield(void *handle, const uint8_t *extrafield, uint16_t extrafield_size);
// Sets or updates the extra field for the entry to be used before writing cd
int32_t mz_zip_entry_close_raw(void *handle, int64_t uncompressed_size, uint32_t crc32);
// Close the current file in the zip file where raw is compressed data
int32_t mz_zip_entry_close(void *handle);
// Close the current file in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_set_number_entry(void *handle, uint64_t number_entry);
// Sets the total number of entries
int32_t mz_zip_get_number_entry(void *handle, uint64_t *number_entry);
// Get the total number of entries
int32_t mz_zip_set_disk_number_with_cd(void *handle, uint32_t disk_number_with_cd);
// Sets the disk number containing the central directory record
int32_t mz_zip_get_disk_number_with_cd(void *handle, uint32_t *disk_number_with_cd);
// Get the disk number containing the central directory record
int64_t mz_zip_get_entry(void *handle);
// Return offset of the current entry in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_goto_entry(void *handle, int64_t cd_pos);
// Go to specified entry in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_goto_first_entry(void *handle);
// Go to the first entry in the zip file
int32_t mz_zip_goto_next_entry(void *handle);
// Go to the next entry in the zip file or MZ_END_OF_LIST if reaching the end
int32_t mz_zip_locate_entry(void *handle, const char *filename, uint8_t ignore_case);
// Locate the file with the specified name in the zip file or MZ_END_LIST if not found
int32_t mz_zip_locate_first_entry(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_locate_entry_cb cb);
// Locate the first matching entry based on a match callback
int32_t mz_zip_locate_next_entry(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_locate_entry_cb cb);
// LOcate the next matching entry based on a match callback
int32_t mz_zip_attrib_is_dir(uint32_t attrib, int32_t version_madeby);
// Checks to see if the attribute is a directory based on platform
int32_t mz_zip_attrib_convert(uint8_t src_sys, uint32_t src_attrib, uint8_t target_sys, uint32_t *target_attrib);
// Converts file attributes from one host system to another
int32_t mz_zip_attrib_posix_to_win32(uint32_t posix_attrib, uint32_t *win32_attrib);
// Converts posix file attributes to win32 file attributes
int32_t mz_zip_attrib_win32_to_posix(uint32_t win32_attrib, uint32_t *posix_attrib);
// Converts win32 file attributes to posix file attributes
int32_t mz_zip_extrafield_find(void *stream, uint16_t type, uint16_t *length);
// Seeks to extra field by its type and returns its length
int32_t mz_zip_extrafield_read(void *stream, uint16_t *type, uint16_t *length);
// Reads an extrafield header from a stream
int32_t mz_zip_extrafield_write(void *stream, uint16_t type, uint16_t length);
// Writes an extrafield header to a stream
int32_t mz_zip_dosdate_to_tm(uint64_t dos_date, struct tm *ptm);
// Convert dos date/time format to struct tm
time_t mz_zip_dosdate_to_time_t(uint64_t dos_date);
// Convert dos date/time format to time_t
int32_t mz_zip_time_t_to_tm(time_t unix_time, struct tm *ptm);
// Convert time_t to time struct
uint32_t mz_zip_time_t_to_dos_date(time_t unix_time);
// Convert time_t to dos date/time format
uint32_t mz_zip_tm_to_dosdate(const struct tm *ptm);
// Convert struct tm to dos date/time format
int32_t mz_zip_ntfs_to_unix_time(uint64_t ntfs_time, time_t *unix_time);
// Convert ntfs time to unix time
int32_t mz_zip_unix_to_ntfs_time(time_t unix_time, uint64_t *ntfs_time);
// Convert unix time to ntfs time
int32_t mz_zip_path_compare(const char *path1, const char *path2, uint8_t ignore_case);
// Compare two paths without regard to slashes
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _ZIP_H */