blob: a200a8c9cb14dac1fe7b216f036d08f11a353ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: ObjC -*-
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2019 Steve Nygard.
#import "CDLCBuildVersion.h"
#import "CDMachOFile.h"
static NSString *NSStringFromBuildVersionPlatform(uint32_t platform)
switch (platform) {
case PLATFORM_MACOS: return @"macOS";
case PLATFORM_IOS: return @"iOS";
case PLATFORM_TVOS: return @"tvOS";
case PLATFORM_WATCHOS: return @"watchOS";
case PLATFORM_BRIDGEOS: return @"bridgeOS";
case PLATFORM_IOSMAC: return @"iOS Mac";
case PLATFORM_IOSSIMULATOR: return @"iOS Simulator";
case PLATFORM_TVOSSIMULATOR: return @"tvOS Simulator";
case PLATFORM_WATCHOSSIMULATOR: return @"watchOS Simulator";
default: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unknown platform %x", platform];
static NSString *NSStringFromBuildVersionTool(uint32_t tool)
switch (tool) {
case TOOL_CLANG: return @"clang";
case TOOL_SWIFT: return @"swift";
case TOOL_LD: return @"ld";
default: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unknown tool %x", tool];
static NSString *NSStringFromBuildVersionToolNotATuple(uint64_t tuple)
uint32_t tool = tuple >> 32;
uint32_t version = tool & 0xffffffff;
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %u", NSStringFromBuildVersionTool(tool), version];
@implementation CDLCBuildVersion
struct build_version_command _buildVersionCommand;
NSArray *_tools;
- (id)initWithDataCursor:(CDMachOFileDataCursor *)cursor;
if ((self = [super initWithDataCursor:cursor])) {
_buildVersionCommand.cmd = [cursor readInt32];
_buildVersionCommand.cmdsize = [cursor readInt32];
_buildVersionCommand.platform = [cursor readInt32];
_buildVersionCommand.minos = [cursor readInt32];
_buildVersionCommand.sdk = [cursor readInt32];
_buildVersionCommand.ntools = [cursor readInt32];
NSMutableArray *tools = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < _buildVersionCommand.ntools; index++) {
// ISO tuples.
uint32_t tool = [cursor readInt32];
uint32_t version = [cursor readInt32];
uint64_t iso_tuples = ((uint64_t)tool << 32) | version;
[tools addObject:@(iso_tuples)];
_tools = [tools copy];
return self;
#pragma mark -
- (uint32_t)cmd;
return _buildVersionCommand.cmd;
- (uint32_t)cmdsize;
return _buildVersionCommand.cmdsize;
- (NSString *)buildVersionString;
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Platform: %@ %u.%u.%u, SDK: %u.%u.%u",
_buildVersionCommand.minos >> 16,
(_buildVersionCommand.minos >> 8) & 0xff,
_buildVersionCommand.minos & 0xff,
_buildVersionCommand.sdk >> 16,
(_buildVersionCommand.sdk >> 8) & 0xff,
_buildVersionCommand.sdk & 0xff];
- (NSArray *)toolStrings;
NSMutableArray *tools = [NSMutableArray array];
// iso map
for (NSNumber *tuple in _tools) {
[tools addObject:NSStringFromBuildVersionToolNotATuple([tuple unsignedLongValue])];
return [tools copy];
- (void)appendToString:(NSMutableString *)resultString verbose:(BOOL)isVerbose;
[super appendToString:resultString verbose:isVerbose];
[resultString appendFormat:@" Build version: %@\n", self.buildVersionString];